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Why Namibia plans to kill over 700 wild animals


Namibia plans to cull 723 wild animals, including 83 elephants, and distribute the meat to people struggling to feed themselves due to a severe drought in South Africa, the environment ministry has ruled.

The culling will take place in parks and public areas where authorities believe the number of animals exceeds available pasture and water supplies. South Africa is facing its worst drought in decades, with Namibia depleting 84 percent of its food reserves last month, according to UN figures. Almost half of Namibia’s population is expected to experience hunger problems in the coming months.

With such a severe drought, human-wildlife conflicts are expected to increase if authorities do not intervene. “To this end, 83 elephants from identified conflict zones will be killed and the meat distributed to the drought relief programme,” it said in a statement.

The country also plans to cull 30 hippos and 60 buffalo, as well as 50 impala, 100 wildebeest, 300 zebra and 100 eland.

157 animals have already been captured by professional hunters and companies hired by the government, with more than 56,800 kilograms of meat harvested.

“This is necessary and in line with our constitutional mandate where our natural resources are used for the benefit of the citizens of Namibia,” Reuters quoted the environment ministry as saying.

More than 200,000 elephants are estimated to live in a protected area spread across five southern African countries – Zimbabwe, Zambia, Botswana, Angola and Namibia – making the region home to one of the largest elephant populations in the world.

Illustrative Photo by Vik Joshi: https://www.pexels.com/photo/hippopotamus-lying-near-the-river-8150826/

Bulgaria is selling dollar bonds for the first time in over 20 years


The caretaker government aims to cover 1.5 billion euros worth of bonds maturing next week

Bulgaria will offer US dollar-denominated bonds for the first time in 22 years as it tries to plug its budget deficit and pay off maturing debt amid a prolonged political crisis, Bloomberg reports.

The country will offer 12-year dollar-denominated securities as well as euro-denominated bonds with maturities of 8 and 20 years in a deal that can be priced as early as today (August 28), the agency noted, citing to a familiar source. BNP Paribas, Citigroup, ING Groep NV and UniCredit are managing the deal.

Bulgaria is gearing up for another snap election in October, the seventh in three and a half years, as political parties have failed to form a stable majority coalition. The caretaker government appointed on Tuesday aims to cover 1.5 billion euros ($1.7 billion) in bonds maturing next week and finance a planned budget deficit of 3 percent of gross domestic product.

Initial price talks were about 165 basis points above the mid-swap for the 8-year euro-denominated bond, 220 b. p. above the midpoint for 20-year bonds in euro and 170 b. t. above the midpoint for 12-year dollar bonds, said the source, who requested anonymity because he is not authorized to speak publicly.

The government can sell new debt for a total of 10 billion leva ($5.7 billion) in the next 4 months, according to this year’s budget, after already issuing 1.7 billion leva on the domestic market. Two previous governments this year did not tap into international markets.

Illustrative Photo by Karolina Kaboompics: https://www.pexels.com/photo/dollar-banknote-on-white-table-4386155/

Horses are much smarter than previously thought


Horses are much smarter than previously thought, scientists say, after research shows the animals do better than expected in a complex reward-based game, reported DPA.

The authors of the study, from Nottingham Trent University, UK, found that when they were denied a treat for not following the rules of the game, the horses were able to immediately change their strategies to get more rewards. This shows that animals have the ability to think and plan ahead, something previously thought to be beyond their ability.

Knowing how horses learn can help keepers train them more humanely and improve their welfare, the team adds. “Horses are not geniuses by nature, they are considered mediocre, but the present study shows that they are actually more advanced cognitively than we give them credit for,” write the authors of the study, published in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science.

For the purposes of the study, the scientists set 20 horses a task consisting of three stages with gradually increasing complexity of the rules and the introduction of punishment. In the course of it, researchers have found that horses comply with the imposed rules in order to get a treat. The animals performed better than expected in the complex reward-based game, and when they were denied a treat for not following its rules, they were able to switch strategies immediately. According to the researchers, this suggests that the horses knew the rules of the game all along.

According to the scientists, the results of the study show that horses have the ability to form an internal model of the world around them to make decisions and make predictions – a technique known as model-based learning. Until now, this kind of training was thought to be too complex for horses because they have an underdeveloped prefrontal cortex, a part of the brain associated with strategic thinking. According to scientists, horses use a different area of the brain to achieve a similar result.

