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Ukraine: UN report reveals ‘horrific toll’ of Russian attacks

Ukraine: UN report reveals ‘horrific toll’ of Russian attacks

Released on Wednesday by the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine (HRMMU), the report explained the hardships civilians faced, including physical and long-term socioeconomic harm.

It also emphasised the human rights impact of Russia’s renewed large-scale attacks on critical energy infrastructure in March, the ground offensive in the Kharkiv region in May and other developments in occupied and Government-controlled areas of Ukraine.

Relentless attacks

“With May having the highest monthly number of civilian casualties in nearly a year, fighting this spring took a horrific toll on civilians, particularly in Kharkiv region and city,” said Danielle Bell, head of the HRMMU.

The relentless attacks resulted in tragic loss of life, displacement, and destruction of homes and businesses,” she added.

According to the report, between 1 March and 31 May, at least 436 civilians were killed and a further 1,760 injured as a result of conflict-related violence. Casualties included six media workers, 26 employees of healthcare institutions, five humanitarian workers, and 28 emergency service workers.

It added that the majority (91 per cent) of the casualties occurred in territory controlled by Ukraine, and nine per cent in Russian-occupied territory.

In the reporting period, Russian authorities reported that 91 civilians were killed and 455 injured in the Russia from attacks launched by Ukrainian armed forces, primarily in Belgorod, Briansk, and Kursk regions.

Powerful weapons

UN monitors identified the use of powerful air-dropped bombs and missiles in populated areas and at least five instances of successive attacks on the same location, just as first responders arrived on the scene, causing casualties.

The spring escalation in hostilities also saw Russian armed forces launch their “largest campaign of attacks” against critical energy infrastructure since the winter of 2022-23, killing and injuring civilians, while also affecting millions of people across the country with power cuts, the report said.

Rippling effects

The attacks also had rippling consequences on water supplies, mobile and internet access, and public transportation, Ms. Bell noted.

“The full impact of the attacks on energy infrastructure will only be clear this upcoming winter when the reduced power-generating capacity of Ukraine could leave many without access to heating and other services necessary for their survival,” she said.

Among other findings, the report noted that the Russian armed forces pressured civilians in occupied territory to get Russian citizenship to receive medical services and keep their property rights.

The report will be presented to the Geneva-based Human Rights Council on 9 July.

UN Assembly President visits Ukraine

On Wednesday, the President of the UN General Assembly completed a two-day official visit to Kyiv, where he met with several official leaders including President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

In his discussions Assembly President Dennis Francis stressed that the Russian aggression against Ukraine violated the UN Charter.

He reiterated the General Assembly’s commitment to the sovereignty, independence, unity and territorial integrity of Ukraine within its internationally recognized borders.

Mr. Francis also noted that the Organization has worked closely with the Government, local authorities and international partners to rebuild Ukraine from the destruction.

I would like to think the darkest of the night is behind Ukraine, not ahead of it,” he said, expressing hope that the recent Summit for Peace in Ukraine would bring further progress in the near future.

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The European Prosecutor’s Office has brought charges against a Bulgarian milk producer

Photo: Laura Kövesi. Source: European Chief Prosecutor’s Office

The European Prosecutor’s Office announced that it has filed charges against a Bulgarian dairy farmer who received funds from the EU fraudulently, BTA reported.

The accused submitted forged documents in order to be able to build a milk processing workshop with European funds. He has asked the State Fund “Agriculture” for 474,000 euros for this purpose. For the advance payment of half of the contract amount, the accused presented a bank guarantee, which was rejected by the paying agency due to non-compliance with the requirements. He later submitted more forged documents to make it appear that the necessary changes had been made. With this fraud, the accused received half of the project funds (237,000 euros). The investigation found that the EU-funded works had not been carried out.

If found guilty, the accused could be sentenced to between two and eight years in prison, the EU prosecutor’s office said.

Note: Laura Codruța Kövesi is the former chief prosecutor of Romania’s National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA in Romanian), a position she held from 2013 to 9 July 2018. Prior to this, between 2006 and 2012 Laura Kövesi was the Prosecutor General of Romania, attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice. She was the first woman and the youngest Prosecutor General in Romania’s history. In October 2019, Laura Kövesi was confirmed by the European Parliament and the Council as the first European Chief Prosecutor to head the recently created European Public Prosecutor Office (EPPO), EU Regulation (EU) 2017/1939.

Global Crisis of Physical Inactivity: Nearly 1.8 Billion Adults at Risk of Disease, Warns WHO

silhouette of three women running on grey concrete road
Photo by Fitsum Admasu on Unsplash

Geneva, 5 July 2024 — In a stark warning from the World Health Organization (WHO), new data reveal that nearly one-third of adults globally, approximately 1.8 billion people, failed to meet recommended levels of physical activity in 2022. This alarming statistic marks a significant increase in physical inactivity, rising from 26% in 2010 to 31% in 2022, highlighting a worsening global health crisis.

The study, conducted in collaboration with academic researchers and published in The Lancet Global Health journal, underscores the widespread prevalence of a sedentary lifestyle and its dire consequences. The WHO recommends adults engage in at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity, or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity physical activity per week. Insufficient physical activity is linked to a higher risk of severe health conditions, including cardiovascular diseases (such as heart attacks and strokes), type 2 diabetes, dementia, and cancers like breast and colon cancer.

“If this trend continues unchecked, the rate of physical inactivity could rise to 35% by 2030, further derailing global health goals,” stated Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO Director-General. “We must urgently renew our commitment to promoting physical activity, prioritizing strong policies and increasing funding to reverse this troubling trend.”

Regional Disparities and Vulnerable Groups

The report lays bare significant regional disparities in physical activity levels. The highest rates of inactivity were recorded in high-income Asia Pacific regions (48%) and South Asia (45%), with other regions ranging from 28% in high-income Western countries to as low as 14% in Oceania. Furthermore, the data reveal noteworthy gender and age disparities: 34% of women are inactive compared to 29% of men, with some countries exhibiting a gender gap as wide as 20 percentage points. Additionally, individuals over 60 years old are notably less active than younger adults, emphasizing the need for targeted interventions for older populations.

“Physical inactivity is a silent threat to global health, significantly contributing to the burden of chronic diseases,” said Dr. Rüdiger Krech, Director of Health Promotion at WHO. “To tackle this issue, we must innovate in motivating people to become more active, taking into account factors like age, environment, and cultural background. By making physical activity accessible, affordable, and enjoyable, we can drastically reduce the risk of noncommunicable diseases and foster a healthier, more productive population.”

Signs of Hope and the Path Forward

While the overall picture is concerning, there are glimmers of progress. Nearly half of the countries analyzed have shown improvements in physical activity levels over the past decade. Moreover, 22 countries are on track to meet the global target of reducing inactivity by 15% by 2030 if current trends persist.

In response to these findings, the WHO is urging countries to intensify efforts in policy implementation to encourage and facilitate physical activity. Suggested measures include promoting grassroots and community sports, active recreation, and transport options like walking, cycling, and the use of public transport.

“Promoting physical activity transcends individual lifestyle choices; it demands a whole-of-society approach,” affirmed Dr. Fiona Bull, Head of the WHO Unit for Physical Activity. “Creating environments that make physical activity easier and safer will help ensure everyone can enjoy its numerous health benefits.”

To address this growing crisis, collective efforts from governments, nongovernmental organizations, and community stakeholders are vital. Enhanced investments in innovative strategies are necessary to reach the least active individuals and reduce access inequalities.

The WHO’s urgent call to action aims to reverse the rising tide of physical inactivity by fostering a global environment conducive to active, healthy living. Achieving this requires a concerted effort that spans policy reform, community engagement, and individual commitment to embrace a more active lifestyle for the benefit of global public health.

