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Sharing A Wounded Heart


By Br. Charbel Rizk (Syriac Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East)

What is the purpose of this life, this monastic life, that we are living? As monks and nuns, we do many things. Sometimes too many things. Often we find ourselves compelled to do them. When we came to Sweden from Syria to establish our monastic life here, we had to do many things. And we are still doing many things. And I think that we will continue to have to do many things. People come to us. We cannot tell them to go away. In fact we believe that Christ sends them to us. But why? Why to us? They come with heavy hearts, wounded hearts. They come with difficulties. We listen. They speak. Then they become quite and expect answers. Unfortunately for us some expect direct answers that might solve their difficulties, heal their wounded hearts, relive their heavy hearts. At the same time we wish they could see our own difficulties, our own wounded hearts, our own heavy hearts. And perhaps they do. The world is suffering. All of us are suffering for various reasons. This is an existential reality that cannot be denied. Realizing this insight and accepting it, not escaping it, is what gives meaning to our monastic life.

We are simply members of a suffering humanity, not of an evil one. Suffering is painful. Suffering can make us blind. A blind man in pain will most likely harm others. Willingly, yes, but his will is infected. He is responsible, but also afflicted. No one is evil, but everyone is suffering. This is our condition. What can we do about it? We pray, or to be more precise, we live prayerfully like Christ. This is the purpose of our monastic life, to live prayerfully like Christ. On the Cross, suffering immensely, he said prayerfully, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.” (Lk. 23:34) Truly, blinded by our pain, we lose our discernment. Thus we do not know what we do. In his suffering, Christ did not lose his discernment. Why? Because he is the perfect man. He is the true man. And he is the beginning of the renewal of humanity. He is our healing.

“Those conflicts and disputes among you, where do they come from?” asks James in his letter. And he goes on explain, “Do they not come from your cravings that are at war within you? You want something and do not have it, so you commit murder. And you covetsomething and cannot obtain it, so you engage in disputes and conflicts.” (Jas. 4:1–2)

Disputes and conflicts, and all kinds of harm, come from our passions, from our wounded hearts. We were not created like this. Nor were we created to be like this. But we became like this. This is the situation of our fallen humanity. This is the situation of each one of us. We can certainly spend all of our time, and even all of our life, on figuring out whom to blame for our wounds. If we chose to spend some time on doing this, we will, if honest enough, realize not only that we have been harmed by others, but also that we have harmed others. So, whom are we to blame for the wounds of humanity? Humanity, that is, us. Not him, not her, not them, but us. We are to blame. It is just that we are to blame, each one of us.

However, on the Cross, Christ blamed no one. While in pain, he forgave all. Throughout his life, he poured out grace on humanity. In his suffering, we are indeed healed. He blamed no one. He healed everyone. This he did in his suffering.

We have chosen to live a life of prayer, constant prayer, yes, a persistent prayerful life. What does this mean? It means to follow Christ with no compromises. “Let the dead bury their own dead, but as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” (Lk. 9:60) It means to forgive while being crucified. It means to blame ourselves, and not anyone else, for our wounds. In ourselves, everyone else is present. In us, we carry all. We are humanity. When we blame ourselves, we blame humanity. And we should blame it so as to realize that it needs healing. Similarly, when we heal ourselves, we bring healing into humanity. In the process of healing our own wounds, we are in the process of healing the wounds of humanity. This is our ascetic struggle.

Since the beginning, healing one’s wounds has been the purpose of monastic life. This is a noble cause, not to be taken lightly. It is indeed difficult. Almost impossible. Certainly so without the salvific life of Christ. He has restored humanity, re‑created it, and given it his purifying commandments, by means of which we in our pain find healing. The heart that is unable to love will be healed by his commandment to love. And to love while not wanting to love is the greatest of all struggles. To place others before oneself while not wanting to do so is similarly the greatest of all struggles. In a word, to keep his commandments is the greatest of all struggles, and if we succeed in this struggle, we not only heal our wounds, but also bring healing to humanity.

The people who come to us with wounded hearts remind us of the purpose of our monastic life. We listen with our hearts. We carry their difficulties in a hidden way in our own wounded hearts. Thus their wounds and ours become united in one heart, in one wounded heart, in the wounded heart of humanity. And in the process of healing our own wounds, theirs are also healed in a mystical way. This is our firm belief which gives great purpose to our silent life.

