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Patriarch Kirill remains silent after Gorbachev’s passing

Gorbachev and Kirill

A year ago, Russian Orthodox Church’s Patriarch Kirill had congratulated Gorbachev for his 90th birthday. But that was before the war. When the last President of the Soviet Union passed away a few days ago, Kirill remained silent, offering no condolences, and issuing no statement. That does not seem to be a mistake.

In fact, the hardliners of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC) have a grudge against Gorbachev. That might seem weird, when you know he is the one who put an end to 70 years of repression (with ups and downs) of the Orthodox believers in the Soviet Union. In 1988, Gorbachev had a 90 minute meeting with Patriarch Pimen, where he acknowledged the Soviet Union’s mistakes toward the church and promised a new era of religious freedom. And he fulfilled his promise.

Gorbachev’s meeting with John Paul II

But even before enacting the famous law on religious freedom in 1990, Gorbachev extended the Russian leniency to more than only the Russian Orthodox Church. In December 1989, he met with the Pope John-Paul II (that was a premiere) and promised that the Soviet Union would guarantee freedom of religion at home. “People of many confessions, including Christians, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists and others live in the Soviet Union. All of them have a right to satisfy their spiritual needs,” Gorbachev said that day. The word “others” was definitely an open door for many religious denominations, and a vision that has been the nightmare of Putin’s regime, justifying a part of the hate they vow today to Mikhail Gorbachev.

Gorbachev was an atheist, even if baptized as an Orthodox when he was a kid. But his willingness to allow religious freedom in the Union gave birth to rumors that he was a Catholic. Even the then US President Reagan had speculated that Gorby could have been a “closet believer”. Whilst it could have been a compliment for Reagan, that was not the case in the Soviet Union, where political leaders and members of the party had to be atheists, or else. But for the ROC, being suspected of Catholicism is worse than being an atheist. Finally, in 2008, Gorbachev had to confirm to Interfax that he was an atheist: “”To sum up and avoid any misunderstandings, let me say that I have been and remain an atheist,” he stated.

A new law guarantying freedom of religion

In 1990, he signed the new law guarantying freedom of religion in the Union. This law, the “law on Freedom of religion”, adopted by the Supreme Court of USSR, has created a real breath of fresh air into which numerous religious movements from the West have rushed. That was too much for the ROC. While it allowed the ROC to increase their assets by millions and grow as never before for the last 70 years, they could not bear the arrival of potential competitors, and could not imagine that they would have to stand on an equal footing with all these “false prophets”, whether they were Catholics, evangelicals, Jehovah Witnesses or belonging to any of the thousand “sects” that started expanding in the country.

For these reasons, the Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and his fellow Orthodox apparatchiks fought for a new law that they even drafted, and that Yeltsin passed in 1997. That was the end of religious freedom for all in Russia, and the ROC got all the protection and privileges it wanted at once. Since that date, new laws added to this one, restricting even further the religious liberty in Russia, which now is about to become a serious China’s competitor as regards religious repression.

For the ROC, freedom of religion is Western decadence

You then understand why Gorby did not receive any attention from Patriarch Kirill when he passed away. I guess Gorbachev does not care very much. Nevertheless, now that Kirill has been one of the most forceful defendants of the Russian war in Ukraine, justifying it with metaphysical considerations, he could definitely not be nice to the one who granted freedom to all the Western “cults” that he believes are the forces behind of the Maidan revolution in Ukraine, and that are a threat to the ROC hegemony in the former soviet Union area. Russian Nationalists, or should I say, “Russian world” nationalists, hate the West, so they hate Gorbachev for having opened the door to believers in Western born religions. They praise freedom when it’s granted to them and believe that others do not deserve it.

We believe freedom of religion for all is a universal right. They believe it’s decadence. Or they believe in their own profits, and do not want to share. Whatever reason is behind, Gorby was not the good guy for them. Putin believes he sold the Union. Kirill believes he sold the religious landscape of the Great Russia. In fact, Gorbachev sold nothing. He gave some freedom to his people, and that, whatever will happen during the next years, will stay and even come back further. As people of Russia tasted freedom of religion, and they will forever remember that it is possible, desirable, and finally vital to live a free and plain life.

A unique fresco is preserved in the Bulgarian Zemen Monastery


The unknown predecessor of Leonardo da Vinci from our lands saw the biblical plot “The Last Supper” in a different way, which makes the temple extremely valuable for world culture

The only fresco of its kind, depicting the forging of the nails for the Crucifixion, can be seen in the Zemen Monastery (painted in the 14th century), reports the Regional Administration – Pernik, quoted by BTA.

