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The Orthodox Cathedral of Odesa destroyed by Putin’s missile strike: calls for funding its restoration (I)

The Orthodox Cathedral of Odesa destroyed by Putin’s missile strike: calls for funding its restoration (I)

Bitter Winter (31.08.2023) – On the night of 23 July 2023, the Russian Federation launched a massive missile attack on the center of Odesa which created quite dramatic damages to the Orthodox Transfiguration Cathedral. International support for the reconstruction has quickly been pledged. Italy and Greece are first on the line but much more assistance is needed.

(the article is authored by Willy Fautre and Ievgeniia Gidulianova)

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== The Orthodox Cathedral of Odesa destroyed by Putin’s missile strike: calls for funding its restoration (I)

Ievgeniia Gidulianova holds a Ph.D. in Law and was Associate Professor at the Department of Criminal Procedure of Odesa Law Academy between 2006 and 2021.

She is now a lawyer in private practice and a consultant for the Brussels-based NGO Human Rights Without Frontiers.

Italy and Greece are first in the line to provide assistance. See pictures of the damage HERE and CNN video

Article originally published by Bitter Winter on 31.08.1013 under the title “Odesa Transfiguration Cathedral. 1. After the Russian Bombing, Help Is Needed for Reconstruction

Complex legal status

The legal status of the Transfiguration Cathedral is rather complex and unclear. Until May 2022, it was considered a church with a special status and rights of broad autonomy, affiliated to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church/ Moscow Patriarchate (UOC/MP).

On 27 May 2022, the Council of the UOC/ MP removed all references to such dependence from its statutes, stressing its financial autonomy and the absence of any external interference in the appointment of its clergy. It hereby dissociated itself from the Russian Orthodox Church and stopped commemorating Kirill at the divine services because of his support for Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine. This distancing did however not lead to a schism from Moscow so that the UOC can keep its canonical status. In the meantime, the process of transfer of UOC parishes to the national Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), founded in December 2018 under President Poroshenko and recognized by Constantinople Patriarchate on 5 January 2019, has accelerated.

In this context, the comment of Archdeacon Andriy Palchuk, a cleric of the Odessa Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) about the damage caused to the cathedral is worth mentioning: “The destruction is colossal. Half of the cathedral is left without a roof. The central pillars and the foundation are broken. All the windows and stucco were blown out. There was a fire, the part where icons and candles are sold in the church caught fire. After the end of the air raid, the emergency services arrived and extinguished everything.”

On 23 July 2023, Archbishop Victor of Artsyz (UOC) appealed to Patriarch Kirill in a virulent way about the shelling of the cathedral. He accused him of supporting the war against Ukraine, a sovereign country, and personally blessing the Russian Armed Forces who are committing atrocities:

Your bishops and priests consecrate and bless the tanks and missiles that bomb our peaceful cities. Today, when I arrived at the Odesa Transfiguration Cathedral after the end of the curfew and saw that the Russian missile ‘blessed’ by you flew directly into the altar of the church, to the saints, I realized that the Ukrainian Orthodox Church has had nothing in common with your understandings for a long time. Today, you and all your novices are doing everything to ensure that the UOC is destroyed on the territory of Ukraine. Today we (speaking on behalf of many bishops of the UOC) condemn this insane aggression of the Russian Federation against our Independent Country. We demand to leave behind our Church, our bishops and our Primate.”

Many people in Odesa and in Ukraine want to make donations for urgent works meant to protect the essential elements of the cathedral (the roof, the pillars…) to avoid further deterioration of the building and to guarantee the security inside and around.  On the official Facebook page of the Transfiguration Cathedral, a video has been posted by the diocese to collect funds for the restoration of the cathedral.

About the tumultuous history of the Transfiguration Cathedral

The Transfiguration Cathedral is the largest Orthodox church in Odesa, the main cathedral of the Odesa diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church. It is located in the historical center of the city. 

The history of the cathedral began simultaneously with the founding of Odesa in 1794 by Catherine II, then Empress of Russia. In the process of the consecration of the city itself by Metropolitan Gabriel, a place for the construction of the future church building was also consecrated on Cathedral Square. He laid the first stone on 14 November 1795. Construction work dragged on for several years until it was completed, according to the plans of the engineer-captain Vanrezant and the architect Frapolli, by the famous French Duke of Richelieu, appointed governor of Odesa in 1803. The cathedral was consecrated in 1808. Since then, the cathedral has become known as the Transfiguration.

