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“Today is a holiday, you can’t wash it!” How to talk to superstitious people?


How to explain to superstitious people that various signs have nothing to do with the Orthodox holiday?

The site www.pravmir.ru explains in a series of interviews of Oksana Golovko with Orthodox clergymen.

For some, the essence of the holiday is that on this day it is impossible to wash, cut your hair, and it is not desirable to work. How to explain to such people that all these signs have nothing to do with the holiday? Is it worth talking if you’re not being asked? And if they ask – how to answer correctly? Priests advise.

No unsolicited remarks

Archpriest Nikolai Sokolov, Rector of the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi at the State Tretyakov Gallery, Dean of the PSTGU Missionary Faculty:

– It’s not worth it to specially approach and start to reason when you are not asked. There are things that you can comprehend by coming to the Church, reading the Holy Scriptures, knowing the faith from the inside, and not looking from the outside. From our unsolicited remarks and edifications, a person will definitely not immediately begin to become churched.

“No one goes to hell for food and drink,” said one priest. Everyone needs to take care of themselves, set an example – how a Christian should be – this will be the mission. Perhaps you will want to approach him later with questions. But to intervene with advice and explanations when we are not asked – this can have an absolutely opposite effect.

Yes, people do not understand the meaning of the holidays, they do not wash, they do not clean, they do not braid their hair, they climb to swim – this is their own business. What, the Lord will punish them for this? It is worse when people understand everything, they know, but they get angry and condemn.

If a person himself came up with a question, then it is important to answer not haughtily, that you have been in the Church for a long time, you understand everything, and he is so “uneducated”. Only a benevolent answer, with love, can be heard.

If you feel that you cannot explain and tell intelligibly, it is better to refer the person to the priest.

Not just “broadcast”

Abbot of the Nikolsky Monastery of the Omsk Diocese, hegumen Zosima (Balin):

– Before starting a story about a holiday or a church event, it is worth mentally asking for God’s help and mobilizing all your inner potential of benevolence and philanthropy. Without these two components, all your efforts will be in vain.

The success of half the business (at least) depends on the attitude with which you “missionary”. You need to be prepared for the fact that your interlocutor is not at all eager to plunge into the abyss of high theology. Start a conversation at the household level, about candles and which icon to put them on. And then tell about the content of the holiday and its deep meaning.

Beware of “dumping” all your spiritual and intellectual baggage on the interlocutor.

You don’t just need to broadcast, you need to see and feel the reaction of a person. Stretch the connecting threads to things that are familiar to him, for example, tell us which church in your area has the icon that the conversation was about. Suggest, perhaps, to stop by to pray and light a candle when a free minute appears.

Do not hesitate to ask yourself the question more often: “How would I build a story about a church holiday, or a revered image, or the life of a saint of God?”

And, most importantly, remember that the result always depends on the Lord and His all-good will, so as not to be upset if your sowing does not bear fruit immediately.

First step, second step, third step…

Archpriest Igor Gagarin, rector of the John the Baptist Church in the village of Ivanovskoye:

– It is impossible to give one answer to this question, to advise a recipe for all occasions. You need to have a sense of tact. Sometimes it is necessary to speak, to explain, and sometimes to remain silent. It all depends on the specific situation, on the interlocutor, on how ready he is to hear.

On the one hand, of course, we must testify to our faith and, if possible, tell people about it what we consider necessary. But this must be done wisely.

Everyone knows the expression “cast no pearls before swine” (Matt. 7:6). It does not mean at all that I should look at all people as if they were pigs. But I must soberly assess the situation and see if there is the right soil, falling on which, my words will bear the proper fruit.

People in most cases do not like when they are taught to live, they get annoyed when you start correcting them, pointing out something to them. We certainly don’t need that kind of reaction.

Trying to push a person towards faith is the best way to push them away from it.

So no need to push. But if you see that a person himself is looking for answers to some questions, he will gratefully accept what he hears from you, if you see that he himself is reaching out to find out, and not you are pushing him, this is a completely different matter.

It is necessary to talk about faith, but do it very carefully, tactfully, kindly, with love. And only if, I repeat, I have reason to believe that I will be heard, that a person will accept my words not as an attempt to impose something on him.

As for “stupid” questions… Don’t rush to consider them stupid. In a question about faith addressed to us, no matter how stupid this question may seem, there is always something right and healthy.

After all, if a person comes up and asks, for example, to advise an icon “for good luck in work,” you can look at the situation from two sides. On the one hand, there is some kind of magical approach. A person thinks that it is necessary to do this, this and that, and the result should be positive. We want to condemn.

But, on the other hand, one can look differently: a person understands that he does not have enough of his own strength, he needs help from above. Here he is asking for this help. But, since he has no church experience, he can do it clumsily and, at first glance, even stupid.

Treat this with respect, say: “It is very right and good that you have come and understand that you need to turn to God and the Church for help, that you are looking for the good, God, look for a saint who will help you in this conversion.” Well, then it is important to try to benevolently explain to him that the point is not in front of which icon what to pray for …

It is important not only what we say, but also how we say it. When we do this with patience, benevolently, perhaps expressing approval to a person, then there is a chance that we will be heard and understood correctly.

Goodwill, friendliness are indispensable conditions for successful missionary work.

It seems to me that we should always remember this in our communication with people who are only taking the first step in the Church, so that communication with us will awaken in them the desire to take both the second and the third…

Without illiterate demagoguery

Archpriest Maxim Brusov, Rector of the Trinity Cathedral in the city of Yakhroma, Dmitrovsky District, Moscow Region:

—Since the biblical gospel times, everyday missionary work has often acquired an instructive character. Missionary testimony, outside the context of personal experience, easily deviates into demagogy, most often illiterate. This situation can be leveled only by the “everyday” preaching of people who are theologically literate and have personal experience in applying these truths in their personal lives, compared with the experience of Christ’s Church.

Community is a counterbalance to personification and a guarantee that personal testimony is only the key to the door that opens the experience of the Christian life. The life of the Eucharistic community as a single family, the head of which is Christ.

If a person is not yet ready to enter the community, then there is another way – self-education. Ideal conditions have been created for this – a lot of literature, various media, it’s up to the little thing – the desire of a person to hear the word of the sermon, but this experience must also be compared with the experience of the people who make up the Church.

