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Sudan: ‘We cannot work under the barrel of a gun,’ UN relief chief says

Sudan: ‘We cannot work under the barrel of a gun,’ UN relief chief says

“For three months now, the people of Sudan have endured unspeakable suffering amid violence that is tearing their country apart,” Martin Griffiths, UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, said in a statement.

“As the conflict enters its fourth month, the battle lines are hardening, making it ever more difficult to reach the millions of people who need urgent humanitarian assistance,” he added.

More than 3 million people have been displaced due to the conflict both within Sudan and across its borders; the fighting, which broke out in mid-April has reportedly claimed the lives of more than 1,100 people and injured over 12,000, according to the UN Office for Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA).

Health workers and facilities have also been attacked, severely limiting access for those in need, and with the onset of the rainy season, there is an increased risk of outbreaks of water- and vector-borne diseases, compounded by challenges in waste management and shortages of supplies.

Children are among the worst affected, with an estimated 13.6 million – roughly half the number remaining in Sudan – in urgent need of assistance.

‘World’s most difficult place’

Describing Sudan as “one of the world’s most difficult places for humanitarian workers to operate,” Mr. Griffiths emphasized the collaborative efforts of local organizations and international aid groups in delivering life-saving supplies.

However, that work cannot be carried out when relief workers themselves, are at risk.

“But we cannot work under the barrel of a gun. We cannot replenish stores of food, water and medicine if brazen looting of these stocks continues. We cannot deliver if our staff are prevented from reaching people in need.”

He underlined that ultimately, the suffering of Sudanese people will end only when the fighting stops, and called on the parties to the conflict to abide by the Declaration of Commitments they signed in Jeddah to protect civilians and respect international humanitarian law.

Each day ‘the misery deepens’

Each day the fighting continues, the misery deepens for Sudanese civilians

Drawing attention to the recent discovery of mass graves in West Darfur, Mr. Griffiths highlighted the fear of resurgence of ethnic killings in the region.

“Each day the fighting continues, the misery deepens for Sudanese civilians […] We must all redouble our efforts to ensure that the conflict in Sudan does not spiral into a brutal and interminable civil war with grave consequences for the region,” the UN official stressed.

“The people of Sudan cannot afford to wait,” he concluded.

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After centuries and in Saint Moulay Abdeslam the tribes of the Moroccan Sahara have united around the monarchy


The Alamiyine Shorfas and the Delegation of the Tribes of the Southern Sahara Provinces of the Kingdom of Morocco reaffirm their strong bond within the framework of a unified Morocco from north to south

Sidi Nabil Baraka:

The visit confirms the sincerity of the national cohesion around the Commandery of the Faithful of Believers His Majesty King Mohammed VI

Sidi Hassan raguibi Al-Idrisi :

We cling to our Moroccanness and we bless all the initiatives taken by His Majesty King Mohammed VI.

The chorfas alamiyines of the Sufi Moulay Abdeslam pole of northern Morocco, and the delegation of the regions of the Moroccan Sahara, are united around the great and strong bond that has united them for centuries, within the framework of a unified Moroccan kingdom from north to south. , and an allegiance to the glorious Alawite throne.

In this context, Sidi Nabil Baraka explained in the name of the Sufi Way the Mashichiya Shadiliya and the chorfas alamiyines that the visit of relatives that the delegation of the southern provinces carries out with their cousins ​​​​on the tomb of the saint moulay abdeslam Ibn Mishish, is a beautiful ancestral tradition, and a spiritual celebration during which the honourable scholars of universal Sufism of the Mashichiya shadiliya of the world meet with the delegation of the southern provinces.

He added that this visit is part of the firm will to preserve the heritage of the ancestors, who made this visit an opportunity to exchange love and brotherhood and renew the alliance and loyalty to the glorious Alaouite throne.

Sidi Hassan Al Rguibi al-Idrisi said that the visit of the delegation of the Saharan provinces is not the first at the house of the Baraka family, but also their grandfathers and fathers have preceded them for centuries.

The visit of the delegations from the south carries many messages, first and foremost the attachment to their Moroccanness and affirms the strong bond that unites the Sahrawi tribes with their cousins ​​in northern Morocco.

Sidi Nabil Baraka had received, Friday, July 14, at his home the tribes of the southern province.

Originally published at Almouwatin.com

Ukraine has moved the celebration of Orthodox Christmas from January 7 to December 25


The aim of the bill introduced by President Volodymyr Zelensky is to “distinguish from the Russian heritage”

The Parliament of Ukraine voted yesterday to change the date of the Orthodox celebration of the Nativity of Christ from January 7 to December 25, switching to the Gregorian calendar, reported DPA and BTA.

The purpose of the bill introduced by President Volodymyr Zelensky is to “distinguish from the Russian heritage”.

In 2017, December 25 was declared a non-working day.

The largest Orthodox church in Ukraine – the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which has long-standing ties with the Moscow Patriarchate, has not yet commented on the change, DPA noted. The UOC observes the holidays according to the Julian calendar used by Russia.

Since Russia’s annexation of Crimea in 2014, Ukraine has been trying to cut ties with its Soviet and Russian past. Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine 16 months ago boosted those efforts.

Zakharova addressing Bulgaria: You will sell your nuclear reactors to people who have turned to terrorist activities


The blow from the war will be indirect, the dream of the USA is to destroy the economy of the EU, the spokesman of the Russian Foreign Ministry told Bulgarian journalist Martin Karbovsky‘s broadcast on his YouTube channel.

“Do you know who you are going to sell your nuclear reactors to – to people who have turned to extremist terrorist activity, who shelled the Zaporizhzhia NPP, who recently blew up an ammonia pipeline on their own territory.” This was stated by the spokesperson of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova, in an interview with Karbovsky on 13th of July.

“You want to tell me that you will sell them to people who blew up the Kakhovka hydroelectric plant? And if you have doubts that this is their doing, I will give you an example – since 2014, they have been constantly mining the power lines to Crimea, blocking the flow on water. These are acts of terrorism. Do you intend to supply energy capacities to these people,” Zakharova asked rhetorically.

She asked Karbovsky if he really thinks this is a conflict between Russia and Ukraine over territory.

