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Spanish State Secretary for Migration visits EASO following launch of new operation in the country

Spanish State Secretary for Migration visits EASO following launch of new operation in the country

Last week, EASO carried out a targeted needs assessment mission to the Canary Islands in order to quickly begin implementing effective reception support to the Spanish authorities in the region. 

On 1 February 2021, the Spanish State Secretary for Migration, Hana Jalloul Muro, accompanied by the Spanish Ambassador to Malta, Consuelo Femenía, visited the Headquarters of the European Asylum Support Office (EASO) in Valletta. During the visit, the State Secretary met with the Executive Director of the Agency, Nina Gregori, as well as with EASO’s senior management. Part of the discussions were also joined remotely by José Luis Escrivá Belmonte, Spanish Minister for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration.

During the meetings, discussions with the Spanish delegation focussed on  EASO’s new operation in the country in support of the national reception system. The Agency’s fifth ongoing operation – together with those in Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta – was launched in January following the signing of the Operating Plan in December 2020. 

The agreement was reached following a Joint Rapid Needs Assessment (JRNA) carried out by EASO and the Spanish Ministry for Inclusion, Social Security and Migration, between mid-September and the end of October 2020. 

Nina Gregori and Jalloul MuroCommenting on the visit of the State Secretary, Nina Gregori stated: It was a great pleasure to welcome Ms Jalloul Muro to our premises today. The discussions built on the excellent cooperation we have fostered over the past months, allowing for the swift launch of a new EASO operation in Spain. EASO is wasting no time in quickly operationalising its plans to support the Spanish authorities in strengthening the reception system for asylum seekers.

Within the context of the new Spain operation, last week a multi-disciplinary EASO team carried out a needs assessment mission at six sites in the Canary Islands, which have received a high number of persons with international protection needs in recent months. The mission was carried out in order to enable the Agency to tailor its support to the specific needs in the region, and the results were discussed with the State Secretary during her visit.

In addition to providing enhanced capacity to the reception services in the Canary Islands, EASO’s operation in Spain will also support in the transition towards a new model for reception; enhance structural processes in support of the reception system; contribute to strengthening capacity within the reception system through professional development, tools and materials; and support the Spanish authorities in the area of resettlement.

Any further information may be obtained from the European Asylum Support Office on the following email address: [email protected]

EU-funded medical supplies in Kazakhstan to protect healthcare workers from COVID-19 delivered by WHO


WHO, with financial support from the European Union (EU), delivered over 8 tonnes of medical supplies to Kazakhstan to support the government’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The delivery included personal protective equipment, that is, items such as surgical masks and gowns, as well as laboratory equipment.

The cargo is part of a joint delivery plan by WHO and the EU to support national health authorities in responding to the virus. Supplies will be distributed to medical organizations in the country in line with priorities and needs.

“During this challenging time, it is extremely important to show solidarity with and support for health workers in all countries,” said WHO Representative to Kazakhstan Dr Caroline Clarinval. “The health of Kazakhstani frontline medical workers must remain our priority,” she stressed, expressing gratitude to the EU for being the largest donor during the pandemic, and for ensuring the supply of medical devices to the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Long-term sustainability

EU ambassador to Kazakhstan Sven-Olov Carlsson thanked WHO for working with the EU to deliver the medical cargo, insisting that “with mutual assistance, openness and effective international cooperation, we will not only overcome this crisis, but we will also be able to prevent these kinds of public health threats in the future.”

In July 2020, the EU launched the Central Asia COVID-19 Crisis Response (CACCR) Programme, a solidarity package with a budget of 3 million euro (1.4 billion tenge) to help Central Asian countries, with Kazakhstan being a major beneficiary of the programme.

The CACCR programme supports mitigation of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. The programme also seeks to ensure the long-term sustainability of the national health systems by building the capacity to respond to any similar future threats to public health.

PH, EU meet on trade, investment and economic cooperation

PH, EU meet on trade, investment and economic cooperation

n the middle of the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic that is currently sweeping the globe, the European Union (EU) and the Philippines have jointly convened a “friendly and constructive” sub-committee meeting on trade, investment, and economic cooperation with a focus on the country’s implementation of the GSP+ (Generalized Scheme of Preferences Plus). 

Held over the weekend, the first sub-committee bilateral meeting was conducted under the auspices of the EU-Philippines Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA). 

Peter Berz, EU’s Head of Unit for South and South-East Asia, Australia, New Zealand in DG TRADE, and Allan Gepty, DTI Assistant Secretary for Industry Development and Trade Policy Group led the virtual conference. 

The GSP+ is a trade preference that allows the Philippines to export goods to the European market duty-free provided that the country commits to effectively implement at least 27 international core conventions covering labor rights, human rights, good governance, and environmental concerns. 

In a statement, the EU Delegation in Manila said the discussions extended to market access issues, regulatory developments, regional trade agreements and reforms in the multilateral trading system, and areas for future engagement and cooperation.

The EU noted the usefulness of their discussions even more so at a time when working together and reinforcing international cooperation is crucial for recovering from the economic impact of the COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019) pandemic.

The subcommittee on Trade, Investment, and Economic Cooperation was initially established after the EU-Philippines PCA entered into force in 2019. 

