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Defence Minister: ‘Conclusions of the European Council send a clear message to Turkey’

Defence Minister: ‘Conclusions of the European Council send a clear message to Turkey’

The conclusions of the European Council on October 1st send a clear message in all directions, confirming the full solidarity and determination of the European family to support Cyprus and Greece, said Cypriot Minister of Defence Charalambos Petrides in a speech, during a monument unveiling event for the fallen of Trachoni Kythreas community during 1974 Turkish invasion.

“It is a fact, that Turkey has to face up to its responsibilities as regards its next actions,” he noted.

Petrides noted that  at the Summit of European Leaders on October 1, the Turkish violations of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus were condemned, emphasizing that the delimitation of the Exclusive Economic Zone must be addressed through dialogue and negotiations in good faith and with full respect of law.

He added that European leaders had called for a speedy resumption of negotiations, under the auspices of the United Nations, in the framework of the Organization and in accordance with Security Council resolutions and European Union principles, with a clear reference to the return of the fenced off area of Varosha to its legal inhabitants.

The Minister  said that efforts to resume talks were constantly falling on deaf ears, with Turkey causing increasing problems, that prove the lack of any good will on its part to work in order to achieve a solution to the Cyprus problem.

Cyprus has been divided since 1974, when Turkish troops invaded and occupied its northern third. Turkey has ignored numerous UN resolutions calling for the withdrawal of the Turkish troops and respect of the integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Cyprus.

Ankara sent on several occasions its seismic research vessel ‘Barbaros’ to Cyprus’ Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), following the Republic of Cyprus’ decision, in 2011, to start exploratory offshore drilling. After May 2019, Turkey caused a stir by sending consecutively two drill ships, “Fatih” and “Yavuz”, to conduct unauthorised drilling activities of hydrocarbons in the Eastern Mediterranean, at times in areas licensed by Cyprus to international energy companies.

In February 2020, the European Council placed two persons under restrictive measures, in relation to Turkey`s unauthorised drilling activities in the Eastern Mediterranean. On October 1-2, 2020, EU leaders strongly condemned violations of the sovereign rights of the Republic of Cyprus, saying that they must stop. The European Council also called on Ankara to accept the invitation by Cyprus to engage in dialogue, with the objective of settling all maritime-related disputes between the two countries.

The EU also warned to invoke, inter alia, Article 29 of the Treaty on European Union (TEU), in case of renewed unilateral actions by Turkey and said it would review the matter this December. Article 29 of TEU allows the Council to adopt sanctions against governments of non-EU countries, non-state entities and individuals.


Homeschooling will be “strictly limited”, Macron announced


Accompanied by six ministers, Emmanuel Macron gave a speech on Friday, October 2, detailing his action plan to fight against “Separatism”, a term used by the President of the Republic in the public debate following the attack at the Paris Police Prefecture in October 2019 to target the practice of an Islam that breaks with social and political rules.

The executive plans to finalize its bill by mid-October so that it is presented to the Council of Ministers in early December, and then discussed in Parliament in the first half of 2021. Here are the main measures concerning education.
Read also Find Emmanuel Macron’s announcements on secularism and “separatism”

Home instruction will be “strictly limited”

Emmanuel Macron announced, Friday, October 2, that homeschooling will be, from the start of the 2021 school year, “Strictly limited, in particular to health requirements”, and that it will therefore become compulsory within the school from the age of 3. ” It is a necessity. I made a decision, undoubtedly one of the most radical since the laws of 1882 and those ensuring the school mix between boys and girls in 1969 ”, underlined the Head of State during this speech on the separatisms which he delivered at Mureaux (Yvelines).

“Today, more than 50,000 children are educated at home, a figure that is increasing every year”, said the head of state. “Every week, rectors find cases of children totally outside the system. “ The president spoke of parents of students who refuse to put their children in music lessons or in the swimming pool, and it is then, according to him, “Deschooling”. In February 2020, the Minister of Education mentioned: “From 2,000 to 3,000 situations involving young people that could pose a problem and are closely monitored”. At the time, he claimed that “Half” of home-educated children were educated for medical reasons.

“These children do not go to CNED [Centre national d’enseignement à distance] but in structures not declared at all ”, continued Mr Macron. “Walls, almost no windows, women in niqabs who welcome them, prayers, certain classes, this is their teaching”, he said. “Every month, prefects close “schools” often administered by religious extremists ”, he added.

The number of children following home schooling has been rising sharply for several years, even if it still only concerns a low ratio of students (around 0.5%), compared to 12.4 million. children in public and private education. At the start of the 2019 school year, home instruction concerned 41,000 children, and 35,000 in 2018, the Ministry of Education said. Since the introduction of the 3-year instruction obligation at the start of the 2019 school year, inspections have been stepped up, the number of inspectors providing them increased, and their training strengthened.

