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Central African Republic: Said trial opens at International Criminal Court

Central African Republic: Said trial opens at International Criminal Court

Mahamat Said Abdel Kani – a top-ranking leader of the mostly-Muslim Séléka militia – pleaded not guilty to all charges, which relate to atrocities carried out in 2013, in the Central African Republic capital, Bangui.

Much of the violence stemmed for clashes between Séléka and the mostly-Christian Anti-balaka faction.


Before the crimes were committed, from late 2012 to early 2013, Séléka militia advanced towards the capital, attacking police stations, occupying military bases, capturing towns and regional capitals, and targeting suspected supporters of President François Bozizé.

They seized Bangui in March 2013 and with forces numbering up to 20,000, looted homes while searching for sympathisers of Mr. Bozize, shot those fleeing in the back or killed others in their homes.

“Women and girls were raped and gang-raped in front of their children or parents; some died as a result of their injuries,” the arrest warrant for Mr. Said stated.

Civilians targetted

“Part of the civilian population was targeted through multiple acts of murder, imprisonment, torture, rape, persecution on political, ethnic and religious grounds, and pillaging of houses belonging to non-Muslims and others perceived to be complicit with or supportive of the Bozizé government,” the warrant continued.

Mr. Kani’s charge sheet includes imprisonment, torture, persecution, enforced disappearance and other inhumane acts, committed in Bangui between approximately April and November 2013.

He saw “oversaw the day-to-day operations” of an infamous detention centre where men were taken after being arrested by Séléka members.

The Judges of Trial Chamber VI at the opening of the Mahamat Said Abdel Kani trial case at the International Criminal Court in The Hague (Netherlands).

Appalling conditions

“Prisoners were held in small, dark, crowded cells with only a bucket as a toilet and little or no food, causing detainees to drink their own urine,” the ICC statement read.

Detainees were whipped with strips of rubber, beaten with rifle butts and told: “We’re going to kill you one by one”.

It was common for prisoners to spend several hours in a specific stress position so painful that some “would ask to be killed”. The position, known as “arbatacha”, involved tying a detainee’s hands and legs are tied behind their back, with their legs touching their elbows.

Extracting confessions

Mr. Said allegedly referred to the technique as “the most effective to obtain confessions”, the ICC warrant explained, while also noting that he was responsible for deciding which prisoners should be transferred to an underground cell located under his office.

At another detention centre known as CEDAD, where conditions were described as “inhumane”, the court maintained that Mr. Said was the “operations commander” and “kept a list of persons to be arrested” or ordered their arrest.

The trial continues.

Said case: Trial opening, 26 September – 1st session

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Top 7 Must-Have Features In An Online Booking System

Using an online booking system on a smartphone – illustrative photo. Image credit: Daria Nepriakhina via Unsplash, free license

Who doesn’t like a well-functioning online booking system? It is a dream to get a properly functioning booking system for hassle-free bookings at any time.

However, there are many online booking systems with less user-friendly features. Thus, in this exhaustive guide, you will get an idea of all the top features that an ideal online booking system must comprise. So, without wasting any more time, let’s dive deep into the details below.

Top 7 Must-Have Features In An Online Booking System 1

7 Desirable Features of an Online Booking System

Take a sneak peek at the amazing features of the online booking system in the following section.

  1. Real-Time 24/7 Access

Customers really enjoy 24/7 access to a system through which they can manage their bookings and perform modifications to various activities under one roof. An online booking system offering real-time access round the clock will be able to retain customers in the longer run and allow them to manage everything at their preferred time. Your clients can access the booking at any time through their smart device which gives them freedom to perform the modification even at the last minute in case of any emergency.

  1. Interactive Interface

An interactive user interface is a pivotal feature of any online booking system, enhancing user experience and streamlining the reservation process. Intuitive design and user-friendly navigation allow customers to effortlessly browse available options, select preferred dates, and complete bookings with ease. 

Real-time updates and dynamic displays provide instant feedback, ensuring users stay informed throughout the booking journey. Customizable filters and search functions enable tailored results, catering to individual preferences. Moreover, interactive interfaces often incorporate multimedia elements such as images and videos, enriching the booking experience and offering a comprehensive overview of available offerings. Overall, an interactive user interface optimizes efficiency and satisfaction for both customers and service providers.

  1. Responsive On All Screen Types

Since more people prefer to book online, it is essential that the online booking system provides good access to all screen sizes. Moreover, mobiles have become a natural extension of all human beings, so it is necessary for any system to work properly on different mobile screens. So, it is necessary for any online booking system to come with a responsive interface that works properly on any screen size be it PC/laptop, mobile, or tablet. This will allow more people to instantly make their bookings in just a few clicks.

