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Wednesday, January 8, 2025
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The importance of the Western Balkans for the EU during a war in Europe

The prospect of accession is important because of Putin and China. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has finally awakened the European Union to the strategic importance...

Ancient DNA reveals genomic history of ‘cradle of civilization’

Analysis of ancient DNA from more than 700 individuals reveals a complete genomic history of the so-called “Southern Arc,” a region spanning southeastern Europe...

INTERVIEW: Is trying to ban Halal slaughtering a concern for Human Rights?

Is trying to ban Halal slaughtering a concern for Human Rights? This is the question our special contributor, PhD. Alessandro Amicarelli, a renowned human rights...

Some Dope* on Drugs… and European Youth

Over the last two decades the demand and supply for illicit drugs have dramatically increased as evidenced by the huge quantities seized in 2020 according to the European Drug Report: 739tons of cannabis, 213 tons of cocaine, 21.2 tons of amphetamines, 5.1 tons of heroin, 2.2 tons of methamphetamine, 1 ton of MDMA (ecstasy). Among the illicit drugs are not only found the traditional ones but also mixtures of illicit drugs, adulteration with other chemicals, newly synthetized drugs (as the NPS: New Psychoactive Substances: 5.1 tons seized) developed in clandestine laboratories, and finally the misuse and abuse of prescriptions drugs. 

Bulgaria ranks first in Europe in terms of smoking

Bulgaria ranks first in terms of smoking in Europe, and the country has already surpassed even Greece, which until recently was first. This was...

WWF: 17% of Europe’s population will experience water shortage by 2050

A World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) analysis shows that 17% of people in Europe could face high to extreme risks of water shortage...

Bible, Philippoi or Philippopolis, Nicopolis Epirus or Nicopolis ad Nestum

In the science of the Bible, including New Testament research, assumptions and hypotheses are often expressed, and great efforts are made to defend opinions...

Asylum and migration in the EU: facts and figures

Migration in the EU has been affected by crises such as the Covid-19 pandemic and Russian hostilities.

Energy: EU prepares “structural reform of the electricity market

Europe is working on "a structural reform of the electricity market

Onomatodoxy (the Russian heresy of “Imyaslavie“)

Name worship (Gr. Onomatodoxia) - a teaching that asserts that God's name is God Himself, condemned by a Synodal Definition from the Russian Orthodox...
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