Emmanuel Macron also confirmed that the devices for optional courses in foreign languages ​​provided by teachers appointed by the governments of other countries (ELCO) would be removed, in accordance with what he announced last February. The calendar, at the time, was set for the start of the 2020 school year. These devices were initially intended to allow children of family reunification to maintain a link with their country of origin – and to facilitate their eventual return.

These ELCOs, which were the subject of contracts with Algeria, Morocco and Turkey, offer courses taught by teachers who are sometimes non-French speaking and without national education control, he recalled. About 80,000 children attend them outside of school time. These establishments have for years harbored suspicions of religious proselytism, criticism of the content taught as much as of the recruitment of teachers, the responsibility of the countries of origin.

Reinforced supervision for schools outside the contract

Finally, non-contract schools which are “More controlled thanks to the Gatel law will be the subject of an even reinforced framework”, assured Emmanuel Macron, insisting on the need to “Carry out administrative closures when they are necessary”.

Some 1,700 non-contract private establishments currently enroll around 85,000 children (50,000 in the first stage, 35,000 in the second). Contrary to popular belief, only a third of these establishments are denominational, the rest being divided between so-called alternative schools (of the Montessori type, which are growing rapidly) and others, which are secular.

These establishments, which do not receive any public money and are free to recruit, may be exempt from school programs but must have transmitted to their students, at the end of their schooling, the same ” common ground “ than that available to their comrades in the public and private sectors under contract.

Two avenues are put forward to strengthen their control: better monitor the educational content of lessons, sometimes described as incomplete or even non-existent during the most problematic inspections, and better control the source of funding for these schools.

ECHR grants an interim measure in the case of Armenia v. Azerbaijan

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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

On 29 September 2020, taking the view that the current situation gives rise to a risk of serious violations of the Convention, the European Court of Human Rights (sitting as a Chamber of seven judges) decided to apply Rule 39 of the Rules of Court. With a view to preventing such violations and pursuant to Rule 39, the Court called upon both Azerbaijan and Armenia to refrain from taking any measures, in particular military action, which might entail breaches of the Convention rights of the civilian population, including putting their life and health at risk, and to comply with their engagements under the Convention, notably in respect of Article 2 (right to life) and Article 3 (prohibition of torture and inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment) of the Convention.

The Court also invited both Contracting Parties to inform it, as soon as possible, of the measures taken to comply with their obligations. Measures under Rule 39 of the Rules of Court are decided in connection with proceedings before the Court, without prejudging any subsequent decisions on the admissibility or merits of the case. The Court grants such requests only on an exceptional basis, when the applicants would otherwise face a real risk of irreversible harm. For further information see the factsheet on interim measures.

The request for interim measures was lodged by the Government of Armenia (Armenia v. Azerbaijan, no. 42521/20: link to the press release).
This press release is a document produced by the Registry. It does not bind the Court. Decisions, judgments and further information about the Court can be found on www.echr.coe.int. Twitter @ECHR_CEDH

Pope introduces his new Encyclical after Angelus – Vatican News

Pope introduces his new Encyclical after Angelus - Vatican News

By Sr Bernadette Mary Reis, fsp

On the conclusion of the recitation of the Angelus on Sunday before a sizable crowd gathered in St Peter’s Square, Pope Francis introduced his new Encyclical Fratelli tutti, and said he had the “joy of giving the new Encyclical” to them.

New Encyclical

“Yesterday I was in a Assisi to sign the new encyclical, Fratelli tutti, on fraternity and social friendship. I offered it to God on the tomb of Saint Francis who inspired as in the preceding Encyclical Laudato si’. “.

“The signs of the times show clearly that human fraternity and the care of creation form the sole way toward integral development and peace, as already indicated by the saintly Popes John XXIII, Paul VI and John Paul II.”

Pope Francis then announced that a special edition of L’Osservatore Romano containing the Encyclical would be given as his gift to everyone in the Square.

He ended his presentation with the words: “May St. Francis accompany the journey of fraternity in the Church, between believers of all religions between and all people”.

Season of Creation

Pope Francis then turned his attention to the conclusion of the Season of Creation: “Today concludes the Season of Creation begun this past 1st of September, when we celebrated a Jubilee for the Earth together with our brothers and sisters from various Christian Churches”. He specifically greeted representatives of the Global Catholic Climate Movement, various “Laudato si’ ” groups and associations committed to fostering integral ecology.

Stella Maris

The Pope then acknowledged the 100th anniversary of the foundation of Stella Maris in Scotland. “On this anniversary”, he said, “I encourage the chaplains and volunteers to joyfully witness the Church’s presence in the ports, those who work in the maritime industry, fishermen and their families”.

New Blessed

Then the Pope announced Saturday’s beatification of Father Olinto Marella, a priest of the Diocese of Chioggia. Fr Marella was a “pastor after Christ’s heart”, the Pope said, “a father of the poor and defender of the weak. May his extraordinary witness be a model for many priests, called to be humble and courageous servants of the People of God”. He then led the crowd in a round of applause for the new Blessed.

