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Over 6 million illegally exported pills seized in international operation against psych drug trafficking network


18 October 2024|PRESS RELEASE — Drug trafficking – A criminal group that had set up an international smuggling route for prescription pills was taken down during a large-scale operation coordinated from Eurojust’s headquarters. Romanian, Estonian, Finnish and Serbian authorities, supported by Eurojust and Europol, arrested 47 people and seized over 6 million pills.

The criminal group, which operated throughout Europe, bought pills from other criminal networks in Serbia. The pills, used to treat anxiety, seizures and insomnia, were then hidden in tyres, in cars, which were transported on lorries, and in clothing to be taken to Romania and Estonia. After arriving in Romania or Estonia, the pills were transported on to the Nordic countries. Members of the criminal group in Finland and Norway acted as distributors and sold the pills on the streets. The sale of the pills was highly profitable for the criminal group. The pills seized during the operations done by the national authorities has a market value of approximately EUR 12.5 million.

To dismantle the intricate network of criminals, the Romanian authorities launched an investigation into the group. Given the transnational nature of the criminal group, with activities in Romania, Estonia, Finland, and Serbia, international cooperation between the authorities started, supported by Eurojust and Europol.

A joint investigation team (JIT) was set up at Eurojust between Romanian, Estonian, Finnish and Serbian authorities to collect and exchange information and evidence directly, and carry out joint operations.

To investigate the activity of the criminal group, special investigative techniques such as control delivery and undercover investigator were successfully used by the authorities of all the countries involved. To this end, Eurojust facilitated the coordination and execution in Hungary, Slovakia, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia of European Investigation Orders issued by Romania. Following these actions, 39 people were arrested, and more than 4 million prescription pills were seized.

After these measures, the JIT continued their investigations to halt the activities of the criminal group and bring them to justice.

A large-scale international operation on 17 October coordinated from Eurojust’s headquarters in The Hague, led to the arrest of 14 people in Romania, 11 people in Serbia and 1 person in Finland. 41 houses searches were carried out simultaneously in Romania, 19 in Serbia and one in Finland.

Items seized during the operation include large quantities of pills, cash, mobile phones, firearms and luxury cars. 2 houses have been also seized in Romania. Europol facilitated the overall operation by liaising with the operating authorities, processing the available data and deploying two specialists with mobile offices to support the action day.

The following authorities were involved in the actions:

  • Romania:
    • Prosecution Office attached to the High Court of Cassation and Justice
    • Directorate for Investigation of Organized Crime and Terrorism
    • Oradea Territorial Office
    • General Inspectorate of the Romanian Police
    • Directorate for Combating Organized Crime
    • Department for Special Operations
    • Central Intelligence Analysis Unit of the Romanian Police;
    • General Inspectorate for Border Police – Bors, Nadlac and Petea Offices
  • Estonia:
    • Northern District Prosecutor’s Office
    • Police and Border Guard Board, Northern Prefecture, Crime Bureau, Drug and Organised Crime Unit
  • Finland:
    • Prosecution District of Southern Finland
    • Helsinki Police Department and National Prosecution Authority
  • Serbia:
    • Public Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime
    • Criminal Investigations Directorate
    • Service for Combatting Organized Crime
    • Department for Combating Organized Drug Smuggling

Flags of Romania, Estonia, Finland, Serbia and logos of Europol and Eurojust

Breaking Political Alliances: Vlaams Belang Makes Waves in Ranst

A political meeting featuring multiple leaders shaking hands, with flags and nameplates on the table, representing European and Belgian interests.
Leaders engage in a handshake during a political meeting.

The end of the cordon sanitaire: Bart Goris and PIT unite with Vlaams Belang for local governance

On October 19, 2024, in a significant political shift in Belgium, Bart Goris, a key figure in the local political landscape, confirmed that the so-called “cordon sanitaire” against the far-right Vlaams Belang has been broken in Ranst, a municipality in the province of Antwerp. Following a resounding victory in Ninove, where Vlaams Belang secured an absolute majority, the party has now entered a second governing coalition, raising eyebrows across the political spectrum.

The local political party PIT, led by former liberal mayor Lode Hofmans, has decided to forge an alliance with Vlaams Belang and the liberal party Vrij Ranst. Goris, who is poised to become the next mayor of Ranst, emphasized that their collaboration focuses on local governance rather than national politics. He stated, “I tried calling the N-VA several times, but they did not pick up.” His comments highlight a growing rift in local political ties and the evolving dynamics in Belgian governance.

Christel Engelen from Vlaams Belang expressed pride in this development, underscoring the fracturing of the longstanding cordon sanitaire that has historically isolated far-right parties in Belgium. In the recent elections, the PIT list secured nine out of the 25 communal council seats, exceeding the N-VA’s presence, which has been led by the current mayor Johan De Ryck. Additionally, Vlaams Belang won three seats, while Vrij Ranst also claimed three.

