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Von der Leyen and Bin Zayed Discuss Ceasefire and EU-UAE Relations


In a phone call on Friday 18 October, President Ursula von der Leyen discussed with President Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) the current geopolitical situation and ways to further strengthen EU-UAE relations.

President von der Leyen expressed her concerns about the rising tensions in the Middle East and the risk of further escalation. Both sides reaffirmed their commitment to securing an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and in Lebanon, and emphasized the need to protect all civilians.

President von der Leyen called once again for the release of all hostages and reaffirmed the continued support of the European Union to civilians in need, in particular through the delivery of humanitarian aid. The President of the UAE commended the European Union for the key role it plays in this regard.

Both sides emphasized the urgent need to prevent the conflict from escalating further, reaffirming their commitment to working with the international community toward a lasting peace based on a two-state solution. President von der Leyen expressed her appreciation for the UAE’s key role in promoting regional stability and for its support to the populations in Gaza and Lebanon.

Regarding EU-UAE relations, President von der Leyen reaffirmed the European Union’s interest in strengthening bilateral ties, in particular by boosting trade and investment relations.

The President also recalled her interest in advancing the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC).

Both parties welcomed the exchanges held during the inaugural EU-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Summit in Brussels on 16 October and they expressed their willingness to continue engaging in future meetings, including in this format.

Dianetics Diamond Jubilee commemorated at the Frankfurt Buchmesse: 75 years of positively transforming millions of lives

Donatella Nazzi, from Libro Co Italia, delivering recognition L. Ron Hubbard Dianetics for its 75th Anniversary. Receiving, Mr. John Goodwin, President Author Services Inc
Donatella Nazzi, from Libro Co Italia, delivering recognition L. Ron Hubbard Dianetics for its 75th Anniversary. Receiving, Mr. John Goodwin, President Author Services Inc

KINGNEWSWIRE / FRANKFURT / Four leading book distributors in Europe chose the Frankfurt Buchmesse to deliver their recognitions to the Best-selling book Dianetics from L. Ron Hubbard at the launch of celebrations for its 75th Anniversary and wide distribution since publication in May 9th 1950.

Dianetics was awarded at the Frankfurt Buchmesse in preparation of its 75th Anniversary, by Gazelle, Heureka, LibroCo Italia and Arnoia Distribución de Libros.
Dianetics was awarded at the Frankfurt Buchmesse in preparation of its 75th Anniversary, by Gazelle, Heureka, LibroCo Italia and Arnoia Distribución de Libros.

The 2024 Frankfurt Buchmesse could not have concluded more appropriately than with L. Ron Hubbard’s Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health being acknowledged “for positively and permanently transforming millions of lives over the past three quarters of a century” said a representative.

The book has been honored with four prestigious recognitions from distributors across Europe, as if marking the four cardinal points of the continent.

From the North, the UK acknowledges its continued inspiration; from the South, Italy celebrates its profound impact; from the East, Slovakia praises its enduring legacy; and from the West, Spain highlights its perennial bestseller status.

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Dianetics Diamond Jubilee commemorated at the Frankfurt Buchmesse: 75 years of positively transforming millions of lives
Mr. Marvin Blagsde, from Gazelle Book Services offering 75th Anniversary recognition for Dianetics. Received by Mr. David Hosttetler, President New Era Publications.

In this regards, Marvin Blagsden, Managing Director of Gazelle Book Services, presented a commemorative plaque recognizing “the extraordinary legacy” of L. Ron Hubbard, which “continues to inspire and guide people worldwide, making a lasting impact on personal development and well-being.” 

Going down south in EuropeDonatella Nazzi, Manager of Libro Co Italia, recognized L. Ron Hubbard’s “remarkable contribution to literature and human knowledge,” adding, “We are very pleased to distribute Dianetics. We have many interesting ideas for next year’s celebration of your anniversary, and I’m sure we can do a great job together.”

In crossing to Slovakia in eastern EuropeHeureka granted Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health by L. Ron Hubbard the award “Finalist Product of the Year 2023 in the Category of Books” and flying to the western Europe in Spain, Arnoia Distribución de Libros S.A., a Galician business group at the forefront of book distribution in Spain and abroad for over 30 years, joined in with another award “to congratulate L. Ron Hubbard for his vast and extraordinary body of published works in honor of the 75th anniversary of his perennial bestseller Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health.”

L. Ron Hubbard’s Legacy: One of the Most Enduring and Widely Read Authors in Literary History

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Dianetics Diamond Jubilee commemorated at the Frankfurt Buchmesse: 75 years of positively transforming millions of lives
Book and lectures library on Dianetics & Scientology, by World Record Guiness author L. Ron Hubbard

As an author, humanitarian, and the founder of Dianetics and Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard stands as one of the most acclaimed figures of the modern age

His writing career, which spanned more than half a century, established him as a leading light in American fiction and as the author of over 35 million words of nonfiction—the most comprehensive exploration of the human mind and spirit, providing a unique pathway to total spiritual freedom. 

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Dianetics Diamond Jubilee commemorated at the Frankfurt Buchmesse: 75 years of positively transforming millions of lives
Guiness World Records of author L. Ron Hubbard

Recognized as one of the top 20 bestselling authors of all time, Hubbard’s works have been translated into 114 languages, with more than 325 million copies in circulation, including over 3,000 recorded lectures and approximately 5,000 writings. 

In testament to the magnitude of his literary legacy, he holds four Guinness World Records: for most published authormost translated author, the author with the most audiobook titles, and for the single most translated non-religious work.

Dianetics, Time-Tested Technology: Just as Relevant in 2024 as in 1950.

Published on May 9, 1950, a forerunner of Scientology, Dianetics was proclaimed by the national columnist Walter Winchell in a telling prediction, “There is something new coming up in April called Dianetics. A new science which works with the invariability of physical science in the field of the human mind. From all indications it will prove to be as revolutionary for humanity as the first caveman’s discovery and utilization of fire.”

