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European Council president makes call to Azerbaijani president

European Council president makes call to Azerbaijani president

By Trend

On September 30, President of the European Council Charles Michel made a phone call to President of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev.

European Council President Charles Michel expressed his concern over the outbreak of military operations on the line of contact, underlining the need for a peaceful settlement of the conflict.

Highlighting the situation over the ongoing military provocation committed by Armenia against Azerbaijan on September 27, President Ilham Aliyev noted that 14 Azerbaijani civilians as well as servicemen were killed as a result of heavy artillery fire opened by the Armenian side on the positions of the Azerbaijani armed forces and residential settlements along the line of contact. President Ilham Aliyev said that the Azerbaijani Army was conducting a counter-offensive in response. “The Armenian leadership is deliberately violating the negotiation process,” the Azerbaijani President noted. “The Armenian prime minister’s statement “Nagorno-Karabakh is Armenia” deals a serious blow to the negotiation process, while his statement “Azerbaijan should negotiate with Nagorno-Karabakh” is an attempt to change the format of the negotiations, which is also unacceptable, as stated by the leadership of the Minsk Group as well.”

The head of state emphasized that Armenia was conducting a policy of illegal settlement of foreign citizens in the occupied territories of Azerbaijan, which is a gross violation of international law, and a war crime under the Geneva Convention. President Ilham Aliyev mentioned that the Armenian Prime Minister had decided to set up military units consisting of tens of thousands of volunteers even before the military clashes broke out on September 27, which meant that Armenia was preparing for another aggression.

The head of state noted that the political and military leadership of Armenia bore responsibility for further development of events in the wake of the military provocation of Armenia.

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Listen to older people’s ‘suggestions and ideas’

Listen to older people’s ‘suggestions and ideas’ for more inclusive societies, urges UN chief

Listen to older people’s ‘suggestions and ideas’ for more inclusive societies, urges UN chief

“Older people must be a priority in our efforts to overcome COVID 19”, Secretary-General António Guterres said in his message for the 30th anniversary of the International Day of Older Persons, celebrated annually on 1 October.

He shone a light on the need to examine how the pandemic might change how we address age and ageing in our societies, stressing that more opportunities and increased access to health, pensions and social protection for older persons were “crucial”.

In releasing his policy guidance on making the lives of older persons better, back in May, the top UN official pointed out the overall coronavirus fatality rate is higher for them. Because of this greater impact, he maintained that policy interventions must be targeted towards raising more awareness of their special needs.

Caring for others

This year’s observance falls as the world is also marking the International Year of the Nurse and Midwife, which Mr Guterres pointed out, “highlights the vital role of health and social workers, such as nurses and midwives”, in responding to the pandemic.  

Against the backdrop that women constitute the majority of these professionals – many of whom are older persons – he upheld that “the people who devote their lives to our care, and to the care of older persons, mothers and children…deserve far greater support”.

Elderly potential 

He said it was important to make concerted efforts across the designated Decade of Healthy Ageing 2020 2030, to improve the lives of older persons, their families and communities. 

“The potential of older persons is a powerful basis for sustainable development”, he flagged.  “More than ever, we must listen to their voices, suggestions and ideas to build more inclusive and age friendly societies”.

‘Invisible’ people

Meanwhile, Claudia Mahler, the UN independent expert on the enjoyment of all human rights by older persons, flagged that the COVID-19 pandemic has magnified existing violations of elderly rights.

“Existing inequalities that older persons face in terms of access to health, employment and livelihood are exacerbated”, she said, and yet, “they are chronically invisible”.

Ms. Mahler said that information about older persons is “at best fragmented, at worst, non-existent” in most countries, which is why it’s imperative to shed light on structural and systematic ways in which they are being left behind. 

“Data is a prerequisite for informed and successful public policy making” to close existing gaps, highlight older persons’ contributions to society, illustrate their diversity and change perceptions of later life – “especially for it to be more than an inevitable stage of deficit and decline”, she said.

Prioritize older people

The independent UN expert also called for older persons to be prioritized throughout the recovery phase of COVID-19 and beyond. 

“It is essential to ensure the income security of older persons, in particular older women”, she said, highlighting that “universal old age pensions and adequate entitlement levels” are necessary for “inclusive long-term recovery”.