As for the issue of personal preaching, I think it is possible only in a situation where they want to hear you. Answers should be extremely honest, not hypocritical and not at odds with your life principles. Only in this case, it is possible to achieve the main goal of the Christian, even if it is a “domestic” mission – to awaken personal trust in Christ, in the Church, to awaken in a person the desire for salvation.

About shrines and shrines and how to deal with “Orthodox” superstitions, about the influence of superstitions on parish life and ways to combat this phenomenon in a conversation between Ksenia Smirnova and Archpriest Sergiy Rybchak, rector of the Peter and Paul Parish of the city of Polevskoy Yekaterinburg diocese:

The gospel is the main cure for superstition

If a person wants to understand what the spirit and way of life of a Christian should be, then let him open the Gospel, the epistles of the apostles, there is a lot of life literature. And see real examples. And how many examples of those worthy people whom the Church today glorifies as new martyrs!

When I came as a young priest to the parish of the Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul, I encountered many superstitions. Unfortunately, the priest who was in front of me turned out to be their breeding ground. He did not have any spiritual education – then there was a huge need for clergy, churches were returned, there was no one to serve, and the first believers who came across were appointed. There was no one to explain.

For a whole year or more, I gathered parishioners in the temple two or three times a week and simply talked with them. We read the Gospel, I explained to them what Christ teaches, what the apostles teach, what the Church teaches, and from everything else that is not connected with this or contradicts this, you move away. I didn’t break anyone, I didn’t try to immediately stigmatize, they say, you are ignorant of the law, I tried to approach delicately. But he taught them to check all the traditions based on the Holy Scriptures and Holy Tradition. Here are the two pillars!

And until now – and I have been in this parish for 21 years – every Sunday we gather in the assembly hall, and I talk with parishioners. We meet with those who are preparing for baptism for two or three months, we try to answer all the questions and instill at least some interest in the true source of knowledge – the Gospel and the teachings of the holy fathers.

There will always be superstitions. This is how a person works: even without the virtues of love and humility, he will be driven by fears: for his life, for his loved ones, and since fear lives in the heart, it gives rise to all sorts of monsters.

What to do if you were “made to death”

– What do you say to people who come and complain about damage or the evil eye?

– I often come across this: “I was jinxed” or “I was made to die” – these are, as a rule, believers, but absolutely non-church, and therefore it seems to them that there is some power that is greater than God.

Since they do not know God, they do not have real faith and experience of life with God, they have a dualistic view of the world: there is good, there is evil, but evil is more insidious, so it must be fought with some specific ways. On the one hand, this may be true, but it is terrible for them when they endow evil with such supernatural abilities, stronger than those that are given in gifts from God.

Modern man lives in constant stress. The radio will turn on: everyone is shouting that the ruble has fallen, the dollar has risen, the war is on, famine is approaching, and then there is the boss or subordinates, stupid, eternal stress in the family. And it turns out that the most difficult thing for a person is to go to repentance.

To repent is a real reversal, a real change in his life. No wonder many people are afraid of this. They think that you will come, and they will turn you inside out, as if under interrogation, so that you will definitely enlighten all your dark corners of your soul at once.

No, repentance comes from the moment when a person becomes acquainted with the teachings of Christ. When he begins to compare: what did Christ teach? How do I live? And when a person understands this, he slowly begins to pray and change his way of life.

The main thing for people who believe that they have been jinxed or spoiled is to calm down and then come to the temple. At least stand, pray, and if possible, talk with a priest or a reasonable, spiritually experienced person.

– Archpriest Alexander Avdyugin, a writer, told the following story on his page on the Internet: one big boss, whom he knows, called him almost at night, sent a car for him. The family is very educated, people go to church, go to confession, take communion. They complain to the priest: an envelope arrived without an address, they opened it – either dust or earth fell from there, waking up on the carpet. And some curses on a piece of paper. Father Alexander, on the way to the house, sees that they are already burning a carpet in the yard. Panic is complete! He barely kept them, so as not to burn the floors. Despite their education, these people insisted that a rite be performed to neutralize evil. Batiushka fought back somehow, but the next day he went to meet them and consecrated the apartment…

“Yes, it happens all the time. A few days ago, I had a similar situation: a person met another person, and he said to him: “Something I look at you – I feel that you have been spoiled for death. You look for yourself: somewhere this special artifact lies, it must be found.” I even described to him how this artifact should look: some kind of needles and threads.

And what do you think: finds! (I’m already wondering if this is the same pest that put this artifact in?) And he’s hysterical: “I felt that something was happening to me! I understood that I was dying, but I did not understand why and how! But he is a believer, coming on holidays. As we say about such: Christmas, Easter.

It is useless to convince a person in such a state that “according to your faith, let it be done to you”. When a person is drowning, it is pointless to explain to him how to breathe and move his arms, you have to pull him out. So it is here: we reassure the person, we promise him to come tomorrow and consecrate the dwelling. We consecrate, and then sit down to drink tea and calmly talk over tea. The conversation comes about confession, I say: first read about the commandments.

If a person is really preparing for repentance, then in an amazing way the Lord begins to admonish him: he begins to see something more than he would like to say in confession. And the invariable action of the grace of God at confession happens every time, a person begins to understand that something is wrong in his life, so all sorts of rubbish and sticks, all sorts of “clairvoyants” and psychics bring him to hysteria.

This is where our economy lies.

And if someone does not understand about the light of Tabor …

– There are many superstitions associated with the names of church holidays. Many priests criticize such names as “Nut”, “Apple Spas”, saying that this is on the verge of blasphemy. But one priest recently wrote on the net: “Don’t you understand that today for the vast majority of ordinary and not ordinary people, our Orthodoxy plays only a festive and decorative, elegantly ritual role, in order to somehow brighten up our fragile, gray, poor national existence? And on the other hand, you might think: who needs that invisible, uncreated light of the conceptual and speculative schemes of the theologian Palamas!”

– There is no need to panic about the ignorance of our people – it has always been, at all times. When the Lord comes to God’s chosen people, when the fullness of time has come, how many people believe in Him? After all, the Lord Himself preached! After all, He did not leave a single note – He showed the way by His example, and He said about Himself: “I am the way and the truth, and the life, and whoever wants – follow Me.”

Surprisingly: He calls for himself, He does not drive anyone. Therefore, we should not drive the people anywhere by any kind of theology. If you are a theologian, it’s good – it means that you have been given more than another person. But for this the Lord appointed shepherds, that shepherds should teach. If there is no shepherd, then the sheep will be scattered, they will be kidnapped by wolves and thieves. So it was at all times.