If Winchell’s statement was bold, it was nonetheless accurate, for with Dianetics came the first definitive explanation of human thinking and behavior. Here, too, “was the first means to resolve problems of the human mind, including unreasonable fears, upsets, insecurities and psychosomatic ills of every description” said one of the fans.

At the core of such problems lay what L. Ron Hubbard termed the “reactive mind” and defined as that “portion of a person’s mind which is entirely stimulus-response, which is not under his volitional control and which exerts force and the power of command over his awareness, purposes, thoughts, body and actions.”  

“That the mind still recorded perceptions during moments of partial or full unconsciousness was dimly known. But how the engram impacted physiologically, how it acted upon thinking and behavior—this was entirely new” says one of the readers,In short, here lay a mind, as Mr. Hubbard so powerfully phrased it, “which makes a man suppress his hopes, which holds his apathies, which gives him irresolution when he should act, and kills him before he has begun to live.”

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Dianetics Diamond Jubilee commemorated at the Frankfurt Buchmesse: 75 years of positively transforming millions of lives
Dianetics and L Ron Hubbard books stand at Frankfurt Buchmesse 2024

“As word of  Dianetics spread, general response was considerable: more than fifty thousand copies were acquired by the general public immediately off the press, while bookstores struggled to keep it on shelves. As its experienced workability grew, public response grew even more dramatic” said Ivan Arjona-Pelado, European representative for the Church of Scientology.

“Dianetics—Taking U.S. by Storm” and “Fastest Growing Movement in America” read newspaper headlines through the summer of 1950. “While by the end of the year, some 750 Dianetics groups had spontaneously mushroomed from coast to coast and six cities boasted research foundations to help facilitate Mr. Hubbard’s advancement of the subject” continued Arjona-Pelado.

Over the years, Dianetics has become an international phenomenon, with more than 22 million copies in circulation, translated into 50 languages, and distributed in 175 countries worldwide

“As a perennial bestseller, Dianetics is indisputably the most widely read and influential book on the human mind” concluded Arjona-Pelado.

EU Commission joins forces with venture capital to support deep tech innovation in Europe

img IX mining rig inside white and gray room
Photo by imgix on Unsplash

Today, the Commission has launched a Trusted Investors Network bringing together a group of investors ready to co-invest in innovative deep-tech companies in Europe together with the EU. The Union’s investment comes from the European Innovation Council (EIC) Fund, which is part of the EU research and innovation programme Horizon Europe.

The first group comprises 71 investors from across Europe, including venture capital funds, public investment banks, foundations and corporate venture funds. These investors collectively represent over €90 billion of assets, which positions the network as a key initiative to mobilise capital for Europe’s deep tech sector.

Following preparatory meetings with investors earlier this year, Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth, launched the network at an event in Athens. The participants committed to a Trusted Investors Network Charter, setting out shared values to build companies in Europe, and to co-investing with the EIC Fund. Members of the network will work together with support from the EIC to boost investment and exchange best practices when investing in the deep tech sector.

The launch responds to the need to increase financing of such companies to grow in Europe. It provides the foundation for further development in 2025, in line with the political guidelines of the next Commission.

It highlights the growing importance of the EIC Fund which has by now invested nearly €1 billion in 251 of Europe‘s most promising start-ups. The EIC Fund has attracted co-investments of over €4 billion from around one thousand investors, leveraging over €4 for every €1 invested. The Trusted Investor Network will further strengthen these co-investments and enable companies in critical technologies areas to access larger investments needed to compete globally.

The launch was part of the first EIC Scaling Summit, bringing together for the first time 120 companies selected from the EIC portfolio and national programmes with the potential to scaleup and become global champions in their fields. 72 of these companies were added today to the 48 members already enrolled in the EIC Scaling Club. The EIC provides tailored support to the members of the Club, aiming to scale 20% of them into unicorns – companies with a valuation exceeding €1 billion. Collectively, these member companies have raised over €73 million to date, with additional funding rounds expected soon.

Palestine: International law obliges Israel to end occupation, says rights panel

Palestine: International law obliges Israel to end occupation, says rights panel

It details the obligations for Israel, third-party States and the UN to bring to an end the unlawful occupation, according to the UN Independent International Commission of Inquiry on the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and Israel.

“Israel’s internationally wrongful acts give rise to State responsibility, not only for Israel, but for all States,” said Navi Pillay, chair of the UN Human Rights Council-mandated commission.

“All States are obligated not to recognise territorial or sovereignty claims made by Israel over the occupied territories.”

Read the commission’s full position paper here.

States must not provide assistance

Explaining the commission’s paper, Ms. Pillay said that States must demonstrate how their dealings differ regarding Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

As an example, she noted that a State must not recognise Jerusalem as the capital of Israel or place its diplomatic representatives to Israel in Jerusalem, which Palestinians claim as the capital of their future State.

In addition, States must not render aid or assistance in maintaining the unlawful occupation, which includes financial, military and political aid or support, the commission chair said.

How the UN can implement action

The paper also details how the General Assembly and the Security Council can identify and implement the precise actions required to bring the occupation to an end as rapidly as possible.

The commission found that the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the legal consequences arising from the policies and practices of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, is authoritative and unambiguous in stating that Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful.

“The commission has always stated that the root cause of the protracted conflict and cycles of violence is the occupation,” Ms. Pillay said, noting that its 2022 report to the General Assembly had concluded that the occupation is unlawful under international law.

“The Commission welcomed the historic advisory opinion from the highest court in the United Nations system,” she said.

Work to end occupation

“It is incumbent on all States to work cooperatively in order bring the unlawful occupation to an end and to work towards the full realisation of the right of the Palestinian people to self-determination,” Ms. Pillay said, calling on all States to implement the General Assembly resolution passed on 13 September 2024.