The first EU-Philippines PCA committee meeting took place exactly two years ago which provided the mandate for the establishment of various subcommittees, including the one on trade, investment, and economic cooperation.

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Hopes of fresh momentum in fight against leprosy, but stigmatization persists

Hopes of fresh momentum in fight against leprosy, but stigmatization persists

“We should learn from the history of leprosy. To better fight against an epidemic or a pandemic, we must eliminate discrimination and double standards for those who have been systematically left behind”. This is the message from Alice Cruz, an independent UN rights expert, and Special Rapporteur on the elimination of discrimination against persons affected by leprosy and their family members, on World Leprosy Day.

Setbacks likely, inaction blamed

Ms. Cruz notes that the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic – which range from deprivation of the right to education, housing and employment, to domestic and sexual violence – mirror those experienced by sufferers of leprosy (also known as Hansen’s disease) over thousands of years.

In May 2020, the independent UN expert raised the alarm of the disproportionate effect that the pandemic is having on leprosy sufferers, in an open letter addressed to governments in which she called for detailed actions plans.

In her message for World Leprosy Day, Ms Cruz warned that an inadequate response from countries where the disease is prevalent, is likely to lead to a setback in leprosy control, transmission and prevention of disabilities, as well as in the worsening of an already extremely precarious standard of living.

Changing mindsets

Leprosy is curable, if treatment swiftly follows a timely diagnosis, but if patients are not treated, they can be left with irreversible physical impairments and disabilities. However, in his message for the Day, Yohei Sasakawa, the World Health Organization (WHO) Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination, points out that early diagnosis of leprosy and prompt treatment are not enough to overcome the disease. 

“It also requires changing mindsets”, he says, “so that leprosy is no longer a source of shame or prejudice. We must remove all barriers in the way of those seeking medical care. We must eliminate the obstacles that prevent affected individuals and their families from living in dignity and enjoying all their basic human rights as full members of society”.

Mr. Sasakawa expressed confidence that the WHO’s Global Leprosy Strategy for 2021-2030 will generate new momentum in the fight against the disease, and looked forward to “an inclusive society in which everyone has access to quality treatment and services, and a diagnosis of leprosy no longer comes with a possibility of devastating physical, social, economic or psychological consequences”.

Fair Finance: The women entrepreneurs lifting communities out of poverty

Fair Finance: The women entrepreneurs lifting communities out of poverty
ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Fair Finance: The women entrepreneurs lifting communities out of poverty
Goodwill Ambassador Sonia Gardner. UNCDF

Moroccan-born Ms. Gardner, is one of the most prominent senior women in the financial sector, and has been an industry leader for over two decades, as president of a multi-billion dollar New York-based global alternative investment fund. She has pledged to use her new role as the first-ever UNCDF Goodwill Ambassador to promote opportunities and resources for women business owners, and improve living standards for underserved communities. 

UN News: Why is it important to help more women gain access to finance?  

Sonia Gardner:  First, finance can play an important role in facilitating economic growth in the world’s poorest countries and that, in turn, can improve the investment climate and living standards for underserved women in those communities.

Separately, women have traditionally faced many obstacles in building their careers in the finance industry. For example, in some areas of finance, the percentage of women in C-Suites (executive-level managers) is less than 10 per cent, and gender inequality tends to become more pronounced as one moves up the career ladder, particularly as many women drop out in middle management for a variety of reasons.  

These are the types of challenges I hope to help address as Goodwill Ambassador for UNCDF.  I am truly honoured and humbled to serve in this role.

UN News:  What are some of the challenges faced by women?

Sonia Gardner: I think one of the biggest challenges faced by women continues to be unequal treatment in the workplace.  Since I entered the workforce 30 years ago, there has been improvement, but there still is much work to be done to eliminate systemic inequality.  

In 1986, I entered the world of finance and built a business working closely with my brother.  In part because of that, I didn’t face the same challenges that many women in our industry have confronted as they have worked their way up the corporate ladder, or hit the glass ceiling.  I faced different challenges; at the top of the list, was the experience of being the only senior woman in the room on too many occasions over the last 30 years.  

Much has been written about how to solve the problem of systemic inequality, and although some progress has been made over the years, there is still much work that needs to be done to increase the number of senior women in finance.  As you can imagine, gender inequality in the Least Developed Countries (LDCs) is a far greater problem.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Fair Finance: The women entrepreneurs lifting communities out of poverty

The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is supporting women’s economic empowerment in the world’s 47 Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

UN News: As Goodwill Ambassador, who are you advocating for?

Sonia Gardner: My area of focus is on gender equality in the 47 least developed countries working to give women access to economic resources.  These women in the LDCs need capital to start and grow businesses and provide a path to lift their families out of poverty.

I absolutely believe that most men and women see that change is necessary. Women in the LDCs are particularly underserved and vulnerable.

UN News: Why are you so passionate about this issue?

Sonia Gardner: This issue is critical to me because the inequities are so stark and so few women experience financial inclusion.  

My personal background has helped shape my perspective.  I was born in Morocco and, at age four, I immigrated to the United States with my family. I grew up in a small two-bedroom apartment and shared a room with my brother and sister for many years.  

