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COMECE Assembly to gather with Cardinal Parolin in light of Pope’s recent message on Europe

COMECE Assembly to gather with Cardinal Parolin in light of Pope’s recent message on Europe

COMECE Assembly to gather with Cardinal Parolin in light of Pope’s recent message on Europe


“I dream of a Europe that is a family and a community, a Europe that is a friend to each and all, a Europe that is inclusive and generous. Europe, find yourself! Be yourself!”, writes Pope Francis on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of COMECE and on the eve of the Assembly of EU Bishops which is starting today.


On the occasion of the 40th anniversary since the establishment of the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), Pope Francis returns to reflect on Europe once more in a letter addressed to H. Em. Pietro Parolin, Secretary of State of His Holiness, who will be participating in the Autumn Assembly of the Bishops of the European Union to start today, Wednesday 28 October 2020.


The Holy Father calls on all of us to rediscover the path of fraternity that inspired and guided the founders of modern Europe. “Europe, find yourself! Rediscover your most deeply-rooted ideals. Be yourself! I dream of a Europe that is a family and a community, a Europe that is a friend to each and all, a Europe that is inclusive and generous”, states the Holy Father also referring to some of Europe’s most pressuring challenges.

H. Em. Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich SJ, President of COMECE, welcomes the words of Pope Francis and considers them “an encouragement to keep working in dialogue with the EU institutions to build a better world reflecting the dreams of peace and Common Good”.


In light of this new comprehensive message on Europe, COMECE Bishop Delegates will exchange on some of EU’s most pressuring challenges mentioned by the Holy Father, including the care for the most vulnerable members of our societies through just social and economic policies, migration and asylum policies and sustainable human development.


The COMECE Assembly will also discuss the contribution of the Catholic Church for a speedy and fair recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic through ecological, social and contributive justice.


Another crucial point in the agenda of the event will be the role of the Church in the EU and the implementation ofArticle 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU), also in the context of Pope Francis’ call for“a  healthy secularism, where God and Caesar remain distinct but not opposed, […] where believers are free to profess their faith in public and to put forward their own point of view in society.


Due to the sanitary measures recently adopted by the authorities of the Brussels Region, the Mass for Europe has been cancelled. The dialogue session with Mr Margaritis Schinas, Vice-President of the European Commission, has also been removed from the programme of the Assembly. The Bishops of the EU wish him a prompt recovery from Covid-19.


The COMECE Assembly will take place exclusively in a digital format and Chatham House Rules will be applied. Journalists and media operators interested in covering the event are invited to contact the COMECE Communication Officer.

Read it in: FRDEITES

Photos: A. Tarantino & M. Migliorato

COMECE Communication Officer

Alessandro Di Maio

[email protected]

+32 (0) 2 235 05 15

EU Delegation, EU member states kick off ‘Cine Europa’ film fest at MOA Drive-in Cinema

EU Delegation, EU member states kick off ‘Cine Europa’ film fest at MOA Drive-in Cinema

The European Union (EU) Delegation to the Philippines, along with its EU member states, will kick off tomorrow, October 31, the annual Cine Europa film festival to be presented at a drive-in theater setting amid the challenge posed by the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic.

Touted as Europe’s biggest and most exciting film festival, Cine Europa will feature in its premier night the German film “Sweethearts” at the SM MOA Drive-in Cinema along Seaside Blvd. in Pasay City.   

Directed by renowned German actress Karoline Herfurth, “Sweethearts” is a comic-thriller about professional criminal Mel and her easily-panicked hostage Fanny. Forced together by fate and an ill-executed diamond robbery, the couple is trapped in a race against time. Soon pursued by a relentless detective and the greedy Berlin underworld, they are left with no other choice than to work together.

This year’s Cine Europa assembles 19 films from 20 European countries for 30 days and made accessible by signing up at www.cineeuropaph.com.

Despite the virtual environment, Cine Europa will maintain its strong relations with its loyal patrons including those from the various provinces across the country.

The unique feature in this 23rd edition of Cine Europa is the use of Festival Scope, the EU’s library of quality films, that will allow the Delegation to show films from countries not represented in the Philippines. The roster of films adds up to those individually provided by European embassies in Manila. 

