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New batch of armored vehicles Kirpi for Ukraine – this time with remotely controlled combat module

New batch of armored vehicles Kirpi for Ukraine – this time with remotely controlled combat module

The second batch of Kirpi armored personnel carriers manufactured by the Turkish company BMC has already arrived in Ukraine.

BMC Kirpi armored vehicle with automatic weapon station on top – illustrative photo. Image credit: BMC

The news about the arrival of these combat vehicles was announced by the Ukrainian military on social networks.

The initial plan to supply 200 units of MRAP-class Kirpi armored vehicles was first announced in August 2022. In November 2022, Ukrainian soldiers were already operating the first 50 units.

The new arrival is a bit different from the previous one. The main difference is a remotely controlled combat module, instead of a manually-operated turret with a 12.7mm M2 Browning machine gun.

Defense Express noted that this remote-controlled combat module is ANUBIS, manufactured by the Romanian company Pro Optica S.A. This is an interesting development, because the standard version of Kirpi is equipped with a remote-controlled combat module SARP from the Turkish company Aselsan.

It is difficult to tell which combat module is better. But in any case, remote turrets like these offer much more safety to those who operate them.

Turkey usually prefers weapons manufactured by its domestic producers. Choosing a Romanian sub-contractor could have been motivated by the need to reduce short-term costs and increase the number of manufactured Kirpi vehicles.

For Ukraine, it is good news, because the Turkish armored combat vehicles have been delivered in the shortest possible time.

Kirpi and similar machines have already proven their value on the battlefield due to their ability to perform quick maneuvers as well as their exceptionally good level of protection that allows for saving the lives of troops.

A single Kirpi can accommodate 12 soldiers plus one driver. Its empty weight is 18 tons – most of this weight comes from protective armor. The car also has an automatic fire suppression system. Its maximum driving range reaches 1000km (620 miles) when driving at 60 km/h (37 mph).

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Introduction to Explainer Videos – Technology Org

Introduction to Explainer Videos – Technology Org

Explainer videos are becoming increasingly popular, but what exactly are they and how do they simplify complex concepts? Explainer videos provide a concise and engaging method of delivering information in response to the time constraints and impatience of today’s fast-paced world.

A video camera – illustrative photo. Image credit: Christian Wiediger via Unsplash, free license

Explainer video agency is a powerful tool for businesses and organizations to communicate their message effectively. This article will discuss the importance of explainer videos in marketing strategies and how they can simplify complex ideas, showcase products or services, and entertain audiences.

Explainer videos can provide advantages for companies.

Businesses can capture potential customers’ attention with explainer videos. These videos are short, informative, and engaging, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes. This article will outline the advantages of utilizing explainer videos for business purposes to stand out from competitors.

  • Increase awareness of the brand. Explainer videos can be an effective tool for introducing a brand to potential customers. They offer an engaging and informative way to explain products or services, which can ultimately increase brand awareness and customer acquisition.
  • Increase the rate of conversion. The use of explainer videos can have a positive effect on conversion rates. These videos provide potential customers with a thorough understanding of the advantages of your product or service, improving the likelihood of a purchase or other desired outcome.
  • Increase visibility on search engines. Incorporating relevant keywords into your video title and description can enhance your search engine rankings, making it more probable for potential customers to find your video when searching for similar products or services.
  • Increased Engagement on Social Media. Explainer videos are highly shareable, which makes them a great tool for increasing engagement on social media. By creating a video that is both informative and entertaining, you can encourage people to share your video with their friends and followers, which can help to increase brand awareness and drive traffic to your website.
  • Establishing trustworthiness and credibility. Explainer videos can increase trust and credibility with potential customers by offering a clear explanation of your product or service and its benefits, establishing expertise in your industry and building trust with your audience.

What is an Explainer Video Agency?

Explainer videos are becoming an increasingly popular tool for companies to communicate complex ideas and products to their audiences. But what is an explainer video agency and how can it help your business? In this article, we’ll explore the world of video agencies, explaining how much does a promotional video cost, and their role in the digital marketing landscape.

An explainer video agency is a business that focuses on producing animated or live videos to clarify a product, service or concept. These videos aim to be interesting, educational and amusing and are commonly employed by corporations to publicize their brand, enhance sales and elevate customer involvement. Explainer videos are available in different styles such as whiteboard animation, motion graphics, and 3D animation. They can serve various purposes like product demonstrations, corporate training, and customer training.

