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Church leaders worldwide condemn Washington Capitol violence

Church leaders worldwide condemn Washington Capitol violence
(Screenshot from TV footage of Trump using the Bible as a prop.)

Violence mounted in Washington, DC on the day many Orthodox Christians were  celebrating Christmas.

The U.S. capital erupted into violence over  its November presidential election after a speech by President Donald Trump that said his election defeat was a fraud and he encouraged his supporters to march on the Capitol.

Church leaders worldwide denounced the rioters actions on Jan. 6 at the meeting place of the U.S. Congress.

Officers from Washington, D.C.’s Metropolitan Police Department said that 4 people had died in connection with the violent riots at the U.S. Capitol, Newsweek reported.

World Council of Churches interim general secretary Rev. Ioan Sauca expressed “grave and mounting concern” at the latest developments as protestors calling themselves patriots invaded the US. Capitol building in Washington DC.

“The divisive populist politics of recent years have unleashed forces that threaten the foundations of democracy in the United States and—to the extent that it represents an example to other countries—in the wider world,” said Sauca.

U.S. mega-church paster Rick Warren tweeted @RickWarren, “Armed breaching of capitol security behind a confederate flag is anarchy, unAmerican, criminal treason and domestic terrorism. President Trump must clearly tell his supporters ‘We lost. Go home now.'”

Warren noted, “Here’s what God says: ‘When the leader is concerned with justice, the nation will be strong, but when he is only concerned with money, he will ruin his country.’ Proverbs 29:4 (TEV)”

Jim Winkler, president and general secretary of the National Council of Churches (USA), released a statement on the “Mob Attack of the US Capitol” that condemned and repudiated the actions of pro-Trump protesters.


“Chaos reigns, guns have been drawn, and our democracy is under siege. This is outrageous, unacceptable, shameful and a disgrace,” Winkler said. “Every effort must be made by law enforcement to restore order immediately.”

A chaotic and violent scene unfolded at the Capitol in Washington DC as supporters of President Donald Trump swarmed the building to protest the U.S. Electoral College vote, forcing a lockdown and many confrontations with police,

The police did not have the numbers to hold back the protestors as a mob stormed the U.S. Congress some of whom were dressed in U.S. military uniforms, USA Today reported in zn incident described by a CNN broadaster as “domestic terrorism.”.

The House and Senate were less than an hour into debating the first Republican Party a contested state election when they were forced to abruptly recess following a rally by Trump.

Mostly maskless rioters crowded into the hallways around each chamber and rioters boke into the U.S. Congress as members of both the Democratic Party and the Republicans codemned the storrming of the institution reprseneting U.S. democracy.

“Within minutes of the mob breaching the Capitol complex, rioters were pounding on the doors of the House gallery, where a group of lawmakers were trapped,” the New York Times reported, 

The chaos erupted in Washington as Trump supporters swarmed the Capitol building, prompting Vice President Mike Pence to be swept to a secure location and the Senate chamber to be evacuated.

The WCC urged those responsible for the Jan. 6 violence to desist and to return to civil discourse and established democratic processes, calling on all parties to resist short-term political interests and to act in a manner responsible to others and accountable to the wider society.

“We pray that the churches of America be empowered with wisdom and strength to provide leadership through this crisis, and on the path of peace, reconciliation, and justice,” said Sauca.

Police found a cooler full of Molotov cocktails and two pipe bombs at the nearby headquarters of the Republican and Democratic Paries national committees.

‘An unwanted prison sentence’ for seafarers stuck at home and stranded at sea

‘An unwanted prison sentence’ for seafarers stuck at home and stranded at sea

Throughout the year, the maritime transport industry has managed stay afloat, allowing food, medicine and other essential goods to be transported across the world, to stock the shelves even during the strictest lockdowns.

However, many seafarers were forced to stay at sea for several months longer than planned, sometimes for over a year: as 2020 comes to a close, the UN maritime agency (IMO), estimates that some 400,000 seafarers, from all over the world, are still on their ships, even though their contracts have ended, unable to be repatriated. Another 400,000 are thought to be stuck at home due to the restrictions, unable to join ships and provide for their families.

‘We didn’t sign up for this’

IMO/Matt Forster

Chief Engineer, Matt Forster, was unable to travel home once his contract had ended due to COVID-19-related travel restrictions.

