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Saturday, June 22, 2024
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The media in RN Macedonia accused Bulgaria of racism over edelweiss

The media in Northern Macedonia have accused Bulgaria of racism during a match between the two national teams on Thursday. As it is known,...

Orthodox saint from Bulgaria in the List of significant anniversaries of UNESCO for 2022

The 300th anniversary of the birth of Paisii Hilendarski was included in the List of significant anniversaries of UNESCO for the period 2022-2023. This...

State Department: Bulgaria refuses to allow construction of new mosques

The next annual report of the US State Department says that the anti-Semitic rhetoric in our country continues, Nazi symbols are freely sold, and...

More than 5,000 refugees from Ukraine have left Bulgaria

Only five Ukrainian refugees traveled by train from Varna to the interior that morning. According to preliminary information, based on a survey of Ukrainians...

EC: Bulgaria is not ready for the Eurozone, it fails in two conditions

Bulgaria is still failing to meet two of the conditions for adopting the euro. This is clear from the European Commission's (EC) Convergence Report...

Pendarovski: The chance Bulgaria to allow us to start negotiations for the EU is below 50%

"Bulgarian politicians, like ordinary citizens, see Macedonians as ethnic Bulgarians, or at least believe we were until the end of World War II," said...

Bulgaria is one of the first in the EU to register all Ukrainians in need of protection

This was said on May 31, 2022 by the spokesman of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) Boris Cheshirkov Bulgaria was one of...

A Turkish pharmacist found 10,000 EUR and searched for the owner of the money in Bulgaria

Good deed from a pharmacist in the Turkish city of Edirne The manager of a pharmacy in Edirne, Aytach Yashin, found 10,000 EUR in the...

FT: Estonia, Lithuania and Bulgaria became leaders in inflation growth in the EU

It is noted that the highest inflation rate in Europe is observed in Turkey at 70 percent due to the collapse of the lira. The...

The platform for Ukrainian refugees in Bulgaria blocked, only 50 managed to register

The technical problem was reported on the first day of its launch, the Refugee Agency explained it with overload A technical problem in the online...
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