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Monday, September 30, 2024
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Election 2024: Updated seat projection for new European Parliament

Provisional results of the 2024 European elections as of June 10 at 11:38 a.m.

Civil society, business, and culture encourage citizens to vote in EU elections | News

Leading lights from across Europe’s business, cultural and non-profit communities have joined in the campaign to raise awareness about the importance of the...

Weekly Election Highlights | News

As we approach the European Elections in June, Parliament's press services will be publishing a weekly newsletter, highlighting the main election-related news of...

The Drugs, the 67th CND and the FDFE, 20 Years of Good Practices of Drug Prevention for a Drug-Free Europe

In order to federate the different activities in the drug prevention fields of the hundred of Say No To Drugs European organisations and groups...

MEPs call for a firm response to counter Russian interference | News

Following several recent revelations of Kremlin-backed attempts to interfere with and undermine European democratic processes, MEPs adopted on Thursday a resolution firmly denouncing...

Le pavillon bulgare à la 60e Biennale de Venise : horreur subtile, nostalgie et tension

By Biserka Gramatikova On April 20, the official opening of the Bulgarian pavilion at the Venice Biennale took place. "Memory is what keeps us safe,"...

Over 200 million dogs and even more cats roam the streets of the world

A cat gives birth to up to 19 kittens a year, and a dog - up to 24 puppies. According to the World Health Organization...

Fleeing Persecution, The Plight of Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light members in Azerbaijan

Namiq and Mammadagha's Story Exposes Systematic Religious Discrimination It has been almost one year since best friends Namiq Bunyadzade (32) and Mammadagha Abdullayev (32) left...

Bridges – Eastern European Forum for Dialogue Wins H.M. King Abdullah II World Interfaith Harmony Week Prize 2024

The H.M. King Abdullah II World Interfaith Harmony Week Prize for 2024 has been awarded to Bridges - Eastern European Forum for Dialogue based in Bulgaria

International Delegation of Interfaith Activists from URI visit Britain

In early March a delegation of representatives of the world’s largest interfaith body, the United Religions Initiative (URI), visited the English Midlands
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