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A Word About The Glorious Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ


by Gregory, Bishop of Russia (Metropolitan of Kiev and Western Russia Grigory Tsamblak, 1364 – c. 1420*)

Today’s holiday is the fulfillment of the providence that the Only Begotten Son of God carried out for the human race, sent not servilely, but divinely, as fulfilling the will of the Father; He did not appear to the world in appearance, but actually: in our infirmity, when he took on human form and took human form, he became like the flesh of our nothingness, as the wise teacher Paul says. And not only through the cross, the nails and the stabbing with a spear in the ribs, the truth about Himself proved, but also through the death, the grave, the Resurrection, the touch of the disciple, and – lastly – today through His divine Ascension He convinced everyone. The ascension, by which He lifted up the old Adam and He became the New Adam, because it was fitting that the old should be renewed by the new, the sick should be healed by the physician, the fallen should be raised by the strong, the dead should be raised by life, the condemned by sin – from the sinless to be justified, the corruptible from the imperishable to become incorruptible, the earthly from the heavenly to be exalted. And after He became related to us, slaves, to our flesh and blood (apart from slavery!), we also joined His glory and honor (apart from dominion!). And because Jesus was foremost among the many brothers, he was also the first from the dead (resurrected). Through the name of adoption, he honored those who believed in his name, and through immortality he favored them, paving the way for the Resurrection, so that those dying because of the old Adam would be revived because of the New. And at the same time, there will be no descent into hell, as there was because of the one, but an ascent to the heavens, as today, because of the New. And since man, having grown old in all things because of crimes and then become useless, perished, having damaged reason through the error of deification, turned the reasonable of the soul into unreasonable (from this he became completely unreasonable, differing only in appearance from speechless animals), the Word he becomes flesh, he grows fat, so that he may heal the unreasonable through himself; he accepts the intelligent and soulful man, so that he can heal the damaged mind and restore the seduced soul, and renew the man in everything completely complete and perfect through himself. For not for angels, not for archangels, not for cherubim and seraphim, not for any other creature was this work appropriate, but only for Him who in the beginning created man. Because having renewed him completely and having put on the newness (according to Col. 3:10), as we said, suffering, he freed him from sufferings; dying, he immortalized him; resurrecting, him resurrected; and then ascending, he also ascends with Himself and places him at the right hand of God and the Father, from whom He never departed. He will send His Holy Spirit in the form of tongues of fire to enlighten the world, comfort the grieving disciples, bestow gifts on them, baptize them, make them wise, arm them with divine power and send them to preach, their tongues as forges and sharpened like tongues of fire. Since the Son appeared in the world and lived with men, it was fitting that the Spirit should also descend, showing His actions. You stay – he said – in the city of Jerusalem until you are clothed with power from above (Luke 24:49). And when he had said this, as they looked on, he was lifted up, and a cloud took him before their eyes. And while they were looking up to heaven, two men stood before them in white clothes and said: Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking up to heaven? (Acts 1:9-11).

Tell me, how much must the disciples have suffered then, who spent so much time with the Master, experienced His sufferings, and when, after so much sorrow, they had just seen the joy of the Resurrection, for it to be immediately taken away from them? So they stood still, looking up at the sky, overcome with sadness. And as if in awe, they thought that they did not see Him, but angels who appeared to announce that He was coming again. And they are in white clothes, so that from these clothes they can turn sorrow into joy. Galilean men said, because the Jews called the Lord a Galilean, insulting Him. That is why the male angels of Galilee call them, and to the same name, by joining them, they inspired courage and comfort. This Jesus, Who ascends from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw Him go into heaven (Acts 1:11). This Jesus, not another – he said – but this one. Not whom the Jews are waiting for as a savior (loser themselves!), but the One of Whom you are witnesses: crucified, buried, called a deceiver, resurrected, and now from among you ascending to heaven – he said – so that they do not think Him to be was carried in the air like Elijah, because it is written about him: and Elijah was carried in a whirlwind as if in heaven (according to 4 Kings 2:11), and here not as if in heaven, but in heaven. This Jesus, ascending from you to heaven, will come again in the same way. How so! In the form in which you saw Him ascending into heaven, so He will come in the flesh to judge all flesh! Thus, on the clouds of heaven, arriving with glory, every human being will see Him! Let the impure mouths of the heretics be shut, for God ascends in the flesh, but remains unchanged in both: in one being two natures bearing unmixed.

Not only Thomas, touching Him, confessed God and man, but the angels also taught the apostles thus, saying: so it will come, for God is not naked, nor is it an ordinary man, but God and man, man united with God. Why do you stand looking to heaven, as if to say: Why do you mourn while He goes to the Father, as if you were forsaken? Don’t you remember that before the crucifixion, making a will, he spoke to you: I will not leave you (John 14:18), and on the mountain in Galilee he promised to be with you, saying: I am with you all the days until the end of the world ( Matthew 28:20). And because he chose you out of the world and called you his friends (according to John 15:19; 15:15), he goes to prepare a place for you with the Father, so that you may be with him (according to John 14:2-3) and see His glory, existing eternally with the Father and the Holy Spirit, which they have from before the creation of the world, and the Comforter to be sent to you from the Father – the Spirit of truth (John 15:26), not in the flesh, as He was incarnate, but Himself will be He descends because He is God and appears as He wills (according to John 14:16-17).

