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GHRD’s UN Side Event: Human Rights in Pakistan


On October 2, 2024, GHRD hosted a side event at the 57th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland. The event was chaired by GHRD’s Mariana Mayor Lima and featured three key speakers: Professor Nicolas Levrat, the UN Special Rapporteur on Minority Issues, Ammarah Balouch, Sindhi lawyer, activist and UN Women UK delegate, and Jamal Baloch, a political activist from Balochistan and previous victim of an enforced disappearance orchestrated by the Pakistani State.

Professor Levrat highlighted that, while human rights are formally universal, they are not de facto enjoyed equally in all countries, which is also the case in Pakistan. He emphasized that it is first and foremost the responsibility of States who are signatories to human rights treaties to implement their obligations and thereby guarantee human rights. Each treaty has its own treaty body which reports to the Human Rights Council. Additionally, there is the Universal Periodic Review, which allows the Human Rights Council to go beyond human rights as specifically stipulated in the treaties, and the special procedures, most prominently the UN Special Rapporteurs and other independent experts who can conduct country-specific or thematic investigations. Professor Levrat’s mandate derives from Article 27 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights which lays down States’ obligation to respect and protect minorities in their country. In his function, he has recently met the permanent mission of Pakistan in Geneva and requested access for a country visit. Beyond this, Professor Levrat highlighted that NGOs play a pivotal role in protecting human rights through awareness raising, alerting and documenting, but also through the exchange of best practices.

Ammarah Balouch presented the alarming reality of forced conversions and marriages of Sindhi girls in Pakistan. In the year 2018 alone, there have been at least 1,000 cases of abducted Sindhi girls who were forced to convert to Islam and subsequently married. Generally, an estimated 40% of Pakistani girls are married below the age of 18. On top of being members of religious minorities, the victims often come from economically marginalized backgrounds. The cases show gender, class and socio-economic status are deeply entangled with religion when it comes to violations of human rights of Sindhis. Furthermore, girls and their families face serious obstacles in accessing justice due to biases in the police and judiciary. To end the practice of forced conversion and marriage, Ammarah Balouch emphasized that the Sindh Criminal Law Protection of Minorities Bill needs finally to be passed into law and wide-spread education is needed to reform cultural and societal attitudes.

The last presentation was given by Jamal Baloch who delivered a strong testimony on the practice of enforced disappearances in Balochistan. Enforced disappearances are prominently used to silence political dissent and those speaking out in favor of human rights. Like his father before him, at the age of 17 Jamal Baloch was arbitrarily arrest, detained and tortured for his work as a human rights defender, which has left him with a significant trauma. He described enforced disappearances as an inhuman practice, mostly targeting young activists and students of the Baloch community who speak up for their people’s right to self-determination in order to make them withdraw their beliefs. Apart from the dehumanization in detention, the families of disappeared persons are often humiliated. Just yesterday, a group of five students as young as 13 was forcibly disappeared. According to Jamal Baloch, the situation is especially dire because the voices of victims cannot be heard due to the recent media blackout.

The panel concluded that there is an urgent need for cooperation between different minorities in Pakistan who find their human rights violated. In addition to urging States parties to human rights treaties to uphold their obligations, it is of vital importance for human rights defenders and NGOs to promote the universality of human rights. Lastly, accountability for perpetrators needs to be ensured by the international community, to the extent of which an independent UN fact-finding mission should be established and the request of the Special Rapporteur answered in the positive.

A heartfelt appeal for peace in the Holy Land and all the Middle East

A heartfelt appeal for peace in the Holy Land and all the Middle East

COMECE // In light of the tragic anniversary of the October 7 terrorist attacks on the Israeli people, and in the face of the exceptionally grave humanitarian crisis in the region, alongside the dangerous Middle Eastern political dynamics involving an increasing number of actors, COMECE issues the following statement from its President, H.E. Mgr. Mariano Crociata, on Thursday, 3 October 2024.