The mental health of seafarers has been sorely tested, as Matt Forster, an English Chief Engineer, based mainly on an oil tanker in the Middle East and Asia, told UN News in July. His contract was well overdue at the time, and he was having difficulty coping with the separation from his two small children.

“I’ve done long contracts before, but this is different”, he said. “It has a psychological effect, as there is no end in sight. It affects family life a lot more. My children are always asking me when I am coming home. It’s difficult to explain to them”.

Mr. Forster is now back in England, reunited with his children, but his experience has made him think twice about his choice of career. “We wanted to go to work, do our bit, and then come home. We didn’t sign up for what felt like an unwanted prison sentence”, he says.

“I don’t want to go back if I am going to get stuck again for another six months. And it’s not just me: a lot of other seafarers around the world feel the same way. It’s going to cause people to leave the industry.”

We have rights as human beings


The IMO has called on governments to designate seafarers as essential workers.

The plight of seafarers this year has been described by IMO as an infringement of human rights. Speaking on Human Rights Day, in December, the head of the agency, Kitack Lim, paid tribute to maritime “frontline workers”, and invited countries to ensure that their rights to safe and decent work conditions are recognized, respected and protected.

Hedi Marzougui, an American captain, echoed Mr. Lim’s calls, and expressed his concerns about the mental health strain exerted on crews by the extended period on board.

“The longer you stay out there, the more fatigued you get physically. The hours, weeks and months start to add up, you get very tired, and you are not as sharp,” he said, adding that exhaustion can lead to accidents.

“We also have rights as human beings, we have families of our own. We have a life to get back to”, added Captain Marzougui. “We’re not robots, we shouldn’t be seen as second-class citizens”.

A CRISPR picture emerges on European Union GMO directive

A CRISPR picture emerges on European Union GMO directive
Credit: Louise Fitzgerald

A European Court ruling widely interpreted to mean that all gene-edited organisms are GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) may not be as prescriptive as many first assumed.

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The view emerges in an article co-authored by John Innes Centre scientists Professor Wendy Harwood and Dr. Penny Hundleby alongside EU scientists and law academics.

In the ruling of July 2018, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) confirmed that organisms obtained by newer methods of directed mutagenesis such as genome editing are not excluded from the scope of the EU GMO directive.

Following the ruling many in the scientific community assumed that it meant that all genome edited organisms are to be treated as GMOs under the GMO Directive. But this new article, published today in the European Journal of Risk Regulation, challenges this prescriptive interpretation.

A key factor in interpreting the ruling, the authors argue, has been determining whether organisms fall under the GMO definition in the first place, because if they do not, then the exemption—and therefore the ruling—is not relevant to them. The EU definition of a GMO is where: ‘the genetic material of the resulting organisms has been altered in a way that does not occur naturally.”

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Providing an in-depth analysis, the authors conclude that for an organism to be a GMO in the sense of the directive, the technique used as well as the genetic alterations of the resulting organism must be considered. In short, not every mutation results in a GMO.

Modern gene editing techniques such as CRISPR can be used to give different types of changes, from single base pair changes and deletions, which can occur naturally, to additions and more complex changes which would not. The former therefore is not a GMO as the EU defines it.

One of the authors Dr. Penny Hundleby, from the John Innes Centre, said: “The concern among many in the scientific and plant breeding community at the CJEU ruling has been clear. We hope that this article, by analyzing the ruling and the GMO definition in detail, will contribute to future policy development and provides a timely contribution to the on-going debate.

“The European scientific community needs the best possible tools to tackle the challenges ahead of climate change, food security and sustainable food production. For this reason, it is imperative that the regulatory status of organisms developed through novel genomic techniques is clarified as a matter of urgency.”

The European Commission, at the request of the European Union, is currently undertaking a study regarding the status of novel genomic techniques under Union Law which is due to be published in April 2021.