Hearts troubled by their own passions become easily judgmental when listening to the difficulties of others, especially when their difficulties appear to be the result of their own faults. Wounds are, however, healed not by judges but by physicians. If we, therefore, want to participate in the healing of humanity, we should act not as judges but as physicians. Upon listening carefully to patients describe their pains, wise physicians prescribe treats that they by experience know work. As monks and nuns, following Christ, we hopefully listen carefully to the wounded humanity, identify with it, suffer with it and heal with it. We need to be wakeful and honest so as not to slip and fall. If we do, we should immediately rise with repented hearts and take this as a reminder that we too are wounded humans like all other humans, struggling in the difficult path of healing. Never should we try to explain away our slipping and falling.

Unfortunately, in the history of the Church, there has been not only too much slipping and falling, but also too much trying to explain it away. We have divided the body of Christ. And instead of rising with repented hearts when slipping and falling, we have turn the entire world upside down, making it appear that all other Christians are slipping and falling, while we are the only ones standing perfectly and firmly upright. Is anyone really convinced by the statement that a certain church is completely innocent while the other churches are completely guilty? All of us are guilty in one or another way. Yet only those of us who heal their wounds are capable to see their guilt, confess it and repair the harm that each one of us have caused to the Church.

Ecumenism is in great need of our monastic life. However, wounded hearts can hardly unite the divided Church. In the process of healing our wounds, we will be able to help restore the divided Church.

Certainly, the questions and issues pertaining to the ecumenical relations and dialogues between our churches are many. As a Syriac‑Orthodox, reflecting on all of this, I find myself somewhat overwhelmed with mixed feelings and at times even with frustration and disappointment. I ask myself, what exactly are the conditions that need to be meet for unity? Have these been discussed and clarified? Have the churches different conditions? As a Syriac‑Orthodox, I know that the Christological question is of foremost importance. The Syriac‑Orthodox Church, like the other so‑called oriental churches, reject the Council of Chalcedon, which is regarded as the fourth ecumenical council among other churches, including the Roman-Catholic, the Anglican and the Lutheran. For many centuries, that is, since the fifth century until the past century, Syriac‑Orthodox Christians were viewed as holding a heterodox Christology, that is, somehow denying the perfect humanity of Christ. In fact, this has never been the case. The Syriac‑Orthodox Church, although rejecting the Council of Chalcedon, has always held that Christ, being one subject or individual, is perfect in his humanity and perfect in his divinity. The Syriac‑Orthodox Church’s rejection of the Council of Chalcedon has to do with how it historically understood the Council’s Christological formulation that Christ has or is in two natures. In a word, the Syriac‑Orthodox Church, historically speaking, understood the Chalcedonian Christological formulation to mean that Christ is two subjects or individuals. However, thanks to the ecumenical relations and dialogues of the past century, it has become clear enough that neither the Syriac‑Orthodox Church nor the Chalcedonian churches holds a heterodox Christology. Although our churches have their own particular ways of speaking about the mystery of the Incarnation, a common Christological understanding is perceived and acknowledged.

Now, if there is a common understanding in regard to Christology — and what could possibly be more important that Christ?! — then I ask myself, how far are we from unity of faith? And do we need more then unity of faith in order to share the Lord’s Eucharist which is the ultimate sign of unity in Christ? Or are we expecting other things from each other? What are we expecting for unity? Maybe, the main obstacle for unity is our own divided hearts?

When we were asked to participate in this gathering, and when we learnt that the aim of the gathering is to pray together for unity, we felt very blessed, as we realized that this is a perfect expression of our monastic life. Just as humanity needs healing, so too the Church needs healing. And just as our own healing brings healing into humanity, so too our own healing brings healing into the Church. We also felt very blessed when we were asked to welcome you in our newly established community here in Sweden. This community is, as it were, a 3-year‑old child, newly born into the world and the Church for the healing of both. To have you here, in this initial state, is a great blessing. Your prayers here will fortify this consecrated place, this place of prayer, this place of healing.

Being together here, during these days, is indeed a blessing for us, but at the same time, this uncovers our shared wound. To see the Lord’s Eucharist prepared and celebrated by each tradition but not shared by all of us uncovers our shared wound. How do we feel when we prepare and celebrate the Lord’s Eucharist in the presence of brothers and sisters whom we, or at least some of us, cannot invite to share? Do we not hear Paul’s words echoing and burning in the conscience of our wounded hearts?