“On behalf of the Bishops of COMECE, I wish to express our deepest concern about the vortex of violence that has engulfed the Holy Land, Lebanon and other parts of the Middle East in recent months. Each day brings the risk of further escalation, intensification and expansion of the conflict across the region, threatening the dignity, lives and livelihoods of hundreds of thousands of people.

As we approach the tragic anniversary of the October 7 terrorist attacks on the Israeli people, we cannot fail to reiterate our great sorrow over the devastating waves of violence that the Holy Land and the Middle East region have witnessed in these past twelve months. This has not only resulted in an exceptionally grave humanitarian crisis and inconceivable human suffering in all communities, but also generated dangerous regional political dynamics involving an increasing number of actors.

This situation is source of grave concern to us also for its repercussions in Europe and in the world. The resurgence of anti-Semitism, radicalisation and xenophobia not only threatens social cohesion, but also leads to deplorable acts of violent extremism and terrorism.

Echoing the repeated peace appeals of Pope Francis, we urge all conflict parties, as well as all persons and groups inciting violence, to refrain from any actions that could lead to further escalation and polarisation.

We call for an immediate ceasefire on all fronts and for respect of international and humanitarian law. We appeal for the necessary protection of civilians, hospitals, schools and places of worship, as well as the release of all hostages and safe, unhindered humanitarian access.

The European Union, together with other regional and international actors, is called to pursue with determination the dialogue with all conflict parties in view of a just and lasting peace. This should include renewed diplomatic efforts towards a two-state solution, one Israeli and one Palestinian, as well as an internationally guaranteed special status for the City of Jerusalem, so that all Israelis and Palestinians may finally live in dignity, security and peace.”

We invite all people of good will to join the appeal of Pope Francis to observe a day of prayer and fasting for peace in the world on Monday, 7 October 2024. In view of this occasion, on which the Catholic Church prays in a particular way to Mary, Our Lady of the Rosary, we wish to share the following prayer for peace proposed by H.Em. Card. Pierbattista Pizzaballa OFM, the Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem:

Prayer for peace

Lord our God,
Father of the Lord Jesus Christ,
and Father of all mankind,
Who in the cross of Your Son
and through the gift of His own life,
at great cost You wished to destroy
the wall of enmity and hostility
that separates peoples and makes us enemies:
Send into our hearts
the gift of the Holy Spirit,
that He may purify us from every feeling
of violence, hatred and revenge,
enlighten us to understand
the irrepressible dignity
of every human person,
and inflame us to the point of consumption
for a peaceful and reconciled world
in truth and justice,
in love and freedom.
Almighty and eternal God,
in Your hands are the hopes of men
and the rights of every people:
Assist with Your wisdom those who govern us,
so that, with Your help,
they will become sensitive to the sufferings of the poor
and of those who suffer the consequences
of violence and war;
may they promote the common good and lasting peace
in our region
and throughout the earth.
Virgin Mary, Mother of Hope,
obtain the gift of peace
for the Holy Land that gave birth to you
and for the whole world. Amen.

OSCE Workshop Tackles Rising Drug Crisis Among Youth in Central Asia

girl in pink hair doll
Photo by Matteo Badini on Unsplash

Dushanbe, Tajikistan – 3 October 2024 – In an urgent response to the escalating drug crisis impacting youth across Central Asia, the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) convened a regional workshop focusing on the prevention of drug use and the supply of new psychoactive substances (NPS). The two-day event, held on 2 and 3 October, brought together over 40 experts, policymakers, and law enforcement professionals from various Central Asian nations, alongside representatives from several international organizations, including the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the European Union.

During the workshop’s opening session, Maksudjon Duliyev, the head of the UNODC office in Tajikistan, expressed grave concerns regarding the global drug crisis, citing the latest World Drug Report, which revealed that 292 million people worldwide engage in drug use, yet only one in eleven individuals with drug use disorders receives adequate treatment. “Behind these numbers are real lives—families forever changed by this crisis,” Duliyev stated, underscoring the human toll of the epidemic.

Duliyev further highlighted the rising threat from NPS, reporting that 566 new substances were identified globally in 2022, with 44 classified as new, underscoring the urgent need for effective prevention strategies targeting vulnerable youth populations.