“It is absolutely not the case, all the power of the Western world, first of all the USA and Great Britain, are at war with us, and the EU is being used by them,” emphasized the spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry and continued:

“But something else is scary for you – the main blow is directed indirectly – against the EU, this is the dream of the USA – to destroy the EU’s economy. That is why Great Britain left the EU in order not to take the economic blow”.

She emphasized that the goal of the United States is for many businesses to move there and pay their taxes in the United States.

“The EU has not been able to settle the Ukrainian crisis on its own continent for 8 years, because the USA did not allow it to do so,” Zakharova was categorical.

Source: @Martin_Karbowski is the YouTube channel where journalist Martin Karbowski publishes new and already aired original video materials.

Photo by Markus Distelrath: https://www.pexels.com/photo/low-angle-photo-of-nuclear-power-plant-buildings-emtting-smoke-3044470/

People are capable of hearing silence


Silence is indeed difficult to describe, but psychologists from Johns Hopkins University (USA) have discovered that we can hear it. The scientists presented their findings in the journal PNAS. For this purpose, the researchers conducted several experiments in which they used so-called auditory illusions. Like optical illusions, acoustic illusions can also distort our perception: thanks to the work of the brain, a person hears sounds that do not exist. There are many types of auditory illusions. One example is when one long beep appears longer to the listener than two consecutive short sounds, even if they are of the same length.

In experiments involving 1,000 people, a team of psychologists replaced the beeps in this auditory illusion with short periods of silence. Between these periods, the participants listened to all kinds of noises imitating the sounds of busy streets, markets, restaurants, railway stations.

Surprisingly, the results were the same as with the acoustic illusion described above. The volunteers thought that the long period of silence lasted longer than two other, shorter periods without sounds. “There is at least one thing that we hear, that we hear, that is not sound – silence. That is, these kinds of illusions that were previously thought to be unique to the auditory processing of sounds are also inherent in the case of silence: we actually hear the absence of sound,” says Ian Phillips, professor of philosophy, psychology and brain sciences, co-author of the research.

According to the scientists, their results open a new way to study the so-called perception of absence. The team plans to continue investigating the extent to which people perceive silence, including whether they hear silence that is not preceded by sound.

Photo by Sound On: https://www.pexels.com/photo/close-up-photo-of-woman-in-yellow-shirt-3761026/

Life and Drugs (part 2), The Cannabis

person in black leather gloves holding green plant

Cannabis is the most consumed substance in Europe by 15.1% of the population aged 15-34 with 2.1 % being daily cannabis users (EMCDDA European Drug Report June 2023). And 97 000 users entered for drug treatments related to cannabis use in 2021 and were involved in 25% of the acute toxicity presentations, usually mixed with other substances. Cannabis is with alcohol the gateway to drugs for young people leading to the universe of drugs.

If there was a government that had an interest in corrupting its governed, it would only have to encourage the use of hashish.

Artificial Paradises – Charles Baudelaire (1860)

Cannabis is a dioecious plant (plant female and plant male). Cannabis has 3 subspecies: Cannabis sativa sativa L., is 1.80 m to 3 m high, with long fibers for industrial use (named as “hemp”), with a flowering time of 60-90 days; the smaller C. s. indica (1m), flowers more quickly 50-60 days and the C. s. ruderalis, a wilder type. France is the top hemp producer in Europe and third in the world.

From a drug use point of view, only the flowers of sativa and indica are interesting because richer in cannabinoids located in numerous small vesicles, the trichomes, more located around the flower for a protection against the predators in the context of food chain vs. species survival!

Initially the C. sativa was considered for its euphoric effects, producing the “high” while the C. indica produces a relaxation of the cerebral activity, creating an effect “stone”, which sticks. According to the UNODC, Morocco, in the Rif, is the world’s largest producer of psychoactive cannabis plants for the production of hashish (resin form) but since 2021 the culture is regulated.

The Cannabinoid substances were discovered in the 1960s in Israel by the team of Raphael Mechoulam. More than 113 substances have been isolated in the plant but the majority of the effects and their functions are still under study. They are all soluble in lipids, alcohols and organic solvents but almost insoluble in water.

There are 3 types of cannabinoids: – phytocannabinoids of the fresh plant; they are transformed under the action of heat, light, and during drying; – synthetic cannabinoids developed in the laboratory; – endocannabinoids: 8 are currently listed. They are produced by certain organisms, derived from fatty acids in cell membranes, they constitute the endocannabinoid system.

A) Among the phytocannabinoids (molecules with 21 carbon atoms): -CBG (Cannabigerol) is derived from cannabigerolic acid (CBGA), a combination in the plant of olivetolic acid and geranyldiphosphate. CBGA, which is acidic, is easily broken down into CBG with the loss of CO2. The CBG (less than 1% of the plant) is considered as the “cannabinoid strain” with a low boiling point (52°C) and therefore easily transformable! Should be non-psychotropic. -THC (TetraHydroCannabinol). Delta 9-THC is the psychotropic drug responsible for the euphoric high and its weaker psychotropic isomer, the Delta 8-THC. THC is derived from the non-psychoactive acid : THCA.  -HHC (HexaHydroCannabinol-a hydrogenated THC) has also been isolated in small quantities in seeds and pollen, synthesized in 1947 by Adams Roger. Its psychotropic action is comparable to THC, it alters the perception of time. In 2023 HHC is already illegal in several EU countries (See also infra).

Let’s remember that unlike alkaloid psychotropic molecules as cocaine and morphine, the Delta 8-THC and Delta 9-THC are tricyclic terpenoid drugs. The cannabinoids are a class of lipophilic molecules, storing in fatty bodies including the brain (60% of lipids) and easily crossing phospholipid cell membranes. Thus, THC is detectable up to 14 days in the blood, 30 days in the urine and 3 months in the hair. -The famous CBD (Cannabidiol) which was discovered in 1940 is present in the plant. It also derives from the cannabigerolic acid (CBGA) but with a synthesis route different from the THC. The CBD oil can be extracted from the flowers either by cold pressing or by using cold carbon dioxide (CO2) or by chemical solvents (ethanol, butane,…) or by natural solvents (olive oil, coconut oil,…). CBD oil is the subject of important advertising and marketing campaigns praising its health benefits.

