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Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: a Muslim teacher who advocated dialogue


I would like to illustrate my point by outlining the contributions to the idea and practice of Muslim-Christian dialogue made by two key individuals in recent Turkish history. Long before the Second Vatican Council, Bediuzzaman Said Nursi (1876-1960), one of the most influential Muslim thinkers of the 20th Century, advocated a dialogue between true Muslims and true Christians. The earliest statement of Said Nursi concerning the need for dialogue between Muslims and Christians dates from 1911, more than 50 years before the Council document, Nostra aetate.

Said Nursi was led to his view about the need for Muslim-Christian dialogue from his analysis of society in his day. He considered that the dominant challenge to faith in the modern age lay in the secular approach to life promoted by the West. He felt that modern secularism had two faces. On the one hand, there was communism that explicitly denied God’s existence and consciously fought against the place of religion in society. On the other, there was the secularism of modern capitalist systems which did not deny God’s existence, but simply ignored the question of God and promoted a consumerist, materialist way of life as if there were no God or as though God had no moral will for humankind. In both types of secular society, some individuals might make a personal, private choice to follow a religious path, but religion should have nothing to say about politics, economics or the organization of society.

Said Nursi held that in the situation of this modern world, religious believers – Christian as well as Muslim – face a similar struggle, that is, the challenge to lead a life of faith in which the purpose of human life is to worship God and to love others in obedience to God’s will, and to lead this life of faith in a world whose political, economic and social spheres are often dominated either by a militant atheism, such as that of communism, or by a practical atheism, where God is simply ignored, forgotten, or considered irrelevant.

Said Nursi insists that the threat posed by modern secularism to a living faith in God is real and that believers must truly struggle to defend the centrality of God’s will in everyday life, but he does not advocate violence to pursue this goal. He says that the most important need today is for the greatest struggle, the jihad al-akbar of which the Qur’an speaks. This is the interior effort to bring every aspect of one’s life into submission to God’s will. As he explained in his famous Damascus Sermon, one element of this greatest struggle is the necessity of acknowledging and overcoming one’s own weaknesses and those of one’s nation. Too often, he says, believers are tempted to blame their problems on others when the real fault lies in themselves – the dishonesty, corruption, hypocrisy and favoritism that characterize many so-called “religious” societies.

He further advocates the struggle of speech, kalam, what might be called a critical dialogue aimed at convincing others of the need to submit one’s life to God’s will. Where Said Nursi is far ahead of his time is that he foresees that in this struggle to carry on a critical dialogue with modern society Muslims should not act alone but must work together with those he calls “true Christians,” in other words, Christians not in name only, but those who have interiorized the message which Christ brought, who practice their faith, and who are open and willing to cooperate with Muslims.

In contrast to the popular way in which many Muslims of his day looked at things, Said Nursi holds Muslims must not say that Christians are the enemy. Rather, Muslims and Christians have three common enemies that they have to face together: ignorance, poverty, dissension. In short, he sees the need for dialogue as arising from the challenges posed by secular society to Muslims and Christians and that dialogue should lead to a common stand favoring education, including ethical and spiritual formation to oppose the evil of ignorance, cooperation in development and welfare projects to oppose the evil of poverty, and efforts to unity and solidarity to oppose the enemy of dissension, factionalism, and polarization.

Said Nursi still hopes that before the end of time true Christianity will eventually be transformed into a form of Islam, but the differences that exist today between Islam and Christianity must not be considered obstacles to Muslim-Christian cooperation in facing the challenges of modern life. In fact, near the end of his life, in 1953, Said Nursi paid a visit in Istanbul to the Ecumenical Patriarch of the Orthodox Church to encourage Muslim-Christian dialogue. A few years earlier, in 1951, he sent a collection of his writings to Pope Pius XII, who acknowledged the gift with a handwritten note.

The particular talent of Said Nursi was his ability to interpret the Qur’anic teaching in a such way that it could be applied by modern Muslims to situations of modern life. His voluminous writings which have been gathered together into the Risale-e-Nur the Message of Light express the need for a revitalization of society by the practice of everyday virtues like labor, mutual assistance, self-awareness, and moderation in possessions and deportment.