Oh glorious deeds! Oh, unknowable mysteries! Because once upon a time, from the very beginning, great and saving gifts were sent from heaven to the earth below, and then from above to the lower place, as in Exodus: a pillar of cloud during the day, and a pillar of fire at night (Ex. 14:24) , and in the wilderness manna and quails (Ex. 16:13), and a Covenant given on the mountain, and a cloud overshadowing the tabernacle of the congregation (Ex. 33:7-11) when Aaron and his sons ministered, and fire descending on the sacrifice offered (Lev. 9:24), and the various appearances of angels, as well as with Jesus (Isa. Nav. 5:14), Manoah (Judg. 13:3), Daniel (Dan. 9:21), Zechariah (Luke 1:11-13) and Ezekiel, when in one night the angel slew one hundred and seventy-five thousand of the Assyrian army (2 Kings 19:35; Is. 37:36), and the standing of the lamps and the reverse movement, as it was in Jericho under Jesus (Is. Nav. 10:13) and in Jerusalem under Isaiah (Is. 38:8) and many others. Today the heavens benefit from the earth, divine and great gifts are sent from below – above (supernaturally!) and their beginning is the Ascension of the Lord from the Mount of Olives. Today the prophecy from the psalm was fulfilled, which says: God ascended with shouts, the Lord ascended with the sound of a trumpet (Ps. 46:6). And it was more appropriate, because it is appropriate for the King to ascend with an exclamation, because the exclamation is an announcement and glorification by the people, given to kings and conquerors, and our King as a conqueror ascended to the Father, leading the universe for His service.

They called forth the angelic hosts, and announced with great fear and haste. Their trumpet voice was similar. What did the heavenly powers say, exclaiming: they glorified, they sang, they praised, they offered the three-holy song as a gift, they marveled at such a descent, seeing Him with the Father, sitting on the cherubim and sung by the seraphim, in the flesh as the Lord ascending from the earth. And overcome with trepidation, they commanded the superior forces to raise the door. When they asked in bewilderment, “Who is this?”, they learned that he was strong and mighty in armor, the King of glory and the Lord of hosts. He is indeed the one who trampled down death through death, and the one who united the divided. “And why are his clothes red,” he said. “That it may be known that he is our King, but we never saw him in purple.” And they said again: “He comes from Vosor” (according to Is. 63:1). “Flesh carries – he said – which for the sake of humanity he accepted” (according to Is. 63:9), because in Syrian flesh is called vosor. It seems that even the heavenly powers are questioning Him with horror and amazement. “And why are Your clothes red like one who has trodden a furrow?” (according to Is. 63:2). Looking at Him with wounded arms, legs and ribs, they come to this question. “And if because of His great goodness – He said – He clothed Himself in flesh through grace, then why do You wear bloody and pierced limbs, if You do not feel pain because of Your divinity?”. “He stood – he spoke – I trampled alone, I shed my blood alone for all, and there was not a man with me among the nations (according to Is. 63:3). And not among the nations – he said – I trod this stand of My blood, but among the beloved vineyard, among Judea, outside the city of Jerusalem, which I expected to bear grapes, but it bore thorns. That is why My clothes are red” (according to Is. 63:3). And what about them: “Glory to You, Lord, glory to Your suffering, Resurrection and Ascension!”.

His holy feast was called from afar by the Godfather, saying: “Ascend to the heavens, O God, and let Your glory be on the whole earth!”. Since He ascended, all over the earth the cross is worshiped, because everywhere the cross is called glory. And Habakkuk: The Lord ascended to heaven and thundered; will judge the ends of the earth, being righteous (1 Kings 2:10). There David says: The Lord ascended at the sound of a trumpet (Ps. 46:6), and here Habakkuk thundered and said: The Lord ascended to heaven and thundered. And what’s more: when He ascended, the gospel trumpets sounded everywhere. Moreover, the divine John, called by the Lord Himself the son of thunder, as if from some heaven of theology, proclaims from above to the ends of the earth with a voice clearer than thunder: In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and God was the Word. All things were made through Him, and without Him not one thing was made that was made (John 1:1; 1:3).