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                                        <a class="text-medium text-info mt-2 d-inline-block" href="https://phys.org/news/2018-07-eu-court-techniques-gmos.html" rel="nofollow">EU top court rules new breeding techniques count as GMOs</a>
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                                                                                            <strong>More information:</strong>
                                            Piet VAN DER MEER et al. The Status under EU Law of Organisms Developed through Novel Genomic Techniques, <i>European Journal of Risk Regulation</i> (2021). <a data-doi="1" href="https://dx.doi.org/10.1017/err.2020.105" target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">DOI: 10.1017/err.2020.105</a>


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                                             A CRISPR picture emerges on European Union GMO directive (2021, January  6)
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… the semi-autonomous territory.
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Decade of Healthy Ageing 2021 – 2030


The United Nations has proclaimed 2021–2030 the Decade of Healthy Ageing, with WHO leading international action to improve the lives of older people, their families and communities.

The Decade brings together a variety of stakeholders galvanizing concerted action to:

  • change how we think, feel and act towards age and ageing;
  • develop communities in ways that foster the abilities of older people;
  • deliver person-centred, integrated care and primary health services that are responsive to older people; and
  • provide older people access to long-term care when they need it.

Initiatives undertaken as part of the Decade will seek the participation of older people, who will be central to and fully engaged in this multistakeholder collaboration.

COVID-19 and older people

Although all age groups are at risk of contracting the COVID-19 virus, older people face a significant risk of developing severe illness due to physiological changes that come with ageing and existing underlying health conditions.

People in the second half of their lives are bearing the brunt of the COVID-19 pandemic, which is exposing the flaws and shortcomings of various systems, including health, long-term care and support, social protection, finance, and information-sharing.

The Decade of Healthy Ageing is an opportunity for concerted, sustained focus, investment and action to foster healthy ageing and to tackle factors that impact older people’s health status and contribute to their increased susceptibility to serious illnesses.

European Programme of Work and Ageing

The Decade acts as a reminder to consider the specific needs of older people, as well as the opportunities that ageing brings, when developing activities in line with the European Programme of Work:

-moving towards Universal Health Coverage requires considerations about age and older persons’ specific needs;
-to better protect people against health emergencies, we must ensure that older people and other potentially vulnerable groups are not left behind;
-lastly, many of the public health measures that ensure healthy lives and well-being for all at all ages are highly effective up to the oldest age groups.

Multistakeholder and multisectoral action led by WHO

WHO will act as the lead in close collaboration with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and its regional commissions, the United Nations Population Fund, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, the United Nations Development Programme, UN-Habitat, UN Women, the World Bank, and other relevant national, international and regional organizations.

Thousands of EU domains registered to UK users ‘suspended’ after Brexit

Thousands of EU domains registered to UK users ‘suspended’ after Brexit

Over 80,000 internet domain names assigned to UK registrants have been suspended by the EU registry, EURid, following the end of the Brexit transition period at the close of 2020.

The registry has informed EURACTIV that “a few minutes” into the new year, thousands of .eu domains belonging to UK users had been downgraded to a so-called “suspended” status.

This means such domains “do not have any functional features” such as email or basic website services. In addition, no UK-based registrant is now able to obtain a .eu domain.

Ahead of the new year changes, one case has raised particular attention among observers – that of the Leave.EU domain, with speculation mounting as to whether the website would remain online.

Leave.EU is the campaign website for the pro-Brexit lobby bankrolled by UKIP funder Arron Banks and supported by former MEP Nigel Farage. Leading up to the close of 2020, it had remained uncertain whether Leave.EU would seek to drop their EU domain name, and opt instead for a UK or international one. Such a move would not only have impacted the brand image of the ‘Leave.EU’ moniker but would have also hit the website standing in search rankings.

However, EURACTIV can exclusively reveal that ahead of the end of the Brexit transition date, the organisation migrated its registrant address to a site in Waterford, in the Republic of Ireland, in a move that is likely to provoke accusations of hypocrisy from commentators.

More generally, EURid has disclosed that all UK registrants with .eu domains have been notified of the necessary suspension of key functionalities of their online services.

The registry has also recorded an influx of notifications from UK-based registrants using .eu domains, filing a change of legal establishment to a non-UK, EU site, in order to reinstate the ‘registered’ status, allowing for the continuing functionality of online services.

The status of suspension remains valid until 31 March 2021. During this period, updates can be made to registrant addresses for those who wish to migrate from a UK establishment to an EU one. Or, the individual registrant will be able to provide evidence of their citizenship of a EU nations, irrespective of their residence, if they would like to maintain the place of establishment of their service as the UK.

