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Unlike US, European countries tend to pick top judges with bipartisan approval on ideologically balanced high courts

Unlike US, European countries tend to pick top judges with bipartisan approval on ideologically balanced high courts

Filling Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat on the Supreme Court immediately sparked a bitter partisan fight.

But choosing judges for the nation’s highest court doesn’t have to be so polarizing.

In some European countries, judicial appointments are designed to ensure the court’s ideological balance. And the entire process, from nomination to confirmation, is generally not seen as partisan. By choice and by law, high court justices in those places generally work together to render consensus-based decisions.

Europe’s centrist constitutional courts

I am a scholar of high courts worldwide, which are typically called “constitutional courts.”

Europe’s constitutional courts differ from country to country, but they have some important similarities.

Justices serve for fixed terms — usually nine to 12 years — rather than for life, and they are not eligible for reappointment. US-style oral arguments are rare in Europe’s constitutional courts. Instead, the justices consider written arguments and then they deliberate in private. The courts generally have more members than the US Supreme Court — 12 to 20 judges — but they also often operate in smaller panels.

Judicial appointments in such systems rarely provoke the kind of partisan confirmation battle likely to play out in Washington over the next few weeks. That’s because many European countries ensure that both sides of the political spectrum have a say in choosing constitutional court judges.

In Germany, for example, the legislature conducts the appointment process in a bipartisan fashion. The political parties negotiate over the nominees, identifying candidates who are acceptable to both the left and right.

Because each justice must be approved by a two-thirds vote, candidates need to appeal to lawmakers from across the political spectrum.

Spain and Portugal likewise require a legislative supermajority to approve constitutional court nominees.

In the US, by contrast, the president picks a Supreme Court nominee, who must be confirmed by a simple majority: 50%, plus one vote. However, until recently, opponents could filibuster to require 60 votes for confirmation. Right now, Republicans hold 53 seats in the 100-seat Senate, a balance likely to change after November’s election.

How compromise works

Many European courts also take a more centrist approach to making their rulings.

Rather than deciding cases by majority vote, as the US Supreme Court does, constitutional courts in Europe often operate on consensus. German and Spanish justices rarely write dissenting opinions to express their disapproval of a court ruling. Dissents do not exist in Belgium, France or Italy.

When all justices have to agree, compromise is essential. The US Supreme Court itself recently demonstrated this. More than a year elapsed between the death of Justice Antonin Scalia in 2016 and the appointment of Justice Neil Gorsuch in 2017 because Republicans refused to confirm a new justice in an election year. So the court was evenly split during that time between liberals and conservatives, four to four.

The eight justices worked harder to find common ground on divisive issues. When asked to decide whether religiously oriented employers must provide health coverage that covers contraception, they fashioned a compromise: Insurance companies would be required to provide coverage to employees without the employers having to take any action to ensure that the coverage was provided.

People like centrist courts

The centrist approach inspires high levels of public confidence. In Germany, trust in the constitutional court is impressive, hovering around two-thirds to three-quarters. Approval is strong from both the left and the right.

In contrast, public trust in the US Supreme Court has been steadily declining for years. A majority of Americans once expressed strong confidence in the court. Today, a Gallup poll finds, only 40% do — down from 56% in 1988.

While public trust has historically tended to be similar for Democratic and Republican voters, the past two decades have seen increasing polarization in that measure. Currently, 53% of Republicans have a great deal of confidence in the court. Just 33% of Democrats do, according to Gallup.

If Republicans are able to push through a nominee to fill Ginsburg’s seat before the end of Trump’s term — breaking with the precedent they set in 2016 of not filling vacancies on the Supreme Court before a presidential election — the court will have a 6-3 conservative majority.

This will likely cement polarized public opinion in the US about the Supreme Court.

Conservatives will feel confident that their priorities — restricting abortion access, for example, and expanding the role of religion in society — are well reflected on the Supreme Court. Liberals and moderates, who broadly make up about 60% of the US population, will not. If the justices’ decisions seem ideologically driven, a skewed Supreme Court composition could undermine the court’s legitimacy for many Americans.  

