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Wednesday, October 2, 2024
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Centenary of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s passing: Publications recall life of extraordinary figure

Countless people and communities around the world have been creating a vast number of publications inspired by ‘Abdu’l-Bahá’s life of service to humanity.

Concern rises for Egyptian Coptic Christians who disappeared in Libya

Since September 30, at least 17 Egyptian Coptic Christians have gone missing in Libya, International Christian Concern (ICC) said.

A famous gang kidnapped American missionaries in Haiti, among the abducted are children

Earlier this year, the same criminal group attacked five priests and two nuns. The Haitian gang "400 Mavoso", known for its daring kidnappings and killings, is responsible for the abduction of missionaries in Haiti, world...

Christian news portal for European continent

CNE.news aims to connect Christians across EuropeThe new web portal CNE.news (Christian Network Europe) offers English news for and about Christians on the European continent, from this week on. The independent channel is based in the...

Orthodox Dogmatics on the union between Faith and Love

The action and fruit of true faith in a Christian is love and good deeds corresponding to this love. In Christ Jesus, says the Apostle Paul, neither circumcision nor uncircumcision has power, IS FAITH ONE...

the President of COMECE ahead of COP26, calls to the EU to tackle the climate emergency

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich The Catholic Church to the EU ahead of COP26: “Limiting global warming to 1.5°C is a profound moral imperative”  In a letter addressed to all leaders of the European institutions participating in the upcoming...

EU: strategy paper to combat rising anti-Semitism

The European Commission, the EU's executive body, has released a strategic document “Fighting Anti-Semitism and Promoting Jewish Life” among the bloc's member states. The document says the strategy aims to place the EU at...

Biden received Patriarch Bartholomew in the Oval Office

RIA Novosti reported yesterday that US President Joe Biden received Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, journalists from Biden's press pool reported. Bartholomew told reporters after the meeting that he was pleased with her. "The President is a...

Pacific islands in peril, churches’ leader stresses before climate change conference

The Pacific islands are in grave danger and at the frontline of global climate change, so that is why the United Nations Conference on Climate Change, known as COP26, in Glasgow is so important...

Soaring costs found as impediment to justice for Pakistan’s minorities

Religious minorities, mainly Christians and Hindus, in Pakistan say costs and lack of helpful resources are the most prominent barriers in accessing justice in their country, a survey by a legal group shows.

Religious News From Around the Web Haiti, Afghan Sikhs, Survey: Catholicism

Prayers Requested for Haiti Missionary Hostages; The Gulf Between “Free Exercise” and “Freedom of Worship”; LGBTQ Support of Utah Compromise; Afghan Sikhs Must Convert to Islam or Leave Country; Survey: Catholicism Growing Everywhere but...

At the height of the pandemic, the Archdiocese of Bucharest provided temples to be used as morgues

The press service of the Archdiocese of Bucharest said that in response to the request for help from hospitals with covid-wards provided chapels in the immediate vicinity, as well as cemeteries and burial chapels...

Concluding document of the round table “Vaccination: ethical aspects in the light of Orthodox doctrine”

On May 20, 2021, a round table "Vaccination: ethical aspects in the light of Orthodox doctrine" was held at the Sretenskaya Theological Academy. The participants approved a final document. The participants in the round table...

Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew in a hospital in the United States

His All-Holiness Bartholomew I was scheduled to lead Sunday's service at St. Sophia Cathedral in Washington. Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew, who arrived yesterday on a visit to the United States, was taken to hospital because he...

French-speaking Christian Forum: a first pleasing assessment!

The first French-speaking Christian forum just ended in Leysin on October 13. "This Forum reminded us that what unites us is much stronger than what separates us: Jesus Christ, true God and true man,...

The Council of All Holy Physicians established the Ecumenical Patriarchate

The pandemic caused by COVID-19 revealed another more serious "disease of social networks" - pride and ignorance, leading to health decisions based on rumors and personal opinions of people, sometimes even without basic medical...

The debate on the teaching of “Religion” in the Bulgarian schools

After the democratic changes in Bulgaria and the collapse of the totalitarian atheistic regime at the end of the twentieth century, most Bulgarians sincerely agree with the statement that Orthodoxy is the spiritual treasure...

CIAOSN was wrong, Jehovah’s Witnesses have been vindicated

Kraainem(BELGIUM), 21st October 2021. - On 5 October 2021 the Court Chambers of Brussels declared that there were “no grounds” for the criminal accusations brought against the non-profit “Christian Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses” at...

The interaction of the Church and the media presupposes mutual responsibility

Report by Prof. Dr. Ivan Dimitrov, presented during the Sixteenth World/Global Meeting of the Bulgarian Media, held at the Rila Monastery (Bulgaria) on October 16 and 17 this year: I will allow myself to begin...

How will the Catholic Church live after the pedophile scandal and how is this problem solved in Russia

Alexander Soldatov begins the topic in front of Novaya Gazeta with a New Testament quote from ap. Peter at the beginning of church history: "For it is time that judgment should begin at the...

National Council of Churches, USA, elects all-female officers for first time

The National Council of Churches (USA) has elected an all-female slate of officers for the first time in the ecumenical organization's 71-year history.

US Church preparing for National Vocation Awareness Week

The Catholic Church in the United States will celebrate National Vocation Awareness Week, 7-13 November, with dioceses across the US holding events to foster an appreciation for all vocations and pray specifically for those discerning a vocation to ordained ministry and consecrated life.

An interfaith theological dictionary was presented in Rome

An interfaith dictionary that clarifies basic theological terms in terms of the three main Christian denominations: Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, and Protestantism. The purpose of the book is "to be a tool for understanding the...

UK faith leaders take joint stand against assisted suicide legislation

Faith leaders in the United Kingdom have joined one another to oppose the legalisation of assisted suicide ahead of a debate in their Parliament.

Inauguration new international airport in Kushinagar: focal point of the Buddhist Circuit in India

Leading Buddhist monks en route to Kushinagar. From indiatimes.com By   —  Shyamal Sinha Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Wednesday (Oct 20, 2021) formally inaugurated the International Airport at Kushinagar and to mark this historic occasion an inaugural international flight from Sri Lanka landed at this airport Kushinagar is considered to be a focal point of the Buddhist Circuit in […]
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