Ambassador Willy Kempel, head of the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe, reiterated the gravity of the situation, linking it to established drug production and smuggling routes originating from neighboring Afghanistan. “The critical need for regional collaboration cannot be overstated,” Kempel remarked, emphasizing the necessity of cultivating ongoing cooperation efforts to combat the drug crisis effectively.

Addressing the same issues, Miguel de Domingo, Head of Unit for Security, Peace, and Development at the Fundación Internacional y para Iberoamérica de Administración y Políticas Públicas (FIIAPP), pointed to the rapid proliferation of NPS as a new challenge for public health. “The role of digital platforms in the distribution of NPS is particularly concerning,” de Domingo noted, calling for increased monitoring and regulation to curb the growing influence of these substances among young people.

Throughout the workshop, participants engaged in discussions surrounding various pertinent topics, including emerging trends in drug trafficking, risk and protective factors influencing NPS use, and the critical role of international cooperation in establishing early warning systems and rapid response strategies. The emphasis on evidence-based prevention programs tailored specifically for young people was a focal point of many discussions, illustrating a commitment to addressing the unique challenges faced by this demographic.

The event concluded with a call for joint efforts and sustained cooperation across countries to effectively mitigate the threats posed by NPS and other illicit drugs. As Central Asia grapples with this pressing issue, the urgency for collaborative action and innovative prevention strategies has never been clearer, promising a more cautious future for the region’s youth.

The Jewish Question and the Bulgarian Cinematography


By Biserka Gramatikova

The year is 1943 and Bulgaria has just told Hitler that he will not receive the Bulgarian Jews. The untold but true tale of how nearly 50,000 Jewish Bulgarians were saved from deportation and death – true story from a forgotten chapter of European history. Europe’s major powers are at war and King Boris III of Bulgaria must choose a side or be swept away. How the power of the civil society in Bulgaria outwitted the Nazis and save nearly 50,000 Jewish lives!

The subject of the Holocaust is still difficult to comprehend, but art and, in particular, cinema does not stop with attempts. As a result, we have films that have become timeless classics: Roberto Benigni’s Life is Beautiful, Alan Pacula’s Sophie’s Choice, Steven Spielberg’s Schindler’s List, Roman Polanski’s The Pianist, and many others.

In the second half of the 1950s, Bulgarian cinematography, nationalized in 1947 by the new communist government, began to feel a slight improvement. New forces and ideas flow into creative life due to the death of Stalin, which changes the course of social development in the countries oriented towards the USSR. One of the most important new trends in art is the desire to recreate more complex, ambiguous characters in acute life situations.

This new creative breath, albeit with a slight delay, reaches the Bulgarian cinema, which allows itself to imitate the more developed world cinematography.

In the 50s, some of the most notable Bulgarian directors made their debut, including Rangel Valchanov. Already in his debut film “On the small island” Valchanov worked with the screenwriter Valery Petrov. The film is aimed at those born after the victory of fascism, who have forgotten the horror and high cost of that historical time. The characters are prisoners on an island in the Black Sea who plot an escape.

The Central Committee of the Bulgarian Communist Party accuses the film of pessimism and a lost sense of historical perspective. The authorities are watching the film industry, ready to cut off all attempts at “ideological deviations” from the generally accepted official historical-political line. Nevertheless, the film remains in history as one of the best productions in our latitudes for its time.

“Stars” (German: Sterne) is a 1959 feature film (war, drama) directed by Konrad Wolff and Rangel Valchanov. The screenwriter of the co-production between Bulgaria and the DDR is Angel Wagenstein.

The plot tells about the events of 1943, when a group of Nazi soldiers escorting Greek Jews to the Auschwitz death camp stopped in a small Bulgarian town.

Walter (Jürgen Frorip), a non-commissioned officer from the German army, skeptical and intellectually insecure, most unexpectedly even for himself, falls in love with the Jewish girl Ruth (Sasha Krusharska). This new feeling makes him rethink what is happening around him and brings him face to face with the inhumane nature of fascism.