Perhaps in deference to that fact, Chief Justice John Roberts, a conservative, has occasionally sided with the Court’s liberals in important but legally narrow 5-4 decisions about gay rights, immigration and abortion.

Can the US depoliticize its courts?

While public discussion right now focuses on how Congress could change the judicial appointment process, the justices could also decide on their own to depoliticize the Supreme Court.

Consensus-based judicial decision-making is required by law in some European countries. But in many other European constitutional courts, the justices have simply imposed this norm upon themselves and developed policies to ensure consensus is reached.

The US Supreme Court itself observed a norm of consensual decision-making for most of its history. Until 1941, the justices typically spoke unanimously. Only about 8% of cases included a dissenting opinion. In the 2019-2020 term, 64% of decisions included dissents.

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Chief Justice Roberts has pushed for greater consensus on the court, saying that the court functions best “when it can deliver one clear and focused opinion.” Other chief justices have pressed hard for unanimity, too. Chief Justice Earl Warren believed it so important that the court unanimously strike down school segregation that he managed to turn a 6-3 majority into a 9-0 majority in Brown v. Board of Education.

Mostly, though, extreme political polarization in the United States has translated into an extremely polarized Supreme Court. As European countries show, one effective way to bridge political divides is to ensure that both sides truly think the country’s most powerful judges represent their interests.

This is an updated version of an article originally published July 9, 2018.The Conversation

This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit news organization dedicated to unlocking ideas from academia, under a Creative Commons license.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Unlike US, European countries tend to pick top judges with bipartisan approval on ideologically balanced high courts

Cyprus committed to resuming peace talks

Cyprus committed to resuming peace talks

Cyprus has been divided for more than four decades, and leaders from its Greek and Turkish communities last met three years ago at a UN-facilitated conference in Crans-Montana, Switzerland. 

Discussions in the alpine village centred around six main issues, including security and guarantees, new territorial boundaries, and power-sharing. Greece, Turkey and the United Kingdom served as guarantors, with the European Union as an observer. The talks stalled after a week. 

“Unfortunately, despite our positive engagement and the submission of credible and realistic written proposals, the negotiations were unsuccessful due to Turkey’s inflexible stance and insistence on maintaining the anachronistic Treaty of Guarantee and the right of intervention, as well as a permanent presence of troops,” said Mr. Anastasiades, whose pre-recorded speech was broadcast in the General Assembly Hall. 

“Ever since, and despite our disappointment, we have repeatedly conveyed our commitment to immediately resume direct talks for a settlement of the Cyprus problem from where we left off at Crans-Montana.” 

A return to negotiations 

The President has welcomed the UN Secretary-General’s efforts towards resuming the negotiation process. 

UN chief António Guterres met with Mr. Anastasiades, the Greek Cypriot leader, and his Turkish Cypriot counterpart, Mustafa Akıncı, in Berlin last November. 

The Secretary-General later issued a statement outlining his commitment to exploring the possibility of convening an informal UN meeting with the two leaders and the three guarantors “at an appropriate stage”, adding “It is acknowledged that this time must be different.” 

Mr. Anastasiades underlined his commitment to resuming the peace process “in line with the relevant joint understanding reached with the UN Secretary-General” in November 2019 

“I expected, following the recent statement of the Secretary-General of his intention to resume negotiations, that Turkey would response in a positive way,” he said. 

“However, it is with deep regret that we were informed of the reaction of Turkey, through public statements of his (sic) Minister of Foreign Affairs who argued that their aspiration and aim is to establish or impose a two-state solution or a confederal system of Governance.”  

UN in the COVID-19 era  

The 75th session of the UN General Assembly is taking place amid the COVID-19 pandemic.  

Mr. Anastasiades said the only way forward in the crisis is through global solidarity, which includes equitable sharing of any COVID-19 vaccine once it is developed. 