An explainer video agency is composed of a group of creative professionals, such as scriptwriters, animators, illustrators, and voiceover artists. They collaborate to produce customized explainer videos that align with the unique requirements and objectives of their clientele. Partnering with an explainer video agency can benefit businesses seeking to produce impactful videos that effectively convey intricate concepts to their target audience. The agency can assist with various objectives, such as promoting new products, instructing customers, or training employees, allowing companies to differentiate themselves in the competitive digital landscape.

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UN independent experts spotlight ‘prima facie war crime’ in East Jerusalem

UN independent experts spotlight ‘prima facie war crime’ in East Jerusalem

“There has been an ongoing and unchecked tragedy: the forced eviction of Palestinians from their homes,” they said in a joint statement

“Israel’s transfer of its own population into the occupied territory confirms a deliberate intention to colonize the territory it occupies, a practice strictly prohibited by international humanitarian law,” they said.

“It amounts to a prima facie war crime,” they declared.

The joint statement came from three UN independent experts: Francesca Albanese, Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian Territory occupied since 1967; Balakrishnan Rajagopal, Special Rapporteur on the right to adequate housing; and Paula Gaviria Betancur, Special Rapporteur on the human rights of internally displaced persons.

After repeatedly raising these issues with the Government of Israel, they said no response has been received to date.

‘Irredeemably’ altering city’s status

Indeed, despite efforts of international organizations and activists, Palestinians under Israeli occupation continue to be forced out of their homes and dispossessed of their land and properties on the basis of discriminatory laws.

The laws, designed to consolidate Jewish ownership in Jerusalem, are irredeemably altering the city’s demographic composition and status, they warned.

Discriminatory laws

In neighbourhoods adjacent to the Old City of Jerusalem, an estimated 150 Palestinian families are currently at risk of forced eviction and displacement by Israeli authorities and settlers.

Over the past decades, hundreds of Palestinian properties in occupied East Jerusalem have been taken over by settlers, in part due to a law that claims to allow the transfer of pre-1948 Jewish property to the “original Jewish owners” or their “heirs”, the experts said.

‘Lawfare’ in action

The current legislation helps settler organizations expropriate Palestinian properties through a manipulation of the law, they added.

“This is lawfare in action,” they said. “The law is discriminatory and acquisitive by design, and no such right to restitution exists for the over 1 million Palestinians and their descendants who were displaced and dispossessed from Jerusalem, Israel, and the rest of the West Bank and Gaza as of 1947 and in 1967.”

Longing for justice

“They are still longing for justice,” the UN experts said.

Of specific concern are three families that are currently at risk: the Shehades in Silwan, the Ghaith-Sub Labans in the Old City, and the Salems in Sheikh Jarrah. Despite living in their homes for many decades under a protected tenancy lease, these families have faced eviction lawsuits filed by settler organizations seeking to take over their properties for years.

The Ghaith-Sub Laban family has already exhausted all legal avenues to challenge the eviction order, they said, adding that Israeli authorities have served them with a notice to vacate their house by 25 April, or face forced eviction.

‘Blatant violation of international law’

“This is in blatant violation of international law that does not confer the occupying Power the authority to change the local legislation unless strictly required by security needs: settler-colonial intent and interests are not a security need,” the experts said.

The establishment and expansion of settlements constitute “a grave breach of international law, prosecutable under the Rome Statute”, they said, emphasizing that no State should passively acquiesce with these illegal acts to “trump the rights of Palestinians to self-determination, adequate housing, property, non-discrimination”.

“For the Palestinians, the enjoyment of human rights is a far-off hope as the suppression of these rights is part of the very architecture of the Israeli occupation,” they said.

“The almost 56-year-long occupation and the way it is allowed to conduct itself with general impunity and without consequences, makes a farce of international law and the credibility of the system mandated to enforce it,” they said.

“The occupation must end with all deliberate speed and until that day, Israel must comply fully with international humanitarian law and international human rights law obligations,” they stressed.

Special Rapporteurs

Special Rapporteurs and other independent experts are appointed by the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva. They monitor and report on specific country situations or thematic issues.

They are not UN staff and do not receive payment for their work.

