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Fight against terrorism and the EU’s security strategy | News | European Parliament


, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201113IPR91595/

In the wake of several terror attacks in Europe, MEPs will discuss ways to step up security cooperation and improve information exchange between police forces.

The Civil Liberties Committee will assess the state of play in counter-terrorism and the security strategy with Home Affairs Commissioner Ylva Johansson and the German Presidency of the Council. Future developments regarding the so-called Prüm decisions and automated exchanges of information from DNA databases, fingerprints and car registration data, and the 2004 Advance Passenger Information (API) directive, which obliges carriers to collect passenger information, will play a central part in the debate.

Strengthening Europol’s mandate, the future action plan on integration and exclusion and current negotiations to ensure terrorist content is removed from the internet swiftly and efficiently are also likely to be raised.

When: Monday, 16 November, from 16.50 to 18.05.

Where: European Parliament in Brussels, József Antall (4Q2), and remotely.

Check the full agenda of the committee meeting. You can follow the discussion live.

Last week, MEPs held a plenary debate with Commissioner Johansson on the latest terror attacks and the need to further develop the counter-terrorism strategy, in parallel with additional efforts to promote fundamental freedoms and integration.

How conspiracy became our new religion

How conspiracy became our new religion

In today’s Big Story podcast, almost two weeks after the American election, leading social media platforms are inundated with false claims about the results. Claims that are supported and amplified by Donald Trump and key members of his administration. After talking tough regarding disinformation in the months leading up to the election, and even slapping warnings on the president’s posts, have Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and TikTok lived up to their promises?

And the big question: Will Twitter ever ban Donald Trump? Where would their business be without him?

GUEST: Jesse Hirsh, researcher and futurist, metaviews.ca

You can subscribe to The Big Story podcast on Apple Podcasts, Google and Spotify

You can also find it at thebigstorypodcast.ca.

UK and EU making some progress on post-Brexit trade deal

Britain’s Chief negotiator to the EU David Frost walks to Brexit trade negotiations, in London, Britain, November 13, 2020. [Reuters]

Britain and the European Union have made some progress in their negotiations for a post-Brexit trade deal but might not succeed in getting an agreement, Britain’s top Brexit negotiator said as he headed into further talks on Sunday.

“There has been some progress in a positive direction in recent days,” David Frost said on Twitter.

“We also now largely have common draft treaty texts, though significant elements are of course not yet agreed. We will work to build on these and get an overall agreement if we can. But we may not succeed.” 

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Several Catholic institutions divest from fossil fuels – Vatican News

Several Catholic institutions divest from fossil fuels - Vatican News

By Vatican News staff writer

Global efforts to promote divestment from fossil fuels expanded further as 47 faith institutions announced their divestment from fossil fuels on Monday, in the largest-ever announcement of its kind among religious leaders. 

The Global Catholic Climate Movement in a statement said that 42 Catholic institutions and five other additional protestant and Jewish institutions have severed ties with the fossil fuel industry in a bid to help tackle the climate crisis. They join with nearly 400 other faith institutions that have divested from fossil fuels.

This announcement comes after the Vatican’s first-ever operational guidance on the environment was issued as part of the celebration of the fifth anniversary of Pope Francis’ 2015 Encyclical Laudato sí. The guidelines, signed by all of the Vatican’s dicasteries, encouraged Catholics to avoid investing in companies “that harm human or social ecology (for example, through abortion or the arms trade), or environmental ecology (for example, through the use of fossil fuels).”

Infographic map of faith institutions committed to divesting from fossil fuels

Rooted in Social teaching

The Church’s commitment to clean energy finds its roots in its tradition of Catholic Social Teaching. 

On 16 November 1970, on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO), Pope Paul VI reminded all that “everything is bound up together” in the “living design of the creator” and warned that we risked “provoking a veritable ecological catastrophe.”