The church is the only cross-domed temple in Bulgaria with a cubic shape – 9 by 9 by 9 meters. When entering from the vestibule to the altar, an inscribed cross in a square is formed. The dome of the church is also an inscribed square. The frescoes date from the 14th century, although earlier iconography is not excluded. “St. John the Theologian” is also unique with the only wall painting in our country – the forging of the nails for the cross of Christ. This fresco is nowhere to be found in temples and monumental painting, neither in the East nor in the West.

The frescoes in the monastery church “St. John the Theologian” tell about the way of Jesus to Calvary. The unknown predecessor of Leonardo da Vinci from our lands saw the biblical plot “The Last Supper” in a special way.

On it, Christ is depicted twice, with two images – one Christ hands the bread, the other pours the wine. The “Double Christ” cannot be seen anywhere else. This different reading makes the temple extremely valuable for world culture.

One can talk for a long time about the interesting interpretations of the famous biblical scenes in the frescoes of the monastery, about a number of unique motifs from the life and being of people, about the authenticity and development of faith, but it is better to see them live. Today the complex includes two buildings, a bell tower and a church. On its territory there are centuries-old trees with beautiful trunks and huge crowns. The sense of calm and peace with yourself and the world here is remarkable. The Zemensky monastery is not inhabited by monks and has been turned into a museum. On March 5, 1966 The Zemen church has been declared a monument of Bulgarian architecture and painting, and the Zemen monastery – a national museum, which since 2004 has been a branch of the National History Museum. It has been declared a monument under the protection of UNESCO.

At the foot of the north-eastern slope of Risha Mountain, on a beautiful terrace, a unique pearl is nestled – one of the most valuable monuments of the Middle Ages – the Zemensky Monastery “St. John the Theologian”. The crystalline waters of a large spring bubble up next to the monastery. Located only about 80 km. from the city of Sofia, near the city of Zemen at the foot of the Konyavska mountain, the Zemen monastery enchants with its timelessness and beauty. It is not as big and as famous as the Rila Monastery or the Bachkovo Monastery, but just like them, it hides unsuspected secrets and treasures within itself. It has magic, history, faith. On August 9, 1909 Zemen railway station is solemnly opened. Many people from the capital and cultural figures visit Zemensko and discover the uniqueness of the Zemensko monastery, its wonderful wall paintings, the work of an unknown local artist from the Middle Ages.

Prof. Yordan Ivanov made the first publication about the Earthly Church, with which he announced to the country and the world about the existence of a hitherto unknown and valuable historical monument from the 14th century. The Zemenska Church rivals in value the Boyana Church in Sofia, built in 1259. In-depth studies prove that the church in Zemen dates back not to the XIV, but to the XI century. It was repeatedly burned. The phenomenal thing is that the monastery fence, the monastery building was demolished and rebuilt many times, but the church with the frescoes was not destroyed and survived for more than 7 centuries. From the studies of the monastery archives, it is clear that the church was strengthened in 1830 and 1860. A major architectural restoration of the church was carried out in 1968. Complete conservation of the frescoes was carried out in 1970-1974. under the leadership of Bonka Ilieva. During the conservation, it was discovered that under the frescoes from the 14th century there is an older layer of frescoes, which refers to the monumental art of the 12th-13th centuries. The frescoes from the first painting layer belong to the second half of the 11th century. The popularity of the monument is due not only to the interesting architectural solution, but also to the remarkable wall paintings with biblical scenes. The altar is made of a stone monolith, and the floor is made of multi-colored stone slabs and antique bricks. The Zemlenska church is also another proof that the Zemlengrad fortress existed on these lands at the beginning of the 13th century, and it was rich and significant for its time. The founders of the church were the Earthly ruler Despot Deyan and his wife Doya. Their portraits decorate the walls of the monastery and are one of the earliest portraits of Bulgarian boyars and of the greatest artistic value, like the images of Sevastokrator Kaloyan and Desislava from the Boyana church.

The frescoes of the church are painted with great skill and elegance. The paints with which the earthly artist used to keep the murals so vivid and colorful for so many centuries remain a mystery. From the first mural layer, the most preserved is the depiction of “Rejecting the Gifts of Joachim and Anna”. The painting is divided into four zones. To the right of the entrance are the inscribed portraits of the founders of Despod Deyan and Doya and their family. They are unique, because only in the Boyan Church and in the Zemen Monastery in the times of Medieval Scholasticism were living people drawn, and not only saints and icons. It was revolutionary for its time and heralded the Renaissance. Their images are a valuable source for the clothes and ornaments of the boyars from the beginning of the 14th century. The most impressive is the image of Doya – a young woman, with beautiful expressive eyes, dressed in a red tunic with long lace sleeves, with a white veil on her head and a crown. Above the heads is the founder’s inscription “This temple was written, dedicated to St. John the Theologian with the favor of Despod Deyan. All inscriptions in the church are in Old Bulgarian literary language.

