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Coronavirus and schools: Access to handwashing facilities key for safe reopening

Coronavirus and schools: Access to handwashing facilities key for safe reopening

Handwashing facilities – “Access to water, sanitation and hygiene services is essential for effective infection prevention and control in all settings, including schools”, said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the WHO Director-General.

“It must be a major focus of government strategies for the safe reopening and operation of schools during the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic.”

Historic disruption to education

COVID-19 has created the largest disruption to education ever recorded, affecting nearly 1.6 billion students in more than 190 countries, according to UN data.

The study found that last year, 43 per cent of schools globally lacked access to basic handwashing with soap and water: a key condition for schools to be able to operate safely in the midst of the pandemic.

Of the roughly 818 million children worldwide who lack basic handwashing facilities at school, more than one third are in sub-Saharan Africa.

In the 60 countries at highest risk of health and humanitarian crises due to the virus, three-quarters of children lacked the basic ability to wash their hands at school at the start of the outbreak, while half lacked basic water service.

Balancing act for governments

The report stressed that governments seeking to control coronavirus spread must balance the need for implementing public health measures against the social and economic impacts of lockdown measures.

The partners said evidence of the negative impacts of prolonged school closures on children has been well documented.

“Global school closures since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic have presented an unprecedented challenge to children’s education and wellbeing”, said Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Executive Director. “We must prioritize children’s learning. This means making sure that schools are safe to reopen – including with access to hand hygiene, clean drinking water and safe sanitation.”

Solutions for safe return

The report identifies resources for COVID-19 prevention and control in schools, including 10 immediate actions and safety checklists.

It builds on guidelines on the safe reopening of schools issued in April by UNICEF and partners, geared towards national and local authorities.

The guidelines include several protocols on hygiene measures, use of personal protective equipment, cleaning and disinfection, as well as providing access to clean water, handwashing stations with soap, and safe toilets.

UNICEF and WHO underlined their commitment to achieving equitable access to adequate water, sanitation and hygience services worldwide, including through the Hand Hygiene for All initiative that supports vulnerable communities.

Belarus: UN rights chief condemns violence against protesters, calls for grievances to be heard

Belarus: UN rights chief condemns violence against protesters, calls for grievances to be heard

Following the announcement by the authorities of the preliminary results from Sunday’s presidential election, immediately questioned by opposition parties, largely peaceful protests erupted throughout Belarus, prompting a heavy crackdown by the security forces.

UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Michelle Bachelet, condemned the authorities’ violent response: “I remind the Belarusian authorities that the use of force during protests should always be exceptional and a measure of last resort” she said, “clearly differentiating between any violent individuals and peaceful protesters, against whom force should not be used.”

Listen to grievances

In response to reports that police had used unnecessary and excessive force, firing rubber bullets, water cannons and stun grenades, Ms. Bachelet said people’s complaints must be heard.

“State authorities must allow and facilitate the exercise of the rights to freedom of expression and of peaceful assembly and not repress it”, added the top rights official. 

“People have the right to speak up and express dissent, even more in the context of elections, when democratic freedoms should be upheld, not suppressed.”

Ill-treatment during detention

Citing accounts that more than 6,000 people had been detained over the last three days, including bystanders and minors, Ms. Bachelet observed “a trend of massive arrests in clear violation of international human rights standards”.

Against the backdrop of reports that police officers have beaten protestors – some while in custody – and that at least 250 people were injured, one of whom died under unclear circumstances, the UN rights chief reminded the Belarusian Government of “the absolute prohibition on torture and other ill-treatment of detainees”. 

The High Commissioner called for the immediate release of everyone unlawfully detained, and for prompt, thorough, independent and impartial investigations into all allegations of human rights violations.

“Those arbitrarily detained or ill-treated for peacefully expressing dissent are entitled to justice and redress”, she stressed, maintaining that the authorities “should also hear and respond to people’s grievances regarding the elections”.

Information blackouts

Since Sunday, intermittent internet shutdowns, social media platform stoppages, and blocked NGO and news websites have curtailed the right of freedom of expression, including the right to seek and provide information, according to UN human rights office.

Moreover, journalists covering the demonstrations have been harassed, sometimes attacked, and their equipment destroyed or confiscated.

And more than 50 reporters and bloggers have been detained, with criminal investigations opened against some of them.