Families of the Swiss Guards

After greeting other groups in general, the Pope drew attention to the family and friends of the Swiss Guards who came to witness the swearing in of the new recruits. “These young men are excellent!” the Pope said. He then explained that they serve the Church for a number of years, some two, others three, four or more years. He then asked for a “warm round of applause for the Swiss Guards”.

Playback of Angelus, 4 October 2020

Minna Rosner essay contest winner Rosemund Ragetli

Minna Rosner essay contest winner Rosemund Ragetli
Minna Rosner essay contest winner Rosemund Ragetli

Each year the Jewish Heritage Centre of Western Canada sponsors an essay contest named for the late Shoah survivor Mina Rosner. Mina Rosner dedicated many hours to educating people about the Shoah as well as the importance of combating racism and discrimination and upholding human rights.

Students in grades 9-12 are annually invited to submit essays on the subject of the Shoah and/or human rights. The winner of the Mina Ronser Human Rights Award receives a monetary prize.

The winner this year is Rosemund Ragetli, who graduated this past June from Westwood Collegiate. Interestingly, the previous year’s winner, Blake Edwards, was also a student at Westwood Collegiate. Special mention, therefore, must be made of Westwood history teacher, Kelly Hiebert, who not only teaches students about the Shoah, in 2019 he took students to Europe. As part of that trip students visited Auschwitz. Both Blake and Rosemund were part of the group that went on that trip.

Following is Rosemund Ragetli’s essay:

The Silence of History

In the relative comfort of everyday life, it is often difficult to relate our everyday lives with the atrocities of the Holocaust. It is imperative, however, that youth learn and connect with this history, understanding the responsibility each individual has to defend the rights of others. While the ability to seamlessly define the term ‘Holocaust’, or list the names and dates of major battles is an important aspect in forming a contextually accurate historiographic understanding, it is crucial the study of history be expanded; encompassing the significance of each individual life and the constant extrapolation of what may be learned from the past. During grade eleven, I travelled to Europe on a school trip focused on the Holocaust. My experiences in Warsaw, Auschwitz, Lidice, and Berlin forever changed my interpretation of history, bringing to life the magnitude and depth of this atrocity. My abstract and theoretical knowledge, based solely in classroom learning, became connected to the individual stories of those who once stood where I stood, bringing to life the reality of war and sacrifice in a new and extremely powerful manner.

As I walked through the Museum of the Polish Jews in Warsaw, I became transfixed by the complexity of the narrative. Spanning a thousand years, the connection between the Polish empire and the Jewish community was incredible. Throughout the eighteenth, nineteenth, and twentieth centuries, the Jewish population served an integral role within the development of Poland’s economy and social structure1 Jolanta Ambrosewicz-Jacobs and Leszek Hoñdo, eds., Why Should We Teach About the Holocaust?, trans. Michael Jacobs, vol. 2 (Cracow: The Jagiellonian University Institute of European Studies, 2005), ) pg. 17, a reality mirrored in many European nations. However, less than ten percent of these Polish Jews survived the Second World War2 Ibid. pg. 19 . Openly stated in the minutes of the Wannsee Conference, held in Berlin, January 1942, “The aim of all of this was to cleanse German living space of Jews in a legal manner”3 Jon E Lewis , ed., Voices From The Holocaust (London: Robinson, 2012) pg. 125. Within the book, Voices of the Holocaust, Filip Muller, a Sonderkommando from Auschwitz, describes the moment he came to understand this gruesome truth, “The damp stench of dead bodies and a cloud of stifling, biting smoke surged out towards us. Through the fumes I saw the vague outline of huge ovens. We were in the cremation room of the Auschwitz crematorium.”4 Ibid pg. 133

These chilling words rang in my ears as I stood in the Auschwitz barracks, filled with thousands of shoes, the glass case with baby clothing; they echoed on the walls as I stepped inside the crematorium with rows of ovens standing cold and silent. The people who died were no longer a statistic in a textbook, but individual people with lives, families, and dreams, some too young even to speak. As I walked the grounds of Auschwitz, I imagined myself stepping off the train and onto the platform. Our tour guide stopped in front of a blank brick wall, the spot where the camp orchestra played. As a violinist myself, I imagined that this may have been my task; to play for the other prisoners, perhaps my own family as they walked to their deaths. I stood in the silence of the Auschwitz tower, overlooking miles of barracks, alone with these painfully unavoidable thoughts, and I felt the overwhelming reality of suffering and loss.

