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Saturday, June 22, 2024
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Several women have accused a Georgian metropolitan of sexual assault

An investigation gathered the testimonies of five women who were victims of sexual assault by a high-ranking Georgian cleric over the past ten years.

Kindergarten in Germany removes Christmas tree and sparks debate

The management does not want to put up a Christmas tree “in a spirit of religious freedom”, headlines the regional newspaper BILD By Ivan Dimitrov A decision by a kindergarten in the Lockstedt district of the...

Historic Visit, European Sikh Organization Gains Support for Recognition within the European Union

In a groundbreaking event on December 6, history was made as a Sikh delegation, accompanied by members of the European Sikh Organization, was extended a warm welcome at the European Parliament. This significant development...

The forgotten Ukrainian roots of a famous “French” saint as an example of imperial unification and denationalization

By Sergiy Shumilo A characteristic feature of imperial culture is the absorption of the spiritual, intellectual and creative forces and heritage of conquered peoples. Ukraine is no exception. Take away from the culture of the...

Rights of Religious Minorities in Europe, a Delicate Balance says MEP Maxette Pirbakas

MEP Maxette Pirbakas, at the European Parliemant, emphasizes the importance of religious tolerance and freedom in Europe, highlighting the need for dialogue and respect for minority rights.

What future for Christian culture in Europe?

By Martin Hoegger. What kind of Europe are we heading for? And, more specifically, where are the Churches and Church movements heading in the current climate of growing uncertainty? The shrinking of the Churches is...

Spaces of Respect, Bridge-Builder Promotes Religious Minorities Dialogue at European Parliament

Lahcen Hammouch emphasizes the importance of a respectful space for religious minorities to express their beliefs transparently within a democratic framework.

Jewish Leader Condemns Religious Hate Crimes, Calls for Respect of Minority Faiths in Europe

Rabbi Avi Tawil passionately addressed a meeting at the European Parliament, highlighting the history of anti-Semitic hate crimes against Jewish children in Europe. He called for unity among religions to create an inclusive European society. Tawil emphasized the importance of defending rights for spiritual minorities to realize Europe's unifying promise.

Religious Freedom Under Fire: Media Complicity in the Persecution of Minority Faiths

In a speech at the European Parliament, Willy Fautré accuses European media of fostering religious intolerance and calls for ethical journalism standards in covering minority faiths. Find out more about the impact of sensationalism and biased labeling on religious groups in Europe.

A large-scale study shows the state of the churches in North Macedonia

Last week, a study by the international organization "ICOMOS Macedonia" was presented in North Macedonia, dedicated to the state of churches and monasteries in the country. The study of 707 churches by experts is...

Christian Presence in Peril, Displacement and Harassment in the Holy Land

Christian presence in peril, the majority of people of northern Gaza have been displaced as well as Christians, whose installations have also been targeted.

United Against Discrimination, Scientologist Calls Out Germany at European Parliament

Speaking passionately last week at the European Parliament, Ivan Arjona, Scientology's representative to European institutions, condemned worsening religious discrimination targeting his faith community specifically in Germany. He spoke at a conference bringing together Protestant,...

Scientology’s IAS charitable organization Celebrates and Commemorates Era of Unprecedented Global Humanitarian Work

Thousands celebrate 4 years of IAS's monumental global humanitarian work using L. Ron Hubbard's vision. BRUSSELS, BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, November 29, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Thousands of Scientologists recently gathered at the historic Saint Hill estate in...

Freedom Of Religion, There Is Something Rotten in France’s Mind

In France, the Senate is working on a bill to "reinforce the fight against cultic deviances", but its content seems to pose serious problems for experts in freedom of religion or belief

The Roman Catholic Church does not allow Masons to receive communion

The Vatican has confirmed the ban on Roman Catholics from membership in Masonic lodges. The statement comes in response to a question from the Philippine Roman Catholic bishop, who is seeking advice on how...

Global Sikh Coun­cil Cham­pi­ons Truce in Is­rael-Pales­tine Con­flict

The Global Sikh Coun­cil called for an immediate truce in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict at its recent Annual General Meeting online.

Modena, Celebrating 42 years of Scientology Mission’s positive impact on the Community

MODENA, EMILIA-ROMAGNA, ITALY, November 23, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Modena, Italy, is a city that beautifully blends the allure of history, with the advancements of the era. It holds the title of being a UNESCO...

The Vatican allows the baptism of transgender people and children of same-sex marriages

A new ruling by the Vatican’s doctrine department has opened the door to Catholic baptism of transgender people and babies of same-sex couples.

Helping Neighbors Near and Far

The Scientology Volunteer Ministers (VMs) recently organized a cleanup operation in Rome and another of their teams provided flood relief in Florence. ROME, ROME, ITALY, November 15, 2023 /EINPresswire.com/ -- Scientologists in Italy often participate...

More and more priests in Moldova are leaving the Russian Orthodox Church and moving to the Romanian Patriarchate

A large part of the Orthodox parishes of the ROC in Moldova left this jurisdiction and joined the Romanian Orthodox Church, which also has its own jurisdiction in the country. During the past week, the...

Interfaith Harmony: Scientology attended the Hinduism Diwali at the European Parliament

The European representative of the Church of Scientology attended Diwali celebrations at the European Parliament, showcasing interfaith harmony.

INDIA – Bomb attempt against Jehovah’s Witnesses’ gathering, three dead and dozens injured

A former Jehovah’s Witness claims responsibility. After Germany (March 2023) and Italy (April 2023), Jehovah’s Witnesses are now killed in a bomb attack in another democracy, India An explosive device blew up at a convention...

Tragic Bomb Blast at Jehovah’s Witnesses Meeting in India

In a deeply disturbing event that has shocked the global religious community, a bomb explosion occurred during a Jehovah's Witnesses gathering in Kalamassery, near the port city of Kochi, India. This tragic incident resulted...

Unyielding Persecution of Baha’i Women in Iran

Discover the increasing persecution faced by Bahá'í women in Iran, from arrests to violations of human rights. Learn about their resilience and unity in the face of adversity. #OurStoryIsOne

RUSSIA, A Jehovah’s Witness deprived of his citizenship and deported to Turkmenistan

On September 17, 2023, employees of the Federal Migration Service, contrary to a court decision, deported Rustam Seidkuliev to Turkmenistan. Earlier, at the initiative of the FSB, his Russian citizenship was revoked due to...
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