My parents came here with almost nothing, and their primary goal was for us to have a good education.  They made incredible sacrifices and we all went to college and law school on scholarships and loans.  I’m grateful every day for the success I have had over the years and I believe giving back is central to anyone’s success. I have truly lived the American Dream.

Despite my modest upbringing, I was afforded numerous opportunities in my life that helped me to achieve success. I want to give my time and use my voice to help improve the lives of women in the LDCs because that’s one of the areas where I see the greatest needs, at this time.  

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Fair Finance: The women entrepreneurs lifting communities out of poverty

The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) is supporting women’s economic empowerment in the world’s 47 Least Developed Countries (LDCs).

UN News: What will you do to bring about change and make it easier for women to access finance?

Sonia Gardner:  Last year, I was able to meet Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr, the incredible mayor of Freetown, Sierra Leone.  Since meeting the Mayor at an event during the UN General Assembly, I have helped her build an early learning centre at the Congo Water Market in Freetown, for 40 preschool children ages one to five.  A second centre for an additional 40 children will be built later this year.   

These centres will allow women working at the market to have their children get a head start on a quality education.    

I look forward to broadening this type of support, for UNCDF to make finance work for the poor and help to achieve the SDGs. 

In much of the world, women are the providers. They, like the market women in Sierra Leone, are earning money and supporting their families every day.  It’s very hard for them to get any sort of financing or backing or even childcare. I’m planning my first trip to Sierra Leone, which will hopefully be in the fall, to visit the childcare centres and see first-hand the positive change for these market women and their children. 

UN News: What do your peers in this male-dominated industry make of your appointment as Goodwill Ambassador?  

Sonia Gardner: My peers are very excited that I’ve taken on this role, and have been very supportive.  They agree that we need to improve the pipeline and build a system that supports women, to eliminate the systemic inequality women have traditionally faced.  

Studies have found that, because mentorship for young women is so important, both senior women and men need to participate.  I saw this in my work as the Chair of 100 Women in Finance, which does important work with its NextGen programme. My hope is to create a network of my peers, men and women alike, who will mentor women in the Least Developed Countries and help find solutions to lift them out of poverty.

Interview with Deutschlandfunk

Interview with Deutschlandfunk

Interview with Isabel Schnabel, Member of the Executive Board of the ECB, conducted by Klemens Kindermann on 29 January 2021 and published on 31 January 2021