On 17 September, the General Assembly adopted a resolution during its 10th emergency special session calling for an end to Israeli occupation of the Occupied Palestinian Territory within one year.

Read our explainer on UN emergency special sessions here.

The UN Human Rights Council mandated the commission in May 2021 to “investigate, in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, and in Israel, all alleged violations of international humanitarian law and all alleged violations and abuses of international human rights law leading up to and since 13 April 2021”.

Find out more about the commission here.

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Fethullah Gülen, Advocate for Peace and Dialogue, Passes Away at 86

Fethullah Gülen Visiting Ioannes Paulus Ii

Fethullah Gülen, a prominent Turkish cleric and advocate for interfaith dialogue and education, passed away on October 21, 2024, in a Pennsylvania hospital at the age of 86. Known for his emphasis on peace, tolerance, and service to humanity, Gülen dedicated his life to fostering dialogue among religions and promoting moderate interpretations of Islam. His death brings to a close a remarkable chapter in both Turkish history and global Islamic thought.

Gülen’s legacy is shaped by his efforts to encourage altruism, education, and interfaith understanding. He founded the Gülen movement, or “Hizmet” (meaning “service” in Turkish), which built a global network of schools, universities, and charitable organizations that promoted these values. The movement emphasized that education and ethical leadership are essential to a peaceful, just society. Gülen’s teachings resonated with millions, not only in Turkey but across the world, as his message reached diverse communities through the network of schools and initiatives.

Despite his peaceful ideology, Gülen became a highly polarizing figure in Turkey. Once aligned with President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, their relationship soured in 2013, and Gülen was later accused of orchestrating the failed coup attempt of 2016, charges he denied until his death. This led to his movement being attacked by the Turkish government, and many of his followers faced heavy persecution, hunting and kidnappings. Turkish representatives have also interefere with political affairs of other countries demanding that followers of Hizmet would not deliver public peaceful statements at Parliaments and official places. However, Gülen remained a staunch proponent of non-violence, consistently advocating for dialogue and mutual respect to resolve differences.

Throughout his life, Gülen was recognized for his commitment to peace, having received awards for his efforts in fostering harmony between different cultures and faiths. His outreach extended to institutions such as the Vatican and Jewish organizations, showcasing his dedication to bridging divides between communities often in conflict. His moderate stance on Islam, coupled with his focus on science, education, and civic responsibility, made him a revered figure among his followers.

Gülen’s passing leaves behind a complex legacy, marked by both admiration for his peaceful contributions and the controversies that shadowed his later years. Nevertheless, he will be remembered by many as a spiritual leader who sought to create a more compassionate, educated, and harmonious world.

A movement of Service

The Gülen movement, also known as Hizmet (meaning “service” in Turkish), stands out as a global initiative that focuses on education, interfaith dialogue, and social service. At its core, the movement seeks to promote values of tolerance, peace, and cooperation across various cultures and religious communities. Founded by Fethullah Gülen, the movement expanded rapidly, particularly through the establishment of schools and educational institutions across Turkey and in over 100 countries worldwide.

Focus on Education and Altruism

One of the most positive aspects of the Gülen movement is its emphasis on education. Gülen viewed education as a means to transform society for the better, advocating for schools that integrate academic excellence with moral values. The schools affiliated with the movement, known for their focus on science, technology, and mathematics, have provided quality education to students from diverse backgrounds, regardless of nationality or religion. This educational initiative is driven by the belief that well-rounded, educated individuals contribute positively to the peace and progress of society.

The movement’s schools not only focus on academic learning but also emphasize character building, with an ethical dimension that encourages students to become compassionate, socially responsible individuals. These schools often promote interfaith understanding and multiculturalism, making them influential in conflict-prone areas by fostering mutual respect and dialogue among different communities.

Promoting Interfaith Dialogue

A central pillar of Gülen’s teachings is his dedication to interfaith dialogue. He consistently encouraged open discussions between different religious traditions, including Islam, Christianity, and Judaism. Gülen himself initiated dialogue with global religious leaders, including the Vatican and Jewish organizations, with the aim of creating understanding and collaboration across religious divides. His efforts were particularly significant in a time when many regions of the world were grappling with religious conflict.

This commitment to dialogue is reflected in various conferences and forums organized by the movement, where people from different faiths come together to discuss issues of common interest such as peace, justice, and mutual coexistence. Through these initiatives, the movement has helped to break down stereotypes and foster a spirit of cooperation, which has been praised by scholars and leaders worldwide.

Social Services and Philanthropy

Beyond education and dialogue, the Gülen movement has made significant contributions in the realm of social services. Various philanthropic activities supported by the movement include disaster relief, healthcare, and assistance to underprivileged communities. The movement’s charitable organizations, both in Turkey and globally, have been at the forefront of humanitarian efforts, helping those affected by natural disasters and economic hardships. Their work has ranged from providing scholarships to disadvantaged students to offering medical aid in countries facing crises.

This altruistic element of the movement aligns with Gülen’s belief in serving humanity and addressing the practical needs of society through compassion and generosity. It has helped thousands of people improve their living conditions and access opportunities for personal development, which otherwise might not have been available to them.

Advocacy for Peaceful Coexistence

The Gülen movement is built on the idea that differences in religion, culture, and ideology should not be sources of conflict but rather opportunities for understanding and collaboration. This ethos has led the movement to advocate for peaceful coexistence, especially in conflict-prone regions where tensions between ethnic and religious groups often escalate into violence. By promoting dialogue and mutual respect, the movement seeks to create environments where diverse groups can live together peacefully.

The movement has often been lauded in international circles for its efforts to counter extremism. Its schools and institutions serve as models of moderation, where students are encouraged to think critically and embrace values of tolerance. This stance has made the movement an influential voice in promoting a balanced interpretation of Islam that aligns with modern, democratic values.