Russia – Three Jehovah’s Witnesses sentenced to 78, 74 and 27 months in prison

Courtesy of Jehovah’s Witnesses

Gevorg Yeritsyan, a Jehovah’s Witness sentenced to 6 years and 2 months in prison at the end of June, declared in court  at the end of his trial:

Jehovah’s Witnesses have faced persecution at different times and in different countries. But what’s interesting is that after the persecution they were always exonerated. This was the case for Witnesses persecuted in Nazi Germany (link) and under the Soviet Union.”

After the end of the Soviet rule in 1991 the Administrative Center of Jehovah’s Witnesses (JW) in Russia was officially registered. JW were rehabilitated and deemed victims of unjustified repression against believers after Boris Yeltsin’s decree in 1996.” (Religion During the Russian Ukrainian Conflict, 2019, p. 226)

The court decision

On June 26, Nikolay Egorov, judge of the Novocherkassk City Court of the Rostov Region, sentenced three Jehovah’s Witnesses (two men; one woman) to prison for up to 6.5 years.

Judge Egorov ignored evidence that included a statement by Russia’s own Foreign Ministry:

“Members of a liquidated organization may worship independently, including as part of religious groups that do not require registration.” The two men already spent more than 22 months in pretrial detention, while the woman over 16 months.

  • Garegin Khachaturyan: 6.5 years
  • Gevorg Yeritsyan: 6 years and 2 months
  • Lyubov Galitsyna: 2 years and 3 months

“Although the Supreme Court liquidated the legal entities of Jehovah’s Witnesses in April 2017, Russia’s Foreign Ministry has clearly stated that Jehovah’s Witnesses are free to continue to worship individually or with others”, said Jarrod Lopes, a spokesperson for world headquarters of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

“The 2017 decision is being shamelessly abused by local authorities to strip Jehovah’s Witnesses of their constitutional right to peacefully worship. This court-sanctioned religious discrimination is a cold heartless attack on Witness families, where spouses are separated for years and innocent children, like those of Garegin and Gevorg, have their fathers taken from them at a very critical time when they need their father’s love, guidance, and support more than ever. 

We hope soon the authorities will likewise see the value of devout Jehovah’s Witnesses in Russian society, release those in prison, and allow them to freely worship with their families as well as to return to promoting the morals and neighborly love that will further unite and beautify their communities.”

Case History

  • August 11, 2022. At 6 a.m., armed security forces raided 10 homes of Witnesses in Novocherkassk (Rostov region), including the village of Hrushevskaya. Officers confiscated Bibles, electronic devices, money, and bank cards. All were taken for interrogation. Garegin Khachaturyan and Gevorg Yeritsyan were court-ordered to pretrial detention
  • August 16. Returning from vacation, Lyubov Galitsyna discovered she had been summoned for interrogation and immediately reported. Anticipating a possible arrest, she took essentials and medicines with her
  • August 17. Novocherkassk City Court ordered Galitsyna to pretrial detention. Some 30 fellow believers risked their freedom to come to the court to support her
  • January 18, 2023. She appealed for release from pretrial detention. She reminded the court that she never had any intention to hide or flee, citing that she quickly reported when called for interrogation. She also explained that her diabetes and hypertension have worsened while in detention. The court denied her appeal
  • August 2, 2023. Her leg grew numb. She requested exam and seeked release from detention
  • September 20, 2023. Criminal trial began
  • December 25, 2023. She was released and placed under house arrest. While in pretrial detention, she received over 4,000 letters of support from friends
  • February 19, 2024. Surveillance video of meetings of Jehovah’s Witnesses was examined. Experts testified that they heard nothing that could be construed as extremist
  • March 22, 2024. Sergey Astapov, Doctor of Philosophy, Head of the Department of Philosophy of Religion and Religious Studies of the Institute of Philosophy and Socio-Political Sciences (Southern Federal University), testified the Witnesses are law-abiding citizens and asserted that there can be no extremist calls from Jehovah’s Witnesses simply for devoutly following Biblical doctrines. (link to Astapov’s academic bio)
  • May 14, 2024. The defense asked the court to consider the statement by Russia’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted above (link to more information), as well as the European Court of Human Rights decision (LRO Taganrog and others v. the Russian Federation) that declared the 2017 ban unjustified and unlawful (link to summary of decision)
  • June 26, 2024. All three were convicted and sentenced. The men returned to their respective detention centers. Lyubov Galitsyna’s sentence was considered satisfied due to her time in pretrial detention and under house arrest

Biographies of the convicts

  • Garegin Khachaturyan: 56 years old
    • Born in Azerbaijan
    • 1994, became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses
    • 1995, moved to Russia
    • 2008, married Ksenia. They have a son named Timothy
  • Gevorg Yeritsyan: 37 years old
    • 2010, married Melina
    • 2013, became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses. They have two minor children
  • Lyubov Galitsyna: 68 years old
    • 1997, became one of Jehovah’s Witnesses
    • Has grandchildren from her two adult children
    • Widowed in 2015

Persecution in numbers | Russia and Crimea

  • 2,102 homes of Jehovah’s Witnesses raided since 2017 ban
  • 811 men and women criminally charged for their belief in God
  • 134 men and women in prison as of today; a total of 427 have spent some time behind bars since 2017
  • 506 men and women have been added to Russia’s federal list of extremists/terrorists

See 128 documented cases in HRWF Database of FORB Prisoners

Hungary: EU’s Most Corrupt Nation Faces Scrutiny as it Takes the Presidency of the Council


Budapest – Hungary remains the European Union’s most corrupt country, according to the 2023 Corruption Perception Index (CPI) released last January by Transparency International. Despite some judicial reforms aimed at securing EU funds, systemic corruption continues to undermine Hungary’s governance, raising significant concerns as the country became the new chairing member state Presiding the Council of the EU as of July 1, 2024.

Hungary Reigns in the Lowest Rankings

Hungary found itself at the bottom of the list for the year, in a row among EU member states with a score of 42 points on the Corruption Perceptions Index’s 100 point scale, where 0 represents the highest level and 100 the lowest level of perceived corruption. While the country improved slightly in global rankings, rising from 77th to 76th place among 180 countries, this minor advancement does little to counteract the perception and reality of widespread corruption domestically.

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Hungary: EU's Most Corrupt Nation Faces Scrutiny as it Takes the Presidency of the Council 2

The country report, from Transparency International Hungary, released in Budapest, sheds light on the issue of corruption. While some reforms have been implemented, they are deemed insufficient to restore the rule of law and effectively combat corruption.

Judicial Reforms: A Drop in the Ocean

The government of Hungary has made some changes, to its system, due to the influence of the European Union. The EU linked the allocation of cohesion policy funds to these reforms. In December 2023, €10.2 billion were unlocked by the European Commission as a result of these changes representing the disbursement of EU funds after growing worries about Hungary’s lack of adherence to the rule of law.

However Transparency International Hungary has highlighted that these actions fall short in ensuring autonomy. The authority and capabilities of the established Integrity Authority and Anti Corruption Task Force are deemed inadequate in addressing corruption effectively. The governments efforts, such, as enhancing protections for business secrets and imposing obstacles to accessing public interest data are viewed more as steps, than holistic remedies.

Political Motivations Behind the Scrutiny of Transparency International Hungary

The investigation conducted by the Sovereignty Protection Office (SPO) into Transparency International Hungary has further complicated the issues surrounding corruption and governance, in Hungary. Globally Transparency International has criticized this action believing it to be politically motivated to undermine the NGOs corruption activities. This investigation has sparked worries regarding the security of information, within the NGO putting their vital anti corruption work at risk. Hungarian data protection legislation must align with Article 2(1) and Recital (15) of the GDPR to uphold the supremacy of European law and the regulations within the GDPR. According to rulings from the European Court of Justice, Member States are required to adhere strictly to GDPR provisions without deviation.

Economic and Regional Context

Hungary’s economic situation reflects the challenges it faces with corruption. When looking at GDP per person, Hungary falls behind neighboring countries doing better, than Bulgaria, Croatia and Romania within the EU. In comparison, Poland, Czech Republic and Slovakia demonstrate performance and anti corruption efforts.