CBD was not considered addictive if it is pure, but in 2016 Merrick J. et al. had shown that in an acidic environment, CBD slowly transforms into Delta-9 and Delta-8 THC. And what is the gastric environment if not an acidic environment! Moreover, it has been shown by Czégény et al, 2021, that 25% to 52% of CBD used in e-cigarettes (temperature around 300 ° C) is transformed into THC. Similarly the works of Love C.A. et al, 2023, highlight the potential respiratory health risks for the users of CBD vaping products. There is also the idea of combining CBD and THC in therapeutic cases, with CBD attenuating the deleterious psychotropic effects of THC. Todd et al (2017) show that if a co-administration could be beneficial in the very short term, on the contrary it would have a potentiating effect of the THC in the long term.

CBD is the object of a powerful marketing network to the public. However, in June 2022 the EFSA (European Food Safety Authority Panel) considering the significant uncertainties and data gaps, concludes that the safety of CBD as a Novel Food cannot currently be established: there are insufficient data on the effects of CBD on the liver, gastrointestinal tract, endocrine system, nervous system and on people’s psychological well-being. NOTE: The semi-synthetic cannabinoids HHC (Hexahydrocannabinol) is already found in 20 European countries as ‘replacement for cannabis’ and also 3 new ones: the HHC-acetate, the HHcannabiphorol and the Tetrahydrocannabidiol all produced using the CBD extracted from low-THC cannabis (EMCDDA Report 2023). Their availability is raising concerns about the youth and public health and HHC is already illegal in several EU countries.

B) The synthetic cannabinoids are the most consumed such as Spices at the origin of suicides, the Buddha Blues, not expensive, equivalent to 95% of psychoactive substance, very popular with teenagers, circulates in colleges and high schools. Other names : Black Mamba, AK-47, Shooting Star, Yucatan, Moon Rocks,… Vaporized or ingested, the synthetic cannabinoids cause convulsions, cardiovascular and neurological disorders and psychosis. The peak of action is between 2 and 5 hours until 20 hours.

Manufactured from the 1960’s initially to search for receptors in the brain, they are lipophilic molecules of 22 to 26 carbons, having a higher binding affinity up to 100%, selective or not, for the same receptors as THC and the ones of the endogenous ligands. Thus we have 18 families listed in 2019 among which the CP (cyclohexylphenols), HU (the HU-210 a structural analog of THC is 100 times more powerful), JWH, AM, AB-FUBINACA, XLR, etc.

Studies of the Scientific Reports (2017, 7:10516), suggest that these synthetic cannabinoids exert serious side effects as well as proconvulsive properties (Schneir A.B. et al, 2012) where other authors show anticonvulsive effects in cases of severe epilepsy (Devinsky O. et al, 2016).

NOTE: The THC content of festive (and illegal) cannabis is typically 15% up to 30% compared to 0.2-0.3% of the original plant before genetic manipulation. Synthetic THC is 100 times more potent and produces zombies.

C) The EndoCannabinoid System (ECS) is one of the most important and complex communication systems of the body that contributes to homeostasis. It is phylogenetically very old, present from invertebrates to vertebrates except in protozoa and insects (Silver R.J., 2019). The ECS is composed of:

1) Membrane receptors consisting of 7 transmembrane helices with 3 extra and 3 intracellular loops. The NH2-terminal is extracellular and the COOH-terminal intracytoplasmic. Receptors couple with G proteins (a guanosine triphosphate binding) located on the internal side and which transmit the signal. They are : a)-The CB1 Receptor, discovered in 1988 (William et al.) and then identified by Matsuda L. et al. (1990). It is mainly located in the neurons of the Central Nervous System and weakly in the brainstem. In the periphery, it is present in the lungs, the gastrointestinal system, the testicles and ovaries. Its localization is mainly pre-synaptic. It is involved in psychotropic effects. The exogenous agonist is THC. Sagan S. et al. (2008), show that glial cells (astrocytes) have also G protein-coupled receptors, activated by cannabinoids, but distinct from the CB1 receptor. b)-The CB2 receptor (1993 by Munro S. et al.) is more peripheral. Mostly related to the cells of the immune system, including the spleen and amygdala. More involved in immunomodulatory effects.

2) Endogenous ligands. In the same way that the endogenous opioid system uses endorphins, the endocannabinoid system has its own signalling molecules: the endocannabinoids (8 are listed). These are neuromediators and neuromodulators synthesized in nerve cells and astrocytes “on demand” immediately with the entry of calcium into the neuron and they are not stored in vesicles. They are synthesized in the neuronal membrane from phospholipids. They have an inhibitory effect on the emission of dopamine, serotonin, glutamate and others. They have a retrograde synaptic signaling (from the postsynaptic neuron to the pre-synaptic). The most studied are: a)- the AEA for N-ArachidonoylEthanolAmide called Anandamide (from the Sanskrit ananda=felicity) isolated in 1992 by Mechoulam’s team; AEA is highly expressed in the hippocampus, cerebral cortex and cerebellum and also in the hypothalamus and brainstem. AEA has a high affinity for the CB1 receptor and a low affinity for CB2. AEA also acts on other systems such as vanilloid, peroxisome and glutamate receptors and activates transcription factors through the MAP-kinase pathway. AEA was also found in the cacao (di Tomaso E. et al, 1996). b)- the 2-AG for 2-Arachidonoylglycerol, a monoglyceride ester or ether, isolated in 1995. Has a high affinity for CB2 receptors, also for CB1. The binding of a ligand (AEA or 2-AG) on its receptor (CB1 or CB2) and the activation of the G-protein (GTP/GDP) are the first two steps required for the transmission of a signal inside the cell via a cascade of reactions. Also involved are adenylate cyclase, modulation of ion channels including calcium (Ca 2+) and potassium (K+), and the intervention of the phospholipase C.

3) Synthesis enzymes such as N-acyltransferase, phospholipases A2 and C.

4) Degradation enzymes. According Cravatt B.F. et al. 2001; Ueda N. et al. 2000, the 2 main ones are : a)-Fatty acid amide hydrolase (FAAH) with a single transmembrane domaine, it degrades the bioactive fatty acid amides class including AEA (anandamide) and the 2-AG. FAAH is localized in the post-synaptic neurons. b)-Monoacylglycerol lipase (MAGL) inactivates 2-AG (2-Arachidonoylglycerol) at 85% and also AEA .