Overall, the Gülen movement’s contributions to education, interfaith dialogue, social service, and the promotion of peace have left a lasting impact on both Turkey and the global community. Despite facing significant political challenges and opposition, particularly in Turkey, the movement’s positive initiatives have garnered respect worldwide for their commitment to fostering understanding and bettering society through peaceful means. Fethullah Gülen’s vision of an educated, compassionate, and tolerant society continues to inspire many even after his passing.

Sunday Markets In Brussels – Where To Find Unique Local Treasures


Brussels is a vibrant city brimming with charm, and its Sunday markets are the perfect place for you to discover unique local treasures. Whether you’re hunting for handmade crafts, delicious street food, or vintage finds, these markets offer a delightful experience for bargain hunters and culture enthusiasts alike. Join us as we explore the best spots to uncover hidden gems and immerse yourself in the local scene every Sunday!

ywAAAAAAQABAAACAUwAOw== Sunday Markets In Brussels - Where To Find Unique Local Treasures

What Are Sunday Markets?

Your experience in Brussels isn’t complete without visiting its vibrant Sunday markets. These bustling marketplaces are more than just a shopping destination; they’re a celebration of local culture where you can discover unique treasures handcrafted by artisans, indulge in delicious local cuisine, and even pick up vintage finds that tell a story. As you stroll through the lively stalls, you’ll find a delightful blend of fresh produce, artisanal goods, and creative crafts, making these markets the perfect spot to absorb the local atmosphere and engage with the community.

A Brief History

Against the backdrop of Brussels’ rich history, Sunday markets have long served as communal gathering points where people come together to celebrate local traditions and share stories. These markets have evolved from simple barter systems into well-organized events that showcase the talents and tastes of the region. Over the years, they have transformed into a vibrant tapestry of culture, reflecting the diverse populations that call Brussels home.

As you walk through these markets, you’ll encounter remnants of the past in the form of traditional crafts and time-honored recipes, each telling a story of Brussels’ heritage. The spirit of these markets reverberates through their lively atmospheres, inviting you to connect not just with the items for sale, but with the history and culture that surround them.

The Essence of Community

Against the fast-paced nature of modern life, Sunday markets in Brussels stand as a testament to the strength of community bonds. They provide a platform for local farmers, crafters, and artists to showcase their work, allowing you to interact directly with the people behind the products. This personal connection adds a layer of depth to your shopping experience, making it feel more meaningful and fulfilling.

What makes these markets truly special is the sense of belonging they foster. As you browse through the stalls, you can chat with vendors, listen to live music, and enjoy the colorful array of sights and sounds around you. It’s not just about finding a unique treasure; it’s about being part of a vibrant community that celebrates creativity, sustainability, and local pride. By visiting these markets, you not only support local businesses but also help preserve the rich cultural landscape of Brussels.

Popular Sunday Markets in Brussels

Assuming you’re ready to look into the lively world of Brussels’ Sunday markets, you’re in for a treat. The city is home to several popular markets where you can discover unique local treasures that make for perfect souvenirs or gifts. Each market has its character and offerings, so let’s explore the highlights.

Marché du Midi

On Sundays, the Marché du Midi is a bustling haven for passionate food lovers and treasure seekers alike. This vibrant market features an array of stalls showcasing fresh produce, specialty cheeses, gourmet meats, and a kaleidoscope of international flavors. Here, you’ll find everything from traditional Belgian delicacies to global cuisines that reflect Brussels’ diverse culture.

On your visit, take a moment to chat with the friendly vendors. They can provide insights about their products and share stories about local recipes. Don’t hesitate to sample a few treats; the market is an excellent place to indulge in local flavors while exploring the rich culinary heritage of Brussels.

Place du Jeu de Balle

Balle de Jeu de Balle is a charming flea market that draws treasure hunters eager to unearth unique finds. This vibrant square comes alive with stalls filled with antiques, vintage clothes, and quirky collectibles. You never know what you might discover – from rare vinyl records to beautiful second-hand furniture, the possibilities are endless.

Exploring this market not only allows you to find one-of-a-kind items but also to experience the eclectic atmosphere of Brussels. Here, you can enjoy a leisurely Sunday morning, sipping coffee while browsing through stalls and mingling with locals who share your passion for all things vintage.

Understanding the history behind Place du Jeu de Balle can enhance your experience. Situated in the Marolles district, this area is known for its artistic vibe and cultural significance. The market has been a fixture for decades, bringing together both locals and visitors as they hunt for hidden gems and enjoy the lively surroundings.

Flagey Market

Before you head to the Flagey Market, you should know that it takes place beside the picturesque Flagey Square. This market has an air of sophistication, with stalls dedicated to fresh produce, local cheeses, organic products, and artisanal breads. You’ll relish the atmosphere as locals bustle around, sharing recipes and tasting samples from vendors.

The Flagey Market also prides itself on promoting sustainable farming and local artisans, so by shopping here, you contribute to the community while enjoying fresh, delicious produce. In addition to food, you’ll also find handicrafts and unique gifts that beautifully reflect the spirit of Brussels.

This market deserves a visit for its lively ambiance and dedication to local produce. Plus, the beautiful architecture of the Flagey building surrounding the market creates a stunning backdrop that makes shopping here a delightful experience.

Les Halles Saint-Géry

By choosing to visit Les Halles Saint-Géry, you’re stepping into a historic space that perfectly marries the old with the new. This former market hall is now a hub of creativity, where local artisans showcase their crafts and delicious food stalls offer a taste of the best regional specialties. With its lively atmosphere and engaging community spirit, this market is a perfect spot to immerse yourself in Brussels’ culture.

The market often features live music and art displays, adding an extra layer of enjoyment to your shopping trip. It’s a hub where you can mingle with like-minded locals and tourists, creating an unforgettable experience as you hunt for your new favorite local treasures.