Illustration: The unique fresco depicting the forging of the nails for the Crucifixion, with the “Double Christ”, preserved in the Zemen Monastery (Photo: Regional Administration – Pernik) / BTA

Rita Ora cooked burek for children in need in Albania


Rita Ora returned to her native Albania on Monday to meet the “most vulnerable children” at a community center in Tirana.

The 31-year-old performer, who is a UNICEF ambassador, was born in Kosovo. She visited the “House of Colors”, which offers a whole range of services for children and their families, including an emergency shelter.

The singer delighted downtown residents by taking time out of her busy schedule to show off her baking skills. She gripped the rolling pin tightly and got involved in cooking a traditional Albanian burek.

She left her mark both visually and physically, from her hand on the wall of the asylum.

Rita Ora was also awarded the “Naim Frasheri” order, which was presented to her by the President of Albania, Bayram Begai. It is awarded to Albanians and foreign citizens for their valuable works and activities in science, art and culture. She went to the ceremony with her father.

“There are some things in life that you never forget, this trip will be one of them. Today was an unreal day. I had the great honor to be awarded the Naim Frasheri Order by the President of Albania Mr. Bayram Begai. Thank you very much from the bottom of my heart,” wrote the singer on Instagram.

Photo: Instagram

Directly from Tel Aviv: Roi Kraus sends you “Inside Your Void”

Roi Kraus' band

Let’s have a look at Tel Aviv, Israel, to see if we can find some new gems coming in the world of Rock ‘n’ roll, using that latter term in its broadest meaning. Well, there are. Roi Kraus is one of them.

Roi is new to the scene. Before 2021, you could not have heard of him. Nevertheless, his voice has a kind of maturity that you usually don’t find in newcomers. It’s deep, it’s grunge, it’s soulful.

His latest release “Inside Your Void” touched me and I wanted to share some thoughts about it. It first resonated in me bringing back to my emotional memories the best of Nirvana. Not only in the Roi’s voice, but even more in the harmony and melody that go flirting with some grunge rock of the legendary band. I know it can look as an overstatement, but I really had the feeling that this song could act as a continuum of the Kurt Cobain’s team. Of course, Roi guitar solos, on his Les Paul Gibson, are far more elaborated than Kurt’s ones (and don’t get me wrong, I’m a big fan of the usual three-note solos of Nirvana), but still, you’ve got the Grunge feeling, and that makes it good rock.

Roi Kraus
Roi Kraus

Now the song has a spiritual meaning. At least that’s how I take it. “Inside your void” appeared to me as a rock ‘n’ roll call for meditation, finding a spiritual way to your inner core, a place where you can be yourself as a child, or as something or someone that nothing can alter. That’s bringing some profoundness that don’t find in the usual dark side of the grunge music.

It’s quite a simple and aerial arrangement, with guitars, bass, drums and a cello (which gives a nice touch and really adds to the song), and it’s very efficient, as it can be for that genre.

The song has been produced by Nim Friedrich, a talented Tel Aviv based producer, who did a very good job, mixing the 90’s rock vibes with more modern sounds and style. It’s part of an eponym EP that contains other good songs, that I urge you to listen to.

It’s definitely a nice discovery that I want to share with you. I hope you’ll like it as I did, and that you will follow up on his career and keep discovering his new songs that I know are coming.

And the full EP:

Six more Jehovah’s Witnesses firmly sentenced to prison in Russia in August

Photo credit: JW

The persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses is going on unabated. In the last eight months, 26 of them have been sentenced for merely practicing their religion in private and put behind bars. Here is the list of the last six Jehovah’s Witnesses sentenced on 25 August 2022 and serving heavy prison terms:

Vladimir Atryakhin, 35 years (6 years)

Georgiy Nikulin, 59 years (4 years and 2 months)

Yelena Nikulina, 54 years (4 years and 2 months)

Aleksandr Shevchuk, 33 years (2 years)

Aleksandr Korolev, 42 years (2 years)

Denis Antonov, 46 years (2 years)

They were all prosecuted under Criminal Code Article 282.2, Part 2 (“Organisation of” or “Participation in the activity of a social or religious association or other organisation in relation to which a court has adopted a decision legally in force on liquidation or ban on the activity in connection with the carrying out of extremist activity”):

Article 282.2, Part 2 – two to six years’ imprisonment, plus a possible ban on holding certain positions and/or carrying out certain activities for up to five years and compulsory restrictions on freedom for up to one year after release; or a 300,000 to 600,000 Rouble fine; or one to four years’ assigned labour, plus a possible ban on holding certain positions and/or carrying out certain activities for up to three years and compulsory restrictions on freedom for up to one year.