  1. Multi-Language  And Currency Support 

Multi-language and currency support is an important feature if you are running an international business to grow it further and attract customers from all over the world. With this feature, the system will be able to respond to the customer query in different languages and convert the payment to the preferred currency which will elevate their convenience level and keep them engaged for a longer time. Moreover, the complete communication process will be engaging for the customer which is a plus point for your business to retain them in the longer run.

  1. High Customization Options

With a multitude of customizable options, an online booking system must enable businesses to have custom booking pages with different branding elements. Also, it should have custom messaging options and other add-on services for improved flexibility and booking experience.

  1. Multiple Payment Method Support

Support for various payment methods is another vital feature of an online booking system. Customers have the freedom to choose any payment method and complete the transaction without any hassle. With multiple options, the customer will have the flexibility to choose any method and complete the whole payment process safely without going through any complex process.

  1. Robust Support Facility

An online booking system must offer excellent support service to cater to the needs of the customers. You have to make sure that the system is capable of responding to the queries and issues of the customers in the least possible time with the best solution available.

Some Last Words

With this, you must have learned about all the top-notch features of the online booking system. It is now time to ensure that whatever booking system you choose comprises all the above-mentioned features for quick booking. This not only helps in imparting more customer-friendly options but also saves their time from standing in long queues later.

Gaza: Human Rights Council resolution urges arms embargo on Israel

Gaza: Human Rights Council resolution urges arms embargo on Israel

In a resolution adopted by 28 votes in favour, six against and 13 abstentions, the 47-member Human Rights Council backed a call “to cease the sale, transfer and diversion of arms, munitions and other military equipment to Israel, the occupying Power…to prevent further violations of international humanitarian law and violations and abuses of human rights”. 

Presented by Pakistan on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, delegates heard that the resolution had also been motivated by the need to stop “egregious” human rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Co-sponsors of the text included Bolivia, Cuba and the State of Palestine, ahead of the vote which saw support from more than two dozen countries including Brazil, China, Luxembourg, Malaysia and South Africa.

Unlike the UN Security Council, Human Rights Council resolutions are not legally binding on States but carry significant moral weight, and in this instance is intended to increase diplomatic pressure on Israel as well as potentially influence national policy decisions.  

Voices against

Among the delegations that either abstained or voted against the draft text, Germany noted that the resolution “refrains from mentioning Hamas and denies Israel the exercise of its right to self-defence”.

The German ambassador also objected to the draft resolution’s “prejudged” allegations “that Israel engages in apartheid, and it accuses Israel of collective punishment, deliberate targeting of the Palestinian civilian population and applying starvation as a method of warfare”.

For Israel, Meirav Eilon Shahar, Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva, rejected the resolution as further evidence of the Council’s alleged anti-Israeli bias. “According to this resolution, States should not sell arms to Israel in its endeavour to defend its population, but they continue to arm Hamas,” she said.

“It cannot even condemn the brutal murder of over 1,200 of my people, the kidnapping of over 240 individuals, including infants, the rape, mutilations and sexual abuse of Israeli women, girls and men,” the Israeli official said later to journalists on the sidelines of the Council.

The document condemns the use of explosive weapons with wide-area effects by Israel in populated areas in Gaza, underlining the “reverberating effects of such weapons on hospitals, schools, water, electricity and shelter, which are affecting millions of Palestinians”.

AI military use 

The resolution adopted by the Human Rights Council also denounces the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to aid military decision making in conflict that may contribute to international crimes

It decries the targeting of civilians, including on 7 October 2023, and demands the immediate release of all remaining hostages, persons arbitrarily detained and victims of enforced disappearance as well as ensuring immediate humanitarian access to the hostages and detainees in line with international law. 

It was adopted on the last day of the latest session of the Council alongside the more traditional resolutions related to the situation in the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT) on accountability and justice, Palestinians’ right to self-determination, Israeli settlements in the OPT and the occupied Syrian Golan.

Gaza crisis in focus

At the opening of the Council’s 55th session, the UN Secretary-General repeated his call for a humanitarian ceasefire and the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages.

“Nothing can justify [Hamas’s] deliberate killing, injuring, torturing and kidnapping of civilians, the use of sexual violence or the indiscriminate launching of rockets towards Israel,” said António Guterres. “But, nothing justifies the collective punishment of the Palestinian people.”

While presenting his latest report on justice and accountability in the OPT, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights called for an end to “carnage” in Gaza. 

“Clear violations of international human rights and humanitarian laws, including war crimes and possibly other crimes under international law, have been committed by all parties. It is time – well past time – for peace, investigation and accountability,” said Volker Türk.

The Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in the Palestinian territory occupied since 1967, Francesca Albanese, also presented her latest report to the Council in which she stated that “there are reasonable grounds to believe that the threshold indicating the commission of the crime of genocide against Palestinians as a group in Gaza has been met.”

