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Friday, March 7, 2025
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Protect Yourself Against Heart Attack and Stroke – Train Your Blood Vessels

A heart attack occurs when an artery carrying blood and oxygen to the heart becomes obstructed. Short, repeated bouts of restricted circulation using a blood pressure cuff may be beneficial to one’s health. The majority...

A US court has rejected a Guelph Treasure claim brought by heirs of Jewish merchants

The treasure of the Guelphs is on display in the Berlin Museum of Decorative Arts A US court has awarded victory to a major German cultural institution in a long-running battle with the heirs of...

Scientists Discover a Simple Trick To Cut Down on Your Drinking

The study found that people consumed about 6.5% less wine when they drank from smaller glasses. A new study identifies a simple trick that may help people drink less. According to recent research that was recently published...

Physicists Reveal More Effective and Earth-Friendly Way To Clean Dishes

Researchers simulated a superheated steam dishwasher, finding that it killed 99% of bacteria on a plate in just 25 seconds. Washing dishes with superheated steam is more effective and Earth-friendly. Simulations show steam kills bacteria...

Construction of a floating Arctic power unit has begun in China

Russian RITM-200 reactors serve as a base In China, the construction of the hull of the first floating nuclear power unit based on the Russian RITM-200 reactors has begun. The length of the barge will be...

Potential Long-Term Treatment for Asthma Discovered

Asthma is a disease that can cause your airways narrow and swell as well as produce additional mucus. Rather than merely treating its symptoms, a new strategy targets one of asthma’s causes. Researchers from Aston...

The sounds that help us fall asleep like a baby

The average person spends a third of their life on earth sleeping. Although this may seem like a lot of sleep in your life, studies show that 1 in 3 adults still do not...

10 Things You Think You Know That Aren’t Actually True

Nobody has the time to look into everything, so people often have to take some things which we know are common knowledge for granted. Unfortunately, not every bit of information you pick up along...

500,000 American Men Get Vasectomies Every Year – A Specialist Explains the Quick and Simple Procedure

This year, many vasectomy patients are young or single men concerned about unwanted pregnancy at a time when abortion care may not be as available as before. In any given year, about half a...

Neurons in the human brain that respond to pictures of food discovered

Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA, discovered neurons that respond to pictures of food, writes the magazine "Current Biology". According to the researchers, it is possible that these neurons evolved because of...

An American museum returned to Greece a precious exhibit stolen by the WWI Bulgarian army

Washington, USA 30 Aug 2022, 03:53 Author: BLITZ It was seized from a Greek monastery during the First World War The Museum of the Bible in Washington, D.C., which is working to restore trust by returning...

A Mystery Solved: Why Does Coral Glow?

Corals display glowing colors (fluorescence). Credit: Tel Aviv University Researchers have proved for the first time that corals’ fluorescent colors are intended to attract prey. For the first time, a recent study from Tel Aviv...

Code [Collection of Laws] of Lipit-Ishtar

Legal code from about 1870 B.C. written in the Sumerian language. It predates the long-known Hamurabi law code, now in the Louvre, by more than a century, and for its interest in the history...

Artemis I Path to the Pad: The Most Powerful Rocket NASA Has Ever Built

Have you ever wondered what it takes to assemble the most powerful rocket NASA has ever built? Watch documentary footage of NASA’s Space Launch System (SLS) rocket’s transformation into the over-300-foot-tall launch vehicle that...

The Science of Beards

As World Beard Day (September 3) comes around again, and the planet gets ready to celebrate fabulous facial hair, here are a few things that scientists have discovered about beards. Beards are undeniably manly Multiple studies...

Awake at Night: 5 Foods to Avoid

Trouble sleeping? It may be your diet at fault if you fall asleep and wake up several times during the night. Many of us assume that an overactive mind is causing sleeplessness, but that...

Scientists studied the combination of morning coffee with a cigarette

Many smokers start their day with just a cigarette and a cup of coffee. And this combination, as it turns out, is not accidental. Researchers have found that chemicals in coffee beans reduce nicotine...

A Perfect Trap for Light – Allows Light To Be Absorbed Perfectly in Photosynthesis and Photovoltaics

Researchers built a “light trap” around a thin layer using mirrors and lenses, in which the light beam is steered in a circle and then superimposed on itself – exactly in such a way...

Mapping the Globe and Creating Strong Passwords, Using the Power of 3 Random Words

The math of threes is surprisingly powerful. It’s difficult to imagine that three random words have the power to both map the globe and protect your private data. The secret behind this amazing power...

Expert Gives a Guided Tour of Stunning Webb Telescope Stephan’s Quintet Image

An enormous mosaic of Stephan’s Quintet is the largest image to date from NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope, covering about one-fifth of the Moon’s diameter. It contains over 150 million pixels and is...

Science Reveals: Why Doesn’t Everybody View the World the Same Way?

People often misinterpret their own perceptions of people and situations as objective fact, rather than solely their own interpretation. UCLA psychologist Matthew Lieberman explains why people might see things differently. Why are we so certain...

A manuscript of Galileo Galilei turned out to be a forgery

American historian Nick Wilding has discovered that Galileo Galilei's manuscript from the University of Michigan library is a forgery. It is believed to have been made by the famous forger Tobias Nicotra in the...

The Sausage Plague: how the most dangerous poison became the elixir of youth

 "Everything is poison, everything is medicine. Both are determined by the dose.” These words are attributed to the famous Swiss physician, alchemist and forerunner of modern pharmacology, Paracelsus. When people talk about the "most...

Showering and washing dishes during a thunderstorm forbidden

Although the likelihood of being struck by lightning is small, it is important to know how to stay safe during a thunderstorm. Globally, about 24,000 people are killed by lightning each year and another...

Snow on the ice moon Europa can rain from the bottom up

Jupiter's moon Europa is perhaps the most interesting celestial body in the Solar System for astrobiologists. Europa is slightly smaller than our Moon, but unlike it, it has a surface of ice, under which...
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