During the 19th century, the Transfiguration Cathedral underwent a number of significant transformation and extension works. It received its current historical appearance in 1903 and within its huge space of 90 by 45 meters, it can accommodate 9000 people at a time. Some sources even mention the figure of 12,000.

With the establishment of the Bolshevik government in Odesa in 1922, the cathedral was first looted, closed in 1932 and demolished by the Soviets in 1936. Several explosions first destroyed the belfry, and then the whole building. The local newspaper “Black Sea Commune” noted on 6 March 1936 that 150 people participated in the demolition. As an eyewitness to the destruction,  Odesa writer and local historian Vladimir Gridin wrote that the most valuable icons and marbles were previously taken out of the temple but their fate remains unknown.

The current Transfiguration Cathedral was rebuilt in 1999-2011 on the site of its ruins and blessed by Patriarch Kirill himself in July 2010 when the UOC was in subordination to the Moscow Patriarchate.

At the initiative of local authorities, the cathedral was included in the Program for the Reproduction of Outstanding Monuments of History and Culture of Ukraine, approved by the Government in 1999, but no budget for the reconstruction of the cathedral was then allocated. It was rebuilt with private funding and charitable foundations. Odesa mayor’s office partly financed the interior of the cathedral.

The restored cathedral was put into operation on 22 May 2005. Now, according to the official data of the Unified State Register, the full name of the cathedral is the Odesa Transfiguration Cathedral of the Odesa Diocese of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). In 2007, the cathedral was included in the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine as a historical monument.

In 2010, a team of architects, builders and artists was awarded the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of architecture for the reconstruction of the cathedral. It is now the main architectural building dominating the historical center of  Odesa and its main Orthodox church.

The cathedral is of great historical and memorial importance as a burial place for prominent personalities of Odesa and the South of Ukraine. This is one of the important architectural elements constituting the traditional environment of the “Historical Center of the Port City of Odessa”,   which is included in the UNESCO World Heritage List as proposed by Ukraine in 2023.

Italy’s top officials have offered to help Ukraine restore the Transfiguration Cathedral

On the day of the missile attack hitting the cathedral, Italian Foreign Minister Antonio Tajani said: “The Russian bombing of Odesa destroyed part of the Transfiguration Cathedral, an undignified act. Italy, after supporting Odesa to become a UNESCO cultural heritage, will be at the forefront of the city’s reconstruction.”

“The attacks in Odesa, the death of innocents, the destruction of the Transfiguration Cathedral deeply touched us. Russian aggressors are demolishing granaries, depriving millions of starving people of food. They devastate our European civilization and its sacred symbols. Free people will not be intimidated, barbarism will not triumph,” the Italian government said in a statement.

“Italy, which has unique restoration skills in the world, is ready to commit itself to the reconstruction of the Odesa Cathedral and other treasures of Ukraine’s artistic heritage,”  said Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni.

Greece also intends to assist in the restoration of architectural monuments that were damaged during the Russian missile attack

According to the Odesa City CouncilGreece also intends to assist in the restoration of architectural monuments that were damaged during the Russian missile attackThis was announced by the Consul General of the Hellenic Republic in Odesa, Dimitrios Dohtsis, during a conversation with the mayor.

He stated that “Greece will take part in the restoration of damaged Odesa’s architectural monuments. Greece condemns the attacks on the historic center of Odessa, which is protected by UNESCO. Greece will participate in the restoration of damaged architectural monuments. This especially applies to houses with Greek history, namely: Papudov’s house and Rodokanaki’s house. 

“We are very pleased that Odesa has friends all over the world. Greece has been helping Ukraine and Odesa since the beginning of the full-scale war. The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Greece, Mr. Nikos Dendias, was in Odesa twice during this time and strongly supported our accession to UNESCO. We are very grateful to you,” said mayor Gennadiy Trukhanov.

A call for funding the restoration of the Transfiguration Cathedral

Kyiv and the local authorities in Odesa very much hope that other countries, organizations and philanthropists will assist in the restoration of monuments of the cultural heritage of Odesa.