I am speaking the truth in Christ — I am not lying; my conscience confirms it by the Holy Spirit —I have great sorrow and unceasing anguish in my heart. For I could wish that I myself were accursed and cut off from Christ for the sake of my own brothers and sisters, my own flesh and blood. (Rom. 9:1–3)

If we do, let us keep praying. Let us hold on to our monastic life. Let us know that we are sharing a wounded heart. And let us hope that in the process of healing our wounds, we will be able to help restore the divided Church.

Note: Text presented to the participants of the 22nd gathering of the Conference of International Interconfessional Religious took place this year in Sweden, September 2023.

A police robot begins patrolling New York City


The first object it will guard are metro stations

The New York City Police Department has unveiled a new robot that will patrol the city’s subway stations. It’s called K5, and the first site it will guard is the Times Square station, reports Engadget.

The robot weighs 190 kg. and it has 4 cameras that shoot 360 video but no audio. K5 will patrol the night from midnight to 6am.

The first two weeks will be limited duty, during which time he will map and familiarize himself with the station, patrolling key areas. After that, it will begin to tour the platforms themselves, and the trials should last at least two months.

The robot is from the company Knightscope and is described as “funny, eye-catching, photogenic and respectful of people’s personal space”. The police and the company did not describe exactly what the robot’s activities will be, and whether an operator will monitor its cameras live or whether they will analyze the situation and issue a signal only when necessary.

Authorities say it will be able to record video to be reviewed in the event of an emergency or crime. There will be no facial recognition technology. The robot also has a button that citizens can press to be connected in real time to an operator to report or ask questions.

The robot is currently available for rent, costing $9 per hour of use. If the tests are successful, the police may purchase several. Earlier this year, the New York City Police Department bought two robot dogs to be used in emergency situations.

Photo Source: New York City’s K5 Police Robot / Knightscope / Business Wire

UN teams support burn victims amidst Karabakh crisis

UN teams support burn victims amidst Karabakh crisis

UN World Health Organization (WHO) teams in Goris, Armenia, are tirelessly working to assist not only the vast numbers of refugees fleeing the Karabakh region but also to provide urgent medical support to individuals grappling with severe burn injuries resulting from a massive fuel depot explosion that occurred last week amidst the exodus.

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CIR ecumenical conference 2023 in Sweden


The 22nd gathering of the Conference of International Interconfessional Religious took place this year in Sweden between 31st August and 5th September. 43 monks and nuns from 8 different Church traditions were represented (Roman Catholic, Anglican, Methodist, Reformed, Lutheran, Coptic, Bulgarian Orthodox and Syrian Orthodox). What participants held in common was their monastic life and coming together to live it in the Swedish Lutheran Retreat Centre of Stjanholm and the newly founded monastery of Korsets Kloster at Alberga which is in the Syriac Orthodox tradition.

The CIR conference has always sought to find unity through the common monastic life, praying for unity and sharing the pain of disunity around the Eucharist. Each day the Eucharist was celebrated according to one of the traditions represented. The Syrian Orthodox parish of St Gabriel’s Norrkoping kindly hosting the participants on the Sunday. The Lutheran celebration took place in the cathedral church at Vadstena where the conference had a day’s visit. The Roman Catholic celebration of the Vigil of Sunday taking place at Korsets Kloster and the Anglican celebration in the chapel at Stjanholm.

The theme of the presentation for each of the speakers from the Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Anglican and Reformed traditions was “How can our treasure become our gift?”. After each paper was presented there was a chance for questions and then small group discussion in language groups. Many participants find it is here that there is deep exchange between those of different traditions and cultures. Friendships and exchanges have been fostered through this meeting over many years and one of the joys of this conference was the widening of participation with religious attending from Sweden as well as Latvia, Bulgaria and Hungary, countries not previously represented in recent years.

The 23rd Conference will be held in 2025 at the Anglican convent of Tymawr in Wales.

Source: Le blog du Congrès Interconfessionnel et International des Religieux, https://ciirblog.wordpress.com/

Germany – EU country with the highest number of unaccompanied children seeking asylum

Germany is the EU country with the highest number of lone children seek asylum
Photo by Ahmed akacha: https://www.pexels.com/photo/three-girls-in-floral-dresses-smiling-and-standing-near-white-tent-6729257/

Germany is the EU country where the largest number of unaccompanied children from Syria and Afghanistan seeking asylum

The number of refugees who have asked for protection status in European countries is growing. In June of this year alone, a new 83,385 people have officially applied for asylum. This represents a 25% increase from the previous month, when claims were 66,845.