Goris elaborated on the coalition-building process: “Last week, we discussed with all other parties in Ranst. With Vrij Ranst, we quickly reached an agreement because our platforms are largely aligned. However, we needed a third partner for a majority. There were too many fundamental disagreements with Groen. The N-VA did not show a willingness to continue negotiations. The Vlaams Belang, on the other hand, took a constructive approach, which ultimately led to this agreement.”

In response to this political pivot, established parties such as Open VLD and CD&V have taken decisive actions by excluding local members who have aligned with this newfound coalition. Eva De Bleeker from Open VLD and Sammy Mahdi from CD&V announced that the members’ affiliations would be revoked, asserting that their party’s democratic principles surpass the importance of securing local political positions.

Ranst marks the second municipality where Vlaams Belang will hold power, following Ninove. However, this new alliance is notable as it represents a break in the political cordon sanitaire in a way that Ninove does not, where Vlaams Belang will govern independently without coalition partners. According to political analyst Laura Jacobs, “This is a governance agreement, meaning Vlaams Belang acts as a junior partner, with one deputy mayor position.”

Jacobs pointed out that while some might argue that local parties have not formally signed an agreement to break the cordon sanitaire, the association of local parties with Vlaams Belang signals a significant shift in the political landscape. She remarked that the power of Vlaams Belang in Ranst will likely be limited, given its junior partnership status, implying they may exert less influence in the governance process.

Despite potential restrictions, Vlaams Belang remains optimistic. Party leader Tom Van Grieken hailed this event as a “historic alliance,” igniting hopes of a “domino effect” in local politics similar to the triumph experienced in Ninove, where Guy D’haeseleer’s success inspired a resurgence of far-right participation.

This evolving story reflects the complexities of local governance in Belgium as parties reassess their alliances and the implications of their collaboration with Vlaams Belang, a party traditionally viewed with skepticism. As the political landscape shifts, the implications for future governance in Belgium will warrant close scrutiny.

Hammouch Lahcen: Accusations of Anti-Semitism Against Blast

A person seated at a cluttered desk surrounded by newspapers and flags of Israel and Palestine, representing a newsroom environment.
A cluttered newsroom featuring flags and newspapers.

Blast, a French media outlet founded by engaged journalists, has recently found itself at the center of controversy due to accusations of anti-Semitism. These accusations are part of a broader context in France, where tensions surrounding anti-Semitism, particularly linked to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, are notably heightened.

The Accusations

Critics of Blast have focused on certain articles and their treatment of issues related to Israel and the Jewish community. For example, comments on social media and analyses by journalists have pointed out articles that seem to perpetuate negative stereotypes or conspiracy theories associating Jews with financial or political interests.

One notable example is an article published on Blast, which some interpreted as downplaying anti-Semitism by emphasizing criticism of Israel’s actions rather than focusing on proven instances of discrimination against Jews.

Reactions and Blast’s Defense

In response to the accusations, Blast defended its editorial line, stating that its aim is to tackle complex and often delicate issues such as social injustices and political conflicts. The founders and editors of Blast assert that they do not seek to promote anti-Semitism but rather to encourage open debate on controversial topics.

Supporters of Blast argue that accusations of anti-Semitism can sometimes be used to stifle legitimate criticism of Israel, complicating the dialogue on these subjects.

Links to the Far Left

Blast is often associated with left-wing political movements, notably La France Insoumise (LFI), led by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. He is known for his sharp critiques of Israeli policies, which have led to similar accusations of anti-Semitism against him. Mélenchon’s speeches, which emphasize the defense of Palestinian rights, are sometimes seen as crossing the line between criticizing Israel and making statements perceived as anti-Semitic.

  1. Jean-Luc Mélenchon: His statements on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict have fueled controversy, with some accusing him of perpetuating anti-Semitic stereotypes. An analysis of his remarks can be found in this article: Le Monde – Mélenchon’s missteps on Israel
  2. La France Insoumise: The party has often been criticized for its stance on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, leading to accusations of reviving anti-Semitic rhetoric in some of its positions. Here: Libération – La France Insoumise and the Israeli-Palestinian question

Articles and Sources

  1. Le Monde: Accusations of Anti-Semitism Against Blast: A Critique of the Drifts
  2. Libération: Blast and Freedom of Speech: Where is the Line?
  3. L’Obs: The Debate on Anti-Semitism in the Media: Analyzing the Accusations

An article that illustrates the accusations of anti-Semitism against Blast was published by Le Figaro, which covers the reactions to certain content deemed problematic: Le Figaro – Blast Accused of Anti-Semitism.

The accusations of anti-Semitism against Blast raise crucial questions about freedom of expression, legitimate criticism of Israeli policies, and the fight against hatred. It is essential to approach these topics with nuance while recognizing the need for constant vigilance against any form of discrimination.

Historic Referendum in Moldova: EU Membership on the Ballot

red blue and yellow flag under blue sky during daytime
Photo by Sasha Pleshco on Unsplash

Moldova is at a crucial crossroads as polling stations opened today for a pivotal referendum. Voters across the nation are tasked with two significant decisions: determining their next president and deciding whether Moldova should embrace European Union (EU) membership.