Human Rights Without Frontiers calls upon the European Union and its member states, the United States and Canada as well as their respective Ukrainian diaspora to participate in the restoration of the Odesa Cathedral.

Mexico: Rights experts ‘outraged’ over attacks on women activists

Mexico: Rights experts ‘outraged’ over attacks on women activists

A group of UN independent human rights experts on Wednesday urged the Government of Mexico to investigate and prosecute those who attack and kill women activists searching for their missing relatives.

“We are outraged that those searching for forcibly disappeared family members and loved ones continue to be targeted and face violence in Mexico,” they said in a statement, issued in the wake of two recent incidents.

Brutal murder of women activists

Human rights defender Teresa Magueyal was shot dead while riding her bicycle in Celaya, Guanajuato state, on 2 May.  Her son, José Luis Apaseo Magueyal, 34, disappeared three years ago.

Ms. Magueyal was part of a group formed by families of people who have disappeared and was the sixth volunteer to be killed since 2021, according to media reports.

Two months earlier, Araceli Rodríguez Nava, who is in a tireless search for her disappeared son, was attacked in Chilpancingo, capital of Guerrero state. The incident took place on 4 March.

Both women were beneficiaries of the federal protection mechanism for human rights defenders and journalists, the UN experts said. Although their cases remain under investigation, information about its effectiveness has been scarce. 

Ensure freedom and safety

The UN experts urged the Mexican authorities to ensure human rights defenders working on enforced disappearances can operate freely and safely.

They said enforced disappearances and attacks targeting these activists are linked to the presence of organised crime groups, extortion, human trafficking, kidnapping networks, corruption and collusion with authorities.

Furthermore, operating in a constant environment of fear, threat and insecurity has an intimidating effect on relatives of the victims, civil society, human rights defenders, and organisations.

Investigate and prosecute 

They added that many of the rights defenders are women and older persons, increasing their risk of being targeted.

“It is extremely worrying that impunity for crimes against human rights defenders and activists continues despite complaints being filed. Prevention measures and protection for victims and targets of the attacks are either not provided, or not effective,” they said.

“The Government of Mexico needs to promptly investigate, prosecute, and impose appropriate sanctions on any person responsible for the alleged violations”. 

Adopt all measures 

As their statement was issued on the International Day of the Victims of Enforced Disappearances, the UN expert surged the Mexican Government “to adopt all necessary measures to prevent irreparable damage to the life and personal integrity of those searching for the forcibly disappeared, their family members, civil society movements, organisations and public servants.” 

They noted that a presidential campaign called De Frente a la Libertad is underway in Mexico that is giving greater visibility to the risks faced by journalists and human rights activists in the country.

They said it was time for authorities to take effective measures to protect human rights defenders searching for truth and justice. 

About UN rights experts 

The statement was issued by Mary Lawlor, UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights defenders; Reem Alsalem, UN Special Rapporteur on violence against women and girls, and Claudia Mahler, Independent Expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons.

It was endorsed by a UN Working Group and Committee whose mandates cover enforced or involuntary disappearances.

The experts were appointed by the UN Human Rights Council and work on a voluntary basis.

They are not UN staff and do not receive payment for their work.  

Centro de Estudios Ecunémicos – Thousands of women in Mexico search for their missing children.

Moscow’s deportation of 20,000 Ukrainian children to Russia, says a report filed with the UN

Ukrainian children
Photo www.ukrinform.ua

On the eve of the 54th Session of the UN Human Rights Council, the Brussels-based NGO Human Rights Without Frontiers filed a report taking stock about the deportation of Ukrainian children by Russia from the territories occupied since the beginning of the war.

According to the Adviser-Commissioner of the President of Ukraine for Children’s Rights and Children’s Rehabilitation Daria Gerasymchuk, the Ukrainian authorities have collected personal data of about 20,000 cases although there might be ten times more according to incontrollable figures circulating both in Russia and in Ukraine.

The report Ukrainian Children in Search of a Way Home from Russia reveals that only 386 children have found a way back home. They could not be returned through negotiations with the Russian side but every time it could only be achieved through a specific rescue operation.

On 17 March 2023, the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court in The Hague issued arrest warrants for Russian President Vladimir Putin and Russian Commissioner for Children’s Rights Maria Lvova-Belova for unlawful deportation of children. In the meantime, a number of them have been illegally adopted by Russian families.