Brussels is a city full of surprises, and exploring its Sunday markets is a delightful way to connect with the local community while indulging in your passion for unique finds. Each market not only offers a treasure trove of goods but also a glimpse into the vibrant culture and creativity that define this beautiful city. Happy treasure hunting!

Unique Treasures to Discover

All around Brussels, Sunday markets are a treasure trove of unique finds waiting to be discovered. You’ll find everything from artisanal goods and vintage clothing to local produce and handcrafted jewelry. Each market has its own character, offering a diverse collection of items that reflect the creativity and culture of the local community. Be prepared to spend your day exploring aisles of stalls filled with one-of-a-kind items that you won’t find anywhere else.

Artisanal Goods

Along your journey through the bustling markets, you will encounter a delightful variety of artisanal goods made by local craftsmen and women. From handmade candles to organic skincare products, each item tells a story of care and dedication. You might even come across unique home decor pieces that add a personal touch to your space, perfect for a special gift or a treat for yourself.

Artisans use traditional techniques passed down through generations, showcasing their skills and passion. When you purchase these local treasures, you’re not just getting a product; you’re supporting the entrepreneur behind it. You’ll likely forge connections with the makers who are eager to share their stories and inspirations, making your shopping experience even more meaningful.

Vintage Finds

Finds that boast a little history are prevalent in Brussels’ Sunday markets, where vintage clothing and accessories are not only stylish but often come with their own tale. Each item, from thrifted dresses to retro vinyl records, evokes a sense of nostalgia that’s hard to resist. As you sift through the racks, you could stumble upon a unique piece that reflects your personal style and stands out from mass-produced fashion.

Considering the rich history of Brussels, some vintage items you come across could date back several decades, offering a glimpse into different eras of fashion and culture. It’s a great opportunity to add character to your wardrobe or collectibles to your home, while enjoying the thrill of the search. You never know what hidden gems might become cherished parts of your collection!

Local Produce

Among the vibrant stalls, you’ll have the chance to taste and purchase an array of locally sourced produce. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and even homemade jams and cheeses are plentiful at Sunday markets, appealing to food enthusiasts and health-conscious buyers alike. Engaging with local farmers and producers not only helps you choose the best quality ingredients, but also gives you insight into sustainable practices and seasonal offerings.

Indeed, this experience lets you support the community while enjoying the freshest flavors Brussels has to offer. Whether you’re in search of ripe tomatoes or exotic herbs, incorporating local produce into your meals allows you to savor the true taste of the region. Plus, you’ll gain inspiration for your next culinary adventure while stocking up on ingredients that are top-notch in flavor!

Handcrafted Jewelry

Treasures of all kinds await you, particularly if you have an eye for beautiful handcrafted jewelry. From delicate necklaces to bold statement pieces, the creativity of local artisans shines through in their unique designs. You’ll find an unforgettable assortment of one-of-a-kind rings, bracelets, and earrings that often feature locally sourced materials and innovative craftsmanship.

Goods such as handcrafted jewelry make fantastic souvenirs or gifts, as they perfectly capture the essence of Brussels’ artistic flair. Moreover, with the opportunity to connect directly with the makers, you might uncover the stories behind their pieces, adding a personal touch to your purchase. This experience transforms the act of shopping into a memorable journey about culture and creativity.

Tips for Making the Most of Your Visit

Despite the vibrant atmosphere and countless stalls at the Sunday markets in Brussels, there are a few tips that will help you optimize your experience. With a bit of preparation and insight, you can navigate the bustling crowds and uncover unique gems. Here are some handy suggestions for you:

  • Arrive early to beat the crowds and have first pick of the treasures.
  • Bring cash, as some vendors may not accept card payments.
  • Wear comfortable shoes; you’ll be doing a lot of walking.
  • Take a reusable shopping bag to carry your finds.
  • Chat with vendors for insider tips on the market and local culture.

After following these tips, you’ll find yourself well-equipped to make the most of your market adventure.

Best Times to Go

Between the early morning and late afternoon, the markets are alive with energy. Arriving early not only gives you the chance to beat the crowds, but it also allows you to see the best selection of locally crafted goods before they’re gone. Mid-morning is also popular as locals tend to flock in for brunch, creating a lively atmosphere, but be prepared for a bit of a squeeze.

If you prefer a more leisurely experience, consider visiting later in the afternoon. Some vendors may start offering discounts to clear out their stock, giving you a chance to snag some bargains. Overall, finding the balance between busy and quiet is key to optimizing your visit.

Transportation Options

An array of transportation options is available to help you reach Brussels’ Sunday markets with ease. The city’s extensive public transport network, including trams, buses, and the metro, makes it simple to navigate from one market to another. If you prefer a more scenic route, consider renting a bike or using a scooter, both of which are popular ways to explore the city.

Due to the popularity of the markets, parking can be limited, so it might be wise to rely on public transportation or active modes of travel. The central location of many markets also means you may find yourself within walking distance of your accommodation or nearby attractions. Whether you choose to hop on public transport or travel on foot, the journey to the markets can be as enjoyable as the treasures awaiting you.

What to Bring

Making the most of your Sunday market trip means being prepared with the right items. A sturdy tote bag is vital for carrying your purchases, and bringing along a small cooler or insulated bag can help keep any perishables fresh. Don’t forget water to stay hydrated, especially if you plan to spend a few hours exploring. Your own snacks can be a great way to keep your energy up while you wander through the various stalls.

In addition, consider bringing a camera or your smartphone to capture the vibrant scenes and unique finds along the way. The colorful displays and lively atmosphere are sure to make for some memorable photos that you’ll cherish long after your visit. Plus, you’ll want to document those special local treasures you discover along the way!

