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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Understanding canine attachment

Every dog has its own unique way of expressing its emotions, but one of the most universal and common gestures is licking or "kissing". Although it may seem like a simple and instinctive action,...

Concern for creation in religions

By Martin Hoegger, www.hoegger.org We cannot separate respect for the earth from the quality of human life. A “zoom in” on the relational aspect of nature in various religious traditions was the theme of a...

A white bison calf was born in Yellowstone, what does that mean?

Tribes honor the birth of a rare white buffalo calf in Yellowstone, spotted on June 4, and reveal its name: Wakan Gli. This is the second reported birth of a white buffalo this year. The...

Mexico: Drought will affect 89.5% of the country’s territory

The area of Mexico affected by drought is expected to increase from "85.58% to 89.58% due to the lack of rain," reports Excélsior. The National Weather Service report attributed this to the prolonged third heat...

An ancient arm of the Nile that passed through 30 pyramids in Egypt discovered

Scientists have discovered an ancient arm of the Nile, which has now dried up, but used to pass by thirty pyramids in Ancient Egypt, including those in Giza.

Belgium and Europe join forces to support plant health, biodiversity and the economy

A broad coalition of partners from across Europe have joined forces to launch the second year of the #PlantHealth4Life campaign, which aims to raise awareness of the deep links between plant health and our...

The oldest gorilla in the world turned 67 years old

Berlin Zoo is celebrating Fatou the gorilla's 67th birthday. She is the oldest in the world, the zoo claims. Fatou was born in 1957 and came to the zoo in what was then West Berlin...

4 reasons why a dog takes your place as soon as you stand up

Whether you find it adorable or annoying, it's happened to every pet owner at one point or another: the dog has stolen your spot. Before you smile condescendingly, we hasten to tell you that...

Why is the dog scratching my sheets?

Dogs are extremely inventive when it comes to strange antics. If your pet scratches your sheets, for example, it can leave you confused: why does the animal do it? Possible reasons why the dog scratches...

The Ultimate Guide To Bird Care For Beginners

You've decided to welcome a feathered friend into your home, choosing to care for a bird is a rewarding experience. However, it's important to understand that birds require special attention and care to thrive...

5 Common Health Issues In Dogs And How To Prevent Them

Dogs are beloved members of our families, but they can face various health issues that can affect their well-being. Preventing these common health issues is key to ensuring a long and happy life for...

The Benefits Of Owning A Cat For Mental Health

Benefits of having a furry feline friend extend beyond cuddles and purrs; owning a cat can significantly improve your mental health.

How To Introduce A New Cat To Your Household

It's an exciting time when bringing a new feline friend into your home, but introducing a new cat to your household requires careful planning and consideration to ensure a smooth transition for everyone involved....

2.5 years in prison for killing the cat Eros in Turkey

A court in Istanbul sentenced Ibrahim Keloglan, who brutally killed the cat named Eros, to 2.5 years in prison for "Intentional killing of a pet." The defendant was sentenced to 2 years and 6...

How to interact with a shy cat?

Purring animals often appear confident and fearless. But in reality, they can be shy and fearful of their surroundings. There are several reasons for this, but sometimes it's just their genetics. Other times it...

Bird Watching 101 – Tips For Attracting Birds To Your Yard

Watching beautiful birds flit and chirp in your own backyard can bring such joy and tranquility to your daily life. Whether you're an experienced bird watcher or just starting out, knowing how to attract...

Why is my cat walking in circles around me?

A cat walking in circles around you probably wants your attention. Walking at your feet and rubbing them is a typical feline greeting

Essential Supplies Every Cat Owner Needs

Just brought home your new feline friend? Congratulations on welcoming a new member to your family! To ensure a comfortable, safe, and happy environment for your cat, having the right supplies is crucial. From...

Top 10 Best Dog Breeds For Families

Many families considering adding a furry member to their household often wonder which dog breeds would be the best fit for their unique dynamics. Finding a dog that is friendly, loving, and great with...

The Top 5 Most Talkative Bird Species

Just imagine having a feathered friend that can talk your ear off! If you love chatty companions, these top 5 most talkative bird species will enchant you with their incredible ability to mimic sounds...

Afforestation of Africa threatens grasslands and savannahs

New research warns that Africa's tree-planting campaign poses a double jeopardy as it will damage ancient CO2-absorbing grass ecosystems while failing to fully restore depleted forests, the Financial Times reports. The article, published in the...

Dolphins vs. humans

Dolphins have a cortex (cerebral cortex, gray matter) more developed than humans. They have self-awareness, complex thought streams, and give themselves unique personal names. Dolphins rescue drowning people. They communicate, talk, sing. There is no hierarchy with...

What is tire pyrolysis and how does it affect health?

We introduce you to the term pyrolysis and how the process affects human health and nature. Tire pyrolysis is a process that uses high temperature and the absence of oxygen to break down tires into...

Why do dogs destroy things when they are alone

You come home after a long day at work and your dog greets you at the door – tail wagging and sloppy kisses. You smile, grateful for this kind welcome. And then your gaze...

China is bringing home all the panda – friendship ambassadors from the US

All the world's pandas belong to China, but Beijing has been leasing animals to foreign countries since 1984. Three giant pandas from the Washington Zoo will return to China as scheduled last December, Chinese Foreign...
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