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Greece’s “Dentist pass” – a mental health policy in disguise?

boy with green and white pacifier
Photo by Quang Tri NGUYEN

The Greek government has recently launched a new program called the “dentist pass,” providing free preventive dental care to children aged 6 to 12 years old. The program was introduced through a bill presented to the Parliament by the Ministry of Health and made possible through an agreement between the Greek State and the Stavros S. Niarchos Foundation (SNF), which aims, broadly, to upgrade healthcare infrastructure in Greece. The Ministry of Health will administer the dentist pass program on their behalf, ensuring access to dental care for all children. While this program represents a clear and significant step towards improving the oral health of Greek children, what remains underreported is the important impact of this programme on mental healthcare provision.

The links between dental health and mental health are long-established and yet poorly understood by the general public. Poor dental health can exacerbate mental health issues, such as social anxiety and low self-esteem as individuals feel shame and embarrassment or suffer physical pain which can lead to higher levels of stress and reduce the effectiveness of mindfulness and meditation-based approaches to anxiety reduction by introducing distracting pain. 

Conversely, mental health conditions, such as stress and depression, can negatively impact dental hygiene. Clues to mental health problems can be seen in dental health, such as worn enamel, which can indicate high levels of anxiety or stress, as patients, who have nothing to chew on and no medium such as a stress ball or gum through which to channel their anxiety, grind their teeth. Those with chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, and low self-worth may also struggle to perform routine tasks such as brushing one’s teeth or flossing.

For children, the issue becomes further complicated. The mental health issues of parents can be reflected in the oral health of children. Those least able to manage their own stress are also responsible for the oral health of their children, ensuring they brush, floss, visit the dentist and are watching out for developing symptoms. Children’s mental health and dental health is also co-determined by factors such as diet and poverty. Sugary, nutrient-poor diets can cause cavities and also deprive the body of the vitamins and minerals required to support mental health. Poverty and deprivation are associated with mental health, both by increased incidence and through the inability to afford remedies and treatments.

Yet just as mental and dental health issues are co-determined, so are their solutions. Practicing stress reduction activities have been shown to improve both mental and dental health. Some solutions, such as chewing gum, can both reduce stress and aid with mindfulness techniques, and also reduce tartar and plaque build-up in the case of sugar-free gum. A healthy diet, likewise, is critical for preventative care. Yet it is also important to see a dentist regularly, as they can detect other health issues and refer to counsellors or therapists if necessary.

Experts therefore describe issues like child dental health as keystone focuses for the addressing of mental health and health more generally. Poor dental health causes neurological and cardiovascular issues as bacteria enter the bloodstream. Since it is clear that mental and dental health are linked both in their causes and in their solutions, the SNF programme in Greece must therefore be watched with great care and interest by mental health charities and public health administrators across Europe. The Greek investment in dental health is therefore likely to be a shrewd one – with dividends in productivity, savings in health and rewards in mental well-being to come.

Physicists take a step toward fault-tolerant quantum computing

Physicists take a step toward fault-tolerant quantum computing

Some classical computers have error correction built into their memories based on bits; quantum computers will need error correction mechanisms, too, based on the vastly more sensitive qubits to be workable in the future.

Electronic measurement equipment – illustrative photo. Image credit: John Barkiple via Unsplash, free license

Cornell researchers have recently taken a step toward fault-tolerant quantum computing: they constructed a simple model containing exotic particles called non-Abelian anyons, compact and practical enough to run on modern quantum hardware. Realizing these particles, which can only exist in two dimensions, is a move towards implementing it in the real world.

Thanks to some creative thinking, Yuri Lensky, a former Bethe/Wilkins/Kavli Institute at Cornell (KIC) postdoctoral fellow in physics in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S), collaborating with Eun-Ah Kim, professor of physics (A&S), came up with a simple “recipe” that could be used for robustly computing with non-Abelian anyons, including specific instructions for executing the effect experimentally on devices available today.

Their paper, “Graph Gauge Theory of Mobile Non-Abelian Anyons in a Qubit Stabilizer Code,” written in collaboration with theorists at Google Quantum AI, was published in the Annals of Physics.

Google Quantum AI researchers and Lensky and Kim have proved the theory with a successful experiment as reported in a preprint publication, “Observation of Non-Abelian Exchange Statistics on a Superconducting Processor,” on the research-sharing platform arXiv.