Moreover, socioeconomic relief measures and safety nets must be adopted immediately. 

In the absence of a dedicated internationally-agreed legal framework, Ms. Mahler spelled out: “We must ensure that responses to this crisis specifically identify and prioritize older persons…during the pandemic response and recovery phases”.

© UNRWA/Khalil Adwan


An UNRWA staff member provides medication to an elderly Palestine man in the Gaza strip.

Europe revives carbon farming but without access to carbon markets

Europe revives carbon farming but without access to carbon markets

The concept of soil carbon sequestration, a cornerstone of regenerative farming, is regaining strength as a key measure in both climate mitigation and adaptation.

The potential of “carbon farming” to sequester CO2 emissions while regenerating degraded agricultural soil has been viewed positively by EU lawmakers in the attempt to scale up the EU’s ambition for obtaining climate neutrality by 2050.

In order to do so, the Commission proposed to increase the 2030 target for emission reduction from 40% to 55% and vowed that all legislation will be revised to make it fit for purpose.

Crops are natural carbon “sinks” for carbon dioxide, removing the equivalent of around 51 billion tonnes of CO2 from the atmosphere each year and storing them in the topsoil.

Agricultural soils in the EU contain around 14 billion tonnes of carbon in the topsoil, which is considerably more than the 4.4 billion tonnes of greenhouse gases (GHG) emitted annually by all the EU’s 27 countries.

At the same time, carbon sequestration has the effect of restoring organic matter in cropland soils, a regenerative ‘gift’ that can boost soil fertility biologically.

And as a regenerative practice, ‘carbon farming’ has been included among the main Good Agricultural and Environmental Conditions (GAECs) of the eco-scheme, the new green architecture in the EU’s post-2020 Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).

In particular, GAEC 2 aims to protect carbon-rich soils such as wetland and peatland, considered among the most effective carbon sinks.

According to the CAP reform proposal, GAEC 2 will be applied to all eligible agricultural land but member states will have to precisely identify peatland and wetland areas by establishing specific cartography at land parcel level.

Furthermore, rewetting techniques to remedy past degradation of drained peatlands, paludiculture or other agricultural practices resulting in carbon sequestration in these areas could be financially supported with additional CAP payments via eco-schemes and rural development interventions.

However, this new push on carbon sinks is seen by some as a smokescreen for the overall ambition on climate targets.

Environmental campaign groups have denounced the Commission’s plan to include soil carbon sequestration in the climate target, saying this was “an accounting trick” to meet the 2030 goals.

“Relying on forests to reach climate targets sends the wrong signal that it’s OK to keep polluting because the land will absorb it,” said Sam van den Plas, policy director at Carbon Market Watch, an environmental NGO.

In Europe, forests are currently a net carbon sink because they take in more carbon dioxide than they emit. Globally, oceans and forests are the two biggest carbon sinks.

Carbon market taboo

The plan to store more carbon on European farmlands and forests should be pursued through a “robust carbon removal certification scheme,” the recent update of the European Commission’s Climate Law reads

However, the increase of the GHG reduction target to at least 55%, would keep the agricultural and land-use sector outside the bloc’s carbon market – the Emissions Trading Scheme (ETS) – the Commission has informed.

The EU executive only plans to overhaul several pieces of legislation by June 2021, such as the Land Use, Land Use Change and Forestry regulation (LULUCF) and the Effort Sharing regulation.

European farmers have so far been prevented from participating in carbon markets, which would allow them to get paid for storing carbon in their farmlands by trading greenhouse gases.

In order to overcome the carbon markets taboo, the European Parliament’s Agriculture Committee (COMAGRI), included proposals for a soil carbon sequestration scheme supported by establishing a separate trading scheme for negative emissions in its opinion on the Climate Law.

The importance of removals or negative emissions is paramount as currently removals and emission reductions are treated equally in carbon markets.

However, a ton of carbon removed from the atmosphere ought to be priced differently from a ton of carbon that is not emitted into the atmosphere, say EU lawmakers.

“From a political point of view, I believe the Commission should explore the possibility of establishing a separate trading scheme for negative emissions,” said Asger Christensen, the liberal MEP who drafted the opinion.

