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Talking with Alona Lebedeva, a woman in leadership and a heart for children


During a recent visit to Brussels of Alona Lebedeva, the head of the industrial Aurum Group, I had the opportunity to meet and interview her about her professional career and her commitment to help Ukrainian children

Alona Lebedeva was born in 1983 in the city of Yaroslavl, 250 km northeast of Moscow, at the time of the Soviet Union. The country was then under the short rule of Yuri Andropov (November 1982 – February 1984) who was to be followed by Konstantin Chernenko for a short period (February 1984 – March 1985). It is mainly under the rule of Mikhail Gorbatchev, characterized by his glasnost and perestroika policy, that  Alona  Lebedeva  spent her childhood in the Soviet Union.

Early in her youth, she dreamt to be an independent woman who would take her own life in her own hands.

When she was in the 9th grade, she decided that one day she would move to Kyiv and she prepared for it. She loved literature, read books night after night, wrote articles, poems and fiction works. Her first dream was to enroll in journalism because she wanted to drive, to travel, to write reports from hot spots. But later on, after having soberly evaluated and weighed all the pros and cons, she decided to follow another orientation: diplomacy combined with economics.  

In 2000, she graduated with honors from Secondary School No. 3 in Chernivtsi. She went to Kyiv and enrolled in the National Taras Shevchenko University, Institute of International Relations, Department International Economic Relations. Travelling abroad and gaining experience was the next step in her life: an internship in a consulting company in Austria in 2001 and several internships in Ukraine. She graduated in 2006 in international economic relations.

She then became the financial director of the Inter Car Group (ICG) for which she had previously worked during her studies as a trade agent and afterwards as a sales manager. 

In 2009, she bought all the shares of ICG which she renamed Aurum Trans in 2016. Soon afterwards, she created the Aurum Group in Kyiv, which is now a large corporation grouping together over 20 big enterprises. A number of them produce railway wagons, are engineering businesses, chemical plants, agricultural enterprises, etc. Alona Lebedeva is now the major owner of it.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Talking with Alona Lebedeva, a woman in leadership and a heart for children
Talking with Alona Lebedeva, a woman in leadership and a heart for children 6

Q.: When was the “Charity Foundation of Alona Lebedeva Aurum” founded and why did it first start with the assistance to children in need of medical treatment?

A.L. The idea of helping children first started in my mind on a Christmas Eve. While scrolling Facebook I found an article about a new born baby whose parents were asking for financial support for surgery. What impressed me a lot is that in the support letter, it was written «For someone, getting a new Iphone for Christmas is the most important thing and for the another, that amount of money will safe a life.» On the next day, I covered all expenses for the surgery of the baby and now he is a healthy and cheerful boy.

The real starting point of a charity foundation was an incident in my professional environment: the emergency transfer of the 7-year-old grandson of one of our employees to the Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital. Our Ukrainian doctors who receive a very small salary, are under-equipped and work in conditions that mostly do not meet modern require with an incident, could not guarantee that they would be able to save the child but they managed it.

So by chance, having plunged into the problems of one clinic, we decided to systematically help modernize children’s municipal hospitals. In 2017 we registered the “Charitable Foundation of Alona Lebedeva Aurum” and began repair work. Of course, our first object was the Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Infectious Diseases Hospital, where they saved the life of our employee’s grandson but the amount of work is still extremely large and without the help of benefactors, it is difficult for the state to do it alone.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Talking with Alona Lebedeva, a woman in leadership and a heart for children
Talking with Alona Lebedeva, a woman in leadership and a heart for children 7

Q.: What were your first projects?

A.L.: I will give you a few highlights of the activities of our foundation which you can also find on our website with a lot of photos. In 2017, we renovated three boxed wards in the department for the treatment of children with infectious diseases of the nervous system of the Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Infectious Hospital. In all wards, the premises were renovated, new bathrooms were installed, new beds and cabinets for individual use were purchased.

In 2018, our foundation carried out repairs in the Kyiv City Children’s Clinical Hospital No. 1. The surgical ward was renovated, new windows were installed, decorative repairs were made; doors, lamps, and a sink were replaced; functional beds and new mattresses were purchased. The shower room was fully equipped: the water pipes have been replaced, the walls and floor have been decorated with ceramic tiles, three showers and a bathtub have been installed.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Talking with Alona Lebedeva, a woman in leadership and a heart for children
Talking with Alona Lebedeva, a woman in leadership and a heart for children 8

In 2019, our foundation quickly helped to purchase consumables that were needed during an emergency operation on the brain of a small child. And the baby was saved!