Current polls indicate that approximately 60% of Moldovans support joining the EU; however, a turnout of at least 33% is required for the referendum to be deemed valid. The potential of a new future is palpable in many regions, yet skepticism persists.

In the capital city of Chișinău, citizens expressed mixed sentiments about EU membership. “Nothing good,” remarked one man, echoing the frustrations of those who have long lived with deteriorating infrastructure and stagnant development. “In all these years they’ve been doing nothing. The roads are completely deteriorated. I don’t see any hope for the future,” he added.

Conversely, many voters believe that EU membership could enhance living standards and wages, issues that have pushed many young Moldovans to seek better opportunities abroad. “I think these elections go hand in hand because I will, of course, choose the European path,” stated an optimistic voter, emphasizing the importance of unifying the nation’s vision for its future.

Polling stations opened at 7 a.m. local time and will close at 9 p.m., with the potential for a presidential runoff on November 3 if incumbent President Maia Sandu does not secure an outright majority. Sandu, a dedicated proponent of EU accession, faces competition from Alexandr Stoianoglo, a former prosecutor general with pro-Russian affiliations polling at around 10%.

Moldova’s minimum wage, currently set at 5,000 leu (approximately €261) per month, ranks among the lowest in Europe. A recent analysis by the independent think tank Idis Viitorul revealed that over 200,000 Moldovans have left the country in the last four years, marking a record high. Alarmingly, more than 40% of Moldovans living overseas fall within the 30 to 44 age demographic, indicating a potential demographic shift by 2030, when those born abroad could outnumber those born in Moldova.

“For about 20 years, we have been talking about Moldova in the European Union, and we are very close now. It is crucial to not miss this opportunity,” remarked President Maia Sandu, who has actively advocated for EU membership. The nation was granted EU candidate status in 2022, signaling a pivotal moment in its European aspirations.

However, the shadow of foreign influence looms large over the referendum. Moldovan authorities have highlighted attempts by Russian-backed campaigns to demobilize voters. Allegations revealed that approximately €14 million in Russian funds were funneled directly to about 130,000 Moldovans in efforts to sway votes against EU integration. Pro-Russian oligarch Ilan Shor, notorious for orchestrating Kremlin-backed operations within Moldova, has even been reported to offer financial incentives for anti-EU votes.

In response, Moldova’s Prime Minister Dorin Recean urged citizens to stay vigilant against external destabilization efforts. “It is up to you, dear citizens, to stop the attack on democracy,” he declared. “On Sunday, you make the choice: do we go back to the past, or do we march towards a future within the family of civilized countries?”

As the nation votes today, the Central Election Commission announced that ballots can be cast at 2,221 polling stations, including 1,957 across Moldova and 234 stations set up in various countries for Moldovans living abroad.

Shadows Over Democracy in Mozambique

woman in white shirt and orange skirt walking on gray concrete pathway during daytime
Photo by Farah Nabil on Unsplash

In a deeply concerning development in Mozambique’s political landscape, the European Union (EU) has condemned the recent killings of two prominent figures: Elvino Dias, a legal advisor to Presidential candidate Venâncio Mondlane, and opposition politician Paulo Guambe. The EU stated that these politically motivated murders have no place in a democracy and expressed its heartfelt condolences to the families and friends of the deceased.

The EU’s strong condemnation comes in the wake of alarming reports regarding the violent dispersal of political supporters following last week’s elections in Mozambique. The Union has called for an immediate, thorough, and transparent investigation into the killings, demanding justice for those responsible and clarity on the circumstances surrounding these outrageous crimes. The EU reiterated its hope for a timely response from the Mozambican Government, emphasizing that a quick and effective inquiry is essential to restore public confidence.

In addition to seeking accountability for the murders, the EU has urged all parties to exercise restraint during this turbulent post-electoral period. The organization underlined the importance of respecting fundamental freedoms and political rights, asserting that strong protective measures for all candidates are crucial to ensuring their safety and fostering a more stable political environment.

Meanwhile, the European Union Election Observation Mission remains actively engaged in Mozambique, closely assessing the ongoing electoral process. The EU expects the country’s Election Management Bodies to uphold integrity in their operations, ensuring that the electoral process is conducted with due diligence and transparency—reflecting the will of the Mozambican people.

As the nation grapples with the implications of these political killings, the international community watches closely, hoping for accountability, peace, and the preservation of democratic values in Mozambique.

From Faith to Corporate: The Troubling Transformation of the Russian Orthodox Church


In a revealing presentation, the Primate of the Russian True Orthodox Church His Holiness Metropolitan of Mloskovsk and All Russia Seraphim (Motovilov) delivered a scathing critique of the Russian Orthodox Church (ROC), highlighting deep-seated issues that have eroded its standing among believers. The speaker did not hold back, painting a bleak picture of the ROC’s current state and its impact on faith and society.

Leadership Failures and Moral Decline

The presentation began with a strong condemnation of the 17th Patriarch of Moscow, accusing him of alienating the ROC from traditional allies and fostering internal discord. “During almost 16 years of his patriarchal rule, he managed to set the Russian Orthodox Church at odds with almost all of the formerly fraternal churches,” the speaker asserted. This divisive leadership has not only isolated the ROC on the global stage but has also led to a surge in internal scandals that have tarnished its reputation.