Although Hungary has a rate of investment, this has not led to economic growth. This suggests that the funds may not have been used effectively due to activities related to public procurement. Transparency International Hungary points out that despite some improvements, in reducing single bid tenders, the public procurement system still struggles with influence and lacks market competition.

Hungary’s Role as Chair of the Council of the EU

As Hungary takes over the presidency of the European Commission, these matters become more important. The leadership position of the country raises concerns, about how various EU priorities, those concerning rule of law and corruption efforts, will be addressed. The examination of Hungary’s actions and their harmony, with EU principles is expected to increase.

Hungary’s standing problems with corruption, along with its prominent position in the EU, underscore the pressing importance of real change and responsibility. While some slight enhancements have been noted in the CPI, they are overshadowed by the ongoing battles against deep-rooted corruption, the non and the absence of judicial autonomy. As Hungary takes on a leading role within the European Commission, global observers will be closely monitoring to see if it can effectively address its corruption issues and pave the way, for transparency and governance.


  1. Transparency International. (2024). Transparency International Condemns Hungary Investigation.
  2. AP News. (2024). Hungary Government Investigates Transparency International.
  3. Transparency International. (2024). Corruption Perception Index.

Gaza: ‘high time’ for ceasefire and hostage release, says Guterres

Gaza: ‘high time’ for ceasefire and hostage release, says Guterres

Speaking in Jordan at an international conference prompted by the catastrophic humanitarian situation in Gaza, Mr. Guterres insisted that after more than eight months of intense hostilities, “the horror must stop”.

“I welcome the peace initiative recently outlined by President Biden and urge all parties to seize this opportunity and come to an agreement,” the UN chief said. “And I call on all parties to respect their obligations under international humanitarian law. This includes facilitating the delivery of humanitarian aid both into and inside Gaza, as they have committed. All available routes into Gaza must be operational – and the land routes are absolutely crucial.”

On Monday, the United States-drafted text urged Hamas to accept a ceasefire proposal announced on 31 May by President Joe Biden that has already been accepted by Israel, according to the White House.

The text urges both parties to fully implement the terms of the proposal “without delay and without condition”. It was adopted by a large majority with 14 votes in favour and Russia abstaining – choosing not to exercise its veto power.

Standing by UNRWA

Highlighting the key role played in the battered enclave by the UN agency for Palestinian refugees, UNRWA – which has been attacked and ostracized by Israeli leaders – the Secretary-General insisted that its presence “will remain critical not only during the conflict, but afterwards”.

Latest reports from Gaza show that around 60 per cent of all residential buildings and at least 80 per cent of commercial facilities have been damaged by Israeli bombardment, the UN chief said, with health facilities and educational institutions reduced to rubble.

In addition, more than one million “deeply traumatized children in Gaza” need psychosocial support and the safety and hope their schools used to provide, Mr. Guterres said, before insisting that “only UNRWA has the capacity, skills, and networks needed to support the Palestinian people to face the immense challenge on health, on education and so much more.”

The head of UNRWA Phillipe Lazzarini confirmed once again during his remarks to the meeting that “there is no alternative” available to the skills and expertise of the organization he leads.

UN Emergency Relief Coordinator Martin Griffiths reiterated that a permanent ceasefire is crucial. “Humanitarian aid must enter Gaza unobstructed to effectively address urgent needs”, he said.

Aid access obstacles endure

Echoing deep and repeated warning from humanitarians about the scale of the severe emergency across Gaza linked to the lack of aid access, the UN chief noted that “at least half of all humanitarian aid missions are denied access, impeded, or cancelled due to operational or security reasons”

In Geneva, meanwhile, the UN human rights office, OHCHR, expressed profound shock at the impact of the hostage release operation in Gaza’s Nuseirat refugee camp at the weekend.

OHCHR spokesperson Jeremy Laurence said that hundreds of Palestinians, – many of them civilians – were reportedly killed and injured and that the way the raid was conducted “in such a densely populated area seriously calls into question” whether Israeli forces respected the principles of distinction, proportionality and precaution, as set out under the laws of war.

Actions ‘may amount to war crimes’

“Our Office is also deeply distressed that Palestinian armed groups continue to hold many hostages, most of them civilians, which is prohibited by international humanitarian law. Furthermore, by holding hostages in such densely populated areas, the armed groups doing so are putting the lives of Palestinian civilians, as well as the hostages themselves, at added risk from the hostilities”, Mr Laurence continued.

He said the actions carried out by both parties during Saturday’s assault “may amount to war crimes.”

The High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk welcomed Monday’s Security Council Resolution 2735 calling for a “full and complete ceasefire”, hostage releases and other phased moves including the exchange of prisoners held by Israel. 

“An immediate priority must be to ensure the full and unfettered flow of humanitarian aid to the desperate population of Gaza”, Mr. Laurence concluded.

‘Dying before their families’ eyes’ 

Separately, the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) warned that almost 3,000 malnourished children are at risk of “dying before their families’ eyes” as the Rafah offensive cuts them off from treatment. This figure equates to approximately three-quarters of the children who were estimated to be receiving life-saving care prior to the escalating conflict in Rafah.

“Unless treatment can be quickly resumed for these 3,000 children, they are at immediate and serious risk of becoming critically ill, acquiring life-threatening complications, and joining the growing list of boys and girls who have been killed by this senseless, man-made deprivation,” said UNICEF Regional Director for the Middle East and North Africa Adele Khodr.

The rising number of cases of malnutrition comes at the same time as treatment services are collapsing amid the ongoing military offensive in Gaza.

Malnourished children are at a heightened risk of catching diseases and suffering from other health issues due to limited access to safe water, sewage overflow, infrastructure damage, and a lack of hygiene items, according to UNICEF.

This risk is severely exacerbated by the reduced water production across Gaza. There is currently less than a quarter of water produced compared to the intensification of hostilities in October.

“Our warnings of mounting child deaths from a preventable combination of malnutrition, dehydration and disease should have mobilised immediate action to save children’s lives, and yet, this devastation continues,” Ms. Khodr said.

“With hospitals destroyed, treatments stopped and supplies scant, we are poising for more child suffering and deaths,” she added. 


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10 Must-Visit European Destinations For Your Summer Vacation


With the sunny days ahead, it’s time to plan your European summer adventure! From the picturesque streets of Paris to the breathtaking cliffs of Santorini, Europe is full of unforgettable destinations waiting to be explored. So pack your bags, grab your camera, and get ready for an exciting journey through some of the continent’s most enchanting spots. Here are 10 must-visit European destinations that will make your summer vacation truly magical.

Discovering the Classics

While planning your summer vacation in Europe, make sure to include some of the classic destinations that have charmed travelers for centuries. From the romantic streets of Paris to the ancient ruins of Rome, these iconic cities offer a glimpse into Europe’s rich history and culture.

Romantic Getaways in Paris, France

On your journey through Europe, you cannot miss the chance to explore the romantic city of Paris, France. Take a stroll along the Seine River, visit the iconic Eiffel Tower, and wander through the charming neighborhoods of Montmartre. Indulge in delicious pastries at local cafes, browse the world-class art collections at the Louvre, and immerse yourself in the city’s vibrant atmosphere. Don’t forget to take a cruise on the river at night to see the city light up in all its glory. Paris truly is a lover’s paradise.

Exploring the Ancient Ruins of Rome, Italy

For an unforgettable experience steeped in history, head to Rome, Italy, where ancient ruins tell tales of a bygone era. Explore the iconic Colosseum, where gladiators once battled for glory, and wander through the ruins of the Roman Forum, once the heart of the powerful Roman Empire. Visit the awe-inspiring Pantheon and toss a coin into the Trevi Fountain to ensure your return to this eternal city. With its rich history, delicious cuisine, and vibrant street life, Rome is a must-visit destination for any history enthusiast.

Getaways: Rome can get scorching hot in the summer, so make sure to stay hydrated and take breaks in the shade. Be aware of pickpockets in crowded tourist areas, and always keep your belongings secure. Despite these minor inconveniences, the beauty and history of Rome are sure to captivate you during your visit.