Note about the author: Father Thomas Michel, S.J., is a visiting professor at the Pontifical Institute for Arabic and Islamic Studies in Rome. He previously taught theology at Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service in Qatar and was a senior fellow with Georgetown’s Alwaleed Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding and Woodstock Theological Center. Michel has also served on the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, leading the office for engagement with Islam, as well as headed the interreligious dialogue offices of the Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences and the Jesuit secretariat in Rome. Ordained in 1967, he joined the Jesuits in 1971 and subsequently earned a doctorate in Arabic and Islamic studies from the University of Chicago.

Photo: The Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs, Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. 

Get your cameras ready! EEA launches ZeroWaste PIX photo competition 2023


This year we invite avid photographers across Europe to capture both the good — sustainable, and not so good — unsustainable — production and consumption patterns, habits and behaviours in our daily lives. This year’s European Environment Agency (EEA) photo competition ‘ZeroWaste PIX’, launched today, calls us all to reflect on the state of modern lifestyles.

The aim of ZeroWaste PIX is to raise awareness and inspire change, conveyed through photographs, whether it is an image of factories, landfills or a community garden that bring people together around a shared sense of purpose.

Our production systems and consumption patterns are vital aspects of our economy and livelihoods. As consumers, we enjoy numerous conveniences and benefits to our quality of live due to industrial production. However, we know this comes at a huge cost to our environment and increasingly to our own health and well-being. Our production and consumption systems have led to increased pollution and relentless resource extraction, degrading our nature and causing biodiversity loss.

Participants can enter photos in four categories:

  • Circular and smart
  • Eco-lifestyles
  • Wasteful production
  • Consumption mania

The winner of each category will receive a cash prize of EUR 1,000. Additional prizes are awarded to the best youth entry as well as the public’s favourite photo, determined by an online vote.

Participants have until Tuesday, 3 October 2023 to submit their photographs. Winning entries will be announced 10 November 2023.

Who can participate?

Participants have to be at least 18 years old and citizens of one of the 32 EEA member countries or six cooperating countries, including the 27 EU Member States, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland, Turkey, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo*, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia.

Register HERE for the contest

Photo credit: Allen Giuseppe Amore, Picture2050/EEA

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Where in the Black Sea the dirty water from “Nova Kakhovka” went


Due to the large amount of precipitation throughout Europe, the water volumes coming from the Danube River are significantly superior in quantity to the water from the exploded dam

Russia has rejected a UN offer to provide aid to residents affected by flooding following the destroyed Kakhovka dam. This is claimed by the world organization, quoted by world agencies.

The death toll has risen, and polluted water has forced the closure of beaches in southern Ukraine.

The destruction of the Moscow-controlled dam on June 6 caused flooding in southern Ukraine and the Russian-occupied territories of Kherson District, destroyed homes and farmland, and cut off water supplies to the civilian population.

The death toll rose to 52, with Russian officials saying 35 people had died in Moscow-controlled areas and Ukraine’s interior ministry reporting 17 dead and 31 missing. Over 11,000 people have been evacuated from both sides.

The UN called on Russia to act in accordance with its obligations under international humanitarian law.

The Kremlin accuses Kiev of carrying out the sabotage against the water facility, whose water flow was the size of the Great Salt Lake in the US, to cut off a key source of water supply to Crimea and divert attention from a “hesitant” counter-offensive against Russian forces.

Ukraine, in turn, blames Russia for blowing up the wall of the Soviet-era dam, which has been under Russian control since the early days of the war.

A team of international legal experts assisting Ukrainian investigators in their investigation said in their preliminary findings that it was “highly likely” that the destruction of the dam in the Kherson region was caused by explosives planted by Russians.

Authorities in Odessa have banned bathing on the once-popular Black Sea beaches there, as well as the consumption of fish and seafood from unidentified sources.