Let us go again to the evangelist Luke and see how, after the Savior’s Resurrection, He accompanied the disciples in (their) exhaustion, repeatedly lifting their fallen spirit and directing their thoughts to the heights. And so it was for many days: he appeared to them for forty days and spoke about the kingdom of God (Acts 1:3). He did not say “For forty days he appears to them”, but in forty days. Not as before the Resurrection, when he was always with them, so then, sometimes he appeared, sometimes he went away. When he appeared, he often joined them at the table, reminding them of their former habits and informing them that they would not be abandoned. The main point of all this is the Resurrection to prove. Thus, joining the table, he ordered them not to go far from Jerusalem (according to Acts 1:4), because, fearing and trembling, he had led them to Galilee, because of the free space and the silence of the mountain with much silence and freedom to hear the things he speaks. When they heard them and received them and spent forty days, he ordered them from Jerusalem not to go far. Why? For if a few war against many, no one allows them to go out until they are armed, so those before the descent of the Holy Spirit are not allowed to appear in battle, so that they may not be easily caught and captured by the many. Not only that, but because many would believe from what was happening there. And thirdly, so that some may not say that they have abandoned the Jerusalemites they know and have come here to be proud. Wait for the promise of the Father, about which you have heard from Me (Acts 1:4). When did they listen to it? Then when he said: And when the Comforter comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, he will testify about me (John 15:26). And more: If I do not go away, the Comforter will not come to you (John 16:7).

While He was here, the Comforter did not come, but when He left, He came immediately, but after ten days. And why, you will say, did not the Holy Spirit descend immediately after He ascended? That they may desire Him greatly, that they may grieve at the expectation, and with great zeal receive Him. For if one had descended and the other had ascended, (the Comforter) would have remained and the consolation would not have been so great. Therefore he delays and does not come down immediately, so that they grieve a little and thirst for the promised, pure delight to experience the promise. And since they all praised the baptism of John, lest they themselves think something humanly because of simple-heartedness which, shows how great the difference is between Him and John and emphasizes that John baptizes with water, and you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:5). And not only that, but they themselves were shown to be greater than John, because by the Holy Spirit they would baptize others (people). And he did not say until I baptize you, but until you are baptized, in everything leaving examples of humble wisdom for us. And look, after so many words, after so many instructions, after so many visits, how unreasonable and curious they were. And he appropriately added: and a cloud covered Him (Acts 1:9), because a cloud once covered the temple (according to Ex. 33:9-11).

And in (the book of the prophet) Daniel shows the vision of the Lord on a cloud: I looked, he said, and behold, on the clouds of heaven there came as it were the Son of Man, he came to the Ancient of Days (Dan. 7:13). And since he will come on the clouds with glory (according to Acts 1:11), it was fitting that he should also ascend in this way. The spectacle was wonderful: a man carried on a cloud, flying through the air and reaching the heavenly circles, and leaving the heavens below Himself, and sitting above the seraphim with the Father on the throne. Enoch was transported, but in another, unknown way (Heb. 11:5); Elijah ascended, but on a fiery chariot and fiery horses, which are signs of earthly things, and not (he ascended) on a cloud (according to 4 Kings 2:11): therefore Elijah, as a slave, through himself prefigured the Ascension of his Master. Like Moses, translating the people, he was an image of Him who brought us out of darkness and the shadow of death (Ps. 106:14). Because the divine prophets not only predicted everything about Christ with words, but also with material things. Others through themselves prefigured Him. So also the mantle of Elijah, which fell on Elisha, foreshadowed the descent of the Spirit on the apostles, because after receiving the mantle, which fell on him, he had a double grace and with him the Jordan parted. They, having clothed themselves with the power of the Spirit, cut through the error and covered the universe with the gospel net. Let us also be part of his inheritance, so that we may receive eternal benefits in the name of Christ Jesus our Lord. To Him and to the Father, together with the Holy Spirit, be glory, power, splendor and worship, now and forever and to the ages without end. Amen.

* Note about the author: The emblematic figure of Grigoriy Tsamblak will never cease to be one of the granite foundations of Bulgarian medieval culture. And in his own way, to be a part of the history of many other countries and peoples, as well as of the time in which he lived and worked. By his wise international actions combined with timeless literary creativity, Tsamblak showed that he preferred common sense to prejudice, empiricism to scholasticism. and that in politics he was more a realist than a theorist. That’s why, with every contact with his work, we will constantly discover the life path inseparable from him, which he follows as a significant writer and a brilliant strategist. He was simply ahead of his time, grasping the new geopolitical realities in Europe. Born in the capital of Medieval Bulgaria – the city of Tarnovo, a student of St. Patriarch Evtimii Tarnovski. He received an excellent education in Constantinople, in 1390 he accepted monasticism and ascended to St. Mount Athos. In 1401, he was sent by the Patriarch of Constantinople to Moldova, in whose capital he remained to serve and develop a stormy ecclesiastical-diplomatic activity. In order to strengthen the role of the Orthodox Church in the Lithuanian state, in 1415 he was ordained by a council of Western Russian bishops as metropolitan of the Moldavian Church, which separated from Moscow; the following year he was ordained as the first Metropolitan of Kyiv and Lithuania (1413-1420; later Metropolitan of Moldo-Wallachia). Because of this, he was excommunicated from both Constantinople and Moscow, but always remained faithful to Orthodoxy. He was for a short time abbot of the Dečani Monastery in Serbia, and from 1430 he moved to Moldavia, where he played an extremely important role in spreading the Romanian alphabet and strengthening the authority of Slavic liturgical books.