Emergency forum 

The Human Rights Council addressed myriad grave human rights violations, including in Iran and Haiti. The Independent International Fact-Finding Mission investigating the protests in Iran, particularly concerning women and children, reported egregious violations by Iranian State authorities following the death of Jina Mahsa Amini in September 2022. 

The Council renewed the mission’s mandate for another year as well as that of the Special Rapporteur monitoring human rights in Iran.

On Haiti, the Council received a lengthy update from the UN Human Rights Office, while High Commissioner Türk emphasised the urgent need for action amidst escalating violence, which has profoundly affected the population. The Council renewed the mandate of the expert on human rights in Haiti.

Renewals were also made for mandated investigations in Ukraine, Syria and South Sudan.

Addressing a range of thematic issues, the Council adopted a number of resolutions, including one encouraging States to combat discrimination, violence and harmful practices against intersex persons. Additionally, the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on human rights and the environment was renewed, now reworded as “Special Rapporteur on the human right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment”, reflecting its recognition by the Council and the General Assembly.


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Haitians ‘cannot wait’ for reign of terror by gangs to end: Rights chief

Haitians ‘cannot wait’ for reign of terror by gangs to end: Rights chief

“The scale of human rights violations is unprecedented in Haiti’s modern history,” Volker Türk said in a video statement to the UN Human Rights Council, part of an interactive dialogue on his most recent report on the Caribbean country. 

“This is a humanitarian catastrophe for an already exhausted people.”

State of emergency 

Speaking in French, Mr. Türk said the already alarming situation in Haiti has deteriorated in recent week as gangs launched attacks against police stations, prisons, critical infrastructure and other public and private facilities.

A state of emergency is in effect but while institutions are collapsing, a transitional government is not yet in place following the resignation of Prime Minister Ariel Henry three weeks ago.  

“The Haitian population cannot wait any longer,” he said.

Record violence 

Meanwhile, escalating violence has had devastating impacts on the population, with a shocking increase in murders and kidnappings.

Between 1 January and March 20 alone, 1,434 people died and 797 others were injured in gang-related violence. Mr. Türk said this was the most violent period since his office began monitoring gang-related killings, injuries, and kidnappings more than two years ago. 

Sexual violence, particularly against women and girls, is pervasive and has most likely reached record levels. 

More than 360,000 Haitians are now displaced, and roughly 5.5 million, mainly children, are dependent on humanitarian aid. Although 44 per cent of the population is facing food insecurity, delivery of additional aid is becoming almost impossible.

Mr. Türk recalled his visit to the capital Port-au-Prince just over a year ago, where he met two young girls. One had been gang-raped and the other had survived a bullet to the head. He warned that an entire generation is at risk of being victims of trauma, violence and deprivation. 

“We must end this suffering. And we must allow the children of Haiti to know what it is to feel safe, to not be hungry, to have a future,” he said. 

Protect people, ensure aid access 

In his report, the High Commissioner called for restoring some degree of law and order as an immediate priority to further protect Haiti’s people from violence and ensure access to humanitarian assistance. 

This will require close cooperation with the Multinational Security Support (MSS) Mission, authorized by the UN Security Council last October, whose deployment he hoped was imminent. 

“All measures taken to restore security must fully comply with human rights standards,” he said, adding that “humanitarian corridors must be established as soon as possible.”

Give Haitians hope 

Mr. Türk urged all stakeholders in Haiti to put the national interest at the heart of their discussions so that agreement can be reached on the arrangements for the transitional government. 

“The transitional authorities must strive to create the conditions necessary for free and fair elections to be held. They must also begin the process of strengthening police and judicial institutions in order to reestablish the rule of law and, therefore, put an end to impunity,” he said. 

The protection of children must also be an absolute priority, including those recruited by armed gangs.  In this regard, he highlighted the need for reintegration programmes, including prolonged psychosocial support as well as guaranteed access to quality education and healthcare.

He also called for the international community to take stronger measures to prevent the illicit supply, sale, diversion or transfer to Haiti of light weapons, small arms and ammunition. 

It is time to end the political impasse, urgently rebuild peace, stability and security in the country, and give Haitians the hope they so desperately need,” he said. Check out our UN News explainer video from last week on the crisis:

Turn words to action: Haiti representative 

The Permanent Representative of Haiti to the UN in Geneva, Justin Viard, hailed the High Commissioner’s report and underscored the deep challenges that Haitians are facing. 

He stressed that the international community and Haiti must act together to address both the gangs and the root causes of the crisis, which include widespread unemployment, a failing educational system and food insecurity.

We must move from words to concrete actions,” he said. “We cannot allow for Haiti to one day show up in a page of history as an example of the powerlessness of the international community or the abandonment of the population of a UN Member State.”

