18 C
Saturday, July 27, 2024
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30,000 EUR fine if you give out where there is a police post!

The police in Spain have warned that they will now strictly enforce these sanctions, and the same is expected in France.

A fine of 41.7 million euros for the largest banks in Greece

The Greek Commission for the Protection of Competition has imposed the largest fine imposed so far in the amount of 41.7 million euros on...

If you are a tourist in Dubrovnik, be careful with your suitcase – you risk a hefty fine

Under a new law, suitcases must be carried rather than dragged through the streets of Dubrovnik's old town in Croatia, and anyone caught rolling...

New danger for tourists in Greece

A night in the car can exceed a night in five-star hotels up to 3000 euros, and before that - to end up in...

2 million dollar fine for pranking the Chinese army

A Chinese comedy troupe has been fined 14.7 million yuan ($2.1 million) for a joke about the military that used President Xi Jinping's slogan,...
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