“Free flow of information is crucial in any democratic society, and especially in a context of crisis and social unrest”, said the UN rights chief, “but even more so, in the current situation of the COVID-19 pandemic, and where people might feel compelled to express dissent online rather than on the streets”.  

Amid COVID-19, UN commitment to peace ‘more urgent than ever’

Amid COVID-19, UN commitment to peace ‘more urgent than ever’

“The concept of sustaining peace is essentially about positive peace as opposed to simply ending wars. In other words, it is the idea that the international community accompanies a country well beyond the point of simply putting down guns, to the point where people feel protected and represented”, Secretary-General António Guterres told the meeting. 

Against the backdrop of growing questions over the effectiveness of health systems and trust in institutions and governance across the globe, he said: “All of this means that our commitment to sustaining peace is more urgent than ever”.  

Key dangers

The UN chief maintained that coherent, conflict-sensitive approaches to health and humanitarian crises will help deliver sustainable peace. 

However, he highlighted three challenges, beginning with the erosion of public trust, which Mr. Guterres said can lead to widespread disillusionment in authority at all levels.  

Secondly, he raised concern over a destabilized global economic order, which, fueled by the unprecedented global economic crisis, adds to heightened socio-economic vulnerabilities.  

He thirdly highlighted the weakening of the social fabric.  

“We have seen many peaceful protests, and in a number of countries, COVID-19 has been an excuse for harsh crackdowns and a spike in state repression”, flagged Mr. Guterres, also noting that “at least 23 countries have postponed national elections or referenda, and almost twice as many have postponed subnational votes”.  

Opportunities out of a crisis

However, the pandemic has also created opportunities for peace, including the UN chief’s global ceasefire appeal earlier in the year.  

And Security Council resolution 2532, which demanded a general and immediate cessation of hostilities in all situations, “is a step in the right direction”, Mr. Guterres said.

“But much more is needed to translate early gains into concrete action on the ground”.
Investing in prevention

The Secretary-General spelled out that pandemic responses must be conflict-sensitive, “starting with a multidimensional analysis on how the pandemic affects underlying risks that drive conflict”.  

He underscored that inclusion is “critical” in humanitarian and development responses, especially with communities and marginalized groups, to “help rebuild trust and enhance social cohesion”.    

Moreover, sustaining peace requires an integrated and coherent approach across humanitarian, development and peace actors, according to the UN chief. 

“The Council’s ongoing collaboration with the Peacebuilding Commission is critical” to help improve collective response. The UN chief also maintained the need for flexible and tailored approaches to peacebuilding in the context of the pandemic.  

“COVID-19 is a human tragedy – but we can mitigate the impacts by the choices we make”, upheld the top UN official.    


A peacekeeper from the UN Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization MIssion in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) pours hand sanitizer into a child’s hand.

Castigating the Council

Speaking on behalf of the Elders, independent global leaders working together for peace and human rights, Mr. Guterres’s predecessor, Ban Ki-moon, welcomed resolution 2532, but noted that within the Security Council, “valuable months were wasted in arguments over the details of the text”.

He argued that their delay had “weakened the message” that the 15-member body must send a message to all warring parties that “now is the time to confront our common enemy”.

The stalemate “further aggravated the current volatile global security situations in the midst of the global fight against COVID-19”, underscored Mr. Ban, pointing to that ramifications of the pandemic in conflict-affected settings on health and humanitarian endeavours, but also in social cohesion, governance and the rule of law.

Moving forward

Notwithstanding his concerns, Mr. Ban called the debate “a timely opportunity” to explore ways to respond to the crisis while bolstering international efforts to sustain peace in the post-COVID-19 era.

“The experience of this crisis should also spur us to change our priorities and our understandings of what threats and values really matter”, he pinpointed, citing the societal inequalities and protection gaps of marginalized communities.

“I believe the UN and its Member States have a generational opportunity to use this concept to help build back better, further catalyze greater inclusivity, and steer humanity and our planet towards a more peaceful and sustainable and future”, concluded the Elder.

UN ‘can no longer work in silos’

Chairing the session, Indonesia’s Foreign Minister, Retno Marsudi, whose country holds the presidency for August, spoke of using a holistic approach to join the dots between the health crisis, social and economic implications, and peace and security.

“Sustaining peace requires synergy between the work of all UN systems”, she said, adding that the Organization “can no longer work in silos” but instead in “a coherent manner”, that harvests the “strengths of its different organs”.