“Today there is no international structure that could offer an effective mechanism for the return of our deported children,” Gerasymchuk said in an exclusive interview with Interfax-Ukraine.

A controversy broke out in July between Kyiv and the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) when Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba claimed that Ukrainian children were in Belarus and the Belarusian representative of the Red Cross, Dmitry Shevtsov, was seen in camouflage with a chevron of the occupiers with the letter Z.

Ukraine responsibly cooperates with the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Children and Armed Conflict (CAAC) in order to stop and prevent violations against children during the conflict, and calls on the UN to fundamentally and persistently demand from the Russian Federation cooperation with the CAAC mechanism, access to all temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine, as well as to its territory, since the CAAC mandate includes child abduction crimes.

In Ukraine, several cooperation structures between relevant ministries, the UN and UNICEF have been put in place.

In its recommendations, Human Rights Without Frontiers urges

  • Russia to ensure that no changes are made to the personal status of Ukrainian children, including their citizenship;
  • all parties to continue to ensure that the best interests of all children are respected, including by facilitating family tracing and reunification of unaccompanied and/or separated children who find themselves outside borders or control lines without their families or guardians;
  • parties to the conflict to grant child protection authorities access to these children to facilitate family reunification;
  • the UN Special Representative on “Children and Armed Conflicts’, together with other UN agencies and partners, to consider ways to facilitate such processes.

The full report in three languages (English, Ukrainian and Russian) is available on the website of Human Rights Without Frontiershttps://hrwf.eu/российские-новости/

For more information or interviews in English, Ukrainian or Russian, please contact [email protected]

Scientology volunteers at Health Fair in Denmark do their part before International Overdose Awareness Day

Drug prevention Denmark
Drug prevention Denmark

COPENHAGEN, COPENHAGEN, DENMARK, August 30, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — A contingent of deeply concerned Scientology volunteers with the Copenhagen chapter of the Foundation for a Drug-Free World recently brought their urgent “Say No to Drugs” initiative to a major community Health Fair in the city.

While there is one International Overdose Awareness Day which is celebrated every year, Scientologists don’t take it mild, execute preventive actions all year round. But how did the International Overdose Awareness Day come about? International Overdose Awareness Day takes place annually on August 31st with the aim of raising awareness about overdoses and combating the stigma surrounding drug-related deaths. This meaningful event was initiated in 2001 by Sally J. Finn in Melbourne, Australia. following the loss of her son, James to a heroin overdose. The inaugural International Overdose Awareness Day event in Melbourne attracted 150 participants and marked the beginning of a global movement. By 2002 events were being held in the UK and Europe while the US joined in by 2004. Over time, International Overdose Awareness Day expanded to more than 40 countries and gained official government recognition and support.

The primary objective of this awareness day is to combat the stigmatization associated with overdose deaths and educate individuals, about the risks involved not just in overdosing but in taking drugs per se, and discussions centred around evidence-based overdose prevention strategies and drug policies. Activities organized as part of this initiative include candlelight vigils, policy debates naloxone training sessions (a medication used to reverse overdoses) memorial services and various community gatherings.

However, Scientologists have been engaged in this ongoing struggle since before 1966, when they founded the initial drug rehabilitation facility called Narconon. This programme has since grown to numerous centres across the globe, accompanied by a comprehensive global prevention campaign.

The outreach covered in this story aims to actively spread awareness and provide solutions to the country’s youth as substance abuse has emerged as an escalating epidemic and one of Denmark’s most dire threats.

The volunteers invited families and youth attendees at the packed fair to spin a “roulette wheel” game in order to raise charitable donations benefiting the non-profit sponsoring the event. However, they also creatively utilized the gripping activity to vividly demonstrate how taking drugs equates to recklessly gambling with your life given the myriad harmful and even deadly effects of various illicit substances.

The interactive demonstration specifically targets young students before they ever begin to experiment with recreational drug use that could permanently destroy their futures.

According to concerning reports widely covered in Danish local media recently, dependency and outright addiction to opioid-based pills has become highly prevalent among the country’s teenagers and children as young as 14 years old. Numerous young students have confessed that they feel completely unable to even function, get out of bed, or attend school without the aid of opioids just to start their day.