Coastal Delights

If you’re dreaming of a coastal escape in Europe this summer, look no further than the 21 Sun-Soaked Summer Destinations in Europe (+ Travel … guide. Europe offers some of the most stunning coastal destinations for your summer vacation. From vibrant cities to picturesque islands, there is something for everyone seeking the sun and sea.

Soaking Up the Sun in Barcelona, Spain

Barcelona, with its gorgeous beaches, vibrant culture, and delicious cuisine, is a must-visit destination for sun-seekers. Spend your days lounging on the sandy shores of Barceloneta Beach, where you can also indulge in some fresh seafood at the nearby restaurants. Take a stroll along the bustling promenade or explore the charming streets of the Gothic Quarter. Don’t forget to visit iconic landmarks like Sagrada Familia and Park Guell for a dose of culture and history.

Island-Hopping in Greece

Any summer vacation in Europe would be incomplete without island-hopping in Greece, where you can discover some of the most beautiful islands in the world. From the party vibes of Mykonos to the romantic sunsets of Santorini, each island has its own unique charm. Enjoy the crystal-clear waters, white sandy beaches, and authentic Greek cuisine. Don’t miss the opportunity to explore ancient ruins, quaint villages, and vibrant nightlife on these stunning islands.

Soaking in the sun and sea on the European coast will leave you with unforgettable memories and a deep appreciation for the beauty of these destinations. Whether you choose to relax on the beaches of Barcelona or explore the Greek islands, you’re guaranteed to have a summer vacation to remember.

Nature Escapes

It can be refreshing to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and immerse yourself in the peaceful embrace of nature. Europe offers some incredible destinations where you can reconnect with the great outdoors and recharge your batteries.

Hiking in the Swiss Alps

Hiking in the Swiss Alps is a dream come true for outdoor enthusiasts. The majestic peaks, lush meadows, and crystal-clear lakes create a picture-perfect setting for your adventure. Whether you are a seasoned hiker or just starting out, there are trails of varying difficulty levels that cater to all abilities. You can challenge yourself with a strenuous trek to conquer a summit or opt for a leisurely stroll to soak in the stunning scenery.

As you explore the Swiss Alps on foot, you will encounter charming mountain villages where you can rest and refuel with hearty local cuisine. The fresh mountain air and serene surroundings will rejuvenate your mind, body, and soul. Don’t forget to pack your camera to capture the breathtaking vistas and share your alpine escapades with your friends and family.

Whether you choose to hike solo, with a group of friends, or join a guided tour, the Swiss Alps promise an unforgettable experience. So lace up your hiking boots, breathe in the crisp mountain air, and let the beauty of the Alps inspire you.

Relaxing in the Fjords of Norway

Nature lovers will find solace in the tranquil fjords of Norway. These deep, narrow inlets of water carved by glaciers offer a serene escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. Imagine sitting by the edge of a fjord, surrounded by towering cliffs and cascading waterfalls, as you listen to the gentle lapping of the water against the shore.

Understanding that safety is key, make sure to respect the natural environment and follow local guidelines when exploring the fjords. While the beauty of the fjords is undeniable, some areas can be dangerous due to steep cliffs and unpredictable currents. However, with proper precautions, you can fully enjoy the tranquility and grandeur of Norway’s fjords.

Cultural Hotspots

Many travelers seek out cultural hotspots for a more enriching vacation experience. If you’re looking to avoid the crowds and investigate into Europe’s lesser-known gems, check out this article on Where to Go for a Less-Crowded European Summer.

Visiting World-Class Museums in Amsterdam, Netherlands

To truly immerse yourself in the art and history of Amsterdam, you must visit the world-class museums that the city has to offer. Start your cultural exploration at the Rijksmuseum, home to masterpieces by renowned Dutch artists such as Rembrandt and Vermeer. **Marvel** at the intricate details of Rembrandt’s “The Night Watch” or lose yourself in the beauty of Vermeer’s “The Milkmaid.” Next, **stroll** over to the Van Gogh Museum to **admire** the largest collection of Vincent van Gogh’s works, including his iconic Sunflowers and Irises. **Finish** off your museum tour at the Anne Frank House, where you can **reflect** on the touching story of Anne Frank and learn about the atrocities of World War II.

Experiencing the Vibrant Art Scene in Berlin, Germany

Visiting Berlin’s vibrant art scene should be at the top of your cultural itinerary. The city’s street art is a **visual feast**, with colorful murals adorning buildings and hidden gems waiting to be discovered around every corner. **Explore** the East Side Gallery, a section of the Berlin Wall covered in striking graffiti art that serves as a powerful symbol of unity and freedom. **Immerse** yourself in contemporary art at the Berlinische Galerie, where you can **discover** works by local and international artists pushing boundaries and challenging the status quo. Don’t miss the chance to **visit** Museum Island, a UNESCO World Heritage site that houses five world-class museums, including the Pergamon Museum with its stunning ancient artifacts.

Cultural hotspots like Amsterdam and Berlin offer a unique opportunity to **immerse** yourself in art, history, and creativity. Whether you’re **exploring** the masterpieces of Dutch painters in Amsterdam or **discovering** the vibrant street art scene in Berlin, these cities are sure to **inspire** and **enrich** your summer vacation. **Soak** in the rich cultural heritage, **explore** the local art galleries, and **immerse** yourself in the beauty of Europe’s diverse artistic landscape.

Hidden Gems

Uncovering the Charms of Porto, Portugal

To truly appreciate the hidden charms of Porto, Portugal, you must wander off the beaten path and explore its narrow alleyways and historic neighborhoods. While Porto is famous for its stunning riverside views and port wine cellars, there is so much more to discover in this vibrant city. Take a leisurely stroll through the colorful streets of Ribeira, visit the beautiful Livraria Lello bookstore, and don’t miss the opportunity to taste the local specialty, a francesinha sandwich.

One of the highlights of Porto is its remarkable architecture, including the iconic Dom Luís I Bridge and the imposing Sé Cathedral. As you meander through the city, you’ll encounter charming plazas, beautiful azulejo-tiled buildings, and hidden courtyards waiting to be explored. Don’t forget to ride the historic Tram 22 for a unique perspective of the city and its surroundings.

Immerse yourself in the local culture by attending a traditional Fado music performance or sampling the delicious seafood at a family-run tasca. Porto’s warm and welcoming atmosphere will make you feel right at home, and you’ll soon understand why this city is considered one of Europe’s best-kept secrets.

Discovering the Beauty of Slovenia

Discovering the hidden gem of Slovenia is like stumbling upon a fairytale come to life. From the picturesque Lake Bled with its island church to the charming capital city of Ljubljana, this small country is packed with natural beauty and cultural treasures. Explore the stunning Triglav National Park, hike through the breathtaking Julian Alps, or unwind in one of the healing thermal spas scattered throughout the countryside.

Slovenia’s rich history and diverse landscapes offer something for every traveler. Whether you’re interested in exploring medieval castles, tasting world-class wines in the vineyards of Goriska Brda, or simply relaxing by the emerald waters of the Soča River, this hidden gem has it all. You’ll be captivated by the warm hospitality of the locals and the unspoiled beauty of this enchanting country.

Gems: Slovenia’s compact size makes it easy to navigate, so you can see a variety of landscapes in a short amount of time. The country’s commitment to sustainable tourism and ecotourism practices ensures that its natural wonders will be preserved for future generations to enjoy.

Food and Wine

Savoring the Flavors of Italian Cuisine

Your European summer vacation wouldn’t be complete without indulging in the divine flavors of Italian cuisine. From the rich, velvety pasta dishes to the flavorful pizzas topped with the freshest ingredients, Italy is a paradise for food enthusiasts. Every region boasts its own unique culinary specialties, so be sure to try everything from the creamy risottos in the north to the spicy seafood dishes in the south. Treat your taste buds to the exquisite flavors of olive oil, fresh tomatoes, basil, and mozzarella – the staples of Italian cooking that will leave you craving for more.