Ms. Marsudi laid out UN responsibilities, beginning with the Council to ensure the “full implementation” of resolution 2532 to enable a timely delivery of aid and COVID-19 treatment to civilians in conflict; UN peacekeepers, who monitor conflict risks during the pandemic, serve as an “early-warning system”; and UN funds, agencies and programmes provide technical capacities to address conflict drivers during the crisis. 

Equality and action 

Also addressing the virtual chamber, Sarah Cliffe, Director of New York University’s Center on International Cooperation, shone a light on unequal access to coronavirus medicines and equipment so far during the pandemic, and inequalities over accessing COVID-19 vaccine programmes underway, which “exacerbates threats to peace and stability”.

She also cited opinion polls “in all regions”, relaying that there was an “unprecedented demand for more international collective action”.

Looking ahead: what MEPs will work on until the end of 2020 | News | European Parliament

Looking ahead: what MEPs will work on until the end of 2020 | News | European Parliament

In the coming months, MEPs are set to vote on the EU’s long-term budget, a new climate law and continue to debate the future of Europe.

Long-term budget and recovery plan

In May the European Commission proposed a €750 billion economic stimulus plan that along with a revised proposal for the EU’s 2021-2027 budget of €1.1 trillion should help mitigate the shock from the coronavirus pandemic and pave the way to a sustainable future. The proposals are subject to negotiations between Parliament and the member states in the Council.

Green Deal

In September, Parliament’s environment committee will vote on the EU’s climate law, as proposed by the Commission in March, including how the EU can achieve climate neutrality by 2050. It is likely to be voted on by all MEPs during a plenary session in October.

Future of Europe conference

The Conference on the Future of Europe is a new initiative looking at what changes are needed to better prepare the EU for the future. The conference was meant to have kicked off in May, but was delayed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. In a resolution adopted during the summer, the Parliament stressed that the conference should start “as soon as possible in autumn 2020”. It is expected to run for two years.

EU-UK negotiations

Talks are ongoing to reach an agreement on the future relationship between the EU and the UK. Under the current withdrawal agreement, there is a transition period until the end of December 2020, so the aim for the two sides is to conclude negotiations before the end of the year. Any agreement can only enter into force if it has been approved by the Parliament.

Digital Services Act

As part of the European Digital Strategy, the Commission has announced it will present a Digital Services Act package in late 2020, which should strengthen the single market for digital services. Parliament’s internal market and consumer protection committee, civil liberties committee and legal affairs committee have all published their draft reports. The committees are expected to vote on their reports in September.

Industrial strategy

In March 2020, the Commission presented a New Industrial Strategy for Europe to ensure that European businesses can transition towards climate neutrality and a digital future. Parliament’s industry and research committee will vote on its report on the matter in September, while all MEPs are expected to vote on it two months after that.

Reform of the EU’s agricultural policy

The final phase of the negotiations on how Europe’s agricultural sector should look after 2020 will depend on a deal on the EU’s budget for 2021-2027. It will also take into account the European Green Deal.


The Commission is set to present a New Pact on Asylum and Migration, once a preliminary agreement on the EU budget by the member states has been reached. Parliament’s civil liberties committee is currently working on a report on new legal pathways for labour migration to the EU.

Rail passenger rights

The EU is working on new rules to strengthen rail passenger rights, including higher compensation in case of delays and more assistance for people with disabilities. The aim is to be done with this legislative file before 2021, which the Commission has proposed should be the European Year of Rail. After an interruption caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, the interinstitutional negotiations resumed in June.


In March 2018, the Commission presented a proposal for a regulation on crowdfunding service providers, as part of its Fintech action plan. The EU market for crowdfunding is underdeveloped compared to other major world economies due to a lack of common rules across the EU. Exactly two years later, Parliament’s economic and monetary affairs committee reached a provisional agreement on the proposal with the Council. This will still need to be formally approved by a majority of MEPs before it can enter into force.

As restrictions are eased, asylum applications in the EU+ increase significantly, but remain at half pre-COVID-19 levels


Following the gradual relaxation of emergency measures in EU+ countries,1 in June about half as many applications for international protection were lodged compared to the months immediately prior to the COVID-19 outbreak in Europe.