“This two-dimensional state is interesting both from a quantum condensed matter physics perspective – it has some novel properties that are very special to 2D physics – and from a quantum information perspective,” Lensky said.

“It’s something truly quantum, but it’s also potentially useful for quantum computation. It protects bits of quantum information by storing them non-locally, and our protocol allows us to compute with these bits.”

Kim explained the principle that animates non-Abelian anyons by holding out two identical one-pound barbells. When she crosses her arms, the identical barbells change positions, but as objects defined by classical physics, their state remains the same. They are interchangeable.

If those barbells represent two identical quantum particles, remarkably in certain 2D systems their trails through space-time can produce a measurable record of the change (picture the crossed arms.) This process of exchange is called a braid, after the shapes of the particle trails.

“Quantum mechanically, when you move one particle around the other,” Kim said, holding one weight still and moving the other in a circle around it, “the wave function, which is a solution to the Schrödinger equation describing quantum mechanical motion, can be multiplied by a phase factor or it can become something that’s very different.”

When the wave function gains a global sign that can only be observed through interferometry, a measurement of the interference of waves, that’s called an Abelian anyon. When the wave function becomes measurably different, it’s a non-Abelian anyon, she said.

Non-Abelian anyons could be harnessed to create qubits defined not on a single particle, but on a pair of identical quantum particles: nonlocally encoded.

“If I put the qubit shared between these particles in a zero state and move them apart, then whatever happens locally to one of these anyons, the zero state will remain. The qubit set to zero is safe from corruption,” Kim said. “Non-Abelian anyons could be used in a platform for protected qubits.”

But while physicists have theorized about these exotic particles for years – Alexei Kitaev proposed operating on protected bits of quantum memory by braiding non-Abelian anyons back around 2001, Lensky said – they have never been observed in a physical system before now.

When Google Quantum AI developed the quantum processor platform capabilities to realize the surface code and braiding of Abelian anyons in a physical system, Lensky said, “This was [our] inspiration to look for a way to realize the physics of non-Abelian anyons as soon as possible.”

“We knew they had the working ingredients, but they didn’t have a recipe,” Kim said. “We figured out how to move these non-Abelian anyons, then we told the experimentalists what to do. It was possible because Yuri and I were thinking in a flexible, creative and open-minded way.”

Past theoretical research identified non-Abelian properties, but came up short on how to move them, a necessary step. A key insight from Lensky and Kim was to give up the regularity of a grid and arrange qubits in an almost hand-drawn manner but backed up by robust mathematics.

“After this simple geometric insight, using gauge theory, we were able to come up with the protocol of taking this picture and implementing it on a chip in a robust and efficient way,” Kim said. “With this 10-qubit system, we were able to encode multiple non-Abelian anyons, and therefore multiple logical information-carrying qubits, and a precise recipe for what the experimentalists need to do every step of the way.”

“Although the focus of the theory and experiment is simply to realize non-Abelian anyons in the real world, this can also be viewed as a first small step towards implementing computation by braiding,” Lensky said.

Source: Cornell University

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What is Data Analytics for Business?

What is Data Analytics for Business?

The basis of a successful business is information and skillful management. That is why it is so important for every company to use the obtained data. And data analytics allows companies to gain valuable insights that they can use to operate better. In today’s article, we will focus on what data analysis for businesses is.

Data analytics for business

Currently, many companies from various industries collect huge amounts of data. However, its raw form does not provide useful information. Businesses need data analytics to generate valuable results that they can then use to achieve their business goals.

Data analysis enables the introduction of further changes that have a huge impact on the future of the business. Its great advantage is the fact that companies can make decisions based on specific data and not on guesses. With data analytics, companies can better understand customer interests, predict future trends, or gain an advantage over competitors. The type of data collected depends on the purpose of its use. Companies can obtain it directly from customers or third parties.

Find data analytics consulting services on: https://addepto.com/data-analytics-consulting-services/

How to implement data analytics for your business

Implementing data analytics for business can be a complex process that involves several steps.


Before you start implementing data analytics, it’s important to identify your business goals. What do you want to achieve? What questions do you want to answer with data analytics? This will help you focus on the most relevant data and avoid getting lost in a sea of information.