Similarly, Pope Francis, in Laudato sí, reiterated that “everything is connected” in “one complex crisis which is both social and environment.” The Pope also pointed out that “we still lack the culture need to confront this crisis.”

Pope Francis has also convened an “Economy of Francesco” conference, scheduled to begin on 19 November 2020 to examine innovative ways Catholics are developing a sustainable economy, propelled by leadership from young people.

Commitment to solving the climate crisis

Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto, Secretary-General of the Bishops’ Conferences of Europe (COMECE) said that the European Bishops joins the movement to divest from fossil fuels and encouraged others to also take concrete steps to solve the climate crisis.

He added that commitments to the Paris agreement is important, and the European Green Deal is a way of doing so, as “solving the climate crisis protects the human family from the dangers of a warming world, and decisive action is needed now more than ever.”

In the same vein, Inger Andersen, under-secretary-general of the UN and executive director of the UN Environmental Programme highlighted that “the economic power of faiths, turned to responsible investments and the green economy, can be a major driver of positive change, and an inspiration to others, as we rebuild better.”

Apply for 2021 edition of the Charlemagne Youth Prize | News | European Parliament

Apply for 2021 edition of the Charlemagne Youth Prize  | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/headlines/eu-affairs/20201112STO91447/

RCEP “uplifting” amid global recession: Chinese commerce chamber in EU


BRUSSELS, Nov. 15 (Xinhua) — The China Chamber of Commerce to the European Union (CCCEU) on Sunday hailed the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement as “uplifting” amid global recession caused by the COVID-19 pandemic.

In the presence of leaders of China, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Australia, New Zealand, and ten member countries of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), the RCEP agreement was officially signed on Sunday, forging the largest free trade bloc in the world.

“The conclusion of this agreement offers an uplifting example of international economic cooperation, which has been affected by protectionism and unilateralism; and it has also injected confidence to boost global economic recovery hit by the recession,” said Zhou Lihong, chairwoman of the CCCEU.

“Right now, China and the EU are racing towards ending negotiation of the bilateral investment treaty (BIT) by the end of this year. We are looking forward to the conclusion of this long-awaited agreement,” said Zhou, who is former chair of Bank of China Luxembourg.

“We are also expecting to put bilateral free trade talks on the official agenda as soon as possible, which could then offer a solid framework of trade and investment liberalization and facilitation in the two major markets consisting of 1.9 billion consumers,” she added.

Based in Brussels, the CCCEU was founded in 2018 by a group of Chinese enterprises operating in the European Union (EU). It represents some 1,000 Chinese companies in numerous industries, such as finance, energy, transportation, manufacturing, ICT and artificial intelligence.

EU must assert autonomy in face of US-China dominance, says Macron


European leaders must not let up on efforts to construct an autonomous bloc that is capable of resisting the duopoly of China and the US, Emmanuel Macron has said in his first extended response to the US presidential election.

The French president said the US would only respect Europe if it was sovereign with respect to its own defence, technology and currency. Warning that US values and interests were not quite the same as Europe’s, he said: “It is not tenable that our international policies should be dependent on it or to be trailing behind it.” The same need for independence applied even more to China, he added.

His analysis came in a marathon interview in the journal Le Grand Continent, conducted last Thursday, in which he called for a redoubling of the protection of the values of the European enlightenment against “barbarity and obscurantism”. Le Grand Continent is the review attached to the leading French thinktank Groupe d’Études Géopolitiques.

Macron suggested 2020 may prove to be a landmark year similar to 1945, 1968 and 2007. Much of the interview considered the extent to which the forces that led to Donald Trump’s election in 2016, and the UK’s Brexit vote, could be contained, and reversed.

“The changeover of the administration in America is an opportunity to to pursue in a truly peaceful and calm manner what allies need to understand among themselves – which is that we need to continue to build our independence for ourselves, as the US does for itself and as China does for itself.”

