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“Set Your Captives Free”: ACN report on kidnapped and jailed Christians – Vatican News

“Set Your Captives Free”: ACN report on kidnapped and jailed Christians - Vatican News

By Vatican News staff writer

Entitled, “Set Your Captives Free”, the report by the Pontifical Foundation ACN, an international Catholic charity, lists specific cases of Christians detained mainly in Nigeria, Eritrea, Pakistan and China.

It speaks about imprisonment for reasons of conscience, arbitrary detention, unjust trials, inadequate prison conditions, cases of torture and pressure to induce people to abandon the faith.

It was released on Nov. 25 to mark Red Wednesday. During Red Wednesday, many church buildings and monuments are illuminated in red light, a colour associated with martyrdom, to remember those who cannot practice their faith freely throughout the world.


ACN regards the kidnapping of Christians in Nigeria as very serious. Every year more than 220 faithful are kidnapped and unjustly imprisoned by groups of jihadist militiamen. Kidnappings for ransom often result in the killing of Protestant and Catholic priests. 

It is the same story in Egypt, where “young Coptic Christian women are kidnapped and forced to marry their non-Christian kidnappers”.  In Eritrea, more than a thousand Christian faithful are feared to be unjustly detained.


In Asia, the scenario is equally alarming. In Pakistan, “there are about a thousand cases of forced conversions of Christian and Hindu girls and young women annually”.  In North Korea there are “about 50 thousand Christians in labour camps, that is, almost 50 percent of the total number of prisoners.”

In Myanmar, it is estimated that since 2018, the army has interrogated and arrested 100 pastors and forcibly recruited Christian students. North Korea is said to have “some 50 thousand Christians in labour camps, equivalent to almost 50 per cent of the total number of prisoners.”


“Set Your Captives Free” also underlines the devastating and unprecedented impact that Covid-19 has had on unjust detention.  

ACN singles out three key factors that have caused a worsening of the situation.  Firstly, the partial or total closure of the law courts and other legal activities delayed the appeal of jailed Christians.  Secondly, as religious services moved online due to the lockdown, authoritarian governments have been able to increase surveillance and repression of those found to participate in alleged illegal activities.  Lastly, the pandemic provided the persecutors with the opportunity to strike while all the attention was focussed on the coronavirus emergency.

Christians are most persecuted

According to ACN, numerous specialized reports show that Christians are the most targeted religious community in the world. 

According to the Pew Research Center, “the unjust detention of Christians, both by states and non-governmental subjects, emerges as a violation of human rights in 143 countries where there is serious harassment.” It also highlights a high number of “minority religious groups affected by unjust detention” and therefore reiterates the need to “act promptly” because religious minorities are increasingly at risk.

Asia Bibi

The ACN opens its report with two symbolic figures of persecution on the grounds of faith. The first is Asia Bibi, the Pakistani Christian woman falsely accused of blasphemy and imprisoned for nine years. She was acquitted in October 2018. 

The preface to the ACN report bears her signature. “It is time to tell the truth to those who have the power so that those who, defying the law, detain innocent people are finally brought to justice,” Asia Bibi says in the preface. “It is time for governments to act. It is time to demonstrate in defence of our communities of the faithful, vulnerable, poor and persecuted. We must not stop until the oppressor finally hears our cry: ‘Set Your Captives Free’.”

Father Paolo Dall’Oglio

The second figure that the report, “Set Your Captives Free”, focuses on is Italian Jesuit priest and peace activist, Father Paolo Dall’Oglio, who was kidnapped in Syria on July 29, 2013. 

“Few people have dealt with religious freedom as much as he, few have suffered more than him for their convictions,” ACN says.

Father Paolo is one of the five priests, including two bishops, kidnapped by the Daesh (ISIS) in Syria in 2013.  Aid to the Church in Need says no one knows where they are detained and whether they are dead or still alive.

ACN remembers persecuted Christians

Address water scarcity ‘immediately and boldly’, urges UN agriculture agency chief 

Address water scarcity ‘immediately and boldly’, urges UN agriculture agency chief 

Meanwhile, more than 60 per cent of irrigated cropland is water stressed and 11 countries, all in Northern Africa and Asia, need to urgently adopt sound water accounting, clear allocation, modern technologies and to shift to less thirsty crops.  

Water math 

Although “the inherent characteristics of water make it difficult to manage”, the SOFA report upholds that it “be recognized as an economic good that has a value and a price”. 

