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Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Editor's choice

Europe’s largest cocaine distribution network broken up

Europe's largest cocaine distribution network broken up

Trials and Escape of Princes Lobanov-Rostovsky (2)

There were people who helped the disguised princes get on the train Roundup. Stop of the train. Many have been arrested. Heirlooms were found in the family. Shooting, how did it happen in those years?...

With a ceremony, the United States will return to Iraq a 3500-year-old cuneiform from Gilgamesh

The clay tablet contains fragments of the Epic of Gilgamesh, considered one of the oldest literary works of mankind and tells of the adventures of a powerful king of Mesopotamia in search of immortality....

The Unburied King: Ferdinand of Bulgaria between the laurels of independence and national catastrophes

On September 22, 1908, Ferdinand Saxe-Coburg-Gotha accepted the title of king, and our country embarked on an independent path of development, rejecting the vassal status of the Ottoman Empire. Today in Bulgaria it is...

Artificial intelligence risks to privacy demand urgent action – Bachelet

Artificial intelligence risks to privacy demand urgent action – Bachelet

What Cossacks wrote to the Turkish Sultan

What Cossacks wrote to the Turkish Sultan

How Stalin’s USSR conquered Afghanistan three times (1)

How Stalin’s USSR conquered Afghanistan three times (1)

Excavations in France – archaeologists have found fragments of ancient Roman frescoes from the 1st century BC

Excavations in France - archaeologists have found fragments of ancient Roman frescoes from the 1st century BC

Bidding for two bracelets of Marie Antoinette

The Christie's auction house estimates that they could reach 3.7 million euros A new challenge for connoisseurs of jewelry with opportunities - two diamond bracelets by Maria-Antoinette are sold at auction, organized by the auction...

More persons than ever locked up in psychiatry in Denmark

Locked up, why? She had been deprived of her liberty simply because she was somewhat confused and had played loud music late in the evening. A neighbour had called the police, who found her...

The Turkish strategy in Afghanistan pays off. Erdogan’s role in NATO solidifies

NATO’s withdrawal from Afghanistan and the extremely rapid occupation of the capital, Kabul, by the Taliban, followed by the collapse of the withdrawal of Western troops and personnel, is a game changer in relations...

European Academy of Religion 2021: One of the first sessions was on Scientology and Gnosticism

On Monday August 30, at the University of Munster, the European Academy of Religion – a research initiative on religion launched under the high patronage of the European Parliament, offering an exchange platform to...

Liberian FaithVonic artist fights pandemic through musical education

Faith Vonic is a 25 years old Afropop and “Hipco'' (HipHop) Female Artist born and raised in Liberia, West Africa. She started singing at the age of 10 at her school and covering various...

States have the primary responsibility to … protect the human rights of religious minorities

Today we honour and remember the victims of acts of violence based on religion or belief. Across the world, we continue to witness a rise in hate speech, intolerance, and even physical violence and attacks...

International Day Commemorating the Victims of Acts of Violence Based on Religion or Belief | 22 August

Human Rights Related to Freedom of Religion or Belief Freedom of religion or belief, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to peaceful assembly and the right to freedom of association are interdependent, interrelated and...

What to do when meeting a bear face to face?

One very important thing is that, in fact, people who visit the mountains need to be literate about where they are going, which has been a big problem in recent years. Everyone thinks that the mountain is something wonderful and wonderful, with flowers and herbs, where he can do whatever he wants. In fact, this is not the case. This mountain has its own life and rules that we must follow.

Munich condemned by Bavarian Admin Court for discriminating a member of Scientology

The City is now obliged to grant an eBike to a member of this Church. According to the court, the German Constitution protects Scientologists - Practice of the City of Munich violates religious freedom and...

New Insights Into How Central Supermassive Black Holes Influence the Evolution of Their Host Galaxy

Emirati national Aisha Al Yazeedi, a research scientist at the NYU Abu Dhabi (NYUAD) Center for Astro, Particle, and Planetary Physics, has published her first research paper, featuring some key findings on the evolution of...

The European dilemma, to continue or to play

The Western world has dominated international relations. Ever since the appearance of capitalism, ”The West” has  dictated the main mechanisms and laws that govern international conduct. Colonialism sealed the fate of many peoples while Woodrow Wilson reshaped the very notion of free nation. The Marshal Plan shaped our view of the post-world war world in a way that is still visible today in the EU. The Western World, with its most evident incarnation of USA-EU military partnership, has fostered the strongest military alliance, NATO, the strongest economic force and has set the tone, principles, laws and values for the entire globe.  

A new ocean has appeared on the world map. The end of a century-old dispute

The National Geographic Society of the United States announced the official recognition of the fifth ocean - the South, washing the shores of Antarctica. This decision is the result of many years of research...

Cash remains in vogue in Switzerland

Cash remains the preferred method of payment in Switzerland, although during the pandemic wealthy citizens increasingly turned to card payments and payment applications. That's according to a study by the Swiss Central Bank, quoted...

UNHCR: World leaders must act to reverse the trend of soaring displacement

UNHCR: World leaders must act to reverse the trend of soaring displacement

Join the World Drug Day campaign, #ShareFactsOnDrugs and #SaveLives

Join the World Drug Day campaign, #ShareFactsOnDrugs and #SaveLives

What happens if you eat cherries every day?

What happens if you eat cherries every day The season of fruits and berries has arrived. And already on every counter, you can find ripe, tasty, and most importantly, healthy cherries - it's hard to...

100 day to anniversary of United Nations “Peace Day”, UN chief urges: Stand up against hatred and care for planet 

Every year on 21 September, the United Nations invites people around the world to celebrate peace by observing 24 hours of ceasefire and non-violence. On Sunday, the UN chief kicked off the 100-day countdown to the International Day of Peace. 
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