Thus, studies have been shown that the EndoCannabinoid System is involved in: memory, mood, appetite, sleep, pain response, nausea, emotions, thermoregulation, immunity, male and female fertility, reproductive activities, the reward system and the use of psychoactive substances.

Psychoactive substances act on this ECS circuit by modifying the chemical balance of the Nervous System, which, not being naturally and correctly regulated, will influence the control of movements and emotions, creating this euphoria and illusion of well-being and generating dependence more or less slowly, according to Thorndike’s Law of Effect (1911): “A response is more likely to be reproduced if it leads to satisfaction for the organism and abandoned if it results in dissatisfaction”.

The psychoactive substances interfere with specific areas of the brain, which is composed of 3 basic parts that according to the theory will define our personality and character traits according to their respective influence:

-a reptilian or archaic brain dating back circa 400 million years. It is quite reliable, fast, manages basic perceptions and functions including: food, sexuality, homeostasis, survival reactions (attack or flight), but is compulsive. -then comes the limbic brain of mammals, 100 million years ago with 2 parts: Paleolimbic of lower mammals and the Neolimbic which distinguishes the good from the bad. It develops the learning, memory and emotions, it is the heart of the reward and punishment system in humans. -and finally the cerebral cortex or neo-cortex of primates and then human beings. It is the place of analysis, decision-making, intelligence, creativity, has a notion of future, and made the language possible. The brain is composed of some 90 billion cells, composed of highly plasticated neurons and glial cells. Its development ends around the age of 25 with a significant transition during adolescence, the change from the dependence of childhood to the autonomy of adult.

At the brain level, the Ventral Tegmental Area (VTA) of the mesolimbic midbrain is one of the primitive regions of the brain. Its neurons synthesize the neurotransmitter dopamine which their axons direct to the nucleus accumbens. The VTA is also influenced by endorphins and is the target of opiate drugs (morphine and heroin). -The nucleus accumbens plays a central role in the reward circuit (Klawonn A.M. and Malenka R.C., 2018). Its activity is modulated by dopamine which promotes craving and reward while serotonin has an inhibitory role. This nucleus is also connected to other centers involved in the reward system, including the hypothalamus. -The prefrontal cortex, a more recent region, is a significant relay of the reward circuit. Its activity is also modulated by dopamine. -Two other centers of the limbic system participate in the reward circuit: the hippocampus, which is the pillar of memory and the amygdala, which records perceptions.

-The neurotransmitter dopamine (pleasure molecule) plays a central role in positive reinforcement and contributes to addiction. -The GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), an inhibitor that is very present in the neurons of the cortex, participates in motor control and regulates anxiety. -The amino acid Glutamate is the most abundant excitatory neurotransmitter in the brain. It is associated with learning and memory. It regulates the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens. (Glutamate is also a food additive: E621). Its membrane receptor is the NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartic).

The origin of the “high” or euphoria is due to the properties of THC which binds more stably than AEA to CB1 receptors (60% vs. 20%) resulting in an excessive increase in dopamine release and a prolonged excitation of meso-limbic dopaminergic neurons, meso-accumbic (the nucleus accumbens) and meso-cortical neurons of the brain, in the reward system and providing pleasure, which will lead to the drug search and then dependence.

The Adolescence:

Adolescent behavior is often characterized by impulsivity, sensation-seeking and risk-taking behavior. This is related to the sequential brain maturation with the accelerated maturation of limbic structures (sensitivity to emotional and social signals) and then of the prefrontal cortex (rational and plans ahead) which evolution towards maturity is slower and therefore delayed (Giedd, J.N. et al. 1999; Casey, B.J. et al. 2008). Therefore, teenagers can have deep and complex emotions but they cannot fully control them. Hence the risk-taking and impulsiveness without yet assuming the consequences. This makes adolescence a perilous time of life, but also full of possibilities and with a great adaptability thanks to brain plasticity and synaptic pruning.

The Pathologies :

Cannabis has been associated epidemiologically with significant fetal malformations and cancer induction in children and adult populations.

1) Testicular cancer is most common in youth between the ages of 15-35 using cannabis according to the Cancer Research Foundation. There is an increased risk of testicular germ cell tumor (Gurney J. et al. 2015) by deregulation of the hypothalamic-pituitary axis. Indeed, CB1 and CB2 receptors are present in:

-the hypothalamus where THC blocks the hormone that controls sexual maturation at puberty and fertility, the ovulation hormone lutein and the testosterone;

-on testicular tissue, THC reduces testosterone production in Leydig cells and has a pro-apoptotic effect on Sertoli cells;

-on spermatozoa, THC alters concentration, count and motility with problems of infertility and impaired spermatogenesis (Gundersen T. D. et al. 2015). THC would be able to damage the DNA until the chromotripsis (bursting) of the chromosome with possibility of genetic transmission ( Reece A.S. and Hulse G.K. 2016).

2) Dong et al. 2019, already highlighted the neural and immune impact of cannabinoids on fetal and offspring development.

3)Hjorthoj C. et al 2023, clearly demonstrated an association between cannabis use disorder and schizophrenia affecting the way a person thinks, feels and behaves.

4)With a 20-year hindsight, the therapeutic legalization of cannabis in Colorado in 2000 has shown (Reece and Hulse, 2019) in women under 24 years of age consuming THC during their pregnancy, a 5-fold increase in teratogenic incidence in newborns such as spina bifida, microcephaly, trisomy 21, absence of partitions between the heart atria or ventricles, etc. These abnormalities may be correlated with the action of cannabinoids known to modify histones (including H3) as well as the methylation of Cytosine-Phosphate-Guanine sites of DNA, thus altering the regulatory systems of gene expression.

Costentin J. (CNPERT, 2020) reminds that THC consumption leads to epigenetic modifications that affect the immune system, cognitive activities, brain maturation, with the development of psychiatric disorders. In abortion products from cannabis-using mothers, the nucleus accumbens (in the limbic system) of these fetuses shows a decrease in mRNA (RNA messenger) coding for the dopaminergic D2 receptors and a rarefaction of these receptors. This under-expression altering the reward circuit would facilitate later the interest for drugs by the youth.