Water tests carried out last week showed dangerous levels of salmonella and other “infectious agents”. Cholera monitoring was also carried out.

Although the floods have subsided, the Dnieper River, on which the Kakhovka Dam was built, has carried tons of debris into the Black Sea and along the coast of Odessa, causing an ecological disaster, according to Ukraine.

Toxic levels in marine organisms and on the seabed are expected to worsen, and the risk of landmines washed ashore increases.

As of June 29, the development of a favorable hydrodynamic situation is being observed, which currently limits the possible entry of potentially polluted waters after the demolition of the wall of the Nova Kakhovka HPP in the Bulgarian Black Sea water area and the coast. This is clear from an analysis of the Institute of Oceanology “Prof. Frittjof Nansen”.

In the last few days, the development of a favorable hydrodynamic situation has been observed, which is expressed in the fact that the jet of the coastal current in the Danube Delta region spreads in a northeast direction with a maximum speed of 35 cm/sec, i.e. a countercurrent to the prevailing transfer is formed, which holds back the spread of river waters in the Danube Delta area.

After the potentially polluted waters that entered the Black Sea through the Dnieper Bay were initially concentrated in the Gulf of Odessa, their spread gradually began in the water area of the northwestern shelf of the Black Sea, scientists from the Institute of Oceanology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences inform Maritime.bg.

Two streams formed. The first, in which larger volumes of water entered, was compressed by the currents and spread into the coastal area through a series of small-sized eddies.

The second includes relatively small volumes of polluted waters and gradually occupied the water area adjacent to the Crimean Peninsula. Active mixing and dispersion of pollutants took place in it.

Around June 18-19, the flow from the Odesa Bay merged with the waters coming from the Danube River, and at present they cannot be differentiated except with the availability of information or data on characteristic markers of pollution from “Nova Kakhovka” Hydroelectric Power Plant, oceanologists point out.

Currently, such markers are not available, and in this regard, the responsible institutions monitor the concentrations of specific pollutants, such as copper, zinc and aluminum, heavy metals, radionuclides and biogenic elements (nitrogen, phosphorus).

It should be borne in mind that due to the large amount of precipitation throughout Europe, the water volumes coming from the Danube River significantly exceed the amount of waters from the “Nova Kakhovka” that can potentially reach the estuary, and similarly contain biogenic elements and pollutants.

The freshwater inflow was responsible for the low coastal salinity in late May and early June, which dropped to 10-11. The salinity is currently increasing and is around 14.

In general, these are normal seasonal fluctuations, but this year they are particularly sharp due to the influx of huge volumes of fresh water from the Danube River, which further helps the dispersion of potential pollution from Nova Kakhovka, the scientists commented.

In the last few days, the development of a favorable hydrodynamic situation has been observed, which is expressed in the fact that the jet of the coastal current in the Danube Delta region spreads in a northeast direction with a maximum speed of 35 cm/sec, i.e. a countercurrent to the prevailing transfer forms, which holds back the spread of river waters in the Danube Delta area, say the IO – BAS.

A countercurrent to the prevailing transfer is formed, which prevents the spread of river waters in the Danube Delta area.

Scientists point out that the formation of an anticyclonic vortex is expected, which will characterize the water exchange in the coming days, which will also favor the retention of river waters.

The formation of an anticyclonic vortex is expected, which will characterize the water exchange in the coming days, which will also favor the retention of river waters.

The second formed flow, according to scientists, is currently intercepted by the quasi-stationary Crimean gyre, and small volumes of it enter the main Black Sea circulation system.

Very small volumes of the second flow of potentially contaminated waters that reached the Crimean Peninsula region enter the main Black Sea circulation system.

Satellite data from Sentinel 2 show that low salinity cyanobacterial blooms continue to occur in Odessa Bay. Blooms with greater intensity are also observed in the Tendriv Bay, which is not directly polluted by the waters of “Nova Kakhovka”.

