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Friday, May 10, 2024


Gaston de Persigny

Gaston de Persigny - Reporter at The European Times News
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Why does a glass of red wine cause a headache?

A glass of red wine causes a headache, which can be caused by a variety of factors, one of the main culprits being histamines....
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Adultery is still a crime in New York under a 1907...

A legislative change is foreseen. Under a 1907 law, adultery is still a crime in New York state, the AP reported. A legislative change is...
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Coal use set to record in 2023

Global coal supply is expected to hit a record high in use in 2023 on the back of increased demand from now with emerging...
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Financial scandal in the Vatican: Cardinal was sentenced to prison

This is happening for the first time in the history of the Catholic Church A cardinal was sentenced to prison by a Vatican court. This...
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Pope Francis celebrated his 87th birthday in the presence of dozens...

Children from the Vatican-run pediatric clinic sang several songs for the Holy Father Pope Francis turned 87 today, greeted by children who helped him blow...
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Why do dogs destroy things when they are alone

You come home after a long day at work and your dog greets you at the door – tail wagging and sloppy kisses. You...
Europe's new Ariane 6 rocket will fly in June 2024

Europe’s new Ariane 6 rocket will fly in June 2024

The European Space Agency's (ESA) Ariane 6 rocket will fly for the first time on June 15, 2024. It will carry an array of...
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MEP Maxette Pirbakas calls for the immediate reinstatement of Barbara Olivier-Zandronis

MEP Maxette Pirbakas condemns the treatment of a journalist by RCI Guadeloupe, calling it a "brutal act" that defies press freedom. Full statement here.
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100 times quieter than a helicopter: NASA began testing air taxi for safety and noise

100 times quieter than a helicopter: NASA began testing air taxi for safety and noise

Killed for uncovering a multimillion-dollar medical scheme

Killed for uncovering a multimillion-dollar medical scheme

The history of the creation of nylon stockings, bikinis and other iconic items that changed the world of fashion

The history of the creation of nylon stockings, bikinis and other iconic items that changed the world of fashion

The woman next to Elon Musk auctioned off part of her soul

The woman next to Elon Musk auctioned off part of her soul

Adapting to stress saves from depression

Adapting to stress saves from depression

A new metal in which electrons move like a liquid has appeared

A new metal in which electrons move like a liquid has appeared

Slave trade has led to the emergence of new pathogenic viruses in America

Slave trade has led to the emergence of new pathogenic viruses in America

The Mu mutation: Why scientists look at it with interest and are a little scared

The Mu mutation: Why scientists look at it with interest and are a little scared

IQ is lowered by habits – a relation you didn’t know existed

IQ is lowered by habits - a relation you didn't know existed

How did Lithuania manage to anger China so much that its economic relations were threatened?

How did Lithuania manage to anger China so much that its economic relations were threatened?
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