At the request of the prince of Lithuania, he participated in the Council of Constance (held from 1414 to 1418), aiming to overcome the so-called Papal schism, but refused to sign the union with the Catholics, which was humiliating for Orthodoxy, on behalf of Lithuania. With this he incurred the prince’s hatred and left his lands. Soon after, Metropolitan Gregory died.

Author of many sermons, lives and words of praise, which were copied throughout the Orthodox world for centuries – from Moscow to Ohrid and Constantinople, which is why many samples and copies of them have been preserved. Already from the 15th century, his sermons were included in collections of church teachings alongside the sermons of St. John Chrysostom and other holy fathers, including in “Cheti-Minei” by Metropolitan Macarius.

A play about Tsar Boris III of Bulgaria to be performed at the Edinburgh International Festival


The play will also be presented at the Embassy of Bulgaria in London at the end of July and the beginning of September – before and after the festival in Edinburgh

The English theater troupe “Out of the Forest” is preparing a play about Tsar Boris III with the title “The Short Life and Mysterious Death of Boris III, Tsar of the Bulgarians”.

It will be played during the Edinburgh International Festival in August. The play will also be presented at the Bulgarian embassy in London at the end of July and the beginning of September – before and after the festival in Edinburgh.

The author of the play is Joseph Kulen, who also plays the role of Tsar Boris III.

The performance includes Bulgarian and Jewish folk songs performed live.

“The Short Life and Mysterious Death of Boris III, Tsar of Bulgaria”, is part of the dramatic European history of the 20th century, which recalls how 50,000 Bulgarian Jews were saved from deportation and death, but their lives were paid for with the subsequent death of the Bulgarian Tsar, who died under unknown circumstances. A story that the world has forgotten,” reads the annotation to the play.

“There is no better time than now to share this story, when anti-Semitism in the UK and Europe is on the rise, not to mention the conflict taking place in Ukraine,” the author wrote. “Bulgaria opposed it when no one else did – why?” he adds.

“Incisive script, insightful humor and superb musical interludes. Whether you’re a jazz fan, a history buff or just someone who likes to capture real-life stories, this is a must-see,” says Boris III’s grandson Cyril of Saxe-Coburg.

The play will be available at The Pleasance, which is among the top three preferred venues at the Edinburgh Festival and has a very competitive line-up. The performance will be presented on the “Queen Dome” stage, which has 174 seats.

Photo Credit: Lost Bulgaria

A new digital platform could become social network for art


YourArt has ambitions to exhibit and sell works of amateur and professional artists

A new digital platform dedicated to art was launched today by the head of the French Publicis group, Maurice Levy, AFP reported.

The idea is that in the future it will become a “social network for art”. The project, called YourArt, has ambitions to exhibit and sell works by amateur and professional artists.

We want it to “become the world’s leading platform for art and technology, with the largest number of artists, galleries, collectors and enthusiasts,” said Levy, who is chairman of the company’s communications supervisory board.

The Frenchman, who is 81 years old, combines in this project two of his passions – art and technology. This is a family adventure that Maurice Levy started with his son Stefan, Vice President of YourArt.

The head of “Publicis” initially invested nine million euros “with his family and friends”. Among the partners in the project is Henry Kravis, billionaire and founder of the American fund KKR.

Any artist can subscribe (for between 10 and 30 euros per month) to display their works – from a simple portfolio to a virtual 3D gallery.

The project is aimed at both established creators and amateurs, without making a special selection – a model reminiscent of the YouTube platform, notes AFP.

Artists and galleries can also offer artwork, and the site will take between five and ten percent commission.

“I love art,” says Levy, a collector of French artists Pierre Soulages and Jean Dubuffet, and also a former president of the Palais de Tokyo, a center for modern and contemporary art in Paris.

“Around 2008, I came across a study that struck me: it showed an incredible number of amateur artists and their frustration at not being able to show their work. That’s how I came up with the idea of offering the largest gallery in the world,” he says.

“We are creating a French platform, with European ambitions in 2024, and then global ambitions,” emphasized Maurice Levy.

YourArt already has 22 employees. The platform is set to be enriched with new features such as irreplaceable tokens and a messaging system to create a “social network for art”.

It is not planned to receive public assistance “so that we can work freely”, emphasized Levy, quoted by AFP.

Illustrative Photo by picjumbo.com: https://www.pexels.com/photo/person-using-laptop-computer-during-daytime-196655/

Cristal Logothetis, a Spaniard based in the USA boomed a “Carry the future” movement to help refugee mothers and newborns

Cristal Logothetis with "Carry the future" team
Cristal Logothetis with "Carry the future" team

Cristal Logothetis (Cristal Munoz-Logothetis) at Scientology Network’s MEET A SCIENTOLOGIST, the weekly series spotlighting the everyday lives of Scientologists from around the world and all walks of life, announces an episode featuring humanitarian Cristal Logothetis on May 23, 2023.