Illustrative Photo by eberhard grossgasteiger: https://www.pexels.com/photo/brown-horse-in-close-up-photography-1411709/

Secret Masonic tunnels in Warsaw discovered by archaeologists


They were discovered in the Guchin Gai park complex

Arheologists excavated part of a mysterious system of tunnels under Gucin Gai – a park complex located in the Mokotow district of the Polish capital Warsaw. The park is located in the former Vilanov estate, one of the residences of the Vilanov royal palace.

In the northwestern part of Guchin Gai, near the Church of St. Catherine, there is a system of U-shaped tunnels with a vault, which extends for about 65 meters. On both sides of the tunnel are symmetrical niches, some of them containing three rows of niches, which create the appearance of a catacomb.

At the beginning of the 19th century, the tunnel and the surrounding area were purchased by the Polish nobleman and minister Stanislaw Kostka Potocki. Stanislaus was also a prominent member of the Freemasons, receiving the title of Grand Master of the Grand National Orient of Poland.

Because of Potocki’s Masonic affiliation, it is rumored that the tunnel served as a secret meeting place for Masonic ceremonies and rituals. Although no contemporary sources or written evidence confirm this, the Register of Monuments still refers to the tunnel as “Masonic Graves”.

The excavations on an area of 5×5 m, covering the entrance to the tunnel and part of the inner corridor, were carried out by the Institute of Archeology of the “Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski” University in cooperation with the Office of the Warsaw Conservator of Monuments, reports BGNES.

The removal of accumulated soil revealed 19th-century walls that formed the entrance from the time of Stanislaus, in addition to much earlier brick walls dating from around the 17th century. Archaeologists also found 17th-century coins that help establish the historical chronology of the tunnel, as well as several items from the Middle Ages.

According to the environmental protection office report, the 17th-century architectural elements are probably the remains of a cistern or glacier structure for collecting and storing water to supply the Vilanov Palace, located a few kilometers away.

This is confirmed by the records of Augustin Lochi (1640 – 1732), court architect of Jan III Sobieski, who describes the construction of a glacier and water catchment on the northern slope of Gora Slujevska (in Gucin Gai).

Zimbabwe faces worsening food crisis due to El Niño droughts

Zimbabwe faces worsening food crisis due to El Niño droughts

This comes just two months after UN humanitarians declared Zimbabwe as one of the hunger hotspots where acute food insecurity was likely to deteriorate.

The storm destroyed more than half of the country’s harvest, leaving about 7.6 million people at risk of acute hunger.

El Niño is a regular and naturally occurring weather event which affects the air temperatures around the sea and coastal landmasses. The climate crisis in recent years has led to more frequent and intense patterns.  

Officials from the UN and the World Food Programme (WFP) recently visited Zimbabwe to determine the drought’s impact on the nation and to call for more international support for the humanitarian response.

‘Nationwide state of disaster’

In April, local Zimbabwean authorities declared that the country was in a nationwide state of disaster.

Figures from the authorities showed that 57 per cent of people in “rural” parts of the country are set to be food insecure between January and March 2025 – a peak hunger period there.

Other UN reports indicate that civilians will need to depend on “alternative sources of income, social support, and humanitarian assistance” to withstand this season.

It was further reported that “humanitarian assistance needs will remain high in many areas of the country until the harvest in 2025 due to poor purchasing capacity resulting from limited income-earning opportunities and high food prices.”

El Niño’s impact

The El Niño-induced droughts have reportedly put a strain on Zimbabwe’s economy, leaving more than a fifth of children out of school and a lack of water supplies in the country.

The UN and some of its partners are working with the Zimbabwean Government to provide aid to civilians.

However, these teams require more funding, as the $429 million flash appeal which was launched in May that aims to aid over 3 million people, is only about 11 per cent funded.

The El Niño droughts have also affected other South African countries including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Madagascar, Malawi and more. Each of these nations is in high need of humanitarian interventions as food insecurity levels have risen significantly due to the drought. 

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Rights experts urge United Kingdom to curb hate speech

Rights experts urge United Kingdom to curb hate speech

The UN Committee on the Elimination of Racism (CERD) voiced concern over persistent hate crimes, hate speech and xenophobic incidents on various platforms, including by politicians and public figures.

It was particularly concerned about recurring racist acts and violence by extremist far-right and white supremacist individuals and groups targeting ethnic and ethno-religious minorities, migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers.

Southport stabbing attack

This includes violent acts committed in late July and early August this year when riots broke out across the UK following a stabbing attack at a dance class in Southport that left three young girls dead and 10 other people injured.

The unrest was fuelled by disinformation shared on social media about the suspect.