Here we can recall the words of the Apostle Paul to his flock: when you were babies, I fed you with milk, but when you matured, it’s time to take solid food. The people are like children: they are incapable of digesting the solid food of theology about the uncreated light. Even in seminary, only one or two students are able to understand the theology of Simeon the New Theologian or Gregory Palamas. The rest can only memorize certain texts in order to pass the exam. And so it is with priests.

Therefore, there is no need to be discouraged. We must do missionary work and teach the people, each in his own place: a priest, a deacon, a church-going and sensible layman—all must, with their light, their good life, as the Lord commanded, teach others to glorify the Heavenly Father.

I think that you should not despair because you have learned high truths, and your loved ones cannot perceive these truths. We learned the truth not in order to shove it into someone, but in order to become even more merciful, caring, sacrificial. Thank God, if our knowledge is manifested in this, and if we become angry at our neighbors from high truths, then it is better not to know such truths.

The kindness of grandmothers and the swagger of theologians

– And what is worse: a kind, merciful person who shows active love for his neighbors, but with some kind of superstition, or a theologically enlightened person, but far from the Christian model in life?

– “According to your faith, let it be done to you” – deeds testify to our life, whether it is Christian. From the patericons it is known that the venerable ascetics, out of ignorance, had doctrinal errors, because there was no one to instruct them. It happened that the saint mistakenly taught others, but when he learned the truth, he repented and asked for forgiveness from everyone.

I also found those righteous grandmothers who lived in remote villages during the Soviet era, they worked, prayed, raised their grandchildren, and the grandchildren flew to their grandmothers at the first opportunity. And forever preserved the memory of the kindness and prayerfulness of these old women.

I myself had such a grandmother, she never forced anything, but she was always very kind, I saw how she prays. This is an amazing example, which then remains for life. Although she was not theologically educated and would hardly have been able to adequately answer my questions, she covered all my future questions with her love and prayer.

I also saw very educated people, with degrees of candidates of theology and even higher, and it was not always pleasant to sit at the same table with them … I did not meet such swagger and cynicism even in secular people.

“Let’s sit on the path”

 – Indeed, a man recalls his grandmother, who was both kind and prayerful, but said: do not sew up anything in front of the road. And a person gets the feeling that there is nothing terrible in such superstitions …

– There are such signs in which there is some real background, but later they forgot about it. For example, as a child, I was very fond of reading Maurice Druon’s “The Damned Kings”, this is an epic about the French kings. There was an interesting plot there – the order of the Templars was destroyed on October 13, 1307, and this was on Friday. When I got older, I heard all sorts of horror stories about Friday the 13th. Recently I also heard from students – and told them about Druon’s books, which they had not even heard of. They were very interested.

And “sit on the track”? I still remember and always do this: before going out, I “sit on the path” with only one purpose – to remember if I forgot my documents, money, keys. Obviously, this is a good sign.

Church superstitions and signs are often associated with ignorance of the Holy Scriptures. To celebrate birthdays or not to celebrate? Then a sect of Jehovah’s Witnesses appeared, they forbid celebrating a birthday. And very many parishioners asked: they came to us, told about faith and said that in no case should you celebrate a birthday, is that right? Because just the murder of John the Baptist happened on the birthday of King Herod.

Well, a sect is understandable, they can preach anything they want. But Orthodox Christians must clearly understand where everything comes from and explain to others.

Why do we need a shrine dangling on the arm?

– And how do you feel about the fact that the Church is not free from this? We advertise all sorts of security rings with prayers, measuring icons – they say, this icon will save your child, the Burning Bush icon will protect your home, etc.

– Of course, this is advertising and cheap exploitation of human fears. At the wedding, the rings are always consecrated by the fact that before the betrothal, the priest brings them to the altar and places them on the throne. In Soviet times, these were ordinary rings, but now there are rings decorated with prayer and church symbols. But these are not security rings. These are wedding rings. How many people are getting married? And the production of rings has been established, where should they go? And everyone is starting to be encouraged to wear these rings.

As a dean, I regularly turn to fellow priests who bring bracelets with images of the Virgin and saints. I myself categorically forbid selling such things in my temple.

I have my own argument: you cut out photos of your dad, mom, loved ones – and on their bracelet, and wear it that way. Nobody does it! How is it that my children will hang on my arm? But if you do not do this with the image of your relatives and friends, why do you not feel that this is blasphemy in relation to the image of the Mother of God and the Savior? Where is your reverence?

It is believed that if a prayer is printed on the belt, then this belt will protect you. I agree: wear such belts, other artifacts. But on one condition: if you remember that you have such a strap, then pray to the Lord God. Such things are intended only to remember the prayer to God, because sometimes a person is so busy with fuss that he forgets both about God and about his neighbor.

I always advise our graduates from the rehab center (rehabilitation center for drug addicts “Spider”, which takes care of Father Sergiy – ed.), I always advise them to buy a rosary. But not to do smart work. It’s simple: you go, you go, you reach into your pocket – oh, I have a rosary here, which means you need to pray.

And if someone says that this in itself protects a person, these are the same superstitions. Even if you drink a ton of holy water, eat a ton of prosphora and then sit in a car thrice consecrated – you can still get into an accident with the same probability as if you don’t do anything. You need to pray, and not surround yourself with amulets!

Belief in amulets is a tragedy of faith

“But prayer by itself does not protect a person from an accident either, and priests die in accidents, and prayer books …

Yes, if we understand that we must surround ourselves with prosperity in this life, then this is a tragedy. And if we understand that we are preparing ourselves for the life of the next century, for eternity, then such events are not a tragedy for us, this is a transition to a world where you are not only an expected guest, but a permanent resident. And if the whole meaning is focused only on this life, then a person is ready to give everything, if only everything was fine.

Superstition is what prevents you from properly adjusting your spiritual life. And it should be tuned to salvation and relationships with God and neighbors.

The holy fathers say that the main thing for a Christian is not the acquisition of some supernatural properties of the body or soul, but the acquisition of sobriety. Many fathers prayed that the Lord would grant them the gift of reasoning.

The Lord called his teaching the source of living water: if you drink from this source, you will never be thirsty. But superstitions just constantly give rise to thirst: no matter how much you drink from this foul-smelling vessel, you will still be thirsty forever.