“At the same time, policy and governance support to ensure efficient, equitable and sustainable access for all is essential”. 

Noting that the rural poor can benefit substantially from irrigation, the report recommends that water management plans be “problem-focused and dynamic”. 

Despite that water markets selling water rights are relatively rare, SOFA says that when water accounting is well performed, rights well established and beneficiaries and managing institutions participating, regulated water markets can provide equitable allotments while promoting conservation. 

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Address water scarcity ‘immediately and boldly’, urges UN agriculture agency chief 

Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)

Agricultural areas by production system.

Religious Freedom Awards 2020 recognizes 3 Spanish Professors


“Mejora Foundation awards three prestigious teachers in the 7th Edition of the Religious Freedom Awards”

The Church of Scientology Foundation for the Improvement of Life, Culture and Society, in consultative status with the United Nations since 2019, presented the Religious Freedom Awards, in the form of a Tizona sword, to Prof. Dr. Alejandro Torres, Prof. Dr. Rafael Valencia and Prof. Dr. Catalina Pons-Estel, in an online ceremony attended by Prof. Dr. Mercedes Murillo, Director of Religious Freedom of the Spain‘s Ministry of Presidency (Prime Minister’s Office).

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Religious Freedom Awards 2020 recognizes 3 Spanish Professors

The ceremony, inaugurated by Ivan Arjona, President of the European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs and Human Rights, and Isabel Ayuso, Secretary General of the Mejora Foundation, began with the viewing of two videos regarding the right to freedom of thought, religion and conscience (one of them based on the works of L. Ron Hubbard‘s book “The Way to Happiness”), as well as a music video by international artists such as Chick Corea with a message of “Spread a Smile and not something else”, very suitable for the times of health crisis that are being experienced worldwide.

Following this, Mercedes Murillo, Director of Religious Liberty for the Ministry of the Presidency, addressed the award winners and attendees at this online ceremony, saying, “Once again this year the Church of Scientology Foundation is presenting its Religious Freedom Awards, a pioneering initiative, and so it is also appropriate for another year to recognize and appreciate this opportunity to bring together people concerned about this right around the world

Murillo continued by saying we are meeting this afternoon to present some well-deserved awards to three recognized specialists in this field whom I would like to congratulate” words after which the master of ceremonies went on to present the winners, who personally thanked the Fundación Mejora, of the Church of Scientology, for the award received and for the initiative that seeks to encourage people to promote and defend freedom of conscience .

Isabel Ayuso, Secretary General of Foundation, in her presentation said of these awardees that “they are the heroes of our times”…”they have changed the battleground for the classroom, the swords for the quill… on a real battle for freedom”

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Religious Freedom Awards 2020 recognizes 3 Spanish Professors
Prof. Dr. Alejandro Torres, Universidad Pública de Navarra

The first winner of the celebration was Prof. Dr. Alejandro Torres Gutiérrez, Full Professor of Law at the Public University of Navarra with an incredible production of publications and professor in the field of religious freedom. His publications are focused on the study of the financing and tax system of religious denominations, models of Church-State relations in Spain, Austria, Portugal and France, the status of minorities and multiculturalism in the United States, Canada and Austria. In his acceptance speech he left, among other messages, messages such as the study of freedom of conscience is still relevant because we should not have fewer rights as a result of being less”… “in a society like ours in which there is still much violence for religious reasons I understand that the study of tolerance is important”… “the protection of diversity is key in a state like ours in which all possible interpretations of the universe have a place as long as they respect the ethical minimum of which we all participate in a democratic society”.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Religious Freedom Awards 2020 recognizes 3 Spanish Professors
Prof. Rafael Valencia, Universidad de Sevilla

After which, Arjona gave the following Tizona to Prof. Dr. Rafael Valencia Candalija, currently Professor of Ecclesiastical Law at the University of Seville and that in addition to having opened religious diversity in Spain in a practical way to thousands of law students, will soon be publishing a book on Religious Freedom in Football, a pioneering prism in the field. Prof. Valencia said at the ceremony that “there is no prize today for an professor of religious freedom law giving a greater hope and joy as a recognition for protecting religious freedom” … ” we must continue to fight, therefore we must continue to work in defense of religious freedom … for those situations that violate this great right that occupies us and above all, we must continue to seek and continue to establish proposals for a better protection of the good, that is our work, and that should be our mission.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Religious Freedom Awards 2020 recognizes 3 Spanish Professors
Prof. Dr. Catalina Pons-Estel, Universtitat Illes Balears