One year later, together with the All-Ukrainian Charity Organization “Mother and Baby”, we purchased and delivered express tests for coronavirus and respirators to children’s hospitals in Kyiv.

Three years ago, funds were allocated to the parents of little Dominika for her medical treatment. Her family owns a plot of land that was leased by one of the Aurum Group agricultural enterprises.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Talking with Alona Lebedeva, a woman in leadership and a heart for children
Talking with Alona Lebedeva, a woman in leadership and a heart for children 9

Q.: Two years ago, Russia aggressed Ukraine, is now occupying a part of its territory and goes on waging its war against your country, shelling cities, housing, schools, hospitals… What has been the impact of the war on the humanitarian activities of the Aurum Group?

A.L.: The war has dramatically impacted our usual humanitarian activities as we had to broaden the scope of our initial objectives.

When the full-scale invasion war started in February 2022, all the enterprises of the Aurum Group actively helped their communities and the military 24/7. They contributed to the delivery of bread and flour to residents of border villages.

We purchased and handed over five vehicles needed by the army, including an ambulance. One of the cars went to the military from the 93rd brigade of Cold River. We provided one of the units of the Armed Forces with a portable solar power plant. We delivered food kits to civilians, the Armed Forces and rescuers in the war zone. We gave the border guards reinforced concrete blocks, necessary for strengthening the border with the aggressor country, staples and anti-tank hedgehogs.

We received warm thanks from the 5th detachment of the State Border Guard Service (DPSU) for our contribution to strengthening the security of the state border, our fruitful cooperation in the fight for territorial integrity and the independence of Ukraine.

More than 1,000 slab carriers were also handed over, 200 of which were with slabs, for a total amount of over UAH 2.5 million. During the year, we held many events sponsored by the enterprises of the Aurum Group and we were hereby able to cover the needs of waste disposal in the regions for a total amount of over UAH 3 million.

Q.: Didn’t your usual civilian health projects suffer from your prioritizing war-related assistance?

Of course, we did not interrupt those medical projects. For example, in 2022, we sent two batches of the life-saving drug Euthyrox to patients of several institutes of endocrinology in Ukraine. Also, in cooperation with other charitable foundations, we supplied medicines to the KP Kryvorizky Oncology Dispensary.

We have also founded a charity foundation in Brussels to help Ukrainian children while they are in Europe. The non-profit organization “Aurum Charitable Foundation” helps Ukrainian children affected by the war gain access to critical medicine in Europe.

We financially supported a children’s sleep laboratory which was launched for the first time in Ukraine.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Talking with Alona Lebedeva, a woman in leadership and a heart for children
Talking with Alona Lebedeva, a woman in leadership and a heart for children 10

Since the beginning of the war, most of our assets have been under occupation. The rest of them are unprofitable but constant funding is required, Although, of course, the volume of financial support has significantly decreased, I have not closed our charitable projects.

In the first half of 2023, the Aurum Charity Foundation of Alona Lebedeva implemented projects for a total amount of about 2.5 million hryvnias: over 1.9 million hryvnias for the needs of the military, 350 thousand hryvnias for aid to communities and the population affected by the war and another UAH 200,000 for medical care.

Pope Pays Tribute to Women on International Women’s Day

the number eight is decorated with flowers and ribbons
Photo by Eyestetix Studio on Unsplash

In a moving statement coinciding with the celebration of International Women’s Day this Friday, March 8, the Pope praised the fundamental role played by women in the world, highlighting their ability to “make the world more beautiful” through their protection and vitality.

During his message, the leader of the Catholic Church underscored the importance of the female contribution not only within the family and work environment, but also in their essential role in sustainability and care for the planet. “Women make the world more beautiful, protect it and keep it alive,” he said. These words resonate as a recognition of the strength, tenderness and wisdom that characterize women, and how these qualities contribute significantly to the improvement of our environment.

This tribute comes at a crucial time, where the struggle for gender equality and the recognition of women’s rights continues to be high on the global agenda. In highlighting the beauty that women bring to the world, the Pope also implicitly calls for the need to protect and value their contributions to all aspects of society.