Compounding the leadership issues, the speaker criticized the proliferation of “useless bishops” whose personal misconduct has cast a shadow over the church’s moral standing. “The personal reputation of bishops and priests is a complete disaster. Constant scandals related to non-traditional sexual preferences, promiscuity, drunkenness and outrages, financial abuses… all this abomination causes irreparable damage to both the Russian Orthodox Church and Orthodoxy as a whole.” Such behavior undermines the church’s authority and diminishes trust among its congregants.

Furthermore, the speaker highlighted the patriarch’s failure to embody the spiritual and ethical standards expected of religious leaders. “For each of his speeches is formal, soulless, sparkless, grey and faceless. Verbal lace, hiding an oppressive emptiness.” This lack of genuine engagement has led to empty seats in temples, reflecting the growing disillusionment among the faithful. “Is this man remembered as the Great Lord and Father? Well, in the temples of that church where such questions arise, there are more and more empty seats…”

Corporate Transformation and Misaligned Priorities

One of the most pointed criticisms was the transformation of the ROC into what the speaker described as “an ordinary social institution. Or, even worse, a corporation.” This shift, they argue, has diverted the church’s mission from the salvation of souls to the well-being of its functionaries and stakeholders. “Its goal is not the salvation of one, separate soul. Its goal is the well-being of its functionaries, the creation of an ideological support for secular rulers, comfort and coziness for shareholders. And money, money, money.”

This corporatization has led to the ROC prioritizing financial gain and political alliances over spiritual guidance and ethical leadership. The church’s growing entanglement with state machinery and business interests has blurred the lines between religious mission and economic objectives, resulting in policies and practices that may not align with traditional Orthodox values. The speaker warned that such a direction risks transforming the ROC into a tool for political maneuvering rather than a beacon of faith.

Additionally, the speaker criticized the ROC’s information strategy, stating that “the real battlefield for the minds, hearts and souls of people today is not the pulpit from which we preach, but the information space.” The ROC’s efforts to distance itself from scandals while promoting its own path have not been sufficient to restore its tarnished image. “No one wants to go into details and sort it out. Although, if you have noticed, in the last few years our entire information policy of the ROCOR has been aimed at not only distancing ourselves from what is happening in the Moscow Patriarchate, but also showing our own path, which stands far beyond what is happening in the structures of the ROC.”

Erosion of Faith and Call for Authentic Spirituality

The presentation also touched upon the troubling cultural and moral decline perceived within the church’s influence. The speaker lamented the dwindling attendance at ROC churches, attributing it to both internal scandals and a broader loss of Orthodox identity among the populace. “We stopped thinking about our souls. And we stopped caring about others.” This spiritual void has not only diminished personal faith but has also eroded the community bonds that the church traditionally fostered.

Drawing a stark contrast with the Soviet era, the speaker claimed that faith was more sincere and honest during times of repression. “After all, it turns out that during the times of the totalitarian Soviet regime, faith in God was much more sincere and much more honest? And was it a conscious choice, despite all the prohibitions and consequences? How is that possible?” The speaker emphasized that genuine faith requires institutional integrity and authentic leadership, qualities they argue are currently lacking within the ROC.

In response to the ROC’s perceived failings, the True Orthodox Church outlined a series of initiatives aimed at revitalizing their own ministry and outreach. These include enhancing their online presence, engaging more actively in public discourse, and expanding their pastoral work to reach those in need, such as soldiers and the sick. “We need to remember that the duty of a priest is not only the liturgy, evening, all-night and morning. Not only prayers and services. The duty of a priest is to care for people. The duty of a priest is the salvation of the human soul.”

The speaker also called for the establishment of an independent Orthodox Academy and professional commissions to assess and improve the training of bishops and priests. “It is extremely necessary to go to the people and do what the duty of a clergyman obliges us to do. To carry the Word of God and support those who need psychological and moral help.” By taking these steps, the True Orthodox Church aims to position itself as a bastion of genuine faith and moral integrity amidst the widespread disillusionment with the ROC.

The presentation concluded with a reaffirmation of the True Orthodox Church’s commitment to authentic faith and its role as the “spiritual core of Russia.” “True Orthodoxy… has become truly global, uniting different countries and different peoples. But its foundation has always been, is and will be – the Russian people.” As the ROC continues to grapple with internal challenges and declining numbers, the True Orthodox Church positions itself as a bastion of genuine faith amidst widespread disillusionment. Whether this critique will resonate widely remains to be seen, but it undeniably marks a significant moment in the ongoing discourse surrounding Russia’s religious landscape.

Sudan crisis must not be forgotten by world leaders, says UN food agency

Sudan crisis must not be forgotten by world leaders, says UN food agency

In an appeal for greater global solidarity with the people of Sudan, the World Food Programme (WFP) said that around 800,000 people have fled to Ondo in neighbouring Chad after enduring “unimaginable violence”.