The rampant addiction crisis has spread like wildfire among expansive social networks where youth openly acknowledge that virtually everyone has easy, unrestricted access to the dangerous pills that fuel crippling addiction. Experts state that the proliferation of teenage opioid abuse may represent one of the most critical threats facing Denmark’s future stability, prosperity, and health.

Alarmed by the unprecedented scope and growth of the drug crisis, Scientology volunteers are working actively to reach young people nationwide with factual data and knowledge about the immense risks posed by the most commonly abused narcotics before permanent and irreparable addictive behaviours take hold.

The Foundation for a Drug-Free World provides comprehensive drug education and prevention materials in 20 languages completely free of charge, including extensive online courses and booklets. The global non-profit boasts a network of over 200 chapters across dozens of countries worldwide, thanks to the staunch support of the Church of Scientology and its legions of committed volunteers.

Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard identified recreational drug abuse as one of the single most corrosive elements present in modern culture that actively works to unravel the social fabric of families, communities and entire nations. “Drug addiction and substance abuse fuel criminality while destroying lives and squandering human potential on a staggering scale globally,” said Ivan Arjona-Pelado, the President of the European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs.

“This is why the actions of the Foundation for a Drug-Free Europe and its hundreds of Say No To Drugs associations and groups of volunteers across Europe, aware that every year drugs destroy thousands of lives and hopes, are actively contributing through The Truth About Drugs campaign, to preventively educate the youth and the public at large with factual data on the harming effects of drug use” wrote Christian Mirre, Spokesperson of the Foundation for a Drug-Free Europe, in a recent article.

The Church of Scientology for Denmark, which opened its sprawling new ideal facilities in 2017, is deeply committed to sponsoring and vigorously promoting the volunteer outreach effort to combat drug addiction locally.

Countless Danish families have been torn apart by substance abuse and so Scientology volunteers aim to foster a drug-free generation by tackling the issue at its roots.

Scientology Network programming showcases the extensive work of Foundation volunteers using these drug prevention materials (known as The Truth about Drugs”) in schools and communities across various nations globally. The broadcast platform aims to satisfy curiosity about the true nature and beliefs of the Scientology religion, as well as share its staunchly humanitarian teachings focused on protecting human life, upholding human rights, and human dignity, and uplifting families and communities.

The mobilization of Scientologist volunteers at the Copenhagen health fair represents the latest action of the worldwide movement. For decades, the Church has made eradicating drug addiction and illiteracy the twin pillars of its social betterment campaigns.

In communities beset by substance abuse worldwide, Scientologist volunteers are working to provide facts, education and practical solutions together with members of different religions such as Christians, Buddhists, Hindus, Sijs, Muslims and others.

Denmark takes steps to give jail time for public Quran burnings

person holding black and gray smartphone
Photo by Ashkan Forouzani on Unsplash

The Danish government believes that such acts are causing harm to the nation’s interests and putting citizens at risk abroad. Under the proposed legislation desecrating the Quran or Bible would become an offense with penalties of up to two years in prison and fines.

The aim of this ban according to the centre right administration is to send a message to the international community. Recent weeks have seen over 170 protests with some individuals burning Qurans right in front of foreign embassies located on Danish soil.

Danish intelligence services have warned lawmakers about the escalating terrorism threats faced by their country due to these incidents. Neighboring Sweden has also experienced backlash and security concerns following public Quran burnings, including an attack on their embassy in Iraq by angry protesters. However, both Denmark and Sweden have had challenges responding firmly due, to their liberal free speech laws.

The Danish proposal, which has a focus aims to criminalize public burnings while still upholding free expression and democratic principles. While acknowledging the importance of freedom of speech authorities have expressed the need to address national security concerns that have arisen due to Quran burnings. The goal is to outlaw actions that fuel hatred and create divisions between communities.

The government plans to introduce a binding amendment on September 1st with the aim of passing it through Parliament by the end of this year. This ban would make it a punishable criminal offence to desecrate both the Quran and Bible to the existing prohibition on insulting foreign countries’ flags and other national symbols.

This punitive measure comes in response to incidents of Quran burning in Denmark and Sweden in late July. The Organization of Islamic Cooperation representing more than 50 Muslim-majority member states has strongly urged governments to take action against European countries where such acts occur.