The Pope’s statement not only celebrates the unique qualities women bring to humanity, but also serves as a reminder of the challenges women still face in many parts of the world. Gender equality, access to education, protection from violence and discrimination, and equal participation in decision-making are areas where significant progress is still needed.

As we commemorate International Women’s Day, Pope Francis’ message highlights the indispensable contribution of women to the creation of a more just, equitable and sustainable world. His call to recognize and celebrate the beauty and vitality that women bring to the world is a positive step towards promoting a society that values equality and respect for all its members.

This recognition of women by the Pope reinforces the importance of continuing to work towards a world where everyone’s contributions are valued equally, and where women can live free from discrimination and violence. The celebration of International Women’s Day serves as an annual reminder of the achievements made and challenges remaining in the struggle for gender equality, echoing the Pope’s words in the quest for a world that recognizes and celebrates the beauty and vitality that women bring to our collective existence.

Saint Sophia bathed in rose water


As the holy fasting month of Ramadan for Muslims approaches, Fatih Municipality teams in Istanbul carried out cleaning and disinfection activities at the converted Hagia Sophia mosque.

Teams of the Municipal Directorate “Environmental Protection and Control” cleaned the interior and surroundings of the historic building.

Carpets were vacuumed, shoe racks and the inside of the mosque were sprayed with disinfectant. The fountains for ritual washing “abtest”, the courtyard of the mosque and the square “St. Sofia” were washed with hot water and disinfectant.

After the cleaning process inside and outside the mosque was sprinkled with rose water, a traditional method that dates back to the Ottoman Empire era.

Fatih Yildiz, a municipal official in charge of the cleanup, said the mosque was cleaned with a team of 20 people, noting, “The work will continue throughout Ramadan. Rose water will be sprinkled in the mosque every night during the holy month. The aim is to provide a cleaner worship environment for citizens visiting the mosque.”

The huge “Mahya” – the light inscriptions with hundreds of light bulbs between the minarets with the inscription “La ilaha illallah” (“There is no God but Allah”) was hung between the minarets of the Grand Mosque of Hagia Sophia.

The centuries-old tradition of Mahya, which decorates mosques during the Islamic holy month of Ramadan, began to be hung in mosques in Istanbul from Monday.

Kahraman Yildiz, the master of Mahya, commented: “The largest letters are in the Hagia Sophia mosque. It is difficult, but worth the effort, because the inscriptions can be read from tens of meters away. It’s actually craftsmanship and it’s hard, it’s hard work, but it looks very beautiful visually.”

Hagia Sophia was built in 532. It served as a church for 916 years. It was converted into a mosque in 1453 after the capture of Istanbul.

After the founding of the Republic of Turkey, the historic building was a museum for 86 years, but on July 24, 2020, with the decision of President Erdogan, it was officially reopened for worship under the name Hagia Sophia Grand Mosque.

In 1985 Hagia Sophia was added to the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Hagia Sophia is also among the most popular tourist destinations in Turkey and remains open to local and foreign visitors.

Tourists pay a fee of 25 euros for a visit to Hagia Sophia Illustrative Photo by Meruyert Gonullu: https://www.pexels.com/photo/medieval-mosque-in-istanbul-city-6152260/

RUSSIA, Nine Jehovah’s Witnesses sentenced to three to seven years in prison


On 5 March, a Russian court in Irkutsk convicted nine Jehovah’s Witness men, sentencing them from three to seven years of prison. The case began in 2021, when officers raided some 15 homes, beating and torturing at least 4 people (details below). Eight of the nine men convicted have been in pretrial detention for nearly 2.5 years, most spending the majority of the time in solitary confinement.  They report receiving 150-200 letters of support from friends and family each month!