Others who were arrested in 2022 are detained and waiting for their trial.

In 2019, several Jehovah’s Witnesses of Saransk, a city located far in Siberia, were prosecuted for gathering to discuss about the Bible. As the movement of Jehovah’s Witnesses has been banned as an extremist organization since 2017, all their collective activities are considered illegal.

Vladimir Atryakhin

Vladimir Atryakhin was born in 1987 in the village of Rozhdestveno (Mordovia). Since his childhood, he has loved sports and has enjoyed playing football, volleyball, hockey…

He is a professional programmer and works as a system administrator for two companies. He also edits a scientific journal at Mordovian State University. He is respected by the neighbors—he heads the house committee in the residential building where he lives.

In 2009, Vladimir got married with Mariya. The couple have two small children who were 7 months and 2 years old at the time of their father’s arrest. More here.

Georgiy Nikulin

Georgiy Nikulin was born in 1963 in the city of Rovenki (Ukraine). After school, he graduated from college with a degree in driver-car mechanic. Subsequently, he mastered several more specialties: graphic designer, satellite communications radio technician, equipment maintenance mechanic, printing, woodcarving. He worked in all these areas.

He often had to move in connection with work – he lived in Zhytomyr (Ukraine), Tolyatti (Samara region) and in Yakutia. Over time, together with his wife Elena, he moved to Saransk, where the family was able to settle in their own house for the first time.

Sudden criminal prosecution and a long stay in a pre-trial detention center undermined his health. More here.

Elena Nikulina

Elena Nikulina was born in 1968 in the village of Monastyrsk (Mordovia). As a child, Elena was fond of cross-country skiing and sewing. 

After school, she studied as a dressmaker and cutter. In search of work, she moved to Saransk and Togliatti. She worked as a seamstress at various enterprises, was engaged in cleaning the premises. In 2016, Elena married Georgiy.

The criminal prosecution affected both spouses: Georgiy spent 147 days behind bars, both lost their jobs and lost their livelihoods. Elena experienced a nervous shock, she became afraid to stay at home alone. More here.

Aleksandr Shevchuk

Aleksandr Shevchuk was born in 1989 in Pyatigorsk (Stavropol Territory). He grew up in a family of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Many of his relatives survived the religious persecution of the Soviet years. His great-grandparents were exiled in 1951 to Siberia where his parents were born.

At school, he was a motivated student. He learnt garden and park construction. When he was called up for military service, he opted for an alternative civilian service which he carried out in Khimki near Moscow. 

Later he moved to Saransk, where he worked in the furniture industry. He loves sports, especially basketball and table tennis. More here.

Aleksandr Korolev

Aleksandr Korolev was born in 1978 in the Zemetchinsky district of the Penza region.

He became a tractor driver and worked on a collective farm as a shepherd and livestock breeder. Recently he has worked as a carpenter-fitter of wooden products.

For some time, he lived in the village of Akim-Sergeevka (Mordovia) and then moved to Saransk where he met his future wife Natalya. At that time, she was raising her son alone. They got married in 2006.

The criminal prosecution has brought anxiety, worry and uncertainty into the life of the family. The parents of Aleksandr and Nataliya worry about their spouses and try to support them. More here.

Denis Antonov

Denis Antonov was born in 1976 in Syktyvkar (Komi Republic). His family moved frequently, as his father worked as an agronomist and helped on collective farms in the north of Siberia.

He entered a technical school in Vorkuta, in the north of Siberia, where he received a degree in mining electromechanics. For about five years he worked at the mine as an underground electrician, then as a janitor, a building maintenance worker, and most recently as a house foreman.

In 2015, Denis married Olga, whom he had known since 1996. She worked as a cook in a coal factory and in a kindergarten. The couple moved from Vorkuta to Saransk to take care of Olga’s elderly mother, who was left alone after her husband’s death. During a search, the authorities took away their workbooks and other documents related to their religion. More here.