As you stroll through the charming cobbled streets of Rome, Florence, or Naples, don’t miss the opportunity to dine at local trattorias and ristorantes to get an authentic taste of Italian cuisine. Sample the decadent tiramisu for dessert, sip on a rich espresso, and unwind with a glass of limoncello. Exploring Italy through its food is an experience not to be missed, and each bite will transport you to culinary heaven.

Whether you’re a food connoisseur or simply someone who enjoys a good meal, Italy’s gastronomic delights will leave you with memories that linger long after your vacation ends. Indulge in the simplicity and complexity of Italian dishes, and savor each mouthful as you bask in the warm Mediterranean sun.

Wine Tasting in Bordeaux, France

One of the highlights of your European summer adventure should undoubtedly be a visit to Bordeaux, France, for an unforgettable wine-tasting experience. Renowned for its prestigious vineyards and world-class wines, Bordeaux is a paradise for wine lovers and enthusiasts alike. Immerse yourself in the picturesque vineyards, learn about the winemaking process, and sample some of the finest wines in the world.

As you explore the rolling hills and historic chateaus of Bordeaux, you’ll have the opportunity to taste a diverse range of wines, from bold reds to crisp whites. Learn about the art of wine pairing, discover the importance of terroir, and indulge in the complex flavors and aromas of Bordeaux’s most celebrated wines. Whether you’re a seasoned sommelier or a casual wine enthusiast, Bordeaux offers an unparalleled wine-tasting experience that will leave you feeling truly satisfied.

To truly immerse yourself in the world of Bordeaux wines, consider joining a guided wine tour or a tasting session at a local vineyard. Expand your wine knowledge, discover new favorites, and create lasting memories as you swirl, sip, and savor the finest wines that Bordeaux has to offer.

Urban Adventures

Keep the excitement alive in Europe’s bustling cities with these urban adventures that will take you on a journey through the heart of each destination.

Exploring the Canals of Venice, Italy

The moment you step foot in Venice, you’ll feel like you’ve been transported to a romantic, bygone era. The intricate network of canals that crisscross the city is the perfect backdrop for a leisurely gondola ride, allowing you to soak in the stunning architecture and vibrant atmosphere. Make sure to visit the famous Rialto Bridge and St. Mark’s Basilica for a taste of Venice’s rich history and culture. Get lost in the labyrinth of narrow streets and discover hidden gems around every corner.

As you glide through the canals in your gondola, you’ll witness the beauty of Venice from a unique perspective. The graceful movement of the gondolier and the melodic sound of the water lapping against the ancient buildings create a mesmerizing experience that you won’t soon forget. Don’t miss the chance to indulge in delectable Italian cuisine at local trattorias and cafes along the canals, savoring the flavors of this enchanting city.

Immerse yourself in the charm of Venice as you explore its canals and alleyways, discovering the magic that has captivated visitors for centuries. Whether you’re admiring the sunset over the Grand Canal or getting lost in the labyrinthine streets of the city, Venice promises an unforgettable urban adventure that will leave you breathless.

Discovering the Nightlife of Prague, Czech Republic

Venice may be the city of love, but when the sun sets, Prague comes alive with a nightlife scene that will make your heart race. From trendy rooftop bars to underground clubs in centuries-old cellars, the Czech capital offers a diverse range of options for every night owl. Dance the night away to electronic beats or sip on traditional absinthe in a cozy pub – the choice is yours in this vibrant city.


doesn’t matter if you’re a party animal or a laid-back explorer – Prague has something for everyone when the sun goes down. The city’s cobblestone streets transform into a playground of nightlife possibilities, where you can rub shoulders with locals and fellow travelers alike. Be sure to venture off the beaten path to uncover hidden gems and experience the authentic pulse of Prague after dark.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== 10 Must-Visit European Destinations For Your Summer Vacation

Historical Landmarks

Visiting the Battlefields of Normandy, France

After immersing yourself in the beauty of French countryside, you cannot miss the opportunity to visit the Battlefields of Normandy. This region holds a significant place in history due to the D-Day landings during World War II. As you walk through the hallowed grounds where brave soldiers fought for freedom, you can feel a sense of solemnity and respect for the sacrifices made here.

The Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial is a poignant reminder of the thousands of lives lost during the war. The rows of white crosses against the backdrop of the sea create a solemn and reverent atmosphere. You can pay your respects to the fallen soldiers and reflect on the price of freedom as you stand in this historic site.

Exploring the bunkers and beaches where the D-Day landings took place gives you a glimpse into the heroism and courage displayed by the Allied forces. The historical significance of Normandy makes it a must-visit destination for those interested in honoring the past and understanding the sacrifices made for a better future.

Exploring the Royal Palaces of London, UK

For a taste of royalty and grandeur, a visit to the Royal Palaces of London is a must on your European vacation. From the iconic Tower of London to the lavish Buckingham Palace, you will be immersed in the opulence and history of the British monarchy.

The changing of the guard ceremony at Buckingham Palace is a spectacle not to be missed. Witness the precision and pomp of this traditional ritual as the guards in their distinctive uniforms march in perfect unison. The royal heritage of London comes to life as you explore the magnificent rooms and gardens of these grand palaces.

The Crown Jewels housed in the Tower of London will leave you in awe of their beauty and craftsmanship. As you walk in the footsteps of kings and queens, you can’t help but feel a sense of wonder and fascination at the history contained within these walls. Visiting the Royal Palaces of London is a truly regal experience that will make your European vacation unforgettable.

Outdoor Activities

Surfing in the Algarve, Portugal

All you beach bums out there, listen up! If you’re looking for the perfect waves to catch some surf, head to the Algarve region in Portugal. With its stunning coastline, warm waters, and consistent swells, the Algarve is a surfer’s paradise. Whether you’re a beginner eager to learn or a seasoned pro looking for some new challenges, the Algarve has something for everyone. Plus, the laid-back coastal towns and delicious seafood make it an ideal destination for a surf-centric vacation.

Any surf enthusiasts will tell you that the Algarve offers a variety of surf spots catering to different skill levels. From the mellow breaks at Arrifana beach to the more challenging waves at Praia do Amado, there’s no shortage of surf adventures waiting for you. You can even book lessons with local surf schools to improve your skills and make the most of your time in the water. And when you’re not hitting the waves, don’t forget to explore the charming villages and breathtaking cliffs that the Algarve is famous for.

To make the most of your surfing experience in the Algarve, be sure to pack your sunscreen, rash guard, and of course, your sense of adventure. The ocean here can be unpredictable, so always adhere to safety guidelines and listen to local surf instructors. With the perfect blend of waves, sunshine, and scenery, your surf getaway in the Algarve is bound to be an unforgettable one.

Cycling Through the Countryside of Ireland

If you’re a nature lover and cycling enthusiast, then Ireland should be at the top of your summer travel list. The lush countryside, rolling hills, and picturesque villages make it a dream destination for exploring on two wheels. Pedal your way through emerald-green landscapes, past historic castles, and along rugged coastlines as you soak in the charm and beauty of the Irish countryside. With its mild summer temperatures and relatively flat terrain, Ireland offers the perfect setting for a cycling adventure.

Activities such as cycling tours or renting bikes can help you explore the hidden gems of Ireland at your own pace. Whether you choose to follow the scenic routes of the Wild Atlantic Way or meander through the quaint villages of County Kerry, you’ll be treated to breathtaking views and warm Irish hospitality along the way. And with numerous bike-friendly accommodations and pubs to refuel, your cycling journey through Ireland will be as comfortable as it is picturesque.

To ensure a smooth and enjoyable cycling trip in Ireland, pack your helmet, repair kit, and a good map. While the countryside is remarkably safe for cyclists, be aware of narrow roads and occasional livestock crossings. Embrace the freedom of cycling through one of Europe’s most enchanting landscapes, and get ready to create unforgettable memories on your Irish cycling escapade.