In calling for action, the UN Committee urged the UK authorities to implement comprehensive measures to curb racist hate speech and xenophobic rhetoric, including on the part of political and public figures. 

Members emphasized the need for thorough investigations and strict penalties for racist hate crimes, and effective remedies for the victims and their families.

According to news reports, British courts have handed down hundreds of sentences to those who took part in the unrest, including to some who fueled the disorder through online posts. 

Police target ethnic minorities

The Committee also expressed concern about the disproportionate impact of police stop-and-search practices, including strip searches, on ethnic minorities, especially children. 

It also raised alarm over the use of excessive and deadly force by law enforcement, lack of accountability, and inadequate support for victims’ families, all of which disproportionately affect people of African descent and other ethnic minorities.

Concerns surrounding institutional racism within policing and the criminal justice system were also highlighted.

Investigate racial profiling

The Committee urged the UK to set up an independent complaint mechanism to investigate allegations of racial profiling, stop-and-search practices, strip searches, and excessive use of force by the police. 

Furthermore, perpetrators should be prosecuted and punished, and victims and their families should have access to effective remedies. 

Additionally, decisive action to eliminate racial discrimination within policing and the criminal justice system, must be taken.

About the Committee

The Committee published its findings on the UK after concluding a four-year review of the country, alongside seven other nations including Iran, Iraq, Pakistan and Venezuela.

The 18 international experts appointed to the Committee receive their mandates from the UN Human Rights Council, which is located in Geneva.

They are not UN staff and do not receive payment for their work.  

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Beer, but warm – it helps the kidneys


Is it true that beer is good for the kidneys? Beer is associated with entertainment, evening gatherings and relaxation. At the same time, many myths and claims accompany this popular drink, including claims that it is good for kidney health. Let’s look at what is actually known about the effect of beer on the organs of the genitourinary system.

The myth of the benefits of beer for the kidneys The idea that beer can have a positive effect on kidney health is due to the content of antioxidants in the drink, as well as its diuretic effect. However, it should be clarified that beer consumption is not associated with benefits for kidney function.

Reality and negative impact: Dehydration. Beer, like any alcoholic drink, has a dehydrating effect on the body. Alcohol suppresses the production of vasopressin, a hormone that regulates fluid levels in the body. This can lead to more frequent urination and, as a result, dehydration. Dehydration can negatively affect kidney function and overall health. Adverse effects on the urinary tract. Beer can irritate the urinary tract, which can contribute to urinary tract infections. Alcohol can also make existing kidney problems worse. Effect on blood pressure. Excessive consumption of alcohol, including beer, can raise blood pressure. A constant increase in blood pressure can negatively affect kidney function.

Reasonable consumption

It is important to emphasize that moderate and infrequent consumption of beer, like other alcoholic beverages, often avoids serious health problems. However, avoid excessive consumption and remember that beer is not particularly good for the kidneys.

Other myths about beer

Beer can be drunk in large quantities because it contains a lot of water: Despite the high water content of beer, the alcohol in it has a dehydrating effect, which can lead to dehydration, especially if consumed in excess.

Beer is a good way to relax and de-stress: Although many may feel relaxed after drinking alcohol, this is often a temporary effect. Long-term or excessive alcohol consumption can actually worsen stress and mental health effects.

Beer dissolves fat: Many people believe that beer helps dissolve fat and helps flush it out of the body. However, this is not true. Beer, like other alcoholic beverages, contains calories and can promote fat storage.

Beer is a good source of vitamins and minerals: Beer contains some vitamins and minerals, but it is not the best source of nutrients. An overdose of alcohol can negatively affect the absorption of certain nutrients.

If you have kidney problems, blood pressure or other chronic diseases, it is advisable to consult your doctor before making changes to your diet or drinking habits. In general, it is better to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle without alcohol to maintain the health of the genitourinary system and the whole body. The article is for informational purposes only and is not a recommendation or a substitute for professional consultation.

Illustrative Photo by RDNE Stock project: https://www.pexels.com/photo/friends-toasting-their-drinks-6174129/

Slovenia‘s cycling tourism generated nearly 10 million EUR after the pandemic


Fans of cycling tourism will be able to join a new adventure connecting Croatia and seven countries of the Balkans. The route in question includes 80 segments, and the organizers explain in detail every turn, difficulty of the route and other small details. The destination was designed by the Slovenian NGO – GoodPlace and uses the services of various mapping experts responsible for the entire journey. The chosen route has a length of 3,364 kilometers and was developed with the help of the famous Balkan traveler and writer Alex Krevar.

Trans Dinarica will open its doors to all enthusiasts in the warmer months of 2024.