31 January 2021

Perhaps a question of general interest to start off with: how is the ECB operating during the coronavirus pandemic? Is everyone working from home?
The ECB put some comprehensive measures in place very early on. And this means that the vast majority of our people have been working from home for many months now. To be honest, I find it really remarkable how well it has worked because the ECB is a very complex institution that now is almost completely in teleworking mode.
Talking of coronavirus: the pandemic has caused the euro area economy to collapse – by 5% in Germany alone last year. The prospect of a vaccine has made many more optimistic about the year 2021. Now there are problems with vaccine distribution. There are coronavirus mutations. There are numerous lockdowns all over Europe. Is there a threat of another setback for the economy?
The pandemic has led to the biggest economic collapse since the Second World War. There was a dramatic decline in the wake of the first lockdown. And then there was an unexpectedly strong recovery over the course of the year. Unfortunately, this has now been interrupted by the second wave of the virus. It is becoming apparent that the euro area suffered negative growth in the fourth quarter of last year. In the light of the worsening health situation in many countries, a very weak first quarter is to be expected this year. The speed of the vaccination rollout will now be decisive because ultimately that will be the only way to contain the pandemic in the longer term. And then when the lockdown measures are lifted again, we could see another strong recovery similar to what we saw last year.
Where do you see the euro area economy at the end of the year then? Will we have seen significant growth over the course of the whole year?
There will, of course, be positive growth this year. We see growth for the euro area at close to 4% for the current year. Nonetheless we will not have reached pre-crisis GDP levels even by the end of this year.
The European Union came together to agree on a €750 billion plan to combat the coronavirus crisis. Is that enough money to alleviate the economic problems caused by the pandemic?
First, I would like to emphasise what a great achievement it is to have succeeded in finding a European response to this crisis. And now the first thing to do is to actually implement it and put this really quite large programme into practice. Above all, it needs to be ensured that these funds are used sensibly. It is paramount to succeed in returning the euro area economy to a path of higher sustainable growth after the crisis. To achieve this, it is essential that the money is used to invest to support structural change, namely in the direction of a more digital and greener economy.
When you say it depends on implementing this quickly – the money is only supposed to start flowing in the middle of this year at the earliest. Is that good enough? Don’t things have to move faster than that?
The countries themselves have already done quite a lot and they will continue to do that. These measures on the national level are also very important. But certainly one has to speed up a little bit so that these European tools become available soon and so they can be used.
You mention activities on the national level. Much depends on how the national governments in the euro area combat the economic consequences of the pandemic. Some national governments – like Germany – can provide more economic support than others. Is that a problem for the recovery of the euro area as a whole?
The crisis indeed affects different euro area countries in different ways. And this is primarily because certain sectors are being hit harder by the crisis than others. We are seeing a slump in the services sector, while areas like manufacturing have been less severely affected and are now profiting, for example, from the fact that China has recovered quickly. This has led to a certain divergence in the euro area. In addition, countries that were particularly severely affected – because they have very large tourism sectors, for instance – were also those that were already in a weaker initial situation and had less fiscal space. This is why it is so important that there is a European response to this crisis.
Many euro area states, especially those that you were just talking about, are significantly increasing their levels of indebtedness. Is that not dangerous?
In view of the difficulties of the pandemic, massive government measures are required. This has to be financed through increased debt. If it hadn’t been for these measures, these countries would have fallen into a much deeper crisis. Just think about the short-time work schemes that are so important in ensuring that people can keep their jobs. Without the measures, many viable firms would have gone under. If these measures had not been taken, the crisis would have been much deeper. And that could even have led to higher levels of debt in the medium term. It is crucial that the countries succeed in returning to a sustainable growth path in order to manage the increased debt levels. If the countries return to strong growth after the pandemic, then the higher levels of debt aren’t a problem.
So, to ask one more time, you don’t see a new sovereign debt crisis coming?
No, I don’t see that coming.
There is a discussion in Germany at the moment about suspending what is known as the debt brake [the constitutional limit to the ability of federal and state governments to take on new debt] for a number of years. How do things stand at the European level? Because the rule that limits deficits to 3% of economic output for EU Member States is currently suspended in the light of pandemic-related deficit spending. Would it not also make sense to consider suspending the rule over a number of years so as to afford the countries more space for the future?
It was certainly important for the European rules to be temporarily suspended. It is equally important to return to a framework of fiscal rules after the pandemic. But there is broad consensus about the need to reform these rules – above all, because the rules are not binding enough in good times and are too restrictive in bad times. This limits their effectiveness. And that is why I think it makes sense to consider modifying the regulatory framework.
Ms Schnabel, last year the ECB initiated a massive emergency bond purchase programme to counter the economic consequences of the pandemic, which was increased again in December. How can you explain these huge sums to our listeners? Why does it have to be a truly incredible 1.85 trillion euro?
Let me reiterate that we are in the middle of the worst economic crisis since the Second World War. And extraordinary situations call for extraordinary measures. 2020 saw dramatic upheavals on the financial markets, which were reminiscent of the upheavals at the time of the global financial crisis from 2007 to 2009. The markets collapsed. Liquidity dried up. And at the same time, many companies desperately needed liquidity as their revenues had crumbled. And that was the situation in which the ECB – fortunately, you might say – responded very quickly and adopted a wide-ranging package of measures that had two main components. One was to provide liquidity on a large scale to banks at very low terms. And then there was the new bond purchasing programme that you mentioned, characterised by a large degree of flexibility. With this package of measures, we succeeded in calming the financial markets relatively quickly. But I would like to emphasise that the real turning point in the crisis did not arrive until agreement emerged on the European rescue package. And this is where you can see very well how in this crisis, unlike in earlier crises, monetary and fiscal measures reinforced each other, by which I mean they multiplied each other’s impact. And that was very important.
Does this mean that the bond purchases under this emergency programme known as PEPP do not have be increased again?
That depends on how the pandemic evolves. The economic performance will largely be determined by how quickly we manage to reach what is known as herd immunity. And this is where vaccination will play a key role. In December, we already extended our programmes as it was becoming evident that the pandemic would also last a lot longer. We have extended them up until March and June of next year. We do of course hope that that will be enough.
Particularly highly indebted euro area states have to pay a premium on their sovereign bond yields, if they want to take on more debt. The question is this: Does the ECB targeted purchases of sovereign bonds from these countries in order to keep down these premia?
Our purchase programmes are set up in such a way that we make purchases in line with what is known as the ECB capital key. Roughly, the shares correspond to each country’s share of gross domestic product in the euro area as a whole. However, the new bond purchase programme has been set up with a special form of flexibility that would make it possible in a crisis to buy more bonds in those countries suffering particular dislocations. This is because we wanted to ensure that common monetary policy reaches the euro area as a whole. We had precisely a situation like this in March of last year, when a clear fragmentation occurred in the euro area. At that point, bonds of certain euro area countries were bought in larger amounts. The situation calmed down quickly and it was no longer necessary to buy more bonds from certain countries. This then also led to a decline in the deviations from the capital key.
Well, in its spectacular ECB judgement last year, the German Constitutional Court had ruled that the ECB needed to comply with precisely this capital key. Does that mean the parameters set by the Constitutional Court, to which the ECB is not actually fully obliged, are met as far as you’re concerned?