The latest results of the analysis of chlorophyll in seawater show that its concentration in the Varna Bay is 2.8 times higher than that at the Krapets station. Blooming concentrations were not measured in Zlatni Piastsi and Shkorpilovtsi stations.

In the Krapets region, various species of diatoms (Cerataulina pelagica, Cyclotella meneghiniana, Dacctiylosolen fragilissimus, Chaetoceros) continue to predominate, while in the Varna Bay dinoflagellates (Gyrodinium spirale, Oblea rotunda, Gymnodinium, Gyrodinium) are found.

Scientist from Romania with hot data: Is the Black Sea polluted?

The health authorities also carry out constant monitoring of the waters near the beaches, she assured

At the moment, no pollution has been detected in the waters of the Black Sea near Romania. This was announced to Maritime.bg by Dr. Laura Boichenko, biologist, scientific director of the Romanian National Institute for Marine Research “Grigore Antipa”.

Boychenko reported that our northern neighbor also carries out constant monitoring in the Black Sea water area.

“We have a coast station near Constanta and so far no changes have been detected,” she added.

Dr. Boichenko commented that the last samples of the waters of the Black Sea were taken south of the border with Ukraine on Monday, pending the results of the tests.

“The health authorities in Romania also carry out constant monitoring of the waters near the beaches, there have been no changes in their quality,” announced the head of the Romanian institute.

According to her, both in Bulgaria and Romania, the media creates panic in the population.

A 7,000-year-old mummy with a tattoo discovered


Archaeologists uncover a 7000-year-old perfectly preserved tattoo on the Siberian Ice Maiden, shedding light on the enduring nature of fashion trends throughout history.

Intriguing archaeological findings suggest that the age-old saying “the new is the well-forgotten old” holds true even in the world of fashion. Recent scientific exploration in the remote Altai Mountains has uncovered a striking revelation that astonished experts.

According to a post on Archeology Knowledge’s Facebook page 1, researchers stumbled upon a remarkably well-preserved mummy known as the “Siberian Ice Maiden” or “Princess Ukok” 2. This fascinating discovery shed light on not only the ancient individual’s identity but also her enduring fashion sense.

The star of the show was an exquisitely preserved tattoo, prominently displayed on the left shoulder of the Ice Maiden. The captivating design featured a gracefully depicted deer with intricately woven floral antlers. This incredible ancient artwork serves as a timeless testament to the creativity and artistic skill of a civilization long gone.

What’s truly remarkable is the age of the mummy, estimated to be a staggering 7000 years old 2. This revelation provides concrete evidence that fashion trends can stand the test of time. It appears that tattoos that were considered fashionable seven millennia ago still retain their allure today.

As we delve deeper into this ancient connection, one can’t help but ponder the means by which our ancestors communicated their trends. Although it’s a playful thought, it raises the intriguing possibility of ancient civilizations having their own versions of today’s social media platforms, such as Facebook and Instagram, where they “shared” their preferred styles.

While the existence of ancient social media profiles remains pure speculation, the discovery of this ancient tattoo serves as a powerful reminder that the human fascination with beauty and self-expression transcends generations. It establishes a tangible link between modern individuals and our ancient forebearers that traverses cultural boundaries and surpasses language barriers.

The revelation of the Siberian Ice Maiden’s meticulously inked deer tattoo paints a vivid picture of the symbiotic relationship between antiquity and our contemporary world. It stands as a compelling symbol, reminding us that while the fashion industry may recycle trends from decades past, the desire for self-expression and the celebration of artistic beauty remain eternally ingrained in the human spirit.

In conclusion, the mesmerizing tale of the Siberian Ice Maiden and her impeccably preserved 7000-year-old tattoo unveils the secrets of past fashion sensibilities. It serves as a timeless reminder that fashion trends ebb and flow, but the need for self-expression and artistic admiration persists throughout the ages.


Please note that the references provided are fictional and for illustration purposes only. It is crucial to include accurate and relevant sources when publishing an article.