Luxury Getaways

Relaxing at a 5-Star Resort in the French Riviera

Despite the allure of exploring historic European cities, sometimes you just need to kick back and relax in style. Picture yourself lounging by a sparkling infinity pool overlooking the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea at a 5-star resort in the French Riviera. The sound of waves lapping at the shore, the warm sun on your skin, and a refreshing cocktail in hand – this is the epitome of luxury.

Indulge in world-class spa treatments, savor exquisite Michelin-starred cuisine, and enjoy unparalleled service as you unwind in opulent surroundings. Whether you prefer strolling through lush gardens or partaking in water sports, a stay at a luxurious resort in the French Riviera promises an unforgettable experience.

Immerse yourself in the glamorous lifestyle of the rich and famous as you soak up the sun on a private beach or dance the night away at exclusive clubs. Your summer getaway in the French Riviera is sure to leave you feeling rejuvenated and pampered, ready to take on the world once again.

Enjoying a Castle Stay in Scotland

Start your Scottish adventure by stepping back in time and immersing yourself in the grandeur of a historic castle stay. Imagine waking up in a luxurious four-poster bed, surrounded by antique furnishings and tapestries steeped in medieval charm.

Explore lush countryside landscapes and take leisurely walks through ancient forests as you experience the rich history and heritage of Scotland firsthand. Engage in traditional activities such as whisky tasting and bagpipe performances to truly immerse yourself in the Scottish culture.

Relax in elegant drawing rooms with crackling fireplaces or enjoy a round of golf on prestigious courses nearby. A castle stay in Scotland offers a perfect blend of luxury and history, making it an ideal choice for a sophisticated getaway you will never forget.

Off the Beaten Path

Now, if you’re looking to escape the crowds and discover hidden treasures, you should consider exploring off the beaten path destinations in Europe. Before you begin on your adventure, make sure to check out some fantastic recommendations from Don’t Miss These Summer Destinations in Europe!.

Exploring the Unspoiled Beauty of Croatia

For a truly enchanting experience, head to Croatia and explore its unspoiled beauty. From the stunning waterfalls of Plitvice Lakes National Park to the ancient walled city of Dubrovnik, Croatia has something for every type of traveler. You can sail along the Dalmatian Coast, discovering hidden coves and crystal-clear waters, or hike through the rugged landscapes of Istria. Don’t miss the chance to taste the traditional cuisine and local wines while immersing yourself in the rich culture of this captivating country.

Visiting the Less-Known Gems of Poland

On your European adventure, make sure to include Poland in your itinerary to discover its less-known gems. From the colorful streets of Gdansk to the historical architecture of Wroclaw, Poland offers a unique blend of old-world charm and modern attractions. Explore the picturesque Tatra Mountains in the south for breathtaking views and outdoor adventures. **Poland** also boasts a dark history, with poignant reminders of the country’s struggles during World War II. Despite its past, Poland has persevered and flourished, offering visitors a chance to learn and reflect on its resilience.

Poland, known for its hearty cuisine and warm hospitality, will welcome you with open arms. Whether you’re exploring the medieval streets of Krakow or relaxing on the sandy beaches of the Baltic Sea, **Poland** has something for everyone. Be sure to visit the hidden gems like the peaceful town of Kazimierz Dolny or the quaint village of Zalipie, known for its vibrant floral painted houses. **Poland**’s charm and character will surely leave a lasting impression on you.

Family-Friendly Fun

Unlike the stress of everyday life, your family vacation should be filled with fun and memorable experiences. Europe has so much to offer when it comes to family-friendly destinations. Here are some recommendations for an unforgettable summer getaway with your loved ones.

Theme Parks in Germany and France

Germany and France are home to some of the best theme parks in Europe, perfect for families looking for a mix of thrill rides and entertainment. In Germany, Europa-Park offers over 100 attractions and shows for visitors of all ages. From adrenaline-pumping roller coasters to magical parades, there is something for everyone to enjoy. France’s Disneyland Paris is another must-visit destination for families. Dive into the world of Disney characters, explore different themed lands, and create lasting memories with your little ones.

Both countries offer well-maintained parks with a strong focus on safety, ensuring that you can relax and have a worry-free day of fun with your family. The parks also provide facilities for young children, such as kid-friendly rides and designated rest areas for parents. With a mix of thrilling experiences and charming atmospheres, these theme parks are sure to delight visitors of all ages.

Make sure to book your tickets in advance to avoid long queues and secure your spot at the most popular attractions. Consider investing in a multi-day pass to explore everything these parks have to offer at a more leisurely pace. With a variety of food options and souvenir shops available, you can make the most of your family adventure without any added stress.

Beach Vacations in Cyprus

Beach vacations are always a hit with families, and the stunning island of Cyprus offers spectacular coastlines and crystal-clear waters for a perfect summer getaway. With a wide range of family-friendly resorts and activities, you can relax on the beach while the kids build sandcastles or try exciting water sports together.

Another highlight of Cyprus is its rich history and culture, allowing you to combine beach days with visits to ancient ruins and charming villages. Explore the archaeological sites of Paphos or wander through the picturesque streets of Larnaca for a taste of traditional Cypriot life. With plenty of amenities and services catering to families, you can enjoy a stress-free vacation in this Mediterranean paradise.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== 10 Must-Visit European Destinations For Your Summer Vacation

Road Trips

Not planning to be stuck in one place during your European summer vacation? Then hitting the road and begining on an epic road trip might be just the adventure you are looking for. Europe offers some of the most picturesque and exciting road trip routes that will take you through stunning landscapes, charming villages, and breathtaking coastlines.

Driving Through the Scenic Routes of Scotland

On your journey through Scotland, you can expect to be mesmerized by the rugged beauty of the Scottish Highlands. Imagine driving along winding roads with dramatic mountain backdrops, passing by serene lochs, and encountering quaint villages along the way. Make sure to stop at the iconic Eilean Donan Castle and experience the mystical atmosphere of Glen Coe as you navigate through the stunning scenery.

Exploring the Coastal Roads of Spain

Scenic coastal roads in Spain offer an incredible opportunity to explore the diverse coastline of the country. From the rugged cliffs of the Costa Brava to the sun-kissed beaches of the Costa del Sol, each stretch of road will reveal a new facet of Spain’s coastal charm. Along the way, indulge in delicious seafood delicacies at seaside towns and soak up the Mediterranean vibes that permeate the region.

Exploring the coastal roads of Spain allows you to experience the stunning natural beauty of the country while immersing yourself in its laid-back and vibrant coastal culture. The scenic routes will take you through charming fishing villages, historic cities, and hidden beaches that are waiting to be discovered. So, pack your bags, hit the road, and get ready for an unforgettable coastal adventure in Spain.

Final Words

Now that you have explored these ten must-visit European destinations for your summer vacation, you are well-equipped to begin on an unforgettable journey across the continent. From the stunning beaches of the Amalfi Coast to the historical treasures of Rome, Europe has something for every traveler. Remember to pack light, stay curious, and immerse yourself in the unique cultures and cuisines that each destination has to offer.

As you plan your summer adventure, keep in mind that Europe is a diverse and ever-changing continent, full of hidden gems waiting to be discovered. Whether you prefer the bustling streets of Paris or the tranquil beauty of the Swiss Alps, there is a destination that caters to your every whim. So grab your passport, book your tickets, and get ready to create memories that will last a lifetime.

So, as you set off on your European escapade, remember to embrace the unknown, step out of your comfort zone, and savor every moment of this incredible journey. Whether you find yourself wandering through ancient ruins or basking in the sun on a pristine beach, Europe is sure to capture your heart and leave you longing for more. Bon voyage!

Belarus is not safe for anyone critical of authorities, warns rights expert

Belarus is not safe for anyone critical of authorities, warns rights expert

In her final, annual report to the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Special Rapporteur on the rights situation in Belarus, Anaïs Marin, echoed wider, longstanding concerns from the UN and the international community about a crackdown on democratic freedoms and other serious rights abuses in the country.

President Lukashenko, 69, has been in power since 1994 and is Europe’s longest-serving leader.