In its essence, the film “Stars” is anti-fascist. It is almost an independent genre in Soviet cinema. Usually in these plots the heroism of the mass and the collective is emphasized. However, due to its sincere attitude towards the Jewish question, the film managed to earn a special prize of the Cannes jury and the following definition from a prestigious French publication:

“It is certainly one of the most human films dealing with the Jewish question. Its greatness is that it is devoid of all propaganda.”

"Stars" is considered to be the first German film to deal with the subject of the Holocaust and the responsibility of the Germans for the tragic historical events. In Bulgaria, the tape was stopped from distribution because of "abstract humanism". A particular controversy is the lack of distinction between the Jewish bourgeoisie and the Jewish proletariat.

When we talk about the era and say that Bulgarian cinema looks outside to get a charge. Such a charge was made for the first time in Europe with Wanda Jakubowska’s film The Last Stage (1947), one of the striking productions of the Polish School. This is the first film about the Holocaust, and its plot is based on autobiographical motifs from Jakubovska’s life. The tape was shot in Auschwitz, where the director ended up in 1942.

November 10, 1989 the Bulgarian cinematography changed radically.  Hopes of a boom as soon as the funding was in private hands proved to be more than delusional. On the contrary, nobody seems to have a clear idea of ​​how to make cinema outside the familiar structure, and the network of movie theaters has been destroyed.

Аt the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st did worthwhile film productions appear, subject to analysis and evaluation.

Ivan Nichev is one of the few Bulgarian directors who manage to fit into the chaotic creative environment in our country and create films that are significant in a European context.

Nichev created the Jewish trilogy “After the End of the World” (1998), “Journey to Jerusalem” (2003) and “The Road to the Costa del Maresme” / “Bulgarian Rhapsody” (2014). The last of the three films is the first Israeli-Bulgarian film co-production, shot on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the rescue of the Bulgarian Jews.

"This topic is both familiar and unfamiliar," says the director. "In the very beginning, when I was showing After the End of the World in America, it struck me that a lot of people weren't quite aware of the story. I was invited there eight or nine times in various cities and festivals, I traveled almost all over America. Many people had a hard time guessing where our small, wonderful country was located. And this makes me ambitious to make the second film - "Journey to Jerusalem", because it is worth it for these people to know about the glorious pages of ethnic tolerance and good neighborliness, especially in a region such as the Balkans.

“The Bulgarian is capable of selfless acts of dedication to the other person, even when it is very difficult. It is something we must remember that we possess. Of course, in difficult times like ours, such feelings begin to dull. But we should not think that our people are not capable of magnanimous gestures towards the neighbor. History shows it and it is national pride,” says the director in another interview.

Note: A presentation “The Jewish Question and Bulgarian Cinema” was given by youth facilitator Biserka Gramatikova at the interfaith weekend “Seeding the Peace.BG” (26-29.09.2024) a continuation of URI Europe‘s interfaith camp held in August in The Hague, resonating with this year’s UN Day of Peace theme: Cultivating a Culture of Peace. The session presented a film retrospective dedicated to one of the darkest pages in human history, which for a number of reasons brings us Bulgarians one of the brightest examples of tolerance and unity around a humane cause.

Photo: Screenshot from the film “Stars” (German: Sterne), Bulgaria-Deutsche Demokratische Republik, a 1959 feature film (war, drama) directed by Konrad Wolff and Rangel Valchanov.

Seeding the peace and friendship in Yakoruda – a journey beyond cultures and religions


26-29.09.2024 – interfaith weekend in Yakoruda, Bulgaria

On the occasion of the United Nations International Day of Peace on 21 September, the association “Bridges – Eastern European Forum for Dialogue” held a three-day interfaith weekend in Yakoruda.

From 26 to 29 September 2024, Hotel Helier was home to a group of 42 participants from 16 different places, belonging to 4 religious traditions – Orthodox Christians, Catholics, Muslims and Protestants.