Strengthen human rights 

The UN Deputy High Commissioner for Human Rights, Nada Al-Nashif, was in the room to answer questions from country and civil society representatives. 

She spoke of engagement around the UN-backed multinational support mission that will assist the Haitian National Police to ensure that it complies with relevant international human rights standards.

“All this means that the capacities of the human rights service will require more strengthening in certain areas, particularly, for example, violence against children,” she said.

No escape: rights expert

The High Commissioner’s designated expert on the human rights situation in Haiti, William O’Neill, was also present to respond to questions, noting that insecurity was the chief concern raised and “everything else flows from that.” 

He said the airport in Port-au-Prince has been closed for more than four weeks, while gangs control access to all major roads in and out of the city, meaning that “there is no escape – air, land or sea”.

Mr. O’Neill reported that Haiti’s largest hospital has basically been emptied out, “and today we heard that a gang has overtaken and taken over the whole premises, what’s left of it.”

Support Haiti’s police

Highlighting the deployment of the UN-backed multinational mission, he emphasized its supporting role, stating that it is “not an occupation”

Although the mission will boost Haiti’s police, he said the national force will also need intelligence support, assets such as drones, and the means to intercept gang communications and halt illicit financial flows to them.

“They need some vetting,” he added.  “There’s some Haitian National Police, unfortunately, that are still in connivance with the gangs and that’s got to be addressed.”

The justice system, currently “on its knees”, will also need assistance with investigating and prosecuting gang leaders when it is back to functioning.

Stop the slide

Echoing the UN human rights chief, Mr. O’Neill urged countries to work to stop the flow of arms and ammunition to Haiti’s gangs. He noted that some representatives also pointed to the need for sanctions against the people who sponsor the gangs.

“If we take those three measures – the support service for the police, sanctions, arms embargo – we begin to maybe turn around the momentum in a positive direction and stop it from this slide that we’ve seen intensify over the last few weeks,” he said.

The rights expert also called for greater support for the $674 million humanitarian appeal for Haiti which is currently around seven per cent funded. 

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Customer Support Outsourcing: Enhancing Efficiency and Customer Satisfaction

Customer Support Outsourcing. Illustrative photo. Image credit: Tima Miroshnichenko via pexels.com, free license

Outsourcing customer support has become a strategic move for many businesses looking to enhance efficiency and improve customer satisfaction. In today’s fast-paced and competitive market, companies are increasingly turning to outsourcing as a cost-effective solution to manage customer inquiries and support services. This article explores the benefits, challenges, best practices, and future trends of customer support outsourcing.

Introduction to Customer Support Outsourcing

Customer support outsourcing involves partnering with third-party service providers to handle customer inquiries, technical support, and issue resolution. This allows businesses to focus on their core competencies while leveraging the expertise of specialized support teams.

Benefits of Outsourcing Customer Support

Outsourcing customer support offers several advantages, including:

  • Cost savings: Outsourcing can reduce operational costs associated with maintaining an in-house support team.
  • Scalability: Outsourcing providers can scale resources based on fluctuating customer demands.
  • 24/7 support: Outsourced teams can provide round-the-clock support, enhancing customer satisfaction.
  • Access to expertise: Outsourcing partners often have specialized knowledge and skills in customer support technologies.
  • Focus on core activities: Businesses can concentrate on core functions, such as product development and marketing.

Factors to Consider Before Outsourcing

Before outsourcing customer support, businesses should consider factors such as:

  • Service quality: Ensure that the outsourcing partner can maintain high-quality support services.
  • Communication channels: Determine which communication channels (phone, email, live chat) are essential for your customer base.
  • Data security: Evaluate the outsourcing provider’s data security measures to protect customer information.
  • Cultural fit: Consider cultural differences that may impact customer interactions and satisfaction.

Types of Customer Support Outsourcing

There are several types of customer support outsourcing, including:

Call Center Outsourcing

Call center outsourcing involves outsourcing inbound and outbound call services to handle customer inquiries, sales, and support.

Email Support Outsourcing

Email support outsourcing focuses on managing customer queries and issues through email communication.

Live Chat Support Outsourcing

Live chat support outsourcing provides real-time assistance to customers through chat platforms on websites or mobile apps.

Best Practices for Outsourced Customer Support

To ensure successful outsourced customer support, businesses should follow best practices such as:

  • Training and onboarding: Provide comprehensive training to outsourcing teams on products, services, and support protocols.
  • Performance monitoring: Implement metrics and KPIs to measure the effectiveness of outsourced support.
  • Seamless integration: Integrate outsourced support services seamlessly with internal systems for a unified customer experience.
  • Continuous improvement: Regularly assess and improve outsourced support processes based on feedback and analytics.

