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EU faces bankruptcies, bad loans as COVID-19 help for firms ends — document

EU faces bankruptcies, bad loans as COVID-19 help for firms ends — document

FILE PHOTO: European Union flags flutter outside the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, Belgium August 21, 2020. REUTERS/Yves Herman/File Photo/File Photo

BRUSSELS — The European Union is facing a surge in bankruptcies and bad loans once the post-pandemic economic recovery starts to take hold and governments begin withdrawing state schemes that are keeping many firms on life support, a EU document indicates.

The European Commission note, prepared for euro zone finance ministers’ talks on Monday, said that thanks to almost 2.3 trillion euros ($2.8 trillion) in national liquidity support measures, euro zone governments have so far staved off a rise in insolvencies.


Without such help and new loans from banks, almost a quarter of EU companies would have had liquidity problems by the end of 2020 after exhausting their cash buffers because of the economic havoc wreaked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the note said.

“Once the unprecedented public support measures expire, a number of businesses are likely to default on their debt obligations, leading to higher non-performing loans and insolvencies,” said the note, seen by Reuters.


Almost half of all firms that would have had liquidity problems last year because of the pandemic were already at a high risk of default before the crisis, and were now being kept afloat only by government help. They were therefore likely to face solvency concerns after the crisis, the note said.

The ministers’ talks on Monday will focus on how to manage the process of weaning firms off state support in the future and how best to identify, with the help of private sector investors, which companies are viable and can survive.

‘More targeted support’

“There is full agreement that fiscal support needs to be maintained for now, for quite a while,” a senior euro zone official involved in the preparation of the talks said.

“But there is also recognition that support may need to change shape, that there will need to be a gradual transition to more targeted support.”

The note said that in the third quarter of 2020, euro zone bank loans under moratoria totalled 587 billion euros, of which about 60% was corporate loans. In the second quarter the share of bad loans in the euro zone to total loans was 5.23%.

“Overall, the volume of non-performing loans is expected to rise across the EU, although the timing and magnitude of this increase remains uncertain,” the Commission said.

Fortunately, the stronger capital position of banks compared to the financial crisis a decade ago should help them to absorb the shock better this time, the Commission said.


Worst affected were hotels and restaurants, where three-quarters had liquidity problems, but also transport, car makers, basic metals and textiles. Communication services, food and pharmaceuticals and computers and electronics fared much better.

Bad loan ratios

Problems with corporate liquidity are not yet reflected in bad loan ratios.

“While it is clear that the debt-servicing capacity of the private sector has been adversely affected by the pandemic, government credit guarantees and loan repayment moratoria have so far prevented a rise in loan defaults,” the note said.

“Thus, the headline NPL (non-performing loan) ratios – based on a rather stable NPL stock and the increasing loan denominator – do not yet reflect the underlying deterioration in the credit profile of borrowers,” the Commission said.

Of the almost 2.3 trillion euros in government liquidity measures at EU level, firms and households have taken up some 32% of the total, mostly in public guarantees, the note said.

To keep going despite the lockdowns, companies burnt through their cash reserves and borrowed money as well as making use of government help. Borrowing from banks surged the most in France, Italy and Spain, reversing 10 years of decline in corporate debt to banks, the note said.

The ministers will now have to figure out how to keep credit channels open to viable companies; surveys indicated that credit needs already exceeded availability in all euro-area countries.

The Commission said that, while euro zone banks had been generally strong going into the crisis, they now believed corporate and and economy-wide risks had increased.

“According to the ECB’s Bank lending survey, banks expect to further tighten credit conditions and raise collateral requirements,” the Commission said.

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Press conference on Recovery & Resilience Facility at 10.25 on Friday | News | European Parliament

Press conference on Recovery & Resilience Facility at 10.25 on Friday | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20210211IPR97601/

Nun survived 1918 pandemic, both world wars and COVID-19; celebrates 117th birthday with glass of wine

Nun survived 1918 pandemic, both world wars and COVID-19; celebrates 117th birthday with glass of wine
(Image: Credit: NIAID-RML)This transmission electron microscope image shows SARS-CoV-2—also known as 2019-nCoV, the virus that causes COVID-19—isolated from a patient in the U.S. Virus particles are shown emerging from the surface of cells cultured in the lab. The spikes on the outer edge of the virus particles give coronaviruses their name, crown-like.