Prior to our trip, we learned the history of Operation Anthropoid5 Branik Ceslav and Carmelo Lisciotto , “The Massacre at Lidice,” The Massacre at Lidice “The German Occupation of Europe” https://www.HolocaustResearchProject.org (Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, 2008), ), and the devastating story of the Lidice massacre. In 1942, a group of Czech resistance fighters, working with the exiled Polish government in Britain, successfully assassinated Reinhard Heydrich, a high ranking Nazi official. In retaliation for this act, the German forces destroyed the neighbouring village of Lidice, systematically killing one hundred and seventy-two men, sending the women to Ravensbrück concentration camp, and all but nine children to Chelmno extermination camp6 Meilan Solly, “The Lost Children of the Lidice Massacre,” Smithsonian.com, September 12, 2018, accessed June 23, 2020, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/story-lidice-massacre-180970242/). Flattened to ruins, the Nazis proudly proclaimed that “the village of Lidice, its residents, and its very name, were now forever blotted from memory”7 Branik Ceslav and Carmelo Lisciotto , “The Massacre at Lidice,” The Massacre at Lidice “The German Occupation of Europe” https://www.HolocaustResearchProject.org (Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, 2008), ).

Following the publication of this event, the international community was outraged. A member of the British Parliament founded the “Lidice Shall Live”8 Meilan Solly, “The Lost Children of the Lidice Massacre,” Smithsonian.com, September 12, 2018, accessed June 23, 2020, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/history/story-lidice-massacre-180970242/) campaign, immortalizing the tragedy within the media and on the global stage. This reaction was starkly juxtaposed by the notably restrained response from the Allies regarding the Final Solution. As a politically charged point of contention9 Ibid, the international community was wary to portray the Holocaust as a driving factor in the war, while the Lidice Massacre provided a “neutral and indisputably despicable example” of Nazi cruelty. In truth, nothing could prepare me, or anyone else for our visit to the Lidice memorial. I stepped out of the bus, overlooking a beautiful field, with a stream running through it, and a nearby forest. It was impossible to reconcile these two realities. As we walked through the grass, I could not comprehend how little there was left of the town; the foundation of a church, and a plaque where a house once stood. We stopped in front of the statues of eighty-two children who were murdered10 Ibid, and I struggled to quantify such atrocities. A village, a people and a way of life gone without the smallest trace.

Upon our arrival in Berlin the following day, we embarked on a walking tour of the city, visiting several Holocaust memorials. In particular, the Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe was a unique and deeply poignant monument, one which significantly impacted my understanding of the Holocaust. Spanning more than 19,000 square metres, 2711 concrete slabs stand, ranging in height from eight inches to over sixteen feet11 Sam Merrill and Leo Schmidt, eds., A Reader in Uncomfortable Heritage and Dark Tourism, Brandenburg University of Technology, 2010,, accessed June 26, 2020, ) pg. 127. These coffin-like structures silently stretch into a concrete graveyard, commemorating the millions of nameless Jews who died in the Holocaust. As I walked between the rows of concrete pillars, I lost track of time, feeling lost and singularly insignificant. Designed for one person to walk in solitude12 Ibid., pg. 135, I found myself alone between concrete coffins that stretched far above my head. I glanced up at the slits of sky visible and found myself contemplating the enormity of the Holocaust in a way I had not previously. This, I believe, was the purpose of the memorial; the realization that within the confines of such a immense structure, one person is rendered insignificant, just as an individual life may be forgotten among the millions of lives lost. The unchanging constancy of this monument was extremely thought provoking, connecting the colossal magnitude of the Holocaust to a deeply personal and unique experience.

The trip significantly impacted my interpretation of history, in a way I could never have anticipated. By stepping into the events of the past; walking the grounds of Auschwitz and Lidice, standing before the incredible monuments for the Holocaust, I gained a deeper and more personal understanding for the importance of history within my own life. The information I had learned in class was suddenly part of something much larger, the realization that while history is, of course, the study of past events, the true value lies in its application to the present and most importantly, the future. After returning home, I worked to fulfill this mission, studying history with a new appreciation, I joined the Westwood Historical Society in order to connect the atrocities of the Holocaust to the youth of my own generation.

As I toured the Museum of the Polish Jews, walked the grounds of Auschwitz, and stood before the Holocaust memorials in Lidice and Berlin, my interpretation of history changed forever. I understood that it is our mission, as youth, to not only learn history, but to connect and apply it to the future. A theoretical knowledge of the Holocaust must be linked to a personal understanding of its magnitude, with each individual life holding meaning beyond a statistical value. Within the ease of everyday life, this is an undeniably difficult reality to comprehend, but one that must be understood. We as a generation have a responsibility to remember these events, learning from the atrocities of the Holocaust before they fade into the anonymity and silence of history.


Ambrosewicz-Jacobs, Jolanta, and Leszek Hoñdo, eds. Why Should We Teach About the Holocaust? Translated by Michael Jacobs. 2. Vol. 2. Cracow: The Jagiellonian University Institute of European Studies, 2005. .

Blicq, Andy. “Return to Buchach.” Vimeo. CBC, 2011. .

Ceslav , Branik, and Carmelo Lisciotto . “The Massacre at Lidice.” The Massacre at Lidice “The German Occupation of Europe” https://www.HolocaustResearchProject.org. Holocaust Education & Archive Research Team, 2008. .