Engaging with Local Sellers

Not only will you discover unique treasures at Brussels’ Sunday markets, but you will also get the chance to engage with the passionate sellers behind these goods. Connecting with local artisans and vendors can turn your shopping experience into a delightful adventure. Take a moment to explore the stalls, ask questions, and listen to their stories. If you’re curious about more hidden gems, check out the 11 hidden treasures to discover in the streets of Brussels. You’ll not only find beautiful items but also the spirit of Brussels woven into each product.

The Importance of Supporting Local

Behind every handcrafted item lies a story and a person with a passion. When you choose to buy from local sellers, you’re not just purchasing a product; you’re supporting a community. The money you spend helps sustain local economies and fosters creativity among artisans, allowing them to continue their craft and share their culture with you.

Additionally, by opting for local goods, you help reduce environmental impact. Local sellers produce with a smaller carbon footprint, ensuring that you enjoy unique items that also benefit the planet. So, next time you’re at a market, consider the positive effects your purchase might have on the local community and environment.

Stories Behind the Stalls

Stories of resilience, creativity, and passion resonate from each stall at the market. As you engage with the sellers, you’ll uncover the rich narratives behind their creations. From a grandmother’s recipe passed down through generations to an artisan inspired by the vibrant history of Brussels, these tales give character to your finds. Each purchase becomes a part of a larger story, making your treasure truly special.

Supporting local artists not only allows them to thrive but also connects you to the heartbeat of the city. Their stories celebrate the unique culture of Brussels and can transform your shopping experience into a meaningful exploration of the local heritage.

Building Connections

Local sellers thrive on interaction. As you strike up conversations, you’re likely to find common interests or even share personal stories that enrich your understanding of the items you’re considering. These interactions can lead to friendships that extend beyond the marketplace. The community spirit you find at these markets often fosters a sense of belonging, reminding you that you are part of something larger.

Stalls become more than just shopping spots when you build these connections. The vendor might remember your name on your next visit, making you feel like you truly belong to the vibrant fabric of the market. By nurturing these relationships, you contribute to an ongoing dialogue that keeps the culture and community alive.

Family-Friendly Activities

Once again, Sunday markets in Brussels offer a delightful experience for families, ensuring that everyone in your household can enjoy the treasures that await. From fun activities for the little ones to delicious dining options for everyone, these markets are the perfect weekend outing for you and your family.

Kid’s Zones and Entertainment

Along the bustling pathways of the Sunday markets, you will often find well-structured kid’s zones designed to keep your children engaged and entertained. These areas typically feature bouncy castles, face painting stations, and art corners that inspire creativity. As you stroll through, you’ll notice smiles on the faces of children as they immerse themselves in games and crafts tailored just for them.

Additionally, many markets host live performances, including puppet shows and street performers, that add an extra layer of excitement and whimsy to your day. The friendly atmosphere encourages laughter and joy, making your family’s outing a memorable experience.

Family Dining Options

Below the bustling stalls and energetic activities, you’ll discover a variety of family dining options that cater to all tastes. Countless food vendors present traditional Belgian cuisine as well as international dishes, ensuring that even the pickiest eaters will find something they love. Grab some waffles for a sweet treat or share a plate of moules-frites for a hearty meal.

Due to the diversity of food choices available, you can make the most of your market visit by sampling different flavors and supporting local vendors. Whether you’re in the mood for a quick snack or an enjoyable sit-down meal, you’ll find plenty of tables and seating for you and your family to savor your food while soaking in the ambient market vibes.

Engaging Workshops and Classes

With educational and engaging workshops available at many Sunday markets, you’ll find opportunities for your kids to learn and have fun simultaneously. Crafts, cooking classes, and interactive experiences that teach new skills are commonly hosted in these vibrant marketplaces. You can try your hand at making local delicacies or participating in arts and crafts sessions, making suitable treasures to take home.

For instance, some markets offer special programs where your children can cook alongside local chefs or create unique crafts that reflect Belgian culture. These workshops not only keep your kiddos entertained but also provide valuable bonding experiences as you investigate these activities together, enriching your family outing to the market.

To wrap up

With these considerations, you’re well on your way to discovering the charm of Sunday markets in Brussels. Whether you’re on the lookout for artisanal goods, fresh produce, or one-of-a-kind vintage finds, these vibrant markets offer an ideal setting for you to immerse yourself in local culture. By strolling through the stalls, interacting with passionate vendors, and enjoying the lively atmosphere, you’ll not only uncover unique treasures but also create lasting memories. Plus, exploring these markets is a wonderful opportunity to support local artisans and businesses, enriching your overall experience.

So, grab your reusable tote bag and head out to experience the delightful Sunday markets of Brussels. Explore all the hidden gems waiting for you, and don’t be surprised if you find that special item that perfectly captures the spirit of your journey. Dive into the local flavors, sounds, and sights, and enjoy your weekends filled with adventure, community, and exploration in this beautiful city!

Over 6 million illegally exported pills seized in international operation against psych drug trafficking network


18 October 2024|PRESS RELEASE — Drug trafficking – A criminal group that had set up an international smuggling route for prescription pills was taken down during a large-scale operation coordinated from Eurojust’s headquarters. Romanian, Estonian, Finnish and Serbian authorities, supported by Eurojust and Europol, arrested 47 people and seized over 6 million pills.

The criminal group, which operated throughout Europe, bought pills from other criminal networks in Serbia. The pills, used to treat anxiety, seizures and insomnia, were then hidden in tyres, in cars, which were transported on lorries, and in clothing to be taken to Romania and Estonia. After arriving in Romania or Estonia, the pills were transported on to the Nordic countries. Members of the criminal group in Finland and Norway acted as distributors and sold the pills on the streets. The sale of the pills was highly profitable for the criminal group. The pills seized during the operations done by the national authorities has a market value of approximately EUR 12.5 million.