On her 117th birthday a French nun who survived both world wars, the 1918 flu pandemic, and a COVID-19 infection celebrated with a glass of wine, a Mass in her honor and dinner followed by a taste of baked Alaska.

Sister André, who is believed to be the second-oldest person in the world, spent Feb. 11 celebrating at her care home in the southern French city of Toulon, The Washington Post reported.

Lucile Randon, who took the name of Sister André in 1944, tested positive for coronavirus on Jan. 16 but didn’t develop any symptoms.

She told local media she “didn’t even realize I had it,” the BBC reported.

The European region’s director of the World Health Organization Dr. Hans Kluge paid tribute to the French nun at a press conference.

“A very Happy Birthday to Sister André…today a COVID-19 survivor.

“There’s a remarkable lesson to be learned from sister Andre, who during her illness, selflessly showed more concern for her fellow nursing home residents than for her own life.

“Look after each other and stay safe. Thank you.”

Asked if she was scared to have the coronavirus, Sister Andre told France’s BFM television, “No, I wasn’t scared because I wasn’t scared to die… I’m happy to be with you, but I would wish to be somewhere else – join my big brother and my grandfather and my grandmother,” Reuters reported.

“She kept telling me, ‘I’m not afraid of Covid because I’m not afraid of dying, so give my vaccine doses to those who need them,'”  David Tavella , the spokesman at the Ste. Catherine Labouré nursing home in Toulon, where Sister André resides. told  The New York Times.

“She’s recovered, along with all the residents here,” said Tavella.


Sister André was born on Feb. 11, 1904, in Alès, in the Occitanie region of southern France.

She grew up in a nonreligious Protestant family and worked at a young age as a governess in Marseille and a tutor in Paris, according to Le Parisien newspaper.

She converted to Catholicism at 19, and at 25, began working at a hospital.

For 28 years she took care of elderly people and orphaned children.

In 1944, she joined the Daughters of Charity to become a nun at the age of 40.

She took on the name Sister André in honor of her deceased brother, and in 2009, she moved to the retirement home, according to Le Parisien.

She isolated separately from other residents in her retirement home in Toulon, southern France, but is now considered fully recovered.

The facility’s spokesman, David Tavella, told the Associated Press Sister Andre is “in great shape” and “really happy.”

Her busy birthday schedule was to have included a video call with her family, a service hosted by the bishop of Toulon and a champagne birthday feast.

“It’s a big day,” Tavella said, noting that there would be a cake for Sister André — although it wouldn’t be big enough to hold 117 candles.

“Even if we made big cakes, I’m not sure that she would have enough breath to blow them all out,” he said.

Tavella said the menu would include foie gras, capon with fragrant mushrooms and some alcohol to toast the occasion.

“All of it washed down with red wine, because she drinks red wine. It’s one of her secrets of longevity. And a bit of Champagne with dessert, because 117 years have to be toasted,” he said to the AP.

In the weeks leading up to her 117th birthday, Sister André spent days isolated in her room at the Sainte Catherine Labouré retirement.

She was one of dozens of residents at the home who tested positive for the coronavirus.

But on Feb. 9 Sister André was declared recovered from the virus, a spokesman from her retirement home told Reuters, allowing her to hold on to her title as the oldest living European, according to Gerontology Research Group’s “World Supercentenarian Rankings List.”

“We consider her to be cured. She is very calm and she is looking forward to celebrating her 117th birthday on Thursday,” Tavella told Reuters earlier this week.

Ten others at the retirement home died of COVID-19, Le Parisien reported, after 81 of the 88 residents tested positive in January.

There have been more than 3.4 million cases in France and more than 80,000 deaths, according to The Washington Post’s COVID tracker.