“Seeding the Peace.BG” was a continuation of United Religions Initiative Europe‘s interfaith camp held in August in The Hague, resonating with this year’s UN Day of Peace theme: Cultivating a Culture of Peace. The format was fully funded by the Bridges Association, thanks to winning the first Prize of King Abdullah II of Jordan Award for Interfaith Harmony, in competition with 1186 events from around the world held in the framework of the UN Week of Tolerance (WIHW).

“Nestos Youth Initiatives” Association were our partners and hosts in Yakoruda.

Day 1 – Opening, weekend objectives and ice breaking

During the first day of the interreligious weekend, the official guests of the opening ceremony were the Archpriest of the Razlog Diocese, Fr. Danail from Yakoruda, Pastor Traycho Stefanov from the Evangelical Church of St. John in Sofia. The Regional Mufti of Blagoevgrad Osman Kutrev and the Secretary of the Muftiate were not only among the dignitaries, but they themselves participated in the youth forum. Among the guests were also representatives of the local authorities in Yakoruda and Belitsa – dep. Mrs. Osman and Mrs. Tabakova, as well as principals of schools in the region.

Chair of BRIDGES opened the forum and welcomed the guests and participants “to this different event, which is extremely significant for us and we believe that with it we will open a new chapter in the interreligious and intercultural dialogue in Bulgaria, with the help and active participation of all of you. It is an honour to be together, to walk on the bridge of friendship, despite our differences and in fact because of them.  Thank you for your willingness not to let our differences stand in the way of living and working together for a better world.”

The goals of the interfaith weekend were outlined, as well as the organizers’ idea of creating a sustainable structure, strengthening partnerships and planning future initiatives on a national scale. Yakoruda was chosen to be the home of Seeding the Peace.BG for a reason, it marked our long-standing partnership and friendship with Hatidje Djurina, the President of the “Youth Initiatives Nestos” Association.

She said that the local community is welcoming, ready for such initiatives and happy to host us.

After the official opening, youth leaders Silvia Trifonova and Ahmed Gorelski took the baton. With ice-breaking games the participants got to know each other and learnt their names. Then they divided into 3 working groups to work on specific topics for the next three days.

In the evening, the group was joined by special guest HRH Prince Boris Saxe-Coburg-Gotha the guardian of the Bulgarian crown.

Day 2 – Eco-justice and meeting with religious leaders in Yakoruda

The second day of the interfaith weekend “Seeding the Peace” offered colourful activities in which participants gave their bid for a better future – one in which man lives in peace with his neighbour as well as in peace with his earthly home.

The 6 young participants from Bulgaria at the URI Europe camp in The Hague gave an exciting presentation about their summer experience, which generated valuable friendships and unforgettable emotions. Each of them shared what they had learned and experienced with the other participants from the Netherlands, Belgium and Albania.

With a school bus from the municipality, the group headed to the city for meetings with the leaders of the two religious communities in the community – Muslims and Orthodox Christians. At the mosque in Yakoruda, the guests were warmly welcomed by the Regional Mufti of Blagoevgrad, Osman Kutrev, as well as by his deputy in the town and the Imam of the local mosque.

Immediately afterwards Fr. Danail welcomed the group at the St. St. Cyril and Methodius” and shared highlights from the centuries-old history of interreligious coexistence in the community.

The words of each of the religious leaders overlapped as a testimony to the sincere spirit of good neighborliness and tolerance of the people in the area.

A constant companion in the walk was HRH Prince Boris Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, whose ancestors, it became clear, had left their spiritual and material mark on the community. We found out that even the main street of Yakoruda bears the name “Tsar Boris III”.

After lunch HRH Prince Boris Saxe-Coburg-Gotha told us about his deep family connection with Jordan, as well as about the project marking the locations of the Holy Scriptures in the country, the cradle of Christianity. A temporal, spatial and cultural bridge.

Seen from above, the world has no borders. The bird’s-eye view removes distinctions – between countries, cultures, people, religions… This is what one might think as the Prince steers a drone high in the clouds above Yakoruda in the way he captured the landscape of the holy sites in Jordan a year earlier.