Absolutely. What the Constitutional Court specifically highlighted was that our measures need to be proportionate. And that has always been a major concern of ours. In other words, when we make decisions on measures, we need to consider whether these measures are effective, whether they are appropriate and whether other measures would possibly be more effective. And, of course, whether the measures cause side effects that are possibly greater than their positive effects. And this review is something we do continuously, and it plays an important role when we decide which measures are taken.
You’ve explained quite clearly that, with these bond purchases, you’re keeping the financing conditions favourable for enterprises and for states, thus supporting the economy. But is that your mandate in the first place? Isn’t your mandate actually to safeguard price stability in the euro area?
Yes, you are of course completely right. The goal is to safeguard price stability. But this is done by stimulating the economy. This requires the financing conditions in the euro area to be favourable for households and for enterprises.
Not only are you buying bonds, you’re also keeping interest rates low. The benchmark rate has been at a record low of 0.0% since March 2016. How long will we need to wait until interest rates start rising in the euro area?
First of all, I would like to point out that the low interest rate environment is not attributable solely to the ECB’s monetary policy. This is being driven by long-term macroeconomic trends. Due to the global demographic situation, more is being saved. And at the same time, less is being invested because productivity growth has declined. That is a global phenomenon over which central banks have little influence. This excess saving has led to interest rates falling. This is not first and foremost the result of central bank policy; instead, it has to do with the underlying macroeconomic factors. Monetary policy has to deal with these circumstances. In order to stimulate the economy, interest rates need to be set even lower. I can of course not predict when interest rates might be raised. What I can tell you, though, is that raising interest rates in the current situation would have disastrous effects. Seen in that light, that is not something anyone should wish for.
Excess savings is, however, the right keyword. What would you say to savers who have seen no interest accumulating in their accounts but who actually want to put something aside for their old age?
For savers, the current interest rate environment is difficult. But people are, of course, not just savers. They are also borrowers. Borrowers benefit from low interest rates. And, in addition, low interest rates stimulate the economy, as I described earlier. Among other things, this means that this low interest rate policy has had a positive impact on the labour market. Many people have kept their jobs or found a new job because, thanks to the expansionary monetary policy, the economy has performed better. Seen in that light, it’s not helpful to view interest rates in isolation. Most euro area citizens have benefited from our policy.
We’re currently observing a sharp rise in yields on long-dated US government bonds. This is usually the precursor of higher inflation expectations. Should the ECB already be starting to change direction, getting ready for higher inflation?
What we’re seeing is an interesting short-term movement. The first estimates of the January inflation rate in Germany have just been published. And they were surprisingly high.
True, but this is down to the VAT cut and the price of CO2, isn’t it?
Indeed. In the first instance, it is these one-off effects that are responsible. Moreover, it’s not easy to measure inflation right now because our basket of goods has changed significantly. We have almost stopped consuming certain things altogether – we’re no longer eating out, going to the hairdresser’s or travelling. All of this is reflected in the basket of goods considered for inflation measurement. The weights of individual goods in the basket have shifted significantly. As a result, it is very difficult to compare the figures over time. Besides, this year we are also going to see base effects in the price of energy. Last year, energy prices plummeted. This means that one year later, we will see that inflation will be particularly high. We are expecting the inflation rate to pick up in the course of this year. We must be careful, however, not to mistake these short-term developments for a sustained increase in inflation. We are faced with very weak demand. And it does not look like this is going to fundamentally change. This is why we continue to be more worried about inflation being too low rather than too high.
The ECB intends not only to scrutinise its monetary policy but also to communicate better. This interview is certainly part of that approach. What else, Ms Schnabel?
We are facing a very challenging economic situation and we need to see how we can bring inflation closer to levels that are consistent with our inflation target. We are currently conducting a thorough review of our strategy. The review will look at several topics, including communication, as you mentioned. It is a topic that is particularly close to my heart. Climate change is another topic that we’re looking at.
Indeed, this week the ECB set up, or announced the setting up of, a climate change centre. Why does a central bank look after environmental protection? Aren’t others better equipped to do that?
The main responsibility for climate action lies with the governments. Central banks can contribute to a more limited extent. But no one can ignore the fact that climate change is the greatest challenge to society, much greater even than the pandemic. The ECB cannot ignore it. This is why we ask ourselves which role we can play, within our mandate, in combating climate change.
Does this mean buying green bonds?
It means many different things. We must ask ourselves how we take climate change into account in our economic models. Traditionally, climate change does not feature, and this is something we certainly have to change. We must ask ourselves what impact climate change has on risk assessment. This is important for banking supervision, but also for monetary policy. Then we must ask ourselves what climate change means for our monetary policy operations. And as an institution, we need to think about how we can get greener, how much business travel is necessary, how we invest our pension funds.
I have to ask again – should the ECB also buy green bonds?
This is a topic that’s being discussed as part of our strategy review. But, in fact, the ECB is buying green bonds in not insignificant amounts already. The question, therefore, really is whether the ECB should buy more green bonds than its share in the current market. And this is a question that’s provoking a lot of controversy, but it will be a significant part of our strategy review.
What will happen when the ECB reduces its bond purchases because, for example, of a threat of higher inflation? We already spoke about this. Will the extent of climate action depend on inflation then?
It must be equally possible to increase and to decrease bond purchases. And when we do, we must not be guided by any considerations other than that of our primary mandate, which is price stability.
To finish off with, let’s talk about the digital euro, which is something that you’re also planning to embark on, or at least are considering. What would it look like? Do you want to compete with Bitcoin?
Digitalisation affects all aspects of our lives, a trend that the pandemic strengthened further. This is also clear when you look at how people pay for things. Digital payments now play a bigger role. A digital euro would give citizens access to secure central bank money. You can think about it as banknotes in digital form. It is not about replacing cash, which is still very popular in the euro area. A digital euro would just be an alternative form of money. We are seeing a lot of different developments in this field. Private digital currencies are being developed, other currency areas are considering creating digital money. The ECB needs to be prepared and able to potentially issue its own digital currency to secure monetary sovereignty. But let me stress that no decision has been made yet. A lot of preliminary work needs to be done first. Nevertheless, it is of course a topic that the ECB needs to tackle in this digital age.
When you say “other currency areas” I’m guessing you mean China. Work on this has been going on there for more than five years now. The digital yuan is being trialled already, people are being randomly selected to test it. Can you even catch up with China?
Some countries were quicker than others to launch such projects. But it’s not like that boat has sailed. What’s important is to properly prepare for a digital euro so that if we do introduce it, it is a well thought-out and robust system. I don’t think it would make sense to rush into this and launch a half-finished concept. Money is simply too important.
Facebook now wants to launch its own currency, called Diem. It was referred to as Libra before. Would it compete with the euro?
First we need to ask whether these so-called private currencies can be considered as real currencies, or whether they’re simply investment products. A currency needs to have very specific features. Trust is a very important one. I doubt that a private provider can ever manage to inspire trust like the ECB does.
We’re almost finished, but I’d still like to ask you one last question, if I may, Ms Schnabel.
Of course.
How do you invest your own money?
You can look it up on our website – not the amounts, but the names of assets. Of course, we have certain restrictions. For example, we are not allowed to invest in financial institutions because we supervise them. But I always try to invest in future-oriented areas, like digital, green and of course ETFs.