The recent development has been long in the offing. EURACTIV reported in early 2019 that the European Commission had plans to revoke all UK-based .eu domains quickly after the end of the Brexit transition period, with the objective of taking all such websites offline within 48 hours after this date.

(Edited by Frédéric Simon)

ESMA promotes transparency for TLTRO III transactions

ESMA promotes transparency for TLTRO III transactions
The European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA), the EU’s securities markets regulator, issues today a public statement promoting transparency in the IFRS financial statements of banks regarding accounting for the third series of the European Central Bank’s (ECB) Targeted Longer-Term Refinancing Operations (TLTRO III).

ESMA observes that, in practice, there is diversity regarding the accounting treatment of the ECB’s TLTRO III refinancing transactions by banks. ESMA believes that, given the overall volume of the TLTRO III operations, this matter may have a material effect on the financial statements of banks and may be widespread across the EU. Therefore, ESMA emphasises the importance of providing an adequate level of transparency regarding the accounting treatment of these transactions in the financial statements of banks.

The main recommendations for affected banks are:

  • to provide entity-specific disclosures of the significant accounting policies and of the significant judgements and assumptions related to the TLTRO III transactions;
  • to ensure transparency about risks arising from financial instruments, addressing banks’ assessment of the possible achievement of conditions or covenants attached to the TLTRO III loans; and
  • to disclose the carrying amount of TLTRO III liabilities at the end of the reporting period and the related interest expense.

Next steps

ESMA intends to submit questions related to this matter to the IFRS Interpretations Committee for consideration.

tibetans’ lives and religion are being ripped from them. tell the…

tibetans' lives and religion are being ripped from them. tell the…

Just as the U.S. Congress was getting ready to vote on its much-needed economic stimulus package that provides financial relief to struggling Americans, an unexpected addendum was added. It’s not unusual for members of Congress to sneak horrendous or unattractive items into larger laws, quietly passing them under the cover of more widely-discussed legislative topics. But this time, the quiet additions were miraculous, life-saving provisions for the tortured and massacred Tibetan people as well as their peaceful religious and political leader, the Dalai Lama.Sign the petition to demand that the European Union follow Congress’s example! The European Parliament must pass similar legislation protecting the Dalai Lama and his followers.

Traditionally, U.S. law has been relatively silent on the topic of the Dalai Lama even as the Chinese government drove the Tibetan spiritual leader into exile in India. Even after they kidnapped many of his associates, including the 6 year old Panchen Lama, who has been missing along with his family for 25 years. Even as soldiers continue to imprison, torture, and murder Tibetan Buddhists en masse — monks and civilians alike. These are all violent, direct attacks on the right to freedom of religion, which both China and the U.S. claim to uphold.

But the U.S. government has finally taken a big, bold, long-overdue step. The Chinese government has said for decades that once the current Dalai Lama passes away, it will refuse to allow his followers to find and identify his successor. Instead, they’re determined to find a new Dalai Lama of their own to ensure full control over Tibetans. Previously, there was little to dissuade them from this religious and political overthrow. Except now, since the international pressure is on.

According to this newly-passed law, the U.S. will protect Tibetan Buddhists from outside interference when it comes to naming the Dalai Lama’s next successor. If Beijing attempts to swoop in, D.C. will actually implement economic sanctions on top Chinese Communist Party leaders. On top of that, the law states that the government will refuse to let China establish any new consulates on U.S. soil until the U.S. is allowed to establish its own consulate in the capital of Tibet, Lhasa.

We should all be celebrating these breathtaking steps. But it shouldn’t end here. Every single day, the Tibetan people continue to be oppressed and brutalized simply for belonging to an ethnic minority that doubts China’s control over their region. In the past five years, Chinese officials have moved bulldozers into two sacred, highly-populated monastic communities and torn down monks’ and nuns’ residences, forcing them to sign agreements that they will never return, and herding them onto buses even as the Buddhists weep in anguish.

Some experts estimate that approximately 1.2 million Tibetan people have been murdered in a state-sponsored mass genocide.

The new U.S. law is an important step in asserting Tibetan people’s rights to their religion, their dignity, and their lives. Now the European Union must follow suit in order to make this pressure even stronger.

Tell the European Parliament to pass a law stating that they will sanction the Chinese government if it interferes in the naming of the Dalai Lama’s successor!