The second half of the day was dedicated to the ecological values that underpin our existence. Eco-justice and our footprint on the environment, the conservation of water resources and the responsibility we each have. Youth leaders Silvia Trifonova and Ahmed Gorelski illustrated the idea of natural balance with a series of fun games, culminating in the planting of a tree (acacia) of peace and hope. Each participant “planted” symbolically around the tree a wooden heart with wild flower seeds, on which they wrote their message of peace.

The BRIDGES team and partners from Tervel and Aytos outlined short-term goals and future plans, building clubs in the country and national meetings.

Day 3 – Partnerships, trip to Razlog, cultural evening

On the third day of “Seeding the Peace”, the Holocaust and the “Jewish Question and Bulgarian Cinema” found a place in the morning sessions. Dr. Peter Gramatikov, Bridges board member and former URI Europe Global Trustee, shared briefly about the Holocaust and the projects implemented during the last few years with the support of Olga Lenguel Institute (TOLI). An interesting presentation on “The Jewish Question and Bulgarian Cinema” was given by youth facilitator Biserka Gramatikova. The session presented a film retrospective dedicated to one of the darkest pages in human history, which for a number of reasons brings us Bulgarians one of the brightest examples of tolerance and unity around a humane cause.

Immediately afterwards, each of the three groups set to work actively on their themes and creating conceptual projects.

At noon, the entire group of 42 boarded the attraction’s narrow gauge train to Razlog. During the trip, everyone enjoyed the incredibly picturesque mountain landscapes.

In Razlog we were welcomed at the train station by Kostadinka Todorova and the coordinating team of the Anna Lindh Foundation for Bulgaria and Association “International Cooperation Initiatives”. They showed us the sights of the town and treated us with typical regional dishes.

Even more remarkable was the experience in the office of the organization, where, according to an old Bulgarian custom, we were welcomed with geraniums and homemade banitsa – zelnik.  We were surprised with a rich cultural program presented by the folklore group “Dobarskite babi” , which is included in the national list of living human treasures. They greeted the group with several folk songs from the region. Especially for HRH Prince Boris Saxe-Coburg-Gotha a unique wedding ceremony was presented.

Along with this surprise, we had the opportunity to hear from Kostadinka about Anna Lindh’s mission and work globally and nationally. They devoted time to introduce mission and philosophy of the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Bulgarian Anna Lindh Network of which Association “International Initiatives for Cooperation” is the coordinator, and Bridges – Eastern European Forum for Dialogue is one of our active members. We had a chance also to discuss next steps in our partnership and specifically in the realization of a conceptual project, the “Peace Pallete” Assembly which aims to promote intercultural cooperation in the Mediterranean and sow peace and understanding between different nations, religions, ethnicities… This project can bring together the potential and competencies of BRIDGES, Anna Lindh and URI networks.

We took the narrow-gauge back to Yakoruda, where the cultural programme prepared by our talented participants was the highlight of the day. Music, poetry and theatrical interpretations beautifully interwoven in the program. Undoubtedly the icing on the cake were Agleya Kaneva and Boris Petkov, who ended the concert with jazz interpretations and songwriting.

Day 4 – Presentation of results, future plans, certificates.

Day 4 of the Interfaith Weekend “Seeding the Peace” was a time for reflection, a closing session and an emotional farewell between the youth and the organizers.

HRH Prince Boris Saxe-Coburg-Gotha presented all the young participants with certificates for their active contribution to the realisation of the event and to the establishment of a religious and cultural dialogue with the local communities. He himself received a certificate of appreciation from the Bridges Association for his contribution and support to the cause and the format.

The three youth teams presented the thematic projects they had been developing over the three previous days. United by the motto “Seeding the Peace”, the participants developed in detail three concepts: a youth camp, a concert and an international peace assembly with the working title “Palette of Peace”. During the presentation we saw many fun surprises, creative ideas, large-scale programmes, which we started to dream about together.