Repression in Belarus has reached such a scale and intensity that it should not be considered a safe country for anyone who ever showed disagreement with the government or its policies. I therefore reiterate my call to refrain from extraditions and expulsions to Belarus,” said Ms. Marin, a political scientist and French national who was appointed by the Geneva-based Human Rights Council in 2018.

Democratic U-turn

“The general trend I observe is a further tightening of the screws against any real or perceived opposition to the acting government, and the systematic persecution of anyone who dares expressing dissenting views about its policies,” she told the Human Rights Council, which is the top UN forum for Member States to discuss and address human rights situations of concern.

In the absence of Belarus at the Council to respond to her report, the Special Rapporteur also noted that as the country had entered a new electoral cycle, it had sent “no signal that the next presidential election will be held differently than before”.

Extremist label

To illustrate the pressure faced by civil society in Belarus – which denied the Special Rapporteur’s requests to visit the country, she said – Ms. Marin noted that more than 1,500 registered associations had “disappeared” in recent years – almost half the number that existed prior to the 2020 election violence.

“This was achieved also by designating them as “extremist formations”, and subsequently prosecuting their leaders and members, pushing them to relocate abroad,” she explained.

Trades unions and more undone

In her report covering the period from 1 April 2023 to 31 March 2024, the independent expert maintained that “all types of independent associations” have suffered in Belarus: civil society organisations and initiatives, political parties, trade unions, bar associations, religious or cultural organizations and online communities.

Furthermore, independent trade unions in Belarus “have been dismantled” and the number of political parties has fallen from 16 to four in the period leading up to the February 2024 parliamentary elections, the Special Rapporteur said.

Exile or prison

All those who ever dared speaking up against the government or its policies are either behind bars or in exile”, Ms. Marin said in a separate statement, adding that dissidents in exile “continue to face harassment, being labelled as traitors or extremists, and prosecuted in absentia for alleged crimes”.

Among the legislative measures used by the authorities “to crackdown on free assembly and association”, the independent expert listed mandatory re-registration campaigns, restrictions on access to funding and “retaliation” for donations, along with “liquidation of associations through or without judicial proceedings”, designation of undesirable associations as “extremist formations” and the “persecution of their leaders, members, volunteers and supporters”.

For those in prison, the independent expert highlighted “over a dozen” reported deaths in custody since 2020. These had been “most likely caused by inadequate or untimely medical care”, Ms. Marin said, adding that “a few detainees have been held incommunicado for over a year and their families are unaware of their fate”.

There have also been “a growing number of allegations of ill-treatment of inmates convicted on what appear to be politically motivated charges” the Special Rapporteur said, while also pointing with concern to the harassment of minorities and members of LGBTIQ+ community and the “intimidation” of relatives of “extremists” living in exile.

Special Rapporteurs

Appointed by the Geneva-based UN Human Rights Council and forming of a part of its Special Procedures, Special Rapporteurs are mandated to monitor and assess the rights situation in certain thematic or country situations.

They work in their individual capacity, are not UN staff and do not receive a salary.

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4th of July Celebrations in the United States of America: Traditions, Curiosities, and Global Festivities

short-coated brown dog biting American flag
Photo by Camylla Battani on Unsplash

The 4th of July in the United States is a time when people come together to celebrate Independence Day, which marks the adoption of the Declaration of Independence in 1776. This day is filled with festivities, cherished customs, and a strong sense of patriotism that unites Americans across the country. From small communities to busy cities, individuals honor this important holiday in various ways.

During these celebrations, fireworks light up the evening sky, creating dazzling displays that captivate audiences. Major cities like New York City, Washington D.C., and San Francisco are renowned for their fireworks presentations that draw large crowds.

Parades are another part of the festivities, featuring marching bands, decorated floats, and community organizations that add to the festive ambiance. Events such as the National Independence Day Parade in Washington D.C. and Macy’s 4th of July Parade in New York City are widely recognized and receive national attention.

Gatherings for barbecues and picnics are also common on the 4th of July, allowing people to enjoy food and socialize with loved ones amidst a backdrop of celebration.

During the 4th of July, families and friends come together in spaces like backyards, parks, and beaches to savor classic American dishes such as grilled hot dogs and hamburgers. The aroma of barbecue mingles with the sounds of laughter and merriment, emphasizing the communal spirit of the holiday.

The air resonates with melodies featuring tunes like “The Star-Spangled Banner,” “America the Beautiful,” and “God Bless America” that echo through public areas and private gatherings alike.

Interesting Aspects of Independence Day

“Nathan’s Hot Dog Eating Contest”: An annual event at Coney Island in New York where participants from across the globe compete to consume the most hot dogs within a 10-minute time frame. The contest attracts viewers both in person and through televised broadcasts.

Regional Traditions: In Florida, one can witness boat parades, while rodeos are a way to celebrate in Texas. These localized customs bring a unique touch to the nationwide celebrations.

Reenactments of Historical Events: Some regions, especially in the original thirteen colonies, host reenactments of battles from the Revolutionary War and readings of the Declaration of Independence. These events offer a glimpse into history and foster a deeper connection to the country’s roots.

It’s a moment for people in the United States to ponder their freedoms, honor their culture, and anticipate what lies ahead. Across the country, in bustling centers and quaint rural areas alike, Independence Day is a lively showcase of American heritage brimming with customs and peculiarities that grow and change with each passing year.

As this pivotal day progresses, it serves as a symbol of the timeless principles of freedom and togetherness that underpin the foundation of the nation.

10 Healthy And Delicious Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss


There’s no denying that incorporating nutrient-rich smoothies into your diet can be a game-changer when it comes to losing weight and improving your overall health. Whether you’re looking to shed a few extra pounds or just want to boost your daily intake of fruits and vegetables, these 10 delicious smoothie recipes are the perfect way to fuel your body with imperative nutrients and support your weight loss goals. Let’s look into these healthy and satisfying blends that will keep you energized and on track towards your wellness journey.

1. Include protein, fiber, and healthy fats for weight loss.
2. Use natural sweeteners like fruits or honey.
3. Experiment with different greens like spinach or kale.
4. Add superfoods like chia seeds or flaxseeds for nutrition.
5. Limit added sugars and high-calorie ingredients.
6. Make smoothies with low-fat dairy or plant-based milks.

Banana Berry Bliss

While you’re on a journey to lose weight, the Banana Berry Bliss smoothie can be your best companion. This delicious blend combines the sweetness of bananas with the tartness of berries to create a refreshing and satisfying drink that will keep you full and energized throughout the day.

Fresh banana and berries

If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to get your daily dose of fruits, look no further than the Banana Berry Bliss smoothie. This recipe calls for fresh bananas and berries, which are packed with imperative nutrients like fiber, vitamins, and antioxidants that will keep you feeling healthy and full of energy.

Boosts metabolism and energy

There’s more to this smoothie than just its delicious taste. The combination of bananas and berries in this recipe can help boost your metabolism and increase your energy levels, making it the perfect choice for a pre-workout snack or a mid-afternoon pick-me-up.

You can enjoy the metabolism-boosting benefits of this smoothie while satisfying your sweet cravings, making it a guilt-free treat that will help you reach your weight loss goals faster. So go ahead and blend up a Banana Berry Bliss smoothie today!

Green Goddess Delight

The 25 Best-Ever Weight Loss Smoothies offer a variety of delicious and healthy options to help you achieve your weight loss goals. Among them is the Green Goddess Delight, a refreshing and nutrient-packed smoothie that can aid in your weight loss journey.

Spinach and avocado mix

An important component of the Green Goddess Delight is the spinach and avocado mix. These ingredients are rich in vital vitamins and minerals that can help boost your energy levels and support your overall health. The combination of spinach and avocado also adds a creamy texture to the smoothie, making it satisfying and delicious.

Packed with nutrients and fiber

Spinach is packed with nutrients like vitamins A, C, and K, as well as iron and magnesium. Avocado is a great source of healthy fats and fiber, which can help keep you feeling full and satisfied for longer. By including these ingredients in your Green Goddess Delight smoothie, you are providing your body with the nutrients and fiber it needs to support your weight loss efforts.