“That is an important message in our opinion, because it might generate substantial climate finance and benefit climate, environment, and biodiversity.”

EU mulls over plan to boost carbon-storage on farmlands

Farmers and foresters need to be “directly incentivised” to put in practice carbon-capture crops and other measures intended to reduce net greenhouse gases (GHG), according to an update of the European Commission’s Climate Law.

[Edited by Benjamin Fox]

WHO and EU support COVID-19 training in Georgia

Surgeons performing surgery
Surgeons performing surgery - Photo by Павел Сорокин

Georgia : WHO and European Union support COVID-19 training for medical personnel in Georgia to improve health system readiness

One hundred and forty health workers from across Georgia – frontline responders to the pandemic – received specialized training to effectively respond to COVID-19 cases while ensuring their own safety and preventing further transmission.

Ambulance doctors, nurses and emergency vehicle drivers learned standard operating procedures for preventing and controlling infection during the transportation of patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19 cases. The Emergency Situations Coordination and Urgent Assistance Center conducted the trainings within the framework of the Solidarity for Health initiative implemented by WHO and funded by the European Union (EU).

Additionally, a special protocol was developed for mitigating the risk of infection among health workers exposed to COVID-19.

“Patients may not exhibit COVID-19 symptoms, increasing the risk of infection for medical personnel, especially frontline responders. This is why I keep reminding my staff to always use personal protective equipment, so that medical personnel do not further the spread of the virus,” says Ilya Besalashvili, Ambulance Manager from Kaspi. “We found this training extremely useful – it gave us good insight into how doctors, nurses and drivers should operate to guarantee our safety as well as that of our families, patients, and their family members.”

Cascaded training for a well prepared health system

The trained health workers will in turn share information with their colleagues – over 7000 medical specialists, village doctors, ambulance teams and resuscitators.

“When COVID-19 broke out and the information on the virus was poor, the infection spread through the ambulance teams so quickly that we had to close services in some regions. It was a real nightmare,” says Vasil Davitashvili, Instructor at the Training Center for Coordination of Action in Emergencies and Emergency Aid. “Today we have good knowledge and necessary personal protective equipment. These trainings ensure better prevention and increase our self-confidence.”

“During this post-crisis period, when the epidemiological situation is relatively stable in Georgia, all efforts should be directed to ensure that the health system is well prepared in case of additional needs in the near future,” says Silviu Domente, WHO Representative to Georgia.

EU funding: from COVID-19 response to building resilient health systems

The first phase of the joint WHO–EU Solidarity for Health initiative focused on the COVID-19 response. It included the delivery of more than 1.5 million items of personal protective equipment for frontline health and laboratory workers, a study to gain insights into COVID-19-related behaviours in the general population, and support to strengthen national capacities for enhanced surveillance and infection prevention and control.

This assistance is part of a wider package of EU support for Georgia of over 400 million euros (almost 1.5 billion Georgian lari), which includes support for vulnerable groups and economic recovery. In total, the EU has committed over 15 billion euros globally to support partner countries to combat COVID-19.

California Follows European Union In Banning 24 Toxic Chemicals From Being Used In Cosmetics

California Follows European Union In Banning 24 Toxic Chemicals From Being Used In Cosmetics

Heart of Europe ‘world’s first Zero discharge tourism project’

Heart of Europe ‘world’s first Zero discharge tourism project’
Leading developer Kleindienst Group said its master-planned second home and tourism island destination, The Heart of Europe, being developed just 4 km off the off the coast of Dubai at an investment of $5 billion, will be the world’s first ‘Zero’ discharge tourism project. 

The project, that has sustainability at its core, is being developed within the World Islands - a cluster of 300 man-made islands off Jumeirah district - that was aimed to create a new paradisiacal destination with boutique hotels, residential and hospitality properties to attract international tourists, investors seeking a second home and UAE residents looking for a new staycation experience.

The Heart of Europe is being developed on six of those islands – bringing the best of European culture, heritage and experience in Dubai. 

The destination will offer year-round European cultural festivities – as many as 51 annual festivals – to bring the best of European flavour in Dubai. The restaurants and cafes will serve organic and authentic European cuisine. The destination will showcase the incredible wealth and resources of an unsoiled paradise and is set to become a ‘natural, cultural, human’ destination.