MEPs strongly condemn continuing violence in Yemen and military coup in Myanmar

  • 80 per cent of the population in Yemen needs humanitarian support
  • Myanmar military has to hand the power back over to elected civil authorities

Humanitarian aid for Yemen must be increased, MEPs say, and urge the military in Myanmar to immediately reinstate the civilian government.

Parliament condemned in the strongest terms the ongoing violence in Yemen that has, since 2015, “degenerated into the worst humanitarian crisis in the world”. There can be no military solution to the conflict and the crisis can only be resolved sustainably through an inclusive Yemeni-led and Yemeni-owned negotiation process, stress MEPs in a resolution adopted on Thursday by 638 votes for, 12 against and 44 abstentions.

Calling on all parties to facilitate the rapid and unimpeded passage of humanitarian relief and other necessary goods to the population, MEPs point out that nearly 80 per cent of Yemenites— more than 24 million people — need humanitarian support, while 50 000 people are living in famine-like conditions. This figure is expected to triple by mid-2021.

All parties must urgently refrain from starving civilians as a method of warfare, MEPs stress, whilst pushing for targeted measures to be imposed against those taking part in acts that violate international humanitarian law.

Welcoming the EU’s pledge to triple humanitarian help for Yemen in 2021, MEPs urge the European Commission and EU member states to lead international efforts to urgently scale up humanitarian aid.

Myanmar: All those illegally arrested need to be unconditionally released

In a resolution on the situation in Myanmar, MEPs strongly condemn the military coup of 1 February and call on the military (Tatmadaw) to immediately reinstate the civilian government, end the state of emergency, and unconditionally release all those illegally arrested. The result of the general elections of 8 November must be respected and power handed back to the elected civil authorities.

MEPs note in this regard that “despite her failure to adequately condemn the human rights violations against Burmese minorities, Aung San Suu Kyi continues to be the symbol of the Burmese people when it comes to democratic aspirations and ambitions for a more just and democratic future”.

To guarantee the recognition and representation of all ethnic groups in Myanmar including the Rohingya, the new constitution must be drafted and implemented through a free and fair process, MEPs stress.

They welcome the extension of the 2018 EU sanctions against Tatmadaw military and officials responsible for human rights violations against the Rohingya population. and urge the Council to extend targeted sanctions to the entire leadership of Myanmar’s military, including all those involved in the coup.

Finally, Parliament calls upon the EU and its member states to foster international coordination to prevent any unauthorised goods from being illegally exported from Myanmar, specifically benefitting the military economically.

The resolution was adopted by 667 votes for, one against and 27 abstentions.

Human rights breaches in Uganda, Rwanda and Kazakhstan

  • The Ugandan Government must end the repression of the opposition and civil society
  • The Rwandan authorities must explain the enforced disappearance of Paul Rusesabagina
  • The authorities in Kazakhstan must comply with international standards for elections

On Thursday, the European Parliament adopted three resolutions taking stock of the human rights situation in Uganda, Rwanda and Kazakhstan.

The political situation in Uganda

Parliament deplores that the 14 January general elections in Uganda were neither democratic nor transparent. MEPs also condemn the excessive use of force by the police and armed forces during the election and their growing interference in political affairs.

The resolution condemns the violence, continued harassment and systematic crackdown faced by political opposition leaders in Uganda, as well as the suppression of civil society. All those arrested and detained for participating in peaceful political assemblies or for exercising their right to freedom of expression and association must be released immediately and unconditionally and have their charges dropped, says the text.

Finally, Parliament reiterates that sanctions against individuals and organisations responsible for human rights violations in Uganda must be adopted under the new EU human rights sanction mechanism, the so-called EU Magnitsky Act.

The text was approved by 632 votes in favour, 15 against and 48 abstentions. See the full resolution here. (11.02.2021)

Rwanda: the case of Paul Rusesabagina

MEPs condemn the enforced disappearance, illegal rendition and incommunicado detention of Rwandan human rights defender, government critic and Presidential Medal of Freedom recipient Paul Rusesabagina, whose story was recounted in the 2004 film Hotel Rwanda.