So, as far as the cannabis-youth relationship is concerned, -we need to tackle this widely popular substance very seriously and gather evidences against the harmful influence of biased and commercial arguments, -we need to make these data widely known to protect the young public and for the sake of future generations.

There are a large number of possible influences on adolescents such as protective and/or risk factors. They are : family, school and teachers, peers, neighborhood, leisure, media, culture and legislation. But the main one remains parents and parenting practices. Indeed, they can help (or not) to protect children by listening to and leading them by example.

Based on the contacts established across Europe by our volunteers with young people, parents, associations, teachers, social workers, health professionals, local and national leaders, security and police officers, The Truth About Drugs campaign was actively developed. This is a prevention campaign with education on health risks, aimed at youth and public awareness on the potential harms of marijuana and other illicit drugs, so that the risks are clearly understood.

« It is ignorance that blinds and misleads us. Open your eyes Ô miserable mortals » said Leonardo Da Vinci (1452-1519). Thus, empowered with the real facts on drugs, young people will be able to face with lucidity the different aspects of life problems related to drug use, to make the right decision and be able to fully realize their own potential.

This approach perfectly fit with the 2023 theme of the UN International Day: “People first: stop stigma and discrimination, strengthen prevention” .

If things were a little better known and understood, we would all lead happier lives” L.Ron Hubbard (1965)


Consult also the regulation in the EU: -Recreational use of cannabis – Laws and policies in selected EU Member States https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/BRIE/2023/749792/EPRS_BRI(2023)749792_EN.pdf

-International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking – EU action against illicit drugs https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/ATAG/2022/733548/EPRS_ATA(2022)733548_EN.pdf

About the drugs visit: www.fdfe.eu ; www.drugfreeworld.org

‘Chorus’ of Gravitational Waves Found

‘Chorus’ of Gravitational Waves Found

Gravitational waves, ripples in the fabric of time-space predicted by Albert Einstein more than a century ago, are permeating the universe at low frequencies, according to a multiyear National Science Foundation project led by Oregon State University scientists.

Pulsar timing array, gravitational waves.

Pulsar timing array, gravitational waves. Image courtesy of NANOGrav

The findings appear in a collection of four papers authored by researchers from the NANOGrav Physics Frontier Center co-directed by Xavier Siemens, professor of physics in the OSU College of Science.

Evidence of the gravitational waves, whose oscillations are measured in years and decades, was published this week in The Astrophysical Journal Letters.

“In the constant quest to advance human knowledge and understanding, this is a really important step along the journey,” Siemens said.

NANOGrav, which stands for North American Nanohertz Observatory for Gravitational Waves, is an international collaboration of nearly 200 astrophysics researchers whose mission is using radio pulsar timing to search for low-frequency gravitational waves.

Xavier Siemens, left, and Jeffrey Hazboun of the OSU College of Science.

Xavier Siemens, left, and Jeffrey Hazboun of the OSU College of Science.

Detecting a “chorus” of low-frequency gravitational waves, as NANOGrav has done, is a key to unlocking the mysteries of how structures are formed in the cosmos, said OSU astrophysicist Jeff Hazboun.

“We’ve opened up this new spectrum area for gravitational waves,” Hazboun said. “We’ve seen low-frequency waves, from a completely different part of the spectrum, which tells us that they’re a ubiquitous physical phenomenon and that we can look for them anywhere.”

Gravitational waves were first observed in 2015 by the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory, or LIGO.

The discovery of those waves, with frequencies of around 100 cycles per second, was a milestone event in physics and astronomy. It confirmed one of the main predictions of Einstein’s theory of relativity and earned a Nobel Prize in Physics for LIGO’s founders.

Pulsars are the rapidly spinning remains of massive stars that exploded as supernovas. They send out pulses of radio waves with extreme regularity, and a group of them is known as a pulsar timing array, or PTA.

Siemens said that Sixty-eight pulsars were used to gather evidence that the Milky Way galaxy is awash in a sea of low-frequency gravitational waves.

Einstein’s 1915 theory of general relativity predicted how gravitational waves should affect pulsar signals: By stretching and squeezing the fabric of time-space, gravitational waves should alter the timing of each pulse in a predictable way, delaying some pulses while speeding up others.

“The large number of pulsars used in the NANOGrav analysis has enabled us to see what we think are the first signs of the correlation pattern predicted by general relativity,” Siemens said. “We can use those pulsars as clocks spread out through the sky, and we can see how the ticking of the clocks changes from gravitational waves passing through our galaxy.”

NANOGrav began in 2007 and eight years later launched as a Physics Frontier Center with a $14.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation when Siemens was at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.

Siemens joined OSU in 2019 and two years later the NSF awarded NANOGrav an additional $17 million over five years to search for gravitational wave signals with the Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia, the Very Large Array in New Mexico and the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico.

Siemens said OSU receives about $600,000 annually in NANOGrav funding, with data analysis being Oregon State’s primary role in addition to project leadership and administration.

Co-directed by Maura McLaughlin, an astronomer at West Virginia University, NANOGrav combines the efforts of researchers at 18 universities, including approximately 20 graduate and undergraduate students at Oregon State.

“Searching for gravitational waves is like putting together a puzzle: Everyone has their own piece but they all fit together,” said Phia Morton of Bend, a senior majoring in applied physics and nuclear engineering. “It is a common misconception that scientific breakthroughs come from a lone genius. On the contrary, large-scale science projects require enormous amounts of collaboration and for everyone involved to believe in the goals of the group.”

Morton and other OSU undergraduates contribute by searching for new pulsars to add to NANOGrav’s array; the more pulsars at its disposal, the more sensitive the gravitational wave detection can be, she explains.

“Pulsars are actually very faint radio sources, so we require thousands of hours a year on the world’s largest telescopes to carry out this experiment,” McLaughlin said. “These results are made possible through the National Science Foundation’s continued commitment to these exceptionally sensitive radio observatories.”

Researchers with LIGO, also an NSF-funded international collaboration, in 2015 detected gravitational waves produced by the collision of two black holes using the twin LIGO interferometers in Livingston, Louisiana, and Hanford, Washington.