MEET A SCIENTOLOGIST airs Tuesdays at 8 p.m. ET/PT on Scientology Network.

Cristal Logothetis started the nonprofit organization Carry the Future to send baby carriers to Syrian refugees after seeing news reports of the harrowing journeys that families fleeing with babies faced. What started as her simple act of kindness has grown into a movement of thousands joining in to help save the lives of children.


Born in Madrid, Spain, Cristal Logothetis moved to the United States at only eight years old and remained keenly aware of the hardships she endured emigrating and trying to assimilate into a foreign culture. One day while scrolling through her newsfeed, she saw the image of a three-year-old Syrian boy who drowned off the coast of a Greek island as his family was fleeing the violence in their homeland. The experience left an indelible impression upon her and ignited a sense of “radical compassion.” Wanting to assist the refugee families in any way she could, she decided to collect 100 baby carriers through a crowdfunding website. Within days, she hadn’t merely surpassed her goal, she filled storage lockers with over 900 carriers—which she then personally helped distribute to refugee families.

Today, Cristal’s nonprofit, Carry the Future, counts over 50 volunteer staff members with 6,000 global volunteers and has distributed more than 30,000 carriers in refugee crisis zones around the world.

The Scientology Network debuted on March 12, 2018. Since launching, the Scientology Network has been viewed in 240 countries and territories worldwide in 17 languages. Satisfying the curiosity of people about Scientology, the network takes viewers across six continents, spotlighting the everyday lives of Scientologists; showing the Church as a global organization; and presenting its social betterment programs that have touched the lives of millions worldwide. The network also showcases documentaries by Independent filmmakers who represent a cross section of cultures and faiths, but share a common purpose of uplifting communities.

Broadcast from Scientology Media Productions, the Church’s global media center in Los Angeles, the Scientology Network is available on DIRECTV Channel 320, DIRECTV STREAM, AT&T U-verse and can be streamed at scientology.tv, on mobile apps and via the Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV platforms.

Are you getting enough vitamin D?


A person’s vitamin D levels are related to their sex drive. This is explained by Dr. Sarah Gottfried, a specialist in functional and integrative medicine who graduated from Harvard University.

Vitamin D deficiency leads to a decrease in estrogen in women, which in turn results in low sexual desire. Lack of the vitamin also causes low testosterone in men.

This to some extent explains the greater sexual desire among people in the summer. Elevated levels of vitamin D cause human hormones, and therefore libido, to peak during the summer months. Studies show that men with sufficient vitamin D—30.0 mcg/L or more—have significantly more testosterone than men whose vitamin D levels fall below 20.0-29.9 mcg/L.

In addition to libido, testosterone and estrogen levels also affect mood. Low testosterone can be associated with depression, anxiety and irritability. Likewise, estrogen helps increase serotonin and gamma-aminobutyric acid, which are key neurotransmitters that contribute to feelings of calmness and happiness.

Vitamin D activates the genes that release dopamine and serotonin. A lack of these neurotransmitters is commonly associated with depression. This link may help explain seasonal affective disorder, which refers to depressed mood during the winter months.

Therefore, experts recommend that in winter, when a person covers his skin with thick, dense clothing, he should take additional amounts of vitamin D through supplements.

The only difference is that UV-B rays must react with cholesterol in the skin to convert to vitamin D-3 (cholecalciferol), whereas with supplementation the vitamin is already formed, so the body can skip this step. In both methods, D-3 then goes to the liver, where it is converted to 25-hydroxyvitamin D.

One does not need to live on the Equator to get enough vitamin D. One needs to take an additional amount by consulting with one’s personal physician in advance about the appropriate dosage of the vitamin.

Photo by Pavel Danilyuk: https://www.pexels.com/photo/different-medicines-placed-on-white-surface-5998499/

Sudan: UN and partners scramble to supply aid as fragile ceasefire holds

Sudan: UN and partners scramble to supply aid as fragile ceasefire holds

Stéphane Dujarric told correspondents at the regular noon briefing that the opportunity to provide services and support to the millions of Sudanese who are suffering due to the six weeks of fighting between national army forces and their powerful rival militia, the RSF, was only feasible in areas where the ceasefire holds.

Relative calm has prevailed since the truce was reached between the feuding generals, in Jeddah, a week ago, but news reports suggest that flare ups in recent days are threating the continuation of the United States and Saudi-monitored ceasefire.

Aid trucks en route

“The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) said that some 20 trucks carrying supplies from the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and the International Organization for Migration (IOM) are now on their way to different parts of Sudan today”, he said.

Meanwhile, the World Food Programme (WFP) has reached more than 500,000 people in nine states with food and nutrition support since restarting distributions about three weeks ago.

WFP is also planning distributions in Central Darfur and Northern State. Yesterday, trucks loaded with food aid arrived in Wadi Halfa, and today in Port Sudan, WFP started providing food to some 4,000 new arrivals”, Mr. Dujarric continued.