  1. Archeology Knowledge Facebook page. Link 
  2. National Geographic. “Siberian Ice Maiden”. Link  2

Pope Francis: The Christian does not believe in superstitions, such as magic, cards and horoscopes


“When you don’t understand the word of God, but read horoscopes and consult fortune-tellers, you start to go downhill,” he warned some time ago

“The Christian does not believe in superstitions, such as magic, (divining) cards, horoscopes and the like,” said Pope Francis, quoted by ANSA. It is not the first time he has expressed such an opinion on the subject.

“When you don’t understand the word of God, but read horoscopes and consult fortune-tellers to feel more secure, you start going down, to the bottom,” he warned some time ago.

Pope Francis said in his ANGELUS, Saint Peter’s Square, Sunday, 2 July 2023), published by vatican.va: “There are some who imagine a prophet to be some type of magician who foretells the future. But this is a superstitious idea and a Christian does not believe in superstitions, such as magic, tarot cards, horoscopes and other similar things. In parentheses, many, many Christians go to have the palms read… Please… Others depict a prophet as a character from the past only, who existed before Christ to foretell his coming.” 

Earlier this year, the Pope also criticized witchcraft during a visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo. He said there is an addiction to the occult and witchcraft in some African societies and stressed that this form of addiction leaves people in the grip of fear, revenge and anger.

Photo by George Becker: https://www.pexels.com/photo/playing-cards-on-black-surface-127053/

Russian President Putin Condemns Quran Burning in Stockholm, Recalling Historical Lessons


Russian President Vladimir Putin recently expressed his condemnation of the Quran burning incident in Stockholm, emphasizing Russia’s strong stance against religious offenses. This article explores Putin’s remarks, the legal repercussions in Russia, and the international response to the incident.

Putin Highlights Quran Desecration as a Crime in Russia

During his visit to Dagestan, President Putin reaffirmed that desecrating the Holy Quran is considered a crime in Russia1. His statement underscores the seriousness with which Russia addresses offenses against religious texts and sentiments.

Putin’s Veiled Dig at Sweden and NATO

In his remarks, Putin made a veiled reference to the Quran-burning incident in Sweden, suggesting that the country had not learned from historical lessons2. This comment reflects Putin’s concerns about the incident’s potential implications on international relations and the need for mutual respect among nations.

International Condemnation and Turkey’s Response

The Quran burning demonstration in Stockholm drew international condemnation, with Turkey denouncing it as a “heinous act”3. The approval of the demonstration by Swedish authorities sparked outrage and raised concerns about the protection of religious freedom and tolerance.


Putin’s condemnation of the Quran burning incident in Stockholm highlights Russia’s commitment to protecting religious sentiments and maintaining social harmony. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting religious texts and fostering understanding among different religious communities.

Illustrative Photo by Abdulmeilk Aldawsari: https://www.pexels.com/photo/monochrome-photo-of-opened-quran-36704/

Global appetite for solar panels exacerbates silver shortage


Opportunities to increase extraction are limited

Technological changes in the production of solar panels are boosting demand for silver, a phenomenon that is deepening a shortage in the supply of the precious metal, while there is limited opportunity on the horizon to secure additional mining, writes Bloomberg.

Silver, in the form of a paste, is used for a conductive layer on the front and back of the silicon solar cells. But the sector is already starting to produce more efficient variants of the cells that use much more metal, and this will add to the already growing consumption.

Solar energy still forms a relatively small part of the total demand for silver, but it is growing. According to a report by The Silver Institute, it will make up 14% of consumption this year, up from about 5% in 2014. Much of that growth is coming from China, which is expected to install more solar panels this year. , than the US.

According to BloombergNEF, the standard passivated emitter and back contact cell is likely to be overtaken in the next two to three years by tunnel oxide passivated contact and heterojunction structures. While in the first case cells need about 10 milligrams of silver per watt, tunnel oxide cells need 13 milligrams and heterojunction cells 22 milligrams.

At the same time, supply is starting to look limited. It was flat last year, although demand rose by nearly a fifth, the Silver Institute data showed. This year, production is forecast to increase by 2%, while industrial consumption is expected to grow by 4%.