Chiefs’ gathering in Chad opens new horizons

Chiefs’ gathering in Chad opens new horizons | BWNS
BARO, Chad — In the Guéra region of Chad, some 30 traditional chiefs from the area gathered in the village of Baro to discuss the future of their people. This was one of a dozen such conferences that have been held over the past two years throughout the country by the Bahá’í community in collaboration with traditional leaders.

“Many chiefs have expressed a desire to learn more about the Bahá’í community-building activities that are bringing people in their villages together to address different social issues,” explains Prime Tchompaare, a member of the Bahá’í Spiritual Assembly of Chad.

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The head chief of the Baro area (left) and other dignitaries address the gathering of traditional chiefs.

The conference itself provided an example of how spiritual principles are essential to discussions on progress. One of the participating chiefs stated: “Unity, religious harmony, love, service to society—the idea of looking at these themes as the starting point for finding solutions to our challenges really allows us to see things we could not see before.”

Another participant described the significance of the conference, stating: “Although we have always led our communities based on our cultural heritage, this unique gathering is allowing us to reflect very deeply on our role in advocating unity and peace and to reflect on the education of our children. These kinds of spaces can help us to be at the vanguard of addressing the aspirations of our community.”

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Photograph taken before the current health crisis. Bahá’í educational programs in Chad build bonds of friendship and capacity for service to society.

The consultations at the conference allowed the chiefs to examine many different societal issues, while drawing in part from the experience of the Bahá’ís of Chad in their community-building efforts.

The moral education of children and youth was one of the themes they explored. At the gathering, Mr. Tchompaare highlighted aspects of the Bahá’í educational programs that develop capacities for service, stating: “Through this process, youth develop the ability to reflect together on the needs of their communities, they join others in serving their locality, and they see new possibilities. They want to stay longer in their communities in order to contribute to long-term prosperity.”

One of the chiefs at the conference observed that this educational process holds great potential, especially for young people, stating: “It can assist in addressing many of the ills we suffer, such as tensions between generations as well as rural exodus. As chiefs, we have long had the custom of gathering young people to teach them our traditions and religious teachings. Now we are thinking about how this custom can be adapted to further help children develop what they need for current times and embrace the world with greater openness, while remaining connected to their heritage.”

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Photographs taken before the current health crisis. Pictured here are participants in community-building initiatives of the Bahá’ís of Chad.

The evolution of culture was another theme the chiefs discussed at the gathering. Discussions highlighted the need for a deeper examination of some customary practices that may act as barriers to greater participation of women in community affairs.

Another area of great interest to the chiefs was approaches conducive to solving disagreements among people. “In our villages, there is frequent tension between crop farmers and livestock breeders over land,” said one of the chiefs.

“I believe this can only be resolved,” he continued, “through the kind of consultation, tolerance, and prayerful atmosphere that we see in this gathering. The idea of fostering the devotional life of a community, involving all inhabitants, is very inspiring. It attracts the hearts and can provide a path toward greater harmony.”

At the conclusion of the gathering, the chiefs made plans to hold similar meetings of their own in their respective localities, exploring the same themes with community members.

The Very First Cover of the Book Review

The Very First Cover of the Book Review

This year, the Book Review turns 125.

It’s an institution that was born under the watchful eye of Adolph S. Ochs, who established the standalone supplement shortly after he became publisher of the paper in 1896. It has been known variously as “the Saturday Review of Books and Art,” “the Sunday Book Review,” “the NYTBR” or, mostly internally, simply “TBR” (not to be confused with “to be read,” though you can understand the confusion).

Over this anniversary year, we will bring you pieces from our archives to enjoy again or, more often than not, for the first time. The ethos of our pages has remained the same. We couldn’t put it better than the Book Review’s editors in 1913 who extolled “an open forum for the discussion of books from all sane and honest points of view.”