The EU Delegation, the European Union member states embassies and Embassy of Switzerland, cultural institutes including  Goethe-Institut, Instituto Cervantes Manila, Philippine-Italian Association, continue to value the support of the Filipino movie-going public and have endeavored to curate a sample of films showing the diversity of the European film industry.

Also featuring in Cine Europa 23 are three animated films for families and children. These value-laden films are expected to share lessons that all viewers can relate with. 

Rafael de Bustamante, First Counselor of the EU Delegation to the Philippines, said that Cine Europa aims at exposing the Filipino public to films that rarely make it to the commercial theaters. Cine Europa, he added, “wants to increase cooperation between, our creative industries and to maximize reach by the use of new platforms.”  

Bustamante said that the “celebration of the cultural partnership between the EU and the Philippines continues with Cine Europa which is getting bigger every year”.

“The EU wants to sustain its tradition of providing highly-acclaimed European films to the Filipino moviegoers”.  


JCTR concerned about Zambia’s debt crisis – Vatican News

JCTR concerned about Zambia's debt crisis - Vatican News

Vatican News English Africa Service – Vatican City

JCTR says it is deeply concerned with the rapidly weakening economy in Zambia now threatening the economic and social survival of ordinary citizens, especially the poor, the marginalised and the vulnerable. Speaking on the occasion of Zambia’s 56th Independence Day commemoration, recently, Jesuit priest, Fr. Alex Muyebe who is JCTR Executive Director, said the government needs to be more transparent about the debt crisis.

Zambia’s debt now equivalent to its GDP

“The irony is that as we celebrate our country’s Independence Day, we cannot but lament the current shrinking fiscal space in Zambia. Zambia’s total external debt stock now stands at 27 billion dollars, which, literally is equivalent to the country’s GDP,” said the JCTR Executive Director. He advised the Zambian Government to put in place a transparent debt contraction mechanism and to stop further borrowing.

Fr. Muyebe said, “This is not the first time Zambia has found herself in a debt crisis. The Government must learn from these experiences and come up with a lasting solution to avoid finding ourselves in this same bad place over and over again. Government must pursue fiscal consolidation and stop further borrowing,” he said. Adding, “Government must put in place a transparent debt contraction mechanism and a robust and workable debt management and debt sustainability strategy.”

JCTR observes that from the 2021 national budget, it is evident that funds allocated to the social sector had decreased significantly, thereby affecting the ordinary person’s access to health, education, clean water and sanitation.

Political observers say the COVID-19 pandemic has worsened Zambia’s debt situation.

Growing political violence and intolerance

Another factor worrying JCTR concerns the increase in political violence and prevalent intolerance of divergent political opinion in Zambia.

“Over the last 56 years of Independence, Zambia has enjoyed the long-earned reputation of peace on the continent and beyond. However, JCTR is concerned with the rate of political violence threatening this long-earned reputation. The Centre implores government to take the lead in sensitising citizens to reject all forms of violence in our society,” said Fr. Muyebe.

The challenge of winter during COVID-19 for poor families

The challenge of winter during COVID-19 for poor families

This winter will present the unprecedented public health challenge of having to face the COVID-19 pandemic and the flu season at the same time. The colder months bring challenges for less affluent households to heat their homes adequately, thus increasing their exposure to health risks. On World Cities Day, 31 October, we take a moment to value our cities and communities, especially those most vulnerable in cold weather, and consider what can be done to reduce their risks.

In most countries in the WHO European Region, inequalities related to keeping a home warm in winter have increased in recent years, as have inequalities in the ability to afford heating costs. In almost all European countries, the poorest households are 4 to 5 times more exposed to cold homes than the most affluent ones, and in several countries more than 30% of low-income households are unable to keep their homes warm. The resulting fuel poverty is often associated with polluting and unsustainable fuel choices.

The use of polluting solid fuels for indoor heating and cooking is also unequally distributed and mostly seen in rural areas and low-income households. Solid fuel use may increase the risk of premature death due to long-term exposure to particulate matter from the burned material, and also due to acute poisoning caused by carbon monoxide exposure from poorly maintained heating devices and limited ventilation. The burden of disease due to indoor air pollution from household activities, such as heating or cooking, was estimated to be 55 000 premature deaths in the WHO European Region in 2016.