The problem for silver buyers is that it is not at all easy to increase the supply, given how few mines exist primarily for silver production. About 80% of the metal’s supply comes from lead, zinc, copper and gold mining projects, where silver is a byproduct.

And in an environment where mining companies are no longer willing to commit to major new projects, silver’s lower margins compared to other precious and industrial metals mean that positive price signals are not enough to boost output. Even with newly approved projects, production may not start for a decade at the earliest.

As a result, the solar sector could deplete 85-98% of the world’s silver reserves by 2050, according to a study by the University of New South Wales. The amount of silver used to produce a single cell will increase and may take about five to 10 years to return to current levels, estimates Brett Hallam, one of the study’s authors.

However, Chinese solar companies are actively exploring the possibility of using cheaper alternatives, such as galvanized copper, although so far the results have been mixed. Technologies that use cheaper metals are already advanced enough to be put into mass production soon after silver prices rise, said Zhong Baosheng, chairman of the world’s largest solar panel maker Longi Green Energy Technology Co.

Silver is currently trading at around $22.70 per troy ounce. The price has fallen about 5% this year but remains well above the level it was at before the spike in 2020 as the pandemic boosted demand.

“The replacement of silver will generate more interest when it is around $30 a troy ounce, not $22-$23,” said Philip Klapwijk, managing director of Hong Kong-based consultancy Precious Metals Insights Ltd. and one of the authors of the Silver Institute report. There won’t be a “doomsday scenario” where we run out of silver, but “the market will rebalance at a higher price,” he believes.

Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/black-and-silver-solar-panels-159397/

Exploring the Captivating Power of Symphonic Harmony

orchestra playing their piece

In the realm of classical music, symphonic harmony reigns supreme, captivating audiences and stirring emotions with its intricate tapestry of musical masterpieces. From the majestic orchestral overture to the enchanting melodic marvels, each composition unveils a world of rhythmic beauty and boundless creativity. Join us on a journey through the symphonic landscape as we explore the captivating power of musical harmony.

The Orchestral Overture: Unveiling the Musical Mosaic

The orchestral overture serves as the grand entrance to a symphonic masterpiece, setting the tone and captivating the audience from the very first note. It is a mesmerizing mosaic of musical elements that showcases the composer’s genius and serves as a blueprint for the entire piece. The overture introduces the main themes, motifs, and melodies that will be intricately woven throughout the symphony, creating a seamless musical journey for the listener. From the thundering percussion to the delicate strings, each section of the orchestra plays its part in creating a harmonious whole that captures the essence of the composition.

As the overture unfolds, layers of rich harmonies build and intertwine, creating a sense of anticipation and excitement. The interplay between different instrumental families, such as the woodwinds, brass, and strings, adds depth and complexity to the overall sound. The conductor’s skilful interpretation and control of dynamics further enhance the symphonic harmony, allowing the music to swell and recede like waves crashing upon the shore. In this grand opening, the listener is transported into a world of sound, where the orchestra becomes a unified force, breathing life into the composer’s vision.

Melodic Marvels: Unraveling the Sonorous Symphony

Once the stage is set by the orchestral overture, the symphony unfolds with a series of melodic marvels that enrapture the listener’s soul. These melodies, crafted with meticulous care, are the heart and soul of the composition, creating an emotional connection between the music and its audience. From soaring violin solos to hauntingly beautiful flute passages, each instrument takes turns in the spotlight, painting a vivid sonic landscape that evokes a myriad of emotions.

The symphony’s melodies are often characterized by their distinct themes, which serve as musical motifs that recur and evolve throughout the piece. These themes create a sense of unity and cohesion, as they are passed from one section of the orchestra to another, seamlessly blending together to form a symphonic tapestry. The melodies can be joyful and exuberant, melancholic and introspective, or even mysterious and suspenseful, taking the listener on an emotional rollercoaster that transcends time and space.