WFP Communications Officer Leni Kinzli told journalists in Geneva that those fleeing areas at risk of famine said that they had left “because there was nothing left to eat and all their crops had been destroyed by floods”.

Too dangerous to farm

Others said that “they could not even farm because it was too unsafe to go to their fields” because of fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces which erupted on 15 April last year.

“We are doing everything we can, but we cannot stop widespread starvation and hunger-related deaths without the support and attention of the international community,” said Ms. Kinzli. “World leaders need to give this humanitarian catastrophe the attention it requires that attention that needs to be translated into concerted diplomatic efforts at the highest levels to push for a humanitarian ceasefire and ultimately, an end to the conflict.”

Aid access granted

Since the Adre border crossing from Chad into Sudan reopened a month ago, WFP has transported 2,800 tons of food and nutrition supplies into the Darfur region – guaranteeing enough aid for a quarter of a million people. Of that number, 100,000 are at risk of famine, the UN agency said, warning that the war has pushed some 36 million people into hunger in Sudan and the neighbouring region.

“Trucks carrying vital food and nutrition supplies are crossing that border every single day, despite facing delays due to flooded seasonal rivers and muddy road conditions where aid convoys are getting stuck,” Ms. Kinzli said.

Although Chad is not at war, the needs are staggering there too, the WFP officer explained: “People are only met with hunger and destitution” once they cross the border from Sudan, she said. “Despite receiving food assistance, many are struggling to get by, eating once a day if they are lucky. Like a teenage girl I met…who lost her parents and is taking care of her younger siblings. Sometimes she’s only able to offer them water instead of a meal. If that is the situation for people in a comparatively safe and stable place, it is hard to imagine what people facing famine or at risk of famine in Sudan are going through.”

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European Council Reaffirms Strong EU Stance on Ukraine, Middle East Stability, and International Law

European Council Reaffirms Strong EU Stance on Ukraine, Middle East Stability, and International Law

Brussels, October 17, 2024 – In a decisive meeting held today, the European Council underscored the European Union’s unwavering commitment to supporting Ukraine amidst ongoing Russian aggression, stabilizing the tumultuous Middle East region, and upholding the rules-based international order. Leaders from all member states convened to address pressing geopolitical challenges, economic resilience, and humanitarian crises, outlining comprehensive strategies to navigate the complex global landscape.

Bolstering Support for Ukraine

The Council reaffirmed the EU’s steadfast support for Ukraine, emphasizing that no initiatives concerning Ukraine will proceed without its active involvement. In a robust move, EU leaders approved a significant provision of up to €35 billion in macro-financial assistance to Ukraine, funded by Russia’s immobilized assets. This financial aid aims to support Ukraine‘s defense capabilities and rebuild critical infrastructure devastated by Russian shelling.

“Ensuring Ukraine’s energy security and integrating its energy system with the EU’s network are paramount,” stated one EU official. The Council condemned Russia’s persistent attacks on Ukraine’s critical infrastructure, including energy facilities and port infrastructure, which have far-reaching implications for global food security. In addition to financial support, the EU is facilitating the rapid delivery of air defense systems, ammunition, and missiles to bolster Ukraine’s defense and protect vital infrastructure.

Strengthening Sanctions and Accountability

EU leaders reiterated their commitment to enforcing sanctions against Russia and other aggressors. They condemned third countries that continue to support Russia’s war efforts through the provision of technological and software goods, urging these nations to cease all assistance. The Council welcomed the adoption of a new sanctions regime targeting Russian hybrid threats and indicated readiness to impose further sanctions or import tariffs on Russian and Belarusian products if necessary.

Addressing reports of executions of Ukrainian prisoners of war by Russian forces, the Council stressed the importance of adhering to international humanitarian law. “No crime should go unpunished,” a spokesperson emphasized, highlighting the EU’s dedication to ensuring accountability for violations of international law.

Addressing the Middle East Crisis

The European Council expressed deep alarm over the escalating military conflicts in the Middle East, particularly condemning the Iranian attacks on Israel and the violence in Lebanon. Leaders called for immediate ceasefires, humanitarian assistance, and strict adherence to international law. The EU committed to enhancing its humanitarian engagement and supporting mediation efforts led by Egypt, Qatar, the United States, and Jordan to de-escalate tensions and promote regional stability.

In Lebanon, the Council condemned the military escalation and emphasized the protection of civilians and infrastructure. Leaders called for an immediate ceasefire along the Lebanese-Israeli border and the full implementation of UN Security Council Resolution 1701, which mandates the cessation of hostilities between Israel and Hezbollah.

Upholding the Rules-Based International Order

Amid rising global tensions, the European Council reiterated its commitment to the rules-based international order, with the United Nations and its Charter at the core. Leaders emphasized the importance of ending impunity for violations of international law and supporting decisions of international courts. They welcomed the ‘Pact for the Future’ adopted at the 79th UN General Assembly, aimed at revitalizing the multilateral system and enhancing the UN’s effectiveness.

