Silence is indeed difficult to describe, but psychologists from Johns Hopkins University (USA) have discovered that we can hear it. The scientists presented their...
The Synod of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine approved the transition to the New Julian calendar from September 1, Reuters reports.
This means that the...
A collaboration between the museum and the clinic could set a precedent for combining the study of historical artifacts with cutting-edge medical technology to...
The former Kirovgrad Metropolitan Joasaf (Guben) of the UOC, as well as the secretary of the diocese, Father Roman Kondratyuk, were sentenced to three...
This number of overweight is expected to continue to grow in the coming years. About 30 percent of primary school-age children in Europe are overweight or obese
Through a series of experiments, scientists have established the main characteristics of light sources that people of the Upper Paleolithic era could use in caves. Having built a model of illumination for one of the caves with rock art monuments, the researchers showed that Paleolithic man, apparently, used all the light sources available to him - bonfires, torches and lamps based on animal fat. Knowing their advantages and disadvantages, he chose the best lighting method depending on the circumstances.
"Humans are no doubt able to cool the planet artificially," said Professor David Keith of Harvard University. He deals with solar geoengineering - a very controversial scientific field. It focuses on how humans could manipulate the sun's radiation to the Earth to deter climate change. Here are the main technologies that could possibly allow this to happen, presented by DW:
After several weeks the temperature does not fall below 30 in many places, life is difficult not only for people. Our pets also experience great discomfort in the heat, especially those with richer hair. Cats, like humans, can be quite affected by hot weather. They are prone to heat stroke and their skin can be sunburned. Experts from the London animal shelter Buttersey talked about how you can help your cats cope with the hot weather. Their tips will help your pet to go through the summer days completely safely and as easily as possible. If you suspect sunstroke, they recommend that you seek help from a veterinarian immediately and do not delay.
Kanye West's ex-wife announced her partnership on her Instagram account, which posted photos of American athletes posing with her line of home clothes, pajamas and lingerie.
The prices of goods and services in the country will be announced in BGN and EUR for a period of about 17 months upon our entry into the euro area. The aim is for traders not to round up prices and for inflation to fall when the euro is introduced. The working date for Bulgaria's accession to the euro area is January 1, 2024.
On 30th June, the European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities (EASPD), the Commission Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support (DG Reform), and the Greek Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (MoLSA) co-organised the final conference of the Technical Support on deinstitutionalisation (DI) process in Greece project. The conference marked the official launch of the Greek Deinstitutionalisation Strategy, Action Plan, and Strategic Roadmap along with other tools for effective DI reform created within the project. Greece is now ready to move forward to ensure full inclusion for children and adults with support needs.
If the Hebrew Scriptures do indicate the possibility of multiplicity, then the question naturally arises - how many persons ultimately exist in the Godhead? Studying the Hebrew Scriptures, we find that, in the end, only three particular Persons were considered divine.
People over the age of 50, as well as health personnel in Turkey, will be able to book a vaccination schedule from Thursday to receive their third dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, Health Minister Fahretin Koca said last night.
The crew participates in repelling the attacks of a fast-moving boat, tactical maneuvering, receiving / transmitting light cargo and mail in a traverse manner, navigation control and communication exercises.
Per capita the UK has one of the highest rates of recorded acid attacks in the world. According to Acid Survivors Trust International, in the year leading up to March 2020 there were 619 crimes committed in the UK where corrosive substances were used – a 37% increase since 2017. Research suggests that many of the attacks are part of gang related activities and that acid is becoming the weapon of choice. The issue has improved in the UK capital though. Acid attacks in London peaked in 2017 at 472 and have steadily fallen in the subsequent years (123 in 2019), suggesting that police and other stakeholders can make changes to reduce the prevalence of acid attacks nationwide.