Lewis , Jon E, ed. Voices From The Holocaust. London: Robinson, 2012.

Merrill, Sam, and Leo Schmidt, eds. A Reader in Uncomfortable Heritage and Dark Tourism. Brandenburg University of Technology. 2010. Accessed June 26, 2020. .

Rosner, Mina. I Am a Witness . Winnipeg, Manitoba: Hyperion Press, 1990. .

Solly, Meilan. “The Lost Children of the Lidice Massacre.” Smithsonian.com. September 12, 2018. Accessed June 23, 2020. .

Kossak-Szczucka, Zofia. “‘Protest!” of the Underground Front for the Rebirth of Poland 1942.” Source texts Poles and the Holocaust. Accessed June 8, 2020. .

Brexit: Michael Gove warns of “one or two ups and downs” in securing a trade deal with EU

Brexit: Michael Gove warns of

Michael Gove has said there will be a “one or two ups and downs” in securing a Brexit trade deal with the European Union, but insisted that he remains optimistic. 

Speaking on the possibility of a trade deal with the EU at the Tory conference at the virtual Conservative Party conference, Mr Gove said: “I’m optimistic. It has been a tough process because the EU has never had to cope with any country leaving its orbit before, and it is a bit difficult.

READ MORE: Boris Johnson ‘optimistic’ about Brexit trade deal as UK and EU talks stall

“As we leave the nest and become good neighbours rather than uncomfortable lodgers, the EU has to adjust.

“And several aspects of the adjustment have proved difficult for the European Union – recognising that we share the same high environmental and workforce standards as they do but we want to do things in our own way is a bit difficult for them and also there is the very vexed issue to do with fisheries.

“The EU think that they should have exactly the same access to our waters outside the European Union as they have inside.

“But I think with goodwill we should be able to get a deal.”

He added: “But if we don’t, we have been making extensive preparations to be ready for anything.

“The British people voted for us to leave, we are determined to honour that.

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“But obviously if we can secure a negotiated outcome and a free trade agreement, that would be hugely helpful for sectors of the economy, not least the automotive industry.”

Prime Minister Boris Johnson has said he wants to secure a trade deal like that struck between the European Union and Canada.

He told reporters: “I think there’s a good deal to be done and everybody knows what we want to do.

“The EU has done a deal with Canada which is a long way away, big country but some way away.

“Here we are, we’re the biggest trading partner of the EU, their biggest export market, plus we’ve been a member for 45 years – we want a deal like Canada’s, we want that one!”

He added: “If that’s not possible, and that wouldn’t be our call that would be their call, then the alternative is to have a deal like Australia which is another big country, further away, but it would work well and we could make it work very well.

“We’re resolved on either course, we’re prepared for either course and we’ll make it work but it’s very much up to our friends and partners.”

Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told the virtual Conservative Party conference the UK will no longer be “held over a barrel by Brussels”.

During his conference speech, he said: “Yes we want a free trade deal with the EU, but any deal must be fair.

“The days of being held over a barrel by Brussels are long gone.

“Under the Conservatives, there is no question: our Government will control our fisheries, our Parliament will pass our laws and our courts will judge them.”

Yesterday, Ireland’s premier Micheal Martin has said there is a “mood to engage” within Europe with the UK Government but that nobody was underestimating the task ahead.

Mr Martin also said it was highly unlikely that a deal would be struck between the EU and the UK in the next fortnight.

Boris Johnson ‘optimistic’ about Brexit trade deal as UK and EU talks stall

Boris Johnson 'optimistic’ about Brexit trade deal as UK and EU talks stall

Boris Johnson said he is “pretty optimistic” about striking a trade deal with the European Union.

The comments come as the Prime Minister prepares to discuss progress in the talks with European Commission president Ursula von der Leyen.

The final round of negotiations broke up without agreement with political opponents calling for compromise. 

The Prime Minister is due to take stock of the negotiations in a conference call with Ms von der Leyen on Saturday following the final scheduled round of talks between Brussels and the UK this week.

READ MORE: EU launches legal action against UK Government over Internal Market Bill

Ms von der Leyen’s remarks that talks need to “intensify” have sparked speculation that an agreement could be reached before Mr Johnson’s deadline of the EU Council meeting on October 15.

According to Financial Times, both sides are set to agree to further last-ditch discussions – dubbed “the tunnel” – in London as they look to finalise an agreement.

In an interview with the Telegraph, Mr Johnson said the chances of a deal “are very good if everybody just exercises some common sense and looks at the deal that is there to be done”.

He added: “The UK has always been very clear what we want – we want a Canada-style relationship.

“We have been members for 45 years, and I don’t see why they can’t have the same deal with us, so I’m pretty optimistic.”

But, in a pointed warning to Brussels, he kept his threat of leaving without a trade deal on the table, arguing that Britain would be fine under an “Australian” agreement with the EU – a Downing Street code term for a no-deal arrangement.

