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A Decade of Divine Discovery: How the Catholic Mass Times App is Revolutionizing Worship


In today’s era technology intertwines with every facet of our lives including matters of spirituality and faith. This month commemorates a decade since the launch of the Catholic Mass Times App, a solution that has transformed the way Catholics globally locate nearby Mass schedules. With over 1.6 million installations and details of 86,000 churches this app serves as more, than a practical tool—it acts as a link that unites believers with their spiritual sustenance.

Behind this transformative app is Pablo Licheri, a visionary whose simple idea blossomed into a global spiritual resource. At 51, Licheri, a seasoned professional in the Argentine financial system, shifted his career trajectory towards a divine calling. Now residing in Ave Maria, Florida, Licheri balances his roles as CTO of Ave Maria Software and Professor of Data Analytics at Ave Maria University.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== A Decade of Divine Discovery: How the Catholic Mass Times App is Revolutionizing Worship
A Decade of Divine Discovery: How the Catholic Mass Times App is Revolutionizing Worship 4

From Concept to Global Connector

The inception of the Catholic Mass Times App was as serendipitous as it was innovative. “The original idea was to broadcast Holy Mass 24×7 from different churches around the world,” Licheri recalls.

After a chat with a friend his focus shifted to a practical yet meaningful endeavor. Creating an application to help people find Mass schedules and nearby churches. Introduced on March 19 2014 the application initially served the community in Buenos Aires before gaining popularity worldwide. “We started with a few thousand users and now we have hundreds of thousands ” Licheri mentions modestly.

The success of the application showcases its usefulness. Reflects the global communitys desire to stay connected, to their beliefs especially in a world where movement is common.

Features That Faithful Love

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== A Decade of Divine Discovery: How the Catholic Mass Times App is Revolutionizing Worship

What sets the Catholic Mass Times App apart is its meticulous attention to detail and user-friendly interface. Users have the option to look up Mass schedules based on their location, preferred time, language and type of Mass. This feature proves to be extremely helpful for individuals traveling or moving to an area. Additionally the application offers information on sacraments such as confession and adoration ensuring that all aspects of Catholic worship are catered to.

As the app marks its anniversary Licheri and his team are not slowing down. “We’re currently developing new features, like an improved search tool and the option to bookmark favorite churches ” Licheri shares. These enhancements aim to enhance user experience and engagement with the app further.

Community and Faith Hand-in-Hand

The impact of the Catholic Mass Times App extends beyond just logistical convenience; it fosters a sense of community among its users. “We receive messages from people all over the world expressing their gratitude,” Licheri says. “They’re thankful for how the app helps them find Mass, whether they’re in remote areas or bustling cities.”

Feeling like you belong and being part of a community is really important, during times of worldwide crises when being isolated can affect your spiritual health. The application doesn’t just help people find places to worship but also connects them with a community of believers who have the same faith.

A Vision for the Future

Looking ahead, Licheri is optimistic about the future of the Catholic Mass Times App. “We hope God allows us to continue serving the Catholic community for many more years,” he states. With plans to expand the app’s features and reach, the next decade looks promising for this divine digital tool.

Engaging with the Founder

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== A Decade of Divine Discovery: How the Catholic Mass Times App is Revolutionizing Worship

In a brief Q&A, Licheri shares more about his journey and the app’s impact:

Q: What has been the most challenging aspect of developing and maintaining the app? A: “Ensuring accuracy and timeliness of the Mass times across so many different regions is challenging. We rely heavily on our community of users to keep information up-to-date.”

Q: How has your personal faith influenced the development of the app? A: “It’s been central to everything. This app is a reflection of my faith and my desire to help others in their spiritual journey.”

Q: Any memorable stories from users that have touched you? A: “There are many, but one that stands out is from a user who was able to find a Mass during a difficult personal time while traveling in a foreign country. The app not only gave them the information they needed but also a sense of hope and connection.”

Q: What advice would you give to someone looking to integrate technology with faith? A: “Start simple and always think about how technology can serve people in their faith, not replace it. It’s about enhancement, not replacement.”

As the Catholic Mass Times App steps into its next decade, it remains a beacon of faith, innovation, and community. For millions around the globe, it’s not just an app; it’s a gateway to divine discovery and spiritual continuity.

Exposing the Silent Genocide: The Plight of the Amhara People in Ethiopia


The recently released report by the Stop Amhara Genocide Association and Coordination des Associations et des Particuliers pour la Liberté de Conscience (CAP LC) paints a deeply disturbing picture of the ongoing atrocities committed against the Amhara people in Ethiopia. The evidence presented points to a systematic campaign of violence, forced displacement, and cultural erasure that amounts to genocide.

In this interview, I will be speaking with Yodith Gideon, a representative from Stop Amhara Genocide, to gain further insights into the situation on the ground, the challenges faced by the Amhara community, and the steps that must be taken to halt this genocide and ensure accountability for the perpetrators.