As is the case with organizations worldwide, the pandemic has forced the UN to adapt its working methods to comply with physical distancing measures.  

World leaders have pre-recorded their speeches for the annual debate, which are being broadcast on giant screens in the iconic General Assembly Hall.   

Despite not being able to gather this year, participation by Heads of State and Government is at a record high, the UN reports.   

Corruption and tax-dodging ‘rampant’, urgent reforms needed: UN panel

Corruption and tax-dodging ‘rampant’, urgent reforms needed: UN panel

“Corruption and tax avoidance are rampant. Too many banks are in cahoots and too many Governments are stuck in the past”, said Dalia Grybauskaitė, co-chair of the High-Level Panel on International Financial Accountability, Transparency and Integrity to Achieve the 2030 Development Agenda (FACTI Panel) and a former president of Lithuania.

“We’re all being robbed, especially the world’s poor”, she added.

The panel was established by the 74th President of the General Assembly and the 75th President of the Economic and Social Council, and consists of former Heads of State and Government, past central bank governors, business and civil society leaders and prominent academics. 

Resources diverted

As Governments debate the problem and solutions, the world’s poor are being drained by taxes, corruption and financial crime. 

According to the FACTI report, diverted resources that could be used for the poor include $500 billion in Governments losses annually from profit-shifting enterprises; $7 trillion in private wealth hidden in haven countries – with 10 per cent of world GDP held offshore; and some $1.6 trillion in money laundering each year.

The panel upheld that Governments must do more to tackle tax abuse and corruption in global finance.


The report spells out that global finance controls have not kept pace with a globalized, digitalized world and that criminals have exploited the pandemic as Governments relaxed controls to speed up healthcare and social protection.

“Our weakness in tackling corruption and financial crime has been further exposed by COVID-19”, said FACTI co-chair and ex-Prime Minister of Niger Ibrahim Mayaki. 

“Resources to stop the spread, keep people alive and put food on tables are instead lost to corruption and abuse”, he attested.

The FACTI Panel called for a more coherent and equitable approach to international tax cooperation, including taxing the digital economy and more balanced cooperation on settling disputes.

Sharpened inequalties

Speaking at the report launch, General Assembly President Volkan Bozkir agreed that illicit financial flows greatly diminish resources for investment in sustainable development and public service delivery.

He pointed out that a lack of transparency and accountability “sharpen inequalities and erode human rights”, leaving women, children, poor and vulnerable populations to suffer most.

“These issues are particularly challenging when you consider our efforts to recover from COVID-19, and our 10-year challenge to achieve the SDGs [Sustainable Development Goals]”, he continued.

“The pandemic has further exposed and underscored the systemic challenges, such as those in the report, that delay or impede our ability to deliver”. 

We’re all being robbed, especially the world’s poor — FACTI co-chair

Making up ground

The Assembly president underscored the need to strengthen collective efforts to enhance financial accountability, transparency and integrity as being “critical to accelerating action and financing the SDGs”. 

He remined that FACTI Panel analyses will contribute to a special session on corruption that the Assembly will convene next year, saying, “we must begin these conversations now”.

Mr. Bozkir cited illicit financial flows as “a prominent example” of a global challenge that requires multilateral solutions, one of his main priorities. 

“Creating a global economic system characterized by financial accountability, transparency, and integrity will bring enormous benefits to efforts to achieve the SDGs – all the more pressing under the shadow of COVID-19”, he concluded.

Meanwhile, UNECOSOC President Munir Akram called adequate financing “the key” to addressing the three simultaneous global challenges of COVID-19, the realization of the 2030 Agenda and climate change.

UN and partners press for seafarers to be designated ‘key workers’ during COVID pandemic

UN and partners press for seafarers to be designated ‘key workers’ during COVID pandemic

António Guterres on Thursday pressed authorities to formally designate these personnel as “key workers” to facilitate safe crew changes, allowing fatigued seafarers to be repatriated and replaced by colleagues who are awaiting deployment. 