According to UN agencies, six newborn babies died at a hospital in the city of Eld’aeen in East Darfur in just one week, due to problems including lack of oxygen amid electricity blackouts.

The World Health Organization (WHO) said that more than 30 newborns have died at the hospital since the start of the fighting, Mr. Dujarric continued. WHO is in touch with healthcare providers to see what it can do to support, he said.

Half the population needs aid

An estimated 24.7 million people, or half the population, require urgent humanitarian assistance and protection, according to the UN’s top humanitarian official in the country, Abdou Dieng.

Mr. Dieng noted in a statement published late on Wednesday that this number had risen by 57 per cent since the beginning of the year.

He said that aid partners have provided food for over 500,000 people in the country since the beginning of May, in addition to supplying water, healthcare and hygiene support to hundreds of thousands of displaced people, whenever access was possible.

Mr. Dieng reiterated humanitarians are ready to deliver assistance to over four million in need and called on the relevant authorities to allow aid workers to move supplies “swiftly and safely”.

Meanwhile, the World Health Organization (WHO) said that more than two-thirds of hospitals are out of service because of fighting in Sudan, while in areas that did not see fighting, medical facilities are running low on supplies and staff, fuel, oxygen and blood bank services.

Rape, sexual violence

The UN Special Representative on Sexual Violence in Conflict, Pramila Patten, also highlighted her grave concern on Wednesday over multiple reports of sexual violence against women and girls, including allegations of rape, by combatants on both sides.

“I am very alarmed by emerging reports of sexual violence in different parts of Sudan and urge all parties to the conflict to comply with international human rights and humanitarian law, and in particular, to guarantee immediate and complete cessation of all violence against civilians, including sexual violence, as per their respective commitments” made in ceasefire terms.

She said it was “imperative that unfettered access to services is guaranteed by all parties”, calling on them to instantly “issue strict command orders that prohibit sexual violence, directed at their own forces as well as groups and individuals fighting on their side or under their command, and put in place mechanisms to adequately monitor the conduct of all armed elements they control”, she added.

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UN representative alarmed by sexual violence against women and girls in DRC

UN representative alarmed by sexual violence against women and girls in DRC

“Allegations of grave cases of sexual violence against civilians, including children, in particular affecting IDPs fleeing conflict in the eastern DRC, is a matter of profound concern which requires immediate action,” said the top UN official who advocates for women and girls impacted by sexual violence.

The representative spoke of how she was “deeply troubled” by some attacks which have been taking place in broad daylight, affecting the daily lives and livelihoods of women and girls in Goma, the capital of North Kivu province.

Protecting women and girls

She noted that the UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF), has reported an alarming number of Gender Based Violence (GBV) cases in 2022, and that IDP camps represent a ‘volatile security environment’ , especially for displaced women and girls.

“More than 38,000 cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) were reported by UNICEF for all of 2022 in North Kivu alone. Humanitarian actors report they have provided assistance to over 600 survivors of conflict-related sexual violence in six IDP camps over the course of two weeks in a volatile security environment. In most cases, survivors reported being attacked by armed men and displaced men in and around the camps,” she pointed out.

No immediate ‘life-saving’ aid

Ms. Patten also called attention to how women and girls are disproportionally affected by sexual violence in thousands of cases reported by humanitarian partners, with some unable to “access life-saving services, including Post-Exposure Prophylaxis kits, during the crucial 72-hour window after an attack”.

She said the best way to protect women and girls in such conditions was to provide medical assistance, but also offer routes for escaping violence and other insecurities in the first place.

“Immediate medical and psychosocial assistance must be accompanied by protection measures, to ensure that those who have been forced from their homes due to violence and insecurity, including women and girls fleeing conflict in Masisi and Rutshuru territories in North Kivu province, are able to access services and are not placed at further risk of sexual violence.”

She said the UN rights office in DRC (OHCHR) was liaising with humanitarian partners and other UN agencies in the country to document allegations and provide needed support.

Justice for victims of sexual violence

Ms. Patten also called on authorities to fulfill their human rights obligations by working with the UN to provide protection to civilians fleeing conflict violence, in addition to investigating and prosecuting perpetrators.

“I urge the Government to ensure its national police secures all IDP camps in accordance with their primary obligation to protect civilians under international humanitarian law and their responsibilities to respect, protect, and fulfill human rights obligations.

Ms. Patten called on donors to help ensure protection for victims of sexual violence in DRC and said her office was available to assist partners in providing support.

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Security Council urged to step up on financing for AU peace operations

Security Council urged to step up on financing for AU peace operations

Briefing ambassadors on Africa Day, Under-Secretary-General Rosemary DiCarlo presented the latest UN report on securing predictable, sustainable and flexible resources for AU-led peace support operations mandated by the Council.

The changing nature of conflict in Africa has forced the partners to adapt their operations in response to new and evolving challenges.

Secure funding stream

“The case for adequately financing AU-led peace support operations is beyond solid. We are therefore hopeful that the Security Council will agree to provide its backing, including allowing access to UN assessed contributions,” she said.