The gravitational waves that can be observed by LIGO, created by those types of “black hole binaries,” have frequencies of about 100 hertz, Hazboun said.

“NANOgrav searches for gravitational waves with frequencies 11 orders of magnitude below those LIGO is detecting,” he said.

Siemens explains that using a PTA to detect a chorus of gravitational wave signals from multiple super-massive black hole mergers – described as a stochastic background of gravitational waves – holds more promise for understanding the universe than detecting a single wave from a single black hole binary collision.

“Each signal is like a note, and we’re not just after one of these notes – we want to hear the whole choir,” he said. “We want to hear the collective chorus of all of the super-massive black hole binaries that are merging in the universe.”

Super-massive black holes are the biggest type of black holes, millions to billions of times the mass of the sun, and they reside in the centers of galaxies.

NANOGrav researchers say future studies of the signals super-massive black holes send out will enable scientists to view the gravitational wave universe through a new window, offering insight into titanic black holes merging in the centers of distant galaxies and potentially into other exotic sources of low-frequency gravitational waves.

“This is just the beginning of our work,” Siemens said.

Source: Oregon State University

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Kenya: OHCHR ‘very concerned’ over disproportionate use of force against protesters

Kenya: OHCHR ‘very concerned’ over disproportionate use of force against protesters

The demonstrations began over what many Kenyans view as unfair tax hikes and rising inflation in the country, according to news reports.

OHCHR Spokesperson Jeremy Laurance issued a statement condemning the violence, expressing concern over “allegations of unnecessary or disproportionate use of force, including the use of firearms, by police”.

Reports estimate the number of people killed to be as high as 23, with dozens more being injured during the demonstrations.

Kenya’s opposition leader reportedly called for civil disobedience and nationwide protests against the Government, amid a rising cost of living and concerns over growing inequality. 

Opposition groups argue that recent tax hikes the Government says are designed to pay off debt and fund job creation, have placed an increased tax burden on families already struggling to afford basic necessities and are reportedly calling for continued demonstrations against the new policies.

Prompt investigations

“We call for prompt, thorough, independent, and transparent investigations into the deaths and injuries”, said Mr. Laurence. “Those responsible must be held to account. Effective measures to prevent further deaths and injuries must be adopted.”

The right to peaceful demonstration is guaranteed under Kenya’s constitution, although authorities have reportedly declared the recent protests “illegal” and say they pose a threat to national security. 

Right to peaceful assembly

“We call on the authorities to ensure the right to peaceful assembly as guaranteed by the Kenyan Constitution and international human rights law,” said Mr. Laurence.

“We appeal for calm and encourage open dialogue to address social, economic, and political grievances, with the aim of identifying lasting solutions in the interests of all Kenyans,” he added.

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Women lead marine restoration efforts in the UNESCO Seaflower Biosphere Reserve

Women lead marine restoration efforts in the UNESCO Seaflower Biosphere Reserve

Known as ‘the island in the Sea of the Seven Colors’, San Andres is the biggest island in the Seaflower, containing part of one of the richest coral reefs in the world

San Andres itself is a coral island, meaning it was geologically built by organic material derived from skeletons of corals and numerous other animals and plants associated with these colonial organisms. These types of islands are low land, being mostly only a few metres above sea level, surrounded by coconut palms and white coral sand beaches.

It is no coincidence that this Colombian island is a world-class scuba diving destination with crystal clear waters, and a tourist hub visited by over a million people each year.

But being so ‘in demand’ has a key downside: San Andres’ unique ecosystems and natural resources have been deeply impacted. This is something that biologist and professional diver Maria Fernanda Maya has witnessed first-hand.

Unsplash/Tatiana Zanon

San Andrés island is known for its colorful sea.

A community protecting the ocean

“I have seen San Andres change in the past 20 years; the decrease of fish and coral cover has been quite high. Just like the rest of the world, we have experienced a very large demographic explosion, and the pressure on our resources is increasing,” she tells UN News.

Ms. Maya has been diving and working most of her life to protect the treasures of the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve. She is the director of Blue Indigo Foundation, a women-led community organization that works towards the sustainable development of the San Andres Archipelago, and the protection and restoration of its marine ecosystems.

She says she decided to create the foundation because she believes that the local community must lead the protection of its own resources.

“I have worked for many international and national-led environmental projects in the past, and what happens is that people come, do a timed project, and then leave. And then there is no way for the local community to continue it,” the biologist explains.

I am an islander. I formed a relationship with the ocean before I was even born.

Ms. Maya works alongside scientific coordinator Mariana Gnecco, who is her partner in the foundation.

“I am an islander; I formed a relationship with the ocean before I was even born. I’ve always known I never want to be far from the sea,” she tells UN News.

Ms. Gnecco has been freediving since she was just 10 years old, and, like Ms. Maya, got her scuba certification before the age of 14 and later graduated from university as a biologist. She is now also pursuing her PhD.

Blue Indigo women biologists pose with a coral table-type nursery in San Andres, Colombia. Blue Indigo

Blue Indigo women biologists pose with a coral table-type nursery in San Andres, Colombia.

Women in marine science

According to UNESCO, women engage in all aspects of ocean interaction, yet in many parts of the world, women’s contributions – both towards ocean-based livelihoods like fishing, and conservation efforts – are all but invisible as gender inequality persists in the marine industry as well as the field of ocean science.

In fact, women represent just 38 per cent of all ocean scientists and further, there is very little data or in-depth research on the issue of women’s representation in the field  

Both Ms. Maya and Ms. Gnecco can attest to this.

“Men are the ones usually leading marine science and when there are women in charge they are always doubted. Somehow, it’s good to have them as assistants, or in the laboratory, but when women lead the projects, I have always felt there is some kind of pushback.  When a woman speaks with passion ‘she is getting hysterical’; when a woman makes unconventional decisions, ‘she is crazy’, but when a man does it, it is because ‘he’s a leader’”, denounces Ms. Maya.

She says that because this has been an unwritten truth that women grapple with, she worked hard at the Foundation to create and nurture an atmosphere that is the opposite.

“We have been able to harmonize the work between women and men partners, recognizing, valuing and empowering the feminine forces, as well as what men have to offer,” Ms. Maya stresses.