List of 20 other Jehovah’s Witnesses sentenced to prison terms in 2022:

06 June 2022:Vladimir Ermolaev, 34 years (6 ½ years)

                      Alexander Putintsev, 48 years (6 ½ years)

                      Igor Mamalimov, 46 years (6 years in a colony)

31 May 2002: Rustam Seidkuliev, 45 years old (2 years and 4 months)

23 May 2022: Lyudmila Shchekoldina, 46 years ‘4 years and 1 month)

                     Andrey Vlasov, 53 years old (7 years)

                     Lyudmila Shchekoldina, 45 years old (4 years and 1 month in a penal colony)

26 April 2022: Andrey Ledyaikin, 34 years old (2 years and 2 months)

19 April 2022: Konstantin Samsonov, 45 years old (7 years 1/2 years)

18 March 2022: Valeriy Rogozin, 60 years old (6 years and 5 months in a penal colony)

                        Denis Peresunko, 54 years old (6 years and 6 months)

                        Sergey Melnik, 57 years old (6 years in a penal colony)

                        Igor Egozaryan, 57 years old (6 years in a penal colony)

07 February 2022: Yuriy Saveliyev, 68 years old (6 years + 1 year of restricted freedom)

02 February 2022: Anatoliy Gorbunov, 64 years old (6 years)

25 January 2022: Anna Safronova, 57 years old (6 years)

20 January 2022: Yevgeny Korotun, 52 years old (7 years + 2 years of restricted freedom)

                          Andrei Kolesnichenko, 52 years old (4 years + 1 year of restricted freedom)

19 January 2022: Alexei Ershov, 68 years old (3 years)

17 January 2022: Maksim Beltikov, 42 years old (2 years)

European smart cities meet to advance a climate-neutral future

The cities of Rotterdam, Glasgow, Umeå, Brno, Parma and Gdańsk are sharing lessons learnt while accelerating the smart city model across Europe at conference in Rotterdam  5 September 2022 – Rotterdam, The Netherlands Tomorrow, the Smart Cities project RUGGEDISED, which receives funding under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, will host its final event at the Ahoy Conference Centre in the Heart of South neighbourhood of Rotterdam. The project’s final showcase will be followed by the Recharge Earth Energy Transition Conference, taking place on 7 – 8 September at the same location.

Since 2016, RUGGEDISED has united three lighthouse cities: Rotterdam (The Netherlands), Glasgow (Scotland) and Umeå (Sweden) and three fellow cities: Brno (Czech Republic), Gdańsk (Poland) and Parma (Italy) to test, implement and accelerate the smart city model across Europe. Working in close partnership with businesses and research centres, these six cities have demonstrated how to combine ICT, e-mobility and energy solutions to design smart, resilient cities for all.

“Rotterdam is committed to a climate-neutral future and together with a strong group of dedicated cities, we have managed to take the first steps through the RUGGEDISED project, which has created a solid base for the transformation towards more livable districts for our residents,” says Albert Engels, RUGGEDISED Coordinator, City of Rotterdam.

Four RUGGEDISED cities – Rotterdam, Glasgow, Umeå and Parma – were also selected to take part in the EU Cities Mission for Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities by 2030. The Cities Mission aims to position 100 EU cities – with 12 more from associated countries – as climate-neutral leaders. The cities will pursue innovative and experimental avenues to achieve climate-neutrality by 2030, while paving the way for others.  

The impact and lessons learnt through implementing smart solutions in Rotterdam, Glasgow and Umeå will be discussed during this final event, in addition to exploring how these solutions have advanced urban transitions in Brno, Parma and Gdańsk. Outcomes from the project will feed into the Scalable Cities initiative, which collates findings from the 18 smart city projects funded under Horizon 2020.


RUGGEDISED is a smart city project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. It brings together three lighthouse cities: Rotterdam, Glasgow and Umeå and three fellow cities: Brno, Gdańsk and Parma to test, implement and accelerate the smart city model across Europe.

Working in partnership with businesses and research centres these six cities have demonstrated how to combine ICT, e-mobility and energy solutions to design smart, resilient cities for all. This means improving the quality of life of citizens, reducing the environmental impact of activities and creating a stimulating environment for sustainable economic development. For more information
Recharge Earth
City of Rotterdam About ICLEI Europe

ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability is a global network of more than 2,500 local and regional governments committed to sustainable urban development. Active in 125 countries, we influence sustainability policy and drive local action for low emission, nature-based, equitable, resilient and circular development. ICLEI Europe provides members in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East and West Asia with a voice on European and international stages, a platform to connect with peers, and tools to drive positive environmental, economic and social change. ICLEI Europe works closely with an extended network of local and regional governments and partners on a broad range of topics.
Press contact
Schuyler Cowan
Officer Media and Outreach team
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability
[email protected] This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement no 731198. The sole responsibility for the content of this press release lies with the RUGGEDISED project and in no way reflects the views of the European Union.

