In a world where ideologies and sects often stir controversy and confusion, understanding the intricacies of these phenomena becomes paramount. The European Times had...
Learn about the controversy surrounding the concept of "cults" and the legality of identifying them. Discover the conflicting views between the Belgian Cult Observatory and the European Court of Human Rights regarding "harmful cultic organizations".
FECRIS is the European Federation of Centers for Research and Information on Sects and Cults, an umbrella organization funded by the French government, that...
FECRIS - Yet once more, the specialized human rights magazine, founded by expert Massimo Introvigne, broke the news this morning with the latest...
FECRIS, entirely funded by the French government, provides important support to its Russian members and the Kremlin in their outrageous propaganda against Ukraine and the West.
The current war in Ukraine is not the product of a one-week preparation. It has been prepared with more than a decade of propaganda, and in fact started already in 2014 with the invasion and occupation of Crimea