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Monthly Archives: June, 2023

Earth has a new quasi-moon that will orbit us for at least another 1,500 years

The ancient space satellite has been in the vicinity of our planet since 100 BC. Astronomers have discovered a new quasi-moon Earth - a cosmic...

The Cleopatra scandal deepens: Egypt demands billions of dollars in compensation

A team of Egyptian lawyers and archaeologists is demanding that the streaming company "Netflix" pay compensation in the amount of two billion dollars for...

From the war in Ukraine, images of violence, resistance, and hope

A Russian genocide scholar, on leave in the United States, has spearheaded a Clark University exhibition of photos documenting the war in Ukraine

People with this disease should be careful with tomatoes

Tomatoes are present in the diet of many people. But unfortunately, they are not a one-size-fits-all food. The disease in which tomatoes aggravate the symptoms In...

Deal on digital traffic data rules

Parliament and Council agreed on rules for intelligent transport systems that require more traffic data, such as on speed limits, to be available digitally.

Peacekeepers to be repatriated following allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse

Following serious allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse, a unit of 60 Tanzanian peacekeepers based in the Central African Republic, is to be repatriated.

Arrests and hate speech target Baha’i minority in Yemen

OHCHR said that on 25 May, security forces stormed a peaceful meeting of Baha’is in Sana’a. Seventeen people, including five women, were taken to...

Ukraine flood disaster: needs grow as long-term impacts loom

Speaking to journalists from Bilozerka, a town on the Dnipro River about 20 kilometres west of Kherson and five kilometres from the frontline, Ms....

UN relief chief outlines three-phase response plan to Ukraine dam disaster

“We need to focus on an emergency response right now”, he said, highlighting a three-step plan to provide humanitarian assistance to all Ukrainians impacted,...

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