Once you have identified your business goals, you need to collect data. There are many sources of data, such as customer feedback, sales data, social media activity, and website analytics. Choose the data sources that are most relevant to your business goals.


Data can be messy and incomplete. Before you can analyze it, you need to clean and organize it. This involves removing duplicates, correcting errors, and filling in missing data.


Once your data is clean and organized, you can start analyzing it. There are many data analysis techniques, such as descriptive statistics, predictive modeling, and machine learning. Choose the techniques that are most relevant to your business goals.


Data analysis can produce a lot of information. It’s important to interpret the results and visualize them in a way that makes sense to your stakeholders. This can involve creating charts, graphs, and dashboards that highlight key insights.


Finally, use the insights gained from data analytics to take action. This might involve making changes to your business processes, launching new products, or improving customer service. Implementing data analytics is an iterative process. You may need to refine your business goals, collect more data, or adjust your analysis techniques based on the results you get. What is more, its implementation can be a challenge, so it is worth using data analytics consulting services. Specialists will support and help in this ongoing process.

Benefits of data analytics for business

Generally, there are many benefits of data analytics. Here are some of them:


As data analytics provides valuable insights into your business, it helps you make more informed decisions. Moreover, you can identify trends and patterns, as well as predict future demands.


Data analytics can help companies identify inefficiencies allowing them to optimize business processes. This can help you save time and money and improve overall business performance.


With data analytics, you can gain deeper insights into customer behavior and preferences. This can help you identify opportunities to improve your products or services and personalize the customer experience.


Through data analytics, you can gain a competitive advantage. It is possible as you are able to recognize trends and opportunities earlier than your competitors. So, by analyzing data in real time, you can respond quickly to market changes and stay ahead of the competition.


Data analytics enables businesses to identify areas where they can reduce costs. Companies can save money by optimizing their supply chain, improving inventory management, or reducing waste. Data analytics can help businesses of all sizes improve their performance and competitiveness. It provides insights that enable better decision-making, increased efficiency, and better customer engagement.

Conclusion – start benefiting from data analytics

Today, it would be difficult for companies to operate without data analysis. Of course, it is possible; however, data analytics offers many advantages. It allows them to make better decisions, gain an advantage over the competition or improve the customer experience. Hence, it enables businesses to remain competitive in today’s market. In a word, data analytics has become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes.

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War in Ukraine: mobilisation orders in Russia to be sent electronically

War in Ukraine: mobilisation orders in Russia to be sent electronically

Russian deputies voted on Tuesday for a bill allowing mobilisation orders to be sent electronically. The measure will make it easier to enlist in the army.

This allowed many Russians to ignore these summonses or to have time to move or even to flee the country, as tens of thousands of men did during the September mobilisation wave to fight in Ukraine.

The bill passed by Russian deputies will allow mobilisation orders to be sent electronically, making it harder for Russians to escape the army and complicating the lives of those who have fled abroad.

“A citizen who can be mobilised will be considered a refractory if he or she has refused to receive a summons or if he or she cannot be reached,” the Duma said in its statement. Russian law provides for heavy prison sentences for draft dodgers.

The Ukrainian security services and their Western bosses have launched an aggressive ideological and recruitment campaign targeting our citizens, especially the younger generation.

The head of the Russian security service (FSB), Alexander Bortnikov, accused Ukraine and the West on Tuesday of trying to incite Russians to sabotage and armed rebellion. According to him, this campaign aims to involve Russians “in subversive, terrorist and extremist activities” in Russia. He said that 118 “terrorist crimes” had been foiled in Russia since February, “the perpetrators of which are young people and adolescents, including minors”.

First Inter-Committee Meeting between Parliament and Ukrainian parliamentarians

First Inter-Committee Meeting between Parliament and Ukrainian parliamentarians

On Wednesday, opening the first inter-committee meeting between the European Parliament and the Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada. Leading MEPs reaffirm their strong support for Ukraine’s path to the EU

MEPs and Ukrainian MPs met to exchange views on the nature and challenges of Ukraine’s EU accession process, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola said: “Today’s meeting marks the launch of an in-depth, comprehensive and concrete sectorial cooperation between our two institutions. Cooperation that is crucial in view of Ukraine’s European path. This is something that Speaker Ruslan Stefanchuk and I have discussed and converged over on several occasions… because there is no question that Ukraine’s future is as a Member of the European Union. Rest assured that Ukraine will always find a friend and ally in the European Parliament. My hope is that accession negotiations will be able to start already this year.”