Asked about the prospect of failing to do a deal, Mr Johnson, reportedly adopting an Australian accent, replied: “Australia holds no terrors for us, mate.

“We say: ‘Good on yer, no worries, no wukkas’.”

Speaking at a news conference in the Belgian capital on Friday, Mrs von der Leyen said she believed a deal was still possible but warned that time was running out.

She said the “most difficult issues” – including fisheries and state aid rules – still had to be resolved if they were to get an agreement in place by the end of the Brexit transition period at the end of the year.

“It is good to have a deal – but not at any price,” she said.

“We have made progress on many, many different fields but of course the most difficult ones are still completely open.

New citizenship ruleThe Prime Minister has set the deadline of October 15 for agreeing a trade deal with the EU (Jonathan Brady/PA)

“But overall, where there is a will, there is a way, so I think we should intensify the negotiations because it is worth working hard on it.

“We are running out of time – around 100 days to the end of the year – so it is worth stepping up now.”

Downing Street made clear Mr Johnson still believed there needed to be a deal by the time of the next EU summit in two weeks’ time on October 15, otherwise it will be too late to implement before the transition ends.

The UK’s chief negotiator Lord Frost was less upbeat than the Prime Minister about the level of progress made so far.

In a statement issued after his meeting with EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier on Friday, he said that while the “outlines” of an agreement were “visible”, there were still “familiar differences” to be overcome.

Lord Frost added that there had been “some limited progress” on state aid while the gap over fisheries was “unfortunately very large” and may prove “impossible to bridge”.

READ MORE: Scottish independence: Support will grow if Westminster disregards Holyrood vote on Internal Market Bill

“I am concerned that there is very little time now to resolve these issues ahead of the European Council on October 15,” he said.

Irish Taoiseach Micheal Martin, who briefed other EU leaders with Mrs von der Leyen on the state of the negotiations, said it was “highly unlikely” there would be an agreement by October Council meeting, although there would need to be significant progress in the coming weeks.

Open letter to the EP: Call out the EU Council on its rule of law hypocrisy

Open letter to the European Parliament: Call out the EU Council on its rule of law hypocrisy ǀ View

Open letter to the European Parliament: Call out the EU Council on its rule of law hypocrisy ǀ View

Euronews published the following article: A few weeks ago, the European Council appointed the European prosecutors who will be part of the European Public Prosecution Office (EPPO). Some might remember the controversy surrounding the appointment of its Chief Prosecutor last year. The Council appointed an independent panel to evaluate the candidates but, under pressure from the Romanian government, initially planned on choosing a different candidate other than Romanian prosecutor Laura Codruța Kövesi who was preferred as its first choice. Ultimately, the European Parliament shielded the procedure from national interference and the independent panel prevailed in their choice.

The Council has now done the opposite with respect to the selection of the European Prosecutors who will work under the guidance of the Chief Prosecutor. With respect to the candidates of three member states Belgium, Bulgaria, and Portugal, the Council has decided to choose a candidate other than the one recommended by the independent panel, all without providing any reasons as to why it has done so and without its deliberation being made public. This strikes a blow at the credibility of the independence of the EPPO and the rule of law in the European Union.

The Council Regulation which set up the EPPO put in place a set of institutional guarantees aimed at safeguarding its independence. These include an impartial and independent selection process for the European prosecutors, guided by criteria of fairness and competence. Under the Regulation, member states are only permitted to nominate three candidates for a position (without any order of preference) with the selection and appointment to be done by the Council with the support of an independent panel that reviews and ranks the candidates.

Respect for the integrity of this procedure is crucial to protect trust in the independence of the EPPO. One of the reasons for the selection to be done at the European – and not national – level is because these prosecutors, while part of the EPPO, will have significant powers in regard to the investigations to be conducted in their member states of origin. They cannot owe their appointment to their national governments. The way the decision of the Council in appointing the new prosecutors was taken clearly undermines this objective.

It is true that the Council is not legally bound by the ranking made by the independent panel. But the Council must, at least, provide the reasons for when it opts for a different candidate. The independent panel provided reasons for its ranking. The Council cannot change this ranking without any explanation. In the absence of these reasons, a shadow is cast over the selection made by the Council, diminishing the trust of European citizens in the independence of the prosecutors.

The absence of reasons, as well as the total lack of transparency, also makes it impossible for EU citizens and other EU bodies (in particular the European Parliament) to effectively scrutinise the selection made by the Council.

The suspicion (based on the statements made by some national governments critical of its decision) is that the Council simply replaced the preferences of the independent committee by those expressed by the national governments of the candidates. This undermines the intent of the Council Regulation for the selection to be done at the European level. As stated, the Regulation did not even authorise member states to express a preference for any of the three candidates of their nationality. EU law expressly differentiates instances when the power of appointment is conferred on member states acting together or, as in this instance, it is vested in the Council, a Union institution acting on behalf of the rule of law and governed by the rule of law.