He explicitly claimed that the German chancellor, Angela Merkel, was resisting German politicians who have described the search for European autonomy as an illusion, saying such a view is a “historical misinterpretation”.

“It is vital that our Europe finds the ways and the means to decide for itself to rely on itself, not to depend on others in every area, technological, health, geopolitics, and to be able to cooperate with whomever it chooses,” he said.

Macron added that although the US was Europe’s historical ally, cherishing similar principles, “our values are not quite the same. We have an attachment to social democracy, to more equality. Our reactions are not quite the same”.

Macron, who previously criticised Nato as being “brain-dead”, said: “Europe has a lot of thoughts unthought. On a geostrategic level we had forgotten to think because we thought our geopolitical relations through Nato.”

Calling for a reinvention of international cooperation, he said the current multilateral frameworks were blocked. “The UN security council no longer produces useful solutions today. We all have some responsibility to bear when some [institutions] such as the World Health Organization find themselves hostages to the crises of multilateralism.”

He said the deep crisis of cooperation was a crisis born of conflicting values, including the rise of neoconservatism and a breakdown in the universal principle of inviolable human rights. This rupture, he said, “is the fruit of ideological choices fully endorsed by powers that see in it the means to rise, and a form of fatigue, of breakdown”.

Without mentioning Turkey directly, he said: “Authoritarian regional powers are re-emerging, theocracies are re-emerging. It is an extraordinary acceleration of a return of religion on the political scene in a number of these countries.”

Europe, Macron suggested, was fighting against “a colossal step backward in history”, led by those who use radical Islamism to challenge freedom of expression. Insisting he respected cultures and civilisations, he said “nevertheless I am not going to change our laws because they shock elsewhere”.


From Brefusal to Brexit: a history of Britain in the EU



After 47 years and 30 days it was all over. As the clock struck 11pm on 31 January 2020, the UK was officially divorced from the EU and began trying to carve out a new global role as a sovereign nation. It was a union that got off to a tricky start and continued to be marked by the UK’s sometimes conflicted relationship with its neighbours.

The French president, Charles de Gaulle, vetoes Britain’s entry to EEC, accusing the UK of a “deep-seated hostility” towards the European project.

With Sir Edward Heath having signed the accession treaty the previous year, the UK enters the EEC in an official ceremony complete with a torch-lit rally, dickie-bowed officials and a procession of political leaders, including former prime ministers Harold Macmillan and Alec Douglas-Home.


The UK decides to stay in the common market after 67% voted “yes”. Margaret Thatcher, later to be leader of the Conservative party, campaigned to remain.

‘Give us our money back’

Margaret Thatcher negotiated what became known as the UK rebate with other EU members after the “iron lady” marched into the former French royal palace at Fontainebleau to demand “our own money back” claiming for every £2 contributed we get only £1 back” despite being one of the “three poorer” members of the community.

It was a move that sowed the seeds of Tory Euroscepticism that was to later cause the Brexit schism in the party. 

The Bruges speech

Thatcher served notice on the EU community in a defining moment in EU politics in which she questioned the expansionist plans of Jacques Delors, who had remarked that 80% of all decisions on economic and social policy would be made by the European Community within 10 years with a European government in “embryo”. That was a bridge too far for Thatcher.

The cold war ends

Collapse of Berlin wall and fall of communism in eastern Europe, which would later lead to expansion of EU.

‘No, no, no’

Divisions between the UK and the EU deepened with Thatcher telling the Commons in an infamous speech it was ‘no, no, no’ to what she saw as Delors’ continued power grab. Rupert Murdoch’s Sun newspaper ratchets up its opposition to Europe with a two-fingered “Up yours Delors” front page.

Black Wednesday

A collapse in the pound forced prime minister John Major and the then chancellor Norman Lamont to pull the UK out of the Exchange Rate Mechanism.

