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Saturday, September 28, 2024
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The Library of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, built by the Holy King and Prophet Solomon 3,000 years ago. There, in the temple library, the sacred books (of the Old Testament) were kept in order not to add anything to the sacred text. This, according to the Talmud, guaranteed the purity of the scriptures. There were three sacred scrolls in the Jerusalem temple (Hebrew for Sefer, Megillat Sefer): Sefer Mahon (named after a settlement near Tiberias, an important literary center), Sefer Zatute (miniature, minuscule scroll), Sefer Hee ( according to the name of its owner, who was a noted writer).

Philippi or Philippopolis (1)

Prof. Asen Chilingirov presents a very plausible hypothesis for a possible change in the New Testament geography sacra - to the citizens of which ancient city was the Epistle to the Philippians addressed to the Apostle Paul. Born in 1932 in Sofia. Graduated in history, music and art history in Bulgaria. Since 1964 he has lived and worked in Berlin, Germany. He also studied art history at Humboldt University. He is the author of over 400 scientific papers. Among them are "Great History of Christian Art in Bulgaria" and "Cultural History of Bulgaria", published in German in FRGermany and the GDR. He teaches at the Universities of Berlin and Leipzig. He was a chief consultant for Balkan art in the Encyclopedia of Medieval Art in Rome from 1984 to 1995.

Philippi or Philippopolis (2)

Prof. Asen Chilingirov presents a very plausible hypothesis for a possible change in the New Testament geography sacra - to the citizens of which ancient city was the Epistle to the Philippians addressed to the Apostle Paul. Born in 1932 in Sofia. Graduated in history, music and art history in Bulgaria. Since 1964 he has lived and worked in Berlin, Germany. He also studied art history at Humboldt University. He is the author of over 400 scientific papers. Among them are "Great History of Christian Art in Bulgaria" and "Cultural History of Bulgaria", published in German in FRGermany and the GDR. He teaches at the Universities of Berlin and Leipzig. He was a chief consultant for Balkan art in the Encyclopedia of Medieval Art in Rome from 1984 to 1995.

Orthodoxy and Heresy in IVth century

We can assume that there was a first meeting of the Eastern bishops invited by the imperial vicar of Philippopolis - held on the city's Acropolis (as suggested by Leslie Barnard in his study of the Council of Serdica in 343) or at the stadium where it met The "Thracian National Assembly" of the autonomous ancient city, probably before they left for Serdica, where the ecumenical council convened in 343 was to be held. With the constitution of a separate eastern council in Philippopolis, there is every reason to locate, as the venue of the council sessions of 344, an early Christian basilica in Palestinian-Roman style (at the address of the metropolitan house of today's Roman Catholic bishop of the city Plovdiv, Blvd. "Kn. Maria Luiza" №3). The early Christian church is astonishing in its size (including the atrium and the courtyard): its total length is 86.30 m (the length of the nave with the apse is 56.50 m) and its width is 38.50 m; it is the largest building of its kind from the IV-VI century in the Balkans - for comparison, the Basilica of Constantine in Rome is 100 m long by 76 m wide, and the basilica in Pompeii - 67 m by 25 m.

40 years of WCC and Vatican in the scope of the KGB

Four decades the World Council of Churches and the Vatican in the scope of the Committee for State Security (KGB) A new publication in Bulgaria...


tely, it is talked more and more of Islamic banking and Islamic insurance, penetrating Europe. Little is known, however, of the initiatives of Christian churches for regulating the financial situation of religious Christian organizations in the age of global secularism.

The European Union without the Province of Europe

Today it is fashionable to comment on the priority of the regions in the policy of the European Union, which also affects the regional...

In Spain, 9 Catalan separatists were pardoned

The opposition described the act as a blow to democracy The Spanish government has unanimously approved Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez's proposal to pardon nine of...

About Gypsy religiosity (2)

About Gypsy religiosity (2)

Without a signed document: Zoran Zaev surprisingly left Sofia

Without a signed document: Zoran Zaev surprisingly left Sofia
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