  • 7 years — Yaroslav Kalin (54), Sergey Kosteyev (63), Nikolay Martynov (65), Mikhail Moysh (36), Aleksey Solnechniy (47), Andrey Tolmachev (49)
  • 6 years, 4 months – Igor Popov (36) and Denis Sarazhakov (35)
  • 3 years – Sergei Vasiliyev (72)

Jarrod Lopes, a spokesman for Jehovah’s Witnesses, stated in a press release:  “There is no logical reasonable basis for having these good men imprisoned, separated from their wives and friends.  The charges were largely based on secret audio recordings of worship services, where the men were praying, singing Christian songs, and reading from the Bible. Ironically, one of the passages read was Psalm 34:14: “Seek peace and pursue it.” What does it say about a legal system that convicts people of extremist activity for reading a Bible verse that promotes peace? It’s patently absurd. It would be a joke if the consequences weren’t so serious. We implore Russian officials to reconsider its misconceptions about Jehovah’s Witnesses and allow these peace-loving men and women to worship freely in their beloved homeland as Witnesses do in some 240 other lands.”

Case History

October 4, 2021.  About 6 am., dozens of armed national guard officers and special forces soldiers raided 13 homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Two men were beaten and tortured (see link to video interview).

  • At the home of Anatoly and Greta Razdobarov, officers forced their way into the couple’s bedroom. The officers dragged Greta by her hair into another room, handcuffed her with her arms behind her back, and repeatedly hit her. Meanwhile, Anatoly was stripped naked, forced to the floor, handcuffed with his arms behind his back, and kicked in the head and abdomen. Officers grabbed his handcuffed hands and wrenched him up off the ground. Anatoly writhed in pain as the weight of his body hyperextended his shoulders. Officers beat his hands while demanding that he incriminate himself and divulge information about the brothers. Officers further tortured him by trying to force a glass bottle into his buttocks. The raid on the Razdobarov’s home lasted over eight hours.
  • At the home of Nikolay and Liliya Merinov, officers entered and immediately struck Nikolay in the face with a heavy, blunt object. He fell to the floor and passed out. Upon regaining consciousness, he found an officer sitting on top of him, beating him. The officer broke Nikolay’s front teeth. Liliya was dragged out of bed by her hair and handcuffed. The officers then repeatedly physically assaulted her before eventually allowing her to get properly dressed.

October 5, 2021. Yaroslav Kalin, Sergey Kosteyev, Nikolay Martynov, Mikhail Moysh, Alexey Solnechniy and Andrey Tolmachev were placed in pretrial detention, while Sergei Vasiliyev was ordered to house arrest.

November 30, 2021. Security officials purposely crashed into Denis Sarazhakov’s car in the yard to get his attention. One of the officials pretended to be drunk. When Denis opened the door to investigate, the officers knocked him to the floor and began to search the home (village of Askiz, Republic of Khakassia).  Dennis was detained and taken 1500 km to Irkutsk. On the same day, at about 3 am., security forces in Mezhdurechensk (Kemerovo Region) raided the home of Igor Popov and detained him.

December 29, 2022. The criminal trial began (See link for additional details).

Nationwide Persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russia and Crimea

Since Russia’s Supreme Court banned the Witnesses’ activities in April 2017

  • 2,083 homes of Witnesses were raided across 74 regions
  • 794 men and women were criminally charged
  • 506 men and women were added to the federal list of extremists and terrorists (Rosfinmonitoring)
  • 415 men and women have spent some time behind bars, with 128 currently in prison.

(*) Note:  The Razdobarovs and Merinovs were not criminally charged, along with the men involved in the 5 March verdict. Both men were involved as Witnesses

Bay leaf tea – do you know what it helps for?


Tea has a long journey from China, where, according to legend, its history began in 2737 BC. through tea ceremonies in Japan, where tea was imported by Buddhist monks who traveled to China, to making it at home easily and quickly by simply immersing a paper tea bag in hot water. Artifacts proving ancient tea consumption have been found in tombs dating back to the Han Dynasty (206 BC) and later around AD 620. in the homeland of tea, China, it is adopted as the national drink. Tea consumption is not only an experience for the senses, warming the body and bringing pleasure to the palate, tea is also a story, a legend, evoking historical events. It was the Tea Party, the Boston Tea Party of 1773, that sparked the American Revolution.

Drinking tea is also an integral part of the culture of a number of peoples, and tea ceremonies, the roots of which can be found in the rituals described in the first book dedicated to tea, have become a ritual of key importance in many countries, although it was originally a drink for the rich, as it was thought to lead to weakness and melancholy, making it unsuitable for the working poor. It was only centuries later that it became clear that, in fact, tea does not lead to weakness, but is beneficial to health and has an effective effect on the unpleasant symptoms of various diseases, supporting their treatment, depending on the herbs, plants and fruits it is made from. Most of you probably prefer delicious and aromatic teas from fruits and favorite herbs, but if you know what bay leaf tea does and how good it is for health, you would certainly include it in the bouquet of teas that you prepare at home.