The single market

On 1 January, customs checks and duties were removed across the bloc. Thatcher hailed the vision of “a single market without barriers – visible or invisible – giving you direct and unhindered access to the purchasing power of over 300 million of the world’s wealthiest and most prosperous people”.

Maastricht treaty

Tory rebels vote against the treaty that paved the way for the creation of the European Union. John Major won the vote the following day in a pyrrhic victory. 

Repairing the relationship

Tony Blair patches up the relationship. Signs up to social charter and workers’ rights.

Nigel Farage elected an MEP and immediately goes on the offensive in Brussels. “Our interests are best served by not being a member of this club,” he said in his maiden speech. “The level playing field is about as level as the decks of the Titanic after it hit an iceberg.”

Chancellor Gordon Brown decides the UK will not join the euro.

EU enlarges to to include eight countries of the former eastern bloc including Poland, Hungary and the Czech Republic.

EU expands again, allowing Romania and Bulgaria into the club.

Migrant crisis

Anti-immigration hysteria seems to take hold with references to “cockroches” by Katie Hopkins in the Sun and tabloid headlines such as “How many more can we take?” and “Calais crisis: send in the dogs”.

David Cameron returns from Brussels with an EU reform package – but it isn’t enough to appease the Eurosceptic wing of his own party

Brexit referendum

The UK votes to leave the European Union, triggering David Cameron’s resignation and paving the way for Theresa May to become prime minister

Britain leaves the EU

After years of parliamentary impasse during Theresa May’s attempt to get a deal agreed, the UK leaves the EU.

He attributed some of the rise of populism to the effect of a breakpoint in the previous Washington consensus about the virtues of globalisation. “When the middle classes no longer have the means to progress and see their situation sliding year after year, a doubt about democracy sets in. That is what we are seeing precisely everywhere, from the US of Donald Trump, to Brexit and the warning shots in our country,” he said.

Macron warned that social media had become an instrument for the rejection of all expertise, be it political, academic or scientific. “We have not organised a public order for this space. The virtual space over determines our choices today, and at the same time it transforms our political life. And therefore it disrupts democracies and our lives.”

He said he was pursuing the concept of a golden hour, the idea that social media firms have 60 minutes to identify and take down posts that glorify and incite terrorism and hate.

Borrell: EU has repeatedly called on Israel to end all settlement activity and to dismantle outposts

Borrell: EU has repeatedly called on Israel to end all settlement activity and to dismantle outposts

Brussels, 15/11/2020

The High Representative of the European Union  Josep Borrell said in a statement that settlement expansion in Givat Hamatos is illegal under international law.

Borrell added: “I am deeply worried by the Israeli authorities’ decision to open the bidding process for the construction of housing units for an entirely new settlement at Givat Hamatos”.

This is a key location between Jerusalem and Bethlehem in the occupied West Bank. Any settlement construction will cause serious damage to the prospects for a viable and contiguous Palestinian state and, more broadly, to the possibility of a negotiated two-state solution in line with the internationally agreed parameters and with Jerusalem as the future capital of two states, Borrell said.

The EU has repeatedly called on Israel to end all settlement activity and to dismantle outposts erected since March 2001. It remains the EU’s firm position that settlements are illegal under international law.

The announced settlement activity will lead to the continuing weakening of efforts to rebuild trust and confidence between the parties which is necessary for an eventual resumption of meaningful negotiations.

The Government of Israel should instead show vision and responsibility and reverse these negative decisions at this critical and sensitive time Borrell end his settlement.

European Union Heads of Mission and like-minded countries visit Giva’t Hamatos in East Jerusalem

Also, the European Union Heads of mission, together with like-minded countries, are visiting Givat Hamatos in East Jerusalem. Yesterday morning, the Israeli Ministry of Housing and Israel Land Authority opened the tender (bidding process) for 1,257 housing units to be built in Givat Hamatos in East Jerusalem

The construction in Givat Hamatos will block the possibility of territorial contiguity between East Jerusalem and Bethlehem.