“Our opinions, our expertise, and our knowledge have been overlooked for so many years that being able to lead a project like this now means a lot. It symbolizes a [a great deal] in terms of equality and inclusion.  Although we still have a long way to go because women in science are still undermined a lot of the time, I think we are on the right path to tackle that problem for good,” echoes Ms. Gnecco.

Biologist Maria Fernanda Maya has been working her whole life to protect the Seaflower UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Blue Indigo

Biologist Maria Fernanda Maya has been working her whole life to protect the Seaflower UNESCO Biosphere Reserve.

Saving the coral reefs

On the day the Blue Indigo biologists met with the UN News field reporting team, Ms. Maya and Ms. Gnecco braved a non-stop torrential downpour caused by a cold front in San Andres, a common occurrence during the Atlantic hurricane season.

That morning, we thought it might be impossible to report this story because the rain had turned the island’s streets into rivers, and some of the areas we needed to reach had been turned into mud pits.

“And they say women are scared to drive,” Ms. Maya said with a sly laugh when she picked us up on the way to one of the restoration sites they are working on as one of the local implementers of the nationwide project “One Million Corals for Colombia”, that aims to restore 200 hectares of reef across the country.

Earlier that morning, all diving on the island had been halted due to the weather, but conditions (at least on the water) did eventually improve, and authorities turned the red flag yellow.

That news sparked a mini celebration among a group of eager student divers who thought their day was ruined.

Meanwhile, the rest of us put on scuba gear and walked toward the shore in the (still) pouring rain.

“Once you’re underwater, you are going to forget about this grey day. You’ll see!” Ms. Maya said.

A rope-type coral nursery growing the species Acropora in San Andres, Colombia. UN News/Laura Quiñones

A rope-type coral nursery growing the species Acropora in San Andres, Colombia.

And she couldn’t have been more right. After taking the plunge from the rocky (and slippery) coral coast on the west side of the island, we experienced incredible calm beneath the waves.

The visibility was extremely good, and the biologists took us through some of the rope-type coral nurseries they were working on where Acropora coral fragments are growing. We also saw some of the already-transplanted coral within the stunning reef of San Andres.

Blue Indigo Foundation works closely with diving schools on the island, and they contribute to their restoration efforts. The NGO also teaches specialized courses in restoration for international divers several times a year.

“People come over to see our project and learn and they get engaged easier because then they ask us for the coral. ‘Oh, how’s my coral doing?  The one we planted on the reef, how’s it doing?’,” Mariana Gnecco explains, adding that when people see the organisms thriving, it helps to raise general awareness.

The corals within the Seaflower Biosphere Reserve have been declining since the 70s, fueled by the rise in the temperature and acidification of the water, caused by excessive carbon emissions and consequent climate change.

“Those are the global threats, but we also have some local threats that are harming the reef, for example, overfishing, bad tourism practices, boat collisions, pollution, and sewage disposal,” underscores Ms. Gnecco.

Transplanted Staghorn corals grown in nurseries. Blue Indigo Foundation

Transplanted Staghorn corals grown in nurseries.

Raizal people’s efforts and sustainable tourism

By definition, UNESCO Biosphere Reserves are de facto centres for learning about sustainable development. They also provided an opportunity to examine up-close the changes and interactions between social and ecological systems, including the management of biodiversity.

“When a biosphere reserve is declared, it means that it is a special place, not just because of its biodiversity, but also because there’s a community that has a special connection with that biodiversity, a connection that’s been going for decades with a cultural and historical value,” Ms. Gnecco explains.

The Seaflower is very special, she adds, telling us that it comprises 10 per cent of the Caribbean Sea, 75 per cent of Colombia’s coral reefs and that it’s a hotspot for shark conservation.

“The local community – the Raizal people, that have been living here for generations – have learned how to relate to these ecosystems in a healthy and sustainable way. This is our way of living for both Raizal and other residents. We depend completely on this ecosystem and on its biodiversity, that’s why it’s important and special”, the biologist adds.

The Raizal are an Afro-Caribbean ethnic group living in the islands of San Andrés, Providencia and Santa Catalina off the Colombian Caribbean Coast. They are recognized by the Government as one of the Afro-Colombian ethnic groups.

They speak San Andrés-Providencia Creole, one of many English Creoles used in the Caribbean. 20 years ago, the Raizal represented over half of the island’s population. Today, the general population is nearly 80,000, but the Raizal make up about 40 per cent, due to a high migration influx from the mainland.

Raizal biologist Alfredo Abril-Howard working along Maria Fernanda Maya and Maria Gnecco from Blue Indigo Foundation. UN News/Laura Quiñones

Raizal biologist Alfredo Abril-Howard working along Maria Fernanda Maya and Maria Gnecco from Blue Indigo Foundation.

Raizal Marine Biologist and researcher Alfredo Abril-Howard also works at Blue Indigo foundation.

“Our culture is closely tied to the ocean. The fishermen are the first to notice changes in the coral – for example, they notice that healthy reefs attract more fish. They can describe a vivid picture of the way the reefs looked in the past…no one understands the importance of our reefs better than them,” he underscores.

The expert says that he believes there is a major socioeconomic issue in San Andres: other than tourism, there are very few ways for his people to make a living.

“Tourism keeps growing and most economic activities revolve around it. So, we need more fish because there are more tourists, so now we catch fish of any size affecting the ecosystem”, he says, emphasizing that better tourism management could generate better economic opportunities for locals while letting the reef flourish at the same time.

Mr. Abril-Howard explains that diving, if sustainably managed, can also have an impact on the ecosystem. It can also help to raise awareness about restoration efforts and at the same time give back to the reef.

“We need a change in the way we do our tourism. Restoring our reefs is important, but we also need to make visitors aware that it is there, and that it is not a rock, It is a living being and that they shouldn’t step on it. These are small things that can benefit the future coral cover. We also need to show people that there is more to this island than coming to party and get drunk, so they can learn something,” he says.

Raizal fisherman Camilo Leche just before setting off for a morning fishing expedition. UN News/Laura Quiñones

Raizal fisherman Camilo Leche just before setting off for a morning fishing expedition.

A job for ‘superheroes’

For Camilo Leche, also Raizal, coral restoration efforts are now a part of his life as a fisherman.