Robert Johnson : The report details numerous incidents of massacres, targeted killings, and atrocities committed against the Amhara people. What are the key factors driving this systematic violence and genocide against the Amhara community in your assessment?

Stop Amhara Genocide (Yodith Gideon) : In understanding the systematic violence against the Amhara people, a grim narrative of power struggle and resource manipulation emerges. The roots of this crisis trace back to the annexation of vital Amhara lands, notably Welkait Tegede, Telemit, and Raya, by the Tigray People’s Liberation Front (TPLF) upon its ascent to power 34 years ago. These regions, rich in fertile land crucial for the Amhara in Gonder and Wello, were strategically seized to bolster TPLF’s control and access to resources.

Furthermore, the TPLF’s divide-and-rule tactics extended beyond territorial annexation. In Gojam, traditional Amhara lands were cleaved into two, birthing the Benishangul Gumuz Region, where Amharas constitute a minority amidst a mosaic of eight other ethnic groups. This region, home to the controversial Renaissance Dam, symbolizes not only economic opportunity but also a geopolitical gambit. By creating a demographic mix favorable to their interests, TPLF ensured a foothold in the region, safeguarded by a buffer of non-Amhara ethnic groups.

The exit of the TPLF from power in 2018 didn’t herald an end to the Amhara’s tribulations. The rise of the Oromo faction has brought its own brand of turmoil, marked by ethnic cleansing and demographic engineering. Secret meetings reveal sinister intentions, with plans to replace Amhara inhabitants with Oromos, aiming to tip the demographic scales in their favor. This calculated maneuvering is not merely about power; it’s a strategic step towards potential secession, ensuring a region free from Amhara influence.

In this volatile landscape, the Amhara people find themselves caught between rival factions, their very existence threatened by political machinations and ethnic strife. To break this cycle of violence, Ethiopia must confront these entrenched power dynamics, safeguard the rights of all its citizens, and foster inclusive governance that transcends ethnic divides. Only then can the Amhara community, and indeed all Ethiopians, hope for a future free from the specter of violence and persecution.

Robert Johnson  : The report highlights the Ethiopian government’s inadequate and even complicit response to the ongoing crisis. What specific actions or inactions by the government have exacerbated the situation, and what are the implications of this lack of accountability?

SAG : The government’s inaction and complicity in the crisis have only fueled its escalation. With the government being the perpetrator, accountability remains elusive, perpetuating a cycle of impunity and further endangering the affected communities.

Robert Johnson :  The report paints a harrowing picture of the ongoing crisis, with numerous documented incidents of massacres, targeted killings, forced displacements, and the deliberate destruction of Amhara communities and cultural heritage. It also highlights the Ethiopian government’s inadequate and even complicit response, as well as the complex relationship between the Tigray conflict and the Amhara genocide.

SAG : The genesis of the Tigray conflict stemmed from a power struggle between the TPLF and the Oromo Democratic Party (ODP), the Tigrayan and Oromo wings of the ruling EPRDF party. As the Ethiopian people demanded change from decades of systematic abuses, the TPLF eventually relinquished its power monopoly to the ODP, hoping to appease public discontent. However, when the ODP unexpectedly assumed power, the TPLF refused to yield, sparking a war for control.

During the conflict between the Abiy administration and the TPLF, both sides strategically maneuvered to weaken the Amhara population. Shockingly, Amhara soldiers were often sent to war with minimal ammunition. There are reports of instances where two Amhara men were given only one weapon and 40 bullets between them. This left them vulnerable and ill-prepared to defend themselves against the well-armed TPLF forces.

Moreover, 80% of Ethiopia’s weapons were stored in Tigray, giving TPLF a significant advantage. Amhara soldiers were thus at a severe disadvantage, facing a better-equipped enemy with limited resources.

Furthermore, there were instances where the federal army abandoned their heavy weapons, creating a vacuum for TPLF soldiers to exploit. Soldiers who were questioned about why they left the area reported that they were ordered to abandon the weapons and vacate the area without question. This abandonment of arms not only facilitated TPLF’s aggression but also left Amhara civilians defenseless against the ensuing violence and atrocities.

Additionally, there were reports of Amhara men being forcibly recruited and then ambushed and killed en route to the war zone.

This strategic manipulation of the conflict not only perpetuated violence but also led to immense suffering and loss of life among the Amhara population. It underscores the urgent need for accountability and decisive international intervention to halt the atrocities and bring perpetrators to justice.

Robert Johnson : The report emphasizes the targeting of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and its clergy as part of the broader assault on Amhara identity and culture. What is the significance of these attacks, and how can the international community help protect religious freedom and safeguard cultural heritage in Ethiopia?