The creators want to show forgotten but beautiful places that have not been visited for a long time, since new technologies often draw other routes. It turns out that European countries began to invest a lot in cycling tourism before the pandemic, and now with new forces, as many as 17 new routes with a total length of 90 thousand kilometers have been described, including a fanatical route for experts – from the Arctic to the Baltic Sea.

Practice shows that more and more Europeans choose a cycling weekend to rest and explore a given region. Many share that this is the better way to travel and they can tap into the local culture, cuisine and even some of the more hidden wineries in the designated regions that rarely disappoint guests.

The Trans Dinarica is not an accredited EuroVelo route, but it includes some beautiful points of the Adriatic Sea, as well as parts of the popular EV8 Mediterranean route.

The idea of ​​this type of tourism is that it can increase the attendance of and offer more scenic spots and access to nature. Thanks to the more serious human flow, some smaller settlements have a steady flow of people and generate revenue from visits. It is the opinion of the organizers that local tour operators should think of proposals along a given route, including accommodation, attractions and even a form of assistance, from which they are sure to profit.

Passing the Trans Dinarica is completely free, but it leaves an opportunity for business owners to advertise themselves and appear on the map with various services.

The creators of Trans Dinarica and the people of GoodPlace are responsible for the creation of Slovenian Green Bike Routes – the project is now an integral part of the country’s national tourism strategy.

According to Slovenia’s calculations, cyclists have brought in nearly 10 million euros over the past 18 months. Alex says that more than 13,000 people have downloaded the Slovenian bike routes app, and according to his modest calculations, the average investment for a bike weekend was about 100 euros per day for food and accommodation at a certain location, as well as additional services such as support, spare parts and others.

Cycle tourism is becoming more and more serious in Europe and there are enough investors who are happy to decide to join this venture. Funding also comes from the US, as well as from EDGE – Economic Development, Governance and Enterprise Growth.

Trans Dinarica will aim to boost the economy and warm relations between all the countries the adventurers will pass through. Apart from Croatia, the cyclists will pass through Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, Albania and North Macedonia.

the tart of the route is from western Slovenia and passes through some of the largest national parks. Organizers deliberately skip some of the busiest roads and direct participants to Bosnia. It passes through the Western Balkans, where a unique view of Sarajevo is revealed, and then the road continues to Podgorica, Skopje and Pristina.

Alex admits that there are some steeper roads, but he points out that one can easily ride a hybrid bike – a combination between a road bike and a mountain bike. At every single border, there are more prying eyes than any form of heavy and thorough checks. Some employees find it hard to accept the fact that a person can travel such a distance by bicycle.

Inspections are possible, but practice has shown that the cyclists themselves do not carry much luggage with them and really have nothing to declare.

Photo: Map / https://www.transdinarica.com/slovenia/

Has obesity among children in the UK decreased since the introduction of the “sugar” tax


More than 47,000 tonnes of sugar have been removed from soft drinks alone in the UK since the authorities introduced a two-tier system of additional taxation on them in 2018. Their producers were obliged to pay the treasury 18 pence for every five grams of sugar they put in 100 milliliters, and even 24 pence for larger quantities. To avoid the tax, some of them reduced their use of sugar and developed recipes with healthier sugar substitutes.

The tax was supposed to reduce sugar consumption in the UK by 20%, but unfortunately this target has not yet been reached. However, there is a positive change. If before every second drink in the commercial network had five grams of sugar per hundred milliliters, now it is only 15%.

A Cambridge University study has shown that the sugar tax has really achieved something serious. It reduced obesity among 10- to 11-year-old girls by eight percent, and also the number of teeth extracted due to decay.

The tax is part of a larger package of measures that includes a ban on supermarkets placing chocolates and other treats at children’s eye level near checkouts. Also, starting next year, they will not be allowed to make tempting offers on unhealthy foods.

For others, the tax does not affect their shopping habits.

Almost one in five teenagers in Europe drink sugary soft drinks every day, which is believed to be one of the factors behind adolescent obesity in the Old Continent. That’s why the World Health Organization has long recommended that sugary foods be taxed, and about 50 countries have already done so.

Illustrative Photo by Suzy Hazelwood: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-sugar-cubes-in-glass-jar-2523650/

The benefits of bee-polen – the food that gives us everything we need


The pollen originates from those parts of the plant that are particularly important for the development of the plant species. Therefore, it contains substances of high biological value. Its composition varies greatly depending on the plants from which it is harvested. Fresh pollen contains the following ingredients:

• protein substances (22-40%), including the amino acids valine, tryptophan, phenylalanine, lysine, methionine, leucine, isoleucine, trevonine, histidine, arginine, glutamic, aspartic acid, etc.