To dismantle the intricate network of criminals, the Romanian authorities launched an investigation into the group. Given the transnational nature of the criminal group, with activities in Romania, Estonia, Finland, and Serbia, international cooperation between the authorities started, supported by Eurojust and Europol.

A joint investigation team (JIT) was set up at Eurojust between Romanian, Estonian, Finnish and Serbian authorities to collect and exchange information and evidence directly, and carry out joint operations.

To investigate the activity of the criminal group, special investigative techniques such as control delivery and undercover investigator were successfully used by the authorities of all the countries involved. To this end, Eurojust facilitated the coordination and execution in Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia of European Investigation Orders issued by Romania. Following these actions, 39 people were arrested, and more than 4 million prescription pills were seized.

After these measures, the JIT continued their investigations to halt the activities of the criminal group and bring them to justice.

A large-scale international operation on 17 October coordinated from Eurojust’s headquarters in The Hague, led to the arrest of 14 people in Romania, 11 people in Serbia and 1 person in Finland. 41 houses searches were carried out simultaneously in Romania, 19 in Serbia and one in Finland.

Items seized during the operation include large quantities of pills, cash, mobile phones, firearms and luxury cars. 2 houses have been also seized in Romania. Europol facilitated the overall operation by liaising with the operating authorities, processing the available data and deploying two specialists with mobile offices to support the action day.

The following authorities were involved in the actions:

  • Romania:
    • Prosecution Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice
    • Directorate for Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism
    • Oradea Territorial Office
    • General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police
    • Directorate for Combating Organized Crime
    • Department for Special Operations
    • Central Intelligence Analysis Unit of the Romanian Police;
    • General Inspectorate for Border Police – Bors, Nadlac and Petea Offices
  • Estonia:
    • Northern District Prosecutor’s Office
    • Police and Border Guard Board, Northern Prefecture, Crime Bureau, Drug and Organised Crime Unit
  • Finland:
    • Prosecution District of Southern Finland
    • Helsinki Police Department and National Prosecution Authority
  • Serbia:
    • Public Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime
    • Criminal Investigations Directorate
    • Service for Combatting Organized Crime
    • Department for Combating Organized Drug Smuggling

Flags of Romania, Estonia, Finland, Serbia and logos of Europol and Eurojust

Breaking Political Alliances: Vlaams Belang Makes Waves in Ranst

A political meeting featuring multiple leaders shaking hands, with flags and nameplates on the table, representing European and Belgian interests.
Leaders engage in a handshake during a political meeting.

The end of the cordon sanitaire: Bart Goris and PIT unite with Vlaams Belang for local governance

On October 19, 2024, in a significant political shift in Belgium, Bart Goris, a key figure in the local political landscape, confirmed that the so-called “cordon sanitaire” against the far-right Vlaams Belang has been broken in Ranst, a municipality in the province of Antwerp. Following a resounding victory in Ninove, where Vlaams Belang secured an absolute majority, the party has now entered a second governing coalition, raising eyebrows across the political spectrum.

The local political party PIT, led by former liberal mayor Lode Hofmans, has decided to forge an alliance with Vlaams Belang and the liberal party Vrij Ranst. Goris, who is poised to become the next mayor of Ranst, emphasized that their collaboration focuses on local governance rather than national politics. He stated, “I tried calling the N-VA several times, but they did not pick up.” His comments highlight a growing rift in local political ties and the evolving dynamics in Belgian governance.

Christel Engelen from Vlaams Belang expressed pride in this development, underscoring the fracturing of the longstanding cordon sanitaire that has historically isolated far-right parties in Belgium. In the recent elections, the PIT list secured nine out of the 25 communal council seats, exceeding the N-VA’s presence, which has been led by the current mayor Johan De Ryck. Additionally, Vlaams Belang won three seats, while Vrij Ranst also claimed three.

Goris elaborated on the coalition-building process: “Last week, we discussed with all other parties in Ranst. With Vrij Ranst, we quickly reached an agreement because our platforms are largely aligned. However, we needed a third partner for a majority. There were too many fundamental disagreements with Groen. The N-VA did not show a willingness to continue negotiations. The Vlaams Belang, on the other hand, took a constructive approach, which ultimately led to this agreement.”

In response to this political pivot, established parties such as Open VLD and CD&V have taken decisive actions by excluding local members who have aligned with this newfound coalition. Eva De Bleeker from Open VLD and Sammy Mahdi from CD&V announced that the members’ affiliations would be revoked, asserting that their party’s democratic principles surpass the importance of securing local political positions.

Ranst marks the second municipality where Vlaams Belang will hold power, following Ninove. However, this new alliance is notable as it represents a break in the political cordon sanitaire in a way that Ninove does not, where Vlaams Belang will govern independently without coalition partners. According to political analyst Laura Jacobs, “This is a governance agreement, meaning Vlaams Belang acts as a junior partner, with one deputy mayor position.”

Jacobs pointed out that while some might argue that local parties have not formally signed an agreement to break the cordon sanitaire, the association of local parties with Vlaams Belang signals a significant shift in the political landscape. She remarked that the power of Vlaams Belang in Ranst will likely be limited, given its junior partnership status, implying they may exert less influence in the governance process.

Despite potential restrictions, Vlaams Belang remains optimistic. Party leader Tom Van Grieken hailed this event as a “historic alliance,” igniting hopes of a “domino effect” in local politics similar to the triumph experienced in Ninove, where Guy D’haeseleer’s success inspired a resurgence of far-right participation.

This evolving story reflects the complexities of local governance in Belgium as parties reassess their alliances and the implications of their collaboration with Vlaams Belang, a party traditionally viewed with skepticism. As the political landscape shifts, the implications for future governance in Belgium will warrant close scrutiny.

Hammouch Lahcen: Accusations of Anti-Semitism Against Blast

A person seated at a cluttered desk surrounded by newspapers and flags of Israel and Palestine, representing a newsroom environment.
A cluttered newsroom featuring flags and newspapers.