Kleindienst Group said a series of micro-jungles, vertical hanging gardens, rainy street offering cool shower during the hot summer season, solar power, re-creation of coral reefs and expansion of marine habitat, solar-powered hotel suites that are backed with a ‘Zero discharge policy’ – are some of the key features that will set the Heart of Europe apart from all other tourism projects in the world.

A new sustainable and architectural wonder, The Heart of Europe will also house a vertical hanging garden comprising 100,000 green plants.

The green living walls will add to the hotel biodiversity as it will attract bees, butterflies and birds whilst keeping the building cooler and reducing the hotels’ overall carbon footprint, it added.

The top developer pointed out that on completion, it will be a car-free, noise-free and pollution-free destination.

“Zero discharge was almost impossible on an island tourism destination and unthinkable a few years ago. However, it is becoming a reality now, thanks to the development of environmental engineering and technology. We are now able to achieve zero discharge at the Heart of Europe,” remarked Chairman Josef Kleindienst.

“Once completed, it will be the world’s first sustainable island tourism destination with a ‘Zero’ discharge policy. This means, there will be no discharge into the sea waters!”

The latest wonder in the modern age, Heart of Europe, once completed, will become a treasure trove and a ‘must visit’ destination for world travellers - especially those who care about environment and sustainability, he added.

The project, which was initiated around 2008, came out of age and evolved through increased regulations – both environmental and engineering – to make projects more sustainable.

"When we purchased the islands, the guidelines were simple – to build world-class touristic assets – to attract tourists to Dubai. Since then, the authorities have strengthened the engineering guidelines that will make projects environmental sustainability," explained Kleindienst.

"As a developer, we have gone extra miles to make sure we not only fulfil those sustainability regulations, but exceed them. For example, our civil structures are built to last more than 100 years, although the regulation is for a 50-year building life," he noted.

"So, we have exceeded our environmental and sustainability requirements as a project developer. Moreover, all our projects are green and will be surrounded by sustainable landscape, vegetation, micro-jungles that are watered through underground piping system to maximise the utilisation of the water resources. The abundance of trees and plants in the micro-jungles will attract seasonal birds and become home to butterflies," he added.

The Heart of Europe that will host nearly 4,000 accommodation units spread across 15 hotels, 10 Beach Palaces on its Sweden Island, 32 luxury villas on Germany Island, 141 Floating Seahorse Villas, and host between 8,000 to 15,000 people including staff at its peak, will not discharge any waste into the sea – a remarkable feat that defies convention.

Construction of the Heart of Europe’s Phase I which includes the development of nearly 600 units across 5 key projects including 8 Sweden Beach Palaces, 32 luxury villas on the Germany Island, Honeymoon Island – home to The Floating Seahorse, Portofino family hotel with over 170 family suites, and over 370 deluxe suites in the Côte d’Azur resort on the Main Europe Island.

The Phase I is slated for completion in the fourth quarter of 2020 and handover processes will start upon getting necessary permission from the authorities, depending on the Covid-19 pandemic situation. In order to add to the attractions and make the project more sustainable and more ‘European’, the project introduces some unique features.<strong>-TradeArabia News Service</strong>

Launch of Khangchendzonga Buddhist University announced


Sikkim: Launch of Khangchendzonga Buddhist University announced

                            <p class="post-meta">
                               <span class="date"><i class="icon-calendar"/> Sep 30, 2020</span>
                               <span class="meta-user"><i class="icon-user"/> <a href="https://www.buddhisttimes.news/author/shyamal/" title="Posts by Shyamal Sinha" rel="author" rel="nofollow">Shyamal Sinha</a></span>
                               <span class="meta-cat"><i class="icon-book"/> <a href="https://www.buddhisttimes.news/category/breakingnews/" rel="category tag" rel="nofollow">BREAKING NEWS</a>, <a href="https://www.buddhisttimes.news/category/topnews/" rel="category tag" rel="nofollow">TOP NEWS</a></span>
                                 <span class="meta-comment last-meta"><span>Comments Off<span class="screen-reader-text"> on Sikkim: Launch of Khangchendzonga Buddhist University announced</span></span></span>
                           <hr class="none"/>
By  — Shyamal Sinha

The Minister-in-Charge of the Education Department, Kunga Nima Lepcha, announced the plan to set up the Khangchendzonga Buddhist University on Monday.