Millennials are Taking Over the Internet—And the Economy

photo of three millennials sitting and talking while planning work
Photo by Helena Lopes

If you’re a millennial, chances are you’ve been told you’re entitled, lazy, and selfish. But despite all the negativity, there’s one area where millennials are truly excelling: taking over the internet.

Whether starting their businesses, becoming social media influencers or developing innovative new technologies, millennials are making their mark on the digital world. And as they continue to grow in influence, they’re also significantly impacting the economy. Here is a look at how millennials are taking over the internet—and why it matters for the economy’s future. 

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Millennials are Taking Over the Internet—And the Economy
Via Pixabay

How Millennials are Making Their Mark Online

There’s no doubt that millennials are the most tech-savvy generation. They grew up during a time when the internet was beginning to become mainstream, and as a result, they’re more comfortable with technology than any other generation. This comfort level with technology has translated into several ways millennials are making their mark online. 

For starters, millennials are starting their businesses at an unprecedented rate. In fact, according to Forbes, 44% of millennial entrepreneurs say that technology has made it easier to start a business. Thanks to platforms like Kickstarter and Indiegogo, it’s easier than ever for millennial entrepreneurs to get funding for their businesses. And thanks to social media platforms like Instagram and Snapchat, it’s easier than ever for them to market their products and services to a broad audience. 

Social Media Influencers

In addition to starting their businesses, millennials are becoming social media influencers. A social media influencer has built up a large following on social media and uses that platform to promote products or services. Instagram is particularly popular among social media influencers; influencers say that Instagram is their favorite platform to use. And given that millennials make up the vast majority of Instagram users, it’s no surprise that more and more of them are using the platform to build their brands and promote everything from fashion brands to fitness programs. 

Millennials Are The Future Of New Technology

Millennials are also developing innovative new technologies. For example, millennials now make up the majority of app developers worldwide. In addition, many successful startups have been founded by millennial entrepreneurs; according to Business Insider, companies like Airbnb and Tumblr were founded by millennials who saw a need in the market and used technology to fill it. 

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Millennials are Taking Over the Internet—And the Economy
Via Pixabay

The Impact of Millennial Influence on The Economy

As millennials continue to increase their influence online, they’re also significantly impacting the economy. Perhaps the most obvious way they’re doing this is by starting their businesses; as we mentioned earlier, millennial entrepreneurs say that technology has made it easier for them to start a business. And given that there are now over 60 million millennial entrepreneurs in the United States alone, that’s having a significant impact on job growth and economic expansion. 

Moreover, social media influencers’ popularity changes how companies do marketing and advertising. In particular, many companies are now working with social media influencers instead of traditional celebrities to reach millennial consumers.

Remote Working

The internet has completely transformed the way we work. No longer are we tied to physical office space; instead, we can work from anywhere in the world, thanks to the power of the internet. This flexibility is especially appealing to millennials, who value work/life balance and freedom over traditional 9-to-5 jobs.

As a result, millennials are increasingly eschewing traditional office jobs in favor of remote work. A recent study found that 42% of millennials would instead work remotely than in an office. And it’s not just freelancers and solopreneurs who are moving to remote work; more and more companies are offering remote positions, and some are even going so far as to ditch their physical office spaces altogether.

What does this shift mean for the economy? For one, it’s opening up opportunities for people who might not otherwise have access to good jobs. No longer is location a barrier to employment; as long as you have a strong internet connection, you can work from anywhere.

This is especially beneficial for people who live in rural areas or small towns, where good jobs can be hard to come by. It’s also great for parents who want to stay home with their kids and people with disabilities or chronic illnesses that make it difficult to leave the house.

Of course, some challenges come with this new way of working. For one, staying motivated cannot be accessible when you’re not in a traditional office setting. And, if you’re not careful, it’s easy to get too comfortable and start slacking off.

But, overall, the benefits of remote work far outweigh the challenges. And as more and more millennials enter the workforce, we can only expect the remote work trend to continue to grow.

The Future Of Online Marketing Is Here

The internet has completely changed the landscape of marketing and advertising. Businesses are no longer limited to traditional marketing methods, such as print ads or television commercials. Now, companies can reach a wider audience through online channels such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization (SEO).

And millennials are leading the charge.

As the largest generation in history, millennials are quickly becoming the most powerful consumers in the world. And they are using their spending power to reshape the economy—including how businesses market and sell their products and services.

Education Is Becoming More And More Accessible

The internet has made education more accessible than ever before. As a result, a growing number of people can take advantage of online learning opportunities which were previously unavailable. This is particularly true for millennials, who are often thought to be the most tech-savvy generation.