Photo: azbyka.ru

Politics – outside the Church


Author: Joseph, Metropolitan of the USA, Canada and Australia,

Bulgarian Orthodox Church – Bulgarian Patriarchate

    On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death

of Metropolitan Andrey of New York – August 9, 1972

A popular proverb says: “A good start is a job half done”. If we take the beginning of the archpastoral ministry of the Great Bishop Andrew as diocesan bishop of the newly created by H. Synod of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church (BOC) in 1938, Bulgarian diocese in the USA and Canada, we will see quite clearly why the ministry of the new bishop and then metropolitan until his blessed death in 1972 was filled with difficulties, sighs, dissatisfaction, slander, protests and all kinds of threats. How the poor man lasted 34 years, only God and he himself know. Today we read and revere in the spirit of another proverb: “All’s well that ends well!”

Here is the beginning. According to the pamphlet “Bishop Andrey the Closer Emissary in America”, published by the Central Committee of the IPO (Central Committee of Macedonian Political Organizations) in the USA, Canada and Australia (June 1938, Indianapolis, Indiana. Printed by “Macedonian Tribune”, Indianapolis, Indiana ”), the emissary of Koseivanov[1], as Bishop Andrey was called, mocked the touching patriotism of the Macedonian exiles in America. They accused him of wanting to bring them under the wing of the traitorous policy of the Serbophiles in Bulgaria. “We spit on this policy of his”, we read in the pamphlet, where it is also written: “Bishop Andrey, who was sent to distract us from the fulfillment of our innermost desire – a free and independent Macedonia, is completely denied by us.”

On April 20, 1938, the Central Committee of the IPO read to Bishop Andrey in the hotel in Indianapolis their statement that they were “against Kimon Georgiev and Damian Velchev, as well as against Tsar Boris the Third and his government, which forbids working for the salvation of enslaved Macedonia”. The Central Committee of the IPO even forced Bishop Andrei to inform them about the purpose of his mission in America. Moreover, they sharply protested to him that he was sent to America by Prime Minister Koseivanov: “If you come among us to push such a policy, says the statement, we consider it our imperative duty to declare that not we can recognize you as our spiritual shepherd” (p. 23).

“Your Eminence, continued the members of the Central Committee of the IPO, we had the opportunity to carefully read the district message that Holy Synod of the BOC has sent to us on the occasion of your appointment as the administrator of the newly opened diocese in America. In principle, we agree with the thoughts expressed in the message in question… However, we hasten to declare the following:

1) You have no right to represent our people’s interests, which right is given to you by the message of H. Synod, but not by the organized Macedonian forces in the US and Canada. These interests, according to our constitution and the traditions of the Maedonian liberation movement in America, have been represented, are represented now and will be represented in the future only by the legal institutions of our organizations, namely: the congresses of the ILO and its supreme authority – the Central Committee .

2) We recognize the right of St. Synod to appoint you as temporary manager of the newly opened diocese in America. We say temporary because you have not been elected by us according to the decrees of the Exarchial Statute.

3) The Macedonian-Bulgarian emigrants in North America… cannot accept the royal decree that was issued in Sofia to confirm the decision of H. Synod for your appointment… We have the right to reject this decree not only as citizens of the USA and Canada, but also as warriors of the Macedonian liberation movement fighting for the creation of a free and independent Macedonia…”

“Your Eminence”, concludes the statement of the Central Committee of the IPO, “our attitude towards you will be determined only by your behavior towards the Macedonian liberation movement”.

In fact, why did the Central Committee of the IPO not recognize and accept Bishop Andrey as their spiritual superior?

1) “The defeatist attitude of the bishop towards the Macedonian cause, who stated before the Central Committee of the IPO that he is not interested and will not be interested in the Macedonian liberation movement in the future, because he has never been involved in politics in his life”.

2) “Our conversations with Bishop Andrey”.

Question: “What does Your Eminence think about the just struggle that the Macedonians are waging for the salvation of their enslaved and divided homeland?”

Answer: “I am a spiritual person. I don’t deal with politics. That’s why I don’t understand anything about your… works.”

Question: “Do you agree with the principle (autonomy) of a free and independent Macedonia?”

Answer: “Oh, yes, yes. I don’t mind if you manage to win her over.”

Question: “However, we are fighting today not for autonomy, but for a free and independent Macedonia, which will unite the three fragmented parts of our enslaved homeland into one independent state unit.”

Answer: “I will not interfere with you, gentlemen, in this respect. Don’t get me involved in such a thing…”.

And what annoyed the Central Committee of the IPO the most against our bishop in America, grandfather Andrei, to declare him an enemy of the Macedonian liberation movement?

This was his question to worshipers in Macedonian-Bulgarian Orthodox churches:

“Do you know what a bishop is?… He has authority from God. You must listen to me! I am your spiritual father. Yes, yes, you should listen to me, not the Indianapolis Central Committee, which is misleading you. I will pray to God to divert them from the crooked path…”.

This is how, dear friends, His Eminence the Great Bishop Andrew spoke to the trustees of the church “St. Elijah”, who must have been members of the MPO “Pellister” in the city of Akron, Ohio, when they came to him to hand him a protest statement and to tell him that they would not recognize him as their spiritual leader.

On June 13, 1963, already as Metropolitan, His Eminence Andrey was interviewed by another active Bulgarian politician – Prof. Spas Raikin, as well as by Colonel Raicho Raichev in the Metropolitan’s House in New York.

To the question “What did you do about the arrival of Pimen (Metropolitan Pimen of Nevrokop, b. b.) in America?”, Metropolitan Andrey answered: “I did not know about his arrival. A week before his arrival I received a letter from H. Synod that they would notify me by telegram of this and begged me to receive him as a guest in the metropolis, explaining that they knew about the miserable condition of our premises. It wasn’t long before I received a telegram that he was arriving.”

Raikin: “Pimen comes to America as a functionary of the Bulgarian communist government.”

Metropolitan Andrey: “He was sent here by H. Synod, not by the government.”

Question: “Your Eminence, on these issues we will never seem to agree… Tell us: how do you think the policy you lead serves our cause?”

Metropolitan Andrey: “She serves the church cause. I walk in God’s way. In God’s way, any positive cause is best served. He who is sincere and honest and walks in God’s way, he will succeed.”