Lepcha introduced the Khangchendzonga Buddhist University Bill, Sikkim, Bill  No. 15, 2020; as it is a bill passed by the state legislature. The Statement of Objects and Reasons of the Bill states to promote knowledge, understanding and growth in all members of the community.

The bill will achieve its objectives by providing reflective educational opportunities as well as research opportunities, and by promoting and creating innovative educational models in higher education.

The bill will focus on developing professional competence in emerging areas of business by providing innovative and high-quality programmes and training in Buddhist studies, education, vocational domains, liberal arts, social sciences, science and engineering, hospitality and tourism, architecture, medicine and other related areas.

Notably this will be first university that will model itself along the guidelines of the National Education Policy (NEP) and also aid the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Chief Minister, Prem Singh Tamang expressed his gratitude to the members of the Assembly for creating the first private Buddhist University of India and the first university of Sikkim that has been founded by the Sikkimese people.

This is a fulfillment of the SKM party’s manifesto to build a Buddhist University in Sikkim and will place Sikkim prominently on the map of higher education in India and the world Khangchendzonga Buddhist University (KBU) will advance Buddha Dharma in Sikkim, India and the world.

It will also focus on development of teachers of Sikkim and adjoining regions through innovative models of education and offer cutting-edge vocational programs with a broad based foundation in liberal arts so that students of lower and lower middle class can be prepared for rewarding careers in India and outside.

Out of 17 SDGs of the United Nation the following are the commitments for helping the state to fulfill the goals by the Khangchendzonga Buddhist University-

1. SDG No 4 (Quality Education)

2. SDG No 8 (Decent Work and Economic Growth)

3. SDG No 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) and

4. SDG No.17 (Partnerships to Achieve Goals)

Meanwhile, the supplementary demands for grants amounting to Rs 45,123.63 lakh were also passed by the House on Monday when the session was held just for a day in view of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic situation.

                            <hr class="none"/> 

Sterling falls after Brexit bill opposed by EU passes UK parliament

Sterling falls after Brexit bill opposed by EU passes UK parliament

LONDON: Sterling fell on Wednesday after Britain’s lower house of parliament approved legislation on Tuesday that gives ministers the power to break its divorce agreement with the European Union.

The UK Internal Market Bill, which ministers acknowledge breaks international law, was approved by 340 votes to 256 in the House of Commons and now passes to the House of Lords for debate.

Sterling’s decline was small; the bill’s passage was expected and market participants have increased their expectations of a Brexit deal.

“A deal conquers all in regards to the Brexit negotiations,” said Neil Jones, head of European hedge fund sales at Mizuho.

“The Internal Market Bill passing through the House of Commons was business as expected. So far, it has gone according to market expectations. What has put the bill on the side temporarily is the expectations of a deal between the EU and the UK.”

When the Internal Market Bill was initially proposed it coincided with high chances of a no-deal Brexit. Now that those fears have diminished, so did the worries around the harmful effects of the bill on the Withdrawal Agreement.

The government says clauses in the bill which override the Withdrawal Agreement will only be used if talks on a border solution with the EU fail. If a deal can be reached on the Irish border, the powers may not be needed.

A resurgence in COVID-19 cases also drew attention away from the bill.

“When you factor the impact on market, sometimes what was previously a major factor falls to second stage,” said Jones.

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson will hold a news conference on COVID-19 on Wednesday as he grapples with a second wave of the novel coronavirus outbreak.

Britain, which has the worst official death toll in Europe, reported 7,143 new cases of coronavirus on Tuesday, the highest single figure to date, and 71 deaths, the worst daily toll since July.

Brexit negotiations continue this week in what is so far the last leg of talks before an EU summit next month.

Meanwhile, Norway and Britain have reached a bilateral agreement on fisheries, the Norwegian government said on Wednesday, before Britain leaves the EU at the end of the year.