Challenges of Outsourcing Customer Support

While outsourcing offers benefits, it also presents challenges such as:

  • Communication barriers: Language differences and cultural nuances can impact communication with outsourced teams.
  • Quality control: Ensuring consistent quality standards across outsourced support channels can be challenging.
  • Data privacy concerns: Protecting customer data and complying with regulations are critical considerations.

How to Choose the Right Outsourcing Partner

When selecting an outsourcing partner for customer support, consider factors such as:

  • Industry experience: Choose a provider with expertise in your industry and customer support requirements.
  • Reputation and reviews: Research the outsourcing partner’s reputation, client testimonials, and case studies.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Ensure the provider can scale services as your business grows and adapt to changing needs.
  • Technology capabilities: Assess the outsourcing partner’s technology infrastructure and support capabilities.

Cost Analysis of Customer Support Outsourcing

The cost of outsourcing customer support varies based on factors such as the scope of services, volume of support requests, and provider rates. Conduct a thorough cost analysis to determine the ROI and long-term benefits of outsourcing.

Future Trends in Customer Support Outsourcing

The future of customer support outsourcing is shaped by trends such as:

  • AI and automation: Integration of AI-driven chatbots and automation tools to enhance support efficiency.
  • Omnichannel support: Offering seamless support across multiple channels (phone, email, chat, social media).
  • Data analytics: Utilizing customer data and analytics for personalized support and predictive insights.
  • Virtual assistants: Implementing virtual assistants for self-service options and quick resolutions.


Customer support outsourcing presents opportunities for businesses to streamline operations, improve customer experiences, and drive cost savings. By carefully evaluating outsourcing partners, implementing best practices, and embracing emerging technologies, companies can achieve sustainable growth and customer loyalty.


  1. Is customer support outsourcing suitable for small businesses? Yes, customer support outsourcing can be beneficial for small businesses. It allows them to access professional support services without the need for a large in-house team, saving costs and enabling focus on core business activities.
  2. How can businesses ensure data security when outsourcing customer support? Businesses can ensure data security by partnering with reputable outsourcing providers that have robust security measures in place. This includes encryption of sensitive data, adherence to data protection regulations, regular security audits, and training for outsourced teams on data handling protocols.
  3. What are the key metrics to measure the success of outsourced customer support? Key metrics for measuring the success of outsourced customer support include customer satisfaction scores (CSAT), average response time, first call resolution rate, customer retention rates, and Net Promoter Score (NPS). These metrics help assess the quality and effectiveness of support services.
  4. Are there any risks associated with outsourcing customer support? Yes, there are risks associated with outsourcing customer support, such as communication barriers, quality control issues, data privacy concerns, and dependency on third-party providers. However, these risks can be mitigated through careful vendor selection, clear communication channels, and regular performance monitoring.
  5. What role does cultural sensitivity play in outsourced customer support? Cultural sensitivity is crucial in outsourced customer support as it impacts customer interactions and satisfaction. Outsourced teams should be trained on cultural nuances, language preferences, and customer expectations to deliver personalized and empathetic support experiences across diverse demographics.

Israel must allow ‘quantum leap’ in aid delivery UN chief urges, calling for change in military tactics

Israel must allow ‘quantum leap’ in aid delivery UN chief urges, calling for change in military tactics
UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe - UN Secretary-General António Guterres briefs the media outside the Security Council on the situation in Gaza.

Israel must make meaningful changes in the way it is fighting in Gaza to avoid civilian casualties while also undergoing “a true paradigm shift” in lifesaving aid delivery, the UN chief said on Friday. 

Marking six months of war since the “abhorrent” Hamas-led terror attacks of 7 October, António Guterres told journalists at UN Headquarters in New York that nothing could justify the horror unleashed by Palestinian militants that day. 

“I once again utterly condemn the use of sexual violence, torture injuring and kidnapping of civilians, the firing of rockets towards civilian targets and the use of human shields”, he said, calling again for the unconditional release of all hostages still being held in the Gaza Strip. 

Having met many of the family members of those held captive “I carry their anguish, uncertainty and deep pain with me every day”, added Mr. Guterres. 

‘Relentless death’ 

But the past six months of Israel’s military campaign has also brought “relentless death and destruction to Palestinians”, with over 32,000 reported killed, the vast majority women and children. 

“Lives are shattered. Respect for international law is in tatters”, he said. 

The resulting humanitarian disaster is unprecedented, with more than a million “facing catastrophic hunger.” 

Children are dying due to lack of food and water: “This is incomprehensible and entirely avoidable”, the UN chief declared, repeating that nothing can justify such collective punishment. 

Weaponized AI 

Mr. Guterres said he was deeply troubled by reports that the Israeli military has been using AI to help identify targets during its relentless bombing of densely populated areas of Gaza. 