“Despite the unprecedented conditions brought about by the pandemic, seafarers have continued to tirelessly support the often invisible global logistics chain”, the UN chief said, in his message for World Maritime Day, observed annually on 24 September.  

This year, the focus is on ‘Sustainable Shipping for a Sustainable Planet’ which underlines how the industry will play a central role in both post-pandemic recovery and future economic growth.  

Seafarers critical to global trade 

As Mr. Guterres pointed out, the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the professionalism and sacrifice of the more than one million men and women who serve in the world’s merchant fleet. 

Seafarers play a critical role in shipping, which accounts for the movement of more than 80 per cent of global trade including food, basic goods and vital medical supplies needed during the pandemic. 

The UN and partners estimate that more than 300,000 members of this hidden workforce currently are trapped at sea due to travel restrictions, border closures and other measures implemented by governments to contain COVID-19 spread.  

They said the situation is unfolding into an urgent humanitarian, safety and economic crisis. 

‘The show had to go on’ 

Captain Hedi Marzougui was commanding a merchant vessel in the Far East when the pandemic broke out. Life on board immediately became difficult.   Crew changes, shore leaves and medical leaves were suspended, and it was hard to get vital supplies or technical support to the ship. 

“Port nations changed regulations on a daily, if not hourly, basis. Severe strains began to show amongst my crew almost immediately,” he said, speaking at a virtual event to mark World Maritime Day, held on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. 

“Not knowing when, or if, we would be returning home took a severe mental toll on my crew and myself. We felt we were being treated as second-class citizens, with no input or control on our lives. However, even under these stressing conditions, the show had to go on.” 

‘Collateral victims’ of the pandemic? 

For some seafarers, the show appears to have no end.  The Secretary-General noted that some tours of duty have now stretched more than 17 months: far beyond international standards. 

Besides renewing his appeal for Governments to declare seafarers as essential workers, Mr. Guterres urged authorities to implement protocols developed by UN agencies, alongside the International Chamber of Shipping and the International Transport Workers’ Federation, that would facilitate crew rotations.  

The protocols also call for no new work extensions beyond 11 months, diverting vessels to ports where crew changes can take place, and recognition of internationally-designated seafarers’ documents. 

Kitack Lim, Secretary General of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), and a former seafarer himself, stressed that it is high time for action.  “We all depend on seafarers,” he said. “They should not be the collateral victims of the pandemic.”  

‘Catastrophic’ impacts at sea and on land 

The head of the International Labour Organization (ILO) warned that failure to resolve the crisis would not only be “catastrophic” for seafarers and compromise maritime safety, it could potentially lead to a breakdown of global supply chains.  

 “We have a plan of action, and I think our next steps must simply be… to increase the pressures on governments so that the perfectly feasible action is taken”, said Guy Ryder, the ILO Director-General. 

He reported that Chief Executive Officers (CEOs) from 30 major companies wrote to the Secretary-General this week, requesting action. 

Some 12,000  companies worldwide have joined the UN Global Compact, which supports businesses in aligning their operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, the environment and ending corruption.  

CEO and Executive Director Sanda Ojiambo pressed for political action, stating that without seafarers, global supply chains would simply cease functioning. 

“Truly, for the sake of men and women like Captain Marzougui and his crew, and in the interest of safe and orderly shipping and trade, let us all make our national authorities know that we stand with the seafarers,” she said. 

European Christians will establish “settlements” in Hungary, PM Orbán says

Valdimir Putin and Viktor Orban
Kremlin.ru, CC BY 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Many Christians will likely migrate from Western Europe to Hungary and establish “settlements” there in the coming years, according to Prime Minister Viktor Orbán.

PM Orbán predicted a growing exodus of Christians from other parts of Europe – likely a reference to increasing hostility against Believers as the influences of Islam and secular neoliberalism continue to expand on the continent.