Enhancing EU Competitiveness and Economic Resilience

The Council underscored the EU’s dedication to strengthening its long-term competitiveness and economic resilience. Leaders called for urgent efforts to address challenges identified in recent reports by Enrico Letta and Mario Draghi, focusing on advancing work to enhance the EU’s market dynamics and competitiveness strategy. An informal European Council meeting is scheduled for November in Budapest to further discuss these initiatives.

Tackling Migration and Strengthening External Borders

Migration remained a critical topic, with EU leaders advocating for a comprehensive approach to migration management. The Council called for intensified cooperation with countries of origin and transit to address root causes, combat trafficking and smuggling, and prevent irregular departures. Leaders emphasized the importance of implementing existing EU laws and swiftly introducing new legislative proposals to streamline returns, ensuring safe and legal migration pathways.

Supporting Moldova and Georgia’s EU Aspirations

The European Council reaffirmed its support for Moldova and Georgia in their aspirations to join the EU. Leaders commended Moldova’s commitment to reforms and stability, while also urging Georgia to adopt democratic and sustainable reforms to align with EU values. The Council emphasized the EU’s readiness to support both nations on their European paths, recognizing their sovereignty and territorial integrity.

Responding to Humanitarian Crises in Sudan and Venezuela

Concerns were raised regarding the humanitarian situations in Sudan and Venezuela. The EU leaders called for an immediate cessation of hostilities in Sudan and urged the international community to uphold humanitarian pledges. In Venezuela, the Council condemned post-election human rights violations, urging the authorities to respect democratic will, end repression, and release political prisoners. The EU pledged to work with regional partners to support a peaceful and democratic transition in Venezuela.

Preparing for Upcoming UN Conferences

Looking ahead, the European Council reviewed preparations for key United Nations conferences, including the UN Biodiversity Conference (COP16) in Cali, Colombia; the UN Climate Change Conference (COP29) in Baku, Azerbaijan; and the UN Desertification Conference in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Leaders called for ambitious actions to combat climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, reaffirming the EU’s commitment to its financing goals to support these global initiatives.


Today’s European Council meeting highlighted the EU’s proactive stance in addressing some of the most pressing global challenges. From supporting Ukraine and enforcing sanctions against aggressors to stabilizing the Middle East and enhancing economic resilience, the Council’s comprehensive strategies reflect the EU’s dedication to peace, security, and prosperity both within and beyond its borders. As the EU navigates these complex issues, its commitment to international law and multilateral cooperation remains steadfast, positioning it as a pivotal actor in shaping the future of global politics.

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The European Migration Dilemma: President Metsola Calls for a Unified European Solution


In a pivotal address to European leaders, European Parliament President Roberta Metsola underscored the critical need for a comprehensive European solution to the migration crisis, while also reaffirming Europe’s unwavering support for Ukraine amidst its prolonged conflict with Russia. Speaking from the heart of European politics, Metsola’s speech painted a clear picture of the complex and interconnected challenges that Europe faces—where migration, war, and instability ripple far beyond their immediate borders, touching the very core of European unity and values.

Standing Firm with Ukraine: “Nothing About Ukraine Without Ukraine”

Metsola began by highlighting Europe’s moral and strategic commitment to Ukraine, now approaching 1,000 days under Russian aggression. Her message was resolute: Europe must stand with Ukraine until a just and lasting peace is secured. However, she rejected any notion of peace through submission, insisting that real peace must be anchored in freedom, dignity, and justice—principles that resonate deeply within the European project.

“We will, and we must, keep standing with Ukraine,” Metsola stated, emphasizing that peace cannot be built on capitulation or compromise with aggression. Her firm stance echoed the European Parliament’s ongoing support, demonstrated by an impending vote to provide Ukraine with a Macro-Financial Assistance loan of up to 35 billion euros. This substantial aid package, she said, signifies Europe‘s commitment not only politically, but also financially, to Ukraine’s sovereignty and reconstruction.

Her words reflected the broader European consensus: Ukraine’s future belongs to Ukraine, and any solution that does not include the voices of Ukrainians is no solution at all.

The Middle East: A Call for Urgent Action

Metsola also turned her attention to the escalating tensions in the Middle East, particularly in Lebanon and Israel. Europe, she argued, cannot afford to be passive as violence and instability spread across the region. Stressing the need for a sustainable, two-state solution that secures dignity for Palestinians and safety for Israelis, Metsola reaffirmed the European Parliament’s call for an immediate ceasefire and the release of hostages.

Her words rang with a sense of urgency as she highlighted Europe’s responsibility in addressing the wider consequences of regional instability. “What happens in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, or Northern Africa does not stay isolated—there are consequences for Europe,” Metsola warned. Nowhere, she suggested, is this truer than in the sphere of migration.

Migration: A European Solution or a Fragmented Failure?

The crux of Metsola’s speech, however, centered on migration—a challenge that has long tested the resilience and unity of the European Union. With the recent adoption of the EU Migration and Asylum Pact following a decade of political deadlock, Europe now has a framework to address migration in a way that balances border security with humanitarian obligations. However, Metsola cautioned that this Pact would only succeed if European countries stand united, particularly in moments of crisis.