No part of life and death decisions which impact entire families should be delegated to the cold calculation of algorithms”, he said. 

AI should only be used as a force for good, not to wage war “on an industrial level, blurring accountability.” 

UNRWA staff in Amman, Jordan, attend a ceremony to remember colleagues who have lost their lives in Gaza.

Humanitarian deaths 

Branding the war “the deadliest of conflicts”, he highlighted that 196 humanitarians including over 175 UN staffers have been killed, the vast majority serving with Palestine relief agency UNRWA

“An information war has added to the trauma – obscuring facts and shifting blame”, said the UN chief, compounded by Israel denying journalists entry into Gaza, consequently allowing disinformation to spread. 

Tactics must change 

And following the appalling killing of the seven staffers with World Central Kitchen, the main problem is not who made the mistakes but “the military strategy and procedures in place that allow for those mistakes to multiply time and time again”, the Secretary-General said. 

Fixing those failures requires independent investigations and meaningful and measurable changes on the ground.” 

He said the UN had been told by the Israeli Government that it was now planning to allow a “meaningful increase” in the flow of aid to Gaza. The UN chief said he sincerely hoped the increase in aid would materialize quickly. 

‘Failure would be unforgivable’ 

“Dramatic humanitarian conditions require a quantum leap in the delivery of life-saving aid – a true paradigm shift.” 

He noted last week’s Security Council resolution calling for hostages releases, civilian protection and unimpeded aid delivery.  

“All those demands must be implemented. Failure would unforgivable”, he said. 

Six months on, the world stands on the brink of mass starvation in Gaza, a regional conflagration and a “total loss of faith in global standards and norms.”

A boy runs through the destroyed streets of Gaza.
A boy runs through the destroyed streets of Gaza.

Unprecedented violations: UN rights office 

The violations committed since 7 October in Israel and Gaza, as well as the destruction and suffering of civilians in the enclave are unprecedented, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, said on Friday, warning that the risk of further atrocity crimes is high. 

OHCHR upheld the need to ensure aid delivery and the protection of humanitarian workers, noting that attacks against them may amount to war crimes. 

The Israeli airstrikes that killed the World Central Kitchen personnel underline the horrific conditions under which humanitarians are operating in Gaza, said Spokesperson Jeremy Laurence told journalists in Geneva. 

Israel has also killed law enforcement officials and others involved in securing humanitarian aid delivery, directly contributing to the breakdown of civil order and putting humanitarian workers and those in need of aid in further danger,” he added. 

Following the attacks, World Central Kitchen and other NGOs suspended aid delivery and distributions in Gaza, “increasing the already real risk of more deaths from famine and disease at larger scale.” 

War crimes warning 

Mr. Laurence recalled that international law requires all warring parties to respect and protect humanitarian personnel and ensure their safety, security, and freedom of movement. 

As the occupying power, Israel has the additional obligation to ensure, to the fullest extent possible, that the basic needs of Gaza’s population are met. This means the authorities must either ensure that people can access food and medical care or facilitate the work of humanitarians delivering this assistance.  

“Attacking people or objects involved in humanitarian assistance may amount to a war crime,” he said. 

He pointed out that UN Human Rights High Commissioner Volker Türk has repeatedly stated that impunity must end. 

Scientology Unveils 8800 m2 statement in Paris just before the Olympics


The Church of Scientology recently opened its “Ideal Organization”, in Paris with a ceremony that showcased the city’s rich cultural heritage. Ideal Orgs is how Scientologists call the new breed of their places of worship that are fully equipped to show what is Scientology and deliver all their congregational services. The impressive six-story building in Avenue President Wilson of Gran Paris Saint-Denis, made of glass and wood, was unveiled amidst excitement on Saturday. The event attracted figures from the International Association of Scientologists (IAS) as well as esteemed guests, from various parts of France.

Presiding over the historic event was Mr. David Miscavige, Chairman of the Board Religious Technology Center and ecclesiastical leader of this young but established, growing religion. In his address to the exuberant crowd, Miscavige expressed the significance of setting this new spiritual home in the city. “While we’ve opened Ideal Orgs in other cultural epicenters, megacities of significance to our entire global movement, well, this one crowns them all. After all, you are in the Cultural Capital of Earth, and at the top of every ‘Best’ list. Best art. Best food. Best … Tower”.

Mr. David Miscavige also mentioned the significance of Paris, as a symbol of freedom highlighting the similarities, between the city’s principles and the Church’s core mission. “There is a birthright of this land that cannot be forgotten. It traces back to the strong voices of your Enlightenment in ages past,” he said. “By that I mean those who first championed the rights of man, the dignity of man and who gave birth to a phrase all but synonymous with the spirit of this day: Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. I say nothing better represents those ideals—and, in fact, the doingness required to attain those ideals—than your new Ideal Organization of Paris.”

