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Editor's choiceUNGASS 2021 – World leaders gather at first-ever UN General Assembly Special...

UNGASS 2021 – World leaders gather at first-ever UN General Assembly Special Session against corruption

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© UNIS Vienna

Corruption thrives in times of crisis and the ongoing global COVID-19 health crisis has not been an exception . The urgent responses required during the pandemic create significant opportunities for corruption.

It is against this backdrop that for the first time in its history, the UN General Assembly is devoting a special session to corruption. From 2 to 4 June 2021, the world will come together at the UN headquarters in New York to discuss challenges and measures to prevent and combat corruption and strengthen international cooperation.

The programme of UNGASS 2021 is available here.


Starting on 1 June, around 40 events on the sidelines of UNGASS 2021 will be held online, covering such topics as  corruption in the health sector, gender equality and anti-corruption efforts, stolen-asset recovery, whistleblower protection, and the  launch of the GlobE Network an initiative that promotes  quick and efficient global cross-border cooperation to end corruption.

For the list of side events and the agenda go to: ungass2021.unodc.org


From 24 to 26 May, 850 young people from 122 countries gathered online for the UNGASS Youth Forum against Corruption to discuss the effect of corruption on young people, and how the international community can better empower youth to actively engage in and help lead the design of future anti-corruption efforts.

Discussions at the UNGASS Youth Forum are being summarized in a Statement. This call to action from young people will be presented by a Youth Forum representative to world leaders at UNGASS 2021.

More information about the UNGASS Youth Forum is available at: https://ungass2021.unodc.org/ungass2021/en/youth-forum.html

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