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EU Calls for Renewed Commitment to a Unified Cyprus Amid 50th Anniversary of 1974 Division

a wooden bench sitting on top of a cement slab
Photo by Andria Ioannidou on Unsplash

This week marks the solemn commemoration of the tragic events of 1974, a pivotal moment in Cyprus’s history that continues to reverberate half a century later. The European External Action Service (EEAS) has issued a poignant statement, underscoring the enduring need for a fair, comprehensive, and viable settlement to the Cyprus problem.

The Republic of Cyprus, an EU Member State, remains divided to this day—a division that has profound implications for its people. The EEAS emphasizes that this forced separation cannot be a lasting solution and that the hope for a unified Cyprus persists.

The statement calls for a renewed and genuine commitment from all parties involved in the United Nations-led efforts to resolve the Cyprus issue. This includes the two Cypriot communities and, notably, Türkiye. The EEAS stresses that a peaceful settlement must be based on the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, which provide a framework for negotiations.

In light of the broad geopolitical shifts and ongoing crises, the EEAS highlights the importance of collective effort to achieve a settlement. The goal is not only to benefit the people of Cyprus but also to ensure stability and security in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

The statement serves as a reminder of the urgency of the situation and the necessity for all stakeholders to engage constructively in the peace process. As the world commemorates the events of 1974, the call for unity and resolution is more pressing than ever.

The EEAS’s message is clear: too much time has been lost, and the time for action is now. The path to a unified Cyprus requires unwavering dedication and cooperation, promising a better future for all Cypriots and contributing to regional stability.

Victory in the Supreme Court: CCHR’s criticism of psychiatric abuse not without factual basis


SALUDMENTAL Original in Spanish ) The Plenary Session of the Civil Division of the Supreme Court, in its ruling STS 960/2024 of July 9th and published on the 12th in response to the appeal after its defeat in the Provincial Court of the Spanish Society of Psychiatry (SEP), admits that the opinions and harsh criticism that the Citizens’ Commission on Human Rights (CCDH and CCHR) makes of psychiatric abuses such as those made with the use of psychotropic drugs, involuntary institutionalisation, electroshock, psychosurgery and others, “are not devoid of a sufficient factual basis”, and therefore decides to protect the right to express them, even in a harsh manner, as they are of “undoubted general interest”, as transcribed in this extract from the judgment:

“The publications in question deal with a matter of undoubted general interest: the debate on certain practices in the field of psychiatry. The extensive documentation submitted by the defendants clearly shows the existence of this debate. The reports of the UN rapporteurs submitted by the defendants (specifically, the 2017 ‘Report of the Special Rapporteur on the right of everyone to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health’ and the 2018  ‘Annual Report of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights’ on ‘Mental Health and Human Rights’) are a good illustration of the important social, political and scientific debate on the issues covered by the questioned publications.

The debate on certain psychiatric practices and, in particular, on involuntary institutionalization, the use of psychotropic drugs, especially when the patients are children or adolescents, or surgical or electroconvulsive treatments, is of particular importance in today’s society.”

Furthermore, the high court affirms, “despite the crudeness of some of its expressions (…), its content is directly connected to the public debate in a democratic society (…) And is part of the conduct observed by CCDH of actively intervening in the social debate on psychiatry through its publications.”

On this basis, the Supreme Court has ruled that the Spanish Society of Psychiatry (SEP) must bear the criticism of the Citizens Commission on Human Rights. (CCHR) and Comisión Ciudadana de Derechos Humanos de España (CCDH).

Salvador Fernández, President of the Spanish Citizens’ Commission on Human Rights, after learning of the sentence declared that:

“it is important that there be protection so that the innumerable abuses that are committed in the field of psychiatry are made known, and the time has come to carry out the drastic reforms called for by the WHO, the UN, and above all the victims, of a century-old system that has brought more pain than glory, we thank all those who work in one way or another to expose and put an end to psychiatric abuse, and from our team we encourage society to not remain silent and to denounce through www.saludmentalyderechos.org any and all abuses in the field of psychiatry, whether it be the labelling and administration of dangerous psychotropic drugs to children, forced treatment, lack of informed consent, involuntary institutionalization or the use of electroshock, which has been described as torture on numerous occasions by doctors and human rights experts.”

CCHR was co-founded in 1969 by the Church of Scientology and Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry Dr. Thomas Szasz as an independent mental health watchdog at a time when patients were institutionalized, mistreated, stripped of their constitutional, civil and human rights, and left to fend for themselves.

As stated by CCHR co-founder Thomas Szasz:

“They were then the only organization, and they still are the only organization, who were active in trying to free mental patients who were incarcerated in mental hospitals with whom there was nothing wrong, who had committed no crimes, who wanted to get out of the hospital. And that to me was a very worthwhile cause; it’s still a very worthwhile cause. We should honor CCHR because it is really the organization that for the first time in human history has organized a politically, socially, internationally significant voice to combat psychiatry. This has never happened in human history before.”

CCHR and national and local affiliates around the world have long fought to restore basic inalienable human rights in the field of mental health, including, among others, full informed consent to the medical legitimacy of psychiatric diagnosis, the risks of psychiatric treatments, the right to all available medical alternatives, and the right to refuse any treatment deemed harmful.