The British pound was last trading down 0.3% versus the U.S. dollar at $1.2817, after reaching earlier its lowest since Monday. Versus the euro, sterling fell 0.2% at 91.55 pence. – Reuters

Germany welcomes China climate goal, sees need for EU action

Germany welcomes China climate goal, sees need for EU action

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BERLIN (AP) — German Chancellor Angela Merkel has welcomed China’s plan to be carbon-neutral by 2060, contrasting it with the U.S. failure to abide by the goals of the Paris climate accord.

In a speech Wednesday to Germany’s parliament, Merkel stressed the significance of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s announcement last week as the European Union debates ramping up its own medium- and long-term emissions reduction goals.

“I think it’s beyond debate that we need to work with China when it comes to protecting the climate,” she told lawmakers. “China is now the biggest emitter worldwide and it’s very important that China contributes to efforts to protect the climate.”

Without naming the United States — the world’s second biggest source of man-made greenhouse gases — she added: “And unlike other large emitters, it’s encouraging that China stands by the Paris climate accord.”

Merkel said the target set by Beijing should be seen in light of the economic development China still has ahead of it compared to other industrialized nations.

“This is a very ambitious goal that should spur us in Europe to really fulfil our targets,” she said.

The EU recently proposed raising its target for cutting planet-warming greenhouse gases to at least 55% by 2030 compared with 1990 levels. Some of the 27-nation bloc’s members, particularly in the coal-reliant east, are opposed to the goal, however.

Germany’s environment minister said she hoped to reach consensus among EU members during her country’s current six-month presidency of the bloc.

International climate policy is gaining momentum and we are perhaps at a crucial turning point for the future of this planet,” Svenja Schulze said Wednesday before a meeting with EU environment ministers in Berlin. “Two of the world’s most economically robust regions, the EU and China, are reinforcing the effectiveness of the Paris agreement.”

Asked whether Europe shouldn’t be setting its sights even higher and aim for a 65% reduction, as scientists have suggested is necessary to achieve the Paris accord’s goal of capping global warming at 1.5 degrees Celsius (2.7 Fahrenheit), Schulze said the current proposal envisages a review every five years.

“What’s important to me is that we reach an agreement,” she said. “We need this signal now.”


Follow all AP stories about climate change at https://apnews.com/Climate

EU criticises Poland, Hungary in first democracy report

EU criticises Poland, Hungary in first democracy report

BRUSSELS (Reuters) – The European Union’s executive criticised judiciary overhauls by the nationalist governments in Poland and Hungary as a “major source of controversy” and “serious concern” in its first report on Wednesday about failings in the rule of law in the bloc.

FILE PHOTO: European Commissioner for Values and Transparency Vera Jourova gives a news conference on EU rules on data protection (GDPR) and the new EU Strategy on victims’ rights, in Brussels, Belgium, June 24, 2020. Olivier Hoslet/Pool via REUTERS

Seen by Reuters ahead of official release on Wednesday, the report also focused on challenges to media independence and fighting corruption, saying the coronavirus pandemic served as a “stress test” of democratic resilience of the 27 EU states.

The report comes as the bloc is looking to link access to EU money, including a new 750 billion euro coronavirus recovery fund, to respecting the rule of law.

“Poland’s justice reforms since 2015 have been a major source of controversy,” the report said, adding that Hungary was also among member states where “the direction of change has given rise to serious concern about the impact of reforms on judicial independence.”

Warsaw and Budapest are locked in long-running battles with the EU over undercutting democratic checks and balances through putting courts, media, NGOs and academics under more state control.

“The European Union was created also as an antidote to … authoritarian tendencies,” said the EU’s top democracy official, Commissioner for Values and Transparency, Vera Jourova, who co-wrote the report.

“The rule of law is not about being right-wing or left-wing; it is about being right or wrong.”

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban this week called for Jourova to be dismissed after she said his vision of “illiberal democracy” was in fact spearheading the creation of an “ailing democracy” in Hungary.

The Commission rejected Orban’s request.

Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia and Slovakia were also criticised in the report for shortcomings in ensuring judiciary independence. The Commission noted corruption scandals in Bulgaria, Slovakia, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Malta.

The report also said some governments’ emergency measures to tackle coronavirus went too far in restraining the media and civil society’s scrutiny of public decisions.

Reporting by Gabriela Baczynska; Editing by Giles Elgood