What does bay leaf tea help with? We usually know the bay leaf as a spice that gives a unique taste and aroma to dishes, but it is also used to prepare a tea that is extremely beneficial for health, as it is rich in vitamin A, vitamin B6 and vitamin C. Among the proven benefits of tea consumption of bay leaf are:

  – Improvement of digestive processes: Indigestion, gas in the abdomen, difficulties with defecation can be a thing of the past with the intake of aromatic bay leaf tea. – Aiding the treatment of sinusitis Inflammatory processes in the sinuses are among the most unpleasant, as they cause heaviness and pain in the head and eyes, difficult breathing, restless sleep. Taking bay leaf tea helps treat sinus infections due to the eugenol it contains.

  – Migraine Relief: When you wonder what bay leaf tea does, you will surely be pleased to learn that it helps relieve migraines, as it is associated with a reduced quality of life due to unpleasant symptoms such as photophobia, nausea, headaches, vertigo , which prevent even the performance of elementary daily duties. Again, the eugenol contained in this tea is responsible for its effective migraine relief.

  – Combating insomnia: Sleep disorders – insomnia, difficulty falling asleep, frequent awakening lead to chronic fatigue and create a risk of developing a number of diseases, due to the fact that the body cannot recover if sleep is disturbed. The linalool in the bay leaf makes it easier to fall asleep and makes the time spent between the covers more fulfilling, so bay leaf tea can replace a glass of fresh milk before bed.

  – Improves cardiovascular health and blood pressure control: Hypertension is a scourge of modern society, which makes this blood pressure-lowering benefit of bay leaf tea even more important. Bay leaf improves cardiovascular health thanks to its potassium content. The journal Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition also published a study showing that consuming one to three grams of bay leaf per day was associated with 26% lower levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, which is also beneficial for heart health. Bay leaf for cough – a proven remedy back in the years

– Helps treat diabetes: A study of bay leaf consumption for 30 days suggests that it helps people with type 2 diabetes improve insulin function. The hypoglycemic effect of the bay leaf is due to the phytochemicals it contains.

  – Cough relief: Bay leaf helps to relieve the accumulation of mucus in the chest and has a pronounced expectorant effect, thus easing breathing and helping to reduce coughing.

  – Reducing inflammation and relieving arthritis pain: Bay leaf tea is extremely beneficial for arthritis sufferers, due to the presence of anti-inflammatory compounds such as eugenol and linalool in the bay leaf.

  – Weight control, beautiful skin and hair.

Note: The article is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

Illustrative Photo by Svetlana Ponomareva: https://www.pexels.com/photo/coffee-cup-and-dried-plant-leaves-arranged-on-wooden-table-4282477/

Deal on new rules for more sustainable packaging in the EU

Deal on new rules for more sustainable packaging in the EU
Photo de Maria Ilves sur Unsplash

On Monday, Parliament and Council reached a provisional agreement on revamped rules for more sustainable packaging, to reduce, reuse and recycle packaging, increase safety and boost the circular economy..

The new measures aim to make packaging used in the EU safer and more sustainable, by requiring all packaging to be recyclable, minimising the presence of harmful substances, reducing unnecessary packaging, boosting the uptake of recycled content and improving collection and recycling.

Less packaging and restricting certain packaging formats

The agreement sets packaging reduction targets (5% by 2030, 10% by 2035 and 15% by 2040) and requires EU countries to reduce, in particular, the amount of plastic packaging waste.

According to the deal, certain single use plastic packaging formats, such as packaging for unprocessed fresh fruit and vegetables, packaging for foods and beverages filled and consumed in cafés and restaurants, individual portions (for e.g. condiments, sauces, creamer, sugar), accommodation miniature packaging for toiletry products and shrink-wrap for suitcases in airports, would be banned from 1 January 2030.

MEPs also ensured a ban on very lightweight plastic carrier bags (below 15 microns), unless required for hygiene reasons or provided as primary packaging for loose food to help prevent food wastage.