In the judgement of the Provincial Court of Madrid 64/2024 of February 10th, appealed by SEP, the courts explained that CCHR and CCDH:

 “aims to fight against abuse in psychiatry and especially against the prescription by these professionals of drugs for the treatment of mental illnesses and diseases and its work has been recognised by the Special Rapporteur of the UN Commission on Human Rights who in 1986 stated that it had helped to pass numerous laws in the field of mental health in defence and preservation of the rights of individuals according to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, members of the Committee on the Rights of the Child at the United Nations and various members of the US House of Representatives and the California State Congress and Senate.”

In its text, the Supreme Court’s judgement includes, on the one hand, the video documentaries where CCHR shows its evidence and strong statements, opinions and concerns:

“On the other hand, the website www.cchr.org.es, whose content is owned and managed by CCHR (Citizens Commission on Human Rights), provides access to 8 documentaries that explain what they consider ‘psychiatric abuse’.”

And also, the “informative material” found on the website https://www.ccdh.es of the Comisión Ciudadana de Derechos Humanos de España (CCDH) where there are 19 leaflets with very strong titles, such as “Child Drugging. Psychiatry destroying lives. Report and recommendations on fraudulent psychiatric diagnosis and enforced drugging of youth”; “Deadly restraints. Psychiatric ‘therapeutic’ assault. Report and recommendations on the violent and dangerous use of restraints in mental health facilities”; “Brutal Therapies. Harmful Psychiatric ‘Treatments’. Report and recommendations on the destructive practices of electroshock and psychosurgery”; or “Psychiatric Malpractice, the subversion of medicine. Report and recommendations on psychiatry’s destructive impact on health care», among others.

The Spanish Society of Psychiatry complained about demonstrations in which CCDH and others claimed that  “psychiatrists are criminals, precursors of genocides, responsible for the erosion of education and justice, inciters of drug addiction, drug traffickers, fraudulent practitioners or managers of violence and terrorism, that some psychiatrists sexually abused their patients and even that ‘[t]here are an undetermined number of coercive abortions in Spain by psychiatrists’, involvement of German psychiatrists in the Nazi holocaust [for which the German Psychiatric Association has publicly apologised], racial discrimination” and other descriptions and statements of fact.

The First Civil Chamber of the Supreme Court concluded that the judgment appealed by SEP had correctly applied the case-law criteria to resolve the conflict between freedom of expression and the right to honour.

And with regard to the context in which the statements in question were made, despite the fact that some of them could be considered serious, says the ruling, CCDH’s conduct in making these publications is part of a public debate of great importance in today’s society, so that agreeing to remove such publications would be an excessive restriction on freedom of expression that would not be justified by an imperative social need.

The SEP also complained about statements, such as that of psychiatrist Dr. Thomas Szasz when he says “Psychiatry is probably the most destructive force that has affected society in the last 60 years’, or ‘Psychiatry serves as a social control machine that sometimes becomes an agent of social and political revenge”, among other imputations.

The SEP argued that freedom of expression should not cover such statements, which the Supreme Court has contradicted, finding that the statements and criticisms of CCDH and CCHR are disseminated in a public debate on psychiatry.

The Supreme Court’s ruling reiterates the importance of freedom of expression in the context of debates of public interest, even when criticism may be offensive to certain entities or professionals, in line with what was said by the court of appeal. And it is here that the Supreme Court states that:

“This prevalence of freedom of expression over the right to honour when expressing opinions on matters of general interest occurs even when the expression of opinion is made in a rude, unkind or hurtful manner and may annoy, disturb or upset the person affected by the statements in question, as this is required by pluralism, tolerance and a spirit of openness, without which there is no democratic society.

As the judgments of the ECHR of 8 November 2016, Magyar Helsinki Bizottság v. Hungary, 13 March 2018, Stern Taulats and Roura Capellera v. Spain, 20 November 2018, Toranzo Gómez v. Spain, and 11 May 2021, Halet v. Luxembourg state, freedom of expression does not only protect ideas that are favourably received or considered inoffensive or indifferent, ‘but also those that offend, shock or disturb’. And Constitutional Court judgment 226/2016, of 22 December, citing previous judgments, states that ‘within the broad framework granted to freedom of expression are protected, according to our doctrine, “those manifestations which, although they affect the honour of others, are revealed as necessary for the presentation of ideas or opinions of public interest”’.

Historic Decision of the Spanish Supreme Court: The Resounding Victory of the CCHR against Psychiatric Abuse


The Spanish Supreme Court has issued a historic and unprecedented ruling in favor of the Citizens’ Commission for Human Rights (CCHR), an organization linked to the Church of Scientology, against the Spanish Society of Psychiatry (SEP). The SEP had attempted to silence the CCHR’s virulent criticism of certain psychiatric practices, but the Court ruled that these criticisms fall within a debate of general interest and are solidly protected by freedom of expression.

Key points of the decision:

General interest :

  • The Court firmly affirmed that publications criticizing certain psychiatric practices are of “undeniable general interest”.
  • Public debate on topics such as forced internment, the use of psychotropic medications, and electroconvulsive treatments is absolutely essential in a democratic society.

Freedom of expression :

  • CCHR’s harsh, shocking, and uncompromising criticism is protected by freedom of expression.
  • The Court emphasized that freedom of expression also covers the most disturbing and controversial ideas.

