Silence is indeed difficult to describe, but psychologists from Johns Hopkins University (USA) have discovered that we can hear it. The scientists presented their...
The Synod of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine approved the transition to the New Julian calendar from September 1, Reuters reports.
This means that the...
A collaboration between the museum and the clinic could set a precedent for combining the study of historical artifacts with cutting-edge medical technology to...
The former Kirovgrad Metropolitan Joasaf (Guben) of the UOC, as well as the secretary of the diocese, Father Roman Kondratyuk, were sentenced to three...
This number of overweight is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. About 30 percent of primary school-age children in Europe are overweight or obese
Plant-based meat substitutes have a taste and texture similar to real beef, and the 13 ingredients listed on their labels - vitamins, fats and proteins - seem to make them essentially equivalent to real meat.
The Minister of Economy Kiril Petkov and representatives of the German manufacturer of electric cars Next.e.GO signed a memorandum for the construction of a...
Today, July 10, in the village of Smiljan in Austria-Hungary, today's Croatia, Nikola Tesla was born - the man who, according to some, more or less "invents the twentieth century" and is the "patron saint" of modern electricity.
The main challenge in Mars exploration is to look for signs of ancient Martian life at the bottom of Jezero Crater, and collect and store samples for future return to Earth.
Barking is a natural activity for dogs. They use it to express their emotions depending on the situation. However, excessive barking is uncomfortable for others and is considered a behavioral problem. Dog handlers gave advice to dog owners who are experiencing excessive barking. Excitable dogs are more prone to it, which depends, among other things, on the breed.
Having one furry pet is good, but two is even better! It doesn't matter if you have taken a friend for your cat or your acquaintances have asked you to shelter their pet while they are away, creating a calm environment can be difficult between two independent animals. The fact is that it is unusual for cats to exist in the company of their peers. They don't really need a friend, they are vindictive and often very distrustful. There are several stages to make two such animals coexist as comfortably as possible for all occupants of the same house.
In total, 1700 wooden parts were removed to the surface, after which they were subjected to initial restoration. Most of them were transferred to the Great Egyptian Museum, where, after continuing restoration work and research, they will be collected together and put on display by the public.
What is new about these elections is that in the large sections with more than 300 voters, voting will be done only with machines. A vote with a paper ballot will be allowed only in case of technical problems and force majeure circumstances. For the first time, in the polling stations with 300 or more voters abroad, only machine voting will take place, with the record 782 polling stations abroad.
Experts have monitored the life expectancy of alcoholics in Denmark, Finland and Sweden for 20 years. Mortality from various diseases and ailments was noticeably higher in the drinking group of study participants. On average, their life expectancy was reduced by 28 years.