The report lists the joint mission model and support packages delivered by the UN as the two most practical financing options, which would be authorized on a case-by-case basis.

It also outlines a standardized consultative planning and mandating process, through which the UN, the AU and subregional configurations can assess the required response to an emerging crisis.

“This process would reassure the Council that a given situation has been systematically reviewed by all the relevant entities. It would thus help the Council decide whether assessed contributions can be mandated,” she said.

Rising insecurity, funding shortfalls

Ms. DiCarlo gave an overview of AU and UN cooperation, noting that it has grown significantly since the signing of a 2017 joint framework on enhanced partnership in peace and security.

She said over the past 20 years, the AU has shown readiness to speedily deploy peace support operations in response to conflicts, including in Burundi, the Central African Republic, Comoros, Mali, Somalia and Sudan.

These missions faced recurrent problems such as funding shortfalls, and although support provided by the UN and partners has been useful, it has also been unpredictable.

“As we look at different parts of the continent, it is obvious that the need to put AU peace operations on a solid footing is increasingly pressing,” she said, referring to situations in places such as the Sahel, Somalia, Mozambique, and the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo.

“In Africa and elsewhere, rising insecurity is characterized by an increasing use of asymmetric tactics and sophistication of armed extremist groups and expanding influence of transnational organized crime,” she continued.  “These connected phenomena require commensurate global approaches and responses.”

Progress on compliance

The funding of AU-led operations has been a longstanding issue in the Security Council, particularly over establishing a mechanism to allow partial financing through UN assessed contributions.  

Ms. DiCarlo reported that in line with two Council resolutions, the AU has made significant progress to address the financial challenge of its peace operations, and on ensuring compliance with international human rights and humanitarian law, as well as UN conduct and discipline standards.

Noting that AU peace operations should be considered as part of the range of responses to crises in Africa, alongside established UN mechanisms, she appealed for the Council’s support.

“As the Secretary-General has stated, concrete action on this longstanding issue will address a critical gap in the international peace and security architecture and bolster the efforts of the African Union to tackle peace and security challenges on the continent.”

Stand with Africa: Guterres

Meanwhile, UN chief António Guterres noted that cooperation and solidarity to advance the continent’s future is more needed than ever.

“I look forward to African governments continuing to seize the opportunities presented by the continent’s natural, human, and entrepreneurial richness, by working to increase private investment and raise resources at home,” he said in his message for Africa Day.

The annual commemoration May celebrates the founding of the Organization of African Union, the African Union precursor, on 25 May 1963.

The Secretary-General urged the international community to stand with Africa as multiple rises – from COVID-19 to climate and conflict – continue to cause great suffering there.

He further stated that African countries are underrepresented in global governance institutions, such as the UN Security Council, and denied the debt relief and concessional funding they need.

“Africa deserves peace, justice and international solidarity,” he said.  “With international cooperation and solidarity, this can be Africa’s century.” 

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UN peacekeepers ‘a beacon of hope and protection’: Guterres

UN peacekeepers ‘a beacon of hope and protection’: Guterres

He said the men and women that serve, from 125 countries, across 12 operations, were working to support security, stability and the rule of law.

“They represent the beating heart of the United Nations’ commitment to peace”, said Secretary-General António Guterres.

“By bringing peacekeepers together from around the world, peacekeeping has also become an inspiring symbol of multilateralism in action”, he added, just ahead of presenting the prestigious UN Military Gender Advocate of the Year award to a Ghanian peacekeeper, inside the gilded General Assembly Hall in New York.

But thanks to the increasing complexity of conflict, stagnating peace processes, the constant beat of terrorist activity, armed militia, gang violence and transnational crime, communities, countries and entire regions, are being increasingly poisoned, he said.

Increasingly ‘no peace to keep’

“And the digital world has become a frightening frontier of tension, division, hate and mis and disinformation.

Sadly, our peacekeepers are increasingly working in places where there is no peace to keep.”

He called for governments represented in the hall to “seriously reflect on the need for a new generation of peace-enforcement missions and counter-terrorism operations”, led by Security Council mandate under Chapter VII of the UN Charter, that could rely on a guaranteed funding stream.

Before the solemn but moving ceremony, the UN chief laid a wreath at the Peacekeepers Memorial, honouring the sacrifice made by all those serving under te UN flag.

“We mourn their loss and share our deepest sympathies with their families, friends and colleagues. We will never forget their contributions”, he said, before leading a moment of silence.

The roll of those who died in service last year was read, on this 75 anniversary of UN Peacekeeping operations, with more than 4,200 killed in total, in the cause of peace.

Embodying ‘duty to peace’

“Our fallen military, police and civilian personnel came from 39 different countries, with diverse backgrounds. But all embodied our duty to peace”, said Mr. Guterres. “I extend my deepest condolences and gratitude to their families, friends, colleagues and home countries represented here.

“I pay tribute to their service and sacrifice, which inspire our work every day. And I commit to doing everything we can to support our peacekeepers in their mission, including improving their safety and security and the effectiveness of peacekeeping through the Action for Peacekeeping Plus strategy.”