Question: “What attitude would you like us to take towards the church authorities in Bulgaria?”

Answer: “Do not abuse them, do not revile them. They are reviled enough in Bulgaria.”

Raikin: “On this matter, we cannot accept your advice, since the church authorities in Bulgaria have become an instrument, a tool of the communist party, they are an emanation of communist legislation and conductors of communist propaganda to kill the spirit of resistance in the Bulgarian people.. .”.

Metropolitan Andrey: “He who serves the Church cannot serve the Communists.”

The statement of the Bulgarian secret services is interesting. Regardless of the fact that in 1962 St. The Synod of the BOC recognizes Metropolitan Andrey as the Metropolitan elected by our Diocese in America and Canada, according to the “services” he is the biggest schismatic in the Diocese and zealously follows the line of the American authorities to “liquidate the churches as the center of Bulgaria”. The secret services even testified in their reports that, according to Patriarch Kirill, “Metropolitan Andrey often does not carry out the instructions he receives from Sofia in the United States.”

However, in private conversations with the agents, Metropolitan Andrey always emphasized that he was not involved in politics and that he was faithful to the Bulgarian Holy Synod. Throughout his stay in the USA, he fought for the preservation of Bulgarian self-awareness among the emigration, but he did not support political movements and causes.

When in 1969 St. A synod divided his diocese into three and isolated him only in the city of New York, Metropolitan Andrey did not recognize the decision and made efforts to have it reversed. Because he is convinced that Ep. Kiril Yonchev, although as a bishop, ordained by the Russian synod behind the border, will not return and take the place created for the purpose by St. BOC Synod and vacant Detroit Diocese.

Mr. Momchil Metodiev, Ph.D., author of the book “New York Metropolitan Andrey. Biography, memories, diaries” (published by Riva, 2016), very accurately notes that “the reluctantly recognized New York Metropolitan Andrey concentrates in himself all the provincialism of socialist state functionaries, which they attribute to a long-time emigrant in America mystical abilities, connections and above all riches.”

Yes, this is absolutely true, and not only for the “state functionaries”, “State Security”, but also for the supreme church government, which is also oriented and influenced by the just mentioned influential authorities in our country. Because there is a lack of accurate information about Grandfather Andrew’s church service, and there is irresponsibility on the part of those who send high-ranking clerics for church obedience in America, Canada and Australia, and behind their backs spread the most shameful and slanderous things about them and point out their various weaknesses.

As the successor in the chair of the blessed New York Metropolitan Andrew, who died 50 years ago, I write these lines with a clear conscience, with the conviction that he did not defend himself, but as an apostle of Christ confidently continued until the end of his life the mission assigned to him by H. Synod of the BOC.

Here are the words of recognition and humility in the form of a confession prepared by Prof. Spas Raikin to say at the memorial service on the 3rd day (August 13, 1972) of the death of the old man in the church “St. Andrew” in New York, but the then board of the temple did not allow him to pronounce them (!):

“Grieving brothers and sisters, H. Eminence has moved to eternity. For those of us who have shared with him long years of sorrows and tribulations, adversity and success, friendship and strife, it is hard to believe that he will not return to us again… We the “old guard” feel, that his absence opens a great void in the life of our emigration… He has been at the center of incessant emigrant storms and upheavals… during the last 20 years. When there was no one to blame and judge for our own weaknesses in Bulgarian politics, we turned to blame him, and he, the unfortunate, without defending himself, but without making concessions, continued to follow his chosen path steadily… Let to confess to you that after 15 years I admitted to him that after many years of experience with Bulgarian emigrants I came to the conclusion that he was right and that my thesis was wrong…

From the beginning of his activity in America until his last breath, His Eminence defended the thesis that the Church should not be involved in politics, that the Church belongs to every Orthodox Bulgarian, that when we cross the threshold of the church chapel, we must forget our political differences and see in the face of each one of us, an Orthodox Bulgarian brother. Let’s remember that we never figured it out. We never gave him the right to defend such a thesis and pursue such a policy. We insisted that he should interfere in our political quarrels. After many years of experience with the Bulgarian political organizations and after a long rethinking of the Bulgarian church affairs, let me admit that we were all on the wrong path and that the Bishop was on the right path…

Today we can regret that the results of Metropolitan Andrew’s policy were not remarkable. Many times he celebrated the Holy Liturgy without worshippers. We all abandoned him… It is good to remember that, despite everything, this old man serves the Bulgarian language well in New York. Every Sunday at 11 o’clock in the morning, that heavy door there was opened for every Bulgarian who lost his homeland and family, it was opened for every exile looking for a place to calm down and pray. Every Sunday, H. Eminence’s feeble voice rose to pray for all of us, in and out of this chapel. Every Sunday in this million-strong city, the Bulgarian “Lord, have mercy” was heard. No one kept track of how many troubled Bulgarians, how many restless souls crossed this threshold and prayed in Bulgarian in this Bulgarian church. If this is the only merit of His Eminence, it is enough for justification before the throne of the Most High and before the petty banter of souls poisoned by partisanship… For decades, his chapel was a symbol of our Fatherland, of the homes we left thousands of kilometers from here … Grandfather Bishop maintains this chapel for all of us as a second home and a second Fatherland…

Let’s not hold him responsible for not being able to unite us. The reason is in ourselves – not in him.

Metropolitan Andrey never despaired and until the end of his life, with epic patience and Christian humility, he fulfilled his duty to God, people and Motherland with dignity.

Eternal be his memory!”

[1] Georgi Kyoseivanov (1884-1960) was Prime Minister of Bulgaria from November 23, 1935 to February 15, 1940. He headed four government cabinets during the Kingdom of Bulgaria. In his time, Ep. Andrey goes to the USA.

Biographical reference:

New York Metropolitan Andrey was born on December 31, 1886 in the village of Vrachesh, Orkhaniysko (Botevgrad), grew up in Targovishte, studied at the Sofia Theological Seminary and the Moscow Theological Academy. He worked first in Russia, then in Bulgaria, developed a great missionary activity, especially among the youth in the difficult years after the First World War. He became a monk at the age of 43 and in just two months he was ordained as a Great Bishop, vicar of Metropolitan Simeon of Varna and Preslav. In 1937 St. The BOC Synod decided to send him to lead the Bulgarian Orthodox Church communities in the USA and Canada. In 1963 he was elected metropolitan. He died in Bulgaria on August 9, 1972.