Mr Rusesabagina, who is a Belgian citizen and a US resident, was forcibly transferred from Dubai to Kigali under unclear circumstances on 27 August last year. He only reappeared on 31 August at the headquarters of the Rwandan Investigation Bureau. He was initially charged with 13 offences, including financing terrorism, armed robbery and attempted murder. Some charges were later dropped, with those that remained relating to events that took place in the country’s Nyaruguru and Nyamagabe regions in 2018.

Parliament calls for an international investigation into this matter and expresses its deep concern about the violation of Mr Rusesabagina’s rights. MEPs urge the Rwandan authorities to allow him to undergo a fair and public hearing by a competent, independent and impartial tribunal applying international human rights standards, and grant him legal counsel of his choosing.

Given Mr Rusesabagina’s medical condition, MEPs call on the Rwandan Government to guarantee, under all circumstances, his physical and psychological well-being and access to proper medication.

The text was approved by 659 votes in favour, 1 against and 35 abstentions. It will be available in full here. (11.02.2021)

The human rights situation in Kazakhstan

Parliament urges Kazakhstan’s Government to act in accordance with its international obligations and to respect human rights and fundamental freedoms, as enshrined in its Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement with the EU.

MEPs note that Kazakhstan’s parliamentary elections on 10 January this year were described by the European External Action Service as a “missed opportunity” to demonstrate that political reforms have been implemented since the last elections. They also call on the Kazakh government to drop politically-motivated charges and end all forms of arbitrary detention, reprisals and harassment of human rights activists, religious organisations, civil society organisations, trade unions, journalists and political opposition movements.

People must be able to express their political, religious and other views freely, the text says, with Parliament calling on the Kazakh Government to amend the new law on peaceful assembly in order to guarantee this freedom. MEPs also urge the country’s authorities to immediately release and fully rehabilitate all political prisoners.

The text was approved by 598 votes in favour, 43 against and 52 abstentions. For additional information on the content, it will be available in full here. (11.02.2021)

Still many challenges ahead to achieve gender equality

  • The COVID-19 pandemic is exacerbating existing gender inequalities
  • The rise in domestic violence must be urgently addressed
  • Universal access to sexual and reproductive health and rights services must be guaranteed

MEPs assessed the progress made in women’s rights over the past 25 years and the many challenges still ahead, in a resolution adopted on Thursday.

More than twenty-five years after the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action (BPfA) was adopted, MEPs regret that, although some progress have been made, no EU member states have fully attained the targets set in the text, as the 5th review of the BPFA published by the European Institute for Gender Equality in 2020 shows.

In the resolution adopted by 505 votes in favour, 109 against and 76 abstentions, MEPs also express deep concern regarding the current pandemic, which exacerbates existing gender inequalities, threatens to reverse the progress made until now, and could push 47 million more women and girls below the poverty line worldwide.


Eradicating gender-based violence

In order to tackle violence against women, MEPs reiterate their call to ratify the Istanbul Convention and urge the Commission to come up with an EU Directive to prevent and combat all forms of gender-based violence. The increase in domestic violence during the COVID-19 pandemic must be urgently addressed, they add, by providing protection services for victims, such as helplines, safe accommodation and health services.

Specific measures are also needed to eradicate cyber violence, including online harassment, cyberbullying and hate speech, which disproportionately affect women and girls.


Towards a more balanced gender representation in the economy

Parliament reiterates its call on EU member states to unblock the Women on Boards Directive, and pushes for EU targets, action plans, timelines and temporary special measures to move towards a balanced representation in all executive, legislative and administrative positions.

Adopting EU legislation to increase pay transparency would help to close the gender gap, MEPs stress, who regret that the Commission proposal on that issue has not yet been presented as planned.


Universal access to healthcare is a human right

MEPs are particularly worried by some retrogressive tendencies regarding access to health services in some EU countries. They notably condemn the recent de facto ban on abortion in Poland.