The weekend ended with an exciting exchange of symbolic gifts during which everyone revealed their “secret friend”. As expected, the game only confirmed the true friendship between the participants.

Before leaving, each attendee left their mark on the colorful peace tree painted by Dilek and Eileen and received a seed bracelet to plant in their home.

ODIHR opens election observation mission in the United States

elections vote box with person voting
Photo by Arnaud Jaegers on Unsplash

WASHINGTON D.C., 1 October 2024 – The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) today opened an election observation mission for the 5 November general elections in the United States, following an invitation from the national authorities.

As one of the OSCE’s 57 participating States, the United States has committed to holding elections in line with OSCE standards and inviting international election observers. This is the eleventh time that ODIHR will assess federal elections in the U.S. since its first election observation mission in 2002.

This Limited Election Observation Mission is led by Tamás Meszerics and consists of 15 international experts based in Washington, D.C., and 64 long-term observers from 27 OSCE countries, who will be deployed throughout the United States from 5 October.

Observers will closely monitor all key aspects of the elections, including the campaign both online and offline, the work of the election administration, the legal framework and its implementation, respect for fundamental freedoms, campaign finance, the use of voting technologies, media coverage and the resolution of election disputes. Media monitoring will form an integral part of the observation. Observers will also assess the implementation of previous ODIHR election recommendations.

The mission will hold meetings with representatives of federal and state authorities, political parties, as well as from the judiciary, civil society and the media. On election day, ODIHR will join efforts with a delegation from the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA).

An interim report will be published some two weeks before the elections to update the public and media on the observation. The day after the elections, the mission’s preliminary findings and conclusions will be presented at a press conference. A final report assessing the entire election process and containing recommendations will be published some months after the end of the election process. 

Left Blocked from EUROLAT Leadership Role in European Parliament

European Parliament to discuss the resumption of hostilities in Nagorno Karabakh TheEuropeanTimes INFO
European Parliament to discuss the resumption of hostilities in Nagorno Karabakh TheEuropeanTimes INFO

During the election of vice-presidents for the Euro-Latin American Parliamentary Assembly (EUROLAT), the Left was blocked from reclaiming the 2nd Vice-Chair position through a maneuver by right-wing groups. The far-right “Patriots for Europe” nominated their own candidate, while the center-right EPP also put forward a contender. In the second round of voting, the Left’s nominee, João Oliveira, was ultimately defeated.

“The maneuver that blocked our group from reclaiming the 2nd Vice-Chair position in EUROLAT will not stop those of us who denounce the EU’s policies of interference in Latin America,” said Left MEP João Oliveira (PCP, Portugal).

The co-chairs of the Left, Manon Aubry (La France Insoumise, France) and Martin Schirdewan (DIE LINKE, Germany), added: “The European Parliament’s right-wing has violated the political balance to block us from positions we rightfully hold. The only Cordon Sanitaire should apply to the far-right, who undermine democracy. This is a clear attempt to marginalize voices that denounce the EU’s complicity in violent, destabilizing actions by far-right forces. We will continue to fight against the neoliberal and militaristic agenda increasingly pushed by the EU.”

“Floating gas stations” in front of Bulgarian ports sell Russian fuel to passing ships


Two Russian tankers “Nikolay Velikiy” and “Nikolay Gamayunov” were refueling ships leaving the ports of Varna and Burgas on the border of Bulgaria’s 24-mile contiguous zone in the Black Sea. Risky offshore fueling was probably motivated by dumping prices, which were achieved after taxes and excise duties were not charged on the fuel sold.

This was shown on several reports of companies working in the field of ship agency. A large part of them work as intermediaries for the only company in the country that trades in marine fuel – “Lukoil – Bulgaria Bunker” EOOD.

Illustration: The ship “Nikolay Velikiy (the Great)” on September 16, 2024 in position near Cape Shabla (Screenshot from the Vessel Finder system).

After two failed attempts: The daughter of the last Greek king married


The wedding was postponed twice

Greece’s Princess Theodora celebrated her long-awaited wedding to American lawyer Matthew Kumar, marking an important event almost six years in the making.