Short address of the original publication (in Bulgarian) of August 9, 2022: https://dveri.bg/8yrfu

Johnny Depp will once again be the face of Dior perfume


Johnny Depp will once again be the face of the perfume “Sauvage” of the fashion house “Dior”, DPA reported.

The 59-year-old actor continues to reap success after winning a defamation lawsuit against his ex-wife Amber Heard in June. His rise is partly due to the multi-year contract he recently signed with the fashion house, TMZ reports.

The seven-figure deal will make the Oscar winner, who first signed a deal with Dior in 2015, once again the face of men’s fragrance Sauvage.

In a joint Instagram post with Depp, the fashion house shared black-and-white photos of the actor taken by photographer Gregg Williams. They were taken recently before Johnny Depp took part in a concert in Paris with Jeff Beck. The footage will be used in the new Dior campaign, sources told TMZ.

The ad featuring Johnny Depp for the fragrance disappeared from television after his ex-wife Heard’s accusations, but then returned even before the actor’s legal victory was announced.

The former Hollywood couple’s tumultuous relationship took center stage earlier this year in a high-profile defamation trial during which unsavory details emerged. Depp asked for $50 million in damages, and the 36-year-old Aquaman star demanded $100 million in a counterclaim. At the heart of the lawsuit was Amber Heard’s 2018 Washington Post op-ed in which she described herself as a “public figure who is a victim of domestic violence,” although she never named Depp.

However, a Virginia court in June ordered the actor to receive more than $10 million in damages. Heard was awarded 2 million US dollars, DPA recalls.

Photo: Johnny Depp performs on stage during the Helsinki Blues Festival (left). A billboard shows actor Johnny Depp promoting Dior’s Sauvage in Milan, Italy (right). Venla Shalin/Redferns, Beata Zawrzel/NurPhoto via Getty Images

Popular foods that stimulate brain activity


The nutritionist draws attention to the fact that foods from the daily diet affect brain activity in different ways

Eggs, beets and coffee stimulate the brain, assures endocrinologist Elena Evdokimova, who is a member of the Russian Association of Endocrinologists and the European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD).

In an interview with Lenta.ru, she pointed out other inexpensive products for improving cognitive functions. The nutritionist draws attention to the fact that foods from the daily diet affect brain activity in different ways: they can speed it up and slow it down, help or hinder the memorization of information, stimulate or reduce the production of neurotransmitters.

1. Almonds are one of the best vegetable sources of vitamin E – with nearly 130% of the daily dose in 100 grams of nuts. They also provide us with healthy fats and are a perfect choice for an afternoon snack to stimulate the brain and give you a boost of energy.

2. In addition to vitamin E (80% of the daily dose in 100 g), hazelnuts are also a good source of B vitamins, including folate, as well as magnesium, calcium and potassium. You can also include them in your diet in the form of hazelnut tahini – it’s great in combination with chocolate, or as an addition to a smoothie or salad dressing.

3. In addition to useful monounsaturated fats, avocados also provide us with a good amount of vitamin E – about 16% in 150 grams of fruit. It is also one of the best breakfast foods that will provide us with enough energy and a quality start to the day. During the rest of the time, you can prepare homemade guacamole – it’s easy to make and damn tasty.

4. A cup of cooked spinach provides us with about 25% of the daily dose of vitamin E, but we don’t have to stick to it alone – all green leafy vegetables (chard, kale, beetroot and mustard greens) are good sources of the vitamin.

5. If seeds are your favorite pastime while relaxing with a movie in the evening, don’t worry – by the way, you’ve also got 78% of your daily dose of vitamin E with one hundred grams of seeds.

6. With nearly 25% of the daily amount of vitamin E, dried apricots find a place in the ranking, separately providing us with fiber, important for the regulation of digestion and cholesterol levels. Remember that often the dried fruits sold in the supermarket are additionally soaked in glucose-fructose syrup, a source of additional sugar that we do not need. Make sure you choose dried fruit without unwanted ingredients.

7. Autumn is our favorite mostly because of the pumpkins in all shapes and sizes, which are suitable for a variety of recipes. In addition to variety in nutrition, they also provide us with good levels of vitamin E – 18% of the daily dose in 1 teacup of cooked pumpkin.

8. Kiwi is a very good source not only of vitamin E (about 15% in 180 g), but also of vitamin C, which will take care of strengthening the immune system. This is more than good news, since in Bulgaria kiwifruit is in season in autumn, when we need all available aids in preparing the body for the cold months.

9. All vegetable oils are good sources of vitamin E, including olive oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil. However, olive oil, in addition to providing us with the valuable antioxidant – about 13% of the recommended daily dose in one tablespoon, also provides us with valuable monounsaturated fats, which additionally take care of heart health.

10. Besides being the richest source of vitamin C, red peppers also provide about 12% of the daily dose of vitamin E. Plus, they are also a source of lutein and zeaxanthin, two antioxidants that take care of eye health.

Source: iStock Photos/Getty Images

The Russians bought tons of gold, preferring kilogram bars


In recent months, Russians have bought tons of gold from banks in the country, reports the Russian publication Kommersant, quoted by investoe.bg. The publication cites data from banking institutions, according to which, over the past five months, only Sberbank has sold 10.9 tons of gold to citizens.

In mid-April, VTB announced that it had sold 2 tons of gold, but has not given any more information since then. “Promsvyazbank” (PSB) has sold 1 ton of gold bars in four months. Other major Russian banks also reported an increase in demand for the precious metal, but without giving details about the quantities.

Investor interest in gold always increases during periods of volatility. In Russia, it is also supported by the abolition of value added tax (VAT) on gold transactions. Previously, during the resale, it was impossible to recover the tax, “Kommersant” specifies. In June, the profit tax (13%) on gold transactions was also abolished.

Thus, banks report an increase in the demand for gold in all sizes of bars, but the most preferred is 1 kilogram. Now the demand for the larger “cuts” is calming down and the smaller weights are attracting interest – in “Rosselkhozbank” they report that 17% of all bars sold are of 5 grams.

Even with the elimination of taxes, buying gold is a long-term investment, analysts point out. According to them, even the smallest scratch on the bars can bring down their price. The only reason to buy investment gold is to protect against ruble devaluation, the experts add.