According to a recent National Center for Education Statistics report, nearly 60% of millennials have taken at least one online course. This is compared to just over 50% of Gen Xers and 40% of baby boomers. Online learning has become so popular that it’s now considered mainstream.

There are several reasons why millennials are drawn to online learning. For many, it’s simply more convenient than traditional classroom-based instruction. With online courses, learners can study at their own pace and schedule. This is ideal for millennials who are often balancing work and other commitments.

In addition, online learning is often more affordable than traditional education. For example, many schools and universities offer discounted rates for online students. And there are several free online learning resources available, such as MOOCs (massive open online courses). And It’s become so easy that you can have a live chat online with your tutor or professor- something that wasn’t possible before! You can learn more about live chat software here.

Millennials significantly impact the economy by making education more accessible and affordable. As more and more people learn online, businesses and organizations are starting to notice. As a result, they’re adapting their products, services, and marketing efforts to appeal to this growing demographic.

Governments And Policy Makers

It’s not just businesses that are affected by the rise of online learning. Governments and policymakers are also taking notice. They’re starting to invest in digital infrastructure and initiatives that will make online learning even more accessible. For example, the European Commission has launched several digital education initiatives, including the EU Schoolnet project, which aims to promote young people’s digital literacy and 21st-century skills.

Virtual Reality And The Future

The way we shop is changing. No longer are we limited to brick-and-mortar stores or even e-commerce sites. With the rise of virtual reality, shoppers can now explore products in a completely immersive environment.

It’s not just retail that VR is disrupting. The travel industry also uses technology to give potential customers a taste of their products. For example, hotels and resorts are creating virtual reality experiences that let users explore different locations and accommodations before they book a stay.

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Via Pixabay

Even real estate is getting in on the action. With VR, homebuyers can take virtual tours of properties before making an offer.

While VR is still in its early stages, it’s clear that technology significantly impacts the economy. And it’s being driven mainly by millennials.

As digital natives, millennials are comfortable with new technologies like VR. They’re also more likely to take risks and embrace change. That makes them perfect early adopters of VR.

As digital natives, millennials are the first generation to grow up with the internet as a part of their everyday lives. This makes them uniquely qualified to take advantage of the opportunities the internet offers. From social media to e-commerce, millennials are leading the charge in creating and consuming content online. And as they enter the workforce, they are bringing their tech-savvy skills.

Millennials are now the largest demographic in the workforce, and they significantly impact the economy. Businesses that don’t adapt to the changing demands of this generation will find themselves struggling to stay relevant. So what does the future hold for millennials and the internet? Only time will tell, but one thing is for sure: they are poised to change the world as we know it.

10 fun facts every coffee lover should know


1. Europeans love coffee

Globally, we consumed nearly 10 billion kilograms of coffee in 2020. Europeans consumed more than 3 billion kilograms of coffee, making Europeans the absolute leader. In Europe, coffee is most popular in Finland. Finns consume more than 12 kilograms of coffee per person per year.

2.Espresso means “squeezed” The Italian word espresso translates as “squeezed”. This of course applies to the preparation of the coffee. Espresso is made by passing hot water through finely ground and pressed coffee under high pressure.

3. Coffee as a forbidden drink In 1511, leaders in Mecca believed that coffee stimulated radical thinking. Because of this, the drink was banned. Coffee has also been banned in Italy for a while. In the 16th century, coffee was banned by Italian clergy because they believed the drink was “satanic.” Pope Clement VIII was a real coffee lover, he lifted the ban and in 1600 even named coffee.

4. If you drink coffee, you live longer on average Research shows that there is a link between moderate coffee consumption (3 to 4 cups a day) with a longer life. Three cups of coffee a day will guarantee you…

5. Coffee grounds are good for the skin Save the coffee grounds! Coffee grounds remove dead skin cells, leaving skin feeling smoother and looking more radiant. It is also stated that caffeine can improve blood circulation in the skin.

6. The most expensive coffee comes from cat poop The most expensive coffee in the world owes its price to a very special production step: grinding. The Asian palm civet, a small creature that looks like a weasel, eats the bright red coffee fruits. The civet cannot fully digest the grains and so they are discarded. The beans are then removed from the civet droppings and (hopefully) washed thoroughly. The beans are then sold for about $600 per 500 grams.

7. It is possible to overdose on coffee Did you know that it is possible to overdose on coffee? A life-threatening caffeine overdose is extremely rare, but possible. Drink up to 400 milligrams of coffee a day to prevent this. That’s roughly 4 cups of coffee. Higher coffee consumption can lead to migraines, rapid heart rate, muscle tremors and nausea.