“The real solution is a European solution,” Metsola declared, advocating for broad, holistic, and sustainable cooperation. She pointed to the hybrid threats posed by states like Russia and Belarus, which have weaponized migration as a tool to destabilize Europe. This manipulation of human suffering for geopolitical gain has heightened the need for stronger European coordination and action.

Metsola was clear: migration is not an isolated issue. The instability in Ukraine, the Middle East, and North Africa has direct consequences for Europe, particularly in terms of migration flows. In response, Europe must not allow itself to be fragmented by external actors exploiting these crises. “We must respond to those who seek to abuse the systems we built for the betterment of man,” she urged, calling for a response that is both firm and compassionate—one that aligns with Europe’s core values of human dignity and justice.

Securing Schengen: Integrity Through Unity

Metsola’s final message was a plea to safeguard the integrity of the Schengen Area, the symbol of free movement within Europe. A failure to implement the Migration and Asylum Pact effectively, she warned, could compromise this freedom—a freedom that millions of Europeans have come to cherish as one of the Union’s most tangible achievements.

As European leaders continue to grapple with the pressures of migration, Metsola’s call for a coordinated European approach was a reminder that fragmentation is not an option. Only through solidarity, cooperation, and shared responsibility can Europe ensure the stability of its borders while remaining true to its humanitarian ideals.

Conclusion: A Challenge to European Leadership

Roberta Metsola’s speech was a call to action—a reminder that Europe’s greatest challenges, whether they be migration, war, or regional instability, can only be overcome through unity. Her message to European leaders was clear: Europe’s future rests not on isolated national policies but on a collective European solution. Only by working together can Europe protect its borders, uphold its values, and ensure peace, security, and dignity for all.

As the migration crisis intensifies and conflicts continue to threaten European stability, Metsola’s words serve as both a warning and a beacon. The time for decisive, coordinated action is now.

Hungary, UN expert Nazila Ghanea Reports on Discrimination and Religious Rights

Viktor Orbán received the highest honor of the Serbian Orthodox Church - Hungary

Budapest, Hungary, October 2024 – Hungary faces a decision regarding religious freedom as it navigates the challenge of preserving its traditional connections with major religious organizations while also confronting the growing issue of discrimination against minority belief systems.

The latest discoveries by Nazila Ghanea, the Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, for the United Nations, provide insight into the factors influencing Hungary’s religious environment. During her assessment following an official trip lasting from October 7 to October 17 in 2024, she noted the widespread difficulties and highlighted particular instances that showcase the hardships experienced by minority religious groups.

A Historical Backdrop Influencing Present Dynamics

Hungary’s history, particularly the restrictive Communist era (1949-1989), continues to influence contemporary state-religion relations. Despite the adoption of the Fundamental Law (Constitution) in 2011, which guarantees freedom of conscience and religion (Article VII. (1)), remnants of past restrictions persist. This historical context was frequently emphasized by interlocutors, including government officials, religious leaders, and civil society actors, underscoring the lingering impact on current religious freedoms.

brown wooden chairs inside cathedral in Hungary
Photo by Matt Wang on Unsplash Hungary

The 2011 Church Law: A Double-Edged Sword

While Hungary’s Fundamental Law ostensibly supports religious plurality by declaring, “individuals have the right to freely choose, change, and practice their religion,” the practical implementation through the 2011 Church Law has painted a more nuanced picture.

Initially accommodating over 350 religious groups, the Church Law imposed stringent criteria, reducing recognized organizations to just 34. Nazila Ghanea observes, “The 2011 Church Law stripped organizations of their legal status, significantly reducing the number of those officially recognized and thereby greatly limiting their legal rights.” This centralization has inadvertently marginalized numerous faith communities, limiting their access to state benefits and fostering an environment of inequality.

Tiered Recognition System: Favoritism and Exclusion

Hungary employs a four-tiered system for religious recognition: “established churches,” “registered churches,” “listed churches,” and “religious associations.” Achieving ‘established church’ status requires a complex registration process, including a two-thirds majority vote in Parliament— a mechanism criticized for politicizing religious recognition.

This system entrenches favouritism toward established churches like the Roman Catholic, Reformed, and Evangelical Lutheran Churches, which enjoy substantial state support for their educational and social initiatives. Smaller and newer religious organizations, such as Buddhists, Hindus, Scientologists and certain Jewish groups, struggle under these stringent criteria, facing financial difficulties and legal hurdles in maintaining their operations.

The “minorities”: A Spectrum of Discrimination

Various groups experience discrimination under the current legal framework:

  • Roma Community and LGBTIQ+ Individuals: Persistent hate speech and social intolerance act as significant barriers to the free exercise of religious beliefs. Ghanea notes, “The prevalence of hate speech in Hungarian society… remains a significant barrier to the free exercise of religion or belief for many minority groups.”
  • Jehovah’s Witnesses and the Hungarian Evangelical Fellowship (MET): These groups face hurdles in accessing public funds for community activities and maintaining meeting places. MET, led by Pastor Gábor Iványi, lost its “established church” status, resulting in severe financial difficulties, including the loss of funding for its schools and social services. Despite appeals to both domestic courts and the European Court of Human Rights, MET has yet to regain its standing.
  • Other Minority Religions: Smaller religious communities such as Buddhists, Hindus, Scientologists and certain Jewish factions grapple with systemic biases that impede their social and religious freedoms, often relying on private donations and community support to sustain their operations.