 Access to family planning, maternal health services and safe and legal abortion services are key elements that guarantee women’s rights and save lives, they underline. Finally, MEPs also call for the universal respect for, and access to, sexual and reproductive health and rights services, as agreed in the Beijing Declaration.


The Beijing Declaration was adopted by the UN at the end of the 4th World Conference on Women on 15 September 1995 to promulgate a set of principles on gender equality. The Platform for Action called for strategic actions in a variety of areas (economy, education, health, violence, decision-making, etc.).

Bulgaria’s Premier: We Will Overcome Pandemic First in EU

Bulgaria’s Premier: We Will Overcome Pandemic First in EU

Prime Minister Boyko Borisov said that he is very optimistic about the recovery plans which are financed by the European Commission. In a commentary on the latest interim economic forecast of the European Commission, Borisov pointed out:

“We can be optimistic. And it is no coincidence that today’s forecasts are already for higher economic growth in  Bulgaria – nearly 3% for this year and up to 5% in the next. But I am convinced that, after so many people recovered from the Covid, we will be the first to come out of the pandemic. We are vaccinating at full steam!

Meanwhile, the EC published its winter economic forecast, according to which Bulgaria‘s GDP will grow by 2.7 percent this year. Weaker economic growth in the EU s forecast for only four countries – the Netherlands, Austria, Lithuania and Estonia, according to the European Commission’s ‘winter’ forecast

EUR 29 billion are allocated for our country from the European Union to patch up the damage and mitigate the consequences of the pandemic.

“That’s BGN 60 billion which will come to our country in the coming years, of which BGN 50 billion is in grants”, announced Prime Minister Borisov during a inspection of the construction and repair works on Trakia motorway.

For the first time the EU envisions for Bulgaria such a significant sum to help the country recover from the crisis caused by the pandemic. In the words of Prime Minister Borisov, this will ensure that whatever government there is after the elections the investment program of the state will not be halted.

Deputy Prime Minister Tomislav Donchev reports to the Prime Minister on our country’s progress in preparing Bulgaria‘s Recovery and Sustainability Plan. He pointed out that Bulgaria is among the countries progressing the fastest and this will make the money to be available to the business as quickly as possible. The new version of the Plan has already been published following public discussions and consultations.

“The good news is that new BGN 900 million is earmarked especially for the business in three funds, in addition to the BGN 800 million left from the first variant of the plan. We plan to make this money available as quickly as possible in Bulgaria – if possible as early as the middle of this year”, said Donchev.

The Deputy Prime Minister added that over the next five years Bulgaria will be able to double the volume of public investment in infrastructure, railways, digital connectivity, energy efficiency, but above all for direct investment in business.

UMD Rejects Border Changes and Land Swaps as Solution to Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue

UMD Rejects Border Changes and Land Swaps as Solution to Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue

UMD Rejects Border Changes and Land Swaps as Solution to Kosovo-Serbia Dialogue – Book Publishing Industry Today – EIN Presswire

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Update on COVID-19: cautious optimism


Statement by Dr Hans Henri P. Kluge, WHO Regional Director for Europe

Copenhagen, 11 February 2021

Good morning,

Even though we’re still seeing more than 1 million cases reported every week across the European Region, the overall case incidence of COVID-19 has been declining for 4 consecutive weeks, and for 2 weeks in a row, the number of new deaths has decreased.

Whilst this is good news, the decline in cases conceals increasing numbers of outbreaks and community spread involving variants of concern, meaning that we need to watch overall trends in transmission carefully and avoid rash decisions.

The numbers we are seeing are still too high. Two days ago, 40 countries in the European Region reported 3610 deaths in 24 hours, caused by COVID-19.

At this point, the overwhelming majority of European countries remain vulnerable. Right now, it’s a thin line between the hope of a vaccine and a false sense of security.

Based on information from 29 out of the 37 countries currently vaccinating in the European Region today, 7.8 million people have completed their immunization series. That’s equivalent to only 1.5% of the population of those 29 countries.

Yesterday, 17 states and territories in the WHO European Region had a 14-day incidence larger than 400 reported cases for every 100 000 people. This warrants measured decision-making at this critical juncture.