The Chief Economist of “PF Capital” Yevgeny Nadorshin, however, recommends that Russians should invest in virtual currency if they are concerned about the devaluation of the national currency. It can be traded abroad, etc. , while this is not possible with gold bars.

Anton Chernyshev from SberCIB recalls that geopolitical tension does not always lead to a significant increase in the price of gold. For example, on August 2, due to the visit of the Speaker of the US House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan, the price of gold jumped to $1,805 per troy ounce. But the very next day, the quotations were corrected to 1780 dollars, and in the following days to lower levels, the analyst also points out.

Haute couture for trash bags too. Unbelievable how much they cost


Haute couture has entered the most unlikely territory – trash bags.

Balenciaga sells backpacks inspired by the look of garbage bags for a shocking ÂŁ1,470 or 1,790 dokars, writes the Daily Mail.

The backpacks are sold in four different colors including black, white, blue and yellow. Twitter users wonder if the brand is running a social experiment or just trolling the masses.

On its official website, Balenciaga reveals, “The Garbage Backpack is inspired by a garbage bag.”

Multiple reports suggest that the Balenciaga Trash Pouch is made from calfskin leather with a glossy coating.

It comes in various colours including all-black, white-and-red, yellow-and-black and blue-and-black.

The Balenciaga bags have drawstrings, which can be pulled to close them before the ties are fixed. When carried, they certainly look like the sacks in which people discard what they don’t want to keep.

Speaking about the item, Gvasalia previously told WWD, “I couldn’t miss an opportunity to make the most expensive trash bag in the world, because who doesn’t love a fashion scandal?”

 Image credit: Balenciaga

Houses of Worship: Saint Peter’s Basilica

Houses of Worship: Saint Peter’s Basilica

The Roman Catholic Church is the largest and oldest Christian denomination in the world, with some 221,700 parishes, 467,000 clergy, and 1.3 billion members.

The home of the Catholic Church is in Rome and is headed by the Bishop of Rome, better known as the pope. The pope is the successor to the apostles of Jesus Christ in leadership of the church. Saint Peter, who was one of the apostles, was the first pope and he consecrated Linus who succeeded him in 67 AD, beginning the tradition and the unbroken line of the papacy which continues to today.

Saint Peter was crucified and martyred on Vatican Hill by Emperor Nero circa 64 AD. Persecution of the Christians continued in Rome until 313 when Emperor Constantine, the first Roman Emperor to convert to Christianity, issued the Edict of Milan to end the persecution of Christians. And by 333 Constantine commissioned the building of a Christian church in Rome over the grave of Saint Peter: Saint Peter’s Basilica.

The term basilica comes from the Greek word basilike, meaning “kingly” or “royal”. In the Roman Catholic Church, it is used in the titles of certain churches with special privileges granted by the pope. There are major and minor basilica. There are only four major basilica, all within Rome and including Saint Peter’s.

The church from that time is often referred to as Old Peter’s Basilica and was the first church to memorialize Saint Peter’s martyrdom. Completed in 360 AD, the original church stood for 1,200 years as the site of papal coronations and historic events including the crowning of Charlemagne as the Holy Roman Emperor. In 1505 Pope Julius II ordered a new basilica built, demolished the Old Peter’s Basilica, and broke ground on what became the Saint Peter’s Basilica that stands today.

In front of the Basilica is Saint Peter’s Square, a 251,000-square-foot plaza that hosts gatherings of as many as 300,000 people. The square is encircled by an arcade of 372 columns and pilasters topped by statues of 140 saints. In the center is the Vatican Obelisk that originally stood in Heliopolis, Egypt, made of red granite and weighing over 741,000 pounds.

Saint Peter’s Square (Dfmalan, CC BY-SA 3.0)

From the obelisk can be seen the sculptures standing atop the Basilica facade: Christ the Redeemer, Saint John the Baptist and 11 apostles. Among the sculptures are two prominent clocks held by angels, each bearing a coat of arms.

From the street to the top of the dome, Saint Peter’s Basilica is 448 feet high, 730 feet long and 500 feet wide, accommodating as many as 20,000 people. One of the largest churches anywhere, Saint Peter’s Basilica contains more than 100 tombs, dozens of ornate statues such as the Bronze Statue of Saint Peter, and, directly under the dome and over the tomb of Saint Peter, is Saint Peter’s Altar.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Houses of Worship: Saint Peter’s Basilica
Altar of Saint Peter’s Basilica (Antoinetav, CC BY-SA 3.0)

Saint Peter’s Basilica was designated as a Christian pilgrimage site by Pope Boniface VIII in 1300, and sees 40,000 to 50,000 visitors daily and some 14 million each year. One of the most important churches in all of Christendom and among the most significant churches in the world, Ralph Waldo Emerson described it as “an ornament of the earth.”

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Houses of Worship: Saint Peter’s Basilica
(MatthiasKabel, CC BY-SA 3.0)

Dozens missing after migrant boat sinks in Aegean Sea – UNHCR

Dozens missing after migrant boat sinks in Aegean Sea – UNHCR
Dozens of people are said to be missing after a boat of migrants and refugees sank in the Aegean Sea on Wednesday off the Greek island of Karpathos, according to the UN refugee agency, UNHCR.

“Very sad news from the Aegean: Dozens of people are missing after a boat sank off the island of Rhodes this morning (Wednesday),” UNHCR’s office in Greece said in a tweet.

News media reported that the vessel sank at dawn after setting sail from southern TĂĽrkiye yesterday, heading for Italy.

29 rescued

“A major search and rescue operation is underway,” said UNHCR.

According to news reports, the Greek Coast Guard said that an air and sea rescue operation saved 29 people, all men, from the waters between Rhodes and Crete.

The media also cited the Greek authorities in reporting that the rescued are from Afghanistan, Iraq and Iran.

The wrecked boat had sailed from Antalya, located on the southern coast of neighbouring TĂĽrkiye.

Still searching

News media quoted a Greek Coast Guard press official who said that those rescued affirmed that the voyage began with 80 people on board – so up to 50 are still missing.  

UNHCR confirmed the number of missing.

Deadly route

Since the beginning of the year, UNHCR has said that more than 60 people have died in the eastern Mediterranean.

Aegean Sea crossings between the Greek islands and Turkish coasts are often perilous – taking the lives of many migrants and refugees who travel on makeshift boats with hopes of arriving in Europe.

Since January, 64 people have died in the eastern Mediterranean, and 111 in 2021, according to data from the International Organization for Migration (IOM).

