Silence is indeed difficult to describe, but psychologists from Johns Hopkins University (USA) have discovered that we can hear it. The scientists presented their...
The Synod of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine approved the transition to the New Julian calendar from September 1, Reuters reports.
This means that the...
A collaboration between the museum and the clinic could set a precedent for combining the study of historical artifacts with cutting-edge medical technology to...
The former Kirovgrad Metropolitan Joasaf (Guben) of the UOC, as well as the secretary of the diocese, Father Roman Kondratyuk, were sentenced to three...
This number of overweight is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. About 30 percent of primary school-age children in Europe are overweight or obese
It was opened on June 12 and displaces from the third place of the world's largest diamonds its rival from June 1, also found in Botswana, but by another company.
Everyone happens to forget the plastic water bottle in their car. Surely you have quenched your thirst more than once with the liquid that has remained for days, because you did not have fresh water around you. Next time, before you do, think very carefully, writes
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) predict that by the end of the century, the color of more than half (63%) of the world's oceans will change. Writes about this
One of the most important rules for summer is not to enter the water for at least half an hour after eating. But it is also important to know what not to eat before swimming.
It is possible to eliminate viral hepatitis as a public health threat by 2030 if leaders, particularly in highly affected countries, take action now.
During the pandemic, the wearing of masks has introduced a new, unexpected challenge for the estimated 10 000 hearing-impaired people in Belarus: the inability...
Center for Disease Analysis Foundation (CDAF)
A pilot project in Uzbekistan has demonstrated that trained and empowered primary health care professionals help increase testing and...
Two years after World Health Assembly Resolution 72.8 was agreed on improving the transparency of markets for medicines, vaccines and other health products, WHO/Europe...