By undermining the role of the independent committee without providing any reasons to do so, the Council undermined the credibility and the independence of the EPPO. This is reinforced by the absolute lack of transparency and the strong suspicion that the choice was ultimately placed in the hands of the national governments of the different candidates. This is the exact opposite of the rule of law that the European Union claims to protect.

It is also contrary to what the EPPO stands for. It is for this reason that we call upon the European Parliament – whose own authority in this matter is also at stake, having helped to set up the independent committee – to seek the annulment of the Council decision before the Court of Justice of the European Union. The Union cannot claim to be a defender of the rule of law if its own Prosecution Office is born in violation of such rule of law.


  • Alberto Alemanno, Professor, HEC, Paris
  • Andrea Simmoncini, Dean, Law School, Universitá de Firenze
  • Dimitry Kochenov, Professor, Groningen University Law School
  • Dominique Ritling, Professor, Strasbourg University Law School
  • Federico Fabrinni, Professor and Director Law Research Center, Dublin City University
  • Harm Schepel, Director of Law Programmes, Brussels School of International Studies, University of Kent
  • Laurent Pech, Head of the Law Department, Middlesex University, London
  • Loic Azoulai, Professor, Sciences Po, Paris University
  • Kalypso Nicolaides, Professor, Oxford University and School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute
  • Kim Lane Scheppele, Professor, Princeton University
  • Miguel Poiares Maduro, Professor, Global Law School, Universidade Católica Portuguesa and School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute
  • Oreste Pollicini, Law School, Universitá Bocconi
  • Paul Craig, Professor, Oxford University
  • Sébastien Platon, Professor of Public Law, University of Bordeaux
  • Tomasz Tadeusz Koncewicz, Professor and Director of the Department of European and Comparative Law, University of Gdańsk

Brexit: PM and EU chief agree importance of finding trade deal

Brexit: PM and EU chief agree importance of finding trade deal

            <img class="js-image-replace" alt="Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen" src="https://ichef.bbci.co.uk/news/320/cpsprodpb/8356/production/_114722633_59e932f9-b3c9-48c5-af63-83b92dc6706b.jpg" width="976" height="549"/><span class="off-screen">Image copyright</span>
             <span class="story-image-copyright">Reuters</span>


        <figcaption class="media-caption"><span class="off-screen">Image caption</span>
            <span class="media-caption__text">
                Boris Johnson and Ursula von der Leyen spoke via video conference on Saturday
        </figcaption></figure><p class="story-body__introduction">Prime Minister Boris Johnson and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen have "agreed the importance" of finding a post-Brexit trade deal, Downing Street has said. </p>

They agreed progress has been made in talks between the EU and UK but “significant gaps” remain, No 10 said.

Both have instructed their chief negotiators to “work intensively” in order to try to bridge those gaps.

Negotiations between the UK and EU broke up without agreement.

Both sides are calling on the other to compromise on key issues, including fishing and government subsidies.

Mr Johnson and Mrs von der Leyen spoke during a phone call on Saturday and agreed to speak on a regular basis.

A Downing Street spokesperson said the two had agreed on the importance of finding an agreement “as a strong basis for a strategic EU-UK relationship in future.”

The UK’s chief negotiator, Lord Frost, tweeted that work to resolve differences between the UK and EU “begins as soon as we can next week”.

‘Prepared for either course’

Speaking earlier, while on a visit to Leeds, Mr Johnson said he wants a deal like one struck between the EU and Canada, but reiterated the UK was ready should it have to leave without a deal.

“We’re resolved on either course, we’re prepared for either course and we’ll make it work but it’s very much up to our friends and partners,” Mr Johnson said.

It comes after Mrs von der Leyen called for talks to “intensify”, as both sides set an October deadline to settle their differences.

Asked about potential compromises that could be made, Mr Johnson said: “The balance of trade is overwhelmingly on the side of the EU in the sense that they export much more to us than we do to them, certainly in manufacturing goods, and so we think there is a big opportunity for both sides to do well.”

He pointed out that Canada is “some way away” but had managed to strike a deal with the EU while the UK remained the bloc’s biggest trading partner.

But he acknowledged a no-deal outcome where the UK would follow mainly World Trade Organization rules on trade with the EU was possible and would “work very well” – describing it as an Australia-style arrangement.

Speaking at the virtual Conservative Party conference, Cabinet Office minister Michael Gove said the talks with the EU had been “a tough process” but “with goodwill we should be able to get a deal”.

He added: “Recognising that we share the same high environmental and workforce standards as they do, but we want to do things in our own way, is a bit difficult for them and also there is the very vexed issue to do with fisheries.”

However, Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab told the conference the “days of being held over a barrel by Brussels are long gone”, as he stressed any trade deal must be “fair”.