The impact of emergency measures on asylum trends continued to be visible in June. Although the 31 500 applications in June represented a threefold increase from May, this number was still at about half the level prior to the pandemic. In fact, almost all EU+ countries received fewer applications in June than in the first two months of the year. In the first half of 2020 the overall number of asylum applications dropped by 37 % compared to the same period in 2019.

In the coming months, applications for asylum are expected to continue rising but albeit slowly because asylum services are likely to remain partially limited plus travel restrictions with third countries will continue to reduce entry opportunities, especially in the event of a second wave.

Repeated applications are those that are lodged by applicants in the same country following a previous application that was rejected or discontinued. In June, the share of repeated applications decreased slightly (11 %) but remained higher than pre-COVID-19 levels (8 – 9 %).

Syrians and Afghans continued to lodge the most asylum applications, followed by Venezuelans and Colombians who suddenly started to lodge more applications after two months of very low levels indeed.

For the fourth successive month, first instance decision making exceeded the number of applications that were lodged: in June, over 34 300 first-instance decisions were issued, somewhat more than in May which demonstrates that many asylum services have been able to continue issuing decisions despite this year’s challenges. Indeed, decision making has been rather less affected by the emergency measures in EU+ countries, but the temporary suspension of face-to-face interviews for some time seems to have prevented a more sizeable increase in decisions. 

In turn, the number of pending cases at first instance continued to decrease slightly for the fourth month in a row. However, with some 426 700 applications awaiting a decision at first instance at the end of June, the number of pending cases remained significant.

For more information and an interactive data-visualisation, please visit the Latest Asylum Trends page.

[1] Includes European Union Member States, Norway, and Switzerland.

UN praises resilience and vision of younger generation, marking International Youth Day  

UN praises resilience and vision of younger generation, marking International Youth Day  

Against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic, which has upended young peoples’ lives and aspirations and heightened their vulnerabilities, UN Secretary-General António Guterres praised the younger generation’s resilience, resourcefulness and engagement.

“They are the young people who have risen up to demand climate action. They are mobilizing for racial justice and gender equality and are the champions of a more sustainable world”, he said in a message marking International Youth Day.

“Many are young women who have been on the frontlines in mobilizing for justice and climate action — while also serving on the frontlines of the COVID-19 response.”

The Secretary-General also underscored that realizing the promise of the young generation requires investing far more in their inclusion, participation, organizations and initiatives.

“I call on leaders and adults everywhere to do everything possible to enable the world’s youth to enjoy lives of safety, dignity and opportunity and contribute to the fullest of their great potential,” he added.

The theme of this year’s International Youth Day, “Youth Engagement for Global Action”, highlights the ways in which the engagement of young people at the local, national and global levels is strengthening national and multilateral institutions and processes, as well as draw lessons on how their representation and engagement in formal institutional politics can be enhanced.

Also this year, through the #31DaysOfYOUth social media campaign, UN celebrates young people throughout the month of August, leading up and following International Day, to help spread the word and strike up a conversation surrounding youth engagement for global action.

‘Young people are the trail-blazers of progress’ – UN General Assembly President

Echoing the Secretary-General’s call, Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, the President of the UN General Assembly, also underlined a “global responsibility” to ensure that young people everywhere have access to just and equitable opportunities to fulfil their rights and aspirations.

“The potential for humanity to create a peaceful, prosperous future will not be reached as long as inequities and discrimination against youth remain commonplace, and young people lack opportunities to have their voices heard,” he said in a separate message on the International Day.

The Assembly President applauded young people for their “amazing contributions” towards a better future. Their movements in their communities and countries, he said, are already improving societies and raising global ambitions, every day.

“In the era of COVID-19 and the long-lasting social and economic negative effects it has on youth – and with only 10 years left to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – [their] vision and commitment are paramount to creating a more sustainable and inclusive world,” he added.

“With your innovation and ambition, and guided by the Sustainable Development Goals, I am sure that your generation will effectively transform the world into a more sustainable, inclusive and just place for all,” Mr. Muhammad-Bande urged all young people, inviting them to take part in the virtual UN75 Youth Plenary, to be held in September to add their voice to shaping the United Nations for decades ahead.

19,359 days spreading and creating smiles even more during challenging times

19,359 days spreading and creating smiles even more during challenging times

The Scientology Sea Organization celebrates its 53rd Anniversary

It was Saturday 12th August in 1967, in the Canary Islands, Spain, that L. Ron Hubbard formed what is known as the Sea Organization, which was created and operated from a ship, and from that its name.

