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UN suspends food assistance as Ethiopia wrestles with aid diversions

UN suspends food assistance as Ethiopia wrestles with aid diversions

Food diversion is absolutely unacceptable,” said WFP Executive Director Cindy McCain, following a joint statement made by Ethiopia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and USAID announcing their commitment to addressing deeply concerning revelations of aid diversion.

“While we will temporarily halt food aid assistance in Ethiopia, nutrition assistance to children, pregnant and breastfeeding women, school meals programmes, and activities for building the resilience of farmers and pastoralists will continue uninterrupted,” she said, welcoming the Ethiopian Government’s commitment to investigate and hold accountable those responsible.

Widespread theft

Over the past months, large aid deliveries have been stolen, according to media reports.

“Our first concern is the millions of hungry people who depend on our support, and our teams will work tirelessly with all partners to resume our operations as soon as we can ensure that food reaches the people who need it the most,” the SFP chief said.

More than 20 million people in Ethiopia urgently need humanitarian food assistance, as the long-lasting effects of conflict and drought continue, according to the agency.

“WFP is working closely with its UN and humanitarian partners and local stakeholders to reform the way assistance is delivered across Ethiopia and in all high-risk operational contexts where we work,” she said, adding that the agency takes this issue very seriously and will take every necessary step to ensure that critical food assistance reaches those who need it most.

Find out how WFP is helping Ethiopians here.

Children eat food provided by one of WFP’s home grown school feeding programmes in South Omo, Ethiopia.

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A new way of detecting natural disasters like tsunamis


Airborne infrasound can improve can improve tsunami warnings and other emergency responses.

Scientists from the US state of Alaska have found that sensors that detect changes in atmospheric pressure due to earthquakes can receive data on large earthquakes and explosions exceeding the maximum capabilities of many seismometers, reported the electronic edition “Euricalert”.

Sensors that detect inaudible infrasounds in the air can improve tsunami warnings and other emergency responses while reducing costs.

The study by experts from the Geophysical Institute at the University of Alaska in Fairbanks shows that these devices can determine the magnitude of earthquakes more accurately than some seismographs. The initial tsunami warning is based only on the estimated magnitude and location.

Infrasound sensors are commonly used for other purposes such as detecting mine explosions or nuclear detonations. They also detect landslides, erupting volcanoes or meteors entering the Earth’s atmosphere.

“What we’ve done is use infrasound for a purpose it’s not really intended for,” says Ken McPherson of the Alaska Geophysical Institute. “We found that it works well for providing complete data for strong earthquakes.”

These infrasound detectors are typically used for non-seismic purposes, including detecting explosions in the mining industry or nuclear detonations. They also record landslides, erupting volcanoes or meteorites entering the Earth’s atmosphere.

The sensors register changes in atmospheric pressure caused by infrasound waves, whose frequency is lower than that which humans can hear.

Infrasound sensors can record the full range of Earth’s surface motion during an earthquake by picking up changes in atmospheric pressure caused by shifting layers.

Seismographs detect the actual movement of the earth’s surface. The problem with them is that they have an upper limit, which means that data for some large earthquakes that exceed this limit may be missing. Seismographs can also fail to detect weaker tremors if their epicenter is too close to the instrument.

Seismologists can prevent these gaps, including by using strong motion sensors. They have no limitations when it comes to strong tremors, but are more expensive and less accurate in detecting data from weaker ones.

Infrasound sensors are cheaper and operate at the same speed as seismographs. This is especially important in the event of a tsunami. The US National Tsunami Warning Center has only four minutes to send out notifications the moment an earthquake strikes.

Photo by Ray Bilcliff: https://www.pexels.com/photo/giant-tsunami-wave-9156792/

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