Time and again have we seen countries reopen too fast and lose hard-earned gains. I must reiterate that decisions to lift public health and social measures need to be underpinned with data, based on epidemiological assessment and health system capacity. Criteria need to be evidence-based – and not based on observations of relative progress.

Many of you worry about new variants, about how infectious they are, whether the disease they cause is more severe, whether vaccines will be less effective against them. Some variants are indeed of particular concern. We have all followed the reports on how receptive the variant B.1.351, first identified in South Africa, is to the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine.

This particular variant of concern has been reported in 19 European countries. Although community transmission in Europe is not yet widespread, the variant has increasingly been linked to outbreaks in communities. Irrespective of the variant, we must continue to suppress the virus.

Yesterday, the WHO Strategic Advisory Group of Experts on Immunization concluded, based on all available evidence, that the Oxford AstraZeneca vaccine can be used in persons aged 18 years and above, including people older than 65 years.

What does the emergence of these variants mean?

It means that we must do everything in our power to reduce transmission and delay mutations that may influence vaccine efficacy. Unless we halt transmission now, the expected benefits from vaccinations in controlling this pandemic may not be evident.

This means that manufacturers will have to adjust to the virus’ evolution. This also underlines the importance of maintaining a diverse portfolio of vaccines of varied technology platforms for use in a range of settings.

Vaccines are essential, but as of now, they are not sufficient to control the pandemic. They are only one among many tools at our disposal.

What has not changed is how the virus transmits. Temporary setbacks do not change the fact that current responses are having an impact. Despite new variants, WHO’s guidance on social and public health measures remains unchanged.

There is some more good news.

Thirty-five state parties have extended their genetic sequencing of SARS-CoV-2, as have 18 others supported by WHO’s reference laboratories, due to the growing importance of identifying new variants.

Based on data from nearly 20 countries, the hospitalization rate due to COVID-19 fell from 13 to 11 per 100 000 people, between the 3rd and 4th week of January. A decrease, yes, but many of our hospitals continue to struggle.

The number of vaccine doses given has also exceeded the number of reported cases in the Region: some 41 million doses administered, versus 36 million reported cases.

Vaccination of priority groups is already saving lives. But the sheer scale of COVID-19 vaccine deployment is enormous; vaccinations will take time.

Vaccines offer a way to emerge faster from this pandemic. But only if we ensure that all countries, irrespective of income level, have access to them.

The divide between high-, middle- and low-income countries is clearer than ever. Unfair access to vaccines can backfire. The longer the virus lingers, the greater the risk of dangerous mutations.

Equitable access is a moral imperative, one that mitigates the pandemic’s impact on all of us, not just some.

Together with the European Union, today we launch a €40 million programme to ensure effective deployment of COVID-19 vaccines in 6 countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova. This complements ongoing work through COVAX and the EU sharing mechanism, with an initial focus on readiness, information campaigns, supplies and training of health workers.

Yesterday, I also signed an agreement with the EU to support the countries of the western Balkans in their efforts. In addition, we have a joint EU–WHO programme for the response across the central Asia region.

The time to scale up and accelerate vaccine production is now. We’re calling for a joint European effort to get vaccination programmes on track. Manufacturers and health-care providers need to share clinical data and dossiers with us so that we can accelerate Emergency Use Listings. We are also identifying smaller production sites with enough capacity and quality criteria in place to help manufacturing of vaccine components. Again, the key here is solidarity and pragmatism, through synergizing vaccine production capacity.

Finally, a very happy birthday to Sister Andre, Europe’s oldest person, a French nun who celebrates her 117th birthday today. A COVID-19 survivor, there’s a remarkable lesson to be learned from Sister Andre, who, during her illness, selflessly showed more concern for her fellow nursing home residents than for her own life.

Look after each other, and please stay safe.

Thank you.

Stopping human trafficking: MEPs call for more action | News | European Parliament

Stopping human trafficking: MEPs call for more action | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/society/20210204STO97130/