“I have been fishing for over 30 years. I remember seeing coral bleaching for the first time – you know when coral starts turning white – and thinking that it was because the coral was getting old, like we get white hairs. But now I understand it is because of climate change,” he told us just before going on his morning fishing expedition.

“Before I could see beautiful giant corals around here and it was so easy to find lobster and big fish, now we have to go further and further to find them”, he adds.

Mr. Leche says that he hopes that world leaders can put their ‘hands on their hearts and in their pockets’ to finance more restoration efforts such as the one undertaken by the Foundation, which he now helps.

“I have learned how to fragment corals, to put them in the ropes. We also go out to make the transplants. And those little pieces are now becoming so big and beautiful, when I see them, I feel so proud of it. I feel like a superhero”.

The Raizal community is actively involve in coral reef restoration efforts. Here two men are ready to install a table-type coral nursery. Blue Indigo

The Raizal community is actively involve in coral reef restoration efforts. Here two men are ready to install a table-type coral nursery.

Swimming against the tide

San Andres is not only losing its coral reef cover and fish banks, but the island also faces coastal erosion and is vulnerable to sea level rise and extreme weather events such as hurricanes.

All these are destroying infrastructure and reducing the island’s beautiful beach cover. In some areas, locals say that before they could play a football game in places where only a meter of beach is now seen.

The ecosystems Blue Indigo works to restore are essential to protect the community during extreme weather events.

For example, Colombian scientists were able to prove how the mangrove protected San Andres during hurricanes Eta and Iota in 2020, among other ways by reducing wind speeds by over 60 km/h.

At the same time, coral reefs can reduce by nearly 95 per cent the height of the waves coming from the east of the Caribbean Sea, as well as reduce their strength during storms.

“We know our restoration efforts can’t bring back the coral reef in its totality, because it is such a complex ecosystem. But by growing certain species we can have a positive impact, bring back the fish and ignite these organisms’ natural capacity to restore themselves,” says Blue Indigo chief Maria Fernanda Maya.

Biologist Maria Fernanda Maya cleans a rope-type coral nursery. Blue Indigo

Biologist Maria Fernanda Maya cleans a rope-type coral nursery.

For Mariana Gnecco, it is about aiding the reef to survive during a transformation of its environment happening due to climate change.

“What we need is a functional ecosystem. We are trying to at least give it a helping hand so it can adapt to climate change. The ecosystem is going to change, that’s going to happen, but if we help it will happen at least in a way that is not going to die completely”, she says.

Both the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration and the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development, both of which began in 2021 and will run until 2030, aim to find transformative ocean science solutions to guarantee a clean, productive and safe ocean, and to restore its marine ecosystems.

According to UNESCO, mainstreaming gender equality throughout the Ocean Science Decade will help ensure that, by 2030, women as much as men will be driving ocean science and management, helping to deliver the ocean we need for a prosperous, sustainable and environmentally secure future.

“The women that are involved in this are paving the path for all the women that are coming behind. Indeed, the future is problematic, and we are swimming against the current, but I think anything that we can do is better than doing nothing.”

That’s Mariana Gnecco’s message to us all.

This is Part III in a series of features on ocean restoration efforts in Colombia. Read Part I to learn how Colombia is planning to restore one million corals, and Part II to transport yourself to the paradisiac island of Providencia, where we explain to you the connection between hurricanes and ecosystem restoration.

Fundamental Rights Report 2023: Developments and Shortfalls in EU Human Rights Protection

Fundamental Rights Report 2023: Developments and Shortfalls in EU Human Rights Protection

The Fundamental Rights Report of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) for the year 2023 offers an insightful reflection on the progress made and the areas where human rights protection fell short within the EU during 2022.

A significant portion of the report focuses on the fundamental rights implications resulting from the aggression in Ukraine and the challenges that emerged as a consequence. One positive aspect highlighted is the EU’s Temporary Protection Directive, which granted access to vital resources such as employment, housing, social assistance, education, and healthcare. However, it is worth noting that a majority of those who sought refuge were women and girls, many of whom faced additional responsibilities caring for children or elderly relatives. This underscores the necessity for targeted support measures, including the following:

a) Ensuring the availability of affordable, safe, and suitable housing, particularly for women and children. b) Facilitating access to suitable employment opportunities that align with individuals’ skills and qualifications, while protecting against exploitation. c) Promoting the integration of children into regular schools and providing swift access to childcare facilities. d) Providing comprehensive support for women who have experienced sexual violence and exploitation.

FRA Director Michael O’Flaherty emphasizes that “women and girls are innocent victims of Russia’s aggression in Ukraine” and highlights the temporary protection offered by EU countries. However, he emphasizes the ongoing conflict necessitates longer-term solutions that give specific attention to women.

The report also addresses other key fundamental rights issues that arose in 2022, including:

a) Escalating child poverty: The pandemic and increasing energy costs pushed nearly one in four children into a state of poverty. The EU and national governments are urged to fulfill their commitments under the European Child Guarantee, which was initiated in 2022, and allocate funds to alleviate child poverty, particularly among disadvantaged households such as single-parent, Roma, and migrant families.

b) Prevalence of hate: Hate crimes and hate speech, particularly online, remained a significant concern in 2022, partly fueled by Russia’s aggression in Ukraine. However, only half of the EU countries had developed national anti-racism action plans. The report calls for more countries to establish such plans and implement concrete local and regional measures to combat racism effectively.

c) Safeguarding rights amidst technological advancements: As the deployment of artificial intelligence and digital services continues to expand, ensuring effective protection of fundamental rights is becoming increasingly critical. The EU Digital Services Act enacted in 2022 acknowledged the necessity for robust rights protection, and adherence to its principles during implementation is essential. Furthermore, EU legislators must strive to establish similar robust safeguards within the proposed EU’s AI Act.

The report provides a comprehensive summary and analysis of major human rights developments in the EU during 2022. It also presents proposals for action, encompassing various areas such as the utilization of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights by Member States, promotion of equality and non-discrimination, combating racism and related forms of intolerance, inclusion and equality for the Roma community, asylum, borders, and migration policies, safeguarding privacy and data protection in the information society, promoting child rights, ensuring access to justice, and implementing the United Nations’ Disability Convention (CRPD).