13.3 C
Sunday, April 28, 2024
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Virtual Sensors Help Aerial Vehicles Stay Aloft When Rotors Fail

“In order to realize the full potential of these electric fliers, you need an intelligent control system that improves their robustness and especially their...
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EU News

An employee of the Belgian development agency Enabel in Gaza killed...

The house where Abdallah's family was located housed around 25 people, including residents and displaced people who had taken shelter there.
World News in Brief: Dignity and justice key to end evil of racial discrimination, methane emissions update, Mpox latest, peacebuilding boost

World News in Brief: Dignity and justice key to end evil...

The international day on Thursday highlights that theme, as well as the importance of recognition, justice and development opportunities for those of African...
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Parliament condemns Iran’s attack on Israel and calls for de-escalation

In a resolution adopted on Thursday, MEPs strongly condemn the recent Iran’s attack on Israel with drones and missiles and call for further sanctions against Iran.

Parliament signs up for new EU Body for Ethical Standards | News

The agreement was reached between Parliament, the Council, the Commission, the Court of Justice, the European Central Bank, the European Court of Auditors,...

Rule of Law in Hungary: Parliament condemns the “Sovereignty Act”

A new resolution on the rule of Law in Hungary pinpoints several concerns, especially given the upcoming elections and the Hungarian Presidency of the Council.

Maxette Pirbakas responds to a press article published today

MEP Maxette Pirbakas, the only woman in the European Parliament who is black, of Indian origin and from a farming background, has denounced a...
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Here is a selection of articles that cna contribute to a higher awareness of society

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FoRB News

In Russia, a special course for the militarisation of theological schools

The course towards the militarisation of theological schools was taken after the meeting of the Supreme Church Council of the Russian Orthodox Church

In Norway are counting the “witches” burned in the Middle Ages

The Norwegian University of Science and Technology presented the results of a study that investigated "wizard" trials. Scholars have found that similar trials in...
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