Considering the increasing terrorism threats and national security interests at stake Denmark aims to prevent actions that have resulted in diplomatic crises and put Danish citizens and assets at risk worldwide. Lawmakers recognize the importance of speech but believe it is time to enforce legal consequences for deliberate provocations, through targeted legislation.

Something strange is happening in the Pacific and we must find out why

Photo de Symeon Ekizoglou - pexels

The “cold tongue” is an island of coolness in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of Ecuador. The only part of the world’s oceans to cool, it is a real mystery that could play a decisive role in climate change.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Something strange is happening in the Pacific and we must find out why

The oceans are warming due to climate change: that’s what scientists have been telling us for years. While the Mediterranean Sea and the North Atlantic set absolute records for warmth, an anomaly persists: an area of the Pacific Ocean which, against all logic, is cooling. And has been for the last thirty years. A real mystery, even described as “the most important unanswered question in the field of climatology” by University of Colorado specialist Pedro DiNezio, interviewed by the media outlet New Scientist, which devotes an article to “the cold tongue” of the Pacific.

The latter, which was detected in the 1990s and extends over several thousand kilometers. For a long time, it was attributed to the extreme natural variability of the region: it is the largest and deepest ocean on the planet, which has always been much cooler (5 to 6°C) East side, either the West coast of the Americas on the Asia side, than on the West side. But other scientists, such as Richard Seager of Columbia University in New York, have demonstrated that this gradual cooling was not necessarily natural, and that it could be due to other, still unknown, phenomena linked to the ‘human activity. The problem is there: this cold tongue is losing degrees (0.5°C in 40 years) and we still don’t know why, even though we’ve been seeing it for 30 years. Except that this phenomenon could have serious consequences, which current climate models do not take into account, as reported by the scientific media.

The trouble is that not knowing why this cooling is happening means we also don’t know when it will stop, or whether it will suddenly flip over into warming. This has global implications. The future of the cold tongue could determine whether California is gripped by permanent drought or Australia by ever-deadlier wildfires. It influences the intensity of monsoon season in India and the chances of famine in the Horn of Africa. It could even alter the extent of climate change globally by tweaking how sensitive Earth’s atmosphere is to rising greenhouse gas emissions.

Given all this, it isn’t surprising that climate scientists are trying to find out what is going on with increasing urgency.

The Pacific, larger than all land areas

The Pacific Ocean remains very mysterious, it is the largest and deepest ocean on the planet – it is so vast that it covers a larger area than all land combined. The great natural variations of the climate of the tropical Pacific influence the weather of the whole world, knowing how it will react to the increase in emissions of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere is a major challenge.

About every three to five years, the Pacific goes from a La Niña episode, with relatively cool water surface temperatures in the equatorial zone, to an El Niño episode, where these waters warm more than normal. This cycle, referred to as the El Niño Southern Oscillation, or ENSO, is caused by changes in ocean wind patterns and the movement of water from the colder ocean floor to the warmer surface.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Something strange is happening in the Pacific and we must find out why
Something strange is happening in the Pacific and we must find out why 7
ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Something strange is happening in the Pacific and we must find out why
El Niño – During an El Niño event, the trade winds weaken or may even reverse, allowing the area of warmer-than-normal water to move toward the central and eastern tropical Pacific Ocean. Chart of abnormal ocean surface temperatures [ºC] observed in December 1997 during the last strong El Niño

To which is added the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO), a variation in sea surface temperature over a period of 20 to 30 years, the exact origin of which remains undetermined, and whose effects are similar to those of ENSO

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Something strange is happening in the Pacific and we must find out why

The mechanism that causes PDO. is not yet well understood. It has been suggested that the thin upper layer that warms in summer over the ocean insulates the colder water at depth and that it takes years to rise.

The effects of cold and warm phases are identifiable in the climate of North America. Between 1900 and 1925, during a cold phase, annual temperatures were relatively low. During the following thirty years and a warm phase, temperatures were milder. The cycle was verified each time thereafter

These variations complicate the calculation of long-term trends. This is why, when they detected this “cold tongue” phenomenon in the 1990s, researchers attributed its existence to the extreme (but natural) variability of the region.

Gabon coup, Army cancels elections and seizes power

Screenshot from Gabon national TV

There’s some news coming from Gabon, as reported in an article for the BBC by George Wright & Kathryn Armstrong. A group of soldiers has just made an appearance on national television claiming that they have seized control of the government.