“Hungary will have a lot of Christians coming from Western Europe in our lifetime,” Orbán said during a question-and-answer session in parliament on Monday, Origo reports.

“I think the trend that many are coming back from Western Europe will continue,” Orbán said of Hungarian expats who are returning to their homeland.

“Some people buy up whole small settlements, and you have to be prepared for that.”

Orbán has established himself as an ardent defender of Christianity and traditional European values, staunchly opposing mass migration from Africa and the Middle East.

“Europe is currently undergoing a transformation… Migration has changed our life,” Orban said during a radio interview in 2019. “We won’t compromise on the issue of the protection of Christian culture and migration. Everything else is open for discussion.”

“Christian culture is an asset… We don’t want to become a mixed country. We want no migration. We want to preserve our security, and through our family policy, we will be able to ensure Hungary’s biological future without migrants.”


Buddhist Times News – Gilgit Baltistan is an integral part of India said Ladakh MP

Buddhist Times News – Gilgit Baltistan is an integral part of India said Ladakh MP

Gilgit Baltistan is an integral part of India said Ladakh MP

                            <p class="post-meta">
                               <span class="date"><i class="icon-calendar"/> Sep 24, 2020</span>
                               <span class="meta-user"><i class="icon-user"/> <a href="https://www.buddhisttimes.news/author/shyamal/" title="Posts by Shyamal Sinha" rel="author" rel="nofollow">Shyamal Sinha</a></span>
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Ladakh MP Jamyang Tsering NamgyalBy  —  Shyamal Sinha

Ladakh MP Jamyang Tsering Namgyal has said that Pakistan Army is planning to begin the most brutal genocide and ethnic cleansing in Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan of India.

After the scrapping of Article 370 of the Indian constitution and the simultaneous bifurcation of Jammu and Kashmir into two separate Union territories — Jammu and Kashmir, and Ladakh — on August 5, 2019, the Modi government has been making all-out efforts to bring Gilgit Baltistan into focus. In his speech in parliament on August 6 last year, Union home minister Amit Shah declared, “When I talk about Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan occupied Kashmir and Aksai Chin are included in it… We will give our lives for this region.” Defence minister Rajnath Singh said, “The next dialogue will be about terrorism and Pakistan-occupied Kashmir, and nothing else.” External affairs minister Dr S. Jaishankar stated India’s intention even more clearly when he said, “Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) is part of India, and we expect one day that we will have physical jurisdiction over it.”

Taking to Twitter, Namgyal said, “Gilgit Baltistan is an integral part of India. Pakistan Army plans to begin the most brutal genocide and ethnic cleansing in Pakistan Occupied Gilgit Baltistan of India. I support the people’s movement.”
On September 17, The Express Tribune had quoted Pakistan Minister Ali Amin Gandapur stating that the government has decided to elevate Gilgit-Baltistan (G-B) to the status of a full-fledged province.
He had said that Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan would soon visit the region and make a formal announcement in this regard.
Last month, condemning Prime Minister Imran Khan for releasing Pakistan’s new political map laying untenable claims to Indian territories, India had termed the act as an “exercise in political absurdity.”
“We have seen a so-called “political map” of Pakistan that has been released by PM Imran Khan. This is an exercise in political absurdity, laying untenable claims to territories in the Indian state of Gujarat and our union territories of Jammu Kashmir and of Ladakh,” the Government of India had said in a stern statement.
India also slammed Pakistan for their malafide intentions and said it confirms the reality of “Pakistan’s obsession with territorial aggrandisement supported by cross-border terrorism.”
The Imran Khan government had released a new political map of Pakistan, claiming Indian territories of Junagadh, Sir Creek and Manavadar in Gujarat, of Jammu and Kashmir and a part of Ladakh.
This came after the first anniversary of the Indian government’s decision to revoke Article 370 which gave special powers to the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Speaking at a function in June on the India-China border issue organised by Organiser, the weekly organ of the RSS, BJP general secretary Ram Madhav said, “Our claim is not just the LAC. Our claim goes beyond that. When it comes to J&K, it includes PoK (Pakistan-occupied Kashmir) and when it comes to the UT of Ladakh, it includes Gilgit-Baltistan and Aksai Chin.” He was only reiterating what Mohan Bhagwat, chief of the RSS, the mother of India’s ruling party, had said in 2016 — “Whole of Kashmir including Mirpur, Muzzafarbad, Gilgit and Baltistan are an inseparable and integral part of India.”

