16.4 C
Monday, September 16, 2024
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FECRIS under fire: 82 prominent Ukrainian scholars ask MACRON to stop funding it

FECRIS, entirely funded by the French government, provides important support to its Russian members and the Kremlin in their outrageous propaganda against Ukraine and the West.

Church and church organization (2)

During the first period of its existence, the Church consisted of numerous communities, completely separate and independent, having no canonical connections with each other...

A Belgian beer company boasted of its success in Russia

Shelves in Russian shops are filled with bottles and cans of Hoegaarden, Stella Artois and Delirium Tremens While many Western companies seek to distance themselves...

Russia has found buyers for all the coal the EU refused, but sells 10 times cheaper

In July, Russia managed to find buyers for all the coal that the EU refused due to the imposition of sanctions on the federation,...

The mysterious baroness that Napoleon was afraid of – Madame de Stahl

205 years since the death of one of the most influential women of the 19th century Anna Stahl, or as her full name is -...

Being Ukrainian Orthodox in a Time of War: Part One

By Myrna Kostash I began writing this post near the end of February 2022, on tenterhooks along with much of the world about the likelihood...

Second Statement on Russia’s War on Ukraine & International Sport

The text of the following statement was agreed upon by the ministers of sport or their equivalent from the countries and individuals listed at the...

Another European war ‘not an impossibility’; Unity crucial in Bosnia and Herzegovina

Amidst rising tensions, a months-long political stalemate and increasing speculation about yet another conflict in Europe, the international community must stand firm behind a peaceful, unified Bosnia and Herzegovina, the country’s UN envoy told the Security Council on Wednesday.

The Swiss anti-crisis method

Beyond work for the Swiss, there are other values ​​that allow him to go unscathed through wars and crises, to win when others fail and go bankrupt. There is no mystery and magic, but extremely earthly things, very simple.

UN Secretary-General to meet with Putin in Moscow

The UN chief announced on Friday that he will be traveling to Russia to meet with Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and will also be received by President Vladimir Putin.
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