They have announced the cancellation of the results from Saturday’s election, in which President Ali Bongo was declared the winner. The opposition has strongly argued that the election was completely fraudulent.

If these claims hold true it could mark the end of the Bongo family’s 53-year reign in power. It is worth noting that Gabon is an oil producer in Africa with approximately 90% of its land covered by rainforest. It became a member of the Commonwealth in June which is quite rare for a non-British colony.

Identifying themselves as members of something called the Committee of Transition and Restoration of Institutions, the Gabon coup, these soldiers represent security forces. During their televised appearance, one soldier stated that they had decided to defend peace by putting an end to the regime. He attributed disunity and potential chaos to what he referred to as “irresponsible and unpredictable governance.”

Following this broadcast, there were reports from people in Libreville (the capital) about hearing gunfire. In another city, individuals mentioned that the message regarding this takeover played repeatedly on both television channels. It seems apparent that multiple defense forces might be involved.

As for now, there hasn’t been any response, from the government and President Bongo’s whereabouts remain unknown.

The Internet connection was disconnected following the election. It was restored after the apparent coup. Additionally, a curfew is currently imposed.

Bongo has faced allegations of fraud in the last two elections. Critics have raised concerns about issues with ballots and limited access to media during this recent election as well. Furthermore, his health has been in question since suffering a stroke in 2018. There was an unsuccessful coup attempt in 2019.

While the situation remains uncertain if this military takeover succeeds it appears that Bongo’s presidency could be, in jeopardy. We will need to wait and observe how events unfold. However, it seems that the family’s rule spanning decades may have reached a dramatic conclusion.

FIBA and Global Suppliers Partner to Launch New LED Backstop

Copyright FIBA

FIBA, the organization governing basketball has joined forces with two of its global suppliers, Schelde Sports and Unilumin Sports to unveil an innovative LED backstop. The Super SAM 325 PRO LED marks a milestone as the first integrated LED screen to be incorporated into a backstop. It will be prominently showcased at the FIBA Basketball World Cup in 2023.

Olivier Esteves, CEO of Schelde Sports expressed their shared objective with FIBA in nurturing and popularizing basketball on a scale. Esteves conveyed their pride in introducing the groundbreaking Super SAM 325 PRO LED at such a prestigious event as the FIBA Basketball World Cup.

James Li, Vice President of Unilumin highlighted their long-standing role as FIBA’s official LED partner since 2019 and their ongoing commitment, to enhancing the spectator experience through cutting-edge display solutions. Li emphasized that bringing together world-class basketball with their advanced technology showcases both Unilumins and FIBA’s dedication to providing a captivating spectacle that befits an international stage event.
The Super SAM 325 PRO LED comes with safety features, including specially designed diamond-shaped padding and a breakaway ring that can move in multiple directions. This makes it one of the most secure backstops available on the market.

Frank Leenders, the Director General of FIBA Media and Marketing Services expressed his appreciation for the relationships that FIBA has built with its Global Partners and Suppliers. He also highlighted the satisfaction of seeing two of these partners Schelde Sports and Unilumin Sports collaborate to create such a product.

Leenders mentioned that this LED backstop offers brand exposure opportunities for other Global Partners resulting in a win-win situation for everyone involved.

The Super SAM 325 PRO LED will be used in all venues during the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023. The tournament is scheduled to take place in the Philippines, Japan and Indonesia from August 25 to September 10.

About the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023 
The 19th edition of FIBA’s flagship event, the FIBA Basketball World Cup, is taking place for the first time across three host nations in the Philippines, Japan and Indonesia from August 25 to September 10.   

For more information on the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023, visit www.fiba.basketball/basketballworldcup/2023 or follow the FIBA Basketball World Cup 2023 on FacebookTwitterInstagram and YouTube.

Sony Announces “α7CR” and “α7C II”

Sony cameras
Sony cameras

Sony has announced two new additions to its lineup of full-frame mirrorless cameras – the “α7CR” and “α7C II”. The new models, set for release on October 13, 2023, inherit the compact form factor of the earlier “α7C” while featuring upgraded sensors and other improvements.

The “α7CR” and “α7C II” use the same compact housing as each other, measuring approximately 124.0 x 71.1 x 63.4 mm and weighing around 515g. This makes them one of the smallest and lightest full-frame mirrorless cameras with in-body image stabilization. Both new models will come in silver and black color options.