We thus see a clear pattern in how the Modi government has been sharpening its focus on Gilgit Baltistan since 2014.

                            <hr class="none"/> 

President Ilham Aliyev: There is a very high-level partnership between the European Union and Azerbaijan

President Ilham Aliyev: There is a very high-level partnership between the European Union and Azerbaijan
Baku, September 24, AZERTAC

“There is now a very high-level partnership between the European Union and Azerbaijan, and this partnership covers many areas, said President Ilham Aliyev as he received credentials of the newly appointed Ambassador of Sweden Christian Kamill.

“I do hope that negotiations on a new agreement will be successfully continued. Of course, the pandemic situation has interfered with our plans. We have been in quarantine for several months. Therefore, we had no active physical contacts. But cooperation continues. Therefore, I am confident that we will have a new format of cooperation,” President Ilham Aliyev said.

AZERTAG.AZ :President Ilham Aliyev: There is a very high-level partnership between the European Union and Azerbaijan

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‘To collaborate in order to build’ – Responding to the challenge of internal displacement – Vatican News

‘To collaborate in order to build’ – Responding to the challenge of internal displacement – Vatican News

By Vatican News

The Church marks the 106th World Day of Migrants and Refugees on Sunday.

Since the first observance of this annual celebration in 1914, this day has been set aside to express concern for vulnerable people on the move and the increasing awareness for them as they face challenges.

The Pope’s Message for this year’s celebration is themed: “Forced like Jesus Christ to flee.” His reflections are inspired by the experience of Jesus as a child with His parents as displaced refugees.

Pope Francis points out that “building the Kingdom of God is a commitment that all Christians share, and for this reason, it is necessary that we learn to collaborate.” He also prayed that we “may be perfectly united in mind and thought,” as St. Paul recommends.

Lorena’s story

This week, the Vatican’s Migrant and Refugees Section of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development released the sixth in a series of videos ahead of the annual day.

In the video, Lorena Margarita Pinilla Rojano—a 25-year-old woman from Chibolo Magdalena, Columbia—recounts her experience of becoming internally displaced.

“I arrived in the city of Bogotá in 2012. I have been here for 8 years,” she said. “I arrived here with my family, which was displaced because of violence.”

She recalls that her family had to flee Chibolo Magdalena in the middle of the night, leaving behind everything, including her father’s farm, which the guerillas burnt down.

Beginning anew

In 2015, Lorena moved to Soacha Cundinamarca, a suburb of Bogota, and was able to purchase a home.

Currently, she is one the beneficiaries of an initiative run by the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) in San Benito, and is one step closer to her dreams of becoming an entrepreneur.

“I had a business idea that I wanted to develop but I did not have the financial means to do that,” she said. “I am grateful to the Jesuits here in Columbia who supported me, trained me, and offered me this initiative opportunity. Thanks to them, I developed my business initiative and moved forward.”

Lorena gives some sound advice: She encourages everyone to “move on and fight for their dreams.”

Bello discounts massive loss of jobs amid threat from European Parliament

Bello discounts massive loss of jobs amid threat from European Parliament

Labor Secretary Silvestre Bello III said there is no basis to fear what doomsayers describe as imminent loss of about 200,000 jobs for Filipino workers as a result of the possible Generalized Scheme of Preferences Plus (GSP+) withdrawal. 


In a statement, Bello said they are confident that the European Commission will find “no valid and convincing reason to withdraw such privileges.”