One of the guest speakers at the event was Dr. Mouslim Fidahoussen, a religious scholar, expert in interfaith matters and an Imam. Fidahoussen commended the Church for its contributions in spreading positivity and joy through L. Ron Hubbard’s moral guidelines known as The Way to Happiness. “Even right here in district 93, your legacy precedes you. Your teams have delivered The Way to Happiness to places where happiness was probably considered just a fairy tale,” he said.

Another speaker, Mr. Jean Maher, an international human rights expert who has served as an advisor on rights issues to both European and US national governments, highlighted the Church’s passion for championing human rights. “As a citizen of France, I certainly consider it a duty and honor to carry forward this legacy of human rights. And your tradition of service includes delivering no less than 400,000 Human Rights booklets to the city squares, the train stations and all across France,” Maher said.

Mr. David Guyon, a lawyer expert on constitutional law and university lecturer who has fought against forced psychiatric commitment, spoke of the Church’s partnership with the Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) in shining a light on the abuse of forced incarceration in hospitals. “You are the ones breaking the stranglehold of psychiatry and giving thousands back their lives!” he exclaimed.

Representing the United Religions Initiative, Dr. Petar Gramatikov, a member of the United Nations NGO Committee on Freedom of Religion or Belief in Geneva, praised the Church’s work in promoting dialogue with other religions. “If you want to know who is the voice of interfaith progress, it’s you—the Church of Scientology! You have demonstrated an unconditional commitment to interreligious unity,” Gramatikov said.

The final guest speaker, Ms. Elodie Maumont, a tenacious attorney who specializes in defending civil liberties and religious freedom, expressed her admiration for the Church’s persistence and passion. “Today is the embodiment of your persistence in broad shining daylight,” she said. “This moment is your realization. It was driven by your perseverance and your passion. If we could bottle just a small amount of the life you bring to what you do, this world would be a different, brighter and peaceful one.”

As the ceremony drew to a close, Mr. Miscavige addressed the crowd once more, declaring, “And with that, we prepare to welcome Paris, in totality. So will begin your new legacy, as you invite the world to discover Scientology like never in history. But for now, today, we celebrate this stellar Ideal Org in the City of Light.”

With that, the grand blue ribbon atop the glistening building was cut, fireworks shot up, and the multitudes eagerly thronged through the doors to tour the exquisite new spiritual home, the Ideal Church of Scientology and Celebrity Centre Grand Paris, now open to all.

The new Church not only provides a hub for Scientology services, but also serves as a community center, hosting a range of events and programs, from interfaith forums and human rights summits to drug education conferences and cultural performances. Its Public Information Center offers visitors a comprehensive introduction to the beliefs and practices of the Scientology religion, as well as the Church’s various humanitarian initiatives.

The inauguration of this Ideal Org in Paris marks a significant milestone in the ever-growing global expansion of the Church of Scientology. Over the past years, the Church has opened new Ideal Organizations in major cities around the world, including London, Berlin, Tokyo, Mexico City, Madrid, Taiwan, Hamburg, Budapest, Copenhagen, and several many more across the United States; and in the last 6 weeks a total of 4 new places of worship Mexico del Valle, Chicago, Austin and now Paris.

As the City of Light welcomes this stunning new addition to its iconic landscape, the Church of Scientology’s presence in Paris is poised to inspire and uplift the community, fostering “greater understanding, cooperation, and a shared commitment to the ideals of liberty, equality, and fraternity that have long defined the city’s legacy”, said Ivan Arjona, church’s representative in Europe.

The owner of a chain of liquor stores is the fastest-growing billionaire in Russia


The founder of the “Krasnoe & Beloe” (red and white) store chain, Sergey Studennikov, became the fastest-growing Russian businessman in the last year, Forbes reports. During the year, the 57-year-old billionaire became 113% richer and now his fortune is estimated at 3.2 billion dollars.

The owner of the retail chain is the only Russian who managed to double his capital after the demand for alcohol in the country increased sharply.

According to the Federal Service for the Regulation of Alcohol and Tobacco Markets, last year Russians bought 229.5 million deciliters (2.3 billion liters) of strong alcoholic beverages – a record volume for all statistics. Compared to 2022, sales of strong alcohol have increased by 4.1%, or by almost 100 million liters.

The second place in the list of entrepreneurs who increased their wealth the fastest and most sensitively is occupied by the former owner of Tubular Metallurgical Company (TMK) and the “Sinara” group, Dmitry Pumpyansky. He has become richer by 94%, his current capital is estimated at 3.3 billion dollars.

Third in the ranking is the main owner of the investment group “Region” Sergey Sudarikov, who has become richer by 80% (current net worth of 1.8 billion dollars).