Europe’s Appetite for Caribbean Food Highlights Growing Trend

Europe’s Appetite for Caribbean Food Highlights Growing Trend

[Bridgetown, Barbados] – A growing taste for Caribbean food in Europe could be lucrative for regional manufacturers, according to research from The Caribbean Export Development Agency (Caribbean Export). 

The trend for exotic food sauces and condiments and natural, plant-based ingredients is highlighted in new report commissioned ahead of Caribbean Export’s Absolutely Caribbean virtual expo on 17 and 18 November.   

We are seeing great potential for Caribbean food products across Europe at the moment, says Dr. Damie Sinanan, Manager of Competitiveness and Export Promotion at Caribbean Export. 

It seems that consumers are looking for different flavours and playing more with spices but there is much promise amongst natural foods such a chocolate, teas and glutenfree flours. We are really excited about the range of quality, artisanal producers that we have at our expo this year which will help to support trade between the Caribbean and Europe.” 

In the UK, the Caribbean food market is now worth almost £100m and foodservice wholesale giant Bidfood singled out Caribbean food as a Top 10 cuisine trend. In 2019, UK retailer Tesco also highlighted Caribbean fare as an ‘emerging trend’. Sauces and condiments in particular are worth £1.12bn and grew by 16.8% in the last year 

Craig & Shaun McAnuff at Caribbean food & lifestyle platform Original Flava, state: “We’ve seen a huge rise in the popularity of Caribbean foods in the UK in recent years which is really exciting. The likes of Ainsley Harriott and Levi Roots paving the way for Caribbean food; seeing staple Caribbean ingredients more widely available; but also seeing our cookbook as a bestseller on numerous charts and receiving TV & media recognition nationally. There is such a variety and so many flavours in Caribbean cooking which the British public are loving. 

In Spainthe ‘foods from other countries’ category has grown by 105.9% since 2012. Spicy tastes have seen strong growth with Caribbean flavours named as an emerging trend in sauces and spices, increasing around 55% to three million kilograms and over 29% in value to nearly €19m. 

Almost a third (32%) of German consumers have said they like Caribbean food (1) which has led to an increase in heat and spice on the table during family dinners (2). 

People in the Netherlands are also increasingly open to incorporating greater variation into their cooking, including flavour combinations and the use of fresh and natural ingredients, with the value of chilli sauces climbing 125% in value since 2016.  

Europe’s love for wholesome plant-based ingredients, combined with the region’s efforts to promote sustainability, have also led to an increased interest in natural and organic products such as chocolate, tea and glutenfree flour. 

In the UK, chocolate is a £4.3bn category and according to Kantar, plain and dark chocolate is growing by 14.5% year-on-year.  In Spain, it is worth €1.5bn, and increased by 3.6% in 2019.  Meanwhile, the Netherlands was the largest importer of cocoa beans in 2018 and is home to the largest cocoa grinding industry in the world.  

The tea category in the UK is worth £561.3m which is not surprising given the nation’s love of the hot beverage.  In Germany129 million cups of tea are consumed every day and in the Netherlands 71% of consumers drink tea at least once a week. 

The UK’s glutenfree flour food category grew by 19.9% in 2019 compared to the year before and in Germany the market is worth £174m. 

Caribbean food suppliers will be given the chance to showcase their unique food products to European buyers at Caribbean Export’s first virtual expo event: Absolutely Caribbean – unlocking the profit potential of the Caribbean on 17 and 18 November.   

For more information about the event and to register, please visit  –Click here 

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EU Malaria Fund: Sanaria reçoit un investissement substantiel pour sa plateforme exclusive de lutte antipaludique


… dernier investissement de l’EU Malaria Fund.
Ce communiqué …
.eu (Graphic: Business Wire)
L… #47;/www.controlmalaria.eu
Le texte du communiqué issu … Tobias Mac-Lean