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EconomyA Belgian beer company boasted of its success in Russia

A Belgian beer company boasted of its success in Russia

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Gaston de Persigny
Gaston de Persigny
Gaston de Persigny - Reporter at The European Times News

Shelves in Russian shops are filled with bottles and cans of Hoegaarden, Stella Artois and Delirium Tremens

While many Western companies seek to distance themselves from Russia, the Belgium-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce boasted of the success of its Belgian beers, which were the drink of choice in Russian stores.

The chamber of commerce released a video showing shelves in Russian stores filled with bottles and cans of Hoegaarden, Stella Artois and Delirium Tremens.

The Chamber notes with satisfaction that until now their monthly sales have remained at the levels of the beginning of 2022.

Their representative specifies that since beer and food products are not subject to European sanctions, they still have the right to transport and sell them in Russia. It is also possible to produce Belgian beers there, as long as the Russian companies that decide to do so have purchased the relevant licenses.

“We are happy that even in Russia they can still drink Belgian beer, as we are convinced that it is the best amber liquid in the world,” wrote the representative of Stella Artois on Twitter.

A little later he deleted his comment. The brag from the makers of Stella Artois comes as another iconic Belgian brand – Leffe – faces calls to boycott its products.

They were sent after the management of Leffe decided to open seven breweries on the territory of Russia. They announced this intention days ago and it caused an avalanche of angry reactions.

According to some analysts, behind the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce is its representation in Russia – respectively Russian citizens.

So far, the Federation of Belgian Chambers of Commerce, which represents accredited trade unions both in Belgium and abroad, has declined to comment on the matter.

The Federation only confirmed that the Belgian-Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce in Russia is one of their members, which is completely free to advertise its products.

Photo: Gallery / stellaartois.com

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