Blast, a French media outlet founded by engaged journalists, has recently found itself at the center of controversy due to accusations of anti-Semitism. These accusations are part of a broader context in France, where tensions surrounding anti-Semitism, particularly linked to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, are notably heightened.

The Accusations

Critics of Blast have focused on certain articles and their treatment of issues related to Israel and the Jewish community. For example, comments on social media and analyses by journalists have pointed out articles that seem to perpetuate negative stereotypes or conspiracy theories associating Jews with financial or political interests.

One notable example is an article published on Blast, which some interpreted as downplaying anti-Semitism by emphasizing criticism of Israel’s actions rather than focusing on proven instances of discrimination against Jews.

Reactions and Blast’s Defense

In response to the accusations, Blast defended its editorial line, stating that its aim is to tackle complex and often delicate issues such as social injustices and political conflicts. The founders and editors of Blast assert that they do not seek to promote anti-Semitism but rather to encourage open debate on controversial topics.

Supporters of Blast argue that accusations of anti-Semitism can sometimes be used to stifle legitimate criticism of Israel, complicating the dialogue on these subjects.

Links to the Far Left

Blast is often associated with left-wing political movements, notably La France Insoumise (LFI), led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. He is known for his sharp critiques of Israeli policies, which have led to similar accusations of anti-Semitism against him. Mélenchon’s speeches, which emphasize the defense of Palestinian rights, are sometimes seen as crossing the line between criticizing Israel and making statements perceived as anti-Semitic.

  1. Jean-Luc Mélenchon: His statements on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have fueled controversy, with some accusing him of perpetuating anti-Semitic stereotypes. An analysis of his remarks can be found in this article: Le Monde – Mélenchon’s missteps on Israel
  2. La France Insoumise: The party has often been criticized for its stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, leading to accusations of reviving anti-Semitic rhetoric in some of its positions. Here: Libération – La France Insoumise and the Israeli-Palestinian question

Articles and Sources

  1. Le Monde: Accusations of Anti-Semitism Against Blast: A Critique of the Drifts
  2. Libération: Blast and Freedom of Speech: Where is the Line?
  3. L’Obs: The Debate on Anti-Semitism in the Media: Analyzing the Accusations

An article that illustrates the accusations of anti-Semitism against Blast was published by Le Figaro, which covers the reactions to certain content deemed problematic: Le Figaro – Blast Accused of Anti-Semitism.

The accusations of anti-Semitism against Blast raise crucial questions about freedom of expression, legitimate criticism of Israeli policies, and the fight against hatred. It is essential to approach these topics with nuance while recognizing the need for constant vigilance against any form of discrimination.

Historic Referendum in Moldova: EU Membership on the Ballot

red blue and yellow flag under blue sky during daytime
Photo by Sasha Pleshco on Unsplash

Moldova is at a crucial crossroads as polling stations opened today for a pivotal referendum. Voters across the nation are tasked with two significant decisions: determining their next president and deciding whether Moldova should embrace European Union (EU) membership.

Current polls indicate that approximately 60% of Moldovans support joining the EU; however, a turnout of at least 33% is required for the referendum to be deemed valid. The potential of a new future is palpable in many regions, yet skepticism persists.

In the capital city of Chișinău, citizens expressed mixed sentiments about EU membership. “Nothing good,” remarked one man, echoing the frustrations of those who have long lived with deteriorating infrastructure and stagnant development. “In all these years they’ve been doing nothing. The roads are completely deteriorated. I don’t see any hope for the future,” he added.

Conversely, many voters believe that EU membership could enhance living standards and wages, issues that have pushed many young Moldovans to seek better opportunities abroad. “I think these elections go hand in hand because I will, of course, choose the European path,” stated an optimistic voter, emphasizing the importance of unifying the nation’s vision for its future.

Polling stations opened at 7 a.m. local time and will close at 9 p.m., with the potential for a presidential runoff on November 3 if incumbent President Maia Sandu does not secure an outright majority. Sandu, a dedicated proponent of EU accession, faces competition from Alexandr Stoianoglo, a former prosecutor general with pro-Russian affiliations polling at around 10%.

Moldova’s minimum wage, currently set at 5,000 leu (approximately €261) per month, ranks among the lowest in Europe. A recent analysis by the independent think tank Idis Viitorul revealed that over 200,000 Moldovans have left the country in the last four years, marking a record high. Alarmingly, more than 40% of Moldovans living overseas fall within the 30 to 44 age demographic, indicating a potential demographic shift by 2030, when those born abroad could outnumber those born in Moldova.

“For about 20 years, we have been talking about Moldova in the European Union, and we are very close now. It is crucial to not miss this opportunity,” remarked President Maia Sandu, who has actively advocated for EU membership. The nation was granted EU candidate status in 2022, signaling a pivotal moment in its European aspirations.

However, the shadow of foreign influence looms large over the referendum. Moldovan authorities have highlighted attempts by Russian-backed campaigns to demobilize voters. Allegations revealed that approximately €14 million in Russian funds were funneled directly to about 130,000 Moldovans in efforts to sway votes against EU integration. Pro-Russian oligarch Ilan Shor, notorious for orchestrating Kremlin-backed operations within Moldova, has even been reported to offer financial incentives for anti-EU votes.

In response, Moldova’s Prime Minister Dorin Recean urged citizens to stay vigilant against external destabilization efforts. “It is up to you, dear citizens, to stop the attack on democracy,” he declared. “On Sunday, you make the choice: do we go back to the past, or do we march towards a future within the family of civilized countries?”

As the nation votes today, the Central Election Commission announced that ballots can be cast at 2,221 polling stations, including 1,957 across Moldova and 234 stations set up in various countries for Moldovans living abroad.