The Scientology Saga: A Battle for Recognition and Rights

Among the beleaguered groups navigating Hungary’s restrictive religious landscape is the Church of Scientology. Ghanea’s report, in addition to the insights I recently shared in my article titled “Religious Freedom Under Threat: The Case of Scientology in Hungary,” mentions the persistent legal challenges and governmental scrutiny faced by the Scientologists. The Hungarian government’s approach, in additional to public attacks by specific government officials claiming to be catholic, and as Ghanea covers in her preliminary report that “the Church of Scientology has faced raids and legal challenges under Hungary’s data protection laws, and a long delay in permission to maintain its Budapest headquarters“.

In my previous article I highlighted the bureaucratic obstacles that members perceive as efforts to delegitimize their faith. This ongoing struggle underscores broader issues within Hungary’s tiered recognition system, disproportionately impacting newer and less mainstream religious organizations or even using old communistic and German tactics of labelling groups or portraying them as suspect of being foreign government agents.

Institutional Bias and Its Ramifications

The tiered system of religious recognition perpetuates favoritism and exclusion. Ghanea explains, “Only the top-tier ‘established churches’ enjoy full legal status and the benefits of state support.” This stratification hampers interfaith solidarity and fractures communities within the same religion, creating divisions based on legal status rather than spiritual tenets.

Additionally, the intertwining of state and church responsibilities has sparked debates over autonomy and mission. While state funding aids religious schools and hospitals, it risks compromising the independence of these institutions, diverting them from their core spiritual missions to administrative and professional obligations that may not align with their foundational values.

Funding Disparities: Unequal Support for Religious Institutions

State funding in Hungary favours established churches, exacerbating inequalities among religious groups. Before 2010, religious schools received limited municipal funding. Post-2010 reforms introduced a second funding stream for religious schools, effectively widening the financial gap between church-run and municipal schools.

Consequently, church-run institutions now enjoy significantly greater funding, from kindergarten to universities, and dominate child protection care with 74% being church-run. This preferential funding regime, while justified by some as a means to remedy historical injustices, calls for a transparent and objective process to prevent perpetuating discriminatory structures.

Hate Speech and Social Intolerance

Hate speech remains a pervasive issue in Hungarian society, affecting various minority groups. Despite Hungary’s declared zero-tolerance policy on antisemitism, surveys indicate its persistent presence, often manifesting as coded hate speech. Jews report feeling compelled to conceal their religious symbols due to safety concerns.

Additionally, anti-Muslim rhetoric, amplified by high-level officials, often intertwines with anti-migrant sentiments, fueling verbal assaults against women wearing headscarves and other marginalized groups. Ghanea notes, “The pattern of stigmatizing anti-Muslim rhetoric has also stemmed from high-level officials and much of it has linked strong anti-migrant rhetoric with anti-Muslim hatred.

Calls for Reform and Inclusivity

Ghanea’s preliminary findings emphasize the necessity for comprehensive reforms to dismantle discriminatory structures within Hungary’s religious governance. She asserts, “The ongoing concerns raised by international human rights organizations highlight the need for further reforms to ensure that all religious communities in Hungary can operate without discrimination.”

Recommendations include:

  • Establishing a Transparent Registration Process: Moving away from politicized approval mechanisms to objective criteria for religious recognition.
  • Decoupling State Support from Religious Status: Ensuring that state funding is allocated based on transparent and equitable criteria, rather than favoring established churches.
  • Promoting Societal Tolerance: Addressing hate speech and fostering an environment where all religious and belief systems can coexist without prejudice.

The Road Ahead

Hungary’s progress towards achieving religious freedom faces various obstacles that mirror wider social issues and intricate historical events. In the midst of navigating between honouring tradition and embracing modernity in the country’s landscape, the pleas from minority groups stand out as a clear demand for fairness and acceptance. The upcoming detailed report by Ghanea slated for release in March 2025 is expected to provide analysis and practical suggestions to promote religious liberty and human rights in Hungary.

Nazila Ghanea concludes her preliminary observations by stating, “These are my preliminary findings, and I will submit my report, containing my full observations and recommendations from my visit to Hungary to the UN Human Rights Council in March 2025.” Her ongoing engagement with Hungarian authorities underscores a commitment to fostering an environment where all religious communities can thrive without discrimination.

Hungary’s pursuit of religious freedom highlights the intricate interplay between law, societal attitudes, and historical legacies. Addressing discriminatory practices and fostering an inclusive environment for all religious and belief systems is imperative for Hungary to realize the true spirit of its Fundamental Law. The path forward mandates a re-evaluation of existing legal frameworks, embracing diversity not as a threat but as a cornerstone of a truly free and pluralistic society.