A little under 5,800 people are those who applied for the second time/due to the refusal or expiration of a previous permit, which represents a 9% drop compared to June 2023.

The EU countries which received the highest number of asylum applications from unaccompanied minors in June 2023 were Germany (805), followed by Austria (570) and the Netherlands (445) and Bulgaria (400). The figure for Bulgaria has increased significantly compared to the previous month, when there were 285 children for Bulgaria. In February, the number was 100.hen there were 285 children. In February, their number was 100.

Nearly 3,000 applications for the protection of children who migrated alone have been submitted for the entire European Union, and the countries from which they most often come are Syria and Afghanistan.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Germany - EU country with the highest number of unaccompanied children seeking asylum
Source dataset: migr_asyumactm – Applying for asylum

In June 2023, 2,975 unaccompanied minors applied for asylum for the first time in the EU, mostly from Syria (980) and Afghanistan (910). This is according to Eurostat data.

As in previous months of the year, four countries remain favorites to host refugees. These are Germany (23,190), Spain (16,075), France (12,475) and Italy (10,730), which continue to receive the largest number of asylum seekers. Their number represents 75% of all migrants and asylum seekers in the European Union.

Syrian nationals make up the largest group of asylum seekers

Throughout the year, also in July, Syrians make up the largest part of the flow of migrating citizens. A total of 13,150 representatives of the people have asked for asylum within the EU. They are followed by Afghans (7,775), Venezuelans (6,925) and Colombians (6,165).

Since Russia’s military aggression against Ukraine, there has also been a significant increase in Ukrainians applying for asylum, but the number has been decreasing every month to 1,065 in June 2023. This is also because people fleeing Ukraine benefit from a temporary protection, explained by Eurostat. Again, their data reports more than 4.1 million citizens who fled Ukraine and received temporary protection status in EU countries. According to the data of the statistical agency, in Bulgaria their number is 162,980. And compared to the number of the population /per 100,000/, the highest number of total beneficiaries of temporary protection per thousand people at the end of July 2023 is observed in the Czech Republic (33.0), Poland (26.4), Estonia (25.9), Bulgaria (25.3) and Lithuania (25.0), while the corresponding figure at EU level is 9.2 per thousand people.

Rishi Sunak is considering banning cigarettes in Britain


British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is considering the introduction of measures to deprive the next generation of the opportunity to buy cigarettes, the Guardian reported.

Sunak is considering anti-smoking measures similar to laws announced last year by New Zealand, which include a ban on the sale of tobacco to anyone born after January 1, 2009, the publication cited by Reuters said.

“We want to encourage more people to quit smoking and meet our ambition to live smoke-free by 2030, which is why we have already taken steps to reduce the proportion of smokers,” a British government spokesman told Reuters.

Measures include free vaping kits, a voucher scheme to encourage pregnant women to quit smoking, and counseling and more, the spokesman said.

The policies discussed are part of a consumer-oriented new campaign by Sunak’s team ahead of next year’s election, the publication noted.

In May, Britain announced it would close a loophole that allowed retailers to hand out free samples of vape devices to children as part of a crackdown on e-cigarettes. Separately, councils in England and Wales called on the government in July to ban the sale of single-use wipes by 2024 on both environmental and health grounds.

Photo by cottonbro studio: https://www.pexels.com/photo/alcoholic-drinks-and-cigarettes-on-a-wooden-table-5921118/

The “Tomb of Salome”


A 2,000-year-old burial web site has been found by Israeli authorities.

The discover is named the “Tomb of Salome”, one of the midwives who attended the delivery of Jesus

The Israeli authorities have revealed “one of the most impressive burial caves” ever found on the territory of the nation, reported Agence France-Presse, quoted by BTA.

The discover dates again to about 2000 years in the past and is named the “Tomb of Salome”, one of the midwives who attended the delivery of Jesus, based on some colleges of Christianity.

The web site was found 40 years in the past by antiquities thieves within the forest of Lachish, positioned between Jerusalem and the Gaza Strip. This led to archaeological excavations, which revealed an enormous vestibule, testifying, based on archaeologists, to the significance of the burial cave.