Banning the use of “forever chemicals”

To prevent adverse health effects, Parliament secured the introduction of a ban on the use of so called “forever chemicals” (per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances or PFASs) in food contact packaging.

Encouraging reuse and refill options for consumers

Negotiators agreed to set a specific target for reusable packaging for alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages (except e.g. milk, wine, aromatised wine, spirits) by 2030 (at least 10%). Member states may grant a five-year derogation from these requirements under certain conditions.

Final distributors of beverages and take-away food in the food service sector would be obliged to offer consumers the option of bringing their own container. They would also be required to endeavour to offer 10% of products in a reusable packaging format by 2030.

In addition, at Parliament’s request, member states are required to incentivise restaurants, canteens, bars, cafés and catering services to serve tap water, (where available, for free or for a low service fee) in a reusable or refillable format.

Recyclable packaging, better waste collection and recycling

Negotiators agreed that all packaging should be recyclable, fulfilling strict criteria to be defined through secondary legislation. Certain exemptions are foreseen for lightweight wood, cork, textile, rubber, ceramic, porcelain or wax.

Other agreed measures include:

– minimum recycled content targets for any plastic part of packaging;

– minimum recycling targets by weight of packaging waste generated and increased recyclability requirements;

– 90% of single use plastic and metal beverage containers (up to three litres) to be collected separately by 2029 (deposit-return systems).


Rapporteur Frédérique Ries (Renew, BE) said: “For the first time in an environmental law, the EU is setting targets to reduce packaging consumption, regardless of the material used. We call on all industrial sectors, EU countries and consumers to play their part in the fight against excess packaging. The ban on forever chemicals in food packaging is a great victory for the health of European consumers. It was also essential that environmental ambitions meet industrial reality. The deal fosters innovation and includes exemptions for micro-enterprises.”

Next steps

Parliament and Council need to formally approve the agreement before it can enter into force.


In 2018, packaging generated a turnover of EUR 355 billion in the EU. It is an ever-increasing source of waste, the EU total having increased from 66 million tonnes in 2009 to 84 million tonnes in 2021. Each European generated 188.7 kg of packaging waste in 2021, a figure that is expected to increase to 209 kg in 2030 without additional measures.

Protected: An umbrella intended to shield from rain, but inadvertently obstructs sunlight?

chess pieces on board
Photo by Felix Mittermeier on Unsplash

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The Top 5 Most Talkative Bird Species


Just imagine having a feathered friend that can talk your ear off! If you love chatty companions, these top 5 most talkative bird species will enchant you with their incredible ability to mimic sounds and speech. From African Grey Parrots known for their unparalleled intelligence to the colorful Budgerigars (Budgies) making adorable chatter, this list will introduce you to the most loquacious avian creatures. Whether you’re a bird enthusiast or simply curious about our feathered friends’ communication skills, you’re in for a treat with these chatterboxes of the sky!

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== The Top 5 Most Talkative Bird Species

Chatty Champions: The Top 5 List

Some birds are known for their constant chattering and melodious tunes that brighten up any environment. If you are curious about the most talkative bird species, check out 5 of The Most Talkative Birds that are sure to catch your attention.

The Sociable Parrot Family

One of the most iconic talkative bird families is the parrot family, known for their exceptional ability to mimic human speech and sounds. These sociable birds, such as African grey parrots and Amazon parrots, can engage in conversations and bond closely with their human companions, making them popular pets worldwide.

Melodious Songbirds and Their Tunes

Chatty Champions, such as the canary and mockingbird, are part of the melodious songbird category known for their enchanting tunes and repetitive calls. These birds have a wide range of vocalizations that they use to communicate with each other and establish territories, creating a symphony of sounds in their natural habitat.

The Art of Bird Banter

Any bird enthusiast knows that some avian species are chatterboxes, captivating us with their ability to mimic sounds and even words. If you’re curious about which feathered friends top the list of talkative birds, check out 8 Best Talking Bird Species to Keep as Pets.

Learning the Lingo: How Birds Acquire Their Vocal Skills

Lingo. Birds acquire their vocal skills through a combination of instinct, observation, and practice. Some birds, like parrots, have a remarkable ability to mimic sounds they hear in their environment, while others, like mynah birds, are excellent at imitating human speech patterns.