Extensive Documentation:

  • The CCHR has provided abundant documentation (more than 15,000 pages) proving the existence of an intense and legitimate debate on psychiatric practices.
  • UN reports have been used to highlight the importance and validity of this debate.

Specific Criticisms:

  • The CCHR has accused some psychiatrists of criminal behavior and ethical abuses with tangible evidence.
  • CCHR publications included documentaries and brochures denouncing these practices in detailed and impactful ways.

Right to Honor vs Freedom of Expression:

  • The Court considered that the Madrid Provincial Court had correctly weighed the conflict between the right to honor and freedom of expression, in favor of the latter.
  • The right to openly and firmly criticize psychiatric practices is thus firmly confirmed.

This decision by the Supreme Court marks a resounding victory for human rights defenders and reaffirms the supremacy of freedom of expression in public debates on issues of general interest. Additionally, this decision creates powerful case law, now making it nearly impossible for psychiatric associations to attack the Church of Scientology for similar criticisms in the future.

Originally published at Almouwatin.com

Due to sanctions and fear of mobilization: 650,000 have left Russia


At least 650,000 Russians have left the country and moved permanently abroad since the start of the war against Ukraine, DPA reported. The main reasons are fear of mobilization and overcoming the imposed sanctions.

Most of them emigrated to Armenia (110,000), Kazakhstan and Israel (80,000 each), according to the data of the independent Internet portal The Bell. The reason for the large number in these three countries is due to the fact that Russians do not need a visa for them.

Germany is also a preferred destination for Russians, with their number increasing by more than 36,000.

The Bell claims it made the calculations based on data from immigration authorities. In total, data from over 70 countries are included in the calculations.

However, the portal claims that the data is not complete, as some countries popular among Russians, such as Thailand, Azerbaijan and Cyprus, did not respond to queries. Other countries such as the United Arab Emirates, where many Russians also moved after the war began, are not included in the calculations.

Illustrative Photo by Jaxon Matthew Willis: https://www.pexels.com/photo/low-angle-shot-of-a-fighter-jet-23548969/

Former Schihegumen Sergiy (Romanov) wants to be pardoned and sent to the front in Ukraine


The former abbot of the Middle Ural women’s monastery Fr. Sergius (Nikolai Romanov), who is serving a seven-year sentence, begs Putin for clemency. In the appeal, the former abbot says he helped build twenty churches and five monasteries in the Sverdlovsk region, and since 2014 has brought families with children “from the war zone in Ukraine.” The former schihegumen noted that he asked to be sent to the war in Ukraine as a medical worker or construction worker, but was denied because of his advanced age. For this reason, he now “takes spiritual care of the heroes of the special military operation” and assures that he is a patriot and loyal to the authorities. Now he is resuming his request to be sent to the “special military operation zone,” as Russia calls the war against Ukraine, which is eligible for release from prison under the country’s new laws.

The former abbot Sergiy (Romanov) was arrested at the end of 2020 in his monastery by a special forces raid. His case gained widespread public attention because of his fame as an ultra-conservative “confessor of the faith” who was an alternative to the ever-compromising official church authority. He became especially popular during the pandemic, when he denied the existence of the disease, boycotted sanitary measures and preached that this position was tantamount to a profession of faith. Such views were then inherent in many religious people, but he had influence and popularity among circles of the so-called Russian elite.

Video sermons with curses against church authority and accusations of a conspiracy by the authorities drew attention to him. In them he called the power “satanic” and “antichrist”. The priest was accused and convicted of “inciting a minor to commit suicide” because of his sermon, during which he asked parishioners if they were ready to die for Russia and for their children. According to other articles, the former abbot became accused after refusing to allow representatives of the Ekaterinburg Diocese to take an inventory of the monastery’s property. In January 2023, the court announced the final sentence – seven years in a penal colony.

Before the pandemic, schihegumen Sergiy (Romanov) was known as the leader of the so-called “sect of Tsarebozhniks”, whose most popular member was the Russian MP Natalia Poklonskaya. She did much to promote him in the media as a “miracle worker”, “confessor” and “exorcist”. Later, Natalia Poklonskaya got married and changed her attitude towards him, saying that she was in a sect. In the women’s monastery, which he led, gathered “tsarebozhniki” (Russian monarchists, who raised the last Russian emperor into a cult), Cossacks, politicians and businessmen, former prisoners.

The former abbot had accepted the priesthood, although before his conversion to the faith he had been in prison for murder. According to church canons, this is inadmissible – the person who took human life can repent and even become a saint, but the canons categorically forbid him to perform the Eucharist.

275 million euros processed in FX transactions by iBanFirst Bulgaria in 2024


In the first half of 2024 the leading global provider of foreign exchange and international payments for businesses, iBanFirst,  processed 275 million euros in FX transactions for Bulgarian trading companies. In comparison to the same period last year this is an increase of 90% that was driven by the dynamic business activities of existing clients and the surge in import-export operations.

These results position Bulgaria as one of the markets with the highest trading volume growth for the iBanFirst Group, while it remains the market with the highest average volume per trade in the first half of 2024.

„Our remarkable performance in Bulgaria highlights the highest average volume per trade among our European markets, despite being one of the smallest countries. This exceptional growth emphasizes the robust demand for innovative financial solutions and is a testament to the trust our clients have placed in us. We are dedicated to supporting Bulgarian companies in their international endeavors and remain committed to delivering unparalleled service and value”, said Johan Gabriels, Regional Director for South-East Europe at iBanFirst.  