8. Coffee made it possible for Brazil to go to the Olympics Brazil did not have enough money to send its 69 athletes to Los Angeles for the 1932 Summer Olympics. The athletes were put on a ship with 50,000 bags of coffee, which they sold in various ports along the road. Good thing Brazil has been one of the biggest coffee producers in the world for decades, otherwise the athletes wouldn’t be at the Olympics. Athletes have not won a single medal at these Olympics. Why start drinking green coffee?

9. You don’t need coffee right after you get up You shouldn’t need coffee anyway. Cortisol is a naturally produced hormone that helps people feel alert. When you wake up in the morning, your cortisol level is at its highest. In theory, you shouldn’t need caffeine. Between 9:30 and 11:30 a.m., cortisol levels begin to drop. Then it’s the perfect time for a cup of delicious coffee.

10. Car-puccino A car that runs on coffee sounds like something futuristic. However, it is closer than you think! Scientists have successfully turned ground coffee into biodiesel. So one day coffee can provide fuel for your car! The longest journey in a coffee-powered car was recorded by Guinness World Records and was done by a car in 2010. This car traveled over 300 kilometers using 56 espressos per kilometer to reach a speed of almost 100 kilometers per hour. In March 2010 a 1988 Volkswagon Scirocco was driven 337 km from London to Manchester (UK) powered by coffee. The modified car works by heating the coffee granules in a charcoal fire, when then break down into carbon monoxide and hydrogen. The gas is then cooled and filtered before the hydrogen is combusted to drive the engine. The process works because coffee granules contain a small amount of carbon.

Photo by Chevanon Photography:

China‘s carbon emissions fall by 8% as economic growth slows


China’s carbon dioxide emissions fell by 8% in the April to June quarter compared with the same period a year earlier, the “sharpest decline in a decade,” the Financial Times reported, citing new analysis for Carbon Brief .

The release continued: “The drop in emissions reflects the dramatic slowdown in China’s economic growth caused by the massive coronavirus lockdowns and the crisis in the heavily indebted real estate sector.

This is the fourth quarter in a row that emissions in China, the world’s largest emitter, have fallen.”

The report added that the latest decline was similar in magnitude to those in the first three months of 2020, when the first wave of Covid-19 effectively shut down China’s economy.

The document said: “An unprecedented heat wave and drought caused further disruptions in the current quarter…

With hydropower generation well below normal levels, analysts predict China will turn to coal to increase electricity supplies, despite the inevitable impact on emissions.”

Photo by Ruiyang Zhang:

We choose partners by genetic similarity unconsciously


We look for partners who are similar to us, even at the gene level, without realizing it, a new study has found.

These mating preferences are statistically significant and play a role in shaping the human genome, summarize the authors cited by Science.

The full text of the report is published in the journal Science Human Behavior.

A team from the University of Queensland, Australia, claims that you are most likely to marry someone who is very similar to you. Someone of similar height, weight, someone of similar intelligence. And this doesn’t happen because “curly donkeys sniff each other out”, as the saying goes, it happens because we actively seek out friends with a genetic heritage similar to our own.

Genetic similarity

Researchers analyze databases of physical and genetic characteristics of people. They sample more than 24,000 married couples of European origin. For each couple, genetic markers for various traits, including height and body mass index (BMI), were isolated for one partner. Using this information, scientists then try to predict the same characteristic of the other partner. If one person’s genetic material predisposes him to be tall, for example, his partner is expected to be tall as well. The purpose of the study is to find correlations in these traits. The final step is to compare these predicted characteristics with the real situation.

The team found a strong statistical correlation between a person’s genetic height markers and their partner’s actual height. The scientists also identified a weaker but still statistically significant correlation between the genes regulating BMI and the partners’ actual BMI.

The correlation is much stronger than we would expect to see if mating were random. These findings are evidence that people actively seek partners with a genetic makeup similar to their own, the team reports.

Choosing mates based on similar traits is a pattern of sexual selection known as “assortative mating.” This allows people to pass these traits on to their offspring. In fact, this practice increases relatedness in family groups and helps offspring survive better—provided that this trait is beneficial in their environment. This is also observed in animal populations.

The team also found evidence of assortative mating and other traits in 7,780 pairs in the UK database. They report “extremely high correlation” for genetic markers associated with education. It’s unlikely that people chose their friends based on the years they spent in school, meaning they were more likely to choose based on similar interests – which is often associated with level of education, said team member Matthew Robinson. ), a postdoctoral fellow in the Genetics Laboratory at the University of Queensland in Brisbane.

Assortative mating affects the genomic structure of people’s traits,” Robinson added. As such, the findings are useful for creating more accurate genetic models to predict the likelihood that family members will inherit diseases or physical traits.