In the Wild vs. In the Home: Talkative Birds Across Environments

Birds. With proper training and socialization, talkative birds can thrive both in the wild and in home environments. While in the wild, these birds use their vocal skills to communicate with other birds, attract mates, and warn of potential dangers. In captivity, they can form strong bonds with their human companions and provide endless entertainment with their vocal abilities.

Caring for a Loquacious Feathered Friend

To What’s the most talkative bird?

Creating a Stimulating Environment for Conversations

For a chatty bird companion, it’s imperative to create a stimulating environment that encourages their vocal abilities. Provide a variety of toys, such as mirrors, bells, and puzzles, to keep them engaged and entertained. Placing their cage in a central location where they can interact with family members will also help keep them happy and talking.

Do’s and Don’ts When Interacting With Talkative Bird Species

Loquacious Friend, when interacting with talkative bird species, it’s important to remember a few key do’s and don’ts. Do spend quality time talking and interacting with your feathered friend daily to strengthen your bond. Don’t shout or yell around them, as they are sensitive to loud noises and may mimic them. Also, avoid negative reinforcement for their vocalizations, as this may confuse or upset your bird.

To wrap up

Ultimately, birds are fascinating creatures with unique abilities to communicate and socialize with each other. The top five most talkative bird species, including the African grey parrot, the budgerigar, the monk parakeet, the hill myna, and the yellow-naped amazon, showcase the diverse ways in which birds use their vocalizations to interact with their surroundings. Whether mimicking sounds, creating intricate songs, or engaging in playful chatter, these birds demonstrate the beauty and complexity of the avian world. So next time you hear chirping or squawking outside your window, take a moment to appreciate the vibrant conversations happening in the treetops above.

Paris with bad news for tourists who planned to watch the opening of the Olympic Games for free


Tourists will not be allowed to watch the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympics for free as originally promised, the French government said, as quoted by the Associated Press.

The reason is security concerns for the outdoor event by the Seine River.

Organizers had planned a grand opening ceremony on July 26 that could be attended by around 600,000 people, most of whom could watch for free from the riverbanks, but security and logistical concerns have led the government to scale back its ambitions .

Last month, the total number of spectators who could attend the event was reduced to around 300,000 people. Now Interior Minister Gerald Darmanen said 104,000 of them would have to buy tickets with seats on the north bank of the Seine, while 222,000 would be able to watch for free from the south banks.

However, he stated that the free tickets will no longer be available to the public and will instead be replaced by invitations.

“To control the movement of the multitude of people, we cannot invite everyone to come,” stated Darmanen.

Two Home Office officials said the decision meant tourists would not be able to sign up for free entry as previously announced. Instead, access to the ceremony will be determined through quotas for selected residents of the cities where Olympic events are held, local sports federations and other individuals chosen by the organizers or their partners.

Local city councils can invite “their employees, kids from local soccer clubs and their parents,” for example, Darmanen said. Invitees will then have to undergo a security check and receive QR codes to pass through the security barriers.

Illustrative Photo by Luke Webb: https://www.pexels.com/photo/panoramic-view-of-city-of-paris-2738173/

Reserved seats for black people at theater performances in London have sparked controversy


A London theater’s decision to reserve seats for black people audiences for two of its productions of a play about slavery has drawn criticism from the British government, France Press reported on March 1st.

Downing Street has condemned the idea as “divisive to society”.

The Noel Coward Theater in London’s West End has scheduled two “Black Out” theater nights, which will give preference to black people audiences for two productions of Jeremy O. Harris’ play “The Game of slaves” (Slave Play), which from June 29 will be played on the London stage for nearly two months.

The play, starring Kit Harington, best known for his role in the series Game of Thrones, has enjoyed great success since its premiere on Broadway in New York in 2019. It tells a story about “race, identity and sexuality” in a plantation, says AFP.

The two theatrical performances, scheduled for July 17 and September 17 this year in the British capital, generated such a wave of reactions that they provoked a comment from the government of the Conservative Party, which is an outspoken critic of the ideology of “wokism” (a movement of “wakemen” – from English woke, born from police violence against blacks in the US), notes the agency.

“The Prime Minister is a big fan of art and believes it should be inclusive and open to all, especially where art galleries receive government funding,” said a spokesman for British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

“Clearly, limiting audiences based on race is wrong and divisive,” he added.