The “α7CR” features a 61-megapixel effective pixel sensor, the same used in Sony’s “α7R V” model. The “α7C II” has a 33-megapixel back-illuminated Exmor R CMOS sensor, similar to the “α7 IV”. Both cameras utilize Sony’s latest “BIONZ X” image processing engine.

In terms of core performance and functionality, the two new models are nearly identical apart from differences relating to the image sensors. They have upgraded autofocus capabilities thanks to Sony’s “AI processing unit,” allowing for improved subject recognition and tracking. In-body image stabilization has also been enhanced from 5.0 to 7.0 stops of correction.

The “α7C II” offers a maximum continuous shooting speed of around 10 frames per second, while the “α7CR” can shoot at up to 8 fps. Both cameras use an electronic shutter only. They can record high-quality 4K video at up to 60p with 10-bit 4:2:2 color depth.

Sony’s “S-Cinetone” look is included for richer, more natural colors in video. Users can also import and apply custom LUTs when shooting in LOG mode. Overall, the new “α7CR” and “α7C II” deliver leading imaging performance in impressively compact bodies.

Defense, Critical Role of EU Satellite Centre in Bolstering European Security

Borrel with Defense Ministers
High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, during his visit at SatCen © UE

On August 30 2023 in Madrid, the defense ministers of the European Union and High Representative Josep Borrell gathered at the European Union Satellite Centre (EU SatCen) in Torrejón de Ardoz, Spain for a meeting. This special occasion marked the anniversary of SatCen and highlighted its crucial role in EU foreign policy, security and defense integration.

Joined by acting Minister of Defense Margarita Robles Borrell chaired a meeting with the SatCen Board of Directors. Toured the facility’s advanced operation rooms and geospatial intelligence capabilities. This important summit took place ahead of a gathering of EU defense ministers in Toledo under the Spanish presidency of the Council of the European Union.

“SatCen provides us with a global perspective that enables informed decision-making to protect Europe’s citizens and interests ” commented Borrell during his visit. “Today ministers witnessed firsthand how SatCens space-based resources continuously monitor hotspots and crises worldwide. We also discussed plans to significantly expand SatCens capacities to cater to Europe’s future needs.”

Robles emphasized that SatCen’s unmatched geospatial data and analysis have value across various areas of European strategic interests – from counterterrorism to humanitarian efforts and civil protection.

“SatCen plays a role in advancing progress and ensuring security in various areas including addressing Russian aggression in Ukraine managing challenges related to irregular migration and dealing with natural disasters exacerbated by climate change ” she emphasized.

So what is the European Union Satellite Centre (SatCen)?

Originally established in 1992 as an agency under the Western European Union (which no longer exists) SatCen officially became an EU institution on January 1 2002. With its headquarters located in Madrid, its primary mission is to provide intelligence to EU institutions and member states to support the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) particularly the Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP).

The essential tasks of SatCen include;

  • Generating timely intelligence to inform EU operations, planning and crisis response.
  • Strengthening multilateral arms control efforts, non-proliferation measures and verification of international treaties.
  • Enhancing counterterrorism actions and combating organized crime.
  • Improving preparedness for emergencies and effectively responding to natural disasters.
  • Promoting cutting-edge space technologies and resources.

By utilizing a range of geospatial assets such as satellite imaging and real-time tracking capabilities SatCen provides invaluable early warning intelligence. This enables coordinated diplomatic, economic, humanitarian and civil protection actions, by the EU when faced with emerging crises or security challenges.

SatCen plays a role in European defense integration and ensuring stability beyond the borders of the EU. As threats become more complex and widespread SatCen’s significance in EU policymaking and response is growing.

Director Sorin Ducaru, appointed by the High Representative has been leading SatCen since June 2019. This appointment was made by the SatCen Management Board, which consists of representatives from all 27 EU member states.

Given the convergence of complex crises in Europe, the recent high-level visit highlighted SatCen’s increasingly central position in security and defense efforts within the European Union.

The focus was, on expanding SatCen’s capabilities, resources and influence to serve Europe’s current strategic interests while also preparing for future multifaceted challenges. With its assets, SatCen is well-positioned to drive and facilitate European defense integration for a long time to come.