The web site the place the bone containers have been discovered contains a number of rooms in addition to niches carved into the stone. According to the Israel Antiquities Authority, that is one of probably the most spectacular and intricately constructed caves found in Israel.

The cave was initially used for Jewish burial rituals and belonged to a rich Jewish household who devoted lots of effort to its preparation,” based on the supply.

The cave later grew to become a Christian chapel devoted to Salome, as evidenced by the crosses and inscriptions on the partitions referring to her.

“Salome is an enigmatic figure,” the Israel Antiquities Authority mentioned. “According to Christian (Orthodox) custom, the midwife in Bethlehem couldn’t imagine that she was being requested to ship the child to a virgin, her hand withered and solely recovered when she cradled him.

The cult of Salome and use of the positioning continued into the ninth century, after the Muslim conquest, the Israel Antiquities Authority mentioned. “Some of the inscriptions are in Arabic, while Christian believers continue to pray at the site.”

Excavations of the 350-square-meter vestibule uncovered store stalls that archaeologists imagine offered clay lamps.

“We found hundreds of whole and broken lamps dating from the eighth or ninth century,” mentioned excavation leaders Nir Shimshon-Paran and Zvi Fuhrer. “The lamps were probably used to illuminate the cave or in religious ceremonies in the way that candles are distributed in tombs and churches today,” they added.

Untold Tales: Exploring Europe’s Enchanting Legends

Untold Tales: Exploring Europe’s Enchanting Legends

For centuries, Europe has been a land rich in history and folklore, where myths and legends have been passed down from generation to generation. These enchanting tales have woven their way into the fabric of European culture, shaping beliefs, traditions, and even architecture. From the haunting tales of the Loch Ness Monster in Scotland to the ancient Greek myths of gods and heroes, Europe is a treasure trove of untold stories waiting to be explored. Join us as we embark on a journey through Europe’s mystical legends and delve into the magic that lies within.

Delve into the Ancient Lore: Europe’s Enchanting Myths

As we delve into the ancient lore of Europe, we discover a tapestry of enchanting myths that have captivated the hearts and minds of people for centuries. In Greece, the birthplace of Western civilization, we encounter powerful gods and goddesses, such as Zeus, Poseidon, and Aphrodite. These celestial beings have ignited the imaginations of countless individuals and have been the inspiration behind countless works of art and literature.

Moving northwards, we encounter the Norse legends of Scandinavia, where mighty gods like Odin and Thor ruled over majestic realms. These tales of epic battles, mythical creatures, and valiant heroes offer a glimpse into the rich cultural heritage of the Vikings. Meanwhile, in Ireland, the land of leprechauns and fairies, ancient Celtic mythology tells of brave warriors and mystical beings that reside in the emerald landscapes. Each corner of Europe has its own unique tales, adding to the collective tapestry of enchantment that is Europe’s folklore.

Mystical Tales of Europe: Discovering the Unexplored Legends

Beyond the well-known legends lies a world of unexplored tales that will leave you spellbound. In the heart of Romania, the legend of Dracula casts its dark shadow. Explore the ancient castles and discover the truth behind the myth of the blood-thirsty vampire. Journey to Scotland and uncover the secrets of the Loch Ness Monster, a creature that has evaded capture and fascinated generations with its elusive presence. These lesser-known legends add an extra layer of mystery to the already intriguing world of European folklore.

From the haunting Banshee of Ireland to the seductive Sirens of Greece, Europe’s mystical tales serve as a reminder that the human imagination knows no bounds. These legends have stood the test of time, captivating the masses and inspiring countless artistic endeavors. By exploring the untold tales of Europe, we not only discover the magic that lies within each story but also gain a deeper understanding of the cultures and histories that have shaped the continent.


Europe’s enchanting legends have the power to transport us to a world of fantasy and wonder. They are more than just stories; they are a testament to the power of imagination and the enduring legacy of ancient civilizations. Whether you choose to explore the well-known myths or venture into the unexplored tales, Europe’s folklore offers a captivating journey into the realms of magic and mystery. So, embark on this enchanted adventure and let the untold tales of Europe guide you through a world where legends come to life.

Could Insights from Ants Help People Build Better Transportation Networks?

Could Insights from Ants Help People Build Better Transportation Networks?

When building nests, ants strike a balance between transportation efficiency and architectural constraints. Researchers say that observation could help humans design more efficient transportation systems tailored to specific needs.