We begin here at the beginning with the inaugural eight-page issue that appeared on Oct. 10, 1896, including cover stories on Oscar Wilde’s suffering in jail and a (strangely familiar) report on how department stores were threatening independent bookstores. Among the 10 book reviews on the inside was a critique of Robert Barr’s newest one: “Mr. Robert Barr is a reasonably ingenious, versatile, fairly well informed writer, and to a sensitive person frequently an irritating one.” Sane and honest indeed.

Tina Jordan is the deputy editor of the Book Review and author of a book celebrating its 125th anniversary, to be published next fall.

Follow New York Times Books on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, sign up for our newsletter or our literary calendar. And listen to us on the Book Review podcast.

Nearly all were Christians, but Biden only second Catholic

(Photo: Joe Biden official campaign website)Joe Biden

There are those who support the separation of Church and State, and while there is the beginning of the presidency of Joseph Biden, a committed Catholic, the recent role of Christianity in U.S. politics has triggered a torrent of debate in the nation’s mass media.

About one-in-five U.S. adults are Catholic, and Catholicism has long been one of the nation’s largest religious groups, Pew Research reports.

Yet, John F. Kennedy was the only Catholic president until Joseph Biden was sworn in on Jan. 20.

Much has been written about President Joe Biden’s Catholic faith.

He often speaks of his religious convictions and quotes the Bible, and he attends Mass regularly, Aleksandra Sandstrom wrote for Pew.

There was only one other Catholic, aside from Biden, John Kerry, who was a presidential nominee on a major party ticket since the assassination of Kennedy in 1963.

Hours before Biden took his oath of office, he entered the front pew of the Cathedral of St. Matthew the Apostle, the seat of Catholic Washington, and beheld the mosaics behind the altar, The New York Times wrote.

While President Biden is only the second observant Catholic president in U.S. history, he also supports the right to an abortion. That has set him off on a rocky start with some U.S. bishops, the NPR program All Things Considered heard on Jan. 29.


The Washington Post wrote on Jan. 27, just hours after Biden had attended Mass at St. Matthew’s, Archbishop José H. Gomez of Los Angeles, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops president, issued a statement.

It began by praising Biden’s “piety” and “his moving witness to how his faith has brought him solace in times of darkness and tragedy,” but then moved to an unprecedented first-day rebuke.

“I must point out,” Gomez wrote, “that our new President has pledged to pursue certain policies that would advance moral evils and threaten human life and dignity, most seriously in the areas of abortion, contraception, marriage, and gender. Of deep concern is the liberty of the Church and the freedom of believers to live according to their consciences.”

That set off a fierce debate among U.S. Catholics, some with those who see Biden’s support for the downtrodden as supportive of his faith, but others who see his acceptance of the “pro-choice” views of his party that accepts abortion as being at odds with Catholic teaching.

The U.S. Constitution prohibits any religious test or requirement for public office.

Almost all U.S. presidents have been Christians, and many have been Episcopalians or Presbyterians, with most of the rest belonging to other prominent Protestant denominations.

One-in-five U.S. adults say it is “very important” to have a president with strong religious beliefs.

And 14 percent say the same applies to having a president who shares their own religious beliefs, according to a February 2020 Pew Research Center survey.

A far higher share (63 percent) note the importance of having a president who personally lives a moral and ethical life.

When he began as president, Trump was included as a Presbyterian in a previous Pew analysis version.

But he said in an Oct. 2020 interview with Religion News Service that he no longer identifies as a Presbyterian: “I now consider myself to be a nondenominational Christian.”

Trump had delivered an address on June 4, last year, in which he threatened military action on the nation. Then he walked to the nearby St. John’s Episcopal Church to pose with a Bible, Clint Witchalls had written in The Conversation on a publicity student that stirred global debate.


“Yes, Trump held the Bible like a baby holding a spoon for the first time – unsure which end is which – but the real problem was the complete disconnection between the text in his hand and the force, both verbally threatened and actually used, to clear the way for his stunt,” said Witchalls.                                         

“Tear gas and militarized police cleared crowds, including some of the church’s own clergy from its grounds, in order for Trump to pose in front of the church.”

Witchalls wrote that while Christian outrage at Trump’s hypocrisy is genuine, for reasons that several Christian leaders had “elegantly articulated,” there is a need to ask: did Trump do anything new?

“Has he done anything that powerful “Christian” leaders haven’t done for centuries?

“The answer is no. Co-opting Christianity in the service of power is almost as old as Christianity itself.”

Historically, about a quarter of presidents – including some of the most famous leaders, such as George Washington, James Madison, and Franklin Roosevelt – were members of the Episcopal Church, the U.S. successor to the Church of England, part of the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Presbyterians are the next largest group, with eight presidents, including Andrew Jackson and Ronald Reagan.

Unitarians and Baptists, including Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton and Harry Truman, are the groups with the third-largest share of presidents, each with four.  

There also have been four presidents who identify as Christian without a formal denomination, including Trump and his predecessor, Barack Obama.

Obama was raised in a non-religious household but converted to Christianity as an adult and worshipped at a United Church of Christ congregation – Trinity United Church of Christ – in Chicago.

However, Obama left Trinity during his first presidential campaign in 2008 after controversial statements by the church’s senior pastor, Jeremiah Wright, gained widespread attention.

Two of the most famous presidents in American history had no formal religious affiliation.