• Sugars in the form of nectar carbohydrates (30 – 60 %)

• Vitamins. Bee pollen is particularly rich in vitamins that are absorbed by the bees’ body. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, B8, B9, B12, C, provitamin A (converted in the body into vitamin A), vitamin D, etc. have been identified. Rutin (vitamin P) reaches 60 mg per 100 g of pollen. It is of particular importance for the human body, as it increases capillary resistance

• Enzymes. Amylase, invertase, catalase, phosphatase, etc., which catalyze various chemical processes in the body, have been identified.

• Antibiotic substances. They come from both plants and bees. They stop the development of bacteria in the intestines. They are especially active against gram-negative bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Salmonella ehteritidis and Proteus vulgaris, which are the causes of gastrointestinal diseases and urinary tract infections.

• Mineral substances. Potassium, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium are in the greatest amount. Manganese, zinc, cobalt, barium, silver, gold, vanadium, tungsten, iridium, mercury, molybdenum, chromium, cadmium, strontium, palladium, platinum and titanium have been found in small quantities. The amount of mineral salts is greater in pollen than in honey.

• Lipids, aromatic and pigment substances.

• Biologically active substances. Bee pollen contains from 0.60 to 4.87% nucleic acids, ribonucleic acids being more than deoxyribonucleic acids.

• Bee pollen is rich in the essential amino acids for life, which many times surpass the amino acids contained in beef, eggs and cheese.

If there were no other food sources containing amino acids, pollen could provide the human body with the minimum need for them through the average dose of 15 g per day. For example, 2 tablespoons of pollen equals the protein content of 140 g of pork steak, but without bad fats, chemicals and animal hormones.

Therapeutic action and application:

On the one hand, pollen has a high nutritional value – no other natural product can compete with it, but at the same time it is also a complete food thanks to its diverse ingredients. Pollen should also be considered as a natural “medicine-concentrate”, based on the large amount of enzymes, vitamins, antibiotic substances, trace elements, flavonoids, etc. contained in it – all of natural origin and in a favorable ratio with each other.

Pollen is used in the treatment of:

• Diseases of the small and large intestine.

• Possibility of using the pollen and perga in the treatment of diabetes, as it stimulates the release of insulin.

• Lowers the level of cholesterol, which is used in the treatment of atherosclerosis.

• Pollen is characterized by a low sodium content, but contains a lot of magnesium and potassium, which makes it suitable for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

• Pollen contains iron, which means that it can be used in the treatment of anemia.

• Thanks to the rich content of iodine, the pollen can be used in the prevention of endemic goitre.

• The pollen has a well-expressed anabolic (building) effect.

• It is used in the treatment of inflammatory and degenerative diseases of the liver.

• It has a normalizing effect on the nervous system.

Very good results are known in the treatment and prevention of pathological processes of the prostate gland such as hypertrophy. Bee pollen is used for gastrointestinal diseases, asthenia and states of mental and physical fatigue, which appeared as a result of various diseases, overloads, exhaustion (age-related and neurotic), etc. It is used for lack of appetite in children, delayed growth and delayed teething; it is included in the complex therapy of cardiovascular diseases, in the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis, in liver diseases, climacteric disorders, etc.

Contraindications for treatment with bee pollen are allergy to it and severe damage to the renal parenchyma.

Pollen is considered to be completely harmless to the body.

It is suitable for treating liver diseases, atherosclerosis, lipidemia (increase in fat). With long-term treatment, it improves the condition of patients with prostate adenoma and prostatitis, depressive conditions and chronic alcoholism. An effective means of general strengthening of the organism.

Store in a dark and cool place.


In the evening before going to bed, take a glass of water with one teaspoon of bee pollen and one teaspoon of honey, after it has dissolved and obtained a yellowish homogeneous mixture. Therefore, it is good to add the ingredients – pollen and honey – to a glass of warm water at least 15-20 minutes earlier. The spoon should not be metal.

Why evening?

Because of the whole range of vitamin B. It has a calming effect on the nervous system. It helps to sleep well.

Vitamins. Bee pollen is particularly rich in vitamins that are absorbed by the bees’ body. Vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6, B7, B8, B9.

Illustrative photo: St. Great martyr Procopius († 303) – patron saint of beekeepers celebrated on July 8 by the Orthodox Church. Fresco from 1315-1320 in the Hora church in Constantinople (Constantinople).