What it started as a dozen of dedicated members directly assisting Mr. Hubbard in the advanced research of the Scientology religion and helping manage the protection, safety, and expansion of Scientology, has to date overgrown to more than 6000 members that dedicate their life, skills, and efforts to make Scientology reachable and available to all mankind.

While the spread of Scientology and its social programs to more than 190 countries could have not been possible without the participation and contributions of energy and dedicated time of parishioners around the Globe, none of them will give you a different answer as to how come it happened. The most common and agreed answer is clear: The Sea Organization.

For Mr. Hubbard, not even 1 and 1/2 decade after the establishment of the first church of Scientology, it became crystal clear that purity and expansion of our truly humanitarian movement could not achieve its peace and freedom goals unless a spiritually and physically dedicated group of selfless beings would join together, roll up their sleeves and do whatever it would take to save mankind from the ignorance, oppression, and wars (with weapons or economy) in which human beings are so prone to trap themselves with.

Mr. David Miscavige, at the lobby of the Church of Scientology

Thanks to Ron, we in the Sea Org, and we in Scientology as a whole, have been lucky enough to count on a leadership, Mr. David Miscavige, who has exponentially improved the standards of every church and parishioners to a better life and the safest trip towards spiritual freedom. The same person who looks not only to the expansion of our religion but who is also setting a worldwide example on how humanitarian problems must get solved at once and so have a safer planet for all, regardless of nation, color, race, or religion.

So, whether you are a Scientologist or not, whether you know a member of the Sea Organization or not, be sure of one thing: they will do whatever it takes, in full compliance with The Way To Happiness and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to make of yours a better life.

And it is for this reason that in this 53rd Anniversary of this young (in eternity) but mature (in dedication and results) religious order I would like you to join me on giving the acknowledgment and respect that each one of its members deserves.

Cambodia loses duty-free access to the EU market over human righ

Cambodia loses duty-free access to the EU market over human righ

As of today, 12 August, some of Cambodia’s typical export products such as garments, footwear and travel goods are subject to the European Union’s customs duties. The EU’s decision to partially withdraw Cambodia’s duty-free quota-free access to the EU market is now effective. The preferential treatment enjoyed by Cambodia under “Everything But Arms” (EBA) – the EU’s trade arrangement for Least Developed Countries – is now temporarily lifted due to serious and systematic concerns related to human rights ascertained in the country. The EU enforces this measure while staying open to engage with Cambodia on the necessary reforms.

Engage our youth to shape Europe’s future

Engage our youth to shape Europe’s future

Political participation in our modern democracies helps ensure that policies and measures necessary to implement human rights commitments enjoy the support of society.

But findings of FRA’s recent Fundamental Rights Survey signal a lack of political participation among young people.

They consistently attach a lower level of importance than older age groups to traditional forms of politics.

For example, under 60% of young people aged 16-29 consider freedom of opposition parties to criticise the government of high importance compared with about 70% of people aged 54 or older.

As one young German woman told FRA: “Everybody always says that we can’t change anything anyways, but it is at least a small start to go to vote, I mean how many youths don’t go to vote at all anymore. And then they ultimately get upset about the ones who are still there.”

Such sentiment underlines the need to promote the full participation of young people in political, social and economic life. This is vital for a pluralistic, democratic and fundamental rights-based future of our societies.

The EU Youth Strategy 2019-2027, the framework for EU youth policy cooperation, already acknowledges this. It seeks to foster the participation of young people in democratic life while also supporting their social and civic engagement.

One way to do this is to harmonising across the EU the minimum age to vote or stand as a candidate in elections, or to take part in youth councils – aligned with the principles set out in the EU Charter for Fundamental Rights concerning citizens’ rights (Articles 39 and 40). Currently, for example, only three Member States give 16 or 17-year-olds the right to vote in any election.

The youth-led #FridaysForFuture movement against climate change also offers hope.

The EU and its Member States should build on such initiatives taking note of how political engagement among young is evolving.

Europe needs new ways of engaging, involving and communicating effectively with its youth. International Youth Day is a good place to start.

Cambodia loses duty-free access to the EU market over human rights concerns

Cambodia loses duty-free access to the EU market over human rights concerns

European Commission Press release Brussels, 12 Aug 2020 As of today, 12 August, some of Cambodia’s typical export products such as garments, footwear and travel goods are subject to the European Union’s customs duties.