“We believe we have been compliant with the fundamental requirements and processes for the country to continue enjoying the privileges under the GSP+,” he said on Wednesday. 

“We fared well in the country report to the European Commission which provides a scorecard of Philippine compliance with 27 international conventions,” added Bello.

The country report, he said, is an inter-agency effort, where DOLE actively participates in the process of providing updates and factual evidence, particularly on matters pertaining to the observance of labor rights.

Bello also revealed that the Philippines is the only country in the ASEAN that ratified eight fundamental conventions with respect to labor — Freedom of Association and Protection on the Right to Organize Convention, Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining Convention, Forced Labor Convention, Abolition of Forced Labor Convention, Minimum Age Convention, Worst Forms of Child Labor Convention, Equal Remuneration Convention, and Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention.

“Our government is doing its best to comply with all the EU GSP+ requirements in promoting the welfare of workers,” he said.

Bello said among them are the adoption of measures such as the Occupational Safety and Health Law, Expanded Maternity Benefit Leave, Anti-Age Discrimination in Employment.

“Our government recorded milestones in protecting and promoting the rights and welfare of our workers both locally and overseas,” he said.

“These are just some of the significant policies in support of the labor rights in the country and we will be relentless in this undertaking,” added Bello.

The European Parliament in a resolution called for the revocation of certain tariff benefits given to Philippines over concerns on the alleged deteriorating human rights situation.


MEPs asking for a reshaping of EU-China relations framework

MEPs asking for a reshaping of EU-China relations framework

Brussels [Belgium], September 24 (ANI): The Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) have asked the European Union to reshape the EU-China relations framework after Beijing charged for personal protective equipment (PPE) given to European countries during the COVID-19 pandemic.

When China was facing the pandemic, the European Union came forward and sent tons of goods/equipment to China, spending millions of euros on the process. Germany, France and Italy were major contributors to the aid relief.

However, when coronavirus cases arose in European countries, Beijing did not donate the PPE to Italy, and charged for the very equipment Italy had previously donated to China.

Spain was forced to return faulty test kits to China, and the Netherlands had to recall 600,000 faulty coronavirus face masks imported from China.

“Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Anna Bonfrisco, Matteo Adinolfi, Valentino Grant, Marco Dreosto, Luisa Regimenti, Alessandro Panza, Stefania Zambelli, Simona Baldassarre, Gianna Gancia and Francesca Donato of the Identity and Democracy Group have asked for reshaping the EU-China relations framework,” EU Chronicle reported.

In April, the Italian Identity and Democracy Group MEPs raised a parliamentary question to the European Commission asking that considering the EU-China investment agreement should be signed this year.

In July, High Representative/Vice-President Borrell responded that “the European Commission is working with the Member States and international partners on all fronts to tackle the COVID-19 outbreak” and that “the first priority is to guarantee the health and safety of all EU citizens: protecting people from the spread of the virus, supporting the health systems and health workers while maintaining the flow of goods, mitigating the effects on the economy and helping people get back to their homes”.

In an attempt to restore its humanitarian image following the crisis, China had projected in April to the world that it would donate PPE to Italy.

But later it was revealed, it was not a humanitarian gesture but a business- Beijing had actually sold, not donated, the PPE to Italy, several media reports claimed.

A senior Trump administration official was quoted by The Spectator as saying that it is much worse than that and China “forced Italy to buy back the PPE supply that it gave to China during the initial coronavirus outbreak.”

“Before the virus hit Europe, Italy sent tons of PPE to China to help China protect its own population,” the administration official explained. “China then has sent Italian PPE back to Italy — some of it, not even all of it … and charged them for it,” he added.

Spain had to return 50,000 quick-testing kits to China after discovering that they were faulty.

In some cases, instead of apologising or fixing the issue, China has blamed its defective equipment on others. It condescendingly told The Netherlands to ‘double-check the instructions’ on its masks, for example, after The Netherlands complained that half of the masks sent by the Beijing did not meet safety standards, the media reported. (ANI)