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EuropeIn 2022 Happiness Day Scientology parishioners hit the streets and media waves...

In 2022 Happiness Day Scientology parishioners hit the streets and media waves in Europe and worldwide

United Nations created the International Day of Happiness on March 20 because happiness is a fundamental human goal. Time to convert desire into accomplishment

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

United Nations created the International Day of Happiness on March 20 because happiness is a fundamental human goal. Time to convert desire into accomplishment

BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, March 24, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — Happiness Day – In a time when happiness is an ever sought condition, especially with current international events, there is no time for wasting any celebration that calls for happiness and, therefore, Peace.

While some were learning about happiness through the different shows in 17 languages, Scientologists in many cities of Europe took the teachings to the streets and distributed the well-known booklets to thousands of families, for example, in Spain, Germany, Switzerland, Austria and many others.

Moving then to the electronic world of media, internet and tv waves, for the International Day of Happiness, the Scientology Network offered anyone wishing to attain or increase their happiness or the happiness of others an all-day broadcasting marathon. This full-day happiness program has then been watched on TV, Computers, laptops, tablets and phones.

In addition, the Network featured The Way to Happiness, the common-sense guide to better living by humanitarian and Scientology Founder L. Ron Hubbard. And it spotlighted the social betterment campaign the book continues to inspire since its publication and its positive impact across the globe.

The Way to Happiness is built upon universally held beliefs and laws of morality, integrity and trust. People of all faiths and none resonate with it because of its common-sense message. And millions across 156 countries use the book to guide and improve their lives.

Happiness Day in TV

The Network’s International Happiness Day marathon included The Way to Happiness book-on-film and episodes of the original series Voices for Humanity, showcasing the movement in action. Episodes document how the booklet helped:

• Broker peace among warring gangs in South Central Los Angeles
• Reduce crime in inner-city Denver neighbourhoods
• Transform a poverty-stricken village in Zambia into one on its way to sustainability
• Awaken hardened Colombian soldiers—once notorious for their extrajudicial killing of innocent civilians—to their responsibility for preserving the lives and welfare of their fellow citizens.

The Scientology Network debuted in 2018. Since launching with a special episode featuring Scientology ecclesiastical leader Mr David Miscavige, Scientology Network has been viewed in 240 countries and territories worldwide in 17 languages.

Satisfying curiosity about Scientology, the Network takes viewers across six continents, spotlighting the everyday lives of Scientologists, showing the Church as a global organization, and presenting its social betterment programs that have touched the lives of millions worldwide. The Network also showcases documentaries by independent filmmakers who represent a cross-section of cultures and faiths but share a common purpose of uplifting communities.

Broadcast from Scientology Media Productions, the Church’s global media centre in Los Angeles, the Scientology Network can be streamed on Scientology.tv and is available through satellite television, mobile apps and via the Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV platforms.

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