SAG: The deliberate targeting of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church and its clergy is a distressing aspect of the broader assault on Amhara identity and culture. These attacks hold profound significance beyond religious persecution; they represent a calculated effort to undermine the very fabric of Amhara society, eroding its cultural heritage and sense of identity.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church holds immense cultural and historical significance for the Amhara people, serving as a cornerstone of their identity and communal life for centuries. By targeting the Church and its clergy, perpetrators aim to destabilize and disempower the Amhara community, instilling fear and sowing division.

Moreover, these attacks on religious institutions are part of a broader strategy to suppress dissent and control the narrative, silencing voices that advocate for human rights and social justice. By undermining religious freedom, perpetrators seek to impose their own ideology and suppress alternative viewpoints, further exacerbating tensions and perpetuating cycles of violence.

In light of these alarming developments, the international community has a crucial role to play in protecting religious freedom and safeguarding cultural heritage in Ethiopia. This includes robust diplomatic efforts to pressure the Ethiopian government to uphold its obligations under international law and respect the rights of all its citizens, regardless of their religious or ethnic affiliation.

Robert Johnson :  The report calls for urgent international intervention and an independent investigation into the atrocities. What specific actions do you believe the international community, including the United Nations and member states, should take to halt the Amhara genocide and ensure accountability for the perpetrators?

SAG : Absolutely, urgent action is needed from the international community to address the ongoing atrocities against the Amhara people. It’s high time for the world to step up and take meaningful action to halt the Amhara genocide and ensure accountability for the perpetrators.

The dedication of the Amhara Fanos in defending their people is commendable and highlights the urgent need for genuine representation and protection of the Amhara community. It’s imperative to have leadership that prioritizes the safety and well-being of all Ethiopians, regardless of ethnicity. Just as history has shown with the rejection of the Nazi leadership, there must be accountability for any criminal elements within the government. The comparison to the Nazi party is poignant, as it represents a regime responsible for horrific genocide. The entire system of governance must be held accountable for its actions, and the Amhara people, like all Ethiopians, deserve leadership that upholds human rights and ensures their protection without relying on external peacekeeping forces. Above all, the Amhara people need true representation that upholds their right to life.

We have to remember that perpetrators control the government, alternative strategies become imperative. Firstly, we must empower local resistance movements, such as the Amhara Fanos, by providing resources and strategic assistance to protect their communities. Secondly, advocating for the investigation and prosecution of perpetrators by the International Criminal Court can ensure accountability for atrocities. Thirdly, targeted sanctions against individuals involved in genocide, an arms embargo, and humanitarian intervention as a last resort can directly impact perpetrators’ ability to continue their actions. Engaging regional partners and documenting human rights abuses while raising awareness are also crucial. It’s a multifaceted approach demanding sustained effort, but by pursuing these actions collectively, we can work towards justice and prevent further loss of life.

 It is clear that the Amhara people face an existential threat, with their very identity and existence at stake. The international community must heed the urgent call to action outlined in the report and take decisive steps to halt the genocide, protect the vulnerable, and hold perpetrators accountable. We cannot stand idly by as innocent lives are lost and a rich cultural heritage is erased. It is our moral imperative to stand in solidarity with the Amhara people and work tirelessly to ensure a future where they can live in peace, dignity, and security.

Download the full report

Neutrons rule the roost for cage-free lithium ions

atoms, molecule, chemistry
Photo by tommyvideo on Pixabay

An international team of scientists found a way to improve battery design that could produce safer, more powerful lithium batteries.

Scientists using neutrons set the first benchmark (one nanosecond) for a polymer-electrolyte and lithium-salt mixture. Findings could boost power and safety for lithium batteries. Credit: Phoenix Pleasant/ORNL, U.S. Dept. of Energy

The team used quasi-elastic neutron scattering at Oak Ridge National Laboratory to set the first benchmark, one-nanosecond, or one billionth of a second, for a mixture of lithium salt and an organic polymer electrolyte.

“It all comes down to the study of materials,” said Eugene Mamontov, ORNL Chemical Spectroscopy group leader. “And polymer electrolytes won’t catch fire the way liquid electrolytes do in lithium batteries.”

The team used the neutron technique to validate computer simulations, ending a long-standing debate about how long it takes lithium ions to break free from tiny cages created by polymer electrolytes. The rate at which ions in any battery break free from such environments, or solvation cages in polymer electrolytes, helps determine how energy flows through the battery. Polymer electrolytes could enable more energy-dense electrodes, like lithium metal, resulting in more powerful lithium batteries.

The findings also open doors for rapidly screening new battery materials at ORNL. “Neutrons are highly sensitive to hydrogen, which is present in virtually all electrolytes. This allowed us to see how it moved in the system and understand polymer electrolyte dynamics at an unprecedented level of detail. We couldn’t have pinned down the time and length any other way,” said Naresh Osti, ORNL neutron scattering scientist.