The press release and more information below:


iBanFirst Bulgaria registered a 90% increase in FX transactions volumes in the first half of 2024, reaching 275 million euros

●        The substantial growth in FX transactions volumes was driven by the dynamic business activities of existing clients and the surge in import-export operations. iBanFirst’s client base includes 1,300 companies across the region.

●        These results position Bulgaria as one of the markets with the highest trading volume growth for the iBanFirst Group, while it remains the market with the highest average volume per trade in the first half of 2024.

●        The increase in trading volume has also led to revenue growth, CEE generating now 40% of iBanFirst’s overall revenue growth rate.

Sofia, 10.07.2024: iBanFirst, a leading global provider of foreign exchange and international payments for businesses, has processed 275 million euros in FX transactions for Bulgarian trading companies in the first half of 2024, marking a substantial 90% increase compared to the same period last year. These results position Bulgaria as one of the markets with the highest trading volume growth for the iBanFirst Group in the first half of 2024.

The substantial growth in FX transactions volumes during the first six months of 2024 was driven by the dynamic business activities of existing clients and the surge in import-export operations. The increase in trading volume has also driven revenue growth of 106%, with the CEE market now contributing to 40% of iBanFirst’s overall revenue growth rate. iBanFirst’s client base includes 1,300 companies across the region.

„Our remarkable performance in Bulgaria highlights the highest average volume per trade among our European markets, despite being one of the smallest countries. This exceptional growth emphasizes the robust demand for innovative financial solutions and is a testament to the trust our clients have placed in us. We are dedicated to supporting Bulgarian companies in their international endeavors and remain committed to delivering unparalleled service and value”, said Johan Gabriels, Regional Director for South-East Europe at iBanFirst. 

iBanFirst’s mission is to help Bulgarian companies expand beyond borders by providing them with access to fast, transparent, and cost-effective cross-border payments and foreign exchange services, as well as the support of a boutique team of FX experts. The fintech’s client base is diverse, including import-export companies across various sectors such as agriculture, automotive,  IT and telecommunications, wholesale and retail,  construction, and energy.

The value of cross-border transactions carried out through the iBanFirst platform ranges from a few thousand euros to millions of euros. Moreover, the uncertain economic and geopolitical climate in recent years has led more companies to seek risk management solutions to protect against currency volatility. This shift has resulted in a significant increase in demand for hedging services, which have recorded a 94% year-over-year growth and now account for 77% of iBanFirst’s revenues in the local market.

iBanFirst plans to further invest in the Bulgarian market by expanding its team in Sofia, enhancing its technological capabilities, and launching new products tailored to the needs of local businesses.

iBanFirst has been listed for 5 consecutive years (2018 – 2023) in the Financial Times’ top 1,000 Europe’s Fastest Growing Companies. iBanFirst Group currently has 13 offices in 10 European countries (France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Italy, Spain, and the UK) as well as a white label business in Greece. The group processes transactions worth over €1.4 billion monthly.

About iBanFirst

Founded in 2016, iBanFirst offers a next-generation cross-border payment experience that combines a powerful platform and the support of FX experts. With more than 350 employees in 10 European countries, processing a volume of transactions worth more than €1.4 billion each month, and listed by the Financial Times as one of Europe’s fastest-growing companies, iBanFirst became in less than 10 years a trusted partner for SMEs across borders.

iBanFirst has the financial backing of the French public investment bank (bpiFrance), European venture capital leaders (Elaia, Xavier Niel), and the American investment fund Marlin Equity Partners (more than 8 billion dollars of capital under management). Regulated by the National Bank of Belgium as a payment institution, iBanFirst is authorized to operate throughout the European Union. Member of the SWIFT network and SEPA certified, iBanFirst holds AISP and PISP accreditations under PSD2.

Photo: Johan Gabriels, Regional Director for South-East Europe at iBanFirst

Startup raises €1 million in one day from European private investors via SeedBlink


In a remarkable achievement, .lumen, the startup dedicated to enhancing the mobility of the blind and visually impaired, has raised €1 million from private investors in one day. This milestone follows an extraordinary pitch event of the Glasses for the Blind held on July 16 where over 600 investors gathered to hear Cornel Amariei, CEO and founder of .lumen, present the company’s vision and innovative technology.

The success of this funding round was facilitated by SeedBlink, the all-in-one equity management and investment platform. SeedBlink’s robust European infrastructure and comprehensive suite of services provided the ideal environment for .lumen to attract and secure investments efficiently.

Cornel Amariei, CEO & Founder of .lumen, stated: “This record round on SeedBlink is a testament to the potential for innovation in Romania. Despite being ranked as the least innovative country in the EU by the official Innovation Scoreboard, we believe Romania can deliver life-changing innovations to the world. Thank you for sharing this belief!”

Ionut Patrahau, Managing Partner at SeedBlink, emphasized the significance of this achievement, stating, “Supporting startups like .lumen is a powerful act of faith in innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of our modern economy. They challenge the status quo, push technological boundaries, and create solutions that improve lives. In the case of .lumen, their work goes beyond business; it touches the very essence of human dignity by empowering blind individuals with mobility and independence. Their impact is clear and immediate, transforming the lives of the blind. But let’s also look beyond the obvious. Your investment helps to build a legacy of progress and inclusivity that will benefit generations to come.”