COVID-19 related restrictions particularly affect those already more vulnerable

The topic of affordable and clean indoor heating is particularly important this year due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Households need to anticipate possible restrictions on movement or lockdowns in addition to home schooling and home office work. This will increase the time spent in the home and further enhance the impact of low indoor temperatures as well as potential indoor air pollution, especially for low-income families.

Such increased exposure will especially affect population groups that are already more vulnerable, such as the elderly, children or persons with pre-existing medical conditions, if restricted to their home, and in households in which a family member is requested to go into home-based quarantine or isolation. The situation might be further exacerbated by the economic crisis that, in many countries, has resulted in job losses and furlough schemes, significantly increasing the number of people suffering from energy poverty and its consequences.

Finally, during the COVID-19 pandemic, extended presence in indoor, crowded and inadequately ventilated spaces may affect the risk of community transmission, as the virus spreads from an infected person’s mouth or nose in small liquid particles when they cough, sneeze, speak, sing or breathe heavily.

These transmission patterns further raise the importance of good indoor ventilation during the winter, despite a tendency to keep the house sealed to reduce energy consumption and keep it warm. This is most critical in large households with little floor space, as crowding and reduced possibility of maintaining physical distance increases transmission risk. Crowding is of concern predominantly for poor as well as single-parent households. For example, in some Eastern European countries, nearly 3 out of 4 single-parent households with a low income are affected by crowding.

What can be done?

At the individual level, we should continue washing our hands with soap, covering our cough, keeping safe distance from other people, and – where this is not possible – wearing a mask. We know that these measures are essential to breaking the chain of transmission, and – especially in winter – remain the most effective way to protect yourself and other household members. Good ventilation of indoor environments will also add to people’s protection, particularly at this time of the year.

Working with national governments, cities can play an important role in reducing these risks by supporting adequate and affordable energy supply for the coming winter and preparing support schemes for those who cannot afford heating. Preparing well in order to avoid local and national disruptions in supplying heating services and in infrastructure can further reduce risks and health effects related to heating shortages. Finally, local authorities can increase their awareness of the distribution of housing problems related to thermal comfort, energy use and crowding, all of which affect health and well-being for disadvantaged households and may contribute to increased transmission risk during lockdown periods.

By planning ahead, individuals and authorities can reduce the health burden on health care systems during the cold season, especially now when they are already severely stretched to treat COVID-19 patients.

European Council President Michel calls on Turkey to stop unilateral provocative actions

European Council President Michel calls on Turkey to stop unilateral provocative actions

The President of the European Council, Charles Michel again called on Turkey to stop unilateral actions and provocations, speaking on the morning show of LN24.

Mr. Michel emphasised that the EU was ready for a “dialogue” with a “positive agenda”, but said that this would only happen if Turkey “did not take unilateral and provocative actions”. In order to improve the EU’s relations with Turkey, Ankara “needs to change its behaviour,” he said.

read also 

Turkey is sending Syrian mercenaries to fights on borders with Greece, report reveals

Hollywood star Dakota Johnson enjoying the beautiful Spetses (photos)

Regarding the coronavirus pandemic, a few hours after the teleconference of the leaders of the member states, the President of the European Council said that they hope that a vaccine will be available at the end of 2020, or the beginning of the new year.

European Parliament groups urge to establish international control for ceasefire in NK

European Parliament groups urge to establish international control for ceasefire in NK

YEREVAN, OCTOBER 29, ARMENPRESS. The leading parties of the European Parliament urge to invest effective international mechanisms for the monitoring of the ceasefire in Nagorno Karabakh, ARMENPRESS reports, citing Ria Novosti, reads the joint statement of the European Parliament parties.

”We resolutely condemn the violation of the previously reached agreements. We urge to immediately and unconditionally cease the military operations. We also urge to invest effective international mechanisms for the preservation of the ceasefire”, reads the statement.

Celebrate Grand Admiral Thrawn’s 30th Birthday Next Year With New Books, Fancy Books, and Old Books (on T-Shirts!)