And in this 2020, 40th Anniversary of the Law of Religious Freedom, could not miss an award for Prof. Dr. Catalina Pons-Estel Tugores, from the University of the Balearic Islands, who in addition to teaching this subject since 1997, this year has completed a series of lectures reviewing and commenting on the current Spanish law with the vision of both minor and major religious entities, as well as professionals in the field both scholars and government officials, which she has brought to the general public in addition to classrooms. In her acceptance speech, Prof. Pons-Estel explained that religious freedom is a very current subject, a subject that is very much alive and close to all citizens” … “although we have all taken for granted the importance of the fundamental right of religious freedom, in these times in which everything seems to be in crisis, it never hurts to remember the importance of these rights that have cost us so much to achieve and guarantee”.

The ceremony was recorded online and can be accessed on the Foundation’s social networks and HERE.

The event also had space for a statement by the Director of Religious Freedom of the Ministry of the Presidency, to remind citizens about the current health situation: “I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the responsibility that all religious entities have had in this situation to limit their various forms of worship and replace them with other ways of providing spiritual care to their faithful … Therefore, I appreciate this task that they have been developing and that has not only maintained the possibility of meeting those who share their beliefs, but also in a difficult situation I know that all have maintained their solidarity activities towards the most vulnerable”.

Holy See calls for universal adherence to Convention on Cluster Munitions – Vatican News

Holy See calls for universal adherence to Convention on Cluster Munitions - Vatican News

By Lisa Zengarini

The Holy See has reiterated  its firm determination to contribute to the universal adherence to the Convention on Cluster Munitions (CCM) and has renewed its appeal to all States outside the Convention to consider joining in the global efforts to building together a more secure world. The Treaty was signed in 2008 by over 100 States to address the humanitarian consequences and unacceptable harm caused to civilians by cluster munitions, through a categorical prohibition and a framework for action.

Speaking at the Second Review Conference of the Convention  currently being held on 25-27 November 2020 in a virtual format,  Archbishop Ivan Jurkovič, Vatican Permanent Observer to the UN and Other International Organizations in Geneva, expressed the Holy See’s appreciation for the efforts made towards the universalization of the Convention, welcoming Sao Tomé & Principe, Niue and Saint Lucia as new States Parties.

Goal set in 2015 far from being reached 

However, he regretted that the goal of 130 States Parties that was set at the first Review Conference in Dubrovnik in 2015 is still far from being reached and – most importantly- the fact that “cluster munitions continue to be used in some conflicts today, inevitably giving rise to new victims and contamination”. “Universalization is not an optional component of the Convention. It is a legal obligation” that “has direct implications and far-reaching consequences on the operations and on the effective implementation of the Convention, in particular with relation to victims’ assistance” he said, stressing that: “The more we invest in universalization and disarmament efforts, the less will we need to spend on humanitarian assistance”.

In his statement Archbishop Jurkovič also reiterated the Holy See’s concerns over the introduction of new terminology in the proposed Action Plan which, he said, “would shift the attention and efforts away from the core obligations of the Convention towards more political and ideological issues”. He therefore once again urged “that any language that could have a negative impact on universalization efforts should be avoided”.

Appeal to States outside the Convention

Finally, the Vatican Observer underscored the Holy See’s firm determination to contribute to the universal adherence to the Convention and to upholding its standards and renewed the appeal to all States outside the Convention to consider joining: “We owe this to the too many victims of the past and to the potential victims whose lives we can protect by the full implementation of the Convention”, Archbishop Jurkovič concluded.

European Parliament votes to ban lead in wetlands – BirdLife Malta



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MEPs warn of deteriorating fundamental rights in the EU | News | European Parliament

MEPs warn of deteriorating fundamental rights in the EU | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201120IPR92131/

COMECE commits to divest from fossil fuels

COMECE commits to divest from fossil fuels

COMECE commits to divest from fossil fuels

In the context of the 5th anniversary of Pope Francis’ 2015 Encyclical Laudato Si, the Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Union (COMECE), together with other faith-based institutions, commits to divest from fossil fuels, following the Vatican’s guidelines on ethical investment. COMECE: “We encourage others to join us and support the European Green Deal as a way of implementing the Paris climate agreement”.