The press release and more information below:

Press Release

.lumen raises €1 million in one day from European private investors via SeedBlink

Bucharest, Romania – July 18, 2024 – In a remarkable achievement, .lumen, the startup dedicated to enhancing the mobility of the blind and visually impaired, has raised €1 million from private investors in one day. This milestone follows an extraordinary pitch event held on July 16 where over 600 investors gathered to hear Cornel Amariei, CEO and founder of .lumen, present the company’s vision and innovative technology.

The high level of interest in .lumen’s investment opportunity was evident from the pitch event. With more than 600 investors attending, Cornel Amariei’s compelling presentation highlighted the transformative potential of .lumen’s Glasses for the Blind, which leverage Pedestrian Autonomous Driving (PAD AI) technology to replicate the functionalities of a guide dog. This groundbreaking approach to assistive technology has captivated the attention of investors, leading to the rapid achievement of the €1 million target.

The success of this funding round was facilitated by SeedBlink, the all-in-one equity management and investment platform. SeedBlink’s robust European infrastructure and comprehensive suite of services provided the ideal environment for .lumen to attract and secure investments efficiently. SeedBlink’s platform enables European tech companies to access, manage, and trade equity at all growth stages, streamlining the investment process and supporting companies like .lumen through each phase of their journey.

Cornel Amariei, CEO & Founder of .lumen, stated: “This record round on SeedBlink is a testament to the potential for innovation in Romania. Despite being ranked as the least innovative country in the EU by the official Innovation Scoreboard, we believe Romania can deliver life-changing innovations to the world. Thank you for sharing this belief!”

Ionut Patrahau, Managing Partner at SeedBlink, emphasized the significance of this achievement, stating, “Supporting startups like .lumen is a powerful act of faith in innovation and the entrepreneurial spirit. Entrepreneurs are the lifeblood of our modern economy. They challenge the status quo, push technological boundaries, and create solutions that improve lives. In the case of .lumen, their work goes beyond business; it touches the very essence of human dignity by empowering blind individuals with mobility and independence. Their impact is clear and immediate, transforming the lives of the blind. But let’s also look beyond the obvious. Your investment helps to build a legacy of progress and inclusivity that will benefit generations to come.”

.lumen’s journey is supported by key co-investors, including the European Innovation Council and Venture to Future Fund, which have contributed €4 million to the €5 million funding round. The funds raised will support .lumen’s strategic roadmap, including the limited-series launch in Q4 2024 and the entry into the USA market in Q4 2025. The company aims to sell 10,000 units by the end of 2026, bringing independence and safety to visually impaired individuals worldwide.

About .lumen

.lumen is a pioneering Romanian startup dedicated to enhancing pedestrian mobility through innovative technology. Their flagship product, .lumen Glasses, and the underlying PAD AI technology are designed to provide visually impaired individuals with unprecedented levels of independence and safety. Founded by Cornel Amariei, .lumen is committed to creating technology that changes lives. Learn more at www.dotlumen.com.

About SeedBlink

SeedBlink is the all-in-one equity and investment platform that provides the infrastructure, financial services, and network coverage for European tech companies and their stakeholders to access, manage, and trade equity at every stage of growth. With a comprehensive suite of products and services, SeedBlink streamlines investment processes and provides robust support throughout the equity lifecycle, from initial funding rounds to mature investment opportunities and secondary markets. More information at www.seedblink.com.

Photo: Cornel Amariei, CEO & Founder of .lumen

Empower. Unite. Transform 2024: Youth Ambassadors Unite for Human Rights, Justice and Peace at UN in New York

Youth for Human Rights at the United Nations, 2024
Youth for Human Rights at the United Nations, 2024

KingNewsWire. 52 young representatives from 35 nations joined by over 400 government officials, educators, and human rights advocates from around the world convened at the United Nations Headquarters in New York for the 18th International Human Rights Summit. They came together with a shared goal of promoting human rights education and advocacy. The event hosted by Timor-Leste’s Permanent Mission to the UN was designed to address issues of injustice and work, towards fostering peace, through education and activism.

With the motto Empower-Unite-Transform, the 18th International Human Rights Summit kicked off with a display of youthful passion and advocacy as 52 young delegates and ambassadors from 35 nations, joined by over 400 government officials, educators, and human rights advocates from around the world, gathered in Conference Room 4 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York. Their arrival was met with a standing ovation from the attendees, reflecting the collective respect for their commitment to human rights.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Empower. Unite. Transform 2024: Youth Ambassadors Unite for Human Rights, Justice and Peace at UN in New York

These exceptional delegates, selected from a large pool of applicants based on their stellar track records in advocating for human rights, didn’t just come for praise. Their main goal was to expand their knowledge and skills to advance their goals.

Dr. Mary Shuttleworth, the president and founder of Youth for Human Rights International has been leading the organization of these summits since they began in 2004. She praised the delegates for their accomplishments and future potential underscoring the significance of their ongoing work.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Empower. Unite. Transform 2024: Youth Ambassadors Unite for Human Rights, Justice and Peace at UN in New York

Diplomats and representatives from countries permanent missions to the UN, like Australia, the Bahamas, Bolivia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sri Lanka, Timor Leste and United States of America also conveyed their greetings and best wishes. 

