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News19,359 days spreading and creating smiles even more during challenging times

19,359 days spreading and creating smiles even more during challenging times

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The European Times News aims to cover news that matter to increase the awareness of citizens all around geographical Europe.

The Scientology Sea Organization celebrates its 53rd Anniversary

It was Saturday 12th August in 1967, in the Canary Islands, Spain, that L. Ron Hubbard formed what is known as the Sea Organization, which was created and operated from a ship, and from that its name.

What it started as a dozen of dedicated members directly assisting Mr. Hubbard in the advanced research of the Scientology religion and helping manage the protection, safety, and expansion of Scientology, has to date overgrown to more than 6000 members that dedicate their life, skills, and efforts to make Scientology reachable and available to all mankind.

While the spread of Scientology and its social programs to more than 190 countries could have not been possible without the participation and contributions of energy and dedicated time of parishioners around the Globe, none of them will give you a different answer as to how come it happened. The most common and agreed answer is clear: The Sea Organization.

For Mr. Hubbard, not even 1 and 1/2 decade after the establishment of the first church of Scientology, it became crystal clear that purity and expansion of our truly humanitarian movement could not achieve its peace and freedom goals unless a spiritually and physically dedicated group of selfless beings would join together, roll up their sleeves and do whatever it would take to save mankind from the ignorance, oppression, and wars (with weapons or economy) in which human beings are so prone to trap themselves with.

19,359 days spreading and creating smiles even more during challenging times
Mr. David Miscavige, at the lobby of the Church of Scientology

Thanks to Ron, we in the Sea Org, and we in Scientology as a whole, have been lucky enough to count on a leadership, Mr. David Miscavige, who has exponentially improved the standards of every church and parishioners to a better life and the safest trip towards spiritual freedom. The same person who looks not only to the expansion of our religion but who is also setting a worldwide example on how humanitarian problems must get solved at once and so have a safer planet for all, regardless of nation, color, race, or religion.

So, whether you are a Scientologist or not, whether you know a member of the Sea Organization or not, be sure of one thing: they will do whatever it takes, in full compliance with The Way To Happiness and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, to make of yours a better life.

And it is for this reason that in this 53rd Anniversary of this young (in eternity) but mature (in dedication and results) religious order I would like you to join me on giving the acknowledgment and respect that each one of its members deserves.

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  1. Thank you Sea Org members for having so much love and affinity and dedication towards helping all the beings on.planet Earth to live in a better world. We couldn’t do it without you!
    May God Bless you all!

  2. The Sea Organization is the elite of Scientology. Sea Org members are our best friends. When they call on you, be polite, be helpful and back them up as they are working for your eternity. Congratulations to all Sea Organization Members on this Anniversary!

  3. Thank you very much to L Ron Hubbard, the Sea Org and all its members. Without the hard work and dedication from these people it would be a gloomy future. With them we have a chance to create a sane and safe place where we can reach higher states and have fun at the same time.

  4. Wishing every Sea Org Member a Very Happy Anniversary ! Through your efforts mankind truly has a chance to reverse the dwindling spiral of the civilization! I know you have save my life on more than one occasion and being here at Flag I can truly see the positive effects you are creating planet wide. Sincerely yours, Tony T

  5. Happy anniversary to the most dedicated group helping mankind 24/7 on the planets.
    Aquiles Enriquez

  6. The Sea-Org is the group on this earth that puts things in order. All members I have met are dedicated, competent, very friendly and I can always rely on them. They have helped me a lot on my way to personal freedom, happiness and the knowledge for my infinity. My thanks from the bottom of my heart and congratulations on the 53rd anniversary!

  7. Happy anniversary to every Sea Org Member on the World! I was served by you many times in a respectful and dedicated way. My personal freedom and happiness has become huge with Hubbard´s legacy and your execution of it. I wish that many people will enjoy your service and friendliness in the future to become free.

  8. I have never met a more dedicated group who are really changing the world we live in. Thank you and Happy 53rd anniversary!

  9. Mankind is blessed because of all the dedicated people working towards a better world! Thank you all ❤️

  10. Marie-Jose Vos So thankful for all you dear SEA ORG MEMBERS !!!! God bless you all. Ml mj

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