Global efforts to promote divestment from fossil fuels expanded further as 47 faith institutions, including COMECE, announced their divestment from fossil fuels on Monday, 16 November 2020, in the largest-ever announcement of its kind among religious leaders.

This action also includes divestment in all funds, stocks or bonds that have to do with fossil fuels, from oil to coal. With this important step COMECE follows the Vatican’s first-ever operational guidance on the environment and joins with nearly 400 other faith institutions that have already divested from fossil fuels. The full list of Catholic institutions that have divested to date is here.

Encouraging others to join COMECE in taking concrete steps to solve the climate crisis, Fr. Manuel Barrios Prieto, General Secretary of COMECE, stated that “the European Green Deal is a way to commit to the Paris climate agreement, which is very important. Solving the climate crisis – he added – protects the human family from the dangers of a warming world, and decisive action is needed now more than ever.”

The initiative is promoted and carried out by the Global Catholic Climate Movement (GCCM).

Press Release: EU protection of marine environment is shallow

Press Release: EU protection of marine environment is shallow
Language : English
File size : 269 KB

New pharmaceutical strategy must guarantee EU citizens equal access to medicines | News | European Parliament

MEPs warn of deteriorating fundamental rights in the EU | News | European Parliament

, https://www.europarl.europa.eu/news/en/press-room/20201120IPR92134/

KTR says people’s safety, not religion, important

KTR says people's safety, not religion, important

HYDERABAD: TRS working president and industries minister K. T. Rama Rao on Wednesday said TRS government gives paramount importance to safety of people not their religion.

Interacting with business people, realtors and industrialists during “Hushaar Hyderabad with KTR” programme in the city here, he said, “We want employment not emotions. We have asked BJP leaders to spell out to people what they have done for Hyderabad. But they are speaking about Babar, Bin Laden and so on.”

Continuing his scathing attack on the BJP-led NDA government, KTR said the economy of the country had been hit even before the Covid-19 pandemic. Economic slowdown had begun much before the lockdown was announced. He pointed out, “Eight consecutive quarters of slowdown have resulted in recession. It started with demonetisation, which impacted small, micro and medium enterprises, and hit the growing economy badly. Today, the results of it are seen and the lockdown has hit the economy further.”

The minister wondered and asked audience as to how many of them have benefited from the Rs. 20 lakh crore stimulus package announced by the NDA government.

Recalling his childhood memories, he said, “At that time, Abids was the only destination for shopping. I remember there was only one footwear shop in Abids. Now, shopping malls have come all corners of the city,” he maintained pointing to development achieved under the KCR regime.

Rama Rao recalled his first meeting with steel traders in 2014 at Kachiguda, wherein they sought uninterrupted power supply and stable government. He said that now the TRS government is providing 24/7 uninterrupted power and stable, curfew-free rule since the past six years.

Later in the evening, the TRS working president addressed a road show in Uppal area. He criticised national BJP leaders for campaigning in Hyderabad for GHMC elections and said, “We welcome the top leadership of BJP to the state. It would have been much better if the same leaders had come to Hyderabad when the city was facing heavy rains and floods.”

He suggested that since the top BJP leaders are anyway visiting the city, they can also pay a visit to Durgam Cheruvu Bridge, Annapurna Canteens, and Basti Dawakhanas too. He said, “Instead of coming with empty hands, I request them to bring along the Rs. 1,350 crore of financial assistance, which CM KCR had requested for in a letter to Prime Minister Narendra Modi (for carrying out relief measures in rain-affected colonies).”

Continuing his attack on BJP, KTR stated that some of its leaders are stooping low for a few votes and seats. “One insane leader says he will break memorials of NTR and P. V. Narasimha Rao and another mad leader encourages triple riding and promises to pay challans.”

The TRS working president underlined: “Hyderabad has been peaceful for the past six years. There has not been a single incidence of communal tension. But today, BJP leaders only want to divide people in the name of religion. I urge you all not to support such parties.”

He highlighted Kalyana Lakshmi, KCR Kits, Annapurna Canteens, Basti Dawakhanas, installation of five-lakh CCTV cameras in Hyderabad as part of his campaign. He pointed out, “There was a major water crisis in Uppal five years ago. But today, every house is getting drinking water every alternate day. The TRS government has resolved the water crisis very efficiently.” KTR urged people of Uppal to vote for TRS party candidates, so that Uppal’s development could continue along with that of Hyderabad.