Could ants’ nests hold the secret to reducing traffic congestion on the 405 Freeway?

In a new study, UCLA biologists discovered insights about how ants build their nests that could be useful for designing more efficient human transportation systems.

Ant road – illustrative photo. Image credit: Pixabay (Free Pixabay license)

The scientists were interested in learning whether the way ants build their nests is more influenced by the evolutionary history of each individual species or current ecological conditions.

What they found was that evolution could not explain the variations they observed among different species’ nests. Rather, they found, the environments in which ants forage and the way they transport food are the main factors that dictate how each species builds its nests.

The lesson for humans? If roads were better tailored to the ways goods and people move through our cities, transportation networks could be more efficient.

For example, congestion on Southern California’s freeways might be improved if there were dedicated lanes or roads for trucks traveling to and from major logistics hubs like ports, warehouses and distribution centers.

According to the study, the environments in which ants forage and the way they transport food are the main factors that dictate how each species builds its nests.

According to the study, the environments in which ants forage and the way they transport food are the main factors that dictate how each species builds its nests. Image credit: Jorge Coromina/Unsplash

“Ants deal with the same issues we deal with when it comes to living in crowded spaces,” said Sean O’Fallon, a UCLA doctoral student in ecology and evolutionary biology, and the study’s first author.

“We’re densely packed in cities, and ideally we should be densely connected, but there are constraints to how closely packed together we can be. There’s only so much space to construct buildings and roads.”

In the study, published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, scientists analyzed information from two sources — details about 397 ant nests came from previously published data and images, and the authors conducted new studies of 42 other nests, all located at the Archbold Biological Reserve near Venus, Florida. In total, the 439 nests represented 31 different species of ants.

They discovered that nest structures were largely determined by factors like whether ants foraged alone or in groups, as well as the methods they used to recruit other ants to help find and carry food. In a nutshell, the animals’ activity and behavior play bigger roles in nest construction than any innate evolutionary template.

“You can think of the nest itself as a transportation network — it’s where ants live, but it’s also a kind of highway network they move things in and out of,” said Noa Pinter-Wollman, a UCLA professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and the paper’s corresponding author.

The researchers examined four common foraging strategies used by ants. In some species, individual ants hunt for food. In others, an ant brings food to the nest as a means of recruiting other ants to accompany it to the food source.

Ants can also form a continuous trail between the food source and the nest that can persist for months. Or they can leave a pheromone trail that members of the colony can follow in large numbers — a phenomenon the researchers called “mass recruitment.”

Ants’ nests consist of a tunnel leading down to an entrance chamber, where ants enlist other members of their colony to help them find or transport food. From the entrance chamber, tunnels lead down to other chambers, which are connected by tunnels to still deeper chambers. Chambers serve different purposes, such as food and waste storage and rearing young.

The researchers expected that in ant species that use the mass recruitment style of foraging, the nests’ entrance chambers would be larger than they are in other species’ nests, because those spaces would need to allow larger numbers of ants to interact. And indeed, they found that to be the case.

However, the scientists also expected that nests for the mass recruitment foragers would have greater “network density” — meaning larger numbers of connections among the chambers — than nests built by other species. Greater network density, the scientists reasoned, would help facilitate more movement of ants and resources throughout the nest.

But the research revealed that for ants representing all four foraging strategies, network density was relatively low — even for large nests with hundreds of chambers. In fact, the study revealed, across all foraging strategies, nests with the most chambers tended to have the lowest network density.

In the paper, the researchers write that finding could be simply a function of architecture: Too many tunnels between chambers could weaken the structural integrity of the nest, which could cause the entire system to collapse.

“Ants have to balance the efficiency of highly connected nests with architectural stability,” Pinter-Wollman said. “On one hand, they want transportation to be faster, but if they start making too many connections, the nest will crumble.

Written by Holly Ober

Source: UCLA

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The Essential Features and Benefits of Healthcare Management Systems in Modern Healthcare

The Essential Features and Benefits of Healthcare Management Systems in Modern Healthcare

Running a hospital or healthcare center is not easy. It requires more than just a highly skilled staff. It demands efficiency, quality service, and top-notch operations. One essential tool in today’s healthcare landscape is a robust healthcare management system software. While shifting from older systems to modern healthcare software may seem costly, it is an inevitable step towards providing quick, high-quality care to patients and ensuring the hospital functions efficiently.