“Naresh and Eugene’s interpretation of neutron data from the experiment at ORNL opened our eyes to understanding the extent to which lithium ions are caged in polymer electrolytes. Our findings suggest this general approach will apply to liquid electrolytes,” said Nitash Balsara, Charles W. Tobias Professor of Electrochemistry at the University of California, Berkeley.

Source: Oak Ridge National Laboratory

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Sudan: Civilians trapped in El Fasher as UN warns of imminent attack

Sudan: Civilians trapped in El Fasher as UN warns of imminent attack

In a note to correspondents issued on Friday, the UN said there were “increasingly alarming reports of a dramatic escalation of tensions”.

“The Rapid Support Forces (RSF) are reportedly encircling El Fasher, suggesting a coordinated move to attack the city may be imminent. Simultaneously, the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) appear to be positioning themselves,” the statement added.

An attack on the city would have devastating consequences for civilians, the statement from the UN Spokesperson’s Office continued.

This escalation of tensions is in an area already on the brink of famine. The Secretary-General reiterates his call on all parties to refrain from fighting in the El Fasher area.”

Overall, around 25 million people, or half Sudan’s population, require humanitarian aid, with over eight million forced to flee their homes. More than 14,000 people have been killed and tens of thousands wounded.

Around 1.8 million have fled across the country’s borders trying the escape the brutal fighting.

Dozens already killed

In a further alert on Friday over Darfur, UN rights chief Volker Türk cited reports that the rival militaries have launched indiscriminate attacks using “mortar shells and rockets fired from fighter jets in residential districts”.

Since the RSF began their push into the state capital, El Fasher, at least 43 people have been reportedly killed, including women and children.

Civilians are trapped in the city, the only one in Darfur still in the hands of the Sudanese Armed Forces,” and they are afraid of being killed if they attempt to flee, the High Commissioner said.

Mr. Türk noted that the dire situation had been made worse by a severe shortage of essential supplies as delivery trucks “are unable to freely transit through Rapid Support Forces-controlled territory”.

He said the RSF had burned down villages in western El Fasher, including Durma, Umoshosh, Sarafaya and Ozbani, raising the possibility of “further ethnically motivated violence in Darfur, including mass killings”.

Last year, fighting and attacks between the ethnic Arab Rizeigat tribe and the ethnic African Masalit people in West Darfur left hundreds of civilians dead or injured and thousands displaced, the High Commissioner noted, as he called for an end to the more than year-long conflict.

‘Wholly man-made crisis’

The UN’s head of Political and Peacebuilding Affairs, Rosemary DiCarlo, told the Security Council last week that the situation across Sudan is “a crisis of epic proportions; it is wholly man-made”.

The director of operations at the UN humanitarian affairs office, OCHA, Edem Wosornu, warned the same meeting that the siege by the RSF of El Fasher posed an extreme and immediate danger to civilians there and in other parts of Darfur, where more than nine million are in dire need of assistance.

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World News in Brief: Support for Haiti mission, challenge of ‘commodity dependence’, Iran’s ‘strict’ hijab law

World News in Brief: Support for Haiti mission, challenge of ‘commodity dependence’, Iran's 'strict' hijab law

Kenya has offered to lead the multinational mission that aims to provide much needed back up to the national police in a bid to regain control of the streets from gang rule, which has plunged the country into chaos in recent months. 

Kenya was joined by the Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Benin, Chad and Jamaica in pledging support. The UN Spokesperson’s Office said “other countries have expressed interest, including publicly, but have not notified the Secretary-General yet.” 

Currently, $18 million has been deposited in the support mission’s Trust Fund, provided by Canada ($8.7 million), France ($3.2 million) and the United States ($6 million). 

Meanwhile, armed violence continues across the country, with Port-au-Prince and the Ouest department the worst hit. 

The situation also remains volatile at the national port, said UN Spokesperson Stéphane Dujarric. 

“The Varreux fuel terminal is now closed after several attacks by gangs. However, on a more positive note, our humanitarian colleagues tell us that in the past three weeks, more than 100 humanitarian containers were retrieved at the Caribbean Port Service.” 

Meanwhile, the humanitarian response continues, and the World Food Programme (WFP) has provided daily food assistance to displaced people in Port-au-Prince, and in other departments.  

UN health agency WHO and the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) have set up mobile clinics at displacement sites to provide medical consultations. Migration agency IOM is also providing basic medical and psychosocial services to people displaced. 

General Assembly President raises alert over ‘commodity dependence’ 

The President of the General Assembly on Friday called for Member States and stakeholders to address commodity dependence in countries and its effect on the global economy during an informal dialogue on the issue. 

According to Dennis Francis, commodity dependence is “a scenario where 60 per cent or more of a country’s export revenue depends on basic goods”, disproportionately affecting mainly developing countries. 