In just one year, 64 big Russian businessmen managed to increase their wealth, and in total they became richer by 68.5 billion dollars, according to Forbes.

The number of dollar billionaires in Russia increased from 110 to 125 people during the year. This is the highest indicator for the entire history of the list of the richest businessmen in the world. The total wealth of Russian participants in the rating increased by 14% and amounted to 576.8 billion dollars. 19 Russians are included in the list for the first time.

The leader in the ranking is the founder of “Lukoil” Vagit Alekperov, who became richer by 8.1 billion dollars for the year. Alekperov’s total fortune is estimated at $28.6 billion.

In second place on the list is the head of “Novatek” Leonid Mikhelson with a fortune of $27.4 billion, and third is the main shareholder of NLMK Vladimir Lisin ($26.6 billion). Next, the head of the board of directors of “Severstal” Alexey Mordashov ($25.5 billion) and the president of “Norilsk Nickel” Vladimir Potanin with a fortune of $23.7 billion.

At least seven Russian billionaires renounced their Russian citizenship last year. Among them are Usmanov’s former partner, the billionaire Vasily Anisimov ($1.6 billion), the founder and main owner of the Freedom holding Timur Turlov ($2.4 billion), the founder of the Troika Dialog investment company Ruben Vardanyan ($1.3 billion dollars), the founder of the investment company DST Global Yuri Milner (7.3 billion). In addition, the founder of Revolut Nikolai Storonsky ($7.1 billion), the founder of the energy company Areti Igor Makarov ($2.2 billion) and the founder of Tinkoff Group Oleg Tinkov ($0.86 billion, estimate made after the sale of the Tinkoff bank).

Illustrative Photo by Adrien Olichon: https://www.pexels.com/photo/liquor-bottle-lot-2537608/

The flights of an Antalya-based airline banned in EU for connections with Russia


The European Union (EU) has imposed a flight ban on Antalya-based airline Southwind, claiming it is linked to Russia.

In the news published on Aerotelegraph.com, it is reported that the investigation carried out by the Finnish aviation authorities concluded that the majority ownership and effective control of the airline is in Russia and that it is connected to Russian financial groups. For this reason, Finland did not allow the company to fly between Antalya and Helsinki.

Immediately following this decision, Brussels on Thursday, March 28, also announced that the company Southwind Airlines, whose official name is Cortex Aviation and Tourism Trade, is prohibited from taking off, flying and landing in the territory of all EU member states, in accordance with Article 3d, Article 31 of Regulation No. 833/2014.

It was noted that the ban in question would be implemented immediately.

The company will also not be able to fly to Zurich, Switzerland, which is not a member of the EU, but all European airspace is closed to Southwind Airlines.

EU sanctions against Russia are extensive and unprecedented. These include targeted restrictive measures, economic sanctions, diplomatic and visa measures.

These measures are part of the EU’s response to Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine and aim to support Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, as well as to hold Russia accountable for its actions.

Over 200 million dogs and even more cats roam the streets of the world


A cat gives birth to up to 19 kittens a year, and a dog – up to 24 puppies.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), over 200 million dogs and even more cats roam the streets worldwide. This was announced by the Four Paws Foundation. On the occasion of World Homeless Animals Day, which is celebrated on April 4, the animal welfare organization recalls the need for a loving home for every cat and dog in the world. A cat can give birth to up to 19 kittens a year, and a dog can give birth to up to 24 puppies, adding to the overpopulation problem and their suffering.

“Every dog and cat deserves a loving home. Irresponsible owners are one of the main causes of the problem of stray animals. That’s why Four Paws works closely with communities to create a culture of adoption and supports shelters with expertise. When there are more stray animals than available homes, we work with communities to foster caring and supportive relationships with animals. Our therapy dogs are the best example to show that every stray animal deserves a second chance and can change our lives,” says Manuela Rawlings, Head of European Stray Animal Aid and Public Engagement at Four Paws “.

The foundation also trains homeless animals to be therapy dogs that help children with their learning and social skills, provide lonely people in nursing homes with gratuitous love and comfort, or facilitate the treatment of patients. With the “Animals Helping People” project, therapy dogs act as role models and can help change society’s attitudes towards homeless animals.

“Four paws” works actively in both Asia and Europe. Since 1999 – also in Eastern Europe, where the largest number of stray dogs in Europe has been registered. Together with local partners in Romania, Bulgaria and Kosovo, the foundation implements humane, sustainable and community-led dog and cat population management programs. Since then, more than 240,000 stray cats and dogs have been sterilized and vaccinated, the organization said.

Illustrative Photo by Snapwire: https://www.pexels.com/photo/orange-tabby-cat-beside-fawn-short-coated-puppy-46024/