The summit for this year was organized once again by the Permanent Mission of Timor Leste at the United Nations. It was also broadcast live via UN Web TV.

During the event, Beth Akiyama from the Church of Scientology National Affairs Office in Washington, D.C., and who spoke on behalf of Church of Scientology International, emphasized the significance of starting the summit on July 18th, which coincides with Nelson Mandela Day as designated by the United Nations. Mandela’s legacy as a champion of rights is remarkable, especially his belief that “education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world.” Akiyama pointed out how this aligns with Youth for Human Rights mission, which focuses on global transformation through education, about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Empower. Unite. Transform 2024: Youth Ambassadors Unite for Human Rights, Justice and Peace at UN in New York

As the summit progresses a group of young advocates united by their shared dedication and backed by various international missions and organizations aims to advance human rights education and spark a movement to eliminate injustice and promote peace worldwide.

The first two days of the Summit feature panels on human rights topics: 

YOUTH ON HUMAN RIGHTS: A discussion on the critical role of young people in promoting human rights and setting an example for their peers.

HUMAN RIGHTS EDUCATION: The importance of integrating human rights into educational curricula to instill values of dignity and unity among future leaders.

HUMAN RIGHTS APPLIED THROUGH LAW:  A discussion of the integration of human rights in legal frameworks and the role of institutions such as courts, law enforcement and legislatures in upholding these rights.

UPHOLDING HUMAN RIGHTS IN THE ARTS & MEDIA: The role of journalists, filmmakers, artists, and influencers, and the need for freedom of expression and the support of creative initiatives that champion human rights.

HUMAN RIGHTS IN ACTION: The importance of nonprofit human rights organizations, the vital role of active participation in forwarding human rights, and creative ways to do so.

The last day of the Summit concludes with a celebration at the Church of Scientology Harlem Community Center followed by community outreach in Times Square, New York. During this outreach participants apply their knowledge by educating individuals about the 30 human rights.

The annual International Human Rights Summit serves as a platform for human rights advocates, officials, dignitaries and young people to exchange ideas and collaborate on implementing initiatives.

The primary objective of the Summit is to advocate for the inclusion of education on the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in school curricula and ensure that these rights are legally protected.

The Church of Scientology and its members firmly believe, as inspired by Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard, knowledge is the key to freedom, and therefore actively support United for Human Rights and its Youth for Human Rights program by offering their resources and programs free of charge. 

For information, please visit the United, for Human Rights website:


#YouthForHumanRights #YHRISUMMIT 

United for Human Rights FB: @UFHumanRights 

Youth for Human Rights International FB @YouthForHumanRights   and X (formerly Twitter: @YFHumanRights

Statement by President von der Leyen at the joint press conference with President Metsola following the European Parliament Plenary vote

EU officials criticise von der Leyen over Israel stance

On the eve of a critical European summit, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen delivered a pivotal speech addressing the continent’s pressing challenges and future direction. Speaking to an audience of policymakers, diplomats, and industry leaders, von der Leyen laid out the European Union’s strategic priorities, ranging from economic recovery post-pandemic to the urgent need for a unified stance on climate change and digital transformation. Her remarks, coming at a time of significant geopolitical upheaval, underscore the EU’s commitment to solidarity, innovation, and resilience in an increasingly complex global landscape.

Here it is:

Thank you very much, dear Roberta,

Good afternoon to everyone,

I guess you have heard my speech, and you might have read the Political Guidelines. So you can imagine that this is a very emotional and special moment for me now. I just want to make three very short remarks before moving on to your questions.

The first one is a more personal remark. I cannot begin without expressing how grateful I am for the trust and the confidence of the majority of the European Parliament. 401 votes in favour – you will recall that last time, it was 8 votes above the necessary majority. This time it is 41, so this is much better. This sends a strong message of confidence. I think it is also recognition for the hard work that we carried out together in the last five years in the last mandate. We have spared no effort. We have navigated the most troubled waters that our Union has ever faced. And we have kept the course on our long-term European goals. I also want to thank you, Roberta, the Group leaders of the democratic forces in the Parliament and all the MEPs for the excellent cooperation including during the last mandate but also for the very substantial exchanges we have had over the past two weeks – after the elections and over the past two weeks. I think this is a very good foundation for the next five years. And I think this was tangible in the debate today.

Second, I want to highlight that I was very happy to have the opportunity to carry out a real, pan-European electoral campaign. As you know, it brought me from Helsinki to Lisbon, from Bucharest to Rome and many different places. I engaged with people from all walks of life. And I enjoyed taking part in the series of TV debates that we had with the other candidates. I think this makes our European democracy much more vibrant.

And finally, let me walk you briefly through the next steps. I will now focus on building my team of Commissioners for the next five years. In the coming weeks, I will ask Leaders to put forward their candidates. I will – as I did last time – write a letter and ask for the proposal of a man and a woman as candidate. The only exception is, like last time, when there is an incumbent Commissioner who stays. And then, I will interview the candidates as of mid-August, and I want to pick the best-prepared candidates who share the European commitment. Once again, I will aim for an equal share of men and women at the College table. The new team will get ready to successfully pass the Parliament hearings. And then I will again seek the confirmation of this House.