Hospital, operating room – associative photo. Healthcare management systems and software are used in all modern hospitals. Image credit: Piron Guillaume via Unsplash, free license

Understanding the needs of staff, patients, and management is the key when considering custom solutions or working with contractors to implement such software. Custom solutions can tailor the system to the unique requirements of a healthcare institution.

Benefits you get from having implemented HMS Software

Hospital management systems offer a variety of features that significantly benefit doctors. They help them in providing better patient care while they still can dedicate more time to their patients rather than being bogged down with paperwork. Modern hospitals equip their staff with the right infrastructure, centralizing patient information in a single, accessible database. This enables quick access to patient history and test results, optimizing processes and making them more efficient.

A proficient hospital management system should include a range of features that contribute to the hospital’s smooth and efficient functioning.

#1 Automatic call processing

Automated call processing ensures effective and efficient communication within the hospital. No more missed or unanswered phone calls. And no more nurses spending half a day on the phone.

#2 Appointment notifications

Sending appointment notifications to patients helps in better appointment management and reduces no-shows. Doctors can be sure they will have their day as planned.

#3 Medical test results notifications

Automated notifications of medical test results to patients improve communication and the overall patient experience. There is no need to go back to the laboratory to get your paper results.

#4 Automatic filling of medical records

No more tons of papers! The system of automatic filling of medical records saves time and ensures accuracy. Moreover, both doctors and patients can have access to all the information.

#5 Quick patient registration

No more 1-hour paper questionnaires or phone talks with spelling exercises. HMS allows for simplifying this process and provides timely care.

#6 Online doctor’s consulting hours

The pandemic has shown that having the option of getting an appointment online can be a lifesaver! Everyone can get fair treatment and, most importantly, on time.

#7 Online prescriptions

It is a common problem that people may lose or forget a piece of paper with a prescription on it. That is why having it online makes sure patients can always buy their medication when needed.

#8 Integration of patients information across multiple doctors

It is no secret that our health information is not specified to just one doctor. It is important for them to be able to see the whole picture. So, providing access to patients’ information across all doctors is a must, and it improves the whole delivery of healthcare services.

When the integration of all systems and processes is fulfilled into a unified platform, it ensures smooth operations throughout the hospital or any other medical institution.

When speaking of the most significant advantages of a healthcare management system, we should mention the efficient scheduling it offers to doctors. They are able to see the whole day and analyze how to make better decisions on planning. As a result, it improves the services patients get. It is impossible to overestimate the help HMS brings to doctors and nurses as well as patients.

Moreover, hospital management systems focus on revenue management. What does it mean? The system aids in optimizing durations of appointments without compromising on service quality. By analyzing doctor schedules, the administration can calculate work hours, considering peak times and equipment maintenance. Doctors can easily recommend treatment protocols based on predefined illness categories, providing a structured approach to care. The system also offers insights into hospital profitability and campaign effectiveness tracking.

Features to include

When you are considering implementing the hospital management system software, there are several critical features that should be taken into account. Let’s explore them!

#1 Editing and printing patient data

The software should allow easy editing and printing of patient details and data. All doctors and nurses get quick access to vital patient information, treatment plans, prescriptions, and complaints.

#2 Automated cost calculations

This feature is especially great for patients. When there is an automatic calculation of service costs, patients can more freely book appointments. It boosts important aspects of healthcare services – transparency and efficiency.

#3 Payment history tracking

This feature simplifies and improves financial management. It includes tracking and retrieval of payment history, services provided, and associated costs.

#4 Billing and invoicing

This feature is needed for simplifying financial transactions. It handles billing for services, generates invoices, and supports various payment methods. Both hospitals and patients benefit from it as they choose the most suitable payment method.

#5 Mobile accessibility

Responsive solutions are a must in the modern world. HMS software is not an exception. Healthcare professionals and patients should be able to access the system on the go, at any place and time. It ensures flexibility and accessibility to crucial data when needed.

#6 Security and compliance

There is no need to explain why these features are essential. What should be included? Robust security features, data encryption, user authentication, and compliance with healthcare data privacy regulations (such as HIPAA) to protect sensitive patient information.

Last but not least

Hospital management system software is a vital tool in modern healthcare institutions. There are many improvements that come with its implementations. High-quality services, optimized working hours, and advanced healthcare services. And these are just the main of them. Be up to date and enhance your medical institution with this state-of-the-art solution!

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