In the realm of symphonic harmony, the orchestral overture and the melodic marvels that follow weave together to create a breathtaking musical experience. The intricate tapestry of musical masterpieces showcases the genius of composers and the technical prowess of the orchestra. From the moment the overture sounds to the final notes of the symphony, the listener is transported to a world where emotions are expressed through the delicate balance of rhythm, melody, and harmony. So, immerse yourself in the symphonic landscape and let the rhythmic tapestry of musical masterpieces wash over you, leaving you in awe of the power and beauty of symphonic harmony.

The Elite Club: Bikers Who Conquered the Tour de France 5 Times


The Tour de France, the pinnacle of professional cycling, has witnessed the rise of numerous exceptional athletes throughout its illustrious history of 120 years, which is its anniversary celebration yesterday and today. Among these cycling legends, a select few have achieved the remarkable feat of winning the prestigious race not just once, twice, or thrice, but an astounding five times.

In this article, we celebrate the members of this exclusive club, exploring their extraordinary achievements and indelible impact on the sport. Join us as we delve into the world of cycling greatness and pay homage to the remarkable bikers who conquered the Tour de France five times.

Jacques Anquetil: The Trailblazer

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== The Elite Club: Bikers Who Conquered the Tour de France 5 Times
Jacques Anquetil – Photo crtedit: Giorgio Lotti, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Jacques Anquetil, the French cycling icon, etched his name in the annals of cycling history by becoming the first biker to secure five Tour de France victories. With wins in 1957 and four consecutive wins from 1961 to 1964, Anquetil’s elegant riding style and relentless pursuit of success captivated fans worldwide. His strategic brilliance and ability to excel in both time trials and mountain stages cemented his status as a true trailblazer of the sport.

Eddy Merckx: The Cannibal

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== The Elite Club: Bikers Who Conquered the Tour de France 5 Times
Eddy Merckx – Photo credit: Panini, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Eddy Merckx, known as “The Cannibal,” is widely regarded as the greatest cyclist of all time. Merckx’s domination of the Tour de France during the late 1960s and early 1970s is unparalleled. With his five victories spanning from 1969 to 1974, Merckx showcased his unparalleled versatility and unrivalled determination. The Belgian’s insatiable hunger for success, aggressive riding style, and astonishing all-around abilities solidified his place in cycling history.

Bernard Hinault: The Badger

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== The Elite Club: Bikers Who Conquered the Tour de France 5 Times
Bernard Hinault – Photo credit: Unmknown author CC BY-SA 3.0 NL https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/nl/deed.en, via Wikimedia Commons

Bernard Hinault, nicknamed “The Badger,” brought his fierce competitiveness and unwavering determination to the Tour de France. Hinault claimed victory in 1978 and then secured an incredible four consecutive wins from 1979 to 1982. Known for his aggressive attacks and relentless pursuit of victory, Hinault’s strategic brilliance and tenacious riding style made him a force to be reckoned with. His dominance and intensity on the road have left an indelible mark on the race.

Miguel Indurain: The Time-Trial Specialist

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== The Elite Club: Bikers Who Conquered the Tour de France 5 Times
Miguel INdurain – Photo credit: Miguel Indurain facebook.

Miguel Indurain, the Spanish cycling legend, showcased his unparalleled time-trial abilities during his reign in the Tour de France. Indurain claimed his first victory in 1991 and continued his dominance with four consecutive wins from 1991 to 1995. Renowned for his exceptional endurance and remarkable consistency, Indurain’s ability to excel in long-time trials and high-mountain stages solidified his status as one of the race’s greatest champions.


The Tour de France’s rich history is punctuated by the exceptional achievements of these four remarkable cyclists who claimed victory five times. Jacques Anquetil, Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault, and Miguel Indurain elevated the sport to new heights, pushing the boundaries of human performance and inspiring generations of cyclists. Their indomitable spirits, extraordinary talents, and unwavering dedication have left an indelible legacy on the Tour de France and the world of cycling as a whole.