Thank you very much.

“Ask, and you shall receive, that your joy may be full” II


By prof. A. P. Lopukhin 

But does not the dignity of the Holy Spirit be degraded when it is said that the Spirit announces only what he hears from God the Father and God the Son? “Hearing the speech” of the other Persons of the Holy Trinity does not exclude the Spirit’s own participation in the Divine Council. Moreover, the fact that the Spirit will reveal all truth warrants the conclusion that He is one in essence with the Father and the Son.

Another question that may arise: Does not the words, “All that the Father hath are Mine,” imply that the Holy Spirit proceeds from the Son, as He proceeds from the Father? No, the proceeding of the Spirit from the Father could not be meant by Christ here, for in this whole section from verse 7 onwards He speaks of the activity of the Spirit, and not of His personal attributes as a divine Hypostasis, He does not mean the relations of the Persons of the Holy Trinity between them, and their relation to the work of the salvation of mankind.

16:16. A little while, and you will not see Me, and again a little while, and you will see Me, because I am going to the Father.

The Lord returns to the question of His going to the Father, which had so frightened the apostles, and comforts them that they will soon see Him again. As in John. 14:18 – 19, here we are talking about the appearance of the Lord to the apostles at the resurrection.

16:17. Then some of His disciples said to one another: what is this that says to us: a little while, and you will not see Me, and again: after a little while, and you will see Me, and that I am going to the Father?

“some more”. The disciples could not put together in their mind all that Christ had said about His future meeting with them. He then declared that it would be a long time before he saw them, that they would have to go through a path of suffering (John 16:2), then he said that he would come to them soon, as soon as he had prepared for them a dwelling in heaven (John 14:3), so they could assume that the separation would last only a few hours. The apostles were already confused by this expression “yet a little while.”

“I go to the Father.” In addition, His words: “I am going to the Father” also disturbed them. Some of them were probably inclined to see in them a hint of Christ’s coming glorious ascension into heaven, similar to that which was conferred upon the prophet Elijah, who was taken from the earth in a “chariot of fire and horses of fire” (2 Kings 2: 11). But then it seemed incomprehensible what His recent return Christ was talking about. Will His stay in heaven be short? But this contradicted what the Lord said to the apostles earlier (John 13:36 – 14:3). They may also have thought that Christ would appear to them at His last coming when He would come to judge the world (Matt. 19:28). But this “a little more” confused all their ideas.

16:18. And they said to themselves: what is this that says: a little while? We don’t know what he’s talking about.

16:19. Jesus understood, therefore, that they wanted to ask Him, and said to them: is this why you ask one another, when I said: a little while, and you will not see Me, and again: in a little while, and you will see Me?

16:20. Verily, verily, I say unto you, that ye shall weep and wail, and the world shall rejoice; you will be grieved, but your sorrow will turn to joy.

“your sorrow shall be turned into joy.” Christ answers the disciples’ bewilderment about the meaning of His words: “a little while longer, and you will not see Me, and again after a little while, and you will see Me.” The Lord repeats again that sorrow and weeping for His death (in verse 20 the verb θρηνεῖν means weeping for the dead, cf. Matt. 2:18) will quickly be replaced among the disciples by joy – of course, because of Christ’s resurrection from the dead. The world will rejoice, thinking that it has conquered Christ, and this joy of the world will sadden even more the disciples of Christ, already crushed by the death of the Master. But both joys will be very short-lived. The turnaround will come quickly and unexpectedly.

16:21. A woman, when she gives birth, is in pain, because her hour has come; but, after she has given birth to the child, for joy she no longer remembers the pain, because a man has been born into the world.

“a woman when she gives birth.” The disciples’ grief will be sudden, like a woman who unexpectedly feels the onset of painful labor pains while in the middle of a holiday or work! But Christ wants to present not only the unexpectedness of His resurrection to the disciples, but also its especially joyful character. The joy of the disciples when they see the resurrected Christ can be compared to the fullness of joy experienced by a woman who has just given birth. She immediately forgets the pains of childbirth and is filled with joy when she sees her child. Some interpreters continue the comparison begun by the Savior. They compare Him to a newborn child who has entered into a new life at the resurrection, as a new Adam (1 Cor. 15:45).

16:22. So you are now grieved; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take away from you;

The Lord describes the consequences of His new coming to the disciples after the resurrection – their joy at meeting Him will be permanent.

16:23. and on that day you will not ask Me anything. Truly, truly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you.

“him day”. (cf. John 14:20), i.e. during the conversations with the resurrected Lord.

“you shall ask Me nothing.” We know that even after the resurrection, the disciples asked the Lord about things that particularly concerned them (for example, about how the kingdom of Israel would be organized; Acts 1:6). Therefore, the expression οὐκ ἐρωτήσεις is rather understood in the sense of “you shall not continually ask questions about every word of mine which you do not understand, and even continually repeat the same questions, as in this conversation of ours” (verse 18). The state of the apostles, which was then like inexperienced children, questioning the elders about everything, will change after they see the resurrected Christ – they will mature and become adults.

“Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you.” Here is another indication of the new position of the apostles in relation to God after the resurrection of Christ. Before that, the weight of the thought of the fate of the Son of God filled them with fear before the Lord’s right hand, which so terribly punishes the innocent Christ for the sins of humanity. And after the resurrection, they will begin to look at this right hand as containing all the mercies for those redeemed by Christ’s sufferings.