At the meeting, where committee chairs of the European Parliament and the Verkhovna Rada debated the nature and challenges of the EU accession process, MEPs stated their firm condemnation of the illegal and unjustified Russian war of aggression. The EU as well as the European Parliament, they said, are strong allies of Ukraine and will continue to stand with the country and its people in their fight for freedom.

Looking at future cooperation between both parliaments, MEPs expressed their willingness to deepen institutional ties and offer more support and expertise to their Ukrainian colleagues for the country’s path towards EU membership, including in the areas of alignment with EU laws and in post-war recovery. When it comes to the reconstruction of Ukraine, MEPs stressed it is essential to “build back better” and link reconstruction efforts to a reform process that secures Ukraine’s European integration.

MEPs highlighted the need to establish an adequate governance architecture for reconstruction efforts that “ensures Ukrainian ownership”, and is transparent, accountable and inclusive, with the proper involvement of both the European Parliament and the Verkovna Rada.

You can watch the introductory remarks of European Parliament President Roberta Metsola and the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Ruslan Stefanchuk here.

Will uranium fuel trade become a new economic limiter for the Russian Federation?

Will uranium fuel trade become a new economic limiter for the Russian Federation?

After losing the market for gas and oil in the West, Russia may also lose buyers for uranium fuel for nuclear power plants, experts say.

In one of its latest publications, Bloomberg mentioned that Western countries have found a new way to slow the Russian economy: through uranium fuel trade

Despite the fact that most of the earlier buyers have shifted away from the Russian oil and gas industry, nuclear fuel provided by this country remained a resource that is hard to replace. Compared to oil, there is a very limited number of suppliers on the global market that can provide uranium for the American and European nuclear power plants.

Uranium is still being bought from Russia and this trade remains one of the major sources of revenue used to finance the war in Ukraine. But the world is actively looking for alternative suppliers.

According to Bloomberg, Kazakhstan’s state-owned company Kazatomprom could become one of the new providers of nuclear fuel. Yerzhan Mukanov, general director of Kazatomprom, said that his company is preparing to increase uranium fuel production to meet demand from new buyers, with the first contracts expected to be signed no later that in 2025.

The United States is among the countries seeking to reduce their dependence on uranium supplied by Russia. After the invasion of Ukraine, exports of Russian nuclear fuel were not reduced and even increased substantially, which sustained the Kremlin’s income and strengthened its influence with buyers around the world.

In this regard, Kazakhstan has a very real potential to take over this market segment. Currently, it produces about 40% of the world’s uranium, and all of it is exported. The World Nuclear Association predicts that by 2030, the global demand for uranium will increase by about a third.

For comparison, approximately 35% of the world’s enriched uranium is produced by Rosatom.

Kazatomprom’s CEO said geopolitical uncertainty is affecting uranium supply routes, and Kazakhstan is preparing its capacity in response to growing demand.

The company plans to open a new uranium supply route bypassing Russia, possibly through one of China’s seaports. Y. Mukanov noted that Beijing is also looking for new long-term sources of nuclear fuel. The first 30-ton shipment of low-enriched uranium fuel assemblies was delivered to the Chinese General Nuclear Power Corporation back in December 2022.

Until now, Rosatom has not yet been included in the European lists of sanctioned Russian companies. Several countries including France and Hungary are still heavily dependent on Russian nuclear fuel.

Uranium fuel assemblies. Image credit: Kazatomprom

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Spanish Psychiatrists must withstand the criticism of CCHR, no matter how harsh it may be, concludes the court

Spanish Psychiatrists must withstand the criticism of CCHR, no matter how harsh it may be, concludes the court

This is a translation of the article originally published in Spanish by Carlos Berbell, from the specialized legal portal CONFILEGAL, the most renowned and read legal newspaper in Spain.

Freedom of expression, provided that it serves the general interest and does not use manifestly injurious, vexatious or unnecessary expressions, includes criticism of the conduct of the person against whom it is directed, even if such criticism is unsavoury and may annoy, disturb or disgust.