Women ‘leading the way’

Paying tribute to the landmark Security Council resolution 1325 on Women, Peace and Security, the UN chief said it reminds “that our women peacekeepers are not only supporting global peace and security.

“They are leading the way.”

The winner of this year’s Military Gender Advocate award, Captain Cecilia Erzuah of Ghana, embodies leadership in every way, and the principles behind resolution 1325, he said, for her work in Abyei as the Commander of the Ghana Engagement Platoon since March last year.

“In Abyei, she saw first-hand the enormous toll of armed conflict on entire communities — especially women — and she spared no effort to ensure that their voices were heard and reflected”, he added.

Her work reaching out to local communities to hear their concerns, explain the work of peacekeepers, and build trust, as well as engaging with local leadership, women and youth, “has been critical to the mission’s success.”

He said it was “high time” to significantly increase the number of women working in UN peacekeeping missions everywhere.

‘Long live the United Nations’

In her remarks to the ceremony, Cpt. Erzuah, said she was honoured to receive the award, saying it “underscores the tireless efforts and dedication” of her whole platoon, towards gender equality and inclusiveness.

The disputed region of Abyei between Sudan and South Sudan, has seen a UN peacekeeping presence since 2011, where the UNIFSA security force works to strengthen police capacity, protect civilians under threat, and help with humanitarian aid and the free movement of aid workers.

She said her platoon’s work had led to an increase in the number of women joining local, male-dominated community protection committees.

Cpt. Erzuah dedicated her award to “the beautiful people of Abyei” whose memory she would always treasure, and “to all peacekeeping personnel, particularly we women in uniform.

May our dedication, commitment and love for humanity, never go unrewarded. Long live the United Nations.”

Civilian fallen

The head of Operational Support, Atul Khare, accepted a medal on behalf of the families of 42 civilian peacekeepers, who have “paid the ultimate sacrifice”, from 20 Member States.

He said the best way to honour their memories, was to “rededicate ourselves, and our efforts, to the cause of peace.”

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Arrest of top Rwandan genocide fugitive shows ‘justice will be done’

Arrest of top Rwandan genocide fugitive shows ‘justice will be done’

Fulgence Kayishema is alleged to have orchestrated the killing of approximately 2,000 Tutsi refugees at Nyange Catholic Church during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, the International Residual Mechanism for Criminal Tribunals (IRMCT) said in a statement.

He was arrested in South Africa on Wednesday in a joint operation between the IRMCT Office of the Prosecutor and the authorities.

Finally facing justice

Kayishema has been at large since 2001 and was among four remaining fugitives from the genocide, during which an estimated one million people were killed, and roughly 150,000 to 250,000 women raped, over a period of some 100 days.

IRMCT Chief Prosecutor Serge Brammertz said his arrest ensures the long-standing fugitive will finally face justice for his alleged crimes.

“Genocide is the most serious crime known to humankind. The international community has committed to ensure that its perpetrators will be prosecuted and punished. This arrest is a tangible demonstration that this commitment does not fade and that justice will be done, no matter how long it takes,” he added.

International partners for justice

Mr. Brammertz said the thorough investigation that led to the arrest was made possible through the support and cooperation of South Africa and the Operational Task Team established by President Cyril Ramaphosa to assist the ICMRT Fugitive Tracking Team.

They also received “vital support” from similar Task Forces in other African countries, notably Eswatini and Mozambique.

“Rwandan authorities under the leadership of Prosecutor General Aimable Havugiyaremye continued to be our strongest partners and provided essential assistance,” he said.

The Chief Prosecutor also cited support from other countries, including the United States, Canada and the United Kingdom, saying “Kayishema’s arrest demonstrates yet again that justice can be secured, no matter the challenges, through direct cooperation between international and national law enforcement agencies.”

The IRMCT performs essential functions previously carried out by the UN International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR), which closed in December 2015, and another for the former Yugoslavia, which concluded two years later.

Kayishema was indicted by the Rwanda tribunal in 2001.

He was charged with genocide, complicity in genocide, conspiracy to commit genocide, and crimes against humanity for killings and other crimes committed in Kivumu Commune, Kibuye Prefecture, during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda.

According to the indictment, he and other co-perpetrators murdered more than 2,000 refugees – men, women, elderly persons, and children – at the Nyange Church in Kivumu commune, on 15 April 1994.

He “directly participated in the planning an execution” of the massacre, working methodically over two days following, to transfer the corpses to mass graves.

‘Further step forward’

The arrest marks “a further step forward” in the effort to account for all those fugitives still at large who have been indicted by the ICTR.

Since 2020, the OTP Fugitive Tracking Team has accounted for five of the fugitives at large, including another of the architects of the genocide which was orchestrated by the extremist Hutu regime at the time, Félicien Kabuga, as well as Augustin Bizimana, Protais Mpiranya, and Phéneas Munyarugarama. There are now only three outstanding fugitives.

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