16:24. Until now you have asked nothing in My name; ask, and you shall receive, that your joy may be full.

 “Until now”, i.e. before Christ ascended to the Father and received eternal glory and in His humanity, the apostles did not ask anything in His name (cf. John 14:13), i.e. in their prayers they they turned directly to the God of their fathers, without relying on the name of their Master and Lord Jesus Christ. After Christ’s glorification, it will be especially joyful for them that in their prayers they will invoke the name of Christ, who is so close to them, and in this His closeness they will find a guarantee that their prayers will not remain unfulfilled.

16:25. These things I spoke to you in parables; but the hour is coming when I will no longer speak to you in parables, but will openly make known to you about the Father.

16:26. That day you will ask in My name, and I do not tell you that I will ask the Father for you; 16:27. for the Father Himself loves you, because you loved Me and believed that I came forth from God.

“These things I have spoken unto you in parables.” The farewell speech of the Lord is drawing to a close. The Lord says that everything He has said so far in this discourse (for example, John 13:32; 14:2, etc.) is in the form of parables, and His disciples, after hearing them, turned to Christ with questions and perplexities. (cf. Matt. 13:36). However, the time will soon come when the Lord will “directly” communicate to the apostles what they need to know, so that Christ does not need to accompany His speech with special explanations. But what time is Christ referring to here? Is it the relatively short period from His resurrection to His ascension into heaven, or the entire time of His Church’s existence on earth? Since this speech refers primarily to the apostles (who at this stage knew everything vaguely, as if under a veil), it is better to see in Christ’s promise an indication only of His personal treatment of the apostles after His resurrection, when He will ” open their minds to understand the Scriptures” (Luke 24:45).

“I do not say to you that I will ask the Father for you.” This does not mean that the intercession of Christ for the apostles will cease: love, as the apostle says, never ceases (1 Corinthians 13:8) and always continues to intercede for the beloved. But the Lord wants to say that the apostles themselves will find themselves in a new close relationship with God, because because of their love for Christ and their faith in Him, they will be honored with the Father’s love.

16:28. I proceeded from the Father and came into the world; again I leave the world and go to the Father.

16:29. His disciples said to him: behold, now you speak openly, and you do not tell any parable.

16:30. Now we understand that you know everything, and you don’t need anyone to ask you. Therefore we believe that you came from God.

“I came from the Father…and I go to the Father.” In order to explain to the disciples the purpose of His departure from them, the Lord once again repeats that as He came forth from the Father, so He must return to Him. But now he says it short and clear. The disciples are satisfied with the clarity of these words of their Master, such clarity as they needed. This ability of Christ to penetrate into the innermost corners of the human heart prompts the disciples to confess once more their faith that He really came forth from God and therefore has divine knowledge. He does not need to wait for their questions to find out who needs to know what from Him.

16:31. Jesus answered them: do you believe now?

“do you believe now?”. In response to this confession, the Lord accepted their faith as a fact (instead of: “Do you now believe?” it is better to translate: “yes, now you believe”).

16:32. Behold, the hour is coming, and it has already come, for you to run away, everyone to your homes, and leave Me alone; but I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.

you “run away”. The Lord says that this faith in the apostles will soon weaken to such an extent that they will abandon their Master (cf. Mark 14:27 and 50).

“The Father is with Me.” “However – Christ notes, as if to reassure the apostles for the coming time, when they will consider all Christ’s work lost, – I will not be alone, the Father is always with Me”.

16:33. I have told you this so that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have sorrows; but take heart: I have overcome the world.

This is the conclusion of the discourses of chapters 15 and 16 (chapter 14 has its own special conclusion in verse 31). For this reason, the Lord spoke the additional speeches in chapters 15 – 16, so that the apostles would have “peace in Him”, i.e. the peace that He has and with which He goes to suffering (cf. John 14:27). And this peace must be based on the same thing with the apostles as it was with Christ, namely that Christ is certain of His victory over the world hostile to Him, which already, one might say, lies at His feet as defeated (cf. John 13:31). In the same way, the disciples must draw strength from the thought of their Master’s victory to endure the trials ahead (cf. verse 21).

Some modern exegetes consider chapters 15 and 16 to have been inserted by a later author. The main basis for this opinion is that in John 14:31 the Lord invites the apostles to “get up and go” from the upper room, thus recognizing the farewell discourse as finished. But critics are in vain embarrassed by this circumstance. As it was said above (see the interpretation of John 14:31), the Lord was able to continue His conversation with the disciples, seeing that they were not able to follow His invitation, could not, because of their great sorrow, get up from their seats.

Likewise, the other ground relied upon by the critics for not recognizing the authenticity of these chapters is of little force. Namely, they say that these chapters partly repeat what is already known from John 13:31 – 14:31 (Heitmuller). But what wonder is there in the fact that the Lord, comforting His disciples, sometimes repeats the same thoughts? It is obvious that they needed such a repetition because they did not get things clear enough the first time.

Source in Russian: Explanatory Bible, or Commentaries on all the books of the Holy Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments: In 7 volumes / Ed. prof. A. P. Lopukhin. – Ed. 4th. – Moscow: Dar, 2009, 1232 pp.