The first president Thomas Jefferson lost his faith in traditional Christianity at an early age, but Sandstrom said he continued to believe in an impersonal God as the creator of the universe.

“Jefferson famously edited the New Testament by removing references to the miracles and leaving in Jesus’ teachings,” she said.

The second president, Abraham Lincoln, was raised in a religious household and frequently spoke about God (particularly as president), but he never joined a church.


Scholars have long debated Lincoln’s beliefs, including whether he was a Christian, and some aspects of his faith remain a mystery.        

Lincoln is not the only president for whom there is some uncertainty surrounding his affiliation and beliefs.

Some presidents were more private than others about their religious leanings, and some may have evolved in their beliefs during their life.

Sandstrom cites Lincoln’s second vice president and ultimately his successor, Andrew Johnson, who identified himself as a Christian but never was formally part of a denomination or congregation.

Another 19th-century president, Rutherford B. Hayes, sometimes attended Methodist churches but “moved among Protestant denominations during his life,” according to the Berkley Center for Religion, Peace & World Affairs at Georgetown University.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Nearly all were Christians, but Biden only second Catholic
Nearly all were Christians, but Biden only second Catholic 6

On Religion: Conflict among bishops goes public on Inauguration Day

On Religion: Conflict among bishops goes public on Inauguration Day

Speaking to an Italian family association in 2018, Pope Francis compared the abortion of children with genetic problems to “what the Nazis did to purify the race. Today, we do the same thing, but with white gloves.”

A year later, Francis bluntly asked a journalist from Mexico if it’s “fair to eliminate a human life in order to solve a problem? The answer to which is, ‘No.’ Second question: Is it fair to pay a sniper to solve a problem? No. Abortion is not a religious problem. … It is a problem of eliminating a human life. Period.”

But the pope was careful in his Inauguration Day message to America’s second Catholic president, assuring Joe Biden that he would “pray that your decisions will be guided by a concern for building a society marked by authentic justice and freedom, together with unfailing respect for the rights and dignity of every person, especially the poor, the vulnerable and those who have no voice.”

The pope’s text was examined closely after reports that the Vatican – on behalf of progressive American bishops – tried to stop the circulation of a sobering statement from the president of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops. The letter from Archbishop Jose Gomez of Los Angeles addressed the challenge, and blessing, of working with “our first president in 60 years to profess the Catholic faith.”

Clearly, Biden’s piety had offered “solace in times of darkness and tragedy,” said Gomez, leader of America’s largest diocese and a crucial voice among Hispanic Catholics. He also praised Biden’s “longstanding commitment to the Gospel’s priority for the poor.”

Nevertheless, Gomez noted, “our new president has pledged to pursue certain policies that would advance moral evils and threaten human life and dignity, most seriously in the areas of abortion, contraception, marriage and gender. Of deep concern is the … freedom of believers to live according to their consciences.”

Cardinal Blase Cupich of Chicago fired back on Twitter, attacking this “ill-considered statement on the day of President Biden’s inauguration” while claiming “there is seemingly no precedent” for this action by Gomez.

The Pillar, a Catholic news website, reported that the Vatican Secretariat of State intervened to “spike” the statement from the U.S. bishops after objections from Cupich, Cardinal Joseph Tobin of Newark, New Jersey, and some other bishops.

This clash was a rare example – in public – of ongoing tensions among American bishops about how to handle Catholic politicians who dissent, in word and deed, from centuries of church doctrines on life-and-death issues such as abortion and euthanasia, as well as hot-button topics such as sex, gender and marriage.

These tensions intensified in 2004, when a committee of American bishops sought Vatican advice on how to relate to Sen. John Kerry, a liberal Catholic who was the Democratic Party’s presidential nominee. The question was whether his strong support for abortion rights should affect his ability to receive Holy Communion.

In a private reply, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger – now the retired Pope Benedict XVI – said that if prominent supporters of abortion continue to present themselves for Holy Communion, against the advice of their local bishops, priests “must refuse to distribute it.”

The committee’s leader – the now-disgraced Theodore McCarrick – claimed that Ratzinger’s letter endorsed compromise. American bishops have been arguing ever since about what some call the “McCarrick doctrine.” Meanwhile, Cardinal Wilton Gregory of Washington, D.C., has promised that he will not prevent Biden from receiving Holy Communion.

“Cardinal Cupich’s tweets certainly intensified matters,” said J.D. Flynn, editor of The Pillar, reached by telephone. “Bishops, ordinarily, just don’t do things like that.”

In his letter, Gomez stressed that Catholic leaders face the challenge of defending doctrines that do not “align neatly with the political categories of left or right or the platforms of our two major political parties.” This affects issues ranging from race to economic justice, from health care to immigration.

Nevertheless, for America’s Catholic bishops, the “continued injustice of abortion remains the ‘preeminent priority,’” argued Gomez. That said, the word “preeminent does not mean ‘only.’ We have deep concerns about many threats to human life and dignity in our society. But as Pope Francis teaches, we cannot stay silent when nearly a million unborn lives are being cast aside in our country year after year through abortion.”

Terry Mattingly leads GetReligion.org and lives in Oak Ridge, Tenn. He is a senior fellow at the Overby Center at the University of Mississippi.