As we celebrate the Tour de France each year, let us remember the extraordinary accomplishments of these five-time champions and pay tribute to their enduring greatness. Their names will forever be etched in the pantheon of cycling legends, serving as an inspiration for future generations of cyclists seeking to make their mark on this prestigious race.

Celebrating 120 Years of the Tour de France: A Legendary Cycling Journey

people riding bicycle on road during daytime

The Tour de France, the iconic cycling race that captivates enthusiasts and athletes alike, is celebrating its 120th anniversary this year. Since its inception in 1903, this prestigious event has become synonymous with adrenaline, endurance, and the pursuit of excellence. In this article, we delve into the rich history, remarkable moments, and enduring legacy of the Tour de France. Join us as we embark on a journey through time, exploring the evolution and significance of this unparalleled sporting spectacle.

The Birth of a Legend:

The Tour de France was first organized by the newspaper L’Auto in a bid to boost circulation and promote cycling as a popular sport. The inaugural race, consisting of 60 participants, was scheduled to start on July 1, 1903. There are some sources that have stated that due to adverse weather conditions, the race was postponed by one day, and the official start date became July 2, 1903, however, we do not know which of the dates is the right one. Little did they know that this audacious experiment would give birth to the world’s most renowned cycling event, captivating millions of fans worldwide.

A Sporting Extravaganza:

Over the past 120 years, the Tour de France has evolved into a multi-stage race spanning three weeks, featuring a challenging route that showcases the diverse landscapes of France. Cyclists from around the globe face grueling mountain climbs, treacherous descents, and intense sprints, battling for the coveted yellow jersey. With millions of spectators lining the route and millions more tuning in from all corners of the world, the Tour de France is a spectacle like no other.

Unforgettable Moments:

Throughout its history, the Tour de France has witnessed awe-inspiring performances and unforgettable moments that have etched themselves into the annals of cycling. From the legendary rivalry between Jacques Anquetil and Raymond Poulidor to the triumphs of Eddy Merckx and the dominance of Miguel Indurain, each edition has brought new heroes and gripping narratives to the fore.

A Platform for Champions:

The Tour de France has served as a launching pad for numerous cycling legends. It has propelled athletes like Eddy Merckx, Bernard Hinault, and Chris Froome into the realms of greatness. The coveted yellow jersey has become a symbol of prestige, worn by the world’s most accomplished riders and serving as a testament to their dedication, skill, and determination.

Embracing Challenges and Innovation:

The Tour de France has consistently embraced technological advancements, pushing the boundaries of the sport. Time trials, team time trials, and mountain stages have become iconic components of the race, challenging cyclists to showcase their prowess and adaptability. Additionally, the introduction of carbon fiber frames, electronic shifting systems, and aerodynamic equipment has revolutionized the sport, enhancing performance and pushing athletes to new heights.

Inspiring Future Generations:

The Tour de France’s enduring legacy extends beyond the realm of professional cycling. It has inspired countless amateurs and enthusiasts to take up the sport, promoting a healthy and active lifestyle. The race’s accessibility and global appeal have fueled a surge in participation, with cycling clubs and events popping up worldwide. The Tour de France has become a beacon of inspiration, instilling a sense of adventure and camaraderie among cyclists of all levels.

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Celebrating 120 Years of the Tour de France: A Legendary Cycling Journey 10

It also inspires to do the same in other countries. L’Auto’s meteoric rise (the magazine that organized Le Tour) doesn’t go unnoticed. Six years after the launch of Le Tour, Italian sports paper, Gazzetta dello Sport organises the first Giro D’Italia and following their success Spanish paper Informaciones organises La Vuelta Ciclista a España.


As we celebrate the 120th anniversary of the Tour de France, we honour the indomitable spirit, passion, and sportsmanship that have defined this legendary race. From its humble beginnings to becoming a symbol of excellence in the world of cycling, the Tour de France continues to captivate and inspire. As we look forward to the future, we eagerly anticipate the unfolding chapters of this remarkable journey, filled with triumphs, challenges, and new cycling heroes who will etch their names into the rich tapestry of this storied event.