The EU wants access to UK fishing grounds for its boats and says reaching a “fair deal” is a pre-condition of a deal, while the UK says they should be “first and foremost for British boats”.

Competition rules

The prime minister has set the deadline of the EU Council meeting on 15 October for securing a deal.

After six months of trade talks with the EU, Lord Frost has claimed the outlines of an agreement are visible, but he warned that, without further compromise from the EU, differences over the contentious topic of fishing may be impossible to bridge.

He described the final round of negotiations as “constructive” but “familiar differences remain”.

On fishing, the gap was “unfortunately very large” and he called for the EU to “move further before an understanding can be reached” on state aid.

His EU counterpart, Michel Barnier, agreed the negotiations had been conducted in a “constructive and respectful atmosphere”, with some “positive new developments on some topics” – such as aviation safety and police co-operation.

But he said there was “a lack of progress on some important topics”, such as climate change commitments, “as well as persistent serious divergences on matters of major importance for the European Union”, including state aid and fishing.

             <span class="off-screen">Image copyright</span>
             <span class="story-image-copyright">PA Media</span>


        <figcaption class="media-caption"><span class="off-screen">Image caption</span>
            <span class="media-caption__text">
                The UK's chief negotiator, Lord David Frost
        </figcaption></figure><p>The UK formally left the EU in January, but entered a transition period - where the UK has kept to EU trading rules and remained inside its customs union and single market - to allow the two sides to negotiate a trade deal. 

Formal talks began in March and continued throughout the pandemic, but there have been concerns over whether a plan would be agreed before that period runs out on 31 December.

Issues that have become particular sticking points between negotiators are state aid – where governments give financial support to businesses – and fishing rules.

The EU has said a deal must be reached before the end of October to allow it to be signed off by the member states before the end of the year, while Mr Johnson has said both sides should “move on” if agreement was not reached by the middle of the month.

If a deal is not done, the UK will go on to trade with the bloc on World Trade Organization rules.


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    DRC: Mwapusukeni Technical College of Lubumbashi – Vatican News

    DRC: Mwapusukeni Technical College of Lubumbashi - Vatican News

    Jean-Paul Kamba, SJ – Lubumbashi, DRC & English Africa Service – Vatican City

    Mwapusukeni Technical College, located in Lubumbashi, in the south-eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, opened its doors seven years ago.

    Rescuing young people for a more productive life

    In ciBemba, a language spoken around Lubumbashi in the DRC and neighbouring Zambia, Mwapusukeni comes from the verb “ukupusuka.” This means “to escape, survive or to rescue from danger.” Mwapusukeni is, therefore, a phrase addressed to someone who has just escaped an unfortunate or challenging situation; someone who has just been pulled out of danger or rescued before they could drown -literally or metaphorically. For a technical college to bear this name is both a challenge and an ambitious mission. The technical college’s aim is to become an educational institution that moulds students for a productive future, thus rescuing and empowering them for life. By mastering professional technique, the student graduating from Mwapusukeni will thus be trained to make a living for himself and family but also will be an asset for the region and t nation. He or she will contribute to the development of the DRC.

    Mwapusukeni Technical College came into being as a donation from the couple, Carine and Moïse Katumbi, then Governor of what was known as the Katanga Province.

    Educating young people is a priority for Jesuits

    The education of young people is an integral part of the mission of the Society of Jesus, wherever the Jesuits are to be found. The Society has a long tradition of this, said the Mwapusukeni Director. It constitutes one of the four Universal Apostolic Preferences (To accompany young people in the creation of a hope-filled future) that the Jesuits gave to themselves in in 2019, added Fr Senker.

    Mwapusukeni Technical College is a mixed school with an intake of about twenty per cent being girls. It aims to offer necessary technical training for young technicians and artisans. When everything is finally in place, the planned overall structure for Mwapusukeni, will be one that consists of the primary cycle (nursery & primary school); secondary school and the technical sections.  Already in operation are the Automotive mechanics; Metal construction and the Industrial electronics departments. Plans are also underway to introduce specialised classes in plumbing, welding, electricity and IT.

    Working in harmony with the Archdiocese of Lubumbashi

    Asked about the response of the community to the technical college, Fr. Senker believes that the presence and contribution of the Jesuits is part and parcel of the pastoral vision of the Archdiocese of Lubumbashi. 

    “The echoes which reach us, and the results obtained to date prove, if need be, that the complementary contribution of the Society of Jesus in the educational sector in Lubumbashi is appreciated,” he said.


    Challenges are never lacking. The main ones are twofold: The first is the formation of both learners and formators in terms of skilled technical know-how. This challenge is being overcome by way of constant and ongoing training as well as updating of skills. The second, continues Fr. Senker, concerns the expensive cost of running a technical school, especially a private school, that does not benefit from any state subsidy. Fr. Senker appeals to people of goodwill to support the efforts of the college.

    “In the case of a country like the Democratic Republic of Congo, having quality technicians is an asset for the nations’ development,” he emphasised.