On September 28, Theodora, daughter of the late King Constantine and Queen Anna-Maria, married her American fiancé in a Greek Orthodox wedding ceremony in Athens, Greece. Theodora, 41, announced her engagement to the Los Angeles lawyer in November 2018. Their wedding was postponed twice – first in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic and again after the death of Theodora’s father in January 2023 on 82 years old.

The couple exchanged vows at the capital’s Cathedral of the Annunciation – the same church where Theodora’s parents were married on September 18, 1964. King Constantine and Queen Anna-Maria share nearly 60 years of marriage and five children – Princess Alexia, Crown Prince Pavlos, Prince Nikolaos, Princess Theodora and Prince Philippos – before the King’s death.

Theodora and Matthew, 34, were married by His Eminence Dorotheos II, Metropolitan of Syros, with several family members in attendance, the official statement said.

The bride’s brothers, Crown Prince Pavlos, 57, and Prince Philippos, 38, were chosen as best men, as was the second son of Crown Prince Pavlos and Crown Princess Maria-Canthal, Prince Achilles-Andreas. At the same time, Pavlos and Maria-Chantal’s daughter, Princess Maria-Olympia, and Princess Alexia’s eldest daughter, Arietta Morales de Grecia, were asked to be bridesmaids.

Princess Theodora and Matthew’s engagement announcement gives insight into their decision to marry in Athens.

“The couple’s desire to hold their wedding in Athens reflects their love for Greece, the strong ties they have with the country, and their desire to share Greek culture and hospitality and identity with their guests,” the statement said.

Princess Theodora and Matthew had a busy week leading up to their wedding. Theodora, Matthew and her mother Queen Anna-Maria had an audience with the Archbishop of Athens on September 24, reported Hello! On September 27, they also went out to the place of their wedding – the Metropolitan Cathedral.

That evening, the bride and groom hosted a pre-wedding event at the Byzantine Museum, according to Hello!

Princess Theodora’s late father – Constantine – was the last king of Greece before the monarchy was abolished in 1973, although his descendants still represent the country as princes and princesses.

Theodora posted a heartfelt statement on Instagram after her wedding to Matthew was first called off, along with a close-up shot of the pair holding what looked like champagne glasses.

Source: People

Illustrative Photo by Bert Christiaens: https://www.pexels.com/photo/blue-and-white-flag-on-the-wall-6282766/

Polar bears split from brown bears 70,000 years ago, research shows


White (polar) bears separated from their brown relatives only 70,000 years ago – relatively recently by evolutionary standards, according to a Danish study.

A team of molecular ecologists from the University of Copenhagen has found that it was at this time that polar bears developed unique characteristics that allowed them to survive in a harsh and frosty environment.

In their study, published in the journal BMC Genomics, the team analyzed the genomes of polar bears, brown bears and a pair of fossilized polar bears. The researchers’ goal was to learn more about the timeline associated with the development of traits such as white fur and the ability to survive a high-cholesterol diet.

Previous research has shown that polar bears are closely related to brown bears, but until now it was not known when the two species diverged. With this study, the team from Denmark set themselves the task of finding the answer.

Some of the main differences between brown bears and polar bears are the color of their fur, but also the types of fur. Brown bears have one layer of fur and white bears two, which helps them keep warm and dry.

Polar bears have also developed the ability to eat fattier meat without it harming them. If brown bears were fed this way, they would develop cardiovascular disease and die young.

To learn more about when the two species diverged, the team analyzed the genomes of the two bear species, particularly genes related to fur type and color and cardiovascular system functions.

Comparing the genomes of 119 polar bears, 135 brown bears and the pair of fossilized polar bears, the researchers found differences dating back about 70,000 years. This suggests that they evolved their unique characteristics much sooner than previously thought.

Specifically, the team found seven genes associated with adaptation to polar conditions. The comparison also shows that the divergence was more gradual than scientists had thought.

The research team concluded that the differences in the genes related to the adaptation of the polar bears were probably influenced by their relatives who lived towards the end of the last ice age.