The rights to freedom of expression and information are essential as a guarantee for the formation of free public opinion. This is a requirement for pluralism, tolerance and a spirit of openness, without which there can be no democratic society.

This is the conclusion reached by the court of the Fourteenth Section of the Provincial Court of Madrid in its appeal ruling, which overturned the lower court’s decision, acquitting the associations Citizens Commission on Human Rights International (CCHR) – registered in California, USA – and the Citizens Commission on Human Rights of Spain (CCDH) – registered in Spain (both of the Church of Scientology) of the accusation of unlawful interference with the honour of Spanish psychiatrists.

Church whose axis revolves around Dianetics, which is considered to be a true science of mental health distinct from psychiatry, against which it has fought, and by the psychiatrist Thomas Szasz who was professor emeritus of psychiatry at Syracuse University in New York; recognised critic of the moral and scientific foundations of psychiatry and one of the leading figures of anti-psychiatry“, says the court ruling, dated 10 February, to which Confilegal has had access.

According to the magistrates (judges) María del Rosario Campesino Temprano, Juan Uceda Ojeda -rapporteur- and Jesús Alemany Eguidazu, the Spanish Society of Psychiatry (SEP), the plaintiff, is obliged to bear the criticisms made against it, however harsh they may be.

“We do not believe that we can accept that the right to honour should prevail when confronted with the right to freedom of expression in the field of health,” the court states in its ruling.

There has been, therefore, neither an illegitimate intrusion nor an injury to the honour of all psychiatrists who are members of the SEP, says the ruling of the Provincial Court of Madrid, as the SEP claimed.

Therefore, Article 20 of the Spanish Constitution must prevail over Article 18.

And it refers to the jurisprudence of the Spanish Constitutional Court contained in judgments 216/2013, of 19 December, and judgments of the Civil Chamber of the Spain Supreme Court 375/2013, of 5 June, 5/2014, of 14 January, and 423/2014, of 30 July.

The American association was represented by Professor of Procedural Law at the Carlos III University, Víctor Moreno Catena. The Spanish association was represented by lawyers Isabel Ayuso Puente and Gregorio Arroyo Hernánsanz. And the SEP by Carles Vendrell Cervantes, of Uría Menéndez.

Both associations had previously been condemned by the head of the 59th Court of First Instance of Madrid on 19 November 2021, who had ordered the banning of publications on the websites www.cchr.org and www.ccdh.es in which they harshly criticise psychiatrists.

A ruling that has been overturned by this one.


The tribunal of the Madrid Provincial Court analyses the six articles which, according to the SEP, would support the alleged unlawful interference with the right to honour of all its members.

The first says that psychiatrists are psychopaths because their treatments damage the body and mind and degrade the person. They also claim that psychiatry is a pseudo-science that does not cure mental illness and that its treatments, often imposed without the consent of those concerned, seriously harm people.

“We consider that, in the context of the anti-psychiatric theories followed by the defendant entities, which we must assume is well known to all psychiatrists, the phrase referred to by the plaintiff association cannot harm the honour of the professionals and that, in any case, it would be protected by the right to freedom of expression,” says the ruling.

In the second, it says that it is not the pharmaceutical companies and doctors but psychiatrists and psychiatry that are behind it all.

“Pharmaceutical companies rely on the authority of the experts of the mind. An authority that is false because an authority or expert solves problems of their profession, while these only cover up with their treatments the manifested symptoms. They put the consciousness of the person to sleep; either they depress it or excite it with powerful harmful drugs that force, like poisons, the body and the mind into deterioration.”.

The court seems to be very clear in its assessment: “Some of the phrases or expressions that are pointed out as offensive could imply that in the conduct of psychiatrists economic profit takes precedence over the curative and therapeutic purpose, but we do not believe that we can accept that the right to honour should prevail when confronted with the right to freedom of expression in the field of health“.

The third says of psychiatry that it is the story of a failure. “Psychiatrists continue to have a rather unfavourable reputation among medical colleagues; they are labelled as bumbling and second-rate” and “psychiatry is probably the most destructive force that has affected society in the last 60 years,” according to Edward Shorter and Dr Thomas Szasz.