In 1991, the Star Wars universe changed forever. After a few years of quiet, the Expanded Universe exploded in scope and reach, kicking off with a series of novels from Timothy Zahn that brought us the story of what happened after Return of the Jedi. With it came the rise of Grand Admiral Thrawn and 30 years later, it’s time to celebrate him in style.

Heir to the Empire—the start of what is now known in reverent tones as the Thrawn Trilogy—kicked off a journey for the masterful Chiss tactician that quickly embedded him as one of the most beloved and important icons of the Expanded Universe. His popularity was such that, even when Disney acquired Lucasfilm and rebooted Star Wars continuity wholesale, they could not leave Thrawn out in the dark.

Thrawn returned through Star Wars Rebels, allowing his creator to usher in a new wave of Thrawn novels, first exploring the commander’s early days in the Empire, and then in the recent Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, his days before that as part of the mysterious Chiss society. Now, as the 30th anniversary of Heir’s release approaches, io9 has artfully acquired a few details about how 2021 will be anything but blue for our good Grand Admiral.

On Star Wars day next year, May 4, 2021—30 years to the month Heir to the Empire hit shelves—Del Rey will publish the second novel in Zahn’s Thrawn Ascendancy trilogy, which io9 can exclusively reveal the title and first look at the cover of—Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good.

Diving further into the ramifications of the events of the first book in the series, Chaos Rising, Greater Good finds Thrawn at the heart of big changes coming to the Chiss Ascendancy. With no time to bask in the laurels of his victory, Thrawn and his allies in the Chiss Expansionary Defence Force must race against the clock to uncover a plot to tear their society asunder. Here’s the full description of what you can expect:

Thrawn’s latest triumph still rests newly on his shoulders. Despite leading the Chiss to victory and bringing glory to the House of Mitth, the true threat to the Ascendancy has not yet been extinguished. Their foes do not send threats or ultimatums, or mass ships on the edge of the Chaos. Their weapons come cloaked in smiles and generosity—gifts offered freely, services granted unconditionally.

Across the Ascendancy, seemingly inconsequential events could herald the doom of the Chiss. As Thrawn and the Expansionary Defense Fleet rally to uncover the enemy plot, they discover a chilling truth. Rather than invade Chiss capitals or pillage resources, this mysterious enemy strikes at the very foundation of the Ascendancy by widening the rifts between the Nine Ruling Families and Forty Great Houses below. As rivalry and suspicion sow discord among allies, each warrior must decide what matters most: the security of their family, or the survival of the Ascendancy itself.

But that’s not all! If you need to catch up in the fanciest way possible before you dive into Greater Good, to celebrate Heir to the Empire and Thrawn’s 30th anniversary Del Rey has teamed up with Out of Print to release a very limited edition of Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising. The new book comes encased in a foil-stamped slipcase and printed with a piece of Chiss iconography.

The book itself also has a brand new matching cover, created by illustrator Magali Villeneuve—depicting the young Thrawn as he appears in the series, wearing the uniform of an Expansionary Defence Force officer—and includes special Chiss-blue stained pages and similar blue accents throughout the novel.

If that wasn’t enough? Each copy is signed by Zahn, cementing at a piece of art that Thrawn himself would admire (and ultimately discern 17 ways to outsmart you through). You’ll have to act fast though: just 750 copies will be available, and it’ll set you back a hefty $150 if you snag one when preorders launch in November.

If you feel bad about missing out on it, however (or just want a cheaper way to celebrate 30 years of Thrawn), at the same time Out of Print will also release a new t-shirt featuring a piece of Chisstory. Depicting Tom Jungs iconic original cover art for Heir to the Empire—including Han, Luke, Leia, Chewbacca, Thrawn himself, and the infamous Dark Jedi, Joruus C’baoth—on the front, the t-shirt also prints Heir’s original title crawl and cover blurb from its original release on the back:

You’re basically wearing one of the most beloved Expanded Universe novels ever! There’s no limited run on them either, and at $30, it’ll be less damaging on your wallet to wear your Thrawn pride with, err, pride.

Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good releases on May 4, 2021, and is available to preorder now. The limited-edition run of Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, as well as the Heir to the Empire anniversary t-shirt, will go up for order on Out of Print at 11:00 a.m. EST on November 17.

New Constitution: Conversations in Chile pave new path

Cardinal Jean-Claude Hollerich comments on Pope Francis' letter to Europe, describing the importance of looking to the future, together, so that significant changes can be made for the entire world.
SANTIAGO, Chile — In the lead-up to the vote this week in Chile to establish a new constitution, conversations about building an equitable society have taken greater focus throughout the country. Over the past year, the Bahá’ís of Chile have been contributing to these discussions by creating spaces at every level, from the grassroots to national, to examine with their fellow citizens the foundations for a materially and spiritually prosperous society.

“This is a historic time for Chile,” says Felipe Duhart, Secretary of the country’s Bahá’í National Spiritual Assembly. “We all have a rare opportunity to think collectively about the principles around which to organize our country.”

As part of its efforts to contribute to the national discourse on social progress, the Bahá’í community has most recently been working with a civil society organization, Ahora nos toca participar (Now is our turn to participate), to create discussion spaces across the country. A series of gatherings in recent months led to a national event involving thousands of participants. The Bahá’ís of Chile have given special attention at these gatherings—which are continuing alongside the constitutional process—to ensure that the voice of women and indigenous peoples is heard.

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Photograph taken before the current health crisis. Over the past year, the Bahá’ís of Chile have been contributing to discussions about social progress by creating spaces at every level, from the grassroots to national, to examine with their fellow citizens the foundations for a materially and spiritually prosperous society.

At a recent gathering, Veronica Oré, director of the Bahá’í House of Worship in Santiago, explained how certain assumptions need to be re-examined: “The historical moment in which we find ourselves, the impact of the pandemic, the awakening of a collective conscience, are driving our country to search for a new framework for society.”

“Beyond reforms,” Ms. Oré continued, “a profound transformation is required. … The proposal is that we do not look at progress only through the perspective of economic growth, but that we also consider spiritual concepts, such as justice and our essential oneness. When we think about educational policies, about constitutional changes, let us also rethink our assumptions about human nature, seeing the nobility of every human being.”

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Photograph taken before the current health crisis. A group of Mapuche community members visiting the Bahá’í House of Worship in Santiago. The Bahá’ís of Chile have given special attention to ensure that the voice of women and indigenous peoples is heard in special gatherings held over the last year that seek to contribute to a national discourse on social progress.

Luis Sandoval, of the Bahá’í Office of External Affairs of Chile, says, “The aspirations for change manifested in Chilean society—relating to issues such as the extremes of wealth and poverty, equality between men and women, the protection of nature, and the economy—have a common element: challenges in all these areas can be traced to a model of society that places material development at the center of life and of relationships. This is insufficient; we have to go beyond this and recognize the spiritual dimension of life.”

Mr. Duhart explains that underlying all these conversations is a call for justice. “This principle can guide a process for social change in a direction that will be beneficial to all people. The Bahá’í conception of justice places this as a pillar of a united society. Justice puts all people as one before God, and helps us understand how individuals, communities, and institutions form an interconnected whole. Spiritual principles such as justice provide pillars for a society where each of us, with our capacities, can develop and play our part.”

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Many profound discussions about the future of Chilean society have taken place over the last year on the grounds of the Bahá’í House of Worship in Santiago, exploring issues such as the extremes of wealth and poverty, equality between men and women, the protection of nature, and the economy.

Ms. Oré, explains how the potential for achieving greater unity is realized through the House of Worship: “In the four years since its inauguration, the temple has received some two million visitors from all walks of life and backgrounds. Over the past year, the House of Worship has especially acted as a magnetic center where invitees to special gatherings have come, and after participating in devotions, have engaged in profound discussions about issues of national concern. It’s evident through the thoughtful interactions here that we can build a stronger society together.”

Thomas Schirrmacher will be next head of World Evangelical Alliance

Thomas Schirrmacher will be next head of World Evangelical Alliance
(Photo: © Peter Kenny)Thomas Schirrmacher in Pretoria, South Africa on June 16, 2017.