While commodity markets are important to the global economy, excessive commodity dependence leaves countries and their citizens vulnerable to economic instability, he said.  

Mr. Francis called for the issue to be addressed urgently amid ongoing global discussions over debt sustainability and reform of the international financial architecture. 

“I believe that breaking free from commodity dependence, while challenging, is achievable,” Mr. Francis said.  

Dependent nations 

Based on UN trade and development body UNCTAD’s State of Commodity Dependence report, 85 per cent of the world’s least-developed countries are commodity dependent along with many landlocked developing nations and small island developing States, leaving their economies “vulnerable and highly susceptible to external shocks”. 

The Assembly President said the two-decade long increase in countries impacted should “sound the alarm bell” for Member States as addressing the issue is necessary for achieving the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals

Iran police enforces ‘strict’ hijab rules, OHCHR says

Police in Iran are enforcing a violent crackdown against women and girls under the country’s hijab laws, resulting in the arrest and harassment of girls between ages 15 and 17, said Jeremy Laurence, spokesperson for the UN human rights office, OHCHR, on Friday. 

The Tehran head of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) announced on 21 April a new body that would allow them to enforce existing mandatory hijab laws; members of the IRGC are reportedly allowed to implement these laws “in a more serious manner” when in public.

OHCHR is concerned about the Supporting the Family by Promoting the Culture of Chastity and Hijab draft bill, which, in its earlier form, states that violators of the mandated dress code could face flogging, fines or up to 10 years in prison.

Mr. Laurence reiterated that corporal punishment is arbitrary under international law.

As the draft bill is nearing final approval by the Guardian Council, OHCHR is calling for its shelving.

The UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Türk, is calling on the Iranian government to remove “all forms of gender-based discrimination and violence, including through the revision and the repeal of harmful laws, policies and practices, in line with international human rights norms and standards”.

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Pillay: Israel is helped by ‘powerful States’ in violation of Palestinians’ rights

Pillay: Israel is helped by ‘powerful States’ in violation of Palestinians’ rights

When tensions erupted in East Jerusalem in April 2021 at the beginning of the holy Muslim month of Ramadan, daily clashes involving Palestinians, Israeli settlers and Israeli forces led to spiraling violence and death. In response, the Human Rights Council set up a top panel of independent rights experts to investigate reports of violations of international law.

Today, more than ever amid the ongoing war in Gaza, this independent commission of inquiry has its work cut out. We took a closer look at its role, speaking to its chair, former UN Human Rights Commissioner and judge Navi Pillay, who provided fresh insight into the developing situation and what’s happening in the field of international law.

“Every country and every member of the United Nations is equal in terms of their obligations to observe international law,” she told UN News.

An injured man is helped by rescue workers in Ramallah, in the West Bank, in May 2021. (file)

Background to the ‘Day of Rage’

In 2021, the imminent threat of forced eviction of Palestinian families from their homes – initiated by Israeli settler organisations – provoked unrest in and around the Old City of Jerusalem.

This later extended to the wider occupied West Bank, culminating in a “Day of Rage” on 14 May 2021, when Israeli forces killed 10 Palestinians, the highest number recorded at that time by the UN in a single day.

These tragic events led the Human Rights Council to “urgently establish an ongoing, independent, international commission of inquiry to investigate in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel, all alleged violations of international humanitarian law and abuses of international human rights law leading up and since 13 April 2021”.

A tower block lies in ruins in Gaza City following an Israeli air strike in May 2021. (file)

A tower block lies in ruins in Gaza City following an Israeli air strike in May 2021. (file)

Expanded complicity probe

Three years on, the Commission’s mandate has become broader, particularly since Hamas-led terror attacks on southern Israel on 7 October, which killed some 1,200 people and left more than 250 taken hostage prompting the intense bombardment of Gaza by Israeli Defense Forces.

To date, more than 34,500 Palestinians have been killed in Gaza and over 77,700 Palestinians injured, according to the enclave’s health authorities, while deadly clashes have resumed in the occupied West Bank.

The Commission’s mandate now includes additional issues, including reporting on States that transfer military and other weapons to Israel, raising questions about potential complicity in violations of international law.

Its chair brings years of experience. Ms. Pillay previously served as the first non-white woman judge of the High Court of South Africa, as a judge on the International Criminal Court and President of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda.

Machetes and bullets in Gisenyi, Rwanda, 26 July 1994.

Machetes and bullets in Gisenyi, Rwanda, 26 July 1994.

Rwanda recall

Ms. Pillay said a unique aspect of the current situation in the Middle East is that evidence of war crimes is being gathered in real time, meaning that the world is conscious of the events unfolding.

“I have experience of apartheid era crimes in my own country,” she said. “I served as a judge and president of the Rwanda Tribunal. The Rwandan genocide occurred over 100 days and the world didn’t even know that it was happening. So, in the courtroom, we had to rely very much on recollections of what had happened.”