The last shipwreck in the Aegean Sea, which took place on 19 June, took the lives of eight people off the island of Mykonos, according to the IOM.

Every more deadly crossing

While the number of refugees and migrants crossing the Mediterranean to reach Europe is lower than in 2015, the journeys have become increasingly more deadly.

Throughout last year, the UN counted 3,231 migrants and refugees dead or missing in the Mediterranean Sea, and 945 people so far this year.

Successful voyages

At the same time, 70,325 migrants did manage to reach Europe, of which 65,548 individual crossings were reported in the Mediterranean, according to UNHCR.

Since the beginning of the year, Italy received the largest number of arrivals – 43,740, followed by Spain – nearly 17,000, Greece – 7,261, and Cyprus – 2,268.

Last year there were 123,300 arrivals, and in 2020, 95,800. Previously, 123,700 crossed the Mediterranean in 2019, and 141,500 in 2018.

Consumer credits: why updated EU rules are needed

Consumer credits: why updated EU rules are needed | News | European Parliament

MEPs support updating EU rules on consumer credit to protect consumers faced by new digital options and the difficult economic situation.

Consumer credits are loans for the purchase of consumer goods and services. They are often used to pay for cars, travel as well as for household goods and appliances.

Existing EU rules

The existing EU rules – the Consumer Credits Directive – aim to protect Europeans while fostering the EU’s consumer loan market. The rules cover consumer credits ranging from €200 to €75,000 and require creditors to provide information to allow borrowers to compare offers and make informed decisions. Consumers have 14 days to withdraw from a credit agreement and they can repay the loan early, thereby lowering the cost.

The rules were adopted in 2008 and need to be updated to meet the current environment.

Why changes are needed

The difficult economic situation means more people are searching for loans, and digitalisation has brought new players and products to the markets, including non-banks, such as crowdfunding loan apps.

This means, for example, that it is easier and more widespread to take small loans online – but these can turn out to be expensive or unsuitable. It also means that new ways of disclosing information digitally and of assessing the creditworthiness of consumers using AI systems and non-traditional data need to be addressed.

The current rules do not protect consumers who are vulnerable to over-indebtedness well enough. In addition, the rules are not harmonised between the EU countries.

6 out of 10 

consumers have faced financial difficulties since the start of the coronavirus crisis.

New consumer credit rules

Parliament’s internal market and consumer protection committee  adopted its report on the new rules. on 12 July 2022.

The proposed rules say that creditors must ensure standard information to consumers in a more transparent way and allow them to easily see all essential information on any device, including a mobile phone.

Committee members stressed that credit advertising should not encourage over-indebted consumers to seek credit and it should contain a prominent message that borrowing money costs money.

To help determine whether a credit suits a person’s needs and means before it’s granted, MEPs want information such as current obligations or cost of living expenses to be required, but said social media and health data should not be taken into account.

MEPs say that the new rules should cover credits up to €150,000, with each country deciding the upper limit based on local conditions. They want overdraft facilities and credit overrunning, which are becoming increasingly common, to be regulated, but say it should be up to the countries to decide whether they apply the consumer credit rules to some loans, such as small loans up to €200, interest-free loans and loans to be repaid within three months and with minor charges.

Next steps

The Parliament will vote on the report in a future plenary session, after which Parliament negotiators can start talks with the Council and Commission on the final text of the legislation.

UNODC celebrates International Youth Day by working for and with youth

person in red sweater holding babys hand
ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== UNODC celebrates International Youth Day by working for and with youth

Vienna (Austria), 12 August 2022 – The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) is proud to recognize International Youth Day by celebrating the theme, “Intergenerational solidarity: Creating a World for All Ages”. The theme this year emphasizes to emphasize the need for action across all generations to accomplish the SDGs and ensure that no one is left behind. In addition to highlighting these obstacles to intergenerational cooperation, 

International Youth Day will also call attention to ageism, which affects both young and elderly people while having negative repercussions on society as a whole. Ageism can surface in healthcare, the workplace, and many other aspects of life. For instance, a systematic review in 2020 showed that in 85% of 149 studies, age determined who received certain medical procedures or treatments. 1 A study done by the European Social Survey, meanwhile, found that those aged 15–24 years reported experiencing the most unfair treatment because of their age: 55% thought that someone had shown them a lack of respect or had treated them badly.2 On this day, UNODC highlights its various commitments to empowering youth across its programmatic areas.  

In February 2021, Ms. Ghada Waly, the Executive Director of UNODC, launched the UNODC Strategy 2021-2025 with three cross-cutting commitments embedded in UNODC’s programming, one of which was to empower youth. The goal of youth empowerment is to involve young people in problem-solving and to elevate their voices in decision-making processes.

To meaningfully engage youth, they must be involved at every stage of the program cycle. Initiatives should be implemented “with” youth as well as “for” youth to allow for co-creation in program implementation. UNODC seeks to strengthen its youth mainstreaming approach in order to accelerate youth empowerment processes across the organization.

UNODC has a variety of youth-focused initiatives outlined on the UNODC Youth website as well as a new Youth Empowerment Accelerator (YEA!) Framework. UNODC will strengthen ongoing and develop new youth mainstreaming actions to promote the meaningful engagement of young people in programmes and projects at the planning, implementation, and evaluation stages.

Alongside this umbrella Framework, there are various initiatives working for and with youth. For instance, the UNODC Youth Initiative aims to connect young people from around the globe and empower them to become active in their schools, communities and youth groups for substance use prevention and health promotion. This year they are celebrating a decade of the youth forum on the sidelines of the Commission on Narcotic Drugs.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== UNODC celebrates International Youth Day by working for and with youth

Additionally, the GRACE Initiative (Global Resource for Anti-Corruption Education and Youth Empowerment) brings to the international community knowledge and experience working with educators, academics, youth, and anti-corruption authorities to foster a culture of rejection of corruption. By focusing on young people, educators and academics as the epicentre of global sustainable changemaking processes, GRACE promotes education and meaningful youth empowerment as driving engines to renew and strengthen the international community’s efforts towards anti-corruption and it does so by developing materials, activities and projects for children and educators, young scholars and academics and finally targeting young people and their dedication to sustainable development, digitalization and social entrepreneurship.

In line with Our Common Agenda and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, UNODC is committed to work for, and with youth, to ensure a better future for all.