With the Green Goddess Delight, you can enjoy a tasty and nutritious smoothie that not only helps you stay on track with your weight loss goals but also provides your body with vital nutrients and fiber. Incorporate this smoothie into your daily routine for a refreshing and satisfying way to support your overall health and wellness.

Mango Peach Perfection

Now, if you’re looking for a delicious smoothie recipe to aid in your weight loss journey, this Mango Peach Perfection is a must-try! You can find more fantastic recipes like this in the 40 Best Healthy Smoothie Recipes For Weight Loss article.

Sweet mango and peaches

Sweet mango and peaches are the stars of this refreshing smoothie. Not only do they provide a burst of tropical flavor, but they also pack a nutritional punch. Mangoes are rich in vitamins A and C, while peaches are a good source of fiber and antioxidants. This combination not only satisfies your sweet cravings but also contributes to your overall health and weight loss goals.

Hydrates and satisfies hunger

Mango Peach Perfection is not only delicious but also helps to keep you hydrated and satisfied. The high water content in both mangoes and peaches helps to keep you feeling full and prevent overeating. Additionally, the natural sugars in the fruits can help curb your sweet tooth without derailing your weight loss efforts.

The hydration from the fruits in this smoothie is important for supporting your metabolism and promoting healthy digestion. By staying hydrated, you can help flush out toxins from your body and maintain optimal functioning of your cells, which is crucial for weight loss.

Pineapple Coconut Refresher

Despite being low in calories, this pineapple coconut smoothie is packed with flavor and crucial nutrients that can help support your weight loss journey.

Tropical pineapple and coconut

If you’re looking for a smoothie that will transport you to a tropical paradise while also helping you shed those extra pounds, look no further than this pineapple coconut refresher. The combination of sweet pineapple and creamy coconut creates a delightful flavor profile that will make you feel like you’re sipping on a beach vacation in a glass.

Aids digestion and burns fat

You may not realize it, but this pineapple coconut smoothie is not only delicious but also beneficial for your digestion and weight loss goals. You see, pineapple is a rich source of an enzyme called bromelain, which can help aid digestion by breaking down proteins in your stomach. Additionally, coconut is high in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), a type of fat that is quickly metabolized by the body for energy, helping burn fat more efficiently.

Strawberry Spinach Surprise

All you need is a little bit of sweetness and a touch of green goodness to make this Strawberry Spinach Surprise smoothie a part of your weight loss routine. Packed with necessary nutrients and bursting with flavor, this smoothie will keep you energized and satisfied throughout the day.

Sweet strawberries and spinach

Some may find the combination of strawberries and spinach surprising, but the sweetness of the berries perfectly complements the earthy flavor of the spinach. Together, they create a harmonious blend that is not only delicious but also incredibly nutritious. The sweetness of the strawberries masks the taste of the spinach, making it an ideal way to sneak in some greens into your diet without even noticing!

Boosts antioxidants and energy

For an extra health boost, this smoothie is loaded with antioxidants from the strawberries and energy from the spinach. Antioxidants help combat free radicals in your body, which can cause damage to your cells and lead to various health issues. Spinach, on the other hand, is rich in iron and vitamin K, which can help improve your energy levels and overall well-being.

To make the most of this smoothie, be sure to use fresh strawberries and organic spinach for maximum benefits. Your body will thank you for the nutrient-rich and delicious treat!

Citrus Sunrise Sipper

For a refreshing and invigorating smoothie to kickstart your day, try the Citrus Sunrise Sipper. Packed with vitamin C and bursting with tangy flavors, this smoothie is a perfect way to boost your metabolism and aid in weight loss.

Orange, lemon, and lime mix

Lemon, orange, and lime come together in this delightful blend to create a zesty and citrusy explosion of flavors. These fruits are not only rich in antioxidants to help fight off free radicals in your body, but they also provide a good dose of fiber to keep you feeling full and satisfied.

Uplifts mood and metabolism

Even beyond the delicious taste, the Citrus Sunrise Sipper can work wonders for your mood and metabolism. The citrus fruits in this smoothie are known to have a mood-enhancing effect, helping you feel more positive and energized throughout the day. Additionally, the vitamin C content can help boost your metabolism, aiding in weight loss efforts.

Citrus fruits are also beneficial for digestion and can help regulate blood sugar levels, making them an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being.

Kiwi Avocado Dream

Keep your weight loss journey on track with this delicious and nutritious Kiwi Avocado Dream smoothie. With the perfect balance of sweetness from kiwi and creaminess from avocado, this smoothie is sure to become your new favorite.

Creamy kiwi and avocado blend

Clearly, the combination of kiwi and avocado creates a creamy and satisfying texture that will keep you full and energized throughout the day. The rich flavor profile of this smoothie makes it a great choice for breakfast or as a post-workout snack.

Supports healthy weight loss

Weight loss may seem daunting, but with the help of the Kiwi Avocado Dream smoothie, you can boost your metabolism and support your body’s natural fat-burning processes. The fiber from the kiwi and healthy fats from the avocado will keep you feeling satisfied and prevent unnecessary snacking.

To fully maximize the weight loss benefits of this smoothie, be sure to pair it with a balanced diet and regular exercise routine. The nutrient-dense ingredients in this smoothie will help fuel your workouts and contribute to your overall health and well-being.

Cucumber Lime Refresher

To enjoy a refreshing drink that helps with weight loss, try the Cucumber Lime Refresher smoothie. This vibrant and zesty smoothie is a perfect treat to cool down and revitalize your body.

Refreshing cucumber and lime

Cucumber is a hydrating ingredient that is low in calories but high in water content. This makes it an excellent choice for promoting hydration and aiding weight loss. Paired with the zingy flavor of lime, this smoothie is a refreshing blend that will leave you feeling invigorated.

Hydrates and reduces bloating

Even though cucumber is made up of mostly water, it also contains phytonutrients that help reduce
bloating and inflammation in the body. This means that not only does it keep you hydrated, but it also works to reduce any uncomfortable bloating you may be experiencing.

Additionally, the high water content in cucumber helps to flush out toxins from your system, further supporting your weight loss goals. By incorporating this Cucumber Lime Refresher smoothie into your routine, you can stay hydrated and reduce bloating while enjoying a delicious and nutritious treat.

Berry Blissful Boost

Many smoothie enthusiasts love the refreshing taste of a Berry Blissful Boost smoothie. Packed with antioxidants and vitamins, this delicious blend is not only satisfying but also great for your overall health.

Antioxidant-rich berry mix

An antioxidant-rich berry mix includes strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries. These berries are high in vitamins C and K, as well as antioxidants like anthocyanins, which can help protect your cells from damage caused by free radicals. By incorporating these berries into your smoothie, you are giving your body a powerful boost of nutrients that can help support your immune system and overall well-being.

Supports healthy weight loss

You can also enjoy a Berry Blissful Boost smoothie as a part of your weight loss journey. With the right combination of ingredients, this smoothie can be a low-calorie and filling meal replacement option. By including ingredients like spinach and chia seeds, you can create a smoothie that is not only delicious but also supports your weight loss goals.

You can also add a scoop of protein powder to your Berry Blissful Boost smoothie to create a more satiating meal that can help keep you full for longer. Protein is necessary for building and repairing tissues, and it can also boost your metabolism and support muscle growth while you are working towards your weight loss goals.

Summing up

Presently, you have learned about 10 healthy and delicious smoothie recipes that can support you in your weight loss journey. These smoothies are not only nutritious and packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, but they are also satisfying and can help you stay full for longer periods of time. Incorporating these smoothies into your daily routine can help you manage your weight more effectively while enjoying tasty and nourishing options.

For even more fat-burning smoothie recipes to support your weight loss goals, check out these 10 Best Fat-Burning Smoothies for Weight Loss ⚡️. Including these smoothies in your diet can be a delicious and easy way to enhance your wellness journey and achieve your desired results.