She said that’s not the case with the ongoing situation in Gaza.

“Here, things are very different, and that’s why it’s so much more shocking,” she insisted.

Navi Pillay, Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Navi Pillay, Chair of the Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

First to call for a ceasefire

Nobody could have predicted what happened on 7 October and what has followed, the rights expert continued, noting that the Commission was “the first” on 10 October to issue a statement calling for a cessation of hostilities.

This was “long before other organs of the UN spoke up”, she said, “long before the political organs of the UN reacted. Even now, we have the Security Council resolution, the last one calling for a ceasefire, and yet the United States representative feels that resolution does not have any validity.”

It’s disturbing, she continued, when one country continues to violate international law with the help of powerful States who say they support human rights.

“It’s very disturbing if one country gets away with that.”

Suggested caption: Large parts of Gaza, following seven months of Israeli bombardment, stand in ruins in May 2024.

Large parts of Gaza, following seven months of Israeli bombardment, stand in ruins in May 2024.

© UNOCHA/Ismael Abu Dayyah

Large parts of Gaza, following seven months of Israeli bombardment, stand in ruins in May 2024.

Growing need for the rule of law

The veteran human rights expert believes that there is a resurgence of – and a growing need for – the rule of law, a trend highlighted by an unprecedented number of applications before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) since its creation in 1945.

She said South Africa’s recent petition to the ICJ alleging that Israel’s actions in Gaza violate the Genocide Convention signals a significant development in the application of universal jurisdiction. It also marks the first time that a third country has brought an application to the ICJ, she noted.

“How come it’s only now that the occupation itself is being challenged, that the ICJ had not been asked to give legal advice on the lawfulness of the occupation itself and [on] the responsibilities of States towards an unlawful endeavour?” Ms. Pillay asked.

Destruction in northern Gaza in March 2024. (file)

Destruction in northern Gaza in March 2024. (file)

Surge of genocide allegations

“The call to rely on the rule of law has been there a long time,” she said. “I see now that we have a surge of this – countries bringing genocide allegations against other countries because of their military support. We have not seen this before and questioning the lawfulness of the occupation [is] also new, and I hope that that trend spreads.”

Earlier this month, Nicaragua brought a case to the UN’s top court to stop German military and other aid to Israel, alleging that it was enabling acts of genocide and violations of international humanitarian law in Gaza. The court ultimately rejected the request.

“Israel would not have been able to continue with this level of actions against Palestinians [and] violations of Palestinian rights had they not had the help of other States in terms of military aid,” Ms. Pillay said.

Above all, she highlighted, is the obligation incumbent on all nations to uphold international law.

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Fleeing from Jordan to Greece because of their change of religion


It has been almost one year since Basir Al Sqour, a 47-year-old former military officer in the Jordanian army with the rank of “major,” had to leave his country in a hurry because of his change of religion and the ensuing persecution due to his choice.  He managed to reach Greece in November 2023 where his brother Omar and his wife had arrived two months earlier. All of them have provisionally found a safe but fragile haven in that country where they have applied for asylum.

A disturbing change of religion for Jordan

Basir Al Squour was a Sunni Muslim but in 2015 he discovered and joined a new religious movement having its roots in Twelver Shia Islam: the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light. Such a case could be compared to a Catholic converting to a marginal Protestant group, like the Adventists or Jehovah’s Witnesses. This would remain unnoticed and without any damaging consequences in any country with a Christian majority population. Not in Jordan where he was viewed as a heretic by the military hierarchy, mainstream religious scholars, the civil authorities and the Muslim population.

The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light, a liberal Muslim movement

The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light appeared in 1999 in the chaotic post-Saddam Iraq and soon expanded to other countries with Sunni or Shia majority populations. This Muslim community is not to be confused with the Ahmadiyya Community founded in the 19th century by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad within a Sunni context.

The Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light is a very small community in Jordan. As they are considered heretics, they face ongoing challenges, including harassment from authorities, threats of violence and social exclusion due to their divergent beliefs from the traditional orthodox views. Their followers believe that the real Kaaba is not in Mecca (but in Petra, Jordan), that all the prophets throughout the history of Islam made mistakes, that fixed times for prayers are not necessary, that Ramadan is in December, that headscarves should not be mandatory for women, that alcohol can be freely but moderately drunk. They accept LGBTQ people in their community and believe they should not be stigmatized or persecuted.

Some points of the legal framework about religion

The U.S. government estimates the population at 10.9 million (midyear 2020 estimate). According to U.S. government estimates, Muslims, virtually all of whom are Sunni, make up 97.2 percent of the population. 

The constitution declares Islam “the religion of the state” but safeguards “the free exercise of all forms of worship and religious rites,” as long as these are consistent with public order and morality. It stipulates there shall be no discrimination in the rights and duties of citizens on grounds of religion and states the King must be a Muslim. 

The Jordanian Penal Code includes provisions which criminalise defamation of religion, the monarchy and other institutions. Article 273 of Jordan’s Penal Code, for example, criminalises “contempt of any of the Prophets” with imprisonment for up to three years. This includes attributing any mistakes to them. Article 278 criminalises” publishing anything that would insult the religious feelings or religious beliefs of other people”. This extends to publishing books that violate public norms and values, are religiously offensive, or are insulting to the King. Additionally, article 274 of the Jordanian Penal code criminalises eating or drinking in public during the month of Ramadan with imprisonment up to a month and a fine.

The escalation in the state and societal persecution of the Ahmadi Religion

Not surprisingly, the Jordanian authorities launched a ruthless campaign to shut down the faith and crack down on its members. In 2020, the Jordanian authorities even went as far as shutting down the satellite channel of the religious community, which was broadcasting to hundreds of thousands of homes in the MENA region. Initially the authorities censored any material that spoke negatively about Jordan. Then the Jordanian government made an official request to the satellite company, succeeding in shutting down the channel completely and getting it off air.

Inside Jordan, the crackdown was even more severe, with harassment, social ostracism and violent attacks on the homes of followers of the Ahmadi Religion. Basir’s family for instance reported being called “impure apostates” and relatives refused to enter their homes or to eat and drink with them. Yet things escalated further when one day the extended family of Basir attacked his house. They came with sticks and even shot guns at the house. According to their thinking it was permissible to kill him since he was a “murtad” (an apostate).

The escalation in the persecution targeting Basir Al Sqour

Basir Al Sqour graduated from King Hussein’s Air College as a combat pilot. When it was known that he was an adherent of the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light, persecution started.

He was subjected to continuous investigations because there was no place for a heretic in the army of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.

In mid-2017, his unit’s commander urgently summoned him to the military intelligence office. He thought it would just be a routine inquiry about his change of religion but this time, it was different. The investigation officers threatened him that he would face military trial under severe charges, including apostasy and treason, if he did not resign from his position in the army or recant his new religious affiliation. Concerned for his family’s safety, he chose to resign after an 18-year military career, losing all his retirement benefits and entitlements.

A provisional but fragile safe haven in Greece

The whole family of Basir is now scattered across several European countries.

For the moment, Basir is in Greece with both his brothers, Omar and Ahmed, and Omar’s wife, Wala. They have all applied for asylum in Greece. Basir and Omar are waiting for the decision of the authorities.

For the main fundamental reason – heresy because of their divergent theological doctrines and practices – the Ahmadi Religion of Peace and Light and their followers are persecuted in quite a number of countries with Muslim majority populations: Algeria, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Malaysia, Thailand, Turkey… 

ASTRAZENECA confirms in England that its vaccine can produce thrombi

person in white gloves holding white plastic bottle
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

The company AstraZeneca confirms in official documents that its vaccine against COVID-19 can cause side effects such as thrombosis. And it has done so due to the publication in The Telegraph newspaper of a series of data on a class action lawsuit filed in the English High Court for 51 cases of people who have died or suffered serious injuries.

La empresa se expone a una indemnización cercana a los 100 millones de libras. Al parecer, su vacuna “Vaxzevria, desarrollada con la Universidad de Oxford, causó la muerte y lesiones graves en decenas de casos. Los abogados argumentan que la vacuna produjo un efecto secundario que ha tenido efectos devastadores en un pequeño número de familias, informa el diario británico.” (1)

As early as 2021, the European Medicines Agency detected some cases of thrombosis with thrombocytopenia, also linked to Pfizer and Moderna vaccines. However, considering them so insignificant at that time, it decided not to investigate. Such cases did not generate concern then, nor do they do so now. They are considered collateral damage. Deaths or people with visible damage due to vaccines are diluted in the figures of those vaccinated and are insignificant for the organizations that have to monitor these companies.

How much money did the pharmaceutical companies make from the COVID-19 vaccine?

In an article from August 2021, almost three years ago, official figures were given on how much profit the COVID-19 business had brought in for pharmaceutical companies: “The international pharmaceutical majors involved in the production of the covid-19 vaccine collectively earned more than €24.5 billion in the first half of 2021, driven by growing demand for the drug. Pharmaceuticals Pfizer, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Johnson & Johnson made a net profit of €24.522 billion in this period, an increase of 66% over 2020.” (2)

From January to June 2021 Pfizer posted a profit of $10.44 billion, up 56% from the previous year (2020). AstraZeneca reported a net profit in the first six months of 2021 of $2.696 billion, up 51.7% from the previous year. Moderna, in the same time period reported earnings of $4,001 million, achieving the first net profit in its history. Finally, Johnson and Johnson reported a net profit of 12,475 million dollars, 32.4% more than in the first half of the previous year.

If we add to all the above millions that we are only referring to one period of the pandemic, imagine the amount of money they have moved since then, and especially if we take into account that the vaccine against Covid-19 has practically become chronic, just like the flu vaccine.

The fact that now the international criminal courts are forcing them to pay some small amounts does not mean any reduction in their treasury coffers. The big pharmaceutical companies, with the help of the media and above all of the states, have forced us to buy, through FEAR, a vital necessity: to be vaccinated so as not to be pointed out as a danger to society, as it happened in those years, where even the security forces of the states were put to the task of arresting and fining those who, exercising their rights, refused to be vaccinated.

Today it is AstraZeneca who is paying, hopefully others will follow in other countries and then class action lawsuits will follow against governments and politicians. Who will pay us citizens back for the time stolen?

1.- AstraZeneca admite que su vacuna contra el Covid-19 puede provocar efectos secundarios como la trombosis (msn.com)

2.- ¿Cuánto dinero ganan las farmacéuticas gracias a las vacunas del covid? (atlantico.net)

Exploring the new iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro: an overview

Apple Store shop front
Photo by Laurenz Heymann on Unsplash

Apple’s latest flagship phones, the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro, have stirred up anticipation and speculation. As tech enthusiasts eagerly awaited the unveiling of new features and enhancements, let’s delve into what these devices have to offer.

In the ever-evolving landscape of smartphone technology, Apple’s challenge lies in delivering innovations that captivate users. With the iPhone 15 series, the company introduces a blend of familiar elements and novel advancements.

Iphone 15 Pro. Image credit: apple.com

Iphone 15 Pro. Image credit: apple.com

iPhone 15: a closer look

The iPhone 15 maintains the essence of its predecessors while incorporating subtle yet noteworthy updates. From design refinements to the transition to 20W USB-C power adapter, Apple aims to enhance user experience while staying true to its iconic aesthetic.

Key feature: USB-C adoption of iPhone 15 and iphone 15 pro

A significant departure from the Lightning port marks a pivotal moment for Apple. iPhone 15 models adopted a USB-C connector, which allows you to charge and connect to a variety of devices, including Mac, iPad, AirPods Pro (2nd generation), external storage devices, and displays. The adoption of USB-C power adapter heralds a new era of connectivity and convenience, offering users a universal solution for charging and data transfer. 

Enhanced display and camera capabilities

Building upon the foundation laid by previous models, the iPhone 15 boasts improvements in display brightness and camera performance. With a 48-megapixel primary camera and advanced portrait mode functionality, photography enthusiasts have much to anticipate.

iPhone 15 Pro: elevating the experience

Taking innovation a step further, the iPhone 15 Pro introduces cutting-edge features tailored to power users and photography aficionados.

Introducing the A17 Pro chip

At the heart of the iPhone 15 Pro lies the formidable A17 Pro chip, boasting unparalleled performance and efficiency. Coupled with enhanced camera capabilities and build quality, this powerhouse device sets a new standard for premium smartphones.

Customizable action button: redefining user interaction

An innovative addition to the iPhone 15 Pro is the customizable action button, offering users unprecedented control and flexibility. From toggling between modes to launching apps with a single press, this feature enhances user convenience and productivity.

Revamped Camera System

With a larger main sensor and improved telephoto capabilities, the iPhone 15 Pro elevates the photography experience. From intricate details to customizable focal lengths, users can unleash their creativity and capture stunning visuals effortlessly.

Conclusion: Redefining Expectations

As the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro redefine the boundaries of smartphone innovation, Apple continues to set the bar high for competitors. With a blend of familiarity and innovation, these devices cater to diverse user preferences and usher in a new era of possibilities.

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Parliament strengthens its cooperation with the Belarus Democratic Forces

people walking on street during daytime
Photo by Lina Bob on Unsplash

During a ceremony at the European Parliament Office in Valletta today, the President of the European Parliament and the Head of the United Transitional Cabinet of Belarus, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya, signed a Letter of Intent as a sign of Parliament’s strong commitment to boost cooperation with the democratic forces of Belarus.

On the occasion, President Metsola said: “This is a strong signal of Parliament’s determination to strengthen our ties, to manifest our support for the democratic forces and civil society of Belarus, in their struggle for a free, independent and democratic country.”

Before the ceremony, President Metsola and Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya held a bilateral meeting during which they discussed the urgent need for the democratic world to stand firmly and in solidarity with the democratic forces in Belarus.

“Belarus will not become the forgotten corner of Europe,” said President Metsola.

In her comments, Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya thanked the President of the European Parliament Roberta Metsola and the Members of the European Parliament for providing practical and tailored support to the Belarusian democratic forces and civil society.

Both leaders called for the immediate release of all political prisoners in Belarus.

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