The World Evangelical Alliance says that Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher is to become its next Secretary General from March 2021 when he takes over from the current CEO Bishop Efraim Tendero.

Schirrmacher lives in Germany and studied theology in Switzerland and the United States.

In a letter announcing the appointment, Dr, Goodwill Shana, chair of WEA’s International Council, said: “He enjoys working with groups of diverse people and seeing people work together to advance the aims of the WEA.

“He is committed to building partnerships and seeing WEA contribute to the development of the global Christian community.”

After his appointment, Schirrmacher said: “Beside all my academic and socio-political involvement, the center of my convictions has always been the transforming power of the gospel of Jesus Christ for each individual and the whole world.

“And I see WEA as the best place to serve the Church.”

One of the first people to congratulate Schirrmacher was World Council of Churches interim general secretary Rev. Ioan Sauca.

“I have had the pleasure to meet and work with you and other representatives of the World Evangelical Alliance at several occasions as we explored possibilities of working together facing developments in society and churches,” wrote Sauca.

The relationship between the WCC and the World Evangelical Alliance has strengthened as the organizations have identified various ways of collaborating to respond to needs around the world, while stressing the significance of strengthening Christian witness, Sauca noted.

“In the light of the current global realities, we acknowledge anew the importance of joint actions and responses to a suffering and disrupted world,” Sauca wrote.

“God is calling us in many ways to give witness of his love for every human being and to bring healing, unity and reconciliation.”

Schirrmacher has served in various roles in the WEA since 1999, and is currently the WEA’s Associate Secretary General for Theological Concerns.

Prior to this, he was a member of the Religious Liberty Commission, developed the International Institute for Religions Freedom, built up WEA’s Office for Intrafaith and Interfaith Relations, is chair of WEA’s Theological Commission, and WEA’s Ambassador for Human Rights.

“Evangelicals emphasize the importance of an individual and personal relationship with God that is not defined by any political, cultural or social association, nor automatically given by way of nominal membership of any specific denomination,” says WEA on its website.

Tedero commented on Schirrmacher’s appointment, “I saw in him the charisma, competence and capacity that is matched by the character, conviction and calling from God that are needed for such a global task.

“I have full confidence that he will lead the WEA as empowered by the Holy Spirit in advancing the Good news of the Lord Jesus Christ to all nations, and effecting personal, family and community transformation for the glory of God.”

(Photo: © Peter Kenny / Ecumenical News)World Evangelical Alliance Secretary General Bishop Efraim Tendero photographed in Tirana, Albania on Nov. 4, 2015.

EU at risk of being overwhelmed by COVID-19: EU Commission head

EU at risk of being overwhelmed by COVID-19: EU Commission head

BRUSSELS: The European Union’s healthcare system are at risk of being overwhelmed by the number of coronavirus cases unless authorities act quickly, the head of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen told a news conference on Thursday.

“The spread of the virus will overwhelm our healthcare systems if we do not act urgently,” she said after a video conference of EU leaders to coordinate the EU’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

She said the Commission made available €220 million to finance cross-border transfer of COVID-19 patients across EU countries to avoid healthcare systems in the most affected countries not being able to cope.

She also said the EU would work for the quick validation, at EU level, of rapid antigen tests.

Global COVID-19 cases rose by more than 500,000 for the first time on Wednesday, a record one-day increase as countries across the Northern Hemisphere reported daily spikes.

The global coronavirus tally stands at 44.7 million cases and about 1.17 million deaths.

Scientists said on Thursday a coronavirus strain that emerged in Spain in June has spread across Europe and now makes up a large proportion of infections in several countries.

The variant, which has not been found to be inherently more dangerous, was first identified among farm workers in the eastern Spanish regions of Aragon and Catalonia.

Over the last two months, it has accounted for close to 90 per cent of new infections in Spain, according to the research paper, authored by seven researchers with backing by Swiss and Spanish public-sector science institutions.

The strain has also crossed European borders and accounted for 40 to 70 per cent of new infections in Switzerland, Ireland and the United Kingdom in September, they found.

The World Health Organisation said in July that there was no evidence mutations of the virus had led to more severe disease.