The alleged offence, says the court, “stems from an undeniable assertion that forced and involuntary institutionalisation and treatment without the consent of the patients is still practised, and from statements made, as stated in the article itself, by the medical historian Edward Shorter in his book “A History of Psychiatry“, and by Thomas Szasz, one of the founders, as we have already said, of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights“.

“We find no reason to consider that this publication is an unlawful interference with the right to honour of SEP members,” he adds.

“We believe that the statements contained in the article are mere consequences or deductions of principles already defended by the various anti-psychiatry currents that exist and which we believe are well known to the members of the plaintiff association”.

Fourth article. “Our world caught up in drugs“. In the plaintiff’s opinion, the plaintiff’s honour is damaged when it is claimed that psychiatrists’ diagnoses are fraudulent and that they are intentionally used to ‘deceive’ people who are in perfectly good mental health, in order to be able to prescribe them psychiatric drugs“.

In this piece, as in the second of the publications dealt with by the three magistrates, “the work of psychiatrists is again criticised by denying them authority and the efficacy of their treatments and by the use of drugs to treat all kinds of so-called mental disorders which are on the increase and which have allowed an unacceptable extension of pharmaceutical products to different spheres and people“.

If we can find words that could be considered offensive to some doctors by accusing them of a clear abandonment of the curative purpose, but from a reading of the whole article it can easily be seen that, perhaps using harsh and acid terms, it is all part of the criticism of the social disorders in all fields of life that, in the opinion of the author of the publication, are produced by the drugs. Again, we believe that the collision between fundamental rights should be tilted towards freedom of expression“, they stress.

The following two texts refer to two open letters. The first is to primary care physicians and the second to medical students.

The first accuses psychiatrists of using a plague of drugs that cause a mental holocaust and accuses them of failing to comply with the Hippocratic oath.

The article again stresses the same theme, that the treatments with psychotropic drugs, which have been extended to general practitioners, cause serious addictive effects and the annihilation of the mental health, addictive effects and mental holocaust, with no appreciable results.

But the judges underline that it is addressed to primary care doctors, not psychiatrists, “so that no attack on the honour of SEP members can be seen“.


In the open letter to the students, it is pointed out that psychiatrists are also accused of not complying with the Hippocratic oath.

The medical doctor author of the article, a member of the Citizens’ Commission on Human Rights, explains the reasons why he considers that the speciality of psychiatry should not be chosen, as he considers that it lacks a scientific basis; the biological tests to prove a mental illness are merely collaborative, the diagnoses are fundamentally theoretical, they are not rigorously validated and have definitions that are too broad.

In this letter, the court refers, “we only observe a new criticism of psychiatry and the use of pills in its treatments, which should not surprise the plaintiff, knowing its origin, and we do not observe sentences or expressions that involve an obvious attack or illegitimate intrusion into the honour of psychiatrists, an attack that if it had existed would be duly protected by freedom of expression, as we have been referring to when analysing previous publications“.

The latest text, entitled “Psiquiatría, pseudociencia y sanidad púbica” (Psychiatry, pseudoscience and public health), authored by lawyer Luis de Miguel Ortega, is said to contain a set of insults and disqualifications directed against psychiatrists that should be considered “inadmissible”.

“The assertions contained in the article are mere consequences or deductions of principles already defended by the various anti-psychiatry currents that exist and which we believe are perfectly well known to the members of the plaintiff association”.

Sentences such as “Psychiatry serves as a social control machine that sometimes becomes an agent of social and political revenge“; “The psychiatrist is the one who, in an absolutely illegal way, sends a fax to the Court to request an involuntary commitment, for false reasons, without the necessary urgency, in the face of less restrictive measures and even for ego reasons such as ‘he has not come to my surgery for months‘”; or “There is an undetermined number of coercive abortions in Spain in the hands of psychiatrists who do not want citizens to see the catastrophe that happens to a child when it is born after having been suffering from the psychiatric medication taken by the mother“.

On what the court concludes: “We continue to believe that we are faced with a conflict in which freedom of expression must prevail, we think that the statements contained in the article are mere consequences or inferences of principles already defended by the various anti-psychiatry currents that exist and which we believe are perfectly well known to the members of the plaintiff association. Likewise, the most acidic and vexatious expressions are directly linked to the legitimate objective, which could